MIDDLEBTJRG POST. The matter of feed is tremendous importance : t Society Formed to Erect a i in Washington. Tablet Wet AN APPEALTO AMERICAN PEOPLE YronT lit focj'iin Lktef-.r ftcdi: cd bis o"a r.u in.; r t to us nciis ccrtrs. farmer, lop?. K The tV: m:)st pork, get tuc most Hut how about the chi!ua a Are they fed according U science, a bone food if bo:e are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. v Heart From AticcK of LaGrippe. mm Susses HIT? lUk". 11.'. PICIUTt la the I. Tin ol a label u on the I wrapper of every LOtl.e ul hutimion you buy. Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N.Y. 50c. and $1 1 all druggUU. Ilia Opinion. "Away back in Iho dark ages," said the Kohack philosopher, "u baked load in a silken bag was prescribed for rheumatism, hi the enlightened present wo resort to the faith cure, magnetic healing, the mud bath, elec tricity, and one sonorous-sounding opnth.v or another. About ,tho. .only aJrar.ee I cun (lr?t' ' 1'twt. the niti 1, ku0.. toad.'V-Puck. The Amamptlon of the- Idle. Thouph you may toll your whole life ttirouph, Some man with lazy r!a !Wi:i sr,cr. anil fay that hi- cuii'.l Co Mum tif-ttc r if he trii J. Wa.ii.i:; n Star. xi i) .i:u. Asked to Contribute Fund to Honor the Man Who Wrote the Declaration of Independence Congress Will Not Be Asked For Aid. Washington. Feb. 2 The Thomas Tefterson Memorial Association, organ ized tor the (impose of erecting at the national capital an appropriate and truly national memorial to the "author of the Declaration of Independence," through its president, Admiral George Dewey, has Issued an appeal to the American people tor funds to carry out the Vject of the association. The text of the- apiN-al Is as follows: To th-.- American People The I Thomas Jefferson Memorial Associa tion has b.en organized to take up the Imi i neglected duty of erecting a I fittins menu rial to the memory 01 mu I man who wrote the Declaration of Ic dependence. We have here beautiful and costly tributes to the memory of American soldiers, sailors, statesmen, physicians Inventors and philanthropists, and thy soldiers nnd sailors of Franco are honorpd. but there Is not one tablet to the memory of that great Ameri can, Thomas Jefferson. We ask the people to contribute ac cording to their ability to this me niorlal. Congress will not be asked for money, as we rely solely upon the people, the young and the old, th-? children and their parents, tor thu success of the movement. The charac ter and cost of the pro posed memorial canont be stated, but it will be appropriate to the greatness of the man and the importance of the document from which his name is In separable. Rigid economy will be ob served. In the expenses of carrying oa the work. Every contributor will receive a cer tificate acknowledging his subscrip tions, and carrying with it member ship in the association. In time to come these certificates will bo "badges of honor." I Contributions, checks, money orders or drafts should he made paynble to the order of the treasurer of the as sociation. Mr. Jesse B. Wilson, presi dent of the Lincoln National Bank. i The people will be kept Informed of all important action of the associa tion. Communications adressed to the secretary. Mr. W. S. McLean, will re ceive prompt nnd respectful attention. OICORGE DEWEY. Admiral of the Navy, President. The association Is now complete In Its list of officers, every state being .ti.MnU4LJty .wtwRriQnt. and In some cases by a member tf the board of governors. No great move ment of a similar character In thla country. It is claimed, has as Its offi cers more men of national character and influence than this organization. The association, it Is stated, is thor oiishly ron-partisan, the design being merely to raise a memorial to Mr. Jefferson as the wtiter of the Declara tion of Illdi'i i-ll'VlM'e. Amn:i : tii-- i pr 'side-us of the as sociation pre ih.. !' 1 ! . r.vin : Delaware, Palpitation, Smother ing, Short Breath. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cured Me. The terrible after effects of LaGrippe are most dangerous when ihey attack the heart, the engine of hie. Weak hearts are as com mon as weak' stomachs and when an attack 11 made upon the weak heart, that organ soon becomes a diseased heart and the patient will unless promptly treated, sutler long and eventually die ! heart disease, the dread of millions. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure strengthens and regulates the heart's action, enriches the blool and improves the circulation. "Some years aco I had an attack of the f rip, and it ld't me with a very weak heart, alpitatum, shortness of hrcalli and smother ing spells that made me sit up in bed to breathe, robbing me of sl;ep, made me most miserable. I would become fatigued and exhausted hum the Icist exertion and was in such a critical condition that I could not attend to my business. My phisician seemed unable to control mv case, and instead of getting better I was gradually growing weaker every day. Then 1 hep.m taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and af er I had used two bottles I was greatly unproved. I continued with the remedy until I had taken in all six bottles, when 1 was able to alteud to busi ness without inconvenience. 1 was com pletely alTd permanent! v cared of heart trouble by Dr. Mi es' lie irt Cure and cheer io, lv recommend it to all sufferers from that terrible affliction." 11. H- LllLF, Clovers ville, N. Y. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle I r. Miles' Remedies. Send for Irec hook on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud. UNIQUE SCARECROW. U la he Invention uf mm Auatrallaa Gtuina Who Pronounce It a, t.rrat Succraa. A writer in Garden and Field, an excellent Australian paper, says that a scarecrow made like the one pic tured proved very effective. He de scribes it us follows: "A is a piece of three-fonrths-inch pas pipe inserted firmly in the soil 0 as to stand six feet above ground; the top end must be smooth. B is ot galvanized downpipe, with an end soldered on the top. C C are t-lioit pieces of dow npipe soldered on B. N is u piece of tin or iron cut as de scribed and shown. D is a dead bird or wing of a fowl, if a noisy toy Flew Goods at Sclinee r :..: ...... -..l r..,.. i,.i..... f . A G J UOli ft Hill IJW 11 trill I II V AICICI II lUi a a . .1 km. k or Alcrciiaii'iise at bargain rius to every person. Call J my stock before purchasing elsewhere. SHOE SREDUCED 25 Ml Jl All ladies ami miens shoes have been retimed Men's Wool lined Huhtier hoots, made hy the In,, o., rediteed to $2.50. Ladies first quality rublers 40c. ladies fur scarps V'or'h 84.00 reduced to 83.00. A full liuu of Dress Goods at lioltoni Prices. Heard I p the Minft. Mrs. HarU'iiiflat (pettishly) Georire, I wibh vou would rock tl baby. Harlemflat (gruniy ) Whafll I rock the baby for? Mrs.liarlemflat (bristling) Because he's not very well, and what's more, half of him is yours, and you should not object to rocking him. Harlemflat Well, don't half belong to you? Mrs. Harlemflat Yes. Harlemflat Well, you can rock your half nnd let my ba'lf holler. N. Y. Times. A Dream. If n rlude In Ms automobile Should collide with n scorcher n-wh el And the crash to ensue Should demolish the two 'Twould seem much too good to be real. N. V. Herald. Doctor I'm afraid I made a mis take iu that last prescription I fceut ever. Druirri-t That's H right. Due. I couldn't read it. anyhow, so 1 gate the man a mixture of my own. Chi cago American. silence I Golden. Tr f man who to the highest rung (Jiits fasitst and1 best Is he who always glvts h!i tcr.gue Vast quantltit? of rest. -San Kran' is'.o ;ul.ttin. John S. W. S. Wlls-im. vcrsity: Patt!so-i West Vi !! " I v M;' in. .h ' '..ll ll s inl. Admiral y. Woodnnv itiicton I'ni- Roberf K. V. Daniel: Fa'iil.ner. llluii-riiK i:i. if- ft HENRY HARDING, SCH1NEE, Pa v- "V ADJlJSAABLE TOP. t y'ls 14xlS inthts ; large nnd etn.iijr emiijJ " yin.r jmcticnaisy, ijiretohy, dux, l , i:ai ' ' Hiiii.k, Atlas, or any heavy ilnn e, at at v angle. It can he rerolvtd 01111 Cr'fir4 when fo as to always throw the xtrdngvut liifJ on th. You can thus avoid the nlmin on your naiJ when holding; a liook in otir hand or 011 a k-vt It is made of Ouk,ond has 011 one edge a jj keep hooks from sliding ofl. REVOLVING CASE. This Case is 15x15x12 inches. The s!ie. Oak or Ash, finished on both sides and on all AUSTRALIAN SCARECROW, windmill were fixed on the top ... . .r. l ii - n -l ri. woiiiu lie an improvement, to ue m ami nave ineiie oi 1MM1K siace on niur sines, tir o ieet 111 j: ,1... w...i i.i.ipiiii-fl 11,11st. 1 e i 1 1 n 1 1 It 1 1 uii K in .-- - iMiini 1111110 1 ii r 1 et. r, nee ikkiks 01 0:1 v 1 w. rtianv 1 imi ;s nw. be placed on the-rimer shelf. In all twenty to thirty vimW. size, "' 1 mil in it. A Silent (.nine. Tommy Can we play at keeping a thop in here, mamma ? Mitiiiina (who has a headache) Or-1 tainly, but you must be vtry, iryj (piiet. , 'I omrny Well, we'll jiretcud we don't ! adtrti.-t . Tit-l:its. Mother Now take your medicine. Johnny, and I'll give you a penny. Job nny Not much 1 won't. That's medicine tastes so bad it's worth a nickel easily. Chicago American. I'ropiT Ammunition. O! "Can- will kill a rat," they say, And so when ferth you fare Tn kill mu h In asts h nmht or Jay IV rarrfii! lo lake care. rhliadelpt.iu l'riss. to ilia Itejifton. Lucie Yes, my husband had leae the city on business to-day. Maud You'll feel lonesome, then, I suppose. i.ueie mother coming A Ehe-1 liUii'lri-il waM.'t a pound live hi a wi- w 1 H'-r Jlii-b:.i OS mui-h vi vvou! Ii.'t be belt tibout it. .Inilu tonsollnic He ! Ion. tuipusv I must weight a and i1y. Just think 1 ow-r a hutnlreil ami 'r ma rrii d '. ell. If vim had lost n'l'ii' gained, you i.nw to grutnble I ue ll Atf eel water Uilu: -Yes, but fortunately my wrote yesterday that she is to see us. Brooklyn Life. Too .Mark Surpla. Husband Are you aware, my dear, that it takes three-fourths of my kal ary to mctt your dressmaker bills,? Wife (ioociness gracious! What do yon do with all the rest of your money ? Chicago American. ICpjoieluic Mblh Her. Minnie Well, I'm glad Kit Spur long is going to be married at last. Lut ie The tone of your voice doesn't indicate it. Minnie But I am. When the list of marriage licenses is published everybody will find out she's 7 years old. Chicago Tribune. tl. lull drop bCOpe. "Now I l.iinw." be saiii, after n e ing the luit-roiii-s darting urouiid in the water; "I Know what sing when the kilt!" is boiling; it is these little bugs." .V Y. Times. I Oder l.oek and hrr, Mrt. ( riinsniilii aU I see a Brooklyn woman has diseovernl a way of jic Vrntilig her losing her hair Mrs. ( riiiisnnlieak r:i!cnl! And what (! s she iu? "Loel-s jl iu the safe." Yol.ktls Slatt suiau. Tlie A irerlnliin. The Author (after the lirst perform ance) Well, what do you think of my play? " 1 Feminine Friend It was just love ly! Who designed the heavenly Oresscs? Brooklyn Life. Till one Women. Miss Van Ihr ln.o,, y,. m;,.6 j;jnn.-, I an. the youngest mi-mUr l one of the oldest families in New York. Miss Binns (entioiiily) 1 don't doubt that its the oldest family if jou're the youngest member! Smart Set. Xot Ju.l What She Wanted. "Well," he taid, drawing hiiiibilf up proudly, "what, if I have a past? Such u thing is not uncommon nowadays. "Oh, no," she answered, "I realize that. But I never cared for the com mon. I think I'll wait for some one with a future." Chicago Becord-ller-aid. not be placed iu position are absolutely required and removed directly they have served their pur pose, otherwise spoggie will get iu familiar with them as with the trees themselves, and thus all beneficial results will be lost. To make the movable scarecrow, get three pieces of two-inch iron galvanized down pipe, vi.. one four feet and the other two feet long. Solder them togctliei in the shape of a cross, with a rap soldered on the top end of the four foot length. At 'the end of one arm fasten a piece of tin, say one side of a kerosene tin with about half an inch of the top edge, cut along three inches from each end, and one strip bent out at right angles on one side. the other t,he same onthe opomteJ side, to form two snort arms, irom which nrmH hang iron nuts suspend- , , . A '!' ... ...Ill el nv strings. 1 nrae inui, mm jvct , rr. . T .. 11 1 on strikinir the tin as the figure re nn ornament to any Olhce, Library or Parlor, volves with the wind (when theiv is nny). Drive a six-foot length of t hree-foiirt hs-ineh gas pipe and dress it up accordingly to taste, either as a lady or gentleman. A kerosene tin wi'h a bole in the bottom and .1 two-inch slit on each side about lnlf way dow n would perl aps help to form ihe boi!'.-. as well lis more noise, 1 siieeially four iron nuts were suspended by strings inside of it." Apple nail Soli KxliMiiKt Ion. Apple trees are not as bard on soil, as many have supposed, if we will keep the soil in proper physical con dition. A bulletin issued by Cornell university shows that in a single yeai a crop of apples will remove for the fruit from a single acre, 13 pounds of nitrogen, one pound of phosphoric ncid and lit pounds of potash. The leaves on the trees which produce this crop of fruit will require l'.l pounds 1 if nitrogen, 5.2 pounds of phosphoric acid and Is. 4 pounds of polash. The tree growth will require 9.4 pounds of nitrogen. 3.0 pounds of phosphoric acid and R.s pounds of potash. This looks to be a severe strain on the soil, yet I believe that, ill things considered, apples are about half as hard on soil as corn. assuming that n'l or eacli crop is permanently removed from thp soil. Prof. Clothier, in Farmers Review. CAS I IMiSinnectmg the top and Cask are finished 111 lihut and of siillicietit strength to last a life-time. Pipe, Post and Legs. Hie ! legs are attached by round-headed screws to the liiriici Into this post is forced an iron pips, which runs up throng 1 lit and to which the castings at the top are attached. Aroii: i ll.i- the Cask revolves. As s IIomk, Offick or IiiBKAKY article we claim its c(iiiil li exist. The accuracy of this statement can be confirmed hv wi letters of the highest commendation from thousands of Mini;d tornevs, Physicians, Government, State and County Cuhcials, and Business Men. Over 50,000 have been sold in the United and orders now come tor large lots lrom .bnglanu and other countries. - - UOW FINISHED. It is handsuoely finished in Vnlip AS A GIFT. Nothing made is more suitable to present toil or as aWedilmg or iiirtliday Gift than this Stand. HOW SHIPPED. This Stand is sent knocked down, wnw heavy pa er ninkipg a package of 20 lbs. liy Freight it H mc 1 (I cliifs in d nt nl cut half what it would test if sum Plain directions for putting together accompany each Staml. W u e the recti ar mice of this Stand is 87.00. for a smrt id 'USIIV4 ' n,,ui,, (.. v,,l llw.in ,,f (lu, u-lwilesnln l-ltn id Tlit-cr )nl!:ir. II uirce 01 I ,, . . . , v ... , . ., . i., t 11 ciigo. ir we win st'uii tue 1 usr one year picpai Stand sliipud F. (). P. Chicago, for 83.50. The FOST, told your 11 r Mdrriaitr. Mr. Scrapjieigh You always me that there was no fool in family. Mrs. .Scrappeigh That was before we were married, John. Brooklyn Life. A Soft Annrr, K4c. Hc7clriah -4"bas, are yi 11 aware that tfce liniijl of vour In ad are nuiii bere.11 .J Jonas ii. 'Iie Almighty would have to take to fl actions if be ever un dertook a census of yours. Harvard Lampoon. itlip DlfTereiK. May But why do you think he made a mistake in taking up music as a pro fession? I always though he plated the fiddle ral her well. Ann. It's quite evident that you never heard luiu perform upon the violin. Brooklyn Life. I entailable. Clote Merchant Yes. sir, I want a Lew bookkeeper; but you won't do. Applicant May I akkwhy? ' Clote Merchant You are a bald ai a billiard ball, air. A ujbu with no hair to wipe Lia pen on will ruatout a whole box every week. X. Y. Weekly. !Vut al All Embarraaard. "I it true that I'iker is linaucially embarrassed?" "lie is awfully in debt, but it doeic't litem to embarran him at all." Cincin nati Enquirer. ' Am Aaoarnoaa Allaek. Brown To my knowledge I have not an encwiy in the world. - Jonei I have; somebody tent my little boy a tin horn by mail! Detroit Free Pre. IlotT in Keep Ciller Sweet. A correspondent of l'lirm nnd Fire aide says: "There is practically no w.-iv of keeping eider from fermenting unless something is done to sterilize it. This sterilizing mny lie done by raising the eider to n temperature of 1.10 degrees three times, allowing , it to cool between, and finally ! bottling when hot. This is certainly the best way of treating it if you do ' not wish to use a drug. In my own I experience I prefer to keep it sweet 1:, I V 7 ; :! .-f carbonate of soda to n barrel, not I milking it tin.' i 1 late in the autumn, J when cold weather is nssured, nnd then keeping it cold during the win trr. If it U in n room the temper ature of which is just below freez I lug point it wvll not freeze, but will be cold enough to prevent nny very active fermentation.' ,1 1 Middlebur k.1 Didn't Frlichten Him. "Horace (irecley once said that a man with more than a million dollars is a nuisance." "Well, I'd rather be that kind of a .iiisance than the other kind." "What other kind?" "The kind that wants to borrow a V." Brooklyn Kagle. Ilia Ilank. "Ah, says the visiting foreigner to the magnate who has engineered the great deal in corn, "I suppose you are one of the famous captains of industry that your country has pro duced." "Sir," replied the corn-king, "I am n colonel." Judge. Woadrrful llnildera. "I have built up a great, many thin people," fcuid the ...m with chin whisker. "Do you sell health food?" asked the curious crowd. ''No, I make padded overcoats." Chicago Daily News. For I'nblleatloa Only. The Ingeiiiiii What did the man ager say when you asked him for a raise? 'J'ha Soubrette He offered to give me 1 raiae of fifty a week in the pre reports, if I'd accept a reduc tion of f re a wi ek in cash. Pock. Teatlinouy for Sprnylni;. At u. horticultural meeting an Illi nois fruit grower said: I hud a little orchard of 60 trees that were ten years old, and we never had secured a plum from that orchard. Every flu m rotted luiyt year, and this year we sprayed three times with the Bor deaux mixture aiul Paris green, and the trees that Wej dldi not spray the for that opera cloak? ,.i,...,u .11 ,!' iioA l. E,ni. Mrs. Torone Twe thev Lad before: ' ift fact, we not so I dear disgusted with them that we cut out nbout eight or ten trees to expert rntr.t on, and now wvs wish we had tbtm back again. The American Novel. "Why don't you write an American novel?" "I have thought of it," answered the literateur, "but was deterred by the fact that 1 could not decide whether to make the hero nn Knglikhinaii, a Ki riicliiii.in or a tiernian." Washing ten Star. lia Una)-. Angry Katlu r (stick iu hand, to lit tle Willy) Why are your clothes : i.ii ' :-'i . . 1, .1 1 1 l!y .' Little Willy (whimpering) I fell in the gutter. "And with your new trousers on?" "Yes, pa. 1 didn't have time to come home and change 'cm." Cinciiiniitl Knqiiircr. An Annry Threat. f'trug','ling Merchant If you don'i attend to business better, I'll reduce your income by one-half. Chief Clerk Kb? Only yesterday you said you thought of taking me into partnership. Struggling Merchant That's what I mean. N. Y. Weekly. Ma JHapoaal. Mr. Torque How much did you pay The Ilmipy No u.e to hunt the l-irn f Thev're with vou all the !' They're loalln' with you'll An idnifln' In a rhvrr. No ue to fearch the wortn An' think thev're (arar.iW The brlKhtest of 'em s:!ila'M In violets at your feet. Atlanta Constitution. SO rtH.ITE. -1 ' Torque Twenty-live dollars, "That price for a cloak Is a sin and a shame." "Well, the sin will rest on my own shoulder." Baltimore Herald. He Won't yn Bpooncr? Miss Spooncr- 1 sitiiniH e 1 The Saddet ... A la the iflrl who s 'r'e 'ra,3 The auildest wor JL Are these: "He u--kJ JatA ine poor 1001 iii--' -Chlcuifo Kecord-Brae .lt Caller I've loun" ' ,,J . . . ...lU!& V that y r wife is au"-" reward fer. Gentleman-You iat,'J Caller Yep; an' H J -J len dollars I'll take i Weekly. . La Flancee-I "J papa is speculating Le Fiance-So am l . almost crlminsl for late with money 1 aved for bia son-m-" -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers