' Mili)LEBUKGPOST. Publishes Ertry Tharaday lleralag io. w. WAQSN3SLL1R. A. M. Inrroa uroowna. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 1.00 per yer paid In adranca. 1.9 pettw II not pmld laarlranc. tUnjrle copla. F1t Cent AdTrrtloliir Rtr, S cent per line, nonpareil measure ment, for tiritt Innertlor. and 20 renin per line (or each aubae. q Inwrlion. IVOKKIOB. Neartne County Court llouee, between Hie Ktrt National Bank and the County Jail. Vol. xxxx. Oct. 8, 190H. Number 3 Republican Standing Committee. Ailam-C. I'. Hia, J. T. ShawTer. leaver -II. II. rnilt. A. II. Miimrr. liravi-r WrlW. r. Urom, liavlil Kennliiicer. intrf T. K Motin, .1. V. H.impll. li;i;iiniiti -I'. V. Ili'ikilnl, I. II. I'lHleKrOve, Franklin - ll'-nrv Krlty, .lohn i. Uv mitnicer. .1nrk.ii .1. S. Yvnrit-k, Wm. .IhiIiI. Mii-llflti;rjc . V. r.i'jivi-r, liunk W. Yoder. MiililliM n-i k -Kmiik Waller. M. K.Snvder. M.mro.- II. r. ll.-nilmk.. II. F. Finlier. !'. nil- .1. II. Iii.y. r. W. N. How. IVtry'. A. lliickcnl'iirL:, .1. VV. Arliiinnt. J'l-try i'"t-.iiiiin.n fpri;:!'. W. A. tVlntciy, N tlii-.tvr-C, I.. KuUrr.l' W.l'ovrrt. tutu I.i'1'lrv. .1. M. l-'.ivinif. 1 i.t.iu It. I.. Foil., lli-nry Wiliiii-r. W :i-liMKtoii -Mu liarl Moycr. J. F. Klenliourr. KKIMT.UCAX STATK T1CKKT. St.vit. Ti;f.asi-i:i:i: William I.. Mutinies, Delaware Co. A i mtiii: ii:.K.i:.i. William 1. iSnyiler, ( 'liostcr enmity. .Il l'iiCS Sl I'KKHHt Col KT. Joltii J. Henderson, Crawford County. Thomas A. Morrison, McKeeii County. COUNTY T1CKHT. lYolhiiiiotary (ieo. M. Shindel. lleistcr r.nd Kei-order J. J. Arlmgast. Associate .ludge .1. Frank Keller. District Attorney M. 1. Totter. Jury Commissioner Irwin (Jrayliill. LITE K AMY NOTES. Kvkuyihiky's. ETryJoly's Magazine begins to he some thing more than an entertaining ten eeuts' worth ot fiction and articles. An indentity has lteen deveIoM'd a sturdy and aggressive identity all its own and lull of interest and promise. Thus lar, the magazine has prided itself on the timeliness of its features and the healthy vir ility of its fiction. Now, it has found itself, en tered on its own mission, headed out on its par ticular crusade. The key-note of this indivi duality is the article by Alfred Henry Lewis, in the October number, "The madness of much money." This U a scathing attack on the vulgm displays of great wealth to which the new gen eration of millionaires lias treated the countrt. ' Success The October 4'Succens" is a big one. It con tains just thirty new features. The variety is uoticeable, each article, poem, and story having tieen chosen with rare discrimination, go as to make a publication of jierfect balance. The leading feature is an inspiring and graphic life sketch of Adelina Patti who is soon to retnrn to America. It is one of the lie&t histories of her life and its purpose ever written, and its authen ticity can not be tjuestioned, for William Ams trong, who wrote it, was sent to England by "Success" specially for that purHise. He was Madame I'atti's guest at her castle, Craig-y-Xos, Wales, and she gave him all the facts on which the article is based. IIf.vikw of Kkvikw's In the Review of Ileviews for ( ctobcr are two articles on the problem of the country school which deserve special attention. Professor Hays ofthe I'niversity of Minnesota, writes on "Our Farmer Youth and the Public School," showing what is being done in many parts of the'country through school consolidation and the development of agricultural high schools, to give the country hoy and girl the advantages of a connected, well adjusted, and rational system of public instruct ion, while Superintendent Kern, of Hock ford, III., in a brief illustrated article gives the results of practical ellorts among farmer boys in his country in the direction of interesting the boys in the business of farming and in teaching them the things worth knowing in their rural environment. e irmduali. cowing to a point of more impor tance as a trading centre and where it would of ft r liira a tietter field for the extension of his business. Next year will lie leap year. The years divid ed by four, except that ofthe century year, 1900 are the leap years. The holidays all take a jump of one day and the man that is looking for ward in anticipation is informed that Fourth of July, which fell on Saturday this year, will fall on Monday next year. Kvery good advertiser helps to build up the community. Every good merchant who fails to advertise is not only neglecting an opportunity which could lie used to his own advantage, but he fails to help the town to grow when it might How's This? We offer one Hundred dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.,Tole do. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last J15 years and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their lirm. West tV: Truax, ' wholesale drug gist, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan fc Marvin, wholesale Druggist, To ledo O. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system price "") per bottle sold by all Druj"rist. Testimonials free. Mall's family pills are the best. I vxzmvzvi ccacsrssa. Wednesday, aptmbr 30. Robert R. Weit of Kentucky, has been appointed auditor for tha gorera- j meat prtnttas oee. r Commliitcmtr of Penalona War baa returned to Washington from hia sum mer Yacatloa. which he apent In Kan- WEOWIIEU The Racket Our premium oflVr of Silver ware should Interest you. Why not investigate it. We oiler you": Swift's eased ham, ier lb. Oi liic. I'icnie Hams, per Hi. ( 14c. Skin itoloKtui, per ll, (" 1 ."k Summer Sausage, per II). ( Inc. Mackerel, per tisli, I k:. Cream t 'liee.se, per Hi. ( ie. Tomutoea, per can, lite. Com, per can, lite. Peas, per can, llli;. String lleaus, per can, )n(. Our line of Groceries is com plete and fresh. We also have a line Hue of fresh choice Confectioneries. Yours for Business, Geo. W. Burns. Watch our advertisement?. LCO. HilU I HO WHAT'S Your Idea about Paint? LOW PRICE is LOW QUALITY. Taint "a3 good as" The. Sherwin-Williams'. Paint (there's none better) cannot be sold for less than we ask. If less is asked, you know the quality is low er and it's not cheap. It's poorly made, contains poor material, or is short measure. You get what j'ou pay for every time. SOLD BY - T . Jbiuer mis That's what you need; some thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Aycr's Pills. Vegetable; gently laxative. i&M.'i'Z: (7, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE nmr i-m up rmrmusri r r. p. iiai.i. t rn.. unrt v h. GELNETT BROS., Middleburg, Pa. As Sure as Shooting 15ut Shmitingis not always sure. Its mighty uncertain if the gun isn't right or the ammunition's poor I, Mir Ammunition will keep the best gun from shooting sure. I'oiii't iuus have the same eflect upon (Jood Ammunition. You must have lxth of them right. GOOD GUNS 1 Confession of a priest. Kev. J no. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark; writes, "For 12 years I sullered from yellow Jauniliee. I consulted a numher of doctors, hut got no relict. Then I ilegan the use of Kkctric Hitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kid ney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric I titters. It's guaranteed by Middleburg Drug C o., (iraybill and (iannan Kichficld and Dr. .1. V. Sampsell I'enns Lreek. The Famous STEVENS X single barrel trigger action among others, and good ammunition. The Standard new club shells for example, are what we want to sell you. GOOD REVOLVERS And (Jood Ammunition of all kinds. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PA. Vin-te-na Ik fforli's Greatest Tonic. Take VIn-te-na and the good effects will be immediate. You will get strong you will feel bright, fresh nnd active, you will feel new, rich blood coursing through your veins, your nerves w ill net steadily, ynu will feel health and strength and energy coming back to Sold under positive guar antee. If it fails to benefit YTN-Te-NA, The World's Greatest Tanie, will euro all forms of Cough, Bronchial Trouble, Coughs of long standing, aud the earlicrstnges of Con sumption. When cough syrup fails take VIN-TH-Na and if it fails to bene, lit you your money will be cheerfully refund'.'d. All druggist. A large number of Snyder County ieni attended the Lewis). urg fair Thursday of last week. 2'99 is the New and Better Breakfast Food, bo different from all others that it plcasoB everybody. Get a package to-day at your grocers. Tbi Gbmesbi Pf in Food Co., Li Rot, N. Z, you your money will be refunded. Vin-te-na The World's Greatest Tonic All Druggists. Taught quickly and thoruimhlv at small cot. We train itudenti the war ofllclala want tlifm trained. Big demand for opera torn, (food paying poaftlona guaranteed to all graduates, or money refunded. Illustrated catalogue mailed FREE. luMra SckMl if Tclifnr;, In f Wtoaas, fa, EYES! Indigestion verti go, headache, consti pation, piles, insom nia, lumbago and all female disorders are only a few ofthe symp toms of functional derangements caused by defective eyes and aggravated by improp er diet, habits occu pation, etc, "We are able to care for your eyes and give you advice. FISHER THE LEADING JEWELER. Qraduate Optician SUNBURY, PA. DIAMONDS A SPECIALTY. Jamei Owens, a plasterer, was killed and three other workmen terlouily In jured by a gas explosion on the root of a New Tork hotel By the capsizing of his boat while fishing at West port. Mass., Henry Steer, a prominent New York bust nesi man. was drowned. Thursday, October 1. John W. LI1I. a prominent Texas pol itician, dropped dead In a New York hotel from heart failure. One of four bbers was shot and killed in Chicago by Theodore Ray, a private watchman, whom they at tempted to hold up. Fire destroyed the Norfolk and Western hotel, 12 residences and nu merous smaller buildings at William son. W. Va. Loss $100,000. Governor Murphy, accompanied by several New Jersey officials, paid a visit to the I'nited States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. II. Melville Itanna. brother of Sena tor M. A. Hanna. has given $100,000 to the Western Keserve University, Cleveland, O., to found a chair in an atomy and kindred subjects. Friday, October 2. Over 1100 Pittsburg plumbers are on strike for 50 cents an hour and an eight-hour day. Plans have been approved by tae navy department for a law now naval prison at Portsmouth, N. II. While stia!ir. a ride on a freight trn':i at I'r.ioa City, Ind.. one tramp was killed, two fatally Injured and five others seriously injured. Alter being reconciled to bis wife, Harney Ramos, of Augusta, Ga., fired a bullet through her heart and then killed himself. Jealousy was the cause. A mass of human bones, supposed to be the person who set fire to Jacob Schar's barn, near Elizabeth, N. J., were found in the ruins of the build ing. Saturday, October 3. Sir Thomas Llpton will sail from New York for London next Friday. The French Jewelry exhibit for the St. Louis fair already amounts to $4, 000,000 and Includes a $500,000 pearl collar. Major General Corbin, adjujant gen eral of the army, is to be assigned to the command of the department of the east with headquarters at Governor's Island, N. Y. The official trial of the battleship Missouri will take place on the 21st inst. Captain Cowles, President Roose velt's brother-in-law, will be the first commander. Monday, October 5. Seven Chinamen were 'arrested at Cleveland, O., on a charge of trying to get into this country Illegally. While on his honeymoon in Niagara Falls, N. Y., Herman Hocker, of Chi cago, went insane and was taken in charge by the police. Because she was placed in the Chil drons' Home at Terre Haute. Ind., 12-year-old Anna Kans committed sui cide by drinking carbolic acid. . Colonel Leoiiidns W. Spratt, one of tin? surviving members of t!io South Carolina secession convention, died at Jacksonville, FIa aged 85 years. A. Parent and J. Curtis were shocked to deatli at Montreal, Can., by the boom of a derrick they were oper ating coming in contact with an elec tric wire. Tuesday, October 6. Fifteen persons were injured by the derailment of a trolley ear on a sharp curve at Middletown, Conn.- Three small children of George Hoether, of Casevjlle, -Mich., were drowned by the capsizing of a row boat. Absolutely purg THERE IS NO SUBST1M Attorney ueuemi ivnithTrT ed to Washington from an v vacation and resumed the h,.. his office. Ey an explosion of cas Jn , of the Plymouth Coa! ('un,;,,. Plymouth. Pa., seven mc burned. The cause of the is unknown. Tl. r .. i . fcierners large aui.attuir. st lehem. Pa., are on strike r hours with 10 hours- pay. GENERAL MARKETS Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. r, was steady; winter sup. rfi-a 3.2i: Pennsylvania roller. (;,'jr j.in; cny inins. lanrv Jc Rye flour was quiet, at ,; -, r ' ii-i. inni nag 111111, .no. p, i-nnlfl mil noil' ?V1.. .u.im ..... ii-'y dv-H-. a . X' i i ? ' mill, .-u. . ciiuw. icirai. t,tjr were quiet; No. 2 white, c' 44c; lower graues, -ii.,( n steady; No. 1 timothy. fKfii,;': larise uaie. ueei was stealy hams, $20 21. Pork was fi-J,' ily, $20.50. Live poultry, hens old roosters, lOfglo'fec. Iiri try, choice fowls, Inc.; olj nJ c. tsuiier was sieauy; cn-ampf keks were Bteany; iew Yuri Pennsylvania, 25c. per doz. M were sieaay; zoio juc. per bakf Baltimore. Md., Oct. . Whrit' nrm; spot contract. vuy7&V. No. 2 red western. SiiLSi' steamer No. 2 red, 52l8 52l.r-u em, by sample, 68S0c; joutheH graue, nig buc. txirn was eas! 5151c.; steamer mixed, iJ 4c.; souinern wnuc and y corn. 53B6c. Oats were steaJj 2 white, 42V4c.; No. 2 mixed t 4ic. uye was nrmer; .o 2, 58V4c; No. 2 western, 595 59i,c. Live Stock Markett. Herr's Island, Pa., Oct. 6,-fj were steaay; cnoice, 5.4055jo $3.60i;4.20: prime. $5.l0'&5?5 were active: nrlmp heavv Ihiiisl mediums, $6.656.70; heavy Yorl $6.60 G.C&; light Yorkers. JC Ijfl pigs, $ti 8.30; roughs. $15.;; SI were steady; prime wothers. $41 cuus ana common, ji.oua:; c! lambs, $3.60 5.80: veal cakes, 7.50 per 100 pounds. GEN. BRADLEY T. JOHNSON N The Well-Known Confederate J Passes Away in Virgin Richmond. Va., Oct. 6.-(ri Bradley T. Johnson clled at the I of his son, Iiradley S. Johnson. a:l Castle, in Goochlanil ccnittj. nrights disease was the la i-eol' The body will be conv. yul ;o more for burial beside tln sravt wif. A confederate v.t.tsn honor .will accompany ti.i r:?j: the place of burial. General Johnson was bom it i erlck City, Md Sepfiulwr 5 and came of a distiiiKiii.li"d Mi family, one of his anieslurs !; been a governor of that state. H- at Frederick City until hp iacj to take part in the war. He ma: daughter of Judge Saunders, o! Carolina, at one tima Ameruati ter to Spain. Two children wi a daughter, who died, and a so: ley S. Johnson. IDC 31 Sunbury's New Dry Goods Store, GDI Thnndm del 1 UUU v j Jb UUA MUUj J On TLnrsdar, Oct. 8, we will Lave our realM Millinery and Cloak Opening with the Largest sortment, the most fetching styles and best valwj seen in trimmed headwear and women's garnieiii tailored suits, dress skirts, walking suits, era verren w coats, long coats and childrens coats and dresses. We cordially invite you to attend our ope: ing- M. MILLRER, Dry floods, Millinery and Cloaks. J 3Sa MARKET STREET, Sunhury, Pa,
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