a» wa » s who to the | who reas. visit DAY, A, ore ho Stev- Eye ction loing ss, to anda- tient vhich )0SSi- ) get \. M. dver- mple. de of profit and 2st in san ‘Rog- * line n khe Sp nt abso- I do have sac- 0 to ye of cini- sive the very just cad- em- ling ery ead bles the lich 38, , is ore tly led ar- {i1 7 ci and inspiring. On Tuesday evening Truxal delivered a very effectiye and », gious activities by having each church / had at any of the services this week. in the. windows of your home and STOCKHOLDERS MEYERSDALE. PA. ( {URSDAY JAN! ARY 8. 1914 The services held in the various hurches of Meyersdale in cennection with the Week of Prayer have proven, | thus far, an eminent success. The _eongregations have filled the audi- toriums and there has been a marked interest in the messages which have : en presented. On Monday evening in the Ohristian church Rev. H. L. ~ Goughnour preached on the Kingdom of God. What is it? His treatment was masterly and both instructive in the Lutheran church, Rev. A. E. comprehensive sermon on the King- dom in the Community. Having long been a pastor in ourtown he was well qualified to speak on this subject. The services of this week are de- voted to a discussion of themes which have to do with problems that we are facing today and in our immediate surroundings. Everybody ought to . be interested in the community of which he forms a- part and should concern himself about its problems, religious and moral as well as busi- ness and commercial. It has been gratifying to see the way in which the various denominations are work- ing in co-operation and this is one of the most encouraging signs of the coming of God’s Kingdom. We ‘are anxious that all church members especially andothers if they may be so inclined, may work vigor- ously to make Sunday, January 11th, the calendar day of this year’s reli- filled and overtiowing. This can be done by each person taking some of the cards that* have been liberally provided by the Ministerial Associa- tion, and sending them to any per- sons whom he would like to see in his church next Sabbath. Let us not ‘delay in this matter! Cards may be Take the larger cards and put them ‘your store. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Economy Telephone company was held on Saturday after- noon. H G. Will was chairman of the meeting and H. W. Shults, sec- retary. The tellers appointed were W. N. Moser, W. J. Kimmel and D. G. Miller. : The meeting was largely attended and more stock was voted than at any previous meeting. A 5 percent dividend was declared, and the last year was counted the most successful year of the company. Directors elected on Saturday were of the father, Joseph Shultz, on Key- stone street. The occasion for the event was that Edwin Shultz and family left Somerset county to make their future home in Denora, S. O., A big dinner was one of the feat- ures of the day. Mr. Shultz will be in the lumber business n th cap: c'ty as foremar, in the mill for a company in which 8. A. Kendall, is interested. The Shultz family left on the W. M. R. R. this morning at 1:12 and is due in South Carolina , tomorrow (Friday) morning. Their many friends in this section wish them health and prosperity in their new home. The following were present: —Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Shultz, and Ruth ‘Brown, Ohio Pyle; Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Shultz, and children and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shultz, and child of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shultz, of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mosholder, Rockwood and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shultz, and children of ‘Somerset. : FILES PROTEST. Your esteemed contemporary, the Republican, in its last issue, through ‘‘a friend’’, bewails the awful sin and iniquity of our little town of Markel- ton, even emitting some. ‘‘poetry”’ appropriate (?) to the occasion, and wishing fora ‘‘Billy’’ Sunday to clean up the place. Markleton is really a beautiful place, Where sin is neither rampant nor does iniquity flourish, but where some of the would-be ‘‘sanctimonious’’ people would condemn anyone who does not think as they do. I have been a resident of Markelton for some time and I have had ample opportunity to observe the ‘‘doings’’ of the people, and they are noc worse than the average. oun 1 have made many trips with basket and without, and have always return- ed sober. There are, it is true, a few ‘‘booze’’ fighters here, and where are there none? There are also a few “calamity howlers’’ who can always see wrong in everything, and when they see a ‘man with a basket, they shriek, Oh! more booze, and when a lady is out walking with her steay, they hold up their hands in holy horror, and run for cover. Verily; ‘‘to the pure, all things are pure’, ‘and to the knocker, there is wrong in everything. PROHIBITION |, AMENDMENT. The following is the full text of the Prohibition resolutions delivered to Congress by the Anti-Saloon League H. W. Shultz, Meyersdale; Geo. W. Buckman, Berlin, and Jerome Stuffts | of Stoyestown. Auditors elected were J. W. Peck! of Meyersdale, and ‘Willis L. Mills of Kingwood. The following are the officers for the ensuing year:—President, H. G. Will, Meyersdale; Vice President, W. H. Fritz, Garrett; Secretary, H. W. Shultz, Treasurer, S. B. Philson, both of Meyersdale. Board of Directors are H. G. Will, H. W. Shultz, John Wagaman, W. H. Fritz, George W. Buckman, James Stufft, J. M. Gambert, Israel Gross, and D. W. Snyder. NEW YEAR PARTY. On New Year’s night Miss Mary Hoover was hostess at a delightfvl party, given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoover, ather home on Broadway. The decorations were marked by simplicity, a large Christ- mas tree and green crepe paper adorning the parlor, the lights being screened with delicate green shades. The dining room was also arranged and decorated for the occasion and tke lunch was one to be remembered, for there was a table loaded down | with good things to eat. The evening was pleasantly Spent | by playing parlor games and musi. | The party terminated at 11:30, all of | them regretting that they could not stay longer. | Committee of one hundred thousand, December 10, 1913. | JOINT RESOLUTIONS PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED T STATES, Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), that the following amendment of the Constitution be and is hereby, proposed to. the States, to become valid as a part of the Consti- tation when ratified by the legisla- tures of the several States as provided by the Constitution, Section 1. The sale, manufacture Passing of the Old and A special meeting of council was held on Monday morning at 10:00 o’clock in the municipal building. The following members were pres- ent:—Dia, Weakland, Bauman, Bol- den, and Darnley. Absent—Appel and Deal. The minutes of the regular and ad- journed meetings were read and ap- proved. The retiring burgess presented his report which was filed. Fines paid during the month...$ 12 00 9 00 Total amt. due and unpaid...... 107 60 The council exonerated the retiring Burgess for unpaid fines. It was re- ported that Walter Johuson, who had not paid his fine nor served. time had made his boast that he would put one rover on the city. Policeman Hare was sent to hunt him up and returned in a short time with Johnson, who served three days in the municipal building. ok All unfinished business not requir- ing immediate attention was held over until the next meeting. The old council had finished its work, the old administration was at an end, Burgess Reich became ex- burgess, and Councilmen Weakland, Deal and Appel, became ex-council- men Council adjourned sine dei at 10:40 a. m. : E. J. Dickey, secretary of council, called the new council to order. On motion H. BE. Bauman was elected" temporary president. The credentials of the new mem- bers, Saylor, Staub and Emeigh, properly attested to, were read by the secretary, and the new members took t@eir seats as men who have a a Pleasant Affair, Harmony aud. Work _ to Characterize the Year—The ‘the Coming of the New bers of the old council. service to the city’s interests. said ‘‘get together gether.’ Mr. Williams of the Waited States Express company was a guest at the meeting and was called upon for a speech, which he gracefu ly made. ‘A. M. Schaffner, of The Commer- cial, and W. A. Sheemaker, of The Republican, were also called on for speeches. They sang the same song of harmony as the rest, and promised by the: river Styx, that they would with voice and pen boost Meyersdaie and publish in their papeis every- thing printable that takes place at the meetings of council. ; Policemen Cramer and Hare demon- strated that they can make neat speeches as well as protect the city. The meeting throughout was one of harmony. Good will and good wishes went to those who passed out of pub- lic office and good will and good wishes greeted the new members. Council adjourned to meet on Tues- day evening, January 13, 1914, at 8:00 o’elock sharp. and wérk to- ORGANIZED CHICKEN BRIGADE. On the rally day in the Brethren Sunday School the Superintendent told a‘story about Bishop Warne a missionary to ludia; roiurming home after 25 years service, being tne prin- cipal speaker at a Methoaist Confer- part iff the work of legislating and | executing for the best interests of | Meyersdale. . Organijzation of the council was now in order. Darnley nominated | Charles H. Dia for president. Saylor nominated H. E. Bauman for the same office. Nominations on motion were closed. H. E. Bauman declined the nominatién and the secretary was instructed to cast the ballot in favor of Dia. Mr. Dia, on taking his seat thanked the members of council for the confidence shown in him and for the honor conferred on him. TREASURER OF BOROUGH. An application was read from R. H. Philson for the position as treas- urer of the borough. On motion Mr. Philson was elected treasuret. SECRETARY OF COUNCIL. An application was read from E. J. Dickey for the office of secretary of council for ‘the ensuing year. On motion Mr. Dickey was elected sec- retary of council. Orders were gganted for the ray- ment for service to the street labor- ers, police, and burgess. The coun- cil instead of transacting business pertaining to the city, turning the meeting into a symposium with Presi- dent Dia as chief archon. Burgess Reich thanked the council for the work done and the general harmony that prevailed during his service lasting well on to five years. He said he tried to serve all alike, without distinction and that if any mistakes were made they were unin- tentional. Ex-councilman oakland said he ’ for sale, transportation for sale, im- portation for sale, and exportation for sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes in the United States and all territory subject to the “jurisdiction thereof, are forever pro- hibited. Section 2. Congress shall have power to provide for the manufacture, sale, importation and transportation ! of intoxicating liquors for sacramen- tal, medicinal, mechanical, pharma- ceutical or scientific purpgses, or for use in the arts, and shall have power to enforce this article by all needful legislation. SLEIGHING PARTY. A sleighing party composed of Mr. | Among those, present were: Misses | C. E. Crowe, Edward Gauntz, Mrs. | Carrie, Edna and Margaret, Saylor, Marsha:l Livengood, Mrs. Stella Baer, Emma Finegan, Mary | Baker, Mrs. Hoover and Edna Wagner; Messrs | Frank O’Bryon, Misses Regena Reich Clyde Satterfield, George Binke, Sam- | and Mary. Livengood, left here uel Day, of Garrett, Alfred Beace, of | day eyening and drove to t} and Lewis | Mr. ar Robert | West Salisht East Pittsburgh, Dalton deiber, Ralph Downey and town. Commons, Ray Leckemby, all of | | per’ served. Michael Carey, Mrs. Tues- home of yd Beachy, Ll near Y, where they were roy- tained and a sumptuous sup- ir | made a few fitting remarks. | { and Mrs. Philip Reich, Mr. and Mrs. had nothing to say on retiriug from office. ' At this juncture a vote of thanks was tendered ex-Burgess Reich, and the retiring councilmen for their faithfulness in service. Burgess Gress was called upon for a speech. He responded fittingly and feelingly, and said the citizens of Meyersdale had seen fit to eleet him | | as burgess and that he intends to do his duty to the best of his ability. All who heard him felt the sincerity of his words. the’ hope that the burgess and coun- cil will work in harmony, and by so} doing there will be success and pro- | gress in the city, and closed by say- | | ing, may the Lord help us to do this. He further expressed | | Darnley, in behalf of the council, | Bolden asked to be excused. Saylor pledged vest interests of 1 Staub believe service yersdale. will be a pleasur {the people to come forward and shake Board of Health during the year 1913: v burgess and new members, urging | tions of the county snow harmony in the future work of coun- | to a depth of more than [cil and burgess, saying improvements { The county is not unusually | have been made and greater things | the climate east of the mountain is { are still to be done. of | county. ence in Minneapolis, telling the audience of his experiences with the heathen. After the morning sermon the pastor ot the congregation invited the hana or the bishop and take the privilege or eontrivuting money for the foreign work. Many came for- ward to shake hands, but the pastor’s little girl was the only one -that gave money, 50 cents. After the services the bishop went home with the pastor for dinner, and the other two children also came and each one put 50 cents into the hand of the missionary. While they were eating dinner the Pastor and his wife related the cir- cumstances how each of the children came to have 50 cents. An uncle bad given each one a chicken and they had made pets of them, playing with them in the warm basement of the house in the winter.. But the time came when they could not have them any longer so they prepared one for dinner, and when they sat down to eat one of their pets the ehil- dren began to cry so pitifully that there was no dinner eaten at their house that day, At the evening ser- vice Bishop Warne told the story of the children with their chickens and he started a ‘‘Chicken Brigade’’ and obtainnd a nice sum for his work. So the Brethren Superintendent started a ‘““Chicken Brigade” on Rally Day to raise money to build a church in South America, and the result was that by Christmas $50.27 was raised by the Sunday school for that purpose. BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT. Contagious diseases reported to the Scarlet fever, 28 increase 25. Typhoid fever, 26 decrease 3. Chicken pox, 3 decrease 7. Diphtheria, 2 decrease 4. : men of such large culibre as the mem- Emeigh thanked the people for electing him and promised his best The newly elected presiding officer awarded a citation on Elsie Stahl Barron and her father, Daniel G. Stahl, in which they are directed to show cause why they shall not be removed as executors of the estate of the late Henry F. Barron, former cashier of the bank, who suicided by shooting himself on September 11, 1913. The petition was sworn to by Harry L. Sipe, president of the bank, who alleges that the executors are con- cealing moneys belonging to th¢ estate for the purpose of cheating an defrauding creditors, of whom the bank is one. It is further alleged that the executors represent interes s adverse to the estate and its creditors. Elsie Barron is the widow of Henry F. Barron, who’in his will left all his property to her absolutly. President Sipe alleges that before his death Barron fraudently trans- ferred real estate and personal proper- ty, worth several thousand dollars, to his wife and her relatives. Barron deeded a house and lot in Somerset borough to his wife’s mother, Emma Grace Stahl, on November 25, 1911. ‘The house is said to be worth about $5,000. On April 2, 1912, Barron executed a deed of conveyance to his wife for a $6,000 Mausoleum in the Union cemetery. He assigned a $1,000 mortgage to Daniel G. Stahl on March 14, 1913, the day following the time he is allged to have stolen $13,000 from the bank which ousted him as cashier. The bank’s petition further charges him with transferring a number of shares of the capital stcek ot the Somerset Trust company and the Meyersdale Brewing company to Elsie Stahl Barron, in addition to making her numerous gifts and presents, con- sisting of diamonds jewelry, silver b; : Bm NUMBEE 1520 vim ven ceva NEW COUNCIL ORGANIZES = =o bears. mamvest OF PRAYER, veiscudsy afternoon ito hue gd db dW i SIMON C. TEDROW » The remains of Simon OC. Tedrow, one of Salisbury’s oldest and most respected citizens was borne to its last resting place on Tuesday, De- cember 30th, 1913. Mr. Tedrow was sick only a short time, acute appen- dicitis was the cause of his death. He took sick the day following Christmas and on Saturday evening death came torelieye him of his suf- ferings which were severe, but of a short duration. The" deceased was born at Laurel Hill, nine miles dis- tant from Centreville, August, 7th, 1837, and died December 27th, 1913. being 74 years, 4 months and 20 days of age. Funeral services were conducted at his late residence the Rev. Ira 8S. Monn, officiating and interment was made in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Phoehe Brieg, who resides in Salis- bury and the foilowing children—all of whom witnessed the last sad cer- emonies except Mrs. Flora Horchler, of Akron, Ohio, and Edward Tedrow who is in the U. S. Nayy. Mrs. Alice Brieg, Meyersdale; Mrs. Lizzie Fer- ner, of Pittsburgh; John, of Youngs- town, Ohio; ' George of Elk Lick township; Irvin of Kearney, Pa., Cleveland, ot ARkron, Ohio,f Frank, tiarvey and Mrs. Elin Chaney, of Salisbury. } MRS MARGARET NEWMAN. Mrs. Margaret Newman, died at the home of her son Elijah Newman on Friday January 2nd, 1913, after a prolonged illness caused by the in- firmities ‘of old age. Mrs. Newman was cheerful to the last, but prayed that the end might come soon to hasten her spirit to the better world, ware, cut glass, etc. The bank claims that Barron was insolvent when he, made all these | transactions, and as he received no money or other valuable consideration! for his property he disposed of it for | the purpose of defrauding his credit- ors. Itisalleged that Barron’sscheme | culminated in his executors filing an | incomplete inventory and appraisment of his estate. Because he was insolvent and re- ceived no money or value for the property he transferred and because he made such transfers for the pur- pose of placing his property beyond the reach of his creditors, the bank claims that such transfers were illegal and void, and that it is the duty of the executors to institute proceedings to recover such property for the benefit of creditors. The Barron estate was sued some time ago for $43,000 in eivil court, alleg ing that he took thatamount from the bank’s vault on March 13, 1913. At the time of his suicide a criminal charge was pending against him in the United States district court at Pittsburgh in which it was alleged by President Sipe that Barron em- bezzled that amount of money from the bank. - CLEANING UP HYNDMAN Hyndman, that staid, sober, dry town is undergoing a ‘‘cleaning up”’ process. A real live policeman is on duty and for a start he swooped down on a poker game in the wee small hours of Sunday morning several weeks ago As he passed Kelly Gaster’s barber shop he heard such remarks as ‘‘ante up there’’ and ‘‘ace high’’ and ‘‘gim- me two’’ and he observed through a crack in the door a poker game in full blast. He summoned Constable Bowser and what they did to that poker game is awful to relate. Several well known characters were haled before the bar of justice and fined $10 and costs. It is said this is Mumps, 2 increase 1. Whooping cough, 2 decrease 5. ° Pneumonia (true), 1. There were 44 cases of measles re- ported in 1912 and none in 1913. CLARENCE MOORE, Sec’y. Board of Health. ti al HEAVY SNOW FALL. | T'he county was visited with a heavy | fall of snow on Sunday, putting the trolley company and telephone com- | Bauman made a few remarks to the | panies on their mettle. Willfam | ney In some sec- | bad fallen | two feet. | large but | i moderate compared with the stiff] to the | weather on the west si naking the | season in the former earlier and later | in the latter section the the limits of the borough. ANON. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The Modern Woodmen of America | [ held their election recently. The in- merely a start and the officers have their eyes wide open for several other law breakers known to exist within stallation of officers will take place in | their headquarters on Tuesday even- | ing, Jan. 13th when the following per- sons#Vill be installed : Consul—Valentine Gress. Advisor—J. E. Allbright. Banker—H. G. Will. Clerk—W. H. Holzshu. Eseort—J. E. Spaugy Watechman—@has. C. Kneriem. . F. Hemminger. H. C. Kneriem. ylor, Md., ‘ W. Va., were guests of their relatives, | Mr. and Mrs. George D. >} | South Side, during { | The funeral services were held in St. John’s Reformed church of which she was a life long member, on Sun- day at 2:30 p, m., Rev. Ira S. Monn, her pastor, and Rev. L.. P. Young, of the Local Lutheran church, officiat- ing. Her grandsons were the pall- bearers, who bore the remains to their last earthly resting place in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. The deceased was over 79 years of age, and up to the timefof her taking ill several months 3go, was able to walk about, attend churchjand do a little work. She wasldevoted to Ler family, church and friends and her life would certainly befa good exam- ple for any and every body ro pattern after. Her husband preceded her to the spirit world a number of years ago and the surviving children are: Richard, Nevin and Elijah of town and Mrs. Wm. Lowry, of Elk Lick township. A number of grand child- ren also mourn the loss of a noble grandmother and several gregt grand- children, too young “to realize, sur- vive this good woman. : PRIZE WINNERS. About one hundred and twenty prizes were awarded to the members of the Boys’ Agricultural Club and Girls’ Domestic Science League of the county, in the contest held at Somerset, November 25-28, 1913, The following are the successful contestants of Meyersdale: Ruth Bowman, first prize, centre piece, 75 cents. Kathryn Sipple, first prize, one pair pillow cases, 75 cents. Mae Hook, second prize, bread of Kaws best flour, one-half barrel. Cecil Suder, second prize, one-half peck potatoes, $2.00 Griffire Heckler, first®prize, cement work, $2.00. Cecil Suder, first prize, single po- tatoes, $1.00. NOTICE TO PARENTS AND CITIZENS, 1st, I hereby give notice that the ordinance with reference to children under 16 years of age being on the streets after the curfew whistle, will be enforced. 2nd, All coasting on the sidewalks | is positively prohibited. 3rd, All citizens are urged to clean | their side walks after a fall of snow VALENTINE (RESS, Burgess: VISITED RELATIVES. Thomas Allerdice, an d sonjof Elkins W. Va.. Mrs. Minnie Ganny and daughter Mary of E abeth, N. J., { Miss Mary Locl Lonaconing, and Arthur Hamilton,of Grafton,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers