\ \y\\ 1 I// gywt yr|J!y-vw fbe scmotrat. . HARVEY SK'KLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday, Aug, 10 1864. The War. From tbe latent accounts, it seems that the rebels along the upper Putomac have re. treated south of that river and are now tak. ing their plunder to their depots at Stanton and GordoDsville. Hunter has been rerauv, ed from the command of our forces in that department, and Sheridan a more active and it ia to be hoped a more civilized general placed there. There is a report that Gen. Averill overtook and attacked the rebels at Moorfield, captured 500 of them with all their artillery. Sharp engagements occurred Friday, in front of Petersburg. No particu lars are given. All is now quiet, there. - A uaval attack on Mobile by Admiral Farragat was going on in which he had met with some success. Gen Sherman's situation at Atlanta is said to be critical. It is thought that Ilood is being so largely reinforced as to be able to rout and defeat him. —4*> • "Honest Old Abe." •' Honest old Abe" is the soubriquet ap plied by .his parasites and a man. who modestly signs '* A. Lincoln," to his tyranical and arbitrary edicts and proclama tions; "This honest old Abef has prose cuted a war for nearly four years, at aD ex pense of hundreds of thousands of iives and hundreds of millions of money. Me has draped the land in mourning ; he has titled it with the moans of widows and the wails and tears of orphans. Ho kindly recom mends for their empty stomachs and half clad bodies, day? of / idling humiliation and ;prayer . This modest, honest, prayerful "old Abe" this smutty joker, lover of nigger aohgs and tyrant; now tells his subjects that the war, they have foolishly supposed, was for the restoration of the Union, is one, for the abadonment of slavery I!! Speaking of the draft. Billy Bur. geas says ;—" A mark upon him who evades the issue without just exemption, or dishon orably shirks his duty to his country." In view of the way in which Billy sneaked ont of the draft in 1862 and of his ardent Attachment to 'Americans of Affrican descent,* we think it would Dot require a microscopic I istrument of veiy great powers to discover a black streak running up and down that aDimals back. •- ■ rar Governor Curtin's last frsntic appeal to the people of the state for 30,000 men. doea not meet with a very hearty response. We have not heard of any one one's going from this region and believe that none seri ously think of doing so. At a large and enthusiastic war meeting held at the Court House in this place, on Monday evening, eleven volunteers were obtained, with the private understanding, we believe, that they were not to ieave the town, except in case of its invasion, Even our o'er patriotic, vegct able nosed townsman, Billy, who says : "If called upon" he expect s "to respond," still " ia~nains at bia post here, with other weapons, to fight the Copperheads at heme." Tbe Democrats predicted that the triumph of a sectional party would produce a disso lution of the Union. That was denounced as " loco foco stuff!" The result is before the country. We now predict that the re-election of Lincoln, should it ocour, will render perma nent the separation of the North and the South, and cover us with di6grsce and ruin. This will be termed " Copperhead nonsense !" Well—try ill AM OHIO exchange publishing the follow- J ing:—"We are reliably informed that Hon. Thos. Corwin, since his return home, has indulged in bitter denunciations of tho Lin coln administration. We are not 6urpiised j at it, but some of his loyal neighbors are '■ terribly shocked." Mr. Corwin is not the only man who supported the Administration three years ago, who has since become thor oughly disgusted with its wickedness and corruption. THE STATE QUOTA. —According to a letter from Colonel Fry to Governor Curtin, the quota of Pennsylaoia, under the late call of 500,000, is 01,700 men. Add the one hun dred per cent, and the total number to he drawn, in cas eof a draft, is 123,400. It has been estimated by " loyal" organs, that aft er the extra per centage, nnd the supylying of dues under previous aud supplementary drafts, there will not be men enough remain ing on the rolls of the State to supply the number of men assigned as the quota of Pennsylvania ! ■ * The World of New York is offered as a campaign paper: Ten copies to one address 300 Twenty copies " 500 Fifty copies 10,00 100 copies " lg 00 The Worbl is a conservative good paper.— Tei m* cash. Address, The World, 15 Park Row, N. Y. Lincoln vs. Fsace, | It Ka* now passed Into history thst Mr. | Clay, a Senator, and Mr. Ilolcombe, a. Representative in the Confederate Congress came on the part of the South to the Canada side of the Niagara Rivei, and there opened a correspondence with Mr. Horace Gieeley and Mr. Hay, tbe private ser-retaiy of Mr. Lincoln, in order, as they declared, to the | restoration of peace ; that they ma le known j to Mr. Greeley and Mr. Hay their desire to , proceed on their errand under a safe conduct to Washington ; that Mr- Greeley and Mr. Ha}- were for some days, with the knowledge ' and consent of Mr, Lincoln, in intercourse ! personally and through coriespondeuce with ' these gentlemen on the subject of peace prop I ositions ; that they declared to Mr. Greeley by letter dated the 18th July thit they were "in the confidential employment" of their Government, and were "entirely fa miliar with its wishes and opinions" on the i subject of" propositions looking t> tbe es tablishment of peaceand that they, or other persons, when the circumstances of the correspondence with Mr, Greeley were dis closed at Richmond, would be at once in- I vested with authority and accredited as mes i sengers of peace; that Mr. Greeley forward ed their offers and request of safe conduct J to Washington ; that upon receiving them, I the President telegraphed an answer, by which lie deck; -es the " abandonment of sla very" t-o be a condition precedent—the si'.e qua non —to any negotiation whatever ; in other words, that his terms are the abau donment of the Federal Constitution, and substituting for the great work of our fa thers his own proclamation o the Ist of January, 1863. Thus, if Mr. Lincoln's will is to prevail, *we have announced to us, as the Republican programme, perpetual war among the white races of the country until the inferable negro shall be made our equal in rights and citizenship, to sit at our board, to marry our daughters, to vote with us , to rule over us. These are the terms on which Peace and Union can be restored under a Republican administtation. Here is the ab olition ultimatum All |this authentically appears in the writ ten and signed letter of tbe 12th July, 17th July four letter? of the 18th July, two let ters of ihe 19th July, one of 'he 20th July, and one of the 21st July, ts published in the newspapers . Buttbe flagitious attempt to substitute the will of one foolish man for the Law and Constiltution does not stop here. The terms of the South to be proposed as a basis for negotiation are furnished us, not, is is true, under the hand of the commission ers—for no negotiator can be expected to pot his name to the terms he has to offer ; until the negotiation lias been opened, unti it has been begun—but there has been plac ed before the people of the North, unauthenl ticated, most obviously by the Commission ers themselves, and not yet denied by the presses through which we are used to hear from the Adm'uistration—on the contrary, admitted by them to be accurately stated— the terms proposed by the South for recon struction and reuuiou. We give them in the words in which we find them, accompanying the letters of the parties to the correspon dence. They run thus: " First. All negroes which have been *c tually freed by the war, to be secured in such freedom. "Second . All Negroes at present held as slaves to remain so. Thi, d. The war debt of both parties to be paid by the United States. " fourth. The old doctrine of State rights to be recognized iu reconstructing the Un ion." Whatever may be thought cf the proposal to place the Confederate deb on our Treasu* ry books, here was a tender of negotiation' which any man who loves his country ought to enter up TI with a heart full of thankful ness to God, but which is scornfully and rudely rejected by the President, as if it was an offence to his own dignity and an injury to us all. Here was an offer to come to terms, to make peace and restore the Union. The President refused to listen to them. He abandoned the position heretofore an nounced and maintained by him—be added, of his own motion, and without consultation with Congress, unconstitutional conditions, and thereby prevented negotiation,! refused to reconstruct the Union, discarded peace; and " to all whom it may concern," announc ed that this warshr.il continue, and that un til there is an " abn .donment. of slavery" on the part of the Sot th. It is now a war to free the niggers ; and we may well ask, in tne words of a good republican, upon anoth er occasion : u Is this the Buzzards feast to which we were invited V—Ex. - WONDERFCD LIBERALITY of MR. LINCOLN. —The other da* a delegation of Kentucky members of Congress waited upon Lincoln to remonstrate against the arbitrary military arrest of Col. Wolford in that State. In the course of the in tcrview tho President laid much stress upon his liborality, Why, says he, I have permitted (!! !) members of Con gress upon the floor of the House not only to criticitse my (!! !) policy, but even to per sonally attack me!! .Comment is unnecessary ! XTIX7 Remember that it was an abolition cmgress which passed the conscription bill, with the "commutation clause" in it, and also that it was an abolition congress which after every poor man had paid his last dol lar to savs his neck from tho Virginia butch er shop, repealed that " commutation clause," so as to get. the poor man's body at last. A correspondent wants to know why we don't "p'tch into" the shoulder-strapped preacher who announced, in the M. E. Church a short time ago, the new gospel that "no man can be a Christian who is not an aboli tionist." Simply we want the M. E. congre gation to get a surfeit of the cut throat doctrines promulgated by the "war preach ers" of live da y,—Bedford Gazette. LETTER* FROM C..PTAIK LITTLE. C. S. MILITARY PRISON, LYNCHBURG, Va., May 9tb, '64. D*A* WIFE : Being assured that a very short letter would be forwarded through the lines, I improve the first xspportunfty to let you know of iny whereabouts. I Was taken prisoner, during the first day's fight, as were also Col. Dana, and about 50 others, of our regiment— R. S. Billings and H. D. Beebe are all of Co. K. from our county, that are here. I was not hurt, but had several nar row escapes. We have plenty of rations and good, and all are feeling first rate considering our posi tion. Remember me to ail.—With much love for yourself and Willie, I am as ever Your Affectionate Husband, 1. S. LITTLE, Capt.Co. K. 143 d, P. V. C, S. MILTTART PRISON, MACON Ga.. May 28; '64. MTDEARWIFX: I wrote you, as soon aft ter my capture, as possible; from Lynchburg, I Va., but fearing you may not have received it, and knowing ihe extreme anxiety you all must fee! regarding me, I again write you— I am well, and in as good spirits, as I can be, in my present position. We are not allowed j to write but one page, therefore you will get ' but a short letter. lam very anxious to hear from you, aud shall expect a letter from you as soon, after you receive this, as possi ble. Direct as mentioued below. Lore to all. From Your Affectionate Husband. I. S. LITTLE. Capt. Co. K 143 d P. V. C. S. MITITART PRISON, MACON, Ga., June 10 '64. Mr DEAR WIFE. I have written you twice since my capture, but think it very uncertain about your receiving them. All the field officers, have received orders to leave here at 3$ P. M. to-day, and Col. Dana being one of the number, and hoping it is for the purpose of an exchange, I send this by him. lam well, and sound and enjoying myself as well as possible under the circumstances. We don't have sufficient rations to make ourselves sick, by |( ver eating, neither shall we starve by any means, 60 long as we a r c furnished, as at present. t will not undertake to write you any particulars concerning my capture, and of events since, as paper is scarce and excite ment just now, runs high, as to the mo aning of this order of removal, of the field officers. I you receive this, write to me immediate ly, addressed as below, a short letter, uot to exceed one page, or it will not be forwarded. I: must be unsealed. lam very anxious to hear of the health of yourself and Willie. Cheer up, my dvar wife and believe that all is for the best. From your Affectionate Husband Capt. I. S LITTLE, Prisoner of War, Macon, Ga. Horrible Cruelty To Negrosi It is only those who thoroughly under stand the negro character, physical and meu tah.who really know what is cruelty to t ne gro. The following shows how Massachu setts officers treat negroes in Louisiana.— The Express copies from a city paper an ac count of the treatment of a negro by Lieut. Oilman, of the Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry. It appears that he had the poor fellow tied to a pole by his two thumbs, his legs vainly en deavoring to touch the ground. The scene LA described as follows, by an eye witness : ,l The new sea grass twine cleaved to his thumbs pressing them like a vice, cutting with razor sharpness. The pain becoming excruciating, he struggled vainly to release himself; IDS mouth became opened ; his eye balls were almost forced from their sockets by the great agony he suffered. He felt as if he could live but a few moments longer.— A horrible pain it was, for his own leaden weight seemed to be against his having any relief. He could no longer support himself and falling unconscious to the ground, he left his Jlesh cleaving to the new sca <frass twine!" The cause of this infliction of the above cruelty was, that the negro hid himself, and could not be fonnd when wanted to go on duty. Now this is, perhaps, the most com mon vice, or rather weakness, of negroes.— A little harmless whipping—a few sratrt lashe6—would have cured the negro of the habit, and not harmed him in the least. The crazy fanatics of New England would raise a howl of horror over this harmless punish ment ola lazy negro, and yet commit upon him attrocities which it fairly makes the blood run cold to read. Humiliation and Prayer* The Mayor of the City of New York issued the subjoined official no tice calling attention to the proclamation of the President, getting apart Thursday last as a day of fasting humiliation and prayer. Ilis suggestion to ; cestain clergymen is well timed and worthy j of attention and observance on the part of i th >te who profess to be servants and fellow- j era ot the meek ind lowly Nazarene : MAYOR'S OFFICE, NEW YORX, August 2. 1864. In view ot the proclamation ot the President of the United States, setting apart Thursday, the 4th inst., as a day of lasting humiliating and prayer, I consider it te bo my duty to call the attention of this com munity to the observance of the same. To the ministers at the various churches on whom will devolve the doty of opening prayer in the presence of their congregations and especially those ministers who have in culcated the doctrines of war and blood, so much at variance with the teachings of their Divine Master, I would humbly recommend that they will,on that solemn ocoasion.invoke the mercy of Ileaven to hasten the relief of cur suffeiing people by turning the hearts of those in autboiity to the blessed wsys of peacG. *• * C, Gorraxi GCNTMB, MATCR. Horrors of the War, We have before us a history, sad and heart-rending, which wo are sure will servo to convince any humane spit it that the asso ciation caused by thG war should not be per mitted by an enlightened and Christian peo ple lunger to go on with all its deatYuctlve ness and injustice, The facts before us are these, as recited in t!e statement accompa nying the letter which follows It: The anucxed letter wa9 written by the ! youngest daughter of the Hon. Alexander R. j Boteler of Jefferson County, Virginia, de ; tailing to her sister the burning of their home by order of General Hunter, and a'so \ the residence of Edmund J. Lee, whose place i adjoins Mr. Betelers. Fountain Rock, allud. 1 to below, belonged to Mrs. Boteler, who, I with her daughters and grandchildren, has • been thus ruthlessly deprived of their only borne. Mr. A. R. Botaler will be remember, ed ss a member of tho Federal House of Repreientrtives in 1800-61, and was actively engaged with Mr. Crittenden and others in resisting secession ; but, after the call for seventy.flve thousand men by the President of the United States, acied with his State. Captain Martindale was informed by one of Mr. Bottler's davghters that the property was not her father's but that of her mother j —having been conveyed to her many years j since. She afterwards sent word to General > Hunter, that he had not succeeded in de. j stroying one dollar's worth. All be de. stroytd belonged to Mrs. Boteler, who was absent from home at the time. No one was there exceptj Mr. Bottler's iwo daughters and three little grand children. This ia the letter of Miss Boteler : SHErHARDSTOWN, JCFFEKSON Co., VA._ JTI lj 20, 1864—Wednesday night—Mr DEAR EST SISTERS : I suppose you will have heard before this reaches you that our dear, beauti ful home is in ashes. Yesterday just after dinner, Lizxie, her three little chil dren and I being at home, fifteen Federal soldiers of the first First New York Cavalry under Captain Martiodale, came with orders from Gen Hunter to burn everything under roof on the places of A R. Boteler and Ed mund J. Lee. They came to us first and in twenty minutes after their arrival it would have been dangeruus to enter the house. Of the furniture, we 6aved two little -ocking chairs and three other chairs from the porch. This is literally all. The barn in which was stored all the hay just cut—the servants' house and library, with the books, cabinet of minerals, valuable historical papers and , documents—all are gone. The meat house . and dairy are still standing,as the wind blew from them, wriling this is harder work than 1 thought it would be after all 1 nave gone through with. They piled up the furniture, and with camphene, etc., built the fire that has burned deep into our hearts. Netta and I are at aunt Nannie's to night; Lizzie ami the chil dren at the Grove, Mis. Lee has joined her husband, and Fountain Rock and Bedford are b>th desolated ! My heart aches to have such terrible tidings of the dearest spot in all the world to you. 1 fear I loved it to much, but my greatest grief is for our darling par | ents. We are young and can bear such changes better, but their life ties were form ed and rivited there. I'll write more in the ! morning, when fitter for it. How many will be sorry to hear this I I read Hunter's or der myself—bad it in iny hands and tried to keep it to send papa, but it was takea out of my hands- Your devoted 6ister, Tippc. *.— . How Kentucky it Governed— Coming Events Cast their Shadows ILfore. We learn that Gen Burbridge, of Kentucky has issued an order to the Judges of Elec tion in that State, not to allow tho name of Judge Duval—who is a candidate for re-elec. lion to the Bench of the Court of Appeal—to appear on the Poll Books of their precincts. We suppose Gen Burbridge did not take the reponsibility of that act, of IDS own volition for it is In the face of Lincoln's proclamation declaring Kentucky to be under martial law. He must have got his authority direct from Washington. The order of Gn. Burgridge sets aside the laws of Kentucky, spits in tho face of Gov. Bramlettc and commits ahi fe h handed outrage ou the rights of the voters of Keutucky, Coming events cast thair shadows before and this act of the military Governor of Ken tucky falls like a dark shadow on Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and gives them warning of the future, Lincoln journals are already Calling on tne President to declare martial Uw over the States we have named; and we have no doubt the call will be complied with in case Lincoln believes that, at the ap proaching elections, the people will, if per. rhitted to vote, rebuke his policy and his administration. In Kentucky, Judge Duval would have been permitted to be a candidate by Gen. Burbridge but for an apprehension, Well founded that he wouid be elected. His election must not be allowed, and hence the ! order to the Judges of Election to erase his j name from the Poll Books. We understand in audition to this despot- I ic order, Gen. Burbridge has cause to be i arrested and sent to prison at Louisville I within a day or two past, prominent citizens | of Kenucky. This is a part of the programme ; to control the election ; to take from tne people their right to decide for themselves ; who shall rule oyer them ; and aid G>;n Burbridge in executing another inhuman and infamous order issued by him some time ago. Kentucky, like Missouri, is to be made the • scene of terrible barbarities. Her woes are ; just coming upon her.— Ciminnatti Enquir, \July 31. The New York Herald says Lincoln's view [i of the Monroe Doctrine ts like that of a Yan , kee candidate for Governor of Maine. He | favored the temperance law, but was opposed I to ill enfcfoetneoE " VOTE FOR CORTIN AN D! SAVE THE DRAFT." OCTOBER 13TH. 1863. CURTIN ELECT ED—MAJORITY 15,326. Vote for Curtin and Jcoid the Draft! ODTOBFR 16TH, 18G3, DRAFT ORDER ED FOR 300,000 MEN ! ! Vote JOT Curtin and Save the Draft ! FEBRUARY IST, 1864. DRAFT ORDER- ! ED FOR 200,0,4) MEN ! ! . . I Vole for Curtin and Acoi- 1 the Draft ! j MARCH 14X11, 1804, DRAFT ORDERED FOR 200,000 MEN ! ! ! Vote for Curtin and St. re the draoft ! DRAFT ORDERED IN JULY, ISC4, FOR 500,000 MEN ! !! WHOLE NUMBER DRAFTED AND ORDERED TO I BE DRAFTED SINCE CURTIN S EI.EC HON ONE j MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN ! ! ! Now that Curtir is elected—all , that is required, to establish forever, national despoti tu National banrup'cy, negro free j dora and equality, eternal taxation, blood shed and ruin, is to VOTE FOR LINCOLN AND THE LOTTERY OF DEATH WILL GO ON ! ! ! VANDALISM OP HUNTER. Why Chambersburg was Hunted. Hunting el Gov. Letcher's House. The following is the account Gov* Letcher himself gives of the circumstances attending the burning of his 1. use by Get . Hunter, lie says:— The threats made by soldiers on Saturday evening, induced my wife to tear the bouse would be burned, and she expressed her fears in the hearing of Dr. Paton and Capt. Towns, of New York. Capt. Towns very promptly said, that I, being a private citizen, and the house being private property, burn ing it, would be an inexcusable outrage, and proposed at once to go to Hunter's Head quarters and ascertain. He went, and was directed by Hunter to assure my wife that tTe house would not be disturbed. The se quel shows that the sole object of this assur j ance was to quiet her a[ prehensions, and thus prevent anything from being removed. About half past 8 o'clock A. M. (Saturday Captain Berry and his Provost guard rode j up aud the officer called for my wife. She came to the door, when Barry informed her that he was ordered by Hunter to fire the house. She replied there must be some mis take. and asked f>r the order, He said it was a verbal order. She then said to him, " Can it nut be delayed uutil 1 see Gen. Hun tea 1" " The order is peremptory," he re plied, " and you have five minutes to leave the house." She then asked.leave to remove ler mother's sister : s her own and her chil dren's clothing, which was insolently refused Immediately thereafter camphene was poured on the parbr floor and ignited with a match. In the meantime, my daughter had gathered up an armful of clothing, and was going out when he discoverei her, ran f.rward and fired the clothing in her arms. He then poured camphene in the wardrobes, ber au drawers, and ignited the clothing— j taEi <g oat My clothing, which he s&'d he , iritendel to lake North : Every house on my lot wa3 burned save a granary oVer my ice house. Not a particle of flour, meal, or anything edible was lef*, all having been carried off on Saturday. My mother, now in her 68th year, lives on the lot adjoining my own, having with ber one of her grandchildren and servant. After my property had been fired, the fiends fired her stable, located about forty feet from the house, with no other view than to burn her out also. The house caught twice, and would have been consumed but for the un tiring efforts of Capt Towns, who made his men carry water and extinguish the fiArnes. The Captain behaved bke a gentleman to wards my own and my mother's family. Gens. Aveiill, Crock, Sullivan, and Duffee denounced the whole proceeding Is an out- ! rage, in violation ci ali the principles of civil- j ized warfare, and stated that Hunter alone was responcible for these atrocities. I am truly, ard In haste, your friend, JOHN LETCHER : Jos. MAYO, Esq., Richmond. Va. Vice Presldeut Stephens' Mission. The Administration press has steadily per sisted in denying that the mission with which Alexander 11. Stephens sought to come to Washington had any reference whatever to peace. The Springfield Republican pub lishes a letter from C, D. Jacobs of that city, formerly a telegraph operator in Richmond, which throws some light on the subject ; While a telegraph operator in Richmond, Va., working the principal through line South I sent a message from Jefferson Davis to .Stephens of Augusta , Ga, requiring his im- ( mediate presence at Richmond, to attend a Cabinet meeting and desiring him to proceed upon a mission to Washington, if his health would admit, with a peace motive. Stephens was to bear propositions looking to the re cognition of the independence of the Confed eracy, but to projiose other measures which ; might iend to consummate that object, con- ' fidentially named upou his arrival in Rich mond. I has already passed into history that, Mr. ' Lincoln even refused to hold parley when the \ ico President of the rebel Confederacy en deavored to approach with pr position lot; peace.— Buffalo Courier. In 1861 the abolitionists told us that there should be .so PARTI as long as the war lasts, Now they are the only party that have can didates in the field for the presidency, and have themselves divided into two parties, one for Fremont, the other for Lincoln- There should be no party NOW, ALL should g in for % '* change LOSAL AMD >E*SOSIL receipting snt)cnplon* for the North BronchD#* ocrat. All monies paid him either en eubserinli#- or for advertising will be duly accounted for mm redded the nine as if paid to.us. Next Week being court week, we shall oxpeet that every man who owes ns on subscription, wll either coma in person and settle with as, or send the amount due us by some of his neighbor. We bops wo shall not be disappointed. Brick.—Mr. Wm. Flielrner hasj j u t received at his Boat-yard iath,s place a few thousand Brick, which he will seil'at reasonablo rates, They not the kind people sometimes carry ia theii hat* and arc therefore scarce—' First come, first served.' The J trail—for the deficiency under the eld quota for this district and county, we learned, terni officially, was to take place on Monday of Ihie week He h * v ®fince been informed that it #HI be peat [>oned until September, when the whole number ia cluding the 5U0,000 call, will be drawn. W. hardly know which of these statemeutsto believe— but foal assured that in any event, it will oome off eeoa enough to satisfy eru the most ardent Lt/al Leaguer. Married.' IIAIIN HARMAN.—The sthiast.by the Rev, C. R. Lane, Mr. George|W. llano of Grist Flat, aStfjf Miss Sarah G, daughter of ,Mr. John C. Bfarmaa of Eaton. ROBERTS- BATES—In Waverly, Lu4. County, on Thursday, May sth. by the Rev. Mr Taylor, W. A. Roberts ef Scranton, to Cyatha A. Bates, of TunkhaDr.ock. Editor or Dux. Dear Sir .••-With your permission I wish sa say to the renders of your paper that I will senfi, by return mail, to ail who wi.-h it (free.) a Racine, with full directions for making and using a simple \suit able balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days Pimples. Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Itnpuri tios of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smowtk an 1 beautiful. I will also mail free to those harin BaUg Heads l>are Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luiuri ant Hair Whiskers or a Moustache, in lees than thirty days All applications answered by return maii and without chargr. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemis.t 831 Broadway, New Yurd. v 4 nl 3w A C ARD TO THE §UFPRRI)fG. SH ALLOW two ot three hogsheads of'Buchu'* '"Tonic Bitters," " Sarsap.irilla," "Nervous Ant'dotcs.*' Ac , Ac., Ac , an t after you are satifiej with the result, th n try one box of OLD DOCTOR BICHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS-and be rest .ci to health and vigor in less than thirty day?. They are purely vegetable, pl-asant to take prompt aid salutary in their effects on the brokSn down and shattered cons itution. Old and yuung can take them with ajiantage. linpi r ted add sold in the United .States only by J A3* S. BUTLER No 427 Broadway, New York, ff r Agent for the ilnitod States. E. 3 A Box of the Pills, securely perksd, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, whieh is ONE DOLLAR, post paid—money refauded by. the Agent if entire satisfaction is not g'rsa v 4 13w. DO Tor WISH TO BE CURED 7-DR. Br, • 'HAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFFIC PILLS eaer in less thyn 30 days, the worst cases of NERVOLS- N ]->S, Impotence, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary, S'efu\l and Nervous Affections, no master from what cattse pro duced* Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post'pai t by iciil.on receiptor unorder. One Box v. ill pur feet the cure in most cases Address JAMES S. BUTLER General Agent, 427 Broadway, New Yorlt v4nl 3n.: bum if HHinimit The Partnership between 0. L HALL3TEAD A SON, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, The notes and accounts will be left in the hands or O. L. U.illstead to settle and can be found At the store formerly occupied by O. L. Halistead A Son, ! with some one to attend to the same. 0 L HALLSTBAD, II P. lIALLSIEAD. Nicholson. July 27th 1884. The business will be cbMiouCd by Henry P. Halistead and Louis Hummel, under the Dime and hrin of : HULLSTEAD & HUMMEL, who will be pleased to retain the patronage of ail whuhtve pittfontke 1 the old firm, and will be plans ed to see any who may favor us with a call. We are prepared to fdrnish EXTR A INDUCB MENTC TO THOSE HAVING PRODUCE TO DISPOSE OF. will pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for the same. HALLSTEAD A lIAMMEL. Nicholson. July 27th, 1964. I __ l.ist of l*ersons Drawn to serve aa Furors lor August Term, 1864* GRVtiD JURORS. Clinton.—Wm. Campbell. Northinoreland.— Milo Keeler. Nicholson—Halstead Stark, Solomon Taylor- Windham— Bish'd Palmer, Geo> Allen, PeUr F. Hope. Eaton—O W. Benjninin. K. BoardmWn, Klishe Harding. P. A. Miller, Benj. Luce. Mcshoppen John Sterling, Warrsn Brewster, M'cbael Coyle. Lemon—Benj. P. Carver. Braintrim—Wm. B- Lacy. Falls—Daniel Daily, Henry Van Campen. Forkston—James Robinson, G. Spaulding, Ovcrfield—J. G. Osborne, Henry Chase. North Branch—Levi Kelly. pktit j t Rons. Mehoopany—Wm. Swetland. John Jayne, James Carpenter, Sam'l Jacoby,Frank Vaughn, Sam IV* Myres. Exeter— Benj. Coolbaugh, John B. Dyroondi Monro#—Jasper Parish, Chas. Wnght. Miller Pat -1 terson. i Northmoreland—Sam'l Van Scoy. Sam'l Caray, E ■ R, Hnilock. James Beister, D- T. lletfield. John W. i Show. Nicholson—H D. Gibb*, Sherman Driggs, Nehe rniah Oakly, Elijah Ball, Edwin Roberts, Hallo way 1 Stephens, Nathan'l Squeirs. I North Branch—Joseph Burgess, Falls—Emanuel Dershimer, Benj. Place, Theroa 1 Brown. | Ovcrfield—Riley Mott. ; Tank, Tp.—Edgar Sampson, David Tillman Hugh Miller. i Windham—lsrael Gay, Thos. Coyle, Merrit Com l stock, Chas- Fassett. Eaton—John Lee, James Armstrong, Wm. Kin ; kcr j Tunk, Borongh--C, P. Burns, L. H. Stephens, John Day: , Washington—Jaoob Decker, James Dunlap, Wm. 1 /syne. • Fofks,oa- .\usttn P. Burgess, Mcghuppeßw-Daniel liintner. In 18GI the abolitknlsts told us that there should be no party as long as the war lasts. Now they are the only party that have candi dates iu the field for the Presidency, and have themselves divtded into two parties, one for Fremont, the other for Lincoln. Thera should be no party now, all should go in for 1 a " change."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers