mulebui;g xw. Published Every Thursday Horning 110 W WAGESSKIASTl A. M EDITOR AMD 0W5IR. M'asCIUPTION RATES. 91.00 l-rr jrcar ruiil In advance. M.KO it ytr II nal lu H'lraiice. .single copies. Five Centa. Aiivrrt Willi; Kitl-. J' wnt per line, nonJircll nieaU'. mei.i fir lir-t iiiwrti.n. kM jii w nt per linr f"r each aulmo qr.rll.t. : :: !'!'!' K. Ni-ar tin' County Court Hull., brtwt-. il tlic Kir- National I .auk and tlie Count)' Jail. Vol. xxx. . Maki ii 20,l!Kil. XcmberIS Republican Standing Committee. ..lam-( V. Kl. .'. T. Sliawvr. l.-av.r-ll. II. Knii-t. A. II. Mi.,.. . I'vnvrr Wr. -W. I'. Urn. Imvl.l K. unl niter. i ntr.- T. K Molin. .1. W. Samp I t it;miiiii l. K. Ileckunl. 1. II. f.-l. .: . franklin -ll'-nrv Frllv. .I.'l.ii '. I: '.' .lai'kwn-.l. S. Ytru-k, Win. S.-I...I,!. Mi'l'lU'huiif lieo. VV. Iloiivor. Hun' '-' 1 MMl.lli'.r.'i k-Krimlf Wnllrr. H K .- i M .nr.M- II. C. Ilrnilriik. II. 1". r'i-.:icr. , ., .1 II. K..vrr. W. N. R..r. IV-rv-c 1 1 f.--. nl '.-, .1. W. Arliocast. ', ,n ,' . . - '. mi n i.!.- . W. A. rt'lntcly, -.-H.i---... . I. K-i-t r, C W.i'ovi-rl. 'ni:i;; 1 1 ... l.i-S'li'V, J. II. LvviitK. ' i .in H. 1 . l oll. llrnry Wiliiwr. ' . .11..-, - . i...:i'l M.iycr .1. K. Eienlioicr. Republican Ticket. IVothoiiotary (Jeo. .M. Shindel. Kcgi.-ter and Kccordcr J. J;. Arbogast. Associate Judge .). Frank Keller. J listriet Attorney M. I. Totter. Jury Commissioner Irwin (irayhill. these, and were so recognized j and could Lave beeu settled in a day had it not been for these. Were non-union men to be permitted to work in the mines without molestation ? Or was the miners' union to In? made the dictator of the anthracite field, determining who shutild i'liil who sli. ul 1 not work, and how the operators .-h.niM I' ll.'?! the'r business? To these ipus-:i-:is the answer of the eororalssivn is unmis takable and emphatic. "No person shall be "refused employment, or iu any way discrim ''iintt .! a r.iinst, on account of membership or 'nnn-uiriubeHiip in .my labor organizatl. -i ; "and tin ; shall lie no discrimination against "or interference with any employe who is n J "a member of any labor organization by ir.oiu .. .1, ,,,..,,. ,;,.,;.... Ti,..t ; t.. ..-.. 11 yn .nil ii iriaiiirfuiuiit - iitii in i j ' I I i. k:i shall be free to sell their laUr wherever and unm' takably answered against the union.! No orgm." ration is worthv, 93 v the commis-. pioner--, to be recognized that does not give to the riglits of the tiuployers ami of non-union workmen the same ncognition which it a-ks for itself. We all know how little recognition the miners' union gave last year to the tights of those whom it called "scabs." Again, the rejiort adversely eri ibises the manner in which the miners' union lias be.n conducted, and says: "The present constitution of the Un" 1 Mine "Workers of America does, not pr- '! most 'inviting inducements to the opera!-. to enter "into con'.raelu.,! relations with it." Finally, it to le noted ' all disputes hereafu-r are 'n 4tobeu!- il, and, if pti.ssibh-, settle.' "by "consultation between the supei mUiHleiit or I Coughed "l bad a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and 1 grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured.'1 R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. "manager f the mine or mines and the miner 1 . they can find a purcnaser for it, and no third "or miners uirectly interested. I here is to le party shall say 1 hem nay. We hare :vgardcd j no importation of outsiders from another State that manciple from the outset as alMi!uu ! . ; to be navtivs to disputes between employer and fundamental, and have assumed that the co 11- j c'nnloved. lint if such negotiations jail the d's- MB:ateeaL3B mis.-ioii wouM necessirily allirm it. Xcverthe- pntes are to be submitted to arbitration, less, since it was so strenuously and impudently . . Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure ineverydrop. Three ,l,iiimh fr nn yrUiunTy eoM; K'., Juit ri:lit Jur ItoikIiUh, lioarats iici, liM'l riiii, k s-i. ' 5 fui cUroul' crm-h :imiI to V (. on hand. ex ilic Coal Siiko Report. "A sweeping victory for the miners !" claims one commentator upon the report of the President's ( 'onn.ii--ioti on the Anthracite Con I Strike. "A bomb in labor circles!" declares fin other with coital assurance. Koth are wrong. The report gives victory to one of the parties to the controversy. lut it is not the miners, nor i-: ': t'l- operators. It is rather that third pariv v.... it. '.rests are paramount, though too ' i' 1 . . ; : . l ed bv both the others and ..ij.ions the public. So far a- cacii . 1. , the ex- t..) parties first named are concerned, partly won and partly lost, as was t pecte.l. The public, whose demands wci plv that justice to all should prevail, seems to have won on every point. First of all, and paramount above all other Vits iu the a artl, the freedom el' labor is :- Id and is to be maintained. That was, of course, the fundamental issue in the strike : that and the adnate issue of the reeogni; union. denied dm ing the strike and even in the pro ceedings before the commission, it is fitting to point out that the report of the commission does reailirm it in the strongest manner. Those 1 independent workmen who have been reviled as "scab-" and have been the object of abuse, outrage and murder are proclaimed to have I'lpial rights with any member of the miners' union. That is the paramount purport of the commission's award, and it cannot be received with too earnest approval or with too deep satis faction. The ipiotatii !i which we have made from the report also protects union men from adverse discrimination by the operators. That also is well. It is, however, largely formal. The coin mission reports that there has been little of such discrimination, only a single case of ting" by employers having been proved. LITERARY NOTES. 1 a .1 ! l'earson'st The April Fi'.aiison'.s has an able article on the work on women in Colorado polities, lte ferrin to her work anion' the schools, the author says: For the past eight years women have served as State superintendents of public instruction, county superintendent of schools, Slate librarians, and a few !' ' ' ' :;nl county clerks, und city and unlv ! ' Almost without cxet pt- i i: ii'. iM have been an honor to loll 1'ir iui "I l'.ut ni- lamination against non-union men by union!. Is has been widespread and rampant, i i.e lii.-lory'of the strike "is stained with a rcc "ord of riot and bloodshed cnlniinatiii" in three '-murders." Women and children were perse cuted and put in jeopardy of death, llnveot ting, in which 110 actual violence was used, also prevailed, and it is condemned by the commis sion in terms scarcely less scathing than those j applied to riot and bloodshed. The question of KqinMuan Standing Committee Meeting. The Republican Standing Committee of Snyder county, will meet in the Court House Saturday, April 11, l'.HK?, t one o'clock. J. K. Ykakick, Chairman. TOURS TO THE PACIFIC COAST. All other questions, of 1 recognition of the miners' union as a party to wages, hours ami whatnot, were subsidiary to be dea with by contracty;s-plainly. xUscusso-l the state and a notice to the world that, given the opportunity and education that comes f n m responsibility, women may achieve sumss in anv position to which duty calls them. The present State Superintendent of Public 1 11st ruction, Mrs. Helen j. Circnfcll, who has become a national Ogure in school work, is now serving her third term. She has hail the en viable distinction of being tho only State officer elected this . . : the democratic ticket. This emphatic endorsement by the people coining, :. it did, from the united educational vote and from the members of all parlies in the State rati fied the opinion of the tx-goyernor of Colorado, when he said. "Mrs. (Jrenfell is the best State jTicWXi'iiUldiUliiSl-k'ul Via rv-nnsjlvauia Railroad, Account Presbyterian General Assembly. Ft.r the (leneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Clmrcli, at Los Angeles, Cul., May -1 t June 2, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will run three personally-conducted tours to Los An geles and the Paeille Coast. These tours will leave llarrisburg and Al- toona May 12, 1:5 and 14. Tour No. covering twenty-four days, $12S.2o from Harrisbtir-r; 1 21 from Altoona. Tour '... 2, e.ivefing forty-three days inclti'lim; Vk.-li.iw S;.me Park, $24S.V5 fr.m llarrisburg ami $247.50 froni Al- ... 1. . ... .... ; :i . iuiir mi, a, covering miriy days, inelmling Grand Canyon of Ari zona, $l.j2.2d from llarrisburg and l')0.')() from Altooim. I'loportioiiate rates from other points. Arrange ments, mav be made to return inde pendently on Tours No. 1 and No. 3. Special Pullman trains will be used and the services of a tourist agent, 1 ha ei .iii, buggnge master, and olliciul su n. giap'uer will be provided on each train. For itinerary giving rates and full information apply to Geo. W Uoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, ' " SELINSGR0VE. Jacob lbiek was to Washington, D. C, last week, but from what 'trn it was a wild goose chase; ':' I had. ('own. Miss F.lhel S'-'ioch is entertaining Mis Mable (ieliert. The attendance at the 2"th anni versary of A. V. Potter and wife in the Opera House on Thursday last, was largely iv; iv-ented by our citizens and m ig..lioring towns; the refreshments were served by Caterer V ' : the presents were nuiuer ous and handsome. Mrs. (iorlner, who vpent several weeks with her son, Prof. (Jortner of Kenova, i''tnrp"d home last week. Miss Kate Wagcnscller is in I'liiladilpiiia making her purchases for the Isp.'ing trade. Work on the new (Symnasiiim is being pa-bed li.i-vard rapidly; with favorable weather it will not be long until it is completed. The Hoard, as well as the Alumni assiH-iation, an anxious to have it completed .n soon as possible. S. lb Hare, Exp, of Altoon is a visitor to town. lie took in the Potter fe-ti villi s. Mrs. J. S. Wagner, who has been out of town all winter, returned homo Thursday evening. Capt. Uavis l',.t called on Maj. Pohbaek in a body on Saturday evening after the ineceting of the 11 . :. 1...:..,. 1.: . 1 :,..i. 1 ... o A.i!, u m-ii.g o.-' 1.;' . . . was given a genuine surprise; 1 ! gaut refreshment- were served 1 y the visitors. . rt'.'.l that Kobett Losher of 'ul Uidge had several M 1 Apoplexy hist week and :!. is iu a condi tion. (!eo. App, :' I' i " '- ' I'o ol' near .Miller-bur . .-pe:'t. Su:'.day nit 1 1 .1. S. Miller ami family. Mrs. An. lie ICistner is on a visit to !Vie:i.K in Pittsburg, The rej. rl of the Si.ll.e a.i-rr.s-i'.n v. as f '1 graphed ovi the We-. .in I'nio.i lines Saturday, it took several hours for its trans mission. The reci' ! !., ' ' ! . urdav evc'iing ! ' ' - t ' 1 consideriiiL' the inclement wi. l.en It was enjoyed !; a large audience; every number was well rendered. The ladies deserve ere lit for the manner in which they porforn-ed their parts. Miss Krall mis personal magnetism to lhoroiin..,y enthuse ! ; "-'-tudeiits 'IM 1 1 1 as.nie- hanna I 'niversity is certainly a suc- e ss under her direction. I'. F. Jacobs of Huntingdon, foi in ; of' this place, was a visitor to town last week. The new baud is progressing fine ly; they gave our citizens some fine iiiusio last Thursday evening. KREAMER. Samuel Ilollinger has caught a good many fish dnrirg the past W: ;.. A. D. Kreamer has been dehorn ing quite a iiuiuber of cattle this prmg. Mrs. J. Miller and family of Paxinos are isiting her father, ('has. kowe. The sick have very much im proved during the last week. Ti . 1 1 ucie were many 01 our peque making garden aim tin- tanners are plowing, but th.' :,'. made it too wet for a while. The plaining mill is running nearly every day. They resumed work at the via duct at Pauling which will employ .r...iiy (.four y..u;:g men for 11 part 01 uie summer. BEAVER SPRINGS. Kev. I. P. Zimmerman preached a seHoo'i n Sunday evening in e .: : '1 i'tho20tli auiiiver--ai " 1 ' ' entered the min- :.-1: Mi... II. . Komig and Master Kcide have returned from a week's visit to relatives in P-crwick and Simbury. ?di '. P.. W. Musscr spent si-vei .! day- in Salem. Samuel Shircy and family visited his son, Charles in Lewistown. Mrs. W. II. Klose was entertain " 1 over Stmday by her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Sellers of Lewistown. Misses Kstella Uomig an 1 Maine Dreese have lieeu elected ileh gates to the Missioiicry Convention to be held in Middleburg the latti . ji;'.r; of this week. Mrs. James Dreese visited her mother, Mrs. llueben (ioss of near Painterville, last week. n.uite a niiniber of our people made garden during the past wc I . There is moro Cr-tarrh iu this section of the country than all other dise'ises put together, and until the last tew years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years' doctors pronounced it n local di sease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, piououuced it incurable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a constutional disease and therefore requires constutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & (Jo., Toledo, Ohio, iH tho only con stutional euro on tho market. If takeu internally iu doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for anv ensn it fails to cure. Send for circulars Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, L l . 1 "".lr1!'''' ' TUT The coal business is suspended on account of the continual high river. Our supervisor believes in re pairing the roads in the sprim the year. Kev. J. H. ICeeler and wife rn joved a drive through tho country of a lew hours. Maria W. Dundore drove to Sc linsgrove on business. The funeral of L?vi Woodling of Port Trevcrton was largely attend ed. Sallie Shafer was in town and is pleased with her new home. Our tax collector broke all re cords by having the taxes all in on the day of the Audit; w here there is a will there is a wav. Our township poorhouse is a model of neatness and a money sav er for our tax payers. You get more goods for the same money at Dundore; and all the news for less money from the Post. 'Stiuire Sechrist is supplying his many customers with eggs of the Sale .Roister, Notice nf fcVca will h'' Inserted free un.lcr OiIh lieutliiiif when the billnnre printed fit thin 1. line. i lieu tlie l.lllx lire Hot urinti-d nt thin r.o.n eentH will lie ilmiKiil. l'ernnn ex i v tn..: in Hiile hhoul.l H.-loct a date and 1 1.. in- l-U'iI in IMh olunin. Till iisn V- Vnreli !S, ,7iIjii V, llnyer, will oll '2 MuU-rt 1 ui ttnil fi.rii.ini; ln.pleinnts Imlf-wiiy hetwiin Kremntr mill Free buif. Tiii u-I'AV, Man li Jiitli. .T. T. Slielt. rly, n.lmin iHtintnr '( tin' nf .lame- Truili, will Hell 'JlnirHi'N, 1 mule, entile lurniinn im liluinenti uud ltoiiseltul.l (J.'OiIh. ; Friday. Mureli Mrs. mile Ciumler will Bell llee Ktiiek nn.l farm implements, )t mile Sati uhav, Miir. 1. it, nt ten a. in. SlierilT Smi- h.'II ill mil tin- renl entntc ul O. Jlin Kaniunjiit tlit,' i'.inrt lluutio. Sati ui'v, March 2H. hT one o'chiek p. ni. Sheriff s 1 1 1 1 1 1 I will ell the real estate or v. A. Snot.k. ut the Coillt IIouhu. nn.l neri rv-i in 1 11 1 .1 (Will lonnuiuuioin. I i - , , r. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., hest poultry in the Country L, ,,, , 10leJo. "uio. I l)r. Krebs has an extensive prac Nld by Druppists 75o. I .. , t -t ... Hall's Family Pills are the best, i tu'e ovt'r a larSe territory. E, S. Anchor has moved into tin Firs! National Bank cf Aid Jlcburg, Pa. Capital, Surplus, $50,000, $50,000. (J. Ai.KiiKD Samcii, Pres. W. W. Wi itknmykr, Vice Pres. J.s. Ct. Tiio.Mi'niiN, Cashier. DUNDORE. The late Republican Prima r was not as much of an eve opener as a beer keg opener. Minnie E. Eyer of Selinsgrove paid a short visit to Maria W. Dun dore. Frank 15oone of Lewistown spent a dav in town selling a mule team. i the canal at ' 11 Kelly residence which he bought y ars ago. lohn Foltz and wife made garden at their prospective new home. MlDDLEBUnGrl MARKET. DI UF.( TORS G. Alfred Schoeh, W. C. Pomeroy, W. W. Wittcnmyer, A. ICreeger, J. N. Thompson, M. Milluer, Jas. G. Thompson. Accounts of Individuals, Firing and Corporations Solicited. The bridge Ham. Luitei... Eircs aero-s tne canal ill,. II I I .i , vinous... i ii-in i iooi s is a iricai coiivemenec i T 1 , , , " . i Lard for our coal merchants. lTallo v A. E. Witmer took a load of ui,ickens potatoes to Simbury Market. i gj((l fcol. lirubaker is rebuilding hisjShuiihlcr dwelling. (ieo. Wolfs house at ' Silver ('reek is finished and makes ail im- posing appe'irance. i " I'irm ; - : e phiwing for ' " .H! i air! .v!pring work is pi!-',.; .1 with energy. March is a record breaker this year unless wc get a 'deep snow at once to satisfy the Women with their powerful onion snow. 12 00 VI , 72 50 -bs Wheat Rye. Corn Onls 32 ,:,.s r.o linn ;."rliV).1.20 1 'i.!-'.:'pet 1 20 1 l '. .' . a L25 15 IFloiirperbbH.OO CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You fe Always Bought Dears the y,' 'ATa.U Biguature ot Cva&jfi-CMC&tf WorkluK Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by thosn tireless, little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are alwava at work, night and day, cur ing Indigestion, liiliousness, Con stipation, Ui-k Headache and all Stom icb, Liver and Bowel troubles. Eis, pb asae.t, safe, sure. Only ve. at Miildleburg Drug Store, ( I iV Gainiaii, ltichtield, Pa J)r, J. W..SanipBell, Ponnsereek, Tr.. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, Diuousncss. 25c. All druggists. Want your mnuntarhe or b.nrd a bP.utlful brown or rich Then uho uuoiviiiuiinui u ui b to rri. of C(kw, c Q r Whisker C' 'iIi..'."nm..M .1 ' Sii. rexn STORg 240 Ft. Lo THE old STOB: business EstablishJ 1870. 7830 feet of f.,,)r loaded down with i GOODS at prices speak for themalves, Every Day Witnesses the val of some of the N'tJ Things for Spring. Among the new m Stuff Are Displaying a IWai Assortnn-ri (f 1 T t l- j vones, cuimi Crepe, Helro: Crepe, Poplins, Londi Twine Cloth Subline A Lot of New Things and Prices Lower than the La RA'N COM A Special Lot ot . il On oar Racks at Waterproof. The New Sip tills Begun to Arrivi Blouse Sui Coat Suits $3.75, 7.50 : In the White and Colored Qoods We Have the I.:it?st C( Exhibited this 5prin:,'. Everv DnartmcU is with new gooJs fur the Sm 1903. CARPET 300 ROLLS .N : v.' CARl'E1' this of the State. TREXLEB STORE. 316 Market i Sunbury, Pa- THE iT;vV ARRIVALS! Tailor la Suits.
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