"a have a job lot of note on hand.' They must go ..-t. The price will do It. Ltnples and prices for the ask- Ich thm nrlntfx. i.g wo iui r lr less than you can ouy mem lithout printing. W. Wagenseller, M'wr Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted 10 News, Scitoct, Art, Political Economr and Current Literature. Halts: Out Dollar Per Annum, in Advance OL. XXXX. MIDDLEBUBGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., OCTOBER i2, 1903. NUMBER 41. " ' " ' : : ; : i a Lively Little Liners. Hustle and the Bustle of the County Seat, Told In Brief Paragraphs. Lc More or Less Prominent. Float ins 1'opuiuii"" - ,ere,t that Satisfy Curiosity onJ Appease the Thirst tor News. -i,. r . E. Soles attended tin? fair nvn last week. L,k Walter and Wife of this place lie jut rents of another heir. I t m i w nili'fllllU ..tla.ll. IIP !1 lUIIIIUer Ol IH'.Cl.r. ..... . liluninsburg Fair Inst week. ir,. Co W. llassinger has been on si,k list for the past week or Ifred Clelan nnd wife were visiting ctis in the west end of the county ility. .reliant J. E. Magee and wife or ,mer paid a visit to the Editor's lily Sunday. lir Winter Millinery Opening will IrOi't. 30 and 31st. L. Duukelberger. tin, (i. A. Sehoeh and wire return itunlay from a Hhopping trip to iltlphia. .. Henry Rauch is visiting her , Mrs. Charles Erb, who is seri ill at Salem. Iliii' line of outing and ready-to- V Hats, received to-day. L. Duukelberger. uiri A. K. Gift aud wife are mak- In overland trip by buggy to visit da in Centre couuty. , kill pay market prhrts for good calves, hide and ftjHow. J. L. WlXEMAJf, 10-15 -4t. Lewlsburg, Pa. Jia,' anil Mrs. H. G. Frederick were ijiing in Sunbury one day last I'.nrkey of Verdilla has a iiC v of strawberry plants for sale. .irielles lie lias grow to be very (';.; rir ( Ireenc of Lcwistow n and i. I Mu aid, spent a few days of t 'vl; at this place willi her :ih 1 family. .-.vinefoi'd and hi i lr of Mii' iiid a visit to their mint, '. I. bonds, over Sunday, They : impaiiied by a -i-ter of the! i-!n r, wlio lives m ar the 1. r ufllii- !-lenf One, South of Sel-I vc. ;. at the Count v Seat Sat-1 Mr. i'. is hale and hearty, ai.d ill ways jjad to meet liim. ip Piecse, one of the well-to-do Irs and a prominent Democrat of ., was at the County Seat Salur- lUilined with Banks Dreese. lie vil in to order the Post went to li'lrf-s. First National Bank of Middle- '.uilies the needs of its customers IK proper caie of theiu whetuer business be large or small and the with allits patrons are abso- K confidenflal. Burkey of Verdilla showed us a potato vine that had a blossom. fut generally knowu that sweet have any blossoms. It is evi- true that they do blossom, but pf tlie blossom is very short. 1 BALE.-In Middleburg, Pa., a frame house, 7 rooms, and lot of Also a good livery stable on the lot. For terms and particulars lo F. F. Walter, 1 mile west of leburg on road leading to Beaver- tf. Newman, who is farming for Hower south of town, drop) ed in to pay for his paj.er. He is nie hauling for the Water Co., ukthly pleased with the treat iteeived ut the hands of the of 'f the company. ' S-VI.K. A house and lot situated Olivine Is ollered nt private sale, uildings are in good condition. pome is supplied with first-class 'raits, etc. Write or call on Sarah Boweksox, Paxtonvllle, Pa. !' "n A. E. Soles la bis uew shav- M hair :uttina rarlor foi voui tailed with ft refresh tn.r slinm- flU cleHIl tjiura 4a..l. Lrtli Side of Market Rmiarw nr wutral Hotel. Satisfaction guar- tf. Alfred Clelan is putting down a Hag stone walk. Mrs. M. If. Hassiiifier of I.amona, Pa., is vUitiiiK friends at this place. The ltcpublieaii standing eommitire ill meet iii Middleburg Saturday nf lirnoiii. Charles Mnnbeek of Akron, Ohio, is oiijoyioga vi-it to Ui many frinids h'-re, liis former lioiue. .1. Meriitt Wonu ldorf, who lia- bin n eniployi il at p.ast I'iltbin is vL-iling liis parents Itv v. Womeldorf and wit'.'. He will leave for his engagement Sat urday. fieorge Tharp of Pallas -:ls t the Comity S it Tuesday and while here dropped in to oi us He reports that- a new roof and a new bell have been provided for i :U-neeer t hureh, Just in, our new stockpt- Winter goods, more variety, niivtrtrls, and cheaper than ever. ConiijJndee it. A. S. SrniKisr, Yerdilla, Pa. A new add in another column of the First National Hank tdiows them to be paying interes,t! time deposits at the rate (f tlirtiaiwfWut. tier annum. This Bank has theSAiCapitul and Sur plus of any IhmtjKi Snyder county. It Is strong, careful; safe and a successful institution. Take VIX-TK-XA and the good ef fect will be immediate. You will get strong, you will feel bright, fresh and active, you will feel new, rich blond coursing through your veins. VIN-TK-NA will act like magic, will put new life in you. If not beuefited money refunded. All druggists. E. (i. Sliindel left Monday morning for LaParke, Lancaster county, where he has secured a position ou Park's Floral Magazine. John A. Snyder aad Edwin Charles, also of this place are employed on the same paper. Mr. Shindel for two years was employed on many friends here who wish him abundant success in bis new field of labor. Last week Mrs. Kiuaiiiiel I.ongacrt1 of Verdilla went out into the field to bring two cows. She was leading them with clriiiis. which she fastened tu i'ethcr. Oneol'the cows ran around her ( Hii-ing tlie chains to encircle hci wail. Tin- cow s became 'excited and' an into thelurn digging Mrs. I.ong- a. -iv all !!' ay. I he uidy was pretty well liiui-i d and scialched and weals a lillel; evens a result of her experience. She has been bedfast lor a week. VIN-TK-NA for Depressed Feeling, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous Debility ami Diseases reipiiriug a Ton it Streng thening Medicine. It cures iUickiy by making Pure le'd Jlloo.i and replen ishing the I'.lood Supply. Ueiietit tiilalaliteiil or money rcfmided. All druggisth. The following item from the "Demo crat and Sentinel of Lewistown in ie ferenee to I.ollin i. Howersox, former ly of Paxtoiiville, may lie of interest to the readers of the Post : A large new green house for the cultivation of Mow ers is being erected on Eighth street, between Electric and Highland ave nues for a Mr. 1'owersox of Carlisle. The building w ill be thirty feet wide nnd over one hundred feet long, con structed largely of glass. Mr. 15. ex pects (to meet tlie demand for cut (low ers and will have a good lield here for hi business. SWINEFORD. Clinton Mitcliel drove io Ilea vertown Sunday. Kayniond Spitler spent Saturday in Sun'jury. C. W. (iiaybiil Is having a new roof put ou his hotel. Mrs. Harriet Miller treated her house to a ccat of paint. Steininger Bros, shipped several car loads of ties this week. The plasterers commenced work in W. 1$. Winvy's new house. The brick layer commenced work ou the new bank building. J. B. KauHnian of Mt. Carmel tran sacted business in town Friday. Lillie Amig, who had been visiting at Millersburg, returned home. John Kulins spent Sunday at Cen terville, under the parental roof. Monday J. W. Swartz left for Phlla., Baltimore and other places to buy goods. Mrs. Frank Elliott and child of Sha niokiu Dam are visiting her grand par euts, Andrew Kratzerand wife. Convention at McClurc. Tlie Snyder County, Sunday School, K. L. C. K and W. M. S. Cnioii lul.i its annual session at MeClure, Pa., Oct. 7 and S, l!M):!. The President of the I'uioti Hon. F. C. I iowersox- presided ably during toe entire session. In his address, setting f.U'lli, the ol'jeets of the convention and how to derive the greatest good, the president advanced tlie following excellent points. The purpose is to in terchange ideas, gather thoughtful in struction, and he edified, and enlarge our social relations, form a more inti