BI.„ LACK. A WESTERN K. R. Running Time of Passenger Trains, June 2J. 180 ft. BATE .VIXTSWARU. | LBATB SOUTHWARD Aeeom~PjweeT~~ TPassen- Accoin- | mods- gr. [ I gr, moda- | tieu. | j tioo. j P. M. P. M. J IA. M. P. M, | STATIONS . ~~ 200 6,40~ Great Bend 7,40 2,20 R35 6,21 New Milfurd 7,59 2,15 1.00 6,00 Montrose 8,20 3,15 12 25 5.3S llopbottom 8,41 3,50 11,50 5,16 Nicholson 9,00 4,25 11,20 4.56 Factory rilte 9,24 5,15 10.55 4,40 Abington 9.40 540 10,40 4,32 Clark's Summit 9,48 6,00 10,10 4.10 SCRANTON 10,20 6,30 A. M 3,42 Greenville 10,40 P.M. FT 3,29 Dunning 10,52 • •••£? - 0g .... 2.40 Tobyhanaa 11,40 •••• ■ .... 2.20 Forks 11;50 •••• > ► .... 202 Oakland 12,17 .... ® ft.... 1,46 Henryrilla 12,33 •••• •••• 1,35 Spraguerille 12.43 •• •• < " 1.24 Stroudsburg 12,54 .... 1.03 Water Gap 1,08 12,47 Mount Bethel 1,24 ••••> Jw>... 12,35 Delaware 1,50 ••••2 22 .... 12,10 *Manunka Chunk*. 1.55 •••• .... 12,02 Bridgeville 2,1-4 11,51 Oxford 2,15 ••••2 .... 11,20 New Hampton 2,45 ... .... A' M. 'Change for Phil... PM. •••• The Passenger Ti aiti Northward Leaves New Hampton on the orrival of the Mail Train whi<-h leaves NEW YORK at S.lO A. M., and MANUNKA CHUNK en the arrival of the Train which leaves PHILADELPHIA. (Kensington De pot) nt 7-15 A. M.. At SCRANTON this Train makes close connections with trains on the LACK* AWANNA A BTOOMSBUBG and DELAWARE A HUDSON Railroads, and at Great Bend with the Mail Train on the Erie Railway going West. Tne Passenger Train Southward Ls ares Great Bend after the arrival of the Cineinnat Express from the West, counectiug at Scranton with Trains on the Luckawanna and Bloomsburg and Delaware and Uuds in Railroads ; at Mauunka Cnuek with the train for Philadelphia, and at Nsw Hampton with Trains for New York, the Le high Valley, Harrisburg, Ac. Passengers by this Train arrive in New York at 5.50, in Philadelpeia at 6.30, and in Harrisburg at 8 20 P. M. The Accommodation Tratu Northward, connects at Great Bend with the Day Express going West, by which passengers arrive at Ithaca and Syracuse the same day. Southward, leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the New Yotk Express going East. All Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway stop at Great Bend. WATTS COOKE, Supt. R A. HENRY, Gen. Tkt. Agect. CHICAGO 'TIMES. GEN. M'CLELL N'S REP RT. A CUEAP EDITION. We hare now readv, in cheap book form (papef eovers,) GIB MCCLELLAN'S REPORI, as originally transmitted to the War Department, by him. As this is a document of the most extraordinary public interest, it ought to have universal circulation. It onght to be read by every man, woman and child in the country. It is supplied as follows at * his 12 copies ft 3,00 25 copies 5 ,00 SO copies 9,00 Single copies, 30 cents- I'OII&ge, eluglu wpy - • #0,06 " 2 copies '• 06 • 4 " ft O G " 14 •- 12 " 28 •' 25 '• 56 •• 5 O " , J.IO Which in all cases must be prepaid. STOREY A WORDEN, CHICAGO. 111. A LA MODE. THE LATEST PROM NEW YORK. Ist MRS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the ladies gen erally, that she has received, and is still receiving large and well selected assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of HATS. BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOSSES, FEATHERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art l a usually found in ft MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her line, before purchasing elsewheie. Mrs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced PHEBS-IVT A ELEFI, and at all timet will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Respectfully. MRS. A. G.STARK. April 27, 1864 THE CAMPAIGN AGE. THE PUBLISHERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA AGE, Will issue a Campaign Sheet fcr the Democratic and Conservative masses It will be printed on a large sheet of flno white paper at such rates 88 will bring it within the each of all, It will support the nominees of the Democratic National Convention, the full proceed ings of which will be published in its columns. It will boldly advocate the lights of the white man, and fearlessly sustain al) the constitutional rights •f the citixen, no matter from what quarter they may be assailed. Toe first number will be issued about the sth of August. The whole nutnbor will be thirteen fol lowing each other weekly, until the Presidentia. •lection, the result of which will be contained in the final number. Democratic and Conservative Clubs, County Committees, Agents and alt inter ested in the cause aro invited to co-operate in ths circulation of THE CAMPAIGN AGE. TERMS: The CAMPAIGN AGE, ot Thirteen Numbers. SINGLE COPIES for the series, 50 cents. 18 CLDM of not less than 20 to one address 45 ets each. IN CLCBR of notion than 50 to one address 45 eta each. D r r XJ^ B V. ch ord#r ' d NO VA RIATION WILL BE MADE IN ANY C4SE FROM THE ABOVE TBRMS. Orders should be sent in immediately to CLOSSBRENNER At WELSH ISO Chestnut street. Phi lode lp iia, p f MIMIIMBM ! Our LETTER A. FAMILY SKWrNO MACHINE | is fast gaiuing a world-wide reputation. ft is be- : TonJ donbt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of Sewing Machme* yet offered to the public No other Family Sewing Machine has so many useful appliance* for Heuiming, Binding, Fcll iucr. Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Bt aiding, Em broidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work- It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with nil kinds of thread. Great, and recent im provements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and durable, and most certain in ac tion at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, ev en of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, j how to use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine. — 1 Our Family Sewing Machines are fiuished in chaste | and exquisite style The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened a? a spa cious and substantial table to sustain the work. — While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest aud chastest man nor possible, others are adorned and einbelished in the most costly and superb manners. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Ma chine in oporation, so as to judge of its great capaci ty and beauty. It is fast bee< tning as popular for family sewing as our manufacturing machines are for manufactur ing purposes The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual ity. Send for A PAMPHLET. TIIE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 459 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office, fit 10 Chestnut St. I)"UiuU'tLx"' S A S r, m Tunkh.nm.ok, —AND— TIN SLIOP. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over Hankiuson's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly kiep on hand all the latest MPROVED COM STVES Among which are the " CALORIC," MINER and " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOYE.ii.iiil Heaters of every description, which he offers for READY RAY at prices that will defy competition His stoves are bought directlv of the Manufactur ers at ALBANY, WJLKLSBARRE. PROVIDENCE and SCRANTON. He is therefore enabled to sell them at a small advance on the original cost TIN, SHEET-JBOM, srv ~ A * D ~ Copper Ware. all kinds on hand and made to order. Also PIP, WAGON no X S, AN D SL.I G H- S HOES FOR SALE. The popular Cooking Stove, For st Q, u en, (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at s'~o For 8 inch, $25 for 9 inch, REPAIRING AMD 30BB1NS neatly and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Meshoppen, Dee 17th, 18G2 —v2nl9ly. FSILTS & F2©W£RB —O —n— THE SUBSCRIBER HAS H AD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a M & ft & '£ ft Y, A TOWANDAi where all of the most approved anil rare kinds of FRUIT Or ORNAMENTAL TREES. Can be obtained. Being conv.nced from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicitsthcir patron ago. He will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examined and his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pp nts will be promptly attended to. no3I-ly. D HARKINS. HARDWARE & IROtf HUNT BED'S & BLAIR OW OFFER FOR SLE IRON, STEKL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX IIORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, niiiEis'iniiui. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NETS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER TARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOOR* AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATUEER AND FINDINGS, FIBN M LES. Snr-stos, k~*rcfe 26, 18<SS. vlnGl ! T HE ;PLACE TO BUY YOUR STO V EJS !! IS AT TUB ; STOVE, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. WHERE MAY BE FOUND a large and well se lected assortment of the most approved patterns, j consisting of COOKING, PARLOR and HEATING j STOVES, for wood or coal, and will be sold at low j prices. Wo would call the attention of the public, and I farmers in partUular, to our NEW LLEVATED i OVEN COOKING STOVE, for wood or coal, THE DACOTAH! ! ' which for economy, durability and neatness of design cannot be surpassed. It is made with extra HEAVY TOPS, COVERS and VENTILLATED.CENTRES, and with front doors to slide. The oven and flues are unusally large, making it SUPERIOR TO ANY STOVE OF THE KIND ever brought into this market. It cannot fail to give good satisfaction. Those in want of a Good Stove hould call and examine it before purchasing else where. TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE of all kinds, ZINC, STOVE PIPE, IRON WARE, Ac., aiways on hand. Merchants supplied with goods on reasonable terms. Roofing, guttering and all kinds of jobbing will be promptly attended to. OLD BRASS, CUPPER, PEWTER," RAGS and IRON, WOOD and LUMBER, SHINGLES, and most kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods and wares Thankful for past patronage, we respectfully in\itc all in want of anything in our line to give us a call. ••Live and let live." yuick sales and small profits is our motto. E. F. SNOW A CO Nicholson Sept.- 863. Worth of Goods I ARRIVING AT TIIE IXToxv Store! AT MILL TOWN, PA. i Now is your time to purshase SILK GOODS, imv coODS, IIARDWAKE, OUEENSWAHE, ' GLASSWARE, LOOTS SHOES' " n HATS & CAPS. And a Variety of other Articles too y Numerous to mention, r Cheaper Than Ever C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct from the cities of PHILADELPHIA & NEW-YORK, The Largest, Cheapest and Best ssortment of Fall and Wint r Goods (Purchased entirely for Cash) ever offered in MILL TOWN, which he is selling at UNC MM ON LOW P I CES! His /Stock, which he intends to keep always Full, embracese very ' thing wanted by the People in this Place, and customers can at all times 5 rely on getting the rticles they may want, at /Satisfactory Prices. eis not to be undersold by any, and asks the Public to call and examine his STOCK. e would ask the L DIES ot call and Examine his Assortment ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS! A NO FANCY Alt T I CLES, OF WHICH HE HAS the FIRST CHOICE. POSTSCRIPT. His stores at F.WTON ENTRE and ILWAUKIE —making three in all, are also in full blast, thereby ena bling him to keep up a complete is ortment in each. C. SIIERIVC 0B Nor Pa. ,1663 Auditor Notice.. The undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County an An_ ditor to distribute the fund arrUincr from the Sheriff ' I sale of ths Real Estate of James W Girey, will at- j ! tend fo that duty, at his office in Tunkhannnek Bor- | J otigb on Saturday. Ausrnst 13th. A. D: 1864 at 10 j j o'clock A, M-; at which time and place ell perrons j are required to present their claims or be debarred | rum coming in upon said fund. 1 July 16th 1864 Jlaftsoy Sicklor. U. s. 10-40 Bonds. Those Bonds are issued under the Aet of Congress of March Bth, 1664, which provides that all Bond issued under this Act shall bo EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any statoor municipal au th)rity. Subscriptions to these Bonds are received in United States notes or notes of National Banks, They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the pleusure of the Government, at any period not less than ten nor more than forty years from their date and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT IN TEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest is payable on the first days of March and September in each year. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Cou pon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are recorded on tho books of the IT. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only on the owner's order, — Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and are more convenient for commercial uses. Subscribers to this loan will have the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March Ist, by paying the accrued interest in coin—(or in United States or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per centj from premium,) or receive them drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposet — as theses Bond are Exempt from Municipal or State; Taxation, their value is increased from one to three per cent per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in various parts of the country. At tho present rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight per Cent Interest in currency, and are of equal convenience as a per manent or temporary investment. It is believed that no securties offer so great in ducements to lenders as the various descriptions of U.S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or stock compa nies or separate communities only is pledge i for payment, while for the debt of the I r.ited States the whola property of the country, is holden to se cure the p yyuient of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds may be subscribed fr in sums from SSO up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest len der and the largest capitalist They can be convert ed into money at any moment, and tho holder Will have the bene-t of the interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt of the United States on which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, ISG4, was 5763, 965, 000. Tho interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will bo §15,927, 126, while the customs revenue in gold for the cur rent fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1854. has been so far at the rate of over 3100,000,000 per annum It will be seen that even the present gold reve nue of the Government are largely in excess of the wants of the Treasury for the payment of gold in terest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of importations, to S 150,000,000 per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issuod from the United State Treas ury until March 26, but in the first thiee weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa- Seeond National Bank ef Philadelphia, Pa. The National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. AN 1) BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS whicn are depositaries of Public money, and all RESPECTACLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the National Depositary Btnks) will furnish furthei information on application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS THE LATEST 3HBWS FROM EUROPE Is fully confirmatory of former reports that Til E DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that o. s. Miills lias exelusive possession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in the line of his trade can be had nt the LOWEST LIVING PIiOFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, tho iat est and most improved Patterns of COOKLIM&, AND PARLOR STORES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notico and on REASONABLE TERMS. REPAIRING, PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND - CHEAPLY DONE. 0. S. MILLS funkhanno'k, Nov 4, 1563. v3-nl3. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150.000 OF THESE WELL ESTABLISHED BEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. FOE Cncuuui, LADIES' AI.MA.VAC, 4c. AGENTS WANTED. • Address WHEELED & WILSON Swin<i-Mnrltine Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, The Latest Stye . —OF— SPRCTG & SUMMER Boi^iets and MILLING y GOODS, have just been received at the establishment oi LOUi SAH EPEURN. on Tioga Street, opjiosite the Post-office, where will be found Ladies. Chilren. Misses, and Boy's FLATS, HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct 3 1862.—v'2n1l lywil int E: -W" AND C H AIR. MAN^^^^RY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet anj Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store —where are kept on hand an I manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and ryles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS o( all styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTE ADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, ROOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can 'be found in the largest furniture esbm.ii.-bmcnts inthecountrv which lie will sell at prves as ! .\v as they can be bought in any to- Q outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he car. compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the t oUDtry. he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done ir. a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. FNDERTAKING. —Having a Tlearse r,f his own, and having hail much experience, be will attend to this department of the business on short notice and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1962.—v1n*191y CKOCKERYTTT A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. BOSS & CO'S., WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SUA PES. WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS CLOTII SHADES WITH BORDERS. FIX IT RES AND ROLLERS, COMPLETE. FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CERTAINS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CERTAINS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. ALSO A Large Stock ot White Goods: SWISS MI LS DOTTED SWISS MI'SLIN, BRILLIANTS, JACONETS. LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS. SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES. PEAL ALEXANDRE'S KID. And a Large Stock of TABKEEBOTIONS. T ron, Nails, White-Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of BU ILERS' HAR / l RE. Fish, of all kinds. Cash. Paid for all kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9th ISG4. FOR RATS, '.MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, I!EI> BIGS MOTHS IN FL-RS WOOLENS, AC,, INSECTS ON PLANTS FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC. Put up in 25c. 50c. aud SIOO Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, and Public in stitutions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies known." ~Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family ." "Rats come out of their h. .es to die." £ Wholesale in ail large cities. i ITSold by all Druggists isjtetailers everywhere &.T! ! ! BEWARE ! ! ! of all worthless imitation that "COSTAR'S name is on each Box, Bottl and Flask, before you buy. Address IIENKT R. COSTAR Sf Principal Repot 492 Broadway, N . Y. tjTSold byJ. Lyman,f Co., whelemla Ratal, Agent, Tarkhaae'-hFA. worn J SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS DISIASIS, From Emery Edes, a well-known merchant ef Oxford, Maine. • " I have sold large quantities of your 111 A, but never yet one bottle which failed of tba I desired effect and'full satisfaction to thoM who took it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before in our community.'* j Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Puatulea, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diaeaaea of tho From Rev. Robt. Strattcm, Bristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, whoa j I add my testimouy to that you publish of the me dicinal virtues of your B ABSAPABIIIA. My daugh ter, aged ten, bad an afflicting humor in her eara, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your SARSATAULLA. She has been well for some montha." I From Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a well-known and mwofc esleemed lady ef Dennisville, Cape May Co., If. J. " Mv daughter has suffered for a year paat with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your 8A w BAi-A&iLLA, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq.,qf the vadely-knownJte-m ' of Gage, Murray If Co., manufacturers qf enasn etled papers in Eashua, N. H. " I had for several years a very troublesome hu ' trior in my face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction. 1 tried almost everything a man could of ' both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I tpok your SARSAEARZLLA. It immediately made my face worse, as you fold me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new akba : begun to form under the blotches, and continued I until mv face is as smooth as anybody's, and lam without" any svroptoms of the disease that 1 know of. J enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your SAKSAJ-AKILLA." Erysipelas —General Debility Purify tha Blood. From T)r. Robt. Sawin. Houston St., N. 7. DR. AYER : I seldom fail to remove Eruptions aad Scrqfu/ous Sores by the persevering use of your SAHBAPAR.II.LA, and 1 have just now cored an at tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera tive we possess equals the SAUSAPARILI.A you have supplied to the profession as well as to the people." From.J. E. Johnston, Esq., H'aUman, Ohio. " For twelve years I had the yellow Erysipelas oa my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel ebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took hundreds of dollais' worth of medicines The ulcers were ao bad that the cords became visible, and the doctora decided that my arm must be amputated. 1 began, taking your Sap.SAPARILLA. Took two bottles. and someot vour FILLS. Together they have cured me. 1 am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to* everybody in this commodity, and excites the wonder of all." . From lion. Henry Monro, M. P. P., of Newcastle, C }V.. a leading member qf the Canadian Parliament. 1 " I have used your SARSAPARILLA in my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and feel confidence k commending it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Sore Eyea. . From Harvey Sickler, Esq., the able editor qf tic Tunckhannoch Democrat, Pennsylvania. " Our only child, about three years of age, WAS at- I tacked by pimples on his forehead They rapidly | spread until they formed a loathsome aud virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some duys. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and'other remedies, without any aw- I parent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them lie should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Hav ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving'your Sa RSAPARILLA, and applying i file iodide ol potash lotion, us you direct. Ihe sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the second. The child's evelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hiram Sloat. of St. Louis, Missouri. "I find your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, , ' and for syphilitic disease than any other we posseea. , The profession are indebted to you for some of tha i best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. />., an eminent physician qf Lawrence. Miiss., wko is a prominent member of the Legislature of Massachusetts. "DR. AVER —My dear Sir: I hare found your 1 SARSAPARILLA an'excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, and effect ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know what we can eta. ploy with more cert ainty of success, where a power ' l'ul alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Can Lietv, of New Brunswck, N. J., bad dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse ; of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more' aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tbe persevering use of AYER'S SARSAFABILLA relieved 1 liim. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozes bot j ties to cure him. Leucorrhcea, "Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ulcer • ation, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SARSAPARILLA. Some cases require. I however, in aid of the SARSAPARILLA, tbe skilful application of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, qf Cincinnati. 1 "I hare found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many case* of Ir regularity, Leucorrhoca, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, bave yielded to it, and there are few that do not. when'its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication qf her name, twites: " My daughter aud myself have heen cured of a I very debilitating Ueucorrlima of loim standing, by I two' bottles of your SARSAPARILLA. Rheumatism, Gout. Idver Complaint, Dya pepsia. Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by this EXT. SARSAPARILLA. AYTR'B CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over tha other pur gatives in the market, and their superior virtues | arc so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality it maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., 4 Co, Lowell, Mass.] aud sold by . . P. k, Tui.khuiißoek ; T D. Ppring, Laceyville Harding A Co.. Nicholson: E A: J Fair. Factoiy ville, and by dealers in Medicines everywhere. : Traveling Public! TO accommodate person..! wishing to go by publi conveyance from this place to any section, or re j turn, the undersigned continues to run a Daily Line OF C? '# M If* P C* and from Factory ville Depot, leaving his (hotel a o'clock, a. in., arriving at Factoryville in time fo ' Trains to j (ftreat Bcnb, fronton, Hcui-^orh, and PHILADELPHIA. I | Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arriva ! of the NetV \ork, Ph.Udelphia and Acc. oinoda tion li tin from Great Bend, arriving in X inkhan nock at 7 o'clock, p m. N. F —All Express matter, packages and goods will be convoyed to an 1 from the Depot, at rtasonable rates; the proprietor holding himself reap ' olible for the safe delivery of all such entrusted to hir care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, ui. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre, ] leave on the arrival of tbe Towanda a'age, and re- I turning connect with the same. Montrose stag- leaves on Tuesdays. Thursdays an Sat todays, at 7 o'clock, a. m„ connecting at Montro with stages for Hit odium ton, Ac Returning, connect j with stages for Pittston, Towanda, Ac. Persons wishing to be enlled for at their residence will be accommodated by leaving their pames at I hotel of the proprietor. Horses and carrisge# in reaJiaees to fortrsTd *9-p ecßgera at all timet. T M WALL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers