y PR Aor LA ens so a es —- - worded dogeoieet dhefebededododod dodroiriod errr bib bbbi CECE {NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Commercial’s Special Correspondents. $ News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The Ebeibe deff dere deobebobdeofebob rar dodo fod deeded deddddedeoedeordodrogror HOOVERSVILLE. Ded. 20—0One hundred children bore away a box of assorted candy at the annual Christmas celebration of the U. B. Church. The celebration was essentially for the children, the stage was prettily decorated with bells, tin- | sel and lights. A feature of the even- ing was an entertainment given by the scholars of the U. B. Sunday School in the form of singing, recitations,etc. After the completion of the childrens’ share of the program, it was voiced by those present as a success. Do you make it a business to read the want ads too. It is only a matter of time until winter clearance sales commence. Merehant P. H. Williams was a bus- iness visitor at Johnstown yesterday. Mrs. M. F. Miller was a business vis- itor as well as seeing her friends at Johnstown. Mrs. Carrie Williams is visiting friends at Somerset since last Satur- day. eels) SALISBURY. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, E. King, of Steubenville, Ohio, spent the fore part of the holiday season with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reese. Miss Amelia Livengoon is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Livengood. | | guest of -his sister Mrs Van Dike | | Humbert. | CONFLUENCE. | Dee. 29—Lewis Lininger of Scott- dale is spending the holidays with his | sister Mrs. Herbert Bird. Miss Ida McDonald is visiting her | brother Ernest McDonald at Addison. | Lm Voight and daughter, of Fort Hill, were guests of Mrs. Alice Ling- infir, Christu as. | John Curry of Addison was in town | Saturday enroute to Connellsville to | visit his family. | Mrs. Jeanette Barker of Morgan- (town, W. Va., was the guest of Mrs. {D. L. Miller from Friday till Monday. Miss Edyth Augustine, teacher of the Newberry school, recurned home after spending Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Augus- ‘tine. T. Ellwood Null, of Youngwood, was in town yesterday on his return from having spent the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Null in Addison. | Mrs. Holt of Ohio Pyle and Mrs. | Charles Collins and daughter, Thelma | of Connellsville, returned home Sun- | day evening after haying spent sev- eral days as the guests of the former's | daughter, Mrs. Chas. Stark. Chas Swan, of Pittsburg is the Mr. and Mrs. Schoonover are the [proud parents of a fine baby boy J. 8. Stevannus, of Sand Flat, was | Which came as a Christmas gift to a Salisbury visitor on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brant, of Alliance, | | their home. Mr. and Mrs. James Napier and son Ohio, were guests at the home of Norman returned home yesterday af- Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rumiser, the first at the week. Prof.and Mrs. Dickey and family of Avalon are spending the holiday va- gation with Mr:, Dickey’s mother, Mrs. Bavilla Boyer. Miss Pearle Newman, is very ill With an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Mary McDowel, of Jenner, spent Christmas here with her mother, Mrs. Thomas McDowell. She return- ed to Jenner, where she is employed Sunday. Lloyd Loechel, a student of the University of Pennsylvania at Phila delphia, is spending the holidays ter a week’s visit with their son and family in Pittsburgh. Miss Laura Fisher was the guest of Somerfield friends last week. Miss Mary Hugle is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engle in Connellsville. : Frank Moon of McDonald has been the guest of hls aunt Mrs. Charles Kurtz on Oden street the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Younkin of Homestead are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Younkin and Mr. and Mrs. John Fick. Mrs. Charles McDonald and son Raymond spent Christmas with her with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam-- uel Loechel, in Garrett county, Md. ! Wm, Uochrane and his sons Joh | and Ezrle who have been working at Akron, Ohio, are spending the hol- idays at their home in Salisbury and may seek employment here for the winter. Miss Lucille Lichliter, of Washing- ton, D, C., is spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CO. 8. Lichliter, of Gay street, Christmas cheer was marred in a fiiniber of Salisbury homes by death and sickness. John Walker. aged eleven years, son of Mrs. Martha Walker, died on Wednesday before Ohristmas after a prolonged illness of typhoid fever. He took sick with typhoid fever about five weeks ago and a few days before his death, pneumonia set in which proved fatal. The funeral was held at thefhome of his mother on Main street on Christmas afternoon, the Rey. L. P. Young, officiating. The young lad will be much missed by his family, his schoolmates and everybody that knew him, for his kind, cheerful disposition. About 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, Herbert Jones, a driver in the Fair- view mines in Flog Hill, found the dead body of Ray Fuller, of West Sal- isbury, in one of the rooms of the mines in which the young miner had been working. The unfortunate man was subject to muscular rheumatism and it is supposed that an attack of this went to his heart and caused his death. Deceased was a hard- working man and had loaded four cars on the day of his demise. He was 30 years of age and leaves a wife and several children. Funeral servi- ces were held at the home in West | mercial. Salisbury on Friday morning at I0 o’clock, Rev. H. Lewis Thomas, pas- tor of the M. E. church officiating. The bereayed widow is a daughter of Mrs. Reuben Folk, and the late Reu- ben Folk, of West Salisbury. : Leora and Uela Chaney, little] daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Curtin Chaney, spent Christmas with their uncle, George Tedrow, and family at Berkley, Pa. Miss Martha White, spent Christ- | mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Hochard, at Boynton. Clarence Menhorn, is suffering from parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jenkins at Friendsville. Carl Brown, who is employed af the Becottdale cold storage plant, re- turned to his work Sunday after having spent Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown. George Moore of Dawson was the guest of friends i: town Sunday. Miss Hellen Sanner of Connellsville spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Sanner. a é — VIM. Dec. 29—D. M. Lee and family spent Ohristmas with Mrs. Lee’s parents, Me, and Mrs. George Hibner in Mt, Braddock. Dennis Mull and his sist? Mis. Adam Seigner spent $6vébl days of last week near Hyhdfiin, with rela- tives. E. D. Lee and Asa Hoar accompa- nied by Wm. and Adam Dietle left last Saturday to spend a week with Conrad Linderman’s at Princess Anne, Md. John Wiland and family are spend- ing the holidays in Akron, O. Ray Commons, who was employed in Detroit, Mich., came home to spend the Xmas season. Frank Thomas and family of Coal Run spent Sunday in Vim. The Xmas exercises in our advanced room was enjoved by all present and the pupils received a good treat. ‘West’? Burkhart spent over Xmas in Cumberland with relatives. The writer wishes a Happy New Year to all the readers of The Com- ————e GARRETT. Miss Ada Bittner came home from Pittsburgh where she is attending school on Wednesday to spend Christ- mas with her parents. Mrs. B. I. Walker, of Ontanna, Pa., has been visiting her brother, Mr. C. T. Bittner and other friends in Somer- set county this week. Misses Mora and Ada Bittner were Meyersdale visitors Friday. Louis Christner was a business visi- tor in Somerset one day last week. ofofeodecde Boatotets SIPPL.EVILLE. Master C. Wilcox, of Cheat Heaven, is spending a few days with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Sipple. Mrs. Lucy Albright and two sons George and Ray and granddaughter Nellie Malcolm took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ankney on Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Albright left on Friday morning for Connellsville, Uniontown and Pittsburgh on a week or 10 day’s visit with friends and relatives. Master Roy Albright left on Friday for afew days visit with relatises at Salisbury. G. W. Falkner of Mance is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Heckler. Miss Annie Bittner left for Connells- 3 ville for a few day’s visit. Lick twp., $400. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alecher left| James 8, Garrett, to Benjamin for a few day’s visit wsth her parents | Marks, Elk Lick twp., $125, at Schwanner, Pa. Benjamin Marks to Jemima Mowry John Opel, of Summit Mills, made a | Elk Lick twp., $155. business trip to Sippleville Tuesday| Jemima Mowry to Martha A. Biit- morning. ner, Elk Lick twp., $10. Master Orland Wiland was a busi-| Anna OC. Stoddard to B. & O. R. R. ness visitor to this vicinity Monday | Larimer twp., $150. morning. L. D. Reed to Elizabeth B. Reeser, Everybody is thanking W. F. Freeze Windber, 81. for putting down a nice walk near W. Ankney’s place which crosses an ugly | ber, $3,000. ditch. ! ; Paul Koontz to Wilmore Coal Co. Miss Alice Kendall and Mrs. Joseph | Shade twp., $1,125. 00 Orphans’ Court Proceedings, Real Estate, Marriage Licences, Etc. REAL ESTATE. Charles W. Kurtz to James F. Scott, Confiuence, $4,5000. Annie Hibner to John R. Scott, Meyersdale, $130. John A. Bruner to James R. Bar- ron, Jefferson twp., $300. Eli Hare to George P. Gray, Elk Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pritts, of Holli- daysburg were visiting their daugh- ters, Mrs. Ralph Romesburg and Mrs. an attack of feyer and Mrs. Leo | Wm. Pritts on Christmas. Derry has been taken to the home of | Meyers Bittner spent Xmas with his her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Charles (uncle, Mahlon Meyers at Somerset. Hoffman, a short distance east of | town, suffering with the same mala- | ill for the past few weeks. i dy. | | Mrs. George Smith has been very Prof. and Mrs. H. B. Speicher spent | Arthur Emerick, of Akron Ohio, | Xmas with his parents at Somerset. spent from Tuesday until Sunday | with his parents at this place. Earl Miller Miller was a Friday and | | Saturday visitor of friends in Garrett. Baker spent Tursday with Mr. and Charles Shipley to John ¥. Berk. Mrs. John Baker. i i Calva. Sua i A ebile, Quemahoning twp., $250. alvin Suder o eyersdale was Lewis A. Kretchm es : , . an, to Samuel .D, Soon in Si ontevilie sy morning. | Gna gov. Samii a, A ar eorge Primrose of Coal Run spent Wm. H. Kretch = Tn with his family of this place. mit twp., $103, mar, Jo same, Sum - Crowe and wife of town spent John Fogel : Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George $200 B78! to same, Sunmit twp, Sipple. | . Miss Minnie Ranebeaw and brothers | li spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Miss Matilda Ankney left for Salis- bury on Frids 1 a f ? visi y riday on a few days visit. Turkeyfoot twp. $1. A large number of our peoyle atten- B : : : ded the Xmas services held at the 1 ensdics Subrie, to Pius Suhrie, Glade City Sunday School Wednesday Allegheny twp., $400. afternoon. Hugh Gattens to Mandana Gattens, Annie Platter of Salisbury Junction Lower Tarkeytoos twp., $1. visited our school op Wednesday af- Walter F. Ainsworth to Hillworth ternoon. Coal Co., Jenner twp., $1. Dr. Bruce Lichty of town was visi-| U- M. Ringer, to Isiah Enos, Addi- ting our school on Wednesday after- | SOR tWP., $25. noon, Simon P. Sweitzer’s executor to M. John Bipple and sisters are visiting Ward Saylor Somerset $1,575, friends and relatives in Grantsville.| DP. M. Dickens’ administrator, to Md., at present. Nevada Phillips, Salisbury, $2,500. Mrs. F. Hoffmeyer and Mrs. L. Baer | Shipley Hardware Co., to J, T. N. visited our schools Wednesday. Shipley, Meyersdale, $1, Master Frank Blecher, of Berlin,the; J0bn Cook to Wilmore Coal Co., oldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Richard | Btonyereek twp., $10. Sipple, was a Friday visitor in Sipple-| Hiram Hoffman to Rachael Hofi- ville, man, Benson, $3,000. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yutzy Saturday morning—A daughter. Shade twp., $100. Miss Edith Hoffmyer was a passen-| Wilson Bittner to Jacob Klinga- ger on No. 16 to Cumberland on Thurs- | man, Summit twp., $550. day evening. . MARRIAGE LICENSE, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ankney spent Sun- § : day with Mr. snd Mrs. Ross Albright. | G0T&e D. Walker, of Shanksville, and Lillie M. Ringler, of Roxbury. Mrs. Christ Deist was a Monday Peter H. Miller and Jennie Flor- caller on Mrs. John Baker. ence Landis, both of Austin Marts of town is working for twp. ’ of | Stonyeres G. H. Albright at present. Somerset Hotel Co., to J. W. Phil- Ps, Somerset, twp., $309. Nunziatti Lozzi to Martin Klena, Windber, $1,400. J. W. Rugg, to 8. M. James, Upper Elmer G.Menhorn and Emma Engle 8 both of Elk Lick twp. LADE CITY, i 2 John W.Albfather, of Denton, Md., Prof. John O. Werner and wife, of | ang Melissa J. Will of Somerset. Bcottdale, are visiting at the hottie of Clyde S. Lint, of Somerset, and the former’s parents near town. Mabel E. Adams, of Somerset twp. Charles Lenhart; Wife and son, were | pias M. Ringer, of Addison, twp. , visiting at A. 8. Lenhart’s during the and Sarah A. Duckworth of Garrett past week. county, Md. Milton Leazier and sister, Jennie, Harry Stull, of Quemahoning twp., were visiting several days last week | and Minerya A. Shaffer, of Jenner at Edward Miller’s near Berlin. twp. Leazier Bros. are taking out coal| Lester E. Snydér and Annie E. near Glade City and are prepared to | Hare, both of Elk Lick twp. fill all orders promptly. Ephraim J. Romesburg, of Black twp., and S. Bockes, of Summit Wp. Vastro Kosuth, of Windber, and Anna Trusko, of Ralphton. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Mrs. Noel and family, of Hyndman, were visiting R. H. Whitford over Sunday. Sunday school was well attended on Sunday last. Next Sunday there will be preaching service. Letters of administration have re- cently been issued in the following es- tates: Earle J. Horner, estate of Minnie M. Horner, late of Jenner twp. Bond $1,2000. Lucinda M. Stnhl and Jonathan Lambert, estate of Nathan Stahl, late of Quemahoning twp. Bond $3,000. Working Chas. Bittner, after a few days in- disposition, is out again. The brick yard is filling orders for Maxwell and Hyndman. Tne Christmas exercises held in the Glade City school house on Xmas eve, were a success and an enjoyable time was had by all present. Harvey Beal, of Connellsville, was home several days last week. He re- turned to Connellsville on No. 5 Sun- day evening. M. C. Lenhart was calling on old| A man’s working day is 8 hours. friends in South Connellsville one day | His body organs must work perfectly last week. 24 hours to keep him fit for 8 hours Mrs. John Hutzel, of Upper Glade | work. Weak, sore, inactive kidneys City, has purchased a horse and wag- | can not do it. They must be sound on and is now doing her own hauling. | and healthy actiye all the time. Foley Kidney Pills will make them so. You cannot take them into your system without good results following. Sold by all Dealers Eyerywhere. eee Wife’s Work. Many a self-made man is too meati A Difference in Hours. DEAD LETTER LIST. Cards.—B. F. Seltzer, Algie Baum- mgardner, Miss Lue Boyer. Letters.—Rudolph Baker, Will A. COURT NEWS E. A. Pheasant to L. D. Reed, Wind- Caroline Ross to Maurice Costi, The Spirit of this 1913th Cristmas-time prompts us to express our appre- ciation to the community collec- tively and to each of our friends individually, for any part they have played in making this a most prosperous year for us. May December 25th be num- bered among your Yuletide mem- ories as the happiest Christmas of them all is the wish of THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK (The Bank With The Clock.) eM A A AP SAPs is A A A A A Porro We Wish You All A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Holzshu & Weimer, Ce SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. We wish a prosperous year to the | f®C€ived, liberal Christmas gifts from Commercial and all its readers. on uh Many people from the township at- ager of this institution. tended the Christmas program at the hy olling hionses Ne very scarce St. Paul Reformed Church. great demand. Several Calvin Maust is building an addition | $hanties formerly used by contrac. - to his house. E tors working on'the Western Mary- E. J. Obrien, who conducted the W. | here at present. H. and H. R. Kretchman farm for the last four years, has purchased the Marcelous Snyder farm in Milford township. Mr. Obrien is moving his personal property to his farm. combination especially to women and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leply, of Con-| congested kidneys often result. Back- nellsville, were Christmas visitors at | ache, urinary irregularities and rheu- the home of the latters parents Mr, | matic fever are not unusual results. . and Mrs. H. H. Saylor. Foley Kidney Pills restore the regu-- Thomas Hudson, of Connellsville, | 12 and and normal action of kidneys was visiting at Summit Mills last|20d bladder und remove the cause Sunday. of the trouble. Contain no habit. A. G. Maust spent Christmas with forming drugs. + his uncle, Mr. Perry Miller, of near| S°/d PY all Dealers Everywhere. Listonburg, thes county. CHURCH SERVICES, U. M. Kretchman is busy hauling coal from the P. M. Bowman farm to : nea Methodist Episcopal church ser- Vice, Rev. G. A. Neeld pastor—Ser- Meyersdale. vices at10:30 a. m. Sunday school 9:30 George Tedrow moved from Berk- leys Mills to the home of his father- | a. m. Epworth League at 6:45 . . : . 1M, Evening service at 7.3. b in-law, Mr. Dennis Wisler. Ray Commons, who spent the last 5. two years in Detroit, Michigan, is SS. Philip and James Catholic visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John gimren, Bev. J. J. Brady, pastor.— Commons, of Romania. Mass next Sunday 9 ang 1 a. m, Our public schools are all at work | ¥ °SPers and Benediction at 7:30 p. m.. again, some taking several days vaca-| Church of the Brethren—Preaching over Christmas. 10:30 a.m. and 7.39 Pp. m. Sunday’ M. D. Johnson is busy digging coal | School, 9:30 a. m. Christian Workers in his mines in West Summit. Meeting at 6:30 p, mm. Bible Class —_— Saturday evenin » 7:30 p. MARKLETON. Training classes el hla The Markleton Sanatorium is open. | 7 21d 8 o’clock, respectively. Sunday ing up a new coal mine. School Workers Meeting, Friday Mr. Moon of Fort Hill, was taken | °Y°ID, 30th inst., at 7:30, to the Markleton Sanatorium with| Brethren Church, H. L. Goughnour three ribs broken, and it is not known | Pastor—Services on January 4th whether he had fallen off of train No, | 86 Meyersdale in the morning ang 56, or if he was trying to get on the |©Vening, in the afternoon in the M. train. The Enterprise Lumber Company’s mill is closed down for repairs, There is a movement on foot to build a new church here; an option has been secured on a lot adjoining Women and Wet Feet. and Christian Endeay usual hours, ra ted. Sneffels, Col, A: 3. Walsh was badly done Up with rheumatism and Employes of the Sanatorium, al}! Miss M. B. Barnett, the efficient man- - families are occupying some of the: land. There are no vacant houses - Cold and wet feet are a dangerous . Cheesman, Ethel Davis, Miss Cassy Ferrell, Miss Emma Inks, 2, C. W. Morrison, Mrs. Pete Smith. Dec. 27,1913. J. F. NAUGLE, P. M. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA to admit that his wife was the archi tect.—Boston Transcript. ema eee. A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man an un- | happy slave. For impure blood and the school scribed toward the building. The meeting room in Sembower’s old church is entirely too small to ac- commodate the present membership. The moyement was made by W. L. Lape, the superintendent of the Sun- | sluggish liver, use Burdock Blood | Bitters. On the market 35 years. | $1.00 a bottle. ad day school. This is a worthy cause and gshould be supported. and some money sub- | gent for Foley Kidney Pills which was the only thing that would cure him. George Potter, of Pontiac, Mo was down on his back with Kidney and bladder trouble and Foley Kid. ney Pills made him well and able to work, Itis ga splendid n always helps. Just try it. nedicine and Sold by all Dealers Everywhere Ss Coy - in ter typifs explo ary, Mess! positl
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