mate acquaintanceship, and thus give mutual inspiration and incite earnest ness. The subject "Willi Christ in Sit iiiaria" was discussed by Kev. F Crumbling. Christ was in Samaria, out of His way, to seek mi opportunity to save souls. Likewise we should make sacrifices to help to accomplish this end. The subject, "Preparation of the Teacher," was presented by Kev. A. D. tiramley. The teacher lias a mis sion. He should prepare for it. In the absence ot Kev. N. .1. Dubs, Kev. E. 1 'rumbling opened the discus sion of "The Devotional Life of the Leauguer". He presented it in these three divisions: What is it? How can it be maintained V Why maintained? U can only be maintained by prayer, reading tlie bible, and religious papers and books treating ou the religious lite. Ditlereiit members of the convention spoke on tlie subject of "Tlie Jicnelit in i ne S. 8. to the Scholar. I lie subject, "A Model K. L. C K Prayer Service," was opened tor discus sion by Kev. J. Lawvcr. 1. A good Leader. l. All the mem bers present, u. Pull together. 4. Have life. The subject, "The Successful S. S. Superintendent" presented by Kev. J. Wome.dorf, Aire. J. Wonieldorrgave-an excellent address on "The Missionary Enterprises in our Church". ''Primary Work" was discussed by dillerent members ol liie convention. (hi Thursday evening a lecture was delivered on, "The Pledge", by Kev. W. 11. Fouke, editor of "K. I,. '. i : Journal, and S. S. Literature," frmu lI.tlTishlllg. The lecture was deeply interesting, instru 'live, inspiring ami c hi viiieing. I I awakened a deeper pmjio.se in each liosiiin In be true to the pledge, ami hold il more .sacred. 1 lie next si ssiuii n (he eon vent loll is to he held at Shriller, I 'a. 'I'll e mi ion i as rein ganied as follows: President, '. Uuaeisux ; V. p., Jacob Lawver ; Secrctai.v, A. S. Si chrisi ; Treasurer, . il. llariman ; Supeiiuieiiilu'it of Home Dcparlincilt, Mrs. ,i. Womeldoif. Committee on resolutions ottered it report. Tin nveiiti'ui proved an interest ing and successful one. Ccntrcvillc l'riiiiiiij School. The following are tlie names of tlie pupils who attended the Ceiitreville Primary Scliool i very day during tlie lirst month ending Oct. U'nd. Boys : I'rie Bcrger, Marion Sheary John Walter, Paul Dundore, John Kol land, Jay Kulins, Dorsie Mohn, Jay Snook. (iirls: Kuth Long, Edna Long, Blanche Musser, Annie Fessier, Lulu Snook, Alverda Bingaman, Lena Spangler, Carrie Kuhns, Sarah Walter, Myrtle Hunt, Clara Walter, Minuie llartiiian, Alice Bingaman. Ho.mkk B. Boweksox, Teacher. Henry Scholl. Henry Scholl, a well-known citizen of Union township, died at bis home Friday. He was an old soldier and a highly respected citizen. He was jiick oniy about two weeks. He was married to Mollie Sechrist aud his wife has been an invalid for years. They are the parents of three children: ? . Howard, a school teacher who re sides at home. 2. Sallie, married to Jacob 8. Iteicb eubacb ; residing In Suubury. 3. Lewismarried, resides In Wash ington Co., aud holds a lucrative posi tion. He was aged about 65 years. Fun eral was held Monday. MARRIED. At Salem, Oct. 11th, by llev. II. G. Snable, Milton S. Benfer aud Cora V. Mover, both from near Freeburg. At Salem. Oct. 13th, by Rev. II. CI. Snable, - Charles O. Kenuinger and Emma IS ace both of Selinsgrove. Tern Matter in Snyder County. Ill last week's P.ellefoule "loielte' T. H. Ilarter, formerly Editor of the Pnsr wrote of what he sas he saw and heard in Snyder county. His let ter is as follows : , Berks county has bad its reputation as a De erali sitonglcilil from lime immemorial. Snyder county may be classed as irrevocably and irredeema bly Kepubiic.in. Peiius ami Itnisli Valleys, this county, arc the Democra tic strongholds, because they ale inha bited mostly by Pennsylvania Her mans w ho seldom change their politi cal faith. This in all probability ac counts for the regular and overwli lin ing Kenibliean majority in Snyder county. Both districts are "sot" in their faith, aud their customs are us unchangeable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. Yeais agoSnydei county had its leaders the one was .lele ('rouse, who served as piothonotary for seven successive terms ..r twenty one years. Tlie other leader was Daniel Bolcnder, now deceased, who was elected live times to the ollioe of sber ill'. As these two leaders belonged to the same party Kepublicau-and al ways had a safe majority behind them, many weretlieacriiuonious campaigns through which they passed lo retain the leadership. Both were skilled politicians, liberal, open hearted, ready to forglv: their enemies ami marshal them to their individual support at the next campaign ; for as soon us one campaign was over they turned over a m w leaf in the political ledger and be gan to pave the way for the next con test two in three years hence, when I hey would again come up for olliee. Crouse was the accepted Cameron and (Juay leader and so potent was his in llueuce with the people that many looked to him for all changes in the government which they considered necessary. Upon one occasion one of his constituents warned him that if he dj I nel, v'U'out reiluctiou f ,; Ui . tarill' ou siig.ii' lie would lie defeated In the next campaign. Luckily the price of tlie commodity came down and J ere was gien the eieilil lor il and was triumphantly i h eied for his ellective work in lessening Iheexpen-i' of can ning fruit. To-day the coiiely has many leaders, ami il is declared that liion;:h ibe campaign prae, ieaily emt io; securing inc I e pti1 'ii. an iioinnia I ion, I hi',i x pi 'i:se of o'ntaiiiinu il doi not justify the attempl ; fm ike in 'el. lie county, I hey have I heir l.-ai!s who w nul l sen lli 1 1' I'll ih-i'n.' Ill for a mess i.f J ul i idee, forget principle and vote for the man willi the long pur-e or l he well-lLleil demijohn, So nun h f.ir Snvdcr county po;:iies w hich like our ow n county badly needs the appli cation of banner i c ami a scrubbing billsh. The citizenship of the county is piineipally composed of thai sturdy class of people know n as l'eniis Ivauia Dutch the best people on ( iod's green earth. Slow but .sure-- they never tra vel on the cow-catcher imr on Lie rear platfoim, but w hen the train rolls into the depot they are all there w ith both feet. Commercially they are well-to-do though they may not look it ; which recalls an incident of our own experi ence. A man appeared on the diamond at Middleburg some years ago during court week (which is theipiarter-annial occasion for the uatliui ing of the clans i and ollered harness at put.hc sale. Not receiving any bids at his lirst ollering, lie became very much discouraged, de claring that these people had no money and that he was going home ; where upon some friend informed him that they bad more money than he ever saw, aud that if he would once get them started he would soon sell all he had. He concluded to stay until the next day, when bidding began and he sold three dozen sets in less than two hours. The astonishing feature of the whole affair was that only two of the purchasers accepted the lilieral time payment which was ollered the rest all paying ca.sli for their purchases. The town of Middleburg, the county seat, is becoming quite a beautiful lit tle town. Notwithstanding the com bined population of Franklin and Mid dleburg of about 800, it baa one rattling fine bank and another one started for which the building is in course of erection. It has good buildings and good substantial people, but they are too slow else they would not have com mitted the unpardonable blunder of al lowing an outside corporation to bring ou the moiiev from S to .10 per cent invested. Among its men w ho gained a place in history are ioveruer Snyder, after w hom the county was naiiieil, w hose remains li buried at Selinsgrove, ami another was Honorable ,.- Middles wa' lh, lo: g since dead, a member of Congress nnd ., Iu. fnotable charac ter. He was a typical Pennsylvania I iteliiuan, ami possessed not only a slroiig intellect, indouiinahlc energy ami great political acumen, but enjoy, ed an abundance of Me dry huinoi and natural wit forw lii. h that race is noted. I bis strikingly iiianifesi. il is,.f during bis term in Congress w hen one of bis colleagues delivered himself an address w 1 1 i l I was so embellished w ith Latin ami (ireek iilolal ions that it disgusted the old veteran, and at its conclusion he jumped to bis feet and began a har angue in Pennsylvania Dutch which so astonished (he speaker that he call ed upon him I'm- an explanation of his outlandish utterances, declaring that he was out of order. Mr. Middles wartli blandly explained his action In stating that the language tub Iressed to the last speaker was good, old Penn sylvania Dutch, and that lie meant by il to convince tlie House that tlie last speaker was not tlie only man in that body who could handle two languages. This performance, with his already re cognized ability, attracted attention to him and a short time later, at a ban iiet, be was relucted to carve the turkey iu Pennsylvania Dutch style. Mr. iWidilleswarth promptly accepted the challenge, and placing the bird iu front of him he sliced oil" a "drum stick" and "second-joint" which lie de livered ou his own plate, and then, setting the turkey hack in the middle of the table, remarked:' "Now, gen tlemen ; help yourselves. That is Pennsylvania Dutch style !" Our visit last week was principally confined to McKecs 1 Falls, where we went for the purpose of catching fish, but b our surprise lound that the 'has tor w hich the State has stopped almost all kinds of fishing aud spent thou sands of dollars in legislation for their preservation, had mysteriously disap peared, and we didn't get a bile. Some claim thai the pollution of the v; ln ol the Susilleliaiilia has eau-ed I dc-l filet ioll, While nlhi'ls i in il aii- lo in co;,i u a Ibe : i con fi'i 'in ibe a:,ihi aeile in: on the 'cs Blanch w hieh piactiealiN eovi I- its hot! aei 11:'. l;e . 1 1 . : Ullder I he locks -a 1 1 . iv I he li-h V ill wont to make their habitation. Il W i i'e well, I hel efoie, '..r our law luak ers to pay some at'etiiiou to the pie. ervalioii o (he naluial i otuhtion-- ol the si ream ami I n d -n much to tin r fellow s who apply sideieil legit imate mi l h a ine.-s of fish. .noi wn iisiaiiiiiug hiir taiiiire to cap ture fish ,,nr slay al .McKecs I-a lli was a delightful experience, lor wt were under the careful iiioieclion of "Jumbo" Kcrstetier, the proprietor of the hotel, whose house is situated on one of the most pict uresipie spots along the entire stretch of the Su.siUchanna, and tlie mention ol whose name brings back pleasant memories of chicken and wallles aud everything else to tempt the epicure. His table is a realization of tlie hunter's dream whose provisions are exhausted and lie goes hungry to sleep. As high as llfty guests at one time flock to his house to eat aud sleep aud listen to the rush of the mighty Susquehanna as it tumbles over tlie falls. There is, moreover, no place iu the State that affords equal opportunity to study human nature. Here it is found in its primitive state. A few incidents will sulllce : Some time ago a native of that local ity, while on his May to the Falls, was overtaken by a minister who invited him to ride along. The conversation drifted along pleasantly for a time, un til the minister asked the boy if he could tell him the way to Meiservllle. "You c bust go down dis here bush till you come to au apple tree Held and then turu right," was the reply. The minister amused by this young man's picturesque English, asked him what he did for a living, to which be replied that he was a day laborei . This familiarity emboldened tbeyoung man to ask the man of the cloth ( whom be bad not recognized as a minister) what be did for a living, to w Inch he replied: 'I show people the ro.td to Heaven." water-works iuto the town from a line This was too much for the native, and mountain stream less than two milts lie burst forth iu Dutch : away which ulTords a gravity pressure j "Duiiner wetlder ! Dob room cooma T. e the bete tlie weis i mi waislit is. ' l b ii lulcral ii ii i : here lo show pi opl aud don't know w Askim; one of tin expect, na!e inn. the sa:... I hi'-h stands on a ; the cent f the Imli 1 the mail, which is cai i i. ! M iddleburg ever misled he lephed : "Ye. in ,1,- p W e ', i net w,, Meiserville me around id to Heaven i - I iile is !) i l'.'lligH '.':,M spit- : a, .it i.'i ' '. .et her -.ge lo i lions, I Well .el hot y 'i. in t,. I one n the athcl- ole. Jill i de snow i- , ' as W e got em." This , in.,' the kii'L-' I knot- is i ,iia to 1 1 ' lady paid aiiotlu-r w I j habit of being tardy at tugs, w h.-ii she said I "Well, well ! You're You lis, ,! I,, . behind b. to see .Miu're first at last." So hue is part of w hat bear iu Snyder .ounty. Ii never lu-en there, go now ; you have been there once sure to go again," Tom evidently overlook,..! ti. f..t that almost a century ag ,, I vv. Henry Fries, a preacher of Center county iu delivering his farewell sermon said : lieu zwincUed de Welt und Brush Valley. i see and oii have :ii i, I allei u will be unihite THE FtTUKE KtVliALLI). Coining Events C.iM Their Shadow's ltcfi.ro. The readers of (lie Post are request ed to send us aniiouiici incuts of all events. No charge will be made to publish the same when ibe event is of public importance. Tin iisi.Av, oct.i'j and::::, the Snyder County C. Union will convene In the Lutheran' Church of Selins grove. Sati ui.av, Oct. 1M and ly.tli, llieexer cisesof the One Hundredth Anniver sary of the 1st Ev. , Lutheran Church SelinsgKiyo will take place. Address will be delivered by Kevs. S. K. Och seiifonl, C. !'. Dry, J. !. ..l(f j)iT)i fold, (,. Ii. Handier and If. Ill-mining, M session -pi, ; , p. in. H. ai:iii,n: n, int, heretoloh coll ptutc I'M' , I- the . van. I pia;.. ' ( 1,'t. ' I V -I et a pa I : in Ik I. d -yl-i ial 111 'e VI' .1' I'l l ... lion. Tin i. !'!! ::- !!l I! e.l. M,,V. T- . : w ill , Mid. 'll .1,1 i blU '.d -tl!1: ill i a I Th" ' Ol' - I he ('. even ..III, IV otl-e at :.t,er : . c it will ild l.ll.-i- ie alien- Shelli -K'ipk.i. From the "l.eu is,,wn By a marriage notice cN.-a lie learned w hat the imp. liess was that was receiviuu 11,1,1 yesterday of our cllii-ieiit foreman, W. P. Shelly. II,. hMS taken as a shar er of his joys and sorrows Mi-s l-.lia-bctli Kijika, one of Middlchurg's ex cellent young ladies, the ceremony Ins ing performed qtiiiely at the home of Kev. Dr. Crcssiiian last evening. Mr. Shelly has been in Lcwistowu for a few weeks and bus made friends of all who have come lo know him, ami bl and his estimable bride have ihi! bei-t wishes of these friends, and assuredly of the entire force of Tlie Sentinel of fice, for a future full of sunshine and prosperity, Hides ! Hides ! A reliable man is wanted to collect aud ship country hides. Highest cash market prices paid. Address of 90 pouuds and will net the company da leit der wake uuch em himmel 10-lVlt. M. O, Kuxtz, Lchightou, Pa. Engine For Sale A twelve horse ixiwer portable Frick Engine is oftered at private sale. It can lie seen at Stroptown. Inquire oi I'.. S. STKori , M Strouptown, Pa. a i 1'iililic Sale of Furniture. My regular semi-annual public sale of Furniture will take place, Saturday, Oct. Ill, PJ0.I, at ten o'clock a. in. Abo at the same time, 1 will oiler at public sale tlie house aud lot now occupied by u. v . isuriis, on Sugar street. Terms easy. 10-l.Vi't. H. E. Wai.tf.ii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers