MIDLU-EBUKG V$L a l Patrick's . Lessons In Language. Patrick's Lessons Patrick's Principles of English Grammar By J. N. PATRICK, A. H. Definite in aim ; free from the distracting gab which characterizes many of the language text-books recently' published : contain mire word-study, sentence-making exercises, and composition work than any ether books on the market ; the method compels the pupil to get un derstanding while he is getting Information : the burden oi the recitation is placed upen the pupil where it prop- er:v i,, tgs : ana the dooks dis!:n:ti:rs which tend only to confuse and discourage pupiis. Liberal Terms on Exchange and Introduction Supply. LippinccVs Arithmetics, (3 books." Cutter's Physiologies, (3 books). Bert's Elementary Science. Worcester's School Dictionaries. iMorris's Series of United States Histories. High School Books. Reference Books. For circulars a;;d full particulars as to exchange and introduction terms, address the publishers. J. B. Lippincott Company, EAST WASHINGTON SQUARE, 1 I PHILADELPHIA. MERCER5BL'RG ACADEMY. I J A School For Boys Healthfully located in one cf the most picturesque sections of Pennsyl raaia. Thorough instruction ; college preparatory" work tij;g especially suc cessful. Personal interest is taken in each bey, the airr. being to inspire ir every pupil the lefty ideals :f th:r:u' scholarship, bread sttilitv.er.t:.. '--..r.i judgment, knz C'r.r.:t:sn ma::.. :ess. Ne clr..r.g ha!!. ne d:rm:t:ry, and r.ev - ' - !, F:r ca:- .-.t r: ?r :r.;:rma- William Warn. Irvine. f'h. Li.. r'reMJent, MERCER5CIRG PA. arpin Day Notice! AND s r f -n 4- ) C- . JP ) f J yKJ b. LlJ, Walter L. LARGESHOW - never see unless gcinc t; a larger place. I will have Bargains on above Daie in Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, infact Everything CLOW, SITS ul CAPS, Jewelry &c. Reduced. '-'N r" sell yc j a e:ll zf goods if i '. - '- ' '-" : SHALL ENDEAVOR TO MAKE r LEAS ANT FOR YOU. I WILL, r I'd. r --'-r L FOR HAVING HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO Li-.: a::L TREET YOU AND SHALL HOPE TO HAVE YOUR PATRONAGE LATER. Yours Respectfully, J. W. RUNKLE, Middleburg, Pa. In Grammar. are tree trom tecnnicai I I XKAV CLASSICAL MAPS OF ANCIENT HISTORY. For f i rrols and Sunday Schools. Ancient C eece, Mounted on cloth 40x58 inches. Palestine, unted on cloth, 40x58 in. Travel? -t. Paul. Ki , n.ed on cloth, 58x40 inches. Roman Vo'rld, mounted on cloth, 58x40 inches. With cloth back Mounted on Common Rollers. $2.00. b Single Cak Case, cn Spring Reller Price. $3.00. The AkConnell School Supply Co., 4430 iMarket Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CCME TO MIDDLE3URG. ,T vill d: yd'j gc !'CRE WAYS THAN 0N WILL SEE WKATCTHE L:NG AND ALSO SEE IT VILL DZ YD'J GOOD IN E, YCU ERS ARE Main's Court Proclamation. WHEREAS tka Hob. riarald M. Mrt'lor. frrstdsnt Jads; o! tha Judicial bistort, eompwd af las nale ol Sidr, and rniioa aa rr. Rlccla and Z. T. Gem. bertlng-. Kpqt AmelaU Judrfa la and tor Su jr dar county, hssalssasd thslr p'roapt. bearing; data lha 1th dr 01 Juna A. IK. IW1 lu directed lr lb anMina; oian Urticans' Court, a court ulOommoa Pima, court ol Oyer aud Tet minor aad tlansral Court nl Quarter tlassloas af in treses, at Mt-tlltanih. tur the count on Sarder. na lha Mond 17 Oct. 6 b, I BUR. Nollrala HMrah.ra nsieny ru to itaa Coron or, JwticMot Uiel'aara and Uonttabl-S lo and tortus ooontjr ol Snjrder, to sppsat lo thair proper panoo with tbeir roil,, record,. Inquisi tions, axamlnntloRi and other rrmetnbranoM todnthwettalKa which of lliclr oflloi aud In their teball partaln to he done and llniu and ieruni uroaecutiniriB behall t.i the l.'oui Bonaealth aaralnstanr eiWBor perrouiiare re quired to be then and there attending aod de parting without leare at their porll. Juvtloer, are requested to he puortual In tliairattendant'c at the appointed time airreexbly 10 nutire. Olven under m hand st hmI at t:,e MierifT a oftlreain .MlddlehiirKh the Cth of eiit., A. 1) , 1WIS. L'UAS. K. SAMI'Htl.U I lierill Jury List. I.iat of (irnnil .tu'ora drawn for the four! of Oyer and Tor ml Dor and and lienernl Jail deli very and Court of (juartet Session of the Peace of Snyder County held as October Term, com iir'nciiiii Monday, Oct. S, 1WU. UKAM) JI UOKS. Name, Occupalion, liesidcucc. Ihircmaii. I.llli'olii, farmer, Ai'anis. Bunfcr, Michael, saddler, .lui kon. BiiiKuiuan, Daniel, Jr., lalwrfr. llnsnrovv. Caarlrs, H. V . tinsmith, Selln.-k-rove. Feesc, Ncr M., farmer, Btavcr Kelker, ( ha F laborer fleuer Jelnctt Samuel furiner ('hamnnn. Oiibert Manila lalwri'r Heaver. iarmaii ItOawt-ll furincr WashlnKton. Oilbert James bricklayer Mouroe. IH'rmsn c'harlet laborer MldillecrccK. Hartmaii Job farmer Adams. Kline John W farmer Adams. K lui niter I'liae farmer Washington Kratier Milton farmer Franklin. Mcnxle I'h Up farmer Perrv. Maurer Jacob B farmer Mid, lice reck. Slahl Hiram laliorer Monro. Mhawver Joseph laborer Adams. Teats Brian teacher Monroe Teata F. X fu'veyer Monroe, t'pdeiirove I H mall-carrier Chapman. VanZan.lt Jas jrcntleman Middleburg. Walter Sepliarea farmar Franklin. PETIT Jl' ROUS. Rachman Iseter teacher Franklin. Bower ox Amoe laborer Franklin. Broaiua John A farmar Perry, Blngaman 8 O laborer Centre. Howersox Chaa lumliernian Franklin. Bingaman William Uborer Spring. Bingaman James M farmer Centre. Bailey Harrison rntaman Jackson. Custer Oeorge furnier Penn. Clelan Alfred Carpenter Middleburg. iwese Aaron rarmer Beaver. Dcker Chaa W slater Beaver Wert. Erdley M K gentleman Mlddleereek. Fetter John F farmer Jackeoa. (Joss J O lumberman Adams. Hackenberg Jesse farmer Centre. lleimbach Uwla farmer Washintni.. Hummel Lewis farmer Middlecreek. I-ewrer Solomon farmer Washington. Leltiel James blacksmith Middleburg. Inig Slcbard R laborer Cliapman. -Moyer Francis B farmer Mover Aaron laborer Spring. Moyer C C laborer Sellnsgrove. Newman Bar.ey laborer Union. Koush Daniel geoUemaa Washington. nousn lcwii laborer Reichner George laborer Ch inm. Hay Frack larmer Franklin. y tlliam farmer " Strawse r J C farmer Perry West. Stuck tieo C blscksmllb Middleburg. Smith Michael shoemaker I'enn. Swarts Ucnjamin farmer Chapman. SUIT r S. F. laborer I aiou. Siahl Tavid farmer holly H s gentleman Sclinsirrove. Sha-nl,.,,:, Harvey farmer Franklin. 'raner , L farmer fni..,, hnre Henry gentleiiAn Washlmrto... Me0-le Jol.n farmer fiiion. Thouia, Jnnathati farmer Middlecreek. naiu r .aron I runner Cuntre. "alter Klmer farmer Mldalnburg. W ..etar.lner Peter farmer Centre. W'illi.m latxirer Cnion. WK.,er M m U carpenter Penn. Yo.cr Bmks W. lumberman MiJdleburg. Widows' Appraisements. Notice is hereby given tint the fallowing Widows Appraisement, under the IM) law, luiv been filed with tte (lerk of the Orphans' Court of Snyder County for coLflrn.at.on on Monday, t )e 5th day of October, A. D. VM. 1. Appraisement of Catherine Long, widow 0 Joseph II. Long, late of Heli.grve, Snyder touBi, .Pa.d.elertedtobe Uken u. der the 3' exemption law. i Appraisement of Sarah Leader, widow of Kobert Le.her. late of Mouroe t-,wL.hp, Sny. der County. deceised, elected to be takell eii'ier tle tom exemptiun law. a . Appraisement o( Amanda WagCer. widow ol tdward Wg, J. of w, ship, Snyder County. Pa , deceased, elected to beukeu under the fWO exemption law. 4. Apprsme,,, o( MmrJf p U.ideilaKer, widow of 1). W. Iudenslager, late of Selin. grove. sn; der County, p,., deceued. elc'ted oe tauen under the tl ft 00 law. exemption. S. Appra.se-i.ent W Annie S. "Jaines. w.duW of Horace H line., lau- of W,. l.r t.,WI. .Ii.p. Snyder Coun'y. p,., deoeifl, ele. td t.j I take-, under the fm. exemption law. t. Apprai.-U.eiit of Margaret 1. St'mellng. w,d..w ol Palmer H, Stimeliiig. late of Frank -Lu towi.slnp. Snyder Hounty, pa., deceased ciecuyj to ie (aLi-u tinder the m :Xetjj,lo law. :. App'a s ment .,f KlialiHtii KlingP-r, i'lo. l.u. Klifjglcr, late of i'emi t.,w. sii p. i,u-r County, pa., deceased, . le.-i. 4 to b taken 'jnter tlie touO exemption las-. M. Shinoki., ; eric 11 Middleburg, Pa. hepu iuber 9, c. Kvsist'jr'b Xolius. Notions U-reby given that tat f.jl.owing naoed periM, have fllW.tuelr AdiniiiistiatWa, Ouwdiauan-J Kxecutors account In tlie Regie. tersOKieot oujder County, ,,.J tj, j,,. will be prc-uted for co'diriuatlou and allw anc at the Court House at MHdlebu.g, J a , ou Mouday, October Sth, IMS). 1. First and tlual wvuut of Uav.d If. Hoy der, adiu.uistrator A the ratal of busaouah Hoyder, late of Culou Toa-oahip, deotaacd. Aoouunt of Lucy A. Aigler, aduiinistratrlx of (U ttuU- of Jeruuie F. A igler, late of IU aver 'J ap .deceased. t. i-lrataod Fiutl aououot of Katie I,. I I rkb, aduiiiiiatratrix of tite estate of Bciijjiuiii Olch, late of nellusgrove, deveaaad. ic9 taxauvu urumo JlIlin3 Tenets. JO 4. First and Final account of T. A. Warner. adminUtr iK'r af the entile ol Mary E. Blnga- mnn, latiol 8rln Townlilp, decraaed. K Account of .Mr. Vomlc Lnnn. adinlnlid trii of the ettute ai Oeorgc W. long, late of I vui'. (. Finland Flntl account of Amot BallPJ administrator c, 1 a. of I'le mute of Catherine Bailey, late of Monroe Township, deceased. 7. First and Final account of If. R. Fettcrolt Kxccu'or of tile csta'e of Nathan Fetter Jlf. Inte of Adams Twp., der'd. s. Supplemental account of lunao Weiand and Mill'am Wciaud. Fxecutor of the estate of Michael S Weiand, lute of Went Heaver twp., d ceased J 1). p-irst aud Finnl aetontit of Ceorge F ltroius ICxecutor of the estate of Smmicl Arlmgot late ol Perry townshidei-en-ed- J. II. Wil l. is. Register. .Middlchurg, S,.,t. Uitl. TOL'R TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Ma Pennsylvania Railroad, Account UceiiiiR National Bankers' Asso ciation. On account of the meeting of the Nutlonul Hankers' Asst-iulion lo he held at San Frnu cImii, ( al., O.lnlier 211 to l, the Peniisylvaniii Railroad Contiany offers a persoually-conduc ( c1 tour to the Paclllc Coast at remarkably low rates. This tour t li will leaveNeWiVurlc, Phlla dclph'a, llaltmore, Washington, and olhe.' paints 011 the Pennsylvania Hal l road east of Pittsburg, Wednesilay, Octolier 14, by special tralu of the highest glade Ptillnmu equipment. A quick run westward to San Francisco, will be made, via Chicago, Oinnlio, Clieynue, and Ogden. Five days will he devoted to San Francisco al lowing nmple opporl unity to visit the near-by coast resorts. Returning, stops will be made at Malt l-ake City, Colorado Springs, lener. and St l.ouls. Hie party will reacil New York or the evening of Octolier 31. Round-trip rate, covering all expena"a for eighteen -lays, except live days spent In San. Francisco, $11. Rates from Pittsburg will be J3.00 less. For full information apply to Ticket Agents or Ueo. W Bojd, Oeneral Passenger AgunCj Broad Street Sutton, Philadelphia, Pa. "t. Pennsylvania Business and Shorthand College and Correspondence Schools, Lancaster, Pa. During the past season the above school has had an enrollment ef mure Ihan 1VU Irom all over the United States; and a finishing class of roll almost ll more than any other school of the kind in Pennsylvania gradual'-s. Students enroll daily throughout the entire year and have absolute assurance of employment when they llnisb as the school is overwhelmed with applications for help ' Hoard is secured In good homes at from It to tta.weck less than In other places offering simi lar advantages. Tution is proportionately low. On the lAth of.May, last the school purchased a building which, when the remodeling la com pleted, will be one of the Inrgest, best located and finest used, exclusively, fot business col lege purposes In the United States. It la the only bvitaef' college Pennsylvania owning a building of any great value. For original Catalogue and College Journal giving detailed Inlormatiou regarding our Die tbods of instruction at the College and how we leach tea hers, while they are tlieaching, and save then the price of tuition, abress. J. M. WADE. Ph. D.. Principal. RE DICED RATES TO BALTIMORE. For the benefit ol those dcsiriiiKto ut'end t! e annual s ssimi ol tfio Sovereign Oraud I.oilgc of 1. O. O K. at Baltimore Md . September il to US. tile Pennsylvania Kail road Company will I sell round-trip tickits t lialtiniore from all sta- i tion on IN lines, except Wooilber "y, Harrisbiirg1 and int rineiliate stations; Columbia, Frederick, and liiteriiicdiaU- stations on the Northern Cen tral Hallway; Uinca.tor, llarrisliurg, and inter mnlitite stations on the Philadelphia, Haltimore and WathiiiKton Kailroait '.exclusive jf stations south of Toivnseud, I)i-I,), 011 Hptiiiber 19. and 31,goO(l for return passage until Septan her US. ininive. at rate of single fare i' r the round trip, plus one dollar. For c iielitions and slop-over at .'hiladelphia on tickets rea ling through th tt p.iiut, consult ticket agents. 3t. Where It la Strennoaa. "Mamma," queried little Mary Ellei. "Is the pen mightier than the sword?" "Of course it is," replied the wise mother. "Your father couldn't sign checks with a sword." Chicago Daily News. Good Hrsios, Willie Papa, Is mamma supersti tious, that she picks up pins somucn? Papa Yes; she knows that if the baby finds them there is likely to be a death In the family. N. Y. Herald. A Tragedy. Olive So that ocean liner really ran down old Parvenoo's yacht, eh? Minton Yes; mistook Mrs. Parve noo's diamond earrings for a flash bea eon. N.Y. Herald. Her Fear. Husbcnd That new hornet of yours Just makes me tired. Wife-1 feared that It would. You never dl like hejp things, you know. N. Y. Weekly. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys, CURE oiaouer, urinary organs. AImi EhsumaUsm, Back sent. Heart Iuea Gravel Dropsy, f euiaK Trcuulss. Don t becoms discouraged. Tbsr Is a CUT (or you. J I iiMMary writ lit. r enuer lie lias jx: nt a life tliiio curing Just auub vaaos aayuurs. All CiueulUMous rr. "Fur years I bad ba ka be, severe paln arroaa kidneys aud scaldluK urlue. 1 coulil not ifetout of Ixd without lulp. Ttie use of Ur. r eouc-r's li Idney and llm kiwlje t'ure ra stor4 iu. i. WAOONtR, UnubsvllU, l'.1 OruirifUU. 60c., II. Ask forCwk llook-rrss, ST.VITJS'DANCE To Cnro a Co!d in Ono Bav WHERE ? AT THE Lewistown Furniture Co.'s Store. We have our Store Full from Cellar t0 Attic with New and I'p-to. Date FURNITURE. Latest Patterns. Lowest Prices. latest Pat e-ns, A lage n-aortinent lecclveil. nr rockers are the tnlk of the Parlor (-nit. parlor Tabl s, f lo., fecoud to none. We luive a large Ussortruentof handsome new atterns to select from. - I. .-a ,1. lmt ...... ......1.1... ....I.I t-A-. . .. v .. .-v ... ....1,, ,,,,..,, ire,, man 0r netving and lni carpet 111 town. Lewistown No. 12-14 Valley St. Positively Bratal. There!" exclaimed Mrs. Lashem, upon her return from the deaUflt's. "I'm glad that tooth la out; it will never ache again." "Of course, not." replied the heart less other half of the combination. "It's beyond the reach of your tongue Bow." Cincinnati Enquirer. Th Nataro af tao Boaat. The Philosopher Well, what is the natter T The Man Jones and I bad a dtifer enoe of opinion, and he called me a mule. The Philosopher Well? The Man So I kicked him. and This Philosopher Thus proved him correct. Ally Sloper. By Little Johaay. I don't set why my sister Luc Should say that I'm a big disgrace And scold and raise the very deuce When I have powder 00 toy face. w Judge. WANTED THEM FOR JflJlKY. Kid Ma wants a nickel's worth of pills for dyspepsia. Druggist Anti-bilious? Kid No, uncle is. Milwaukee Senti nel. Always the Wrong: War. It "wealth has wing's," As some folks say. Wo wonder why It does not fly Sometimes our way. 1'hlladolphla Press. As Rsplalaed. . Brownovltch Old Blowltz never at tends church, does be? Smithinsky No. It Isn't necessary. Brownovltch Because why? Smithinsky Oh, he's one) of those self-made men who are always praising their maker. Cincinnati Enquirer. Meanest Ma oa Record. "That's the meanest man I ever ran acroBs," said the book agent. "What has he done?" "Kept me calling day after day, and finally said he dldnt oare anything about reading, but he enjoyed hearing me talk." Tlt-Blts. At the Hod a Cossler. She They say the eyes are the win dows of the soul, I believe. He Yes; and when a man goes Into a drug store and shutsa window quickly, the clerk knows just about what the poor soul wants Yonkers Statesman. lie Was Pressing. "M'bat's the business of that young man I saw with you la the parlor last evening?" asked her father. "He's a press agent," replied the girl. "I could see that myself," returned the father grimly. Chicago Post. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS A Iwsvs reliable. latlMa. aak rimwIM a, MIlljfrHM MWI.Iaaf in Hmi au.l HMflallld UUIM. S.IM Mil IMllh Kills vlhlu.,i snaier. ajensae ataasjersMse awBstl. satUsMss m4 laallaalaaa, Juy of four ini1tt, or asud 4m. In suuiiim for raHleHlara, Tpatl fstMlato an.l - tsallaT tar in Utur, If MSstra Mali. 'I'ssuiuualalaV Mule- k U lrusaisu. OMIOsinTBB OHIMI0AL CO. nPv af 4-arla - (?) of Bedroom Suits and Side lloiirds, J,t town, In beouty, strength and I ow prices. arrivli g daily, Our Harriet Department 1, Furniture Co., Felix Block Spring Opening; A .Urt XTlTtlT C5rv-n-.s rt me it oxwKit, SuubnrvPt Larger stwk ami prici-s m than ever. Our Store i lt!n.,,:. with new things for Spring n, goods, Grenadines, Wool Dres -'"vUJlUP oootis, onk Waists, Dress Skirl Heuutiful line of Ruffs, Sprint iaiR.-i, iUUSIIIIS, tall! Ginghams and White Spreads . 1 . e win nave a special sale Ladies Musclin Under, wear, May 1st to the 16, We will have the most U-auttfa line of underwear ever shown i Sunbury. 20 yds.nuslin $1.00. 33 yds. muslin $1.00. Qingham 5c and 7c. Calico 5c and 7c. $1.00 White Spread 85c. $1.00 Table Linen 20c to 25c Come in and see, no trouble li show. H. F. Clemmer, 446 Market St., 8UNBUKY, Pi Three doors east of the Market Hon FURNITURE Do you need any furniture? .j. ii so, tiou i urn to conic lomir store and get our prices. We can suit you lo style and prices, from the cheap' est to the better grade. Hard wood, golden oak tini-li I Only $12.50 1 ; Mattresses $1.90! Bedsprlnps - $1.25 Bnamc 1 Oocis ! wltlx Springs 90.00; ju t liairs, Hni kers. oiiclii-s, Sldf X. boards, Kaney mill elieni Ki- t X tension 1'aliles, llttliy C'iiitIukM t T and Uo-cai ta. t T M. H A RTM A N FU RN ITC1 R n CO. f ' ' MlllllnhiirK, I's Schroyep 8- Smyser. FIRE INSUIJANCK AG1CNTS. Iti'preMtnt only 'I'Mt-elassHtockC intiiiea Lighting .'lauito uml Tlireshlng erntli .'IkiiUmI. V arn uoiiuiilr iiiiLtl by our iMtiilua to Ihhuu i liclfs and trc luiHliieM at our oiii. u same as at w oftiue. All biinlnewt eiitrusted to our will tie promptly ulteutlud to b or otherwwo. OFFICE CHESTNUT 8TR' Id Bobroyer'a Building, near D1 BELINrJtJROVE, ?tp ! Bnyder County,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers