i ; flote IHeabs ii. i n: I -T" ...... a Inh lnt f)f not ye na jjs on hand. They must go tuples k C We famish them printed f' U,. L, jess tnan you e.u. u-jr ura" juut priming. L ' VaK"""cr Fditor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance NUMBER 11. ()L.xxxx. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., MARCH 11), 190.J. rtrrTnLOCAL LACONICS 1H t I.itru k'rt Iy occurred Tuesday n Ku-tir (if Kant., successor to 1 .i i it .... t i lier lias re-ieo. ever ung 011 iniuu tjj. clJT IIUl 111" nwvix l uiimv for now spring goods. wry pleasant birthday i-urty was l,v .Mrs. Howard Folk to a lot of riills in honor of her daughter, ;eit lifih liirtlnlay lust Friday I,,!,, A pleasant time is report. jrlmts and trimmings Laces, -tl juliroideries and Gimps. 1 Jk. .. I n,li..u ...,,1 ML. L,,!iil.FMi s vests aim oilier va- .nf new goods. E. C. A r it AM'. ;l,'iiiin Cemetery Association is to enlarge the burying 1 as ill" available lots have nenr- , . I . . 1 Urll sul'l. ' l "US neeii miit-Kieii if possible to secure the land, a Neat liilsiness Stationery done at this Office get our prices. 1 I .. ...... 111 .... 1.1 P jnlVfl nan "e I Ull 111 ll"i . iifiin -t iirtniinl 1'"' Cemetry coining out hlnrket St. mintii :il I'hestnutt is closing out j.tmk of Foot Wear, including Winter ami new Spring stock, l8c. !..-n lMi'iiLlfTiid Work Shoes, $'2.nr, i;.t tirade Itlbber Hoots, :V.k: for .felt, $1.1" for Nest ?l.-rnnd fl.7o raslioos, Children'sequnlly cheap. Lai-knowledge receipt of subsorip- -fioinS. J. Herrold, Milton; W. Ingle, Heuvcrtown; II. I), bwine- , fiihnee; T. 1". JJerr, Kieinieiu; k Hi.rhiiinn, Middleburg; Anion Lng, Heaver Springs; S. H. ttru- tr, Hammond, Oreg.; Henry rich, M'id'leburg; C. .Spriggle, MeUl: John Howell, Biinbury ; M . r . . . ... New Appointments. The ninth annual meeting of the Centrel Pennsylvania Con ference of the United Kv. church convened at Haltimore during the past week. The following are sonic of the assignments of the ministers to the various stations. J. W. Messenger presiding elder ol York district. York, Trinity H. A. Homier. York, Grac J. Hart.ler. York, St. Paul W. 15. Cox. York, Jackson St. A.C.Farley York, Eberton-W. K. lVtlley. Loganville J. I). Stover. Dillshurg-W. W. Rhoados. Emigsville-O. W. Rehhley. Wrightsville A. Stapleton. Hanover Circuit J. M. Price.: Morgan Circuit -C. K. Hedeker Mileslimg V. K. Sliult.. Howurd-D. A. Artinan. Sugur Valley A. S. Hauuigai dner. Centre Hall J. 1 Shultz. Milhnont S. Aurand and I". I. Confer. Milllinlmrg C. C. Mieiier. New llelliu S. JO. Koons. Centieville X. J. Hubs. Middleburg J. Wonieldoif. MeClure- A. 1). (iramley. Milton J. I). Siinrtess. Itlooinsburg J. Shaiuli!tcb. Lock Haven W. X. Wallis. Steuben II. C. iuthrie. Official Returns of the Republican Primary Election, Snyder County, Pa., Hard. 14, 1903. l'rotliunotury. Ken. A: Kec, Associate .Iiule. Dis. Att'y. . Delegate. I urv Cciniiii- i'lin r. I! I i 1 ' - jz .2 ! S y;2 2 u - u k I w .. tv fc - . i - r- i t 1C .- -r S J: 1Z D1STKICTS : ' 4 1 1 Z - i LiE i r- '- v. Z " S : A - $ f. .5 - i - x - .i' I 'J r I " - 7 i i - ! ' ! ! , "I, I i. ' 11 I West Adams Heaver lieavi r (.Vniru 'll:'.:lllilll l'Yaulili'i Jackson Miilillclmr MiiMlccrcck Monroe lYnn I'cnv lVrry W est Si'linsrovc Sprinir - llninii W" :ti i ! nrti til Tot ills l'luralitics ami Majuritic? 7 II 77 l." 'JO 'J io." 'i-J 11- in :ii is s Ml II lii'J 0 J 'J TiJ 17 i:.f. (is lr.:; :v 'J:i c. I ." lo 11 ! 11 7 l in mi ii. ii7 r j; r; i'.:. rj i J i m ji .".". :;n c.."i 'J7 s i:; 2' s-j :;7. ;J :'.s 17 ii ii lot 11 '.17 r, :; is a 1JI f.s 7 -j ;i oi '.i s7 r.t ss n; :; i:; i:; .:; in -js :;i n s i:;-J 11 -J 7'.' i'o os l-j il ui o( rjs ir, :; 17 -j '.'0 ."7 lo'.i 21 21 22 I 1:1! :;7 no '.) 11 s 1 7 '2 m i 1 is Tso vrrrr "iTn; Ts2 S'.I.S 1 H( ")' 2 5 :; in c,i H r, n ,1 7;, - 2s '.1 7 sl s 1 os 7-.t si 7 i:;r, t. in -j '. 'Ji'i '.)) ',) 2 Is." 1 m ; 0; :; 1 '. :'. is "j-j i." 7 l")'.' 2 :; l'.tM liu 70 is 10 ." : o 2 20 o 2. 1 01 :;i s 21 l:; I I 11 1 l". :;7 r. o, 2J2 i::- r 2'.i 0.2 7 21 m -jn r.t 21 1 2 1 71 7 2 On :; 17 0 7 7 '.' l:: 1: 2i :'. '.'M r, 1 -jii r, -j", -j.; -.( 1" 10 10 II .: lis .-,7 17 ::2 f, jj n r, 7''. 17 2 2 ! 1J7 ' l- f, t;.; :: n in " ou - -J7 11 is7 7-j s.-, - 1J ,-,i 10, -J:i li) -J .", pij 17 ;',u 17 s -j i:i 12 17 22 I I'.' 2'.' lu 2 I', : In -j s ."2 I 11" J;:-' :M 27 li." ! :::: -J7 Vi :i 22 11 177 l:'-i ll I l." i' 10 r. is :; 01 1;; 1 i-j 7'. I! ::7 17 I : j. .11 2:1 on ;'.s ioi 0,7 7 ." s i:;n i;t ;i.;7 107 ill .mi " 1 i i2 i 1 l i's'rl T.TT -j.,.', .1,1 7.",, :il ,'.mi PERTINENT PERSONALS Tin- riiLKi: ui:vi;.i.i:i. Jm. Huntingdon, y L have just received our New inn Shipment of dry Kot,"S shoes, luiis, hiir-lware, urtl'ensware, hats, oriw. All these g'jods are marked iuii'k selling. I A. S. SicriiKisr, '.l!i-2t. Yerdilla, l'a. :.e slme laclory in I'aiterson, which tmiil idle for the past year was liased .Muinlay of this week by a k Jenwy lirm. In a few days a k iii;uitity of stock will arrive and 1 1st they expect to have it run- .'to its full capacity. lie spk'iiilid line of furniture at p's st'fre, Kreainer, is attracting ypatnW The furniture is all re leaml iVold at such low prices It every wile made brings a new omer. iiiel'.iliion.f fhe Post and wife at- wlwltfe with many thank an in- kion to attend the twenty-fifth Mversjiry of the wedded life of A. Potter and wife of Selinsgrove Jrsilny, March lit, from 8 to 11, Se. krovtOpurt House. E. Magee of Krcamcr has added Hlliiiery (lepairrljflt to his storeand employed a JfrMcluss trimmer n the city. CaTTirfKee the benuti- lyles and the rftce assortment. v. Kiraeofe will hold lMlification ices in the U. R. church Sunday a. 111. E. Magee, otlvreamer is in the w this weckvtiiiia-haslnir the larirest "f fprirfg uiCda'ever brought to I'iaw. The irdJes will be in bv Sat- Vorthiswyt. Farm for Sale. P'l Northumberland Wuter Co. will their farm in Point Township, nasthe Yankirk farm, contain- 'miit ti" ncics, house, barn nud w outliuildinirsL. ouythe nreniises. ""1 wat.;r iiJid LdC. Price flSiH). '. eaili with nmrl wt f'T life balance. J'osscssion April O. It. Ya Ai.k.v, President, Xorthumbeilaud, Pa. .I Ctiuiiiig Events Cast Their Shadows Itefore. The readers of the Post are request ed to send us iiunouncemeuts of all event. No charge will be made to M"M?ublUli thesaute when the event Is of iu Center County. jmblie imixirtance. Merril Shaunon, who had been sick, Thi ksday, evening, March !', Con is again able to be out. cert in the Court House for the benefit Jere Dershaiiiot Paxtonville was (l ! of the Ladies' Mite Society. Ex-Sheriff O. W. How will move to Salem, x . .. 1 Manager Wanted. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to business in this County and 'JolilltiB terrilnrv. ft.r .....ll r., solid ftnanclal traight cash salary Niii "'S frritory for v k- nliif '" kUifrstraigl "'Mwifs, paid each Monday by w'k direct from lieadqunrteru. Kx. inoney advanced j position Dei"- Address Thomas Cooper, mter, 1030 Caxton Bulldlnir. Chi. (3-19-7t.) caller Saturday on business. J. W. Kiseiihaur of Kis.-iiiiinee drop ped in Saturday to pay his subscrip tion. Miss Libbie Duukleberger spent the past week in Phila. purchasing new goods. q Calvin Stetler and wife gave a din ner to u number of friends one day last week. S.J. Hackenburg of Middleswarth was at the County Seat on business last week. Work has been commenced on the new parsonage for the Lutheran church. Harry (irimni, who is working at Lewistown, spent Sunday with his family. Charles H. Walter has secured a po sition as bar tender at Boob's hotel at Milllinburg. Ira K I'lsh, wife and children of Millersburg are visiting their parents in Franklin. W. F. Pagle and family of Heaver town spent Sunday with Gabriel Heav er and family. W. H. Kanier of Ivrennier was at the County Seat on business Wednesday of of last week. William Matter of Iewistown is paying a visit to his friends and rela tives at this place. S. P. Sanipsell of Kreainer dropped In last Friday to advance his subscrip tion date to l'.)U4. Herbert Stewart, wife and daughter of Shamokin s(H'nt Sunday at the home of Ex-Sheriff How. Allen Hasslnger has again been con fined to his bed owing to a severe at tack n( Rheumatism. Mrs. I. K. Hass and son, Kussel, of Shamokin are visiting Merchant J. W Ituukle and family. A. C. Field of Johnstown remember ed the Post by sending his renewal to 15. W. Y oiler of this place. Jesse Hackenburg of Hitler was in town Saturday and left wmie money for his subscription to thp J'dst. Key. A. K. Cooper, wife and chil dren of Maple Hill spout several days with A. II. I'lsh and w ife in Frank lin. Heury It. Hli;khart moyed from W W. Witteninyer's house to Geo. S Smith's house Tuesday. P. K. Kinney will move Into the house vacated by Blokhart. TiiriMiAV, Mar. P.i, King's entertain ers iu Selinsgrove. Sati'KHay, March .1, Soring Com mences. I'HIIi.W, Mar. i;7, to 'i, the Snyder Co. Missionary I'nion will hold a con vention in Middleburg. Sa'itkhay, March lis., Annual Eclipse of the Sun. Invisible in the 1'. S. Vi-:inksiay. Apr. 1, Spring term of Susquehanna I'niveisity opens. Fhihay, April 15, First Arbor Hay. Sunhay, April"), Palm Sunday. Monday, April (ith, Spring term of Freeburg Academy opens. Fiuiay, Coit Novelty Co., iu Selins grove. Fkih.vy, April 10, GimkI Fii lay. Si xhay, April 1J, Easter. Tmi ksday, April KI, day set for ad journment of the State Legislature. Fkiday, April 17, Second Arbor Day. Monday, April t27, (ten. I". S. Grant's birthday. Wkdnksday, May 27, Republican State Convention at JIarrisbuag. To the Republicans of Snyder County. I desre to return my Sincere thanks to the Republican Voters of Snyder County for the very generous support given me at the Primay Election ou the 14 Inst. This was a contest be tween members of one and the same political Party, each and every indi vidual republican at perfect liberty t cast his vote for his individual choice with mere hiiideranee, and I am pleased to state that the contest was waged in an honest and friendly manner. As there were seven candi dates for the oftlce of Associate Judge and only one could be nominated, as a matter of course six must fail. It was my good fortunate to lie the successful one for which I am mist sincerely thankful to my friends who stood so loyally by ine and I take this method of thanking them publicly for their support and confidence in me. To those who supported the other candi dates I would sny that you had a per fect right to express your Individual choice at the polls and I am glad to be able to say that I received nothing but fair treatment at the bauds of the can didates and their friends and most re sjiectfully requst the support of all my fellow citizen at the approaching fall cumpalgi.. Very Truly Yours, J. F. Kki.lkh, SinikT liuiiitv Teachers' Normal. Xim teen years ago the County .Nor mal was instituted by Maj. William II. Hill. At that time Freeburg had the only school in the county, devoted to the preparation of teachers, und hence the County Normal w as the most convenient jdace for' ouV'leai hers to prepare themselves for their work. The normal was well patronized from the start, and that is still a popular institu tion was shown last Spring when dur ing my first session one-hundred and thirl -foiir students were enr illed. In is y ! Imii v iu'.'!it I" We ,1," L.'ll.l ef I'llaill.s. t.. thank nil l';..' :'r or !e ii for Kinuiy a-si-iimr u-i iiunm; tin- uliii-s and burial of Mary Ann Helm. ( i. W. l:o.a;el taitdly. Card of Trunks. my opinion the time has 10 no when only alter mature deliberat i' n, and i-mi-onr people should ask tin n:s"lves, not I' leuee with manv dii'vtoi- and X :e i. only, is the County Xoruial a popular ers o our eoiinty, :i wi II a- with 1 ; thing'.' Out the more important qiies- cators in other part of the -lai" I Mil lion is, is it the best thing to bring our eeivly believe that thi- chanm , in cm -teachers and sehonls to a higher state of ; liei tioii with several other- lh i! I e etlieieney? That our public schools are pe t to introduce, w ill not only itim li beller than they were iu years past is a stronger corps of teaclici hut will at evident; but that it is possible to make the same time enable u- to prepare mir them still better, much U-tter than they : boys and u'irls all the better for the are now, no one doubts, who is iu a po-. duties and responsibili'.ies of life. sitiou to know. Every year brings greater demands of our schools. If thes deinamls are to be satisfied, one of the; tirst requisites is broader scholarship in the rank and file of our teachers. No- j body can teach w hat he does not know; and the more the teacher knows the J II' Hf'ef I'll i State ( Vl'titicnte. This I l:i 1 1 . of emu 1 Oct iic' review- ale 1 .1. .n, i. n,i ..i ..I- neighbor-, pail-beai'i-r- ai il.ll. Til. lii II I HIM " III llll lll "ll'.,'l the county, multiplies tin- work and the expenses of the Count v Superin tendent, but I am convince 1 that of our teachers will take advantage of the op portunities thus oU'crcd. they will In, tne cou,8e of a tew years lie atl tiie Ik-i- , to "the Republican Votersf Snyd'c r ' ter prepared to discharged the dutiis f'uni.tv Having been through your kindness successful iu U-ing nominated for re election f,,r the otVi f Prothoiiotary and ( 'lei-U of the ( 'mirt I take this method of r.'tuniiiiL' my -ii.eciv thank-; to all, and :i.-k tin.- -lipporr of ail our p-opleot the t'ounty at (i.-neial e'ectioii next Nocii, ' er. Auring ymi if elected that I will eiM.-uVur to rve ymi hi t!,.. pr.iir-.- :i- in Un of the Mull calling of teacher. Tliis departure from the old eii-toin will doubtless meet with some iTltn i-m but I want to a ure all that the fore-! going conclusion., have U en re.i. icl Again t hanking ymi I ivniain. Your ( Ibt-dient Servant, i Kl . M. .-ItlNil I . l aitiitiuiy o us, i. W. W.H.IHlUN, l - Mai v Ann llcha. upt. 1 . .if i Mary Ann Hehn, da'ihtcr of ( apt. a leui-e Letter tu M. .i;..,6... "ir : Yi mr I iiiirns Han: Putter. liii-iin.'s- i-, when wn, tu eive the i... ii. i i i .... nil jicnii ;iuii ill- win illinium .i-ii better for the children. Smith was born Jan. b . 1-1. i and died i . I cure not who the County Superiu- at the home of G. W. Row in thi- 0I"'- H is a ,HJ lm-i;;, ( )u,,tT teiideut is; or how well qualilled piay be place Thursday, March 12, aged that t!ie world it on -.i imi with- the person who assists him in conduct- sl years, 1 mouth and 2'; days. There : nut jt in the County Normal, the best that , an- no brothers living but three sisters! ... they can do is to give a brief review. .f survive: Mi-s.(i. W. Row of this place, I 0 I'aml t1"' """ t,iat '""'ut the branches and present it to the stu- Mrs. J. C. Long f JVnn town. hip lwn anl tiic now one ton. What dents w hat they may consider the great Mrs. Joseph Stuck of Venango county, j js U tti f, wo paint the li u-es t!,at needs of the school. For want of time it l'a. The la.-t named is older than the' , . . . . .i , id.m t burn dLvu. is sinipiy liupossiuie to uivuie me mu- , neceaseii. dents into grades so iu) to enable each She was buried Mondav bv the -ide grade to take up new Held of study ev- of her parent-in the Relormed Ceine-'wo insitiv the year, and for teachers to lie working tery, Selinsgrove. Rev. Haas nfheiat-! you Ii ive tiie l iivi.rtt.unfimri.nl. Iir)...i1..u vi..r nftir itn. ! year is like vituals warmed over half a " ... , tlio Iioiisi-s arc out uozen times. M AKHlLli. i o lutitu i.euu u'ld .;t In as nmch as there will be three ,, .,, Mi,i,ii..illlr,r ... .... w ..ti ,),., ,..,:. .,;.,,... You iu.-ure the lion-is tliat bum: s A Is Ju.irlTilic: a!! Mar. 1 " th. at Middleburg. bv Rev sciioois in lie county tins spring, M.ai j shambach. Edward E. R.nninger ,lull't n.int Kret-lnirij. SelinsL'rove and Heaver ..... m: . i n. i I' - c?' o unci jii-s iaiie ..lav ivniu'. imiui oi Springs. I have determined to given- ,K.ur Middleburg. cognition io all of them; and insteao of conducting the usual normal 1 exi-ect to It Is our Husincs.. iliv-iil.i tnv limp 4iiiiilll Hiiii.n.' ill I of ... i. . . I to pav attention to vou'L vsii ai wel- ,,.,r .. lint thesschools in couducting review sand ' 1 . ", 17' . , ! 'aint ell the jiaitit to : LVvne. we Load ati'l oil is paint. IVvuo is lead ami iti the with the the oI'i-t';l.-.: Am: ro niil Htisieil ,,;; w.ri.l: a:;.! c II i:i the in.- e. V....- ... ll.i,: I.....: 1 , ,. . i . , .,. ; . i ire. i on i iv.i'.'ii ii'ioiT in-i;iiis t t , 1 , delivering lectures on Pedagogy I his oncaiK.-t, liecau-e it lakes tCMer .7 . . 'vou get ut in the morning. our 1 o.'i.u wi l etiatiie me to get into uoart contact r , , . . . , 1 .,, .1,.,,, ,;,.. 1 i . begins its Uav s work at breakfast. A l"ii- tlian t!i:ci paint-ami it wears with a greater number of teachers than ... .,. ., . . , , , . ... .. . ii. dishiff W1'l give vou the right twice as Inn.' is . i,I -in, ,i ,, I could bv conductiug a free normal. It . . . .. .... nnw i iHjii.tii, . it ill iiii ii ii i ti rnr i in i io a r iiii.io 1 lobs will enable a greater number of teatdiern to Imard at home and thus save coiisdor- 1 1.. iiviuiiuu lr Vl'ill irlv-u ull lliu in. ; the brain. One dish makes vmi wait nortunity of attending school a longer' ., ,. term. It will give an opportunity to the r.iiiiul.,fiiit. fur t'u. il'.v's l.tisiti.. , . " . , ., l"-'i warn..- hu'C pa. Ill I. T 1ms ltmiii rill t ri iiii -ii L to vieisfv I lie ' ' c - - .... taste and add strength to the body and the brain. One dis; anotner. l ou can nl rr at any i time. Grocers sell "Jt" ' hoiK nt' it, tlmue-h, iu tlio wm-M A. Al.;ri'h.o, IMab.'i..!, writes; : X. -I. more advanced to take up a regular course of study which If followed dur- ing the vacation period for several year ; U'ill t.m.lit.1 1 1.1111 III Hl.lU'Ur lrl'flir. 11. 1 State lioaM oi f.xaminers ami ouam a 1 plate ctiangtug tneir isistoiiuvaadare-s , I.iWilN S IIS, ll Change of Postollicc. Subscribers to to Post who content- I Mr. A.lruu IIukuis, vl 0I;i.iiIi.,I, I 't iiilnii- uf iu: el piiitit for I: Ii.hi' I.ji,t SirliiK ll..- Iioiluill 1 Kiiilun. .it Avik ami hud I i ii.llylM iuff life oerltlcate. It will put away the presumption that the examiner should be lenient with an applicant because this spriug, should notify this office of the same at once, that the japer will arrive with out interruption, lu giving he has patronized the free normal. If the uarue of the new office do not for mally of our teachers now holding get to give the old address as well as provisional certificates, had spent their the new, aud much trouble will bo time on a regular course of btudy, in- avoided thereby. Give old as well as gtead of reviewing the common branch- new address. 2t. Yours truly, F. W. IVvuo Jt Co., New York. George Strawser ot Kiculleld. on his return from a horse sale hi had lu Miltiiuburg, Saturday dropped lu to pay for bis sou's paper.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers