LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Ageut for the Damorrat— Ahia 6*t, E-q ku eoneentod to act aa our Agent in receiving and receipting eubecrlptione for the North Brunch Dew ,M. All aioniee paid him ekfter on aubecriptio *r for advertising will be duly accounted for nan redited the same as if paid t> ue. A C oncert—wiw giTeti at the Court Ilouie in this place on Saturday Evening. lar, by the Norm.l Inditnte f Aluiic now in session here in aid of the Sick end Wounded soldier# relief fund. The house v m crowded and a handeome um of money we# re elieed. We do not believe in "cure-ells" until we tried Atkr's inimitable Pinna, and now we think the whole socret lies in the fact, that purgatives are the nature] remedy for iiisee#e, end I>r Avar ;.e reade tte beet of putgvtive#. They cure ell our complaieta —[Logan 0., Pre##. Hop at B*eou's--Our friend S D. Becon his mede arr#ngement to give i Hop it the Bacon House in Nicholson on the 7th sept.(the 2nd day of th# Fair at Glenwood ). States' Band has been en gaged for the occasion, and nothing will be wanting *o minister to the pleai ure an l comfort ef those who Bay attend, Those who love to " Trip it en th# light fantastic to#" w ,li fiud Baeon'eyuit th# pi### for a good tiui# The Liady'a Friend, f>r September— A touching steel engraving, called"Thk Bliso Pirni,'" opens the September number of Tur Lapy's Pnt.vt>. Th is is folio wed by the usual double s'*e! Fashion Plate, richly colored* By the way. we note that one of the ladie# ia the Plate is we iring the Russian boot, with high heel, now so popular in Pi'h.— Thn follow the >i*uil numerous engravings ot ladies' and children's fashions, which so delight the fairer portion of creation, andotten so puzzle us gentlemen Th# music of this number is, '-Who Speaks First T ' • Gallop. The literary contributions are as varil and interesting ns usual—including ' On# of Many,' by Aunt Annie ; "A Spinster's Story ''Cousin Winifred '' Pauline's Yisi .a ''First an i Last;" "Lettv Hagu# The Transform* I Yillnge,"— (which we now see is by Mrs Henry Blind Hero "Bha.h.w and Sunlight," Ac. Of ! course there is the usual Work Table, E liter's T>#- j partment, Receipt#. Fashion* Ac. Pric# $2.00 aj year ; twenty ceuts a single number Addrew DEACON i PETELLBON, 318 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. PROCLAMATION. . Th# subscriber having been Licensed as an A't;- tiou#r, offers his gervsces as such, to *ll who mav need the. upon term# as low at the lowe-t. II li. WALTERS, Orerfield. Aug. 3lit 1864 Ayci's Pills ARE you sick, feeble and complaining ? An | you ont of order with .our svxtein deranged and j your feelings unomtor*i !e ] Tbee sympt'cn# :.r : of:en the prelate to se.-i. us iih.e, ," S .mc 5: .f j iickness is creeping np.,*i yon, and ,-hoin 1 be avert ed by a timely ue of the r'cht remedy. Take Av- j er s Pills, and ■ le'an-e rut tho disorderH hum ' purify the blood, and let the fluids move en e.iob- strueted in health again. l hey -liiuilate the. tun lions oi ibe body into viperous artivity, |>urifv tin ystin from the obstructions which make di-ease.— A eoll settle- -oni-where in the body. and derange* its natural f•itioti ns Those, if r.oi relieiod re ! * upon themselves and tin surrounding organs.pr > lar 'iC general ..ggravatkn, suffering an ! deraiigeiu-tt While in this condition, take Ay r's Pills at, 1 see how directly they restore the natural actirn of the •yktem. and with it the buoyant feelings <f health aga ITS. What is trite and t><> a parrent in this trivi • 1 'and common complaint is aim true an i in men 7 of the deep seated ami dangerous distemper?. The same pur-stive effect expels them Can -• Iby sim ilar obstructions ard derangements of the natural functions of tiie body, tiiey are rapidly ami many of them surely cured by the same means, N ne who know the virtue of these Pids w-lj neglect to cmpioy them when suffering fr m the .Ms r lers they cn * such as Ileadaeh , Foul Stoma.-b, Dvs-.-iite.-y, Bil ious (Jem (things, IndigesGon, DsrangMucnt 'it the Liver, Costiveness, Constipati u. Heartburn, Rhtu mutism, Dropsy, Worms and Suppression, when tak en in large doses. They ars Sugar Coated to that the molt sensitive een take them easily, nd thy are surely the Lest purgative medicine yet discovered. is ■ Ay e r's Ague Cure. For the speedy an I certain Cure of Intermittent Fever, or Chills and Fever, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Ileudachs or IJil- Idus Headache, and Bilious Fevers ; indeed, for the whole class of diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the malaria of miasm ' tie countries This remedy has rarely failed to cur the sevrrst ease* of Chills aint Fever, and .it ht this irreai ad vantage oarer other Ague melicines. that it subdues the complaint without injnrv to rbe pafiest. It •ontaint no quvnine or other deliferms snbstan , Dor does it produce quinism or any injuries effect -whatever. Shaking brothers of the armv an t the West, try it- and you w>l endorse the-e ussertinr ~ Preparad by J C AT Ml A Co . I, well. Mass.. andsold by .Samuel Stnrk Tunkbannock, aud all dealers in medicine et eiy where. NATTBIAL CLAIM AGEISY, CONDUCTED I>Y HARVY ANI) CO I.T .I VS. WASHINGTON. D, C- In. order to faciliate the prompt ad justment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pen-ions and ether Claim?, duo sosdiers and other perrons, from the Government of the United .States The under signed has mode arrangements with the a rove firm whose experience and close proximity to, ami dnilv intercourse with the department ; as well as tho o >r ly knowledge, a. quired by them, of the decisions' frequently being made, enables them to prosecute claims more efficiantly than Attorneys at a distance. I can possibly do All persons entitled to claims ofthe ; above description can have t hem properly attended ! to by oalling 011 me and entrusting them to mv care HARVEY BTCKTJER. j Agt for Jlarvy A Collius, nkhannock, Pn El'froaor DKM. Dkaw Sir - W-th your peniii-=ion 1 wish to j say to the readers of your y Iperth.lt I will -end by | return mail, to a!l who wish it (free.) a Recipe, with foil directions for making an 1 using ,1 simple . g.. - • able bilm, that w 11 effectually remove, in ten 'lays Pimples, Blotches. Tan, Freckles, and all Impuvi 1 and beiutUu'"' leaTinfe ' :hc i ' a,ue solt > c,oar > fnOolh aU> - nai ) fr " to ,ho " hvn Bil ig Heads wiTeuX'trV'information that '* """ n '° aii nd Respectfully vnurs THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemis.t * ell Broadway, New Yord. ▼4 Dl 3 n A C'AJil) TO TUB ei FI'THIXO. QH'ALLUW two or three hogsheads of - Bucbu" KJ "Tonie Bitters," u Sarsuparltto," '• Nervous ! A pt*dots." 4c., 4c„ 40, ami after vou aro sutified ui r.!. reßu "- th n tr y on,? •** of ""I'D DOCTOR be r.I. AN l 5 ENGLISH SPECIFIC PlLLS —nnd , dv to* 10 k ettlth and vigor in less ft-an thirtv ! ni-omra A " re P" re, T vegetable, pleasant to take j E.. J"'; M,ul ' ry in ,hwr on the bnken luult lll#r, ! tots;itulit,n °bi and young! in tko I'ni Imported and uld luted States only by JAS- S. BUTLER 'Doadwiy, New York, po_ a T } . '^ f : eut l°r tlie Unitod States. ,;r M fc -" Hainan it tmramiir; The Partnership between 0. L. IIALLSTKAD A .-;0N, is this day dissolved hy mutual eriseat. The notes and ai:ooint3 will be left in thu hen Is of 0. L II tllstead tn settle and can b : found at the store formerly occupied by 0. L. Hallstead A Son, with some one to attend to the same. 0. L HA LLBTE \f>, H P. HALL-TEAD. Nicholson. July 27t.1i 1861. The business will bo continued bv llnrv I'. Ualistead and Louis Hammel, under the name and firm of HALLSTSAD X HAMMEL who will Be pleased to retain tho patronage of all who hive patronizes the old firm an 1 will he pleas el to see any who may favor us wiih a call. We are prepared to furni.su EXTK Y IN" Of TO II - MF.NTC l'<> HAYING PKODC'CE TO DISPOSE OF. will pay the HIGHEST CASH ! PHICK for the sanio. UALLSTEAD A IIA M.MEL. Nicholson, July 27th, 1864 IT.l T . S. 7-30 Loan The Seiwetary ef the Treasui y gives notice that j subscriptions w.ll be received for Coupon Treasury ; n'Oi, pay liilo three years trim Aug Isfh, 1 .rftil, | with scmi-auiml interest nt the rata of seven and 1 three three-tenths per Cbnt p.er an .urn. principal and interest both to be p.ii 1 in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the optima of the holder at maturity, into six j or cent, jI t 1 iiear j ing bonds, payable not less than live nor more than | twenty years irotn their date, as the Government j may ele t. Thov will be issued in denominations j of <550. SllO. 4500 81,000 a q 85.000. and all sub , -e;'piions nnut he for filly dollars or some multiple ! of fifty dollars The notes will e transmitted to the 'wner* tree J of transportation charges as soon after the reeeiptof j the orig'nui Certificates of Deposit as they can be ! prepared. I As the notes draw interest from August 1">, per | sons makii g deposits subsequent to that daic must ; pay the interest aocrued from date of note todate of i <ic[Misit. i Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars i and upwards for these notes at any one time will be I allowed aeoinmissioaof une-quarter of cue per cent, j which will be pii 1 by the Treasury Department in - ! on the receipt of a bill fi.r the amount, certified to Iby the officer with whom the deposit was made No ' deduct bus for commission* must be made from the I deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. IT IS \ NATIONAL >\ \ IM;S !'. vn\, offering a higher rate ot interest than any other, mi l thebestsecuring. ' Any savings bank winch pays its depositors . 1 S. Notes, consider that it is paying in the le-st circulu ii'tr medium of the country, and if. cannot pay in anything better for its own assets arc either in gov ernment securities or iu netes or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally convenient n? a temporary or pel in a ~ nrnt investment. The notes can a!ways be sold for within a fraction of their free on 1 cc lunula ted tnte re-*. and art the best security with blinks as collate rals for discounts. Ca.v 1 lalTlßl.fi INTo A >l\ PKR I'fiNT 5-20 Ijfll.I) B'iSli In 1 iiii' li to t'ne very liberal iateiest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth atioii t throe per cent, per annum, for th i current rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less tiiau nine //credit, premium, and before the war the premium on six percent, I .S. stocks was over twenty pr cent, it will lie seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten percent, per annum. ITS E\l mi'TION Fitou STATE ou Municipal T . XATION Bui aside from nil the advantages we have enu merate I,a spe ial Act of (longi ess o.reni;it.j ad bif. di and Trcri-ury nota from local lar ilton. Un the average, th s exemption is worth ale.ut two percent per annum, occording 11 the rata of taxation in va rious part of the country. It is believed that nosoettriMc- offer so pre't in ducement:* to lenders as th<>t>e is.-uc-i by tie g vcrri i icnt. In all other forms id" indebtedness. tlie faith or abili'y of [>i irate parties, or stock companies, r sejierate com ID unities, oaly, pledged t-.r pa.mam, while the whole property of the untr •is held t" secure the di .-Large of nil the obligations of t. • I'nitcd .Slates. While the govamnrent offers the mo.-t liberal term- lor its I ions, it believe dthut the vety trong e-t a p -ai will be to the loyalty an i p.itnotis'.u ol the people. Duplicate < ertifient'f will be is-ue l for all dc. j<sits. The party depositing nnisl endorse up.n the original certificate the denomination <>t notes required, and whether they arc to b. issued in Id unit or payable to order IV nen ao endorsed it must it left with the officer receiving the (bdm.-i:, to be for warded to th • Treasury Department, BuliT.-aiptir.ns will tic received by the Treasurer of the 1 nlte i .States, at Washington, I'm several A.— si-rant Treasurers and designated l)ep-.situ: !• aa l lip the FilL-T AND SECbND NATIONAL BANKS OF SCKANTON, NATIONAL BANK < E TOW AX DA and by all Nationul Banks which aro repositories of public inMicv, and ALL It US PLOTBALE BANKS AND BANKERS tbr mghout the country will give further iniormation a d A! H>li!) TIYKUY FACILITY TO STRSCRIDRRS IKTo-w ,Storc, IT. NICOLAS" BLOCK; 505 BUOADWAY, NEW YORK, The proprietors have perfect> 1 arrangements which en.iide ihein Co aunnune to t l io Ladies < f New York and vicinity, that they have secured the services ot MRS. E. WINTLE, ' (for some years Superintemlent of the La.lies' De p.i. fment in " UESI.N'S BAZAAK") who will have charge ot their iUantiilo, (Elbflh, onb (frcsamafyinf} Huoma. Mrs. H*. wilt l,e rsistod bvone of the most eve couipii.-hed Cutters ami De.dgnerc of LADItS', MISSES,' CHILDREN'S, & INFANT'S OUTFITS all of which they are prepared o furnish to order. ; Particular attention will be given to I miIADI.THOI'SSKAT X, IN ANY DESIRED STYLE, HOWEVER ELAB ORATE Ladies favoring us wit i their orders may rely upon b tvinj them executed in the most approved manner. No pains will be spared in giving per fect satisfaction. SCOTT & BALDWIN, Importers of Furnishing Goods and Maiiufaotur crs of Ladies' Outfits. Ac. SOS Uroadwayg X. Y. A, T. SCOTT ) o. S. BALDWIN, S __ "jyi YOU WISH TO Bi. CURED?— 1 ' BITHAN'K RNGLISH spEfiric PILLS cure, th in 30 tha capes of r uvor c xi;sss m pot en iy. Premature Decay, Seminal We ikneos Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nerv - Atfectnns, no matter from what cause pro-lu cdus I'iH.e, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail • reeciptcf anorder. Address, JAMES S. BUTLFR, Statiou I), liiblc House _ New York. ifl-lm. M. t Co,. I>R. ,T. C. 15 KCKKR . PHYSICIAN Ai SURGEOV, Would rospeelfuily announce to the citizen* of Wy iming that he has located at Tunkhannock wher ho will promptly attend to nil calls in tho lice o bis profession. Y3T Will b:> found at home on Saturday* • • lA w*b. J UST RECEIVED, -rfICM PHILADELPHIA -AKI>- \3Si | A F I'LL ASS O li i M F. N T 0 F j Q DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, £ASSiLY£RS, 01otixi.?.T.sr ? Shoes, Hats, lanci) o3oofe, \ A 7 >(nu>\!9, i'ir , ft'tajiU'iJ to this Sen son 4 Y.iiicU he al the \ KK\ KST .M \ KKV I'KICE or Country Produce, at the of John Weil. Tu likbannoek, March 30, HOI. AJOI NT KMSOIiITIOV, PKOPOSING CKWTAIX Amendments to the Constitution. Be is resolved by the S uato and Hou.-e of T.e j - reseutativesof iiie Foinmonwealth of l'eiiii-.vlvair i, in general .tssoinbly met* That tho following aineii'imeiiia t>e pn posed to ihe f'on. :itutiou ol the L'ommouv.e ilth, in accotdance with the provisions of the fe.tli article ; hereof* There shall be an a blilioua! section to the tiiird article ofthe Coustitutiou to lie designated section I four, as follows; SECTION 4, Whenever any of the qualified elec tors of this Comaionwe >ltti shall be in any active milium- servi e, under a ieqi.;siti.u lio<n the i'resi di-nt o! the I nited Slates, or In the authority <>l tho Commonwealth, su-h ELE-TOM ma> e\- i !- • th- right of suffrage in all elections by the i itizens. under u-h rvgul nious as are or shall bo, prescribed by law as fully as it they were present at their usual place of election " SECTION J. There shall be two ADDITIONAL seeti >n.s i.) the vlevonth article of tho Constitution, to be des ignated a- -eetions. eight ami nine, as to 1 tow *: "SECTION tt- No bill shall bo pus.*- 1 by the legis lature. containing 'iioro than . e siil-je.-t which -li ill t.e clearly rxprc.-seu in the tile, except appropria tion hills '•Sia.'rioN 9 No biil shall be passed by the I.egis- I iture granting any powers, or privileges, in auv ease, where the authority to grant su -h jmwer.-, or t rr. Ib gtr, !i i- 1 ecu or may here.-.fter ;.o conferre ! up<,n the Courts ot this C<uu<nonwealrh.'' lIENKY t . JUIINSON, Speaker of the 11 ,use of Representatives. JOHN I'. BENNY, Speaker of the Senate. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMM IV- { WEAI.HI IIARRLSBFUG, April 25, JS{}l- ( l'l'iiiisyt viinia, •*. I do hereby certify that the foregoing i a full, true,.auJ lorreet copy of the original Joint, Reso lution of the General A.--a-mbly, < I.titled l '.\ Joint Ri solution proposing certain A<n<-n Iments to the Constitution,'' as the samu remains on iiie in tLi? office. [.Seal.] Tv TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereutDo set my hand ami cause i the seul of the Secretary's ,ff>e '<l >c affixed, the-lay an-l year about written LLI S LI FEU, See. if the Common wealth The above Itesotot u Laving born agreed to by a majority ofthe inoi her.-of each House, at tw<, -n - ve-sive sessions uf the General Assembly of tins iff niniutiweatth the proposed amen Iments will bo -ut.initted t<> the pe >ple. l- r 1 lieir adoption or reje •- tion, on the FlKSl' TI L-DAY OF At GUST, in the year of our L<>r i, one thon-iin<l. e g'it hundred, ami - ily-four, in nc,.r-lan--e With the p- vision* of the tenth article ofthe Constitution, ami the xotenliflej and the a l enttllod. "An act pres*-r>'''"g the liaio and i 1 J'liier of iubiuitaiiig to file p. opl; , for t . ir approval anl s itifi-aii -n. or rcjeefmn, th * pro;..-cd anienimeats to the Constituti-in." approved the Iw* nty<thir-i day of April, one thousand, eiget hun< dre I and sixty f <ur. ELI SLIFEIv, Secretary ofthe C >tum -uvrealth. Harris urg, May, 9, 1964 —3m. I\ (, 11A M and WREXC 11, idlanulactnrers and Dealers in <>M WYAI.I .l\Ci CHKKK, OAMPTOWN, BKAJDFOKD Co Pa Rolls Carded and Cloth Finished. MANUFACTURE CLuTH FOR IU3TGMERS ON SHARES OR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD: Ci.'r.aier , l!est Fyiieli, fine 45 cents Plain Ottith. do 45 " \ Gray and Mixed ChsstmereMi? " Twee-Is, 32 " Common l-'ulfed Cloth. 40 " White Flannel, 22 " MM 1- r lld I'l.iOncl, 32 l ' Gray Flannel 25 " The Gray Flannel made with taste and very suit.x ble Tor Clothing* JIARVUY TMGH VM A .if OS AVI:FN CM I ijt~ Person living st a distance eon Lave roll ear led so as to t -ke them home with litem j ana savetLe expense of a second trip. DO YOU WISH TO TJK CURED 7-DR. Ill* CM AX'S KNtIi.ISH PPHOIVFIC PILESf-uor in lost tbyn 30 d.y, the worst cases of NERYOI S NEv-v Impotence, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakneas Insanity, and till Urinary. Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause p, d'teed- Price, Oue Dollar per box. .-'out. p I hv mail, on receipt ol an eider. Onv Box i!i per feet the cure in most -fises Ad 're-* l IMfcN S. 11l TLEII General Agent, 427 Bros iway, Xcw Yerk r4nl 3ui: BysisViAMMTuy. 3PXI ODTTC IIX CO MM I SSI ON MI-:liCMl A N TS, aao (;ui;r.\ni(ii stiiri t, Acyv Yoik. G. R. Ilaidintr, 1 L Iluumel, v L. ilarding. j Farmers ha via - Luitr and other pr aluce t fell 'Till receive fr >in this firm the highest mntke pric and prompt returns. Mr. L. Harding, one of the member*, who r iJes at arieholson Depot, will receive and "attend to hi puient of all articles, and if desired will make dvanceaients of one half tnurke t VRl'.e at tiqiecf oliver" to hi in. USE X 0 OTIfHR ! —Ff CHAVS SPECrFIC PILES aro the only Reliable Remtfii/ for nil DiMMer of the Seminal, Frimiry and Kermis Sw em*. Try one box, and be cured ON E HOLLAR A FOX. On* box will jitrferl a cure, or motley re tided. Aent by riai' <u receipt of prie*. JAMBS S. BUTLER, Station D. Binl* poa*a Ji*w York, INT g w Drug AND— : FANCY STORE. o— H NICHOLSON CEPST. PA. H. S. HAKDSN3 Si CO, ; Hiving refitted a part o' tho building formerly oe i upie i by 1.. 1 . Suow A Co., as a Stovo and Tin ire Sto r o, \v< u! i rospe -liully aim, unte to the pub lic thn' T.e have <■ r> har,d n.t entire new and care fully selected stock of DREGS AM) MEDICINK3, CHEMICAL* I AND DYE-TITFS, PAINTS. OILS. AND VARNISII. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, TOYS AND rLorfL**', I'OCKKT CFTLKKY, TOILET ARTICLES. KEHosENE LAMPS, .ALUI MS Ac. Ac. Ac. llti.tllS AT WHOLESALE; !fc RETAIIi, and every thing usually kept in a Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS C IRCFULLY PREPARED. This branch of trade will he undar the direct su ja-n.siou ot A. C. Hl.Vk idwSAii. M. D., we.l ktioaii as au experienced and skillful Physician an t Surgeon • and with strict utteiiin n to business we U'lpo to merit .t iioerui -hare of puolic pairouitgo. £ F" o£ici of A. C lilakedee, at the New Drug Store. II S. HARDING A Co* v3u4 J3m. Istrl I*B Sberltic I'll I—Wirrinted in all Cases, \ an he relied on ! Never fail to cure ! Do i.ot nauseate ! Are sp. edy in -tion ! No change o' di •t r. jui red! Do not interfere with "U incsspursuits ! Con he u-ed without detection! Upward i f 200 cure this month—sime oi th- n. very severe case.-* Over one ! ii; Ired pliy*t,nir,s here n-.-l ibeta in their pr o tiee, and all speak well of their efficacy, and ipprove oi th re niposition. which is entirely vege table, and h.irmh>- on the sy-ten.. Hundreds el •<rrt ifiee te? can be st own. Bull's Spti'tur Pirns !iref', original and only genuine Sjw. if;e Pill. Ibey ire adapted f r male ami female, o;d oryouiig, and the only reliable reme dy for effecting ajieimaticnt and s,-re.iy ,-urc in all • -f ■? -ci. ■'••rrhe.i, or -einioal W- Uuess. with :1! ita train of evils such as ("retherivl and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the At hitcs. Nightly or luvolunta *"• i.v Emission, Ineontirmenee, Genital Debility end Irrtfabi: itv, mp.it. n e. Wiikutssor 1..5 *f P.. Nc:vous Debility, Ac, 4, nil of which arise princi j.ally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or so me <•unstifution.il d<*raiigeir.ent. anl incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the dosh -of married life. In ill Sexual discus,mj, as Got rrh-a Gleet, and Mriet- UWI. Ml iin Jtiseuy of tl 1)1 ihi <r ami K't Ineys, , hey act as a charm ! Kcliuf is esp -rienceil ly tak ing a single 1 ox. Sold bv all the Ttiin i; il druggists Price fl They will be wot by mail securely sevlei, and eoufiden iully, on receipt of the mom-v, Fv .1 PRY \N. M D„ No. 7tl Color Mrtet Lew York. Consulting Phvsiciun for the treatntc ■■ of Se nir.al. Urinary. -'rxual, cod Nervous Diseases, who wip send. fr< eto a 1 !, tho fnttotfi; g valuable w rk, iti sealed cuc-lope : THE Ti'Tir M Taos WJM -Da PELL'S TREA TISE on Self V oce, Premature decay,. Impotence and Loss of power. Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak ness. Ni-rnllv Emission*. Genital Debility, t*c., Ac. a patxipfm-. v, .ji.ig.es. advice to the aftli.-te t, and whi *b : I out t lie re a : by oxury • sufferer, as tip in i-eot '/urq in the severe t st g.-s is plainly set forth. Two stamps required in pay {Mist age IMPORTAJTCE TO LADIES— DR. HAICFVN MALE PILLS I. IVJ vet failed in removing difficulties ari -ing from ohAruMoti', or v'.ipj, ; , v <,. ~t nature, or In 1 restoring the system to perfect health wlier suffering | rfrom Sjeail a'tf. tioni, Prolapsus, I tei tuv TV lutes* | or other weakness of the 1 ferine Organs The Pillf ; ro perfectly harmless < r the eoustnutioi., and may j he taken hv the nms. delic i'e feiii iff without cams- j tig distress—the same time tin y irt like n el;, r u by srengthe ::.g. in.ig..raieing and restoring the : system fi a healtby ooinlgimi, and by /ii'nUug on the mom my period with tegulnrily, no matter friun ' wh.it ci ue*;the obstruct ion may nris.r. TII v sbnutU ' however, .NOT he taken luring the first fhiee orfoiir ; months, ot pregnancy, t tough sale at an ,. otßej. , tine, ns misenrriage would be *T ao e>uit W dlneh boxeonrain tiO V-tlls Price 31 Dtt. HARYEY.s fKEATIcE on diseases of Fe- I male*. M>p .irrtagc. BviTenttc Sterili ty. l.onroduetioii, ami Abu-es <>' N.Durc, and ' emphatically the Ladies Pri.ate Medical Ad- i visor, ;i p'inphlpt nt ti4 pages, sent irea to any t ml lress Six •■■nts ri-nii.roil t<i p.iy postage. !he 1 ills and hook will be sent bv mail when de- ' sired .-eeurely sc . < 1, ami prep,aid,'by J IJI.Y ' x , V. fv. f,'-n<r:ii Agent No 7tj Cdnr t. New York. If. >old by sit I the principal druggists. don 20. l ift v-T-n-2'blv BUCKEYE MOWER Ml EUPiS, F ..iadre should secure one of those oxoollctii Mi ehinesat once as the sup; ly i limitol ,n Iwe are c<'j ident thai ;ho dcoi.m l-for the above M < h'<ao3 will bo groat the com in season as th- HECK EYE, is tiia best M ich-ae .IOV in use, ami is ihe '•.< -t adapt ed 'a rough hill v, • n<l utjoven ground, is the mosL (iurahlu and in managed with the greatest ease of alI "thi r machines noiv ip usg. For further particulars address JOJIN r. STONE, Agen Camp 3lectiii!? There will he ti Camp Meeting held under the supervision ofthe Lvatigolieiu Associatian on tho obi ''dairy farm' owned by .Mr. Young in Fulls Tp Wyo ming County ; to commence TBCRSI.AT SXPT Ist 1664 ' N, B. No huxtering will bo allowsd, lY A. DIETTERICK r.-sseher ia ehsr ft A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. In competency, r ematt-rc D n eHy and Youthful Errmj actuatce by a do ire to benefit others, will bo happy to furnish to all who need D, (free of gh irgo ) the reeipe anl dirt -imsfor making the simple reuiody used in hiscas* Those wshirig to profit by his, aud possess tv Valuable R<*tried<, wjl rcieive thh came, by future m:i!, (Mrrfully sealed,l by addressing JOHN B'. OGDEN I N> WlVTmuswr#4s Nsw YarV. j j IMPORTANTto FEMALES I (( < -PILLS/ ; P 11 0 C L ai A T ION! TO THE LAblLis i j Ruth Married and tingle, TKF OLDFIT REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR. 0 REESE HAN'S FEMA L E BILLS Will tt:;*t * lintel/ Tetievo. wiihnr t pain, all dietutb a> e <the periodic t-seharge, whether arising from j reJaxth'T or . uppressi'. n. They a-t like a 1 harm in ! removing the pains that R'-eomp iny difficult orini • uio'ierete menstruation, and are the only safe er.d j reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Ifeu Jaehe,- BaitiS ; in th Loic Ba -k and Palpitation <* *;, 1 Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysteric... Spasm*, Br< k* 1 I Sleep and other unple is- i.e and <iupge> „f an unnatnril "ondi i<<n <<f the sexu-.l fnneH<".s. In the w r-1 pares < f Fluor JJbus or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure, DR. OH EES EM 4\'S FEM AID* PTT.LS Have been used 0\ ER A til'A 111' Lit OF A CEN TUKY. Thex arc offered a? the only ? .ft tne.<r f I r< newing in' rruple I Mi.T. dru iii in. on hitiitt mu ! ! hew ir, irimd that there is on cond -i ■* :he le | vtxile jy.d-.Tn. iti ichr 't the J'itts canji't t taken . : . itho.it jirosin fug a PECULIAR R /-. Y UL'i. I The condition rfer-cd t • is PR EL'XA XC Y— ! the result M [ RCA !'Ti I .lit E, Such is the irretid ihfe tendency of toe mediant to re-tore the >exuol Junctions tua normal condition, that eren th* pro etvfire jyenrer of no tit re cannot resist it THE Y CANNOT Do HARM in my o'h-r wav.. DIt.CHEESEM \N S FEMALE BILLS Are "n sin'y AluUrine that M '. liHtED AND c if> GLE 1.4 Dm.* have re! 5 -' '<t.-h r >r inaflv year . < r ian relv up- u now. HE Vt AlilA OR JMITA- TlOXr t These Fills torin toe Finest J'reptir-.ii 1 ever i it J'oricnrd vvi.u IMMFDIATj) at..J [' . .- SIsTTiM S! CCIV-S. DON T IIM Dt'CKIV- Ef) Take this nrtvett -einoi:? to -tr Jrfigg!<t, ami tell him that vou ir/.-u* th' PES T find most RELIABLE EE MALE MEDICtXE IN THE W'OKLV, which is eouiprieuo in DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE BILLS 111 They have received, and ure now receiving tho - nctioii of the inet eminent Pliysicims in Amer ica. EXf'LDMT DIRECTIONS v.i-h li R.x the pri' <•, One 1 ] Mar per Box cmtain'ug from 50 ti 60 FilU. Bills sen U hy m til. promydyl by remitting the ! pric t., the I'iuprietors, or ar.y autii nred Ag f nt, ir arreut fund?. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENEF.' tIY, HFTCiiINGS A 1113.L1 EH. BROPRII TOH'S, 81 Cctiur Street, A etc Yuri:. 57.** Sold ir. Tui.Khaunovk. bv J. W. Lynmii. in Mm tr ,by Aide Tur-nll. il) .-' r-:i:!-,n by L?. .'c E. (' l r.Lcr. in F1 c' -.y . .Iff* by all Dr..;- *.#•s I'll nail) C'IOIIM S WRIII;'!'!'. if Tin: '•> I.v h 1 TABi.n sv. LrK- a i).; 1; >t 1n < 1 wii r at; !•: n. No WOOD WORK TO - c- i LL ' <,. SBLFT. Ni Tilt ML -fREWS TO GET Ol 1 OF ORDER WARRAVTC.I WITH ob w;T!1 i T c, 0--e.irn.s It t . k the FIRST PR EMI l*M • r.Rr-.re if --l ite eji-.l <' lunty Fairs m 1-iid, .11 i is v'thout an erfejiti -a the best Wringer ever made. Bat-lit" lii the ("■ ti S'"'"t Eaglan I. Cina-j 1. in 1 Australia. Agen: nnr.ted in every town, ami iu ai. j, !, :> of D. mill i F>i- *tie agents ear mak f -m 3t ) 10 Do'la-, per day. " Sample Wringer sent I'trice. N 236 50. No 1. *? 59. No F. 5- SO. N< A '59 50. Maiitifmfnre.l <! -<•! t. l,c-'esi)- u 1 ret ~1, by 1 Tin: prTN \M M WIT.VCTUIYrNG CO No. 13 Bla tt Street. New Yo r k. ClevalMi i, Ohm,, i and Beuni igton, Vt S. 0 NOivl illiOl*, Agent. WHAT EVERY HOD F KNOWS, v i*.— That Iron well g ilv-mized trill not rust; That a simple machine is better ilita a •ujnpiicAt o<! uue ln*t Wringer shoubi tie eelT durable, and yhcie nt. Thai Thumb S-metrs 11 1 F:s! ni trs < -use delay miii trouble 10 regulate anu keep 111 <>r|,-r ; Tiiwin* 1 si.aiiod in hot water trift ttreil. siirmk ' and soiit; The u< ,nl be a lings fur the shaft to run iu trill tcear i out ; That th- I'u;man IVrin-cr. wi'h or without cog- , ,v!iais, w.ll not tear the elothts; Thati-og-wheol rvgul 1 ors n not essential ; luaithe i'aruitui W;luge: hjj tho advantages *t. t nut ai! ot the di -11. ant-iges affove ti uue 1 ; That dill whi have t-stei it, proitouu e it the best Wringer everma-iex That if will wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt WITB OFT At rv.KATI ■> Vie iiiigiii lili the pipar with tes'irnoniaii, but -tsert on y a few tmemFvin-e ne ekepcivwi, ifsuih iere Iti*; rni we o av to ill, test Putu.-ria'e Wri r " i'est ittTTOROUGULY with ANY un-i ALLyui- is, itiy if not entirely sjtiefuctory, retorn it. Putnam Manufacturing Co : i;\Ti.EtFfi; / kuoicfr m practical experie- re that iron irdi gal ran ire with Tine trill not oxiai :* 1 or rust one particle The Putnam Wringer is a* near perfect us possible, and I can cheerfully r- - 1 of/tend it to be host in use. Respectfully y„urs. I JXo. M. WHEBI.ER, • ClevelauJ, Ohio. 1 ' Many years' experience in the galvaniclug bu-i- ' ness en ihle me to indotse the ftbyvc stulrmect ip ! oil particulars. Ntw | ol - k . Jan, 1864.' JNO. C. LEFI BETS . dti Beekmun St. - 1 IYe have tested Putnam's Clothes TYri. ger by j pr.vii al working, and know thatit will i*. Tt is cheap; it is simple; it requires no room, whether [ :<l vioik or at n >t; a ehibl c ,11 operate it ; it doob , it?duty thoroughly; it samosijpi < at I '1 saves w- ir j and tear. Me earnestly it Ivise all who have much washing to do. with all intelligent ne-s -n- who have any to buy this Wringer. Jt xv-ill for. ttsil. in a year ut most. He* HORACE ORE !LEY. | ■ <..( -re-test mpn .em tityv - in the.ie*.' Ma chine i.rt. A curiosity worth seaing. I'leas- send for circular with smtle of sewing, 1 | these Improved Mailiin s save oa ■ m >;-, i • t> i*r rr.x-T in thread and s.'k, .*.ii;l make .Le L -I.k*SI ITCH < , 'ik<- oai cotU si ies. 1 Ti.ey require 110 instruction tp operate perlrKly cx-'r[ t '* the printed ill recti -ns*'' No hinge in sewing from one kind ef go-uls te another. An i no Liking arart to cieau or oil. Our Nrw M AXFFACTOLT i.x now complete with *ll its machinery and tools entirely new an I i air#* i rapidly turning out Machines which f..r nrmrr an I ri.tiriTTtox of Fixisn are not etnp—, . ffy any manufacture in the world. IF >hou! : any Machine prcv* nnsattsfavlory it can be returned en l money refunded. Fgent* wsnted in conntic* not ennTaed be eux own egonts. riNKT.r: x lvox. -s. m. ro. Ne. SA ytffr yoßff 4- s 13 1 ~t* gt, ; NOT A RUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED : VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PL ME TUNIC, • MM l* "" ; | THAT WILL L:4'LVM i hh'./.LJriCUiU, AJTH Xot make £>ruukurd.,, DR. ROOFUN'S 11 GERMAN BITTERS, T* rT'AKr.]') BY DK. c. M. JACL.SOS, i'HIL4I>L'LPIJIA, PA. j WILL ■fIiCTL'ALLT rfNtfll o<T rwn^y USE ALL DISK^EU A. Ai > I JvG t hUM A - j lJ!SOBti?ail!! I.IVKIi', *TOM.4WM •* ■ ; kiJD:,L,Yte. i- i Th u*aJi rf i'rj. art iuZe-'ag from Vf~ i , p, pvia *o4 I fvtr IHst'k&es, an j to whom , r lowing aj.j ]j gufirat.t.o •| 11' ►UPLANDS UK MM A X BII'TSRS if | WILL CURE THEM !' 1 UOpi'LAS U'jj GIiILVfAN iJITTUII| wiLuurirE every case OF f CLxonlc "r Ncivoua Debility, DUcaae* at j Hie Kl<l:ieyr, arl DNeaecs aris'tig fro* < : a DfA6r tit-rod fetomlrh* ■ OBSEftVC THE FOLLOW J No, SYMPTOM*. - il-'.ilti.u'f.or. l)i or dert qf th IHretlirt Orpmu: " 0 Inward Filer, TuELm ( .r B.ovA' / 1 t: "' A.-sdity cl 'he Vuu.cl, NhUfsa,lU #l t um. Kfcgti.vt for Fowl, l-jiuw- ■ r"Weight in •*,. ; Viir Er!' t. tiuj.g, cn.Uii t . >r I JattcrWat •', "V> ,"'ir h - SH-n>,!!i K "1 'V- Ke'L ltar- J Lb..;- u.t 1 r .< thing, Flutter ir.g plib'litart . •"'"'U't. n Vi* iii, liofjrnr We! s before th# | aigh'. t !• over atii lini. 4a.u in the | <il --rr; r eiiownee* of tLt-tfkiC *!)•• F,f| 1 t li 0 l#i '- • '-ue.-t, Lu tfcd, Aft NddW .I 1 > Meat, Burning in tire Fj s h, Oowtfsut I*. gun kg* of Lv;i, and ,-rt-at Dapror.inrjoffpirfts. J PAItTK ULA NOTICE , '\';'~ r , eare mn y I-re,orations told under the nam 3 ' "** ." 4 V'dK BJUU •, cofi tounded V , ' ' '' ' °pßLipg.Jr*m . 20 , law. or fori'/trier Seed ' , 7 '" V ' V a<l rf vOlitAUtau , ' ' they can he mid. hundreds to die / ! ' run Lard. B? ihetr use it* eyjtim kejd cr.ntxnHaNy vmi-r C> ird"cnee ,f Akohalie . i -^rdedreJbr'tiejietK -id i-),. a ! t,\c result U .ullthOiur , r<r L • •' -,af njn> a etr-ur?bird's a-'rf de lift *!*? desire and will have a Ztowr ;" pit f .llotrini' rece'j't. '(ret (Hit CoiMan Isitter. and\n£ ... i it. hv <<i tiftyu Jtrn. id yor Mt. r.;> v ; " n '{ 2 . Ae r ' 1 '. ;r< At j /~'v- tojr'uwi . ' X •••' m m ,:,-L virtue- rr: ! I rut C -reihrJL nnyntUtenu.n.,. ; . .Bt ten h, the market 1 I"/ f/Ci}*' ■ |r.'h l< i i- V, , - U h ;V'.* " "• rncailt.U a Kod arti le of Liaue rltV ' '.'A 7 ' . * M -' -sjjricc than . .ntr,,., prej'Uiiti .-j viii'sutt ybu. II OOF LAND'S GLRMAV IJITTKR WILL GIVE YOU AGOIJD. APPLTITB . _ WILL OXVR Voir ' i fc I Fit)>'■{ IfKAI/ffH' NPY T V C ? r iw „ WT7 L yor • ' ANT i KVKlffJijYir Furrrxrna wjll enable you to" "HLKHT AV |.;rr, vt .4N!> WILL POSITIY'ELTT PREVENT ' I HllAoi'B I aiVßii, * TT. fcuiffrirtg from { ftro.'crn . .~cn avL Lei irate tytiiitution* I rc; j whit?.ver cau.*. ei aer ia MAtjK tYD fiahle, WILL H.VO IN hoofi.antvs lnnman bitter* A REMEDY r hat Will th-m to their u,u,| health. Sg.h ':X iTA il' r"* V" and atl? tut if.jVrtd ; . th*^ s .fc,n. j From AVr. J Newton Broun, D. I\, Editor of the JSr jjA'tptiiiait/Htiivi'Jft't Ritabitdi#.*''? A1 L ,ugh not di|>nsed riereit t recommend p,t let:! .Mttnine, !n fenerjgfcWgh distru.t of their | 1 ncre tients and Pjet ln . of no sufficient j re:. s..i.a whv a mt U<Ufy to th, benefi'^he ■ ehever h.tn-elfJWtte J-eived from anv sim.le I pre}., ration, ir. ie Vt> a!- he ma/ thus contribute I to the benefit < nttdß.' •■< I d.. fhi.- the rMre r:idi!y>j n regard to I-ooflandV German ijutor S prewar- i by. Or. O,M JarkMt:, *i i; ia, ecatire I was freju-livci aga est th.etu fr u: i;.v years unler the ijiipreesinn tba< tby were .• r.i eßy ar an-rF *i.i mixture. lam I u iebteA Le my friend Robert hoeniak*r, Esq., Tor the r*orl /f j tiii. { rrju-b. e Uy testa. ..do f. r ac-surag..,,. J try lhn-y -ho;, suffering from great and locriti. j .t.uued dsbldy. Kn*dt<yM,r t#,-.o • !*tti<>f of iheso trree of bao.lYi.nd n snrai r; r *bi d r "Mi<f rf,# Xt s tor fij months hi fore, nr. 1 had almost ieaeairodW regaining I therefore'hank C ias J c:y It - J fas rfir l> rvn#rjit Ihft tje'vn/i.V !E y j / ,"/ 'a I S F>S E S OF KIDNEYS A l?jJ 2L A D OLE I!. ! In Young or Aged, Ma'etr pemnl. , . * j p v ii.y reuu'.ea, a;,,i tjic patu n rt*;ored tohenish ' DELE LITE C/lff.pltEK, 1 : ' 'J YR.wW's! waattngawtT •| " a " . d'LV dssh on thvir,t;oucs, ate cur 4i vctc hnrt nme: or-" Wttfe in su,h css.s, will hare nt snrurisißg eft •{. t I.fJL , Having suhering •iiildren% above, atrl wiahntf t , ran*, them, mil never regret the day they .ouineM - • ea Hitli these liitters. LIT LlwYitV MEN/ STL DENTS, ! An T thhse li'a: Ivvtth tjteir I,rains, should ,1- : ways Keep a Uftte-'ot Moftfland's Bittcra near I tu*u. ih*y w\\\ fiini rnnrh Hcnrtrfroflt ifs u?sfi" u> i I'Un mini and w ly, JltYtghV iting and notdpres<ing. IT IS SOT A EMfcUOB s j jSM?LA NT, AI.I> LIiATKA ATTEiS7IOJv7 SOLDIERS! | AND 'I UK FRI EN fy S (L snr-i)iT RS. •"r e cu ii a;; h !r -rf wl*; on*or friend. 1.1 . nrhiyMo the ta f - i!uuiaX\L> Ciar i'V lt!i to '!>• vvy.nioe Ut- id U. .lisoases ia i,7 ' ll by acj Hflvatims incident tu oa*p l a. lu !Urih% Jm- lf-hed clam,: d..i!.v the ne w. P ;■ 1 r M 'UJ tic ailHa; of the st.k, u wiRL# mxiccJ that a Very ...r-c prtpo !a . arc . PH ir tt ring Lom f I vlf •' t " a 7 k . ,U - ,caft beroauity rurci L*.,': os .crm ai Lr.jcr.v, V u ljuve co h#s,u - ,i ; •' -fj. .••'t. w lov u U;Uers-wer frunly um l • ■ikuht h r aaar d th.a...har,K f e w uld be lon. ~' e rio'.eisare .a}]y receiving kfui lettars rr.,.,,offerer in the army nnd who h"e • 'in j.ftcri"! to heapii by the use „ the.# L;Uet^, Son. ,co t Lftm ty |btr frienda. UGWAttli tF UfU.VTIIRIfEiTS. 1 • ceo i lilt tin* i>igtintur<> of "t >] J .\( 'KSf *N " is on thg \YK \Prj;U each Bi ttffe. • I'rfce j>Vr BafDc T.T ren'a, or Hall Doz. for S* 1.00. shon! I yonr r e?re-t'dfa <#'. : t nt have tks anlaia d tbe put off by v,v -f the int riratnig prept'i tion. that may bu ctM i , tI ir, r hataend o a , and we wul forward,-eecnrelv pa ked. by e*pars ' Prlncfpfil ftfflce arid Manufietorj, ue. f ARCH JONES & EVENS, tiu.cesaomto C M JACIiSON A to y proprietors. K aaj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers