DeILACK W, R I Ruiiui i g '1 iwt i Fascnger Trains, Jim 2d. 1864. = : -~ waiG~ ; " | 3 Ac'com- Posse a j ~ jT'asseu- I Wvcnm- . { moda- get. \ K er - I ' > "ton. • | j [ oc - , j P. M. P. M. ! lA. *1?. P. M. i I STATIONS j J "~200 "6 50 0-~- !t ' •" 7.40 ?/f.J J 1,35 6,21 w MiUVnd '59 ,}•> 1.00 6.00 Montim*- =-- u . h f 12 35 5.33 II !■'" <bj* 4 t 11,50 516 Ni.-hohon • -W \T_ , 11,20 456 1 f j 10 15 4,10 AWu. "y- -•'> Iff 10.40 4,32 ark Summit ■ o.t ; . 10,10 4.i0 fi'IHAN'TON 16,20 6.30 A M 3.42 Greenville j M i •.•• 3.29 Dunmrg 10.52 ■ Q.... 3.17 M ..v.v.' U,02 J .... 251 G .uldsUm 11.20 ••••- ' £ .... 2.40 ToUhaoßa G4O % .... 2.20 F. rk- 1';30 •—> ! {* .... 202 Oakland 12.17 •••• ! 1 .... 1,35 Spruguevii'e • 12 11 ** "3- i 5 .... 1,24 Stroudsburg 12.54 •• •• v ' K-... l.ti 4 Water Cap 1 " 3 ; .... 12,47 IConat Bethel 1.24 f., .... 12,35 Delnwuie 1-50 jJJ.... 12.10 *Manunka Chunk •• 1.55 ••••" ; .... 12,02 Bridgeville '2. 4 j .... 11.51 05.r.1 2.15 ••••L, ! .... 11.38 Washington 2,23 ■••• .... 11.20 New liauivton 2.45 •••• A- .\l. 'Change for Phil... PM. The Passt-xgi r T i ait) Northward Leaves New Hampton ■'' ; i " • rrivn! <d (he Miii Train which leaves N E\> i Ol'.K at 6. '0 A M., and MANTNKA CIU'.VK <n the rri\ai of the Train which leaves PHILAI >1:1.1 ill A. ,i->i>e „f n De pot) at 7-15 A. M ■ At SCR \ N iOX this Train r<xk<-s 'dose ea nnccti'-r.s with tra'i- <i. the LA K AWANXA4 BTOOM >'lii PG nvi DELAWARE k HUDSON Railrna. p, aad at Gre at l'.vnd with the M til Train on the I rae Railway ga in-.' West Tue Passenger Train Southward I.e ve. Greet End after (he arrival of the Cir.eir- Fxpresß fn m ti c Wo:', f wctiug at Stir.v wit h Tiaii >a n the l.u uial Bloi.nial-uk aiid Delaware aasl Bai si. R ;at J'auuri Crni'k vttb the train for Philadelphia, and a New Hampton with Tiains fair iY.-w York. the I.e high Valley, lianUburg. Ac. ]' i>" takers l y thi 'lraiti arrive in New York at 5 50. in Pbiladelpei at 6,30, an'i in ll;arii>biir at 420 P M. 'i'iie Aceomm d.ttinn Train Northward, eonne.-ts at i.a ;:t Rend with the Day Express goit.g Wa , Ly wlr- h arrive a Xth u*a an i 4ynicat-e t!" - aiie ahay. (touthward, li-ier !.t ! Lend . .tor the arrival o the New Yoik Ertpreas •_* aiog I. M. Ail Pis ■ tiger r rains on the Erie Railway StOil at Great La t.d. a WATTS COOKE, Supt. R A. HENRY. G-.n. Tkt A get t. £ LA MODE. THE EAT EST FROM VEIV YORK. MRS. A. c:. smtu, TAKESPLE\®t REIN aga n inforn ir- hr friends, nnd the laalies gen , that she has received, and is still rceeiting rail yo and weil stdeeted assortment of FALL AND JFJNTEII GOODS, Consisting of 11 \TS. HOXMTS. RllilJON> FI .OSS ES, FEA i llihßS, I.ACES, HEAP DRESSES, and, in short all art 1 s usually • found in a YfTTTi XT"*" 1 "V" '!'' i !! T 1 MXliJulA Li i t X 1 > Jll ' t. She soliei's a ea'! feoin 11 re'jnir :'r ROODS in her linn, before par. ■ -. • el- whe.e 71: - c -ik can be foand althe home formerly oecuiMed by H-n --ry Stark 1b tb I id Tunkh inn k, ready ■ n I rnlling to serve ail who may favoi hei with a call. . MANTUA-MA KING. We have secured the serviee-' of an experienevi X 3 TTt XX R3 'JTf., and at all titnes will i-e prepare I to F:r an I M ke j Dresses in the latest at I u: > i approved maimer.— ! Soliciting your vails before purchasing elsewhere, we i remain Y ours. Res| eetftil'v. MPS A.G. STARS. April Hell's Sbrcific Pill-—'.V ...anted in nil Cases J •an be tolled on! N'mer fail to cure ! Do ro ' nauseate! .Vre speedy i". aei : y ' No change of ii- } et required! Do not interfere willi busires- pursttit.- Can be used without detection! I pvvard of 260 cure- this month—some < f them very severe cases- Over one hundrr I pl.y ; i dan- li ive used them in their practice, and ill speak well i f their efficacy, an approve of their i- 'Uiposiiion. w! ii !i i- infirr'y vege ♦aide, and hariulc-- on tho sj.stcm. Ifundicdsc •ertificatcs can '•" 3*>o\vn. Rkll'S SPKCIFIC PILLS are the original and only genuine Specific l'dl. Tiiey ire adapted for male ami female, old or young, nnd the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent ami speedy cure, in til cases of Speiriiatorrhea, or Seminal V. enknos . with all its train of evils, su.dt as Urelherul and V.-.gina Discharge'. Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or luv.dunta ily Emission, Incontinut nee, t Debility an Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power Nervous DeLii 'v. A•, t■* , all of which arise princi pally from sexu .1 Execs ■* or Self Abuse, or some constitutional derangement, and incapacitates th sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. Tn ell sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, nndMrht ores, an i in Disenses of tho Ei.older and Kidneys they sot as a charin ! Relief is exjericnccd by ta ! ng a single b x Sold by all the } rincipal diuggists Price Si They will be sent by mail securely sealed, and ♦onfiden'.ially, on receipt of the money, by J BRYAN, M D., No. 76 Cedar Stieet Few Y'ork, Bvultir.g ri.ysuii'B for the treato tr t of o I'rioaiy, Sexual, an l Nervous Diseases, who wi j send/free t" all. the following valuable work, in 1 sealed envelope : Tub Fiftieth THOCSASD —Hit BELL'S TREA T.sE ori Self A.', us*. Premature decay, Ini|„ Uvc an 1 Loss of Power, So tual Diseases, Seminal IVe. n-ss, Niubtly Kini-- . c , C nitel Debility, Ac., Ac | a j imp! !'d of 61 r . co- i ning important advice ' to the wfN ted. an I which f-houl I be reed by every i sufferer, as th- itivt■ - of i urc in the severe t stages i is jlainly sot forth Two stamps rcquiud to pay post.go Tmi OPT A :<CE TO i ABIF.s —Lbt. IlAr.vFv's rntai.E t* hyj never yet tailed in removing diiii-uiiies ariAjig (:>u -A i -1: uctiou, or slot ] •_e of nature, or i:r restoring the sy-to-.u to perfect health when suA'cri: g from spinal uffeeti. ; Prolapsus, I'tcii, the Whites, rr cdher wevkiurs o! she I'trriue Organs The Pills fcre perfc. tly 1 i:m!e.-.. , n the eoustiiution, and may b taken by the in-.- delicate female without ouus ing distrosr— ihe same t : . they ;1 - t like a cbanu by srengtficiting, inviguratting and restoring the sxstem to,a bcuitliy ■-edition, an I by /"ir.gtng on the moi) Djr periml with regularity, no matte: Lotn wlnf caiie.- tfv ot. traction may aii-c To y .-houl 1 however, .v.r be t ken during the first three or f. ur tnor.tht. oi pregnancy, t oiigh sate at any other t in. . us ifio-eariiago would he thetesult, Each box contains 60 Pills. Price sl. Dtt- 11ARVk,i'4 rUEATISE on diseases of Fe lnalys, r*.gi.aLcy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Steriii- Tteproduction. in. 1 Abuses o f Nature, and tiie La lies Pri.atc Medical Ad viser, a pamphlet, of 61 pages, sent free to auv U The V't !X C J M . U ,e< 4 n ' re d to pay postage. The Pi,,, and 6. k ec nt hy m .ii wtu B -'c k ilrci ?ci] ' ) f I-tr siXb, rl! thßprimi.n,,; ' 20, 1354 v-S-u-e ' 'lis sffi&iE siiiiK mmm. Osr I.F.TTEU A. rA-Mlia' SEWIXa MACHINE t „ fast g,i dn.r a woril- Gdc .-epu ation it is bo- [ van I de.t:-f the b< St n I -iiaapc-i. n *o* bcau.iful . j . j;,- ■ ; M b yet oh-red to tne ! public No ether Family .-Awing Machine has so ; many u- ful npi".i neea for Hemming, Binding, Fell- : irg. Tu -liitur. Ginhering, Gunging Hiatding, Etn- ; l ioideriug. Co,bit ti lso ; till. No other Family SEWING M IV*HINC HN. - .• •> DDL II CAPACITY F**R a great variety of work It will sow al! kinds of cloth, j and with all kinds of thread. Great sin i rcecnt im- j provenients make our Famßy -Sowing Machine uiost reliable, and most dunD-ie, and most certain in ac- j ti.-ii at all rates of peed, It makes the interlocked i stitch, which is the be t .-'.itch known. Any one, ev en of the Ui.a. t ordivs ,yc ap ieity, can see, at a glance, how to u-c the letter A. Family Sowing Machine. — Our I r.'ly ing M . bines .are finished in chaste and vqui :a s: \Io The Foliingt se of tho Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind, i' protects the machine when not in use, and when u' otto be f evn'ed may be opened as a spa cious and -übs-iit.tial table to .-u.-T;iin the work. — While so. e of tie: Oa-cs, made out of the choicest Wood.-, ar-. liiiiri cd iii th" simplest and chastest man ner po.-iii 'c. others arc adorned and eiubelislied in the mo-t cc..stiy an t superb manners. It is nbsolutely necessary if see the Family Ma chine in operation, so as to judge of its great capaci ty and beauty. It isl'a.-t i. a tning as popular for family sewiug as our mannfa turing mdtiiinc.- tiro for ing purposes Xlie Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, tw-isr, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual ity. Send for a PAMPHLKT. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY'. 158 Broadway, New York. ; S**i i' a ', 1 jili ia < Hit) Clrest it lit St. s>l.b£?mj Aft's in Tunkli.nnock. i. sjwis! mmm —AND— Tin Olyojd. 'T* HE subscriber has just received at his shop, over JL iiunkinson's fitorc, in MESHOPPEN PA., and wili c n.-tantlv keep or. bund nil the latest IMPROVED COOKING STOVES among whi:-h are tho " CALORIC," MINER aad "UNION ' pa-'ern.-', with PARLOR STOVES and !. atois of every description, which he offers for 30.c3.37' at prices that will defy competition Ilia - ire bought directly of tho Manufactur ers f VLB \ • . tVILKi SLARRE. PROVIDENCE ii. i .-(/ RANT ■N. lie is therefore enabled to sell 10 in at a -in ill advance on the original cost 71H, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. i ,11 kirGson ban lan l made to order Also FIP, WIDOV no XX AX I) I EIGH !SIl()i:? FOR SAFE. Tho popular Cu' kin t Stove, F o rest ii, ue e 11, Elevated o\ n) i- now for the first, offered at >2O for S in li, 525 for 9 : nch, R£?AJB*NSAND JOBBING neatly .nd protnpilv done. HENRY -TANSBURV M< hp en, Dee I7:h. I'iG'' -v2nH>ly. 11 \iiDW Alii; & IK OA ! H'JTJT BBO'S & Bum NOW OFFER FOR SaLE .'RON, STEEL, NATLS AND SPIKES, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKBS, ANVILS, BELLOWS, ILAIN A CONVEX II OR .-I-'-" HOES, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, EGILDiaS' IAIBVAII. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (Ail, W \KR A N TED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPi: DLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STXZL, ROT I S. NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. IIAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS o\ HAND IX ASSORTMENT ANI) MAN URACIL RED 10 ORDER ; LEATIiEEIi AND FINDINGS FA I i?BAK'R SCALES. n .Aurcu 26. 1863. vln33— IXGIIaM and WRENCH, Mant facturcrs and Dealers 111 SINO CREEK, CAMP TOW, BRADFORD Co Pa Hulls Carded and Cloth Finished. MANUFACTURE CLOTH FOR CUSTOMERS ON SHARES OR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD: Caisimer. l , Best Finish, tine 45 cents Plain Cloth, tio 45 " Gray and Mixed €assimeres,4s " Tweeds, 32 " Cuinuion Fulled Cloth, 40 " White Flannel, 22 " Madder Red Flannel, 32 " Gray Flannel 25 " ilio Gray l lani cl ina ic wtth taste and very suita ble fur Clothing- H4RVETTMGHAM AM as WRENCH I * l'v t: ■r 11 'g it .. an bare rolls carded so a to take them home Wi th them • and ' rare the e xtp"**• of r ceremd trip "3b IMPORTANTTO FEMALES • I & PIIS/ PROCLAMA T I O N ! TO THE I.AOICS I IS O( U MARRIED AND SINGLE. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FCR FEMALES. DR. CHEESE MAN'S IE MALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb ance of (lie periodic discharge, whether arising from relaxtiou or-suppression, They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or im moderate menstruation. aiul are the unly**tfc and reliable remedy for Flushes Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleasrnt and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus. or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure DR. CIIEESEMAX'S FEMALE PILLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, out Ladies must bear, in nunU that there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pills cannot be taken without producing a PECUL 7.I li RESULT.- The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCAIIRIA GE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the pro ductive poxcer of nature cannot resist it TiiEl CANNOT 1)0 HARM in any other way. • -4)R.CHKE&EMAK'S FEMALE PILLS Are/he on\y Malicine that MARRIED AND SIX OLE LADIES have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. B E WAll E OF J A/ 1 - TIONS! These Pills form the Finest Preparation crer put forward, with TMMKDI.tTD arid PER SISTENT SUCCESSj DON'T BE OFC EIV i:D. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and to 11 him that you xcaxit the BEST and most R E LIA BL E FEMA LE M EDI CINE IN Til E WORLD, which is comprised in DR. CHEEsEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and are now receiving the sanction ofthe most eminent J'hysieiaus in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS with each Box- the price. One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized Ag-ut, in current funds. SGLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCIIINGS A HILLYER, PROPRIETOR'S, •81 Cedar Street, -■ cw York. * Sold in TunKhannuek, by J. W. Lyman, in Montrose, by Able Turrell, iu Scranton by L S A E. C Fuller, in Factory villa by all Druggists F.>n KITS, MICK, ItoArncs, A.NTS, BEI> BIG MOTIIS ix Feus ITuottss, AC,, INSECTS OX Pum FOWLS, ANIMALS, &<*. Put up in '2sc 50- aul 61.00 Boxes. Bottles, an f Flasks. S3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, an i I'ubli. i' -titutioiis, Ac. •OnU in! illil l.■ remedies kn ,wn." „Fret- from ißoris." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "IU. s ..tune out of their h- les to die." f WhM' Sale in .ill 1 irgo cities. >.*"Sold by ail l'ntggi:'is cl Retailers every oh I f\ ! ! BE WAKE ! ! ! of all worthless imiw-.: I "ff'Site that "COSTAIS'su > name isach B.\, ' • and I before yi bay, J ss IJKXKV B. >' - | <f* Prinoipa ! I't jot 462 Broadway, N 5 J by J Ly :n in, y Co., wholesalo Beta! J 'if Agent,Turkhannock, —O —i)— rrMIE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL X operation, for several years, a W tJ $1 & j£ M. If, AT TOWAIMDAT where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT Sr ORNAMENTAL TREES, Can be obtained. Being convinced from experience (hat his Tree* and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age. He will make rttmnal visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only 'b" l bis specimens may be examined and his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders'by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pi nts will be promptly attended to. rmiU-Iy. D IIARKINS. AUCTIONEER. gj',. C- Conklin, of Tunkhannoek Borough, Wyo tiling County Pa hereby gibes notice, that L^lia taken a license as public Auctioneer,' and tenTer, his services to the public in that capacity, on reason able terms. L C. CONKLIN October Ist 1364. TO PROFESSORS OF MUSIC AMATEURS, AND I THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, P.A.WONDEUMANN FOREIGN A AMERICAN MI SIC" WAREHOUSE, 824 BROAD- | WAV, II iving on hand the largest-stock of Foreign Music in New Fork,which he imports from jEuroßtTcxpress i ■ i !y to meet the taste and requircinerts of the Atupri- ' | can lovers of Music, respectfully calls attention to | l tue fact that he is now sti]>p ying Music of E\erv i Style at a Beductijp of TWKXTV-EI VE to fifty per j i cent, less than any other hottse in the United States, j Private Families cap be supplied (post free.) by ! ! forwarding the cash to the above address Should - i I the amount of cash be forwarded exceed the co to I the Music, the balance will be promptly returned in j ' postage currency 1 j DKALEBS and Professors should not neglect this j j oppoitunity i they will beJitaornlly dealt with. N B—Any and every piece of Music (vocal or i instrumental) published in r Europe and America j ;j will be supplied to orjjir, if accompanied, by the j cash, " s . > It" ' ; I Remember the Address, P. A. W 1 N 1) E R M A N N Foreign and American Music Warehouse, s 824 Broadway, New York ~ TOCQNSUMPTiVES. .. I I nnßu mplfvc sufferers will receive a valuable pre scription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma. Bron chitis, nnd all throat and Lung " affections, (freo of 1 charge.)by sending thejr address tv . . I | ltev. EDWARD A'W>Y*OV. -" *■ ■ *t j i- Williamsburg, . PB\' Klng'Co., ! • XewYor •j ti J fETraBl: I'll 0M EUROPE lts i" I ' ff - L " 111 ft i I fully confirmatory rmei re porta that lilt*. DITt ll HAVE l'>Sl;)h OF HOU- L.VND. tt is also atith'oriiatlveij ai LOUD. •- i that o. s T D rnis has exclusive prun-.-s a< : tb" STOVE AND TIW-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK. where every thing ih the line of. his trade can be had at the LOWEST LIVING T EOF ITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Palternsof O O O 2S.XTNT Or , AND PAS ST OWES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & (Juttering in ail its branches, attended to UM short notice and on It E AIS O N A B LE TERMS. PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE 0. S. MILLS Tunkhanno. k. Nov 4. 186 - v3-nl3. Manufacture of Woolen floods ! CHAPTER 1. The Manufacture of Woolen Goods, both in the household and in the factories, has become of great importance on account of jits forming at presout .our principal articles of clothing. The nature of our cli mate make it neccessary. and ihe scarcity of Cotton has greatly increased the value of wool ami F'abrieks made iroui it • and being engaged in the business of making Clorh and Flannel, and also . oil Carding, and Cloth Dressing, we h.ive thought a lew remarks with regard to handling Wool, and the pioper pn>- of Manufacture, might be of service to the oun trv, aud u benefit to ourselves The flrsj process with the farmer who intends to make his wool into rolls for spinning in 1 waving at homo, after washing and shearing, is assorting the ualities. This we do not expect a farmer to d. us erfectly as a regular manufacturer, but by trying he will approximate towards it. and be amply paid .or the little pains required, by having an even threa i nnd smoother fabric. Ihe fleece should be wh, le an-I be spread out on a table—the coarsest wool will befourd on the skirts of the flecee, and • can easilv be distii"guishcd by looking closely to the fibre Two qualities frein edh fleece w ill perhaps be close en ugh tor < ilinary j:::;s)ses, but as the sheep in our cuntrv differ wuclr in their grs'? of wool —the coarse may do to go with the 1 ii cr part of another, an-i '.b"s m ike three or four I .pi • lit i,-s out ofthe lot 1* it is goiti rto the mnnu- I factory .r to ••• rk- '. ib> fiecc- •dioulTnot be • rr. I iiU* • it< ir. in v 'Co t. • :e. !;• "pj t> •. . i I oflard,frath I utter o • i. u! sect wbh cv. u-n pounnsol ivo .! •g<o..g t> ih -.tulii g nc "1 iif Ll.\ ih tig of im|' •••■I , .. jr. .jf c Jiir ■ to - [ well cardie V for irai k•• • vill entirely fekpofisi -1.-lo . but in the mutter d q noin r .mil veaving. we have another caution to add, Unless the yum w evenly twitted, and bp it IIJI evenly fn t! c loom, the cloth shrinks tin vcnlv 'n fulling—m.iking some j.iu ce> wide b 1 others •. rro v. Un .>f the finisher m ■ •i i Is-in ]i®fc c siti < ill'- Hi- w II Ips, t!. doth will r - siimCffsVOTtt irtmn : nit whltUt# .!• fnv .1 •!.- I icr.' IP I Hie tl.. Ini s vr- I, q| ' k. a iieel m - -p. I ■ .IT. ■ ;■ ;; ll,re i I ruon ou V. a ■ t -t" V •• of Int.- ••• • r. 'u -oh jif i. ■ ft Be' 1 : ■ n JU" '-- J x> • i'- f•' it ' •' 0&. A1 < lOU I \ c\ - *r J *' ti : in.... . • ( • • ... i ;11 •' < i • i■ ' ; i■: 'T . • "f i! . war, ||© l " * ' ' '•• • branch ■ . r iDCf ni © enou - • . • • •>. • Miak- r r> • . • 31 .c £ ikux^C through a c.inj.iigr. at i. : '. IN*tIAM .v Wfinxril. HOME FACTORY, CAMPTOWX, BRAD FORD Co May G.V J INF STRANGE AGAINST— FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE 1 ! ! T iPicn at this, on all kinds of Town and Country proj. ity, at the MOST RF.XSONABLK TKRMS, and for any liinc from TUREK MONTHS TU Fl\'E YEARS— et'hei XV ITU or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is tdie company reliable ? MM] it pntnj.tly pay ii* honest losses ? are the important* inquiries with all insurers. Wo answer : THE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FORTWENTY-TUREE YEARS.—IT 11 AS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OYER 62,400.110. IT PAY'S FROM *6O. TO 6125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED A.sXU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHART Ell IS PERPETUAL. References Hon. ' Wtn. M. Piatt, Hon. A. Iv ! Pevkhum, llenry Stark aud Samuel Stark Esqs. ot | this County ; Sayer & Bros, of Susquehanna, and j Scorge iff Ilollenbaek and others of Luzerne County, I *hu insure in and have been paid iusses by this, 'Jompany. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. ; DISSOLUTION COP ARTSERSBIP • The Partnership botwoen 0. L. II \LLSTEAD j A SON, is this day dissolved by inut tal c nscnt, | ihe notes and accounts will be left in the bands of j 0. L. HuHsfetiJ t. settle and can be found at the | store furtnerly oc. ur.ic l by 0. L. Ilallstead A Son, i with some one to attend to the same. 0. L HALLSTEAD, II P. HALLSTEAD. Nicholson. July 27th 1564. ! The business will be continued bv Henry P. ! Hails • ead uti 1 Louis llaniincl, under the name and I firm of ; HALLSTEAD & HAMMEL. who will be pleased to retain the patronage of all wiio i ivb jaivronizo I the old firm, and vvill he pleas • ed to see r.ny who may favor us with a call. I W> are prepared to furnish EXTRA INDUCE - ME NTH TO THOSE 11 WING PRODUCE TO 1 DISPOSE OF. will pay the HIGHEST CASH I'iUQE fur the same. .* . HALLfITEAD A ILHrtfFL * ' 7Ti'z. 18#4 th!rna N -Jily, The Styte —<F—■ ** jj * • * Si'HJ :\ ! i ■'< frU XJAJi.R 330 £l i v> •" £} " 4%*:'*?* ■ *- * / v - - i "'<• .;; ; -:7s „ .. .- * . W - .v im m >+■ |fld ■ "W Ml! ! MH;Y ttOOM I havejm' TP'ilicd it the f ifi: •imi' LOUISA KEPfiUKII. jon Tl.'tfw Bfrcet. ■•i| i .-ii- Hi.' i • -it-' t£ wl he f. (iu i I n io- Citiiii* V> . it 1 Boy' Fi ' I IIAT.-', an.l CAP-: HEAD-DRESSES, RILLO'-. | FLOWERS, and TRIMMING*. and overyihinj. n I the line >!' Midi cry. wht.-h will b>- -oM at the loir est Cash Prices. Repairing pr.qpit'y 'iirl ne.itlv done Ladies please call and examine for themselves. lunkhaiinook,Oct 3 1862 —V2ull— lvwi) IST IS SW ft CJ l-I J%- X 3F4. I ~ t' MANUFACTORY! The sa'-sTil er ha/ jut ?nil u new Furniture Cabinet ami Chair Abuuuii-tory in Tunkhanrioek, next door to C. M. Kdmi\> grocery store —where are kept i n li hi 1 an I m oufa -tared to or.ler: TAFSI I-> of all [i nterns, and styles. CHAIRS Can"- :.t. Flng-bottom, ami common. HI Rl.Al Sot .li styles. sizes, and nrices. BED-'TLAUS, Cottage and common. CEN IUE 'i Ai 1..-, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASEi mil i; !• d every thing wbii-h cm be found in the largest furniture establishments in'hecountry, which hi wil>se!l it prices as low a- ther era be bough' in any I wn Ut : !•••: •' tiring sat isfied that h ■ n ■ uije tej b ill in workmanship and price- with any establish-cent in the country, he so liei'S the public ] AKUHI'C REP A11; TJT<I - ' II kind* lone in neat, üb-t..i). tial and workmanlike nianuei N. B.—Old ane .- at ch : rs rn-w-e ut.-H . T r,. paired. I'NDKRTA K ING I!.-, in -.. ii<nr<-e • hi- i t slid Fax it li.i i uiu.'-b - xi-. iiine. he il le . thi- •!(•( .ru "n of Hie business on abort n.| ei • ! in a sa'isiaetorv m niei ' ' HH July 16, 1862. v 9 a /| 1 > i ( i t" ! > : I 1.1 I M ivLi I i i . . , y \ A I I T. I. E(; ■> Cu* . n eX ffi: 1. i \ - ' " !: TV \ •" .ill v. I.• ■ • ci' • M <! \f> ' v: ', ■ <:111 t- iai t. fir.; v '.}'(<•>' ' ■ - iNJ • FIX I ... .-• A' .' • . i. t, ••■ ■■ K * iii ('I in-;? ; L KMUK i!>; - , km hi:'H ; . : i j.i A j S( > A ei I' It iv II i 'vVi. lt- (d .-i. j.-;i .U. 1..- rOTI EOS V I-> :jr LIN. BRU 1.1 AKTS, J .iCOAi-J IS, I.ACES, P U.MOKAL SKIRTS, i.' 1i i is ti SlvlK'i'S. ; GLOVES, (IFAIi ALLXAh'llltE'S KID . x\nd a Stuck of YANKEE JdOTIOWS. I r<n, Nails, White-Lead, 7. nc. Linseed Oil, Glass, ruttv, and a general assortment of BUi.DEF.S HAE9W3ARE. Fish, of all kinds. ! Ca sJKI Faid for a.l kinds of Grain. Tunklianxidck, starch, 9tli 18(14. ; WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM . Sewing-Machines. Tlte Cheapest and Best. OVER 150.000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWIKIG-MACHiNES HAVE BEEN SOLD. j 4g-?*.XD FOR CIRCCLAR. LADIKS' ALMANAC, AC. AGENTS WANTED. Address W HEELER & WILSON SrircHtj-If celt i iic Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. TBrm ;•. •;. c 0 ' nil CHAN'S L vt;'.?>if ; El' .< -e.-r iin If-s.-i tlivn 10 1\ 'i> war <e >! -. t' - N F-- 4fiit>e'> ri l'- • v, •> -ut j W'e ikt e.-s LtOM • • .1: 1 . . - • 1 N'erVnfl- \fFe-tji. li. Hitt I -1. \.. j-;..- i dil'-fl't- I'riee. Mr. li.-llnr )fr >.x. Sen" ;.s'-|>ai(l 'by mail,.on r.-ifeiptof auorder. One Box ill per j feet the euro in most cases Address JAMES S. BUTLER, f--* General Agent, 427 Broadway, K®w Terk* rial JBS: firttley's ally's Book i : . - T'jn • 1 i - sui ui iiu<3 t .lie orld. •-i J . i'it t -I tC.T-, .. •1/ FASHION'S. ■' *• "• •' -i K' N1I(A. Doi'bLE • : iv i v-r**vhgs on every * u "j" ■-!..• ; Torihet kntrting 1 ' ' r 'bw I Met fd r the ' •' '• • 1 t ■•■ o B\.-ryhia, in L.O v' Pock ' ' 1 ' A . *KI i K Ft) H .15 Y KAU.-3 - - WHL it lil> V' 3 RBCEIJPTS M :s'/\ tr giv i iheai) or, lOb HO. - a year, Other .' i • . m:e ; tiui the eub • ■ 't i ct. aitisi. stures io, Aae.bdr p<. uiiarny s \ T. .Stewart A Co., of New iv; -I; n.c intri.ii.nits, Appear in Godey, tbeouiy Al. a- thttt has thcin. Ai>, FukUmud t'rorn the celobrate.l Brolie,of New York. La lies' Bormers. We g'TC more of theni ma year than any other Magazine. In fact, the La-ly,s Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. MARION HAKIiAND, Authoress of "Alone," ' * Hidden Path.," 1 l Mos Utile." "jVemssis," and "Miriam writes foi Godey each month, and for no other Mag. a sine. We have also retained all our old nd fa vorite contributors * TERMS OF Godey's Lady's Book for 1865 (From which there can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady,s Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due notice will be given if w# are obliged to advance, which will depend upon the i price of paper. : One copy, one year, $3,00 Two copies •' " 5,50 I Three • " " . 7,50 Four •' " •' 10,00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making , six cop-es 14 00 Eight copies one year, and an ex'ra copy to theiiersori sending the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven topic.- one yc;.r, and an extra copy b the person .-endmg the ciub, making twelve copies 27 00 Additions to any of the above clubs. $2 50 each subscriber. G .-ley's Lady's Book and Arthur's Il>me Mga ziu" will i.e sent, each one year, on receipt of $4 50. We have no club with any other Magazine or Newspaper. the m.,uey must .HI I e sent at one time for any Club sub- fibers iuu.-f si -id 24 ecntg additional for e: ii -üb.criuer. Address L, A GODEY. -V E, C rcr .-ia---..j Chestnut Streets, \ 111 LADE LP HI A Put i. it iir lot lit * m ringer .- I . LI* - \ I )>i L L'lxaG WRIAGER. ~<i i r.r. t u i'-y.t TO . v ' 1 L! OR M LIT. n . H . j ,v - din I ul'i OF ORDER .1 .-. :OMi i "V iT ii i- ano ;T c I, wni'BLß y t f.----vin . . t.'io.ii an . i. , i. < i.., i; •• •• iii a --. < lb bo'lan P ....... V", ~ Ot p • .. ... of N J -.-> iNo .Juno.. •. l • o -!c a. t .e'ai.. by " : : • ' - bi. G C0.0h.-. .Oh.-. . •! • rnrt ; • -u;!i t a.l tii. i durable, .. ' li'.-'s ' delay .. l-r : ii - red. shrink ■■ii' irHI irca~ wi.h-iut . " . all (lit . >v. ntagos . - -a't >v j riatncd ; • ; t r (ii. iu --e it. the best rid JJeJ-Quill wit a ■ti u-. itiH-nials, hut t: ••• i v • • .-. t- • if ■ i 'he skeptic 1, if such , test ' utn in's Wringer . .'!• . • i'- AN) tint ALL others • -. : ■!' I. tCVV, rcfU !1 it P ' i ui Mnv Hj'acturiug Co : (ir. m \ ; / nc/r m 'practical experience that iron wll 9<ilranize irith xinc trill not oxidize or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and J ran cheerjidly rcs omend it to be best in use. Respectfully yours. JXO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. ) Manv years' experience in the galvanising busi ness enable me to "n hose the above statement in ; all particulars. I New York, Jan , 1864. JXO. C. LEFFERTS ! 100 Beoktnnn St. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by ; practical working, and know that it will do. It is i cheap; it is simple ; it requires no room, whether I at work or at rest ; a child can operate it ; it does | its duty thoreughlv; it sarncs time and it saxes wear | and tear. We earnestly advise al! who have much washing to do. with all intelligent persons who bave ! any, to buy this Wringer, it will pay for itself in | a year at most. Hcv. HORACE ORE JLEr. BUCKEYE MOWER MB REAPER Farmers should secure one of these excellent Ma* ' chines at once as the supply is limited, and we are eon tide ut thai the demands "for the above Machines will be great the coming season as the BUCKEYE, is the best Machine now in use, and is the best adapt ! Ed to rough, hilly, and uneven ground, is the mo a ( du hie and is managed with the great st easeo 1 other maehinos now in use. For further particulars address JOIIXU. STONE Ageuk STILL IN THE FIELD. MRS. BAR DWELL Announces t the Ladies of Tunkhnnnoek and vicini ty, she has just, received a fine assortment *f Fall and Winter Millineary, • hot ro m c ; p u-il • tuo p .*-office, where can be '• - a i o <r -• v 11--.x, all 'ho ~LA7iST STYLES. —or — , ir . \ I-:: - 11A . LAP?, HEAD DKESS I, S- FI.O'IYKRS? IRIMMISGS 1 H(>' I SKI It S. CORSETS, * r and everything in the line of Millinery and Goods, wh ioh she will sell at the lowest cash pt j X3T REPAIRING promptly and neatly dew r4l4tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers