rr.Q roGT. r... j a"J;T form of r a 1 nred under the lawf of enlight fzZir. But nature never change nerpemaltie She till Ej a"" . th ne pnuub- tnent tor tu man who neglects or abuse hi stomach as she had in t'.:e far oiT day "when Adam delved and Eve span." The physical dis comfort, dullness, sluggishness, irri tability, nervous ness and sleepless ness which aro visited npon the man who eats care lessly or irregularly have been from th beginning the evi dence old isease of the stomach and its associated orgafiaof ji . Qlauuu auiu nu trition. T)r. Pierce-'a Gold. ledicsl Discovery cures the diseased snd enables the perfect digestion tailstion of food, so that th; "Jaws, irriUbility.nerrousnesssnd fzL. which result .jm innutri- iut cured also. . ,.w- nek sins years ago with fever. M arfwell. of Uawoud, Iyea t ianeae. "Had the doctor and ha Ce... ,""? j,i M tt I took rtiar. k ? ." arr. It aaTsi x would i. but DickcS oae of Dr. w. Memorandum Books pa day sad saw f.V""T"- catarrh of the etomach. I to, o7h 5S tm mead it for CTthe stomach, so I went to taklnatt. Ceb.tUtrly. cured me. I fot twolot KiTine aad took one and one-half sad Kn, I Bseat been bothered with diar- tierce's PelleU cure biliousness. HNNSYLVANl". KAILROAD. Lewistown DiviBion. In effect May 25, 1902. WARD. I sTATiom. I ABTWABD' i I 10 00 10 10; 1015, I0W 10 tf InM !0W: 1042: 1051 ItM 11 U 1101 1111: mi1 a mi ru Sunbury 8cllnirrove Junction balinaKTOV Pawling K reamer Meiser lliddleburg llenfer BeavertowB Beaver Kpilngs ltaulie Mills McClur wearer Shindle Paiiitervill Maitland T.ewlatown via 40 4 40 im 427 498 9 OS 904 8 S3 8 4 8 41 420 8 40 4 18 407 8 57 859 8 41 838 8 28 824 884 85 80 818 8 87 754 II M 113 1140 7 49 7 43 7 85 f 88 T M 82U 818 S 8 "8 II 42 Lewtntnwn (Malu Street. 1115, Lewlatown Junction. 8 0o in It ,.ves Sunbury 6 30 p m, ar rives at sohnsgrove 6 o p m v BSalin8Krove6:00p. m., arrives nr-S'rhiuy fi:i5 p. m. leave uwtstowo Junction : m.10 'I I 10 o m.lSOo tn 4 3Tp m, 7 OTP ft ; p m a". 8 'i a for Altoona, fUUburg aud : Halilniu.". 1 1 '' annmnion bus aw wv, j i i n tn Knr Phllailalnhlaand new . . . . . o ar. -. o'k w m.,1 m i n 4 is and wi P i ur r,: S :0 a - '" .Vilelphia & Erit R R Division. 'N AND IN OUT Hi. IN TNTRAIi BA1LWA.Y - ' F.-rWARH. kiai.avex urove Junction dt.Ur for ka m, I-.1 p m, ( 52 p m. Sunday 9 (8 a to, fc in. iil'vo s "i'"UrT dnllr except Bandar: am i t li'.n .lo.l 94 s m lor Krla and uao- tittle m lor Uti: M-nte Krle and Usnarnlalirus m bit Uik Haven. Tyrone and the west. pir r. j::nio, l la p m lor rtellefunu TTrni.e and I anacdalifua m i-r kenuvo and Elmira !1 o. kr wmuuisport tii;v.'27 a m for Buffalo via Knporltim, m i-r trie, gw in ior r-na sou uanan ' 884 put lor Wn m l.rLock Haven and la m, i , i .i : no and 5 25 p m lor Wllkaa- la II,, l ) ,:u, -i m u m. 1 85 D in lor Shamon irup- ..rmei o .;.ta; ) .i1 . ji iur Wllkanbarre I'AWTWAKD. T r lav SelinnKrovs Jnnctloa I y arrlvtna- at PbJladalDhla R n,'..ii 4 i irk b 88 p Baltlmor 1 11 m " i"i , vine at Philadelphia v - 3 53am, Baltimore 945pm 'I i m. 11 arriving; at Philadelphia -,; 718 a in, lialtlmor 1 89 a m 'i rr. ...ito laava Rnnhnrv J'i!llll'l I Hi N,)- fcllln . 9 ii'. .Nt 41.lntfS.il I h a u in - urrlvniif at Phlladaldhla 8 81 a m IHjrC' A 111 Wuchlnwtian a Ml a n. K7 - ftm. tn Veejays, 10U a a Snndayi, H fttu da iy arrivlnir at PhlladslDhla f9 am, io 88 Sundays Baltl v uhington 880 a m, aValtlmor l itrWin 1 lip m, J"j8 arriving at Philadelphia j k 9 18 pm, Baltimore 18 10 p 15 p m ' ! arriving at Philadelphia rtivnopm, Baltimore oo pm , '. Dl rivltifr ar. OhlljAintil aa m m It" V 19 Vfc. i 111 l lam N im. we, ft inirtoi 7 ; p T. iK y. lr. i , S P m Baltln,ore 80 m WailU- hin laava Sanbury at 950 am and 10 tirn' namanorg, rnuadalpnla and U0T'. .INSON Uen'l Manaew. RGVflVO Made a Weil Mm of Me. 5Sa55!ri?r!n,lh,taoa' tttci nairaadqulckl. .nk-a-ai ,1ur!ilnt;!0 ,th msnbood.sndold Pom .., Ti ' ulJy. iBiy rmiasiOB, wJ:!?.rr. Waatia DtatasaZand " or aaeasaaiMl iDdlacratloa, .a, u ttm aat of diaeaaa.boi ta7!?J?, ad btood SmUder, brln tt?aJLtai e "! pale and r Arm?!? 3 nih' " arda a Inaanlti . uiikT" " on nanrif Karivo,a In va poekct. By hnto" 6J9Vwltaa Lw.sreaurvBtee emra ar m tn Mddltbvrqh, Pa 'by J m -jl irr OV A A XZimm East, "member," sail the beautiful girl who was soliciting for the charity entertainment, "that the Lord loves a cheerful giver." "I know He does, replied the square-Jawed old captain of Industry. 'Just give me a cheerful rest, will fou? You're the tenth nuisance that das been here" this afternoon." Chi capo Eecord-Uerald. Paetry a a Faraala. Oh, the atualsg poet warbles Of the treat that's on the vine And th labors of th huakers In a style that's vary fin: But you bet he couldn't do It If he'd ever husked an ear. For about that much of tannins; ' Make the romance disappear. ' N. Y. Herald. TUB Ql'ICK AXD TUB DEAD. Ladjr Here's a dime. Kow go away; my husband is sick upstairs nearly dying. Grinder Sorry, lady, but dere's so many tick people in dis street dat de price hits went up. It'll coat rouse er dollar to Fave jer husband's life dis time. X. Y. Journal. Edneatlon. He sent hl boy to colleg-e. And now he crtea, alack! lie spent ten thousand dollars And got a quarter baclr. Puck. Ills Inteatloaa Were Good. Wantnnno Did Ezamark succeed in trying all the grip remedies bis friends recommended? Duzno Xo, the process was inter rupted midway by a iuneral. Wantanno Whose funeral? Duzno Ezamark's. Lo Angeles Herald. Correct Estimate. Ilatterson That woman next door must have a tolerably correct not inn of the partner of her Joys and sor rows. Mrs.- Ilatterson Why? UattersorT I went over there to get a rake, and she said her husbnnd was out. Town Topics. Unlimited Supply. He I've Just been reading about n man whose living expenses are only ten cents a day. I wonder how be ; She-i-Oh, I suppose be gets a free sample package of every new kind of breakfast food. N. JT. Journal. Am Irishman's View. "Are'you looking for trouble?" de manded the angry man. "Xo," replied the Irishman; "only for pleasure." "You seem to want a fight?" "That's whst I said," returned the Irishman. Chicago Post. Before Their Time. First Chappie I wonder now, Chol lie, how the donkey ever came to be used as the er emblem of stupid ity?" .. Second Chappie (with a yawn) ;UQH?t j&y'w, I'm sure, d'eah boy; must .uM before our day." Tit-Bits. Polals ( VUw. . "If thero is one man I like more than another' said the optimist, "it la a man that I can trust." "My ideal man," rejoine! tho pes simist, "Is one who is willing to trust me." Chicago Daily News. From Boston, Perhaps. "Don't you think she has a very distingue air?" - "Yes," said the sad-looking young man. "Judging from the chill ahe produces, I should call it a liquid air." Washington Star. Weak Woman. Mrs. Qumpps What do you think of this? Prof. Scraper says women make better violinists than men? Mr. Qumpps Of course. They can't make so much' noise. N. Y. Weekly. .- A Belaclant Admission. "How is your boy getting on at school?" "Pretty well. He is beginning to ad mit that the Trojan war was almost as big a thiig in its way as a football game." Washington Star. Tblaklaa; of III Poekelbook. "What makes papa so cross?" "I don't know. Did you say any thing to annoy him?" . "Certainly not. I just happened td remark that Christmas was almost here." Chicago Post. Caltare's Capital. "Boston considers itself America's iatellectual center, doesn't it?" - "Worse than. that. It considers it self America's intellectual circumfer ence." Town Topics. labnrban Chat. Joe And horseless carriages out your way? Jim Horseless? I guess so; but we call them mula teams. Detroit Free Press. ' pert Was Well ronnaeat. Mrs. Dearborn They tell me your eook is an angeL Mrs. Wabash I reckon ah is. She tried to light tho fir with kerosene this) morning. Yonkers Statesman, j DOYOUC2TC? 7ITII A LAJIE IUCK ? Kldaey Trooblc Kakcs Ton Miserable. Almost everyoody who reads the news- Is sure to know of the wonderful . cures made by Dr. i Kilmer's Swamp-Root J CW-jlr the great kidney, liver 13 tvda-r li and bladder remedy. ITrIIT Itlstheereatmedl. cat triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles snd Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement hss been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Room of swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. ' signature Is on every boi of the gonuln axativc Oropo-Quinine Tablet rtNaedy "nrcs a ewla In one day Standard American Ananal and ENCYCLOPEBiJ. A Statistical Voluaic ct Facts asd Fibres Crr.tab'rg Ova SPECIAL FEATDH23. thatJnlteJSUiaai hull. Ulattiott k:nu r. r vJ Platrortna ! Pttltlcal Parties or ln;: Oi ficars ol tl a Kjcional Connl( H.i I icfer . I, htotra.i'.l La;cf i.e .ij. Intian; Cur lutu ar rcjsei.Hlur.J: kt Cunl Law; Civil ibv. erun rnifj-tlicP I lp. fl n e it; Qual . c lurd r Voting in n.l 1 1 a t e a; Ai.t n ' h ''-'. ,i'i mi 5t?I M" ,ury ' r f,t ' fZ-.fffSl n Po elzn Cinu rli.. Tha r kuKrt nnd ( uv rnmcn.a; Pular lli ploralion : Review of Scientific Achieve ment Th 41. m.'. mm 2 tHaturbancea of 1902 (,nUnt Plce)j bacan . ! w. j mi i.vw ihra. pap"" mil At mmm iv:s. Condensed Information for the Office, the Store and the Home. Price Postpaid to any address, 35c o?S; TBI WORLD, HsTsstnd pun,,,, Building, New York Applied Science. One evening at supper little Lester said to his grandmother: "Grandma, do your glasses make things look bigger?" "Yes, dearie," said grandma. "Why?" "Oh!" said Lester, "I only thought if they did, maybe you'd take 'em off when you're cutting the cake." Lit tle Chronicle. Plata tho Blame. . Magistrate Well, Uncle Kastns, what brought you here? Uncle Bastus Dem two big perllce men by de ratlin', yo' honner. Magistrate Yes, but didn't liquor have anything to do with it? Uncle Kastus Yessah; day wuzbofe drunk, yo honner. Chicago Daily Kews. Wouldn't Work Twice. "When you stepped on that gentle man's foot, Tommy, I hope you apolo gized?" "Oh, yes, indeed I did," said Tommy; "and he gave me sixpence for being such a good boy." "Did he? And what did you do then?" "Stepped on the other one and apolo gized, but it didn't work." Tit-Bits. CHICHESTER'S EfiGUSH FEIINYROYAL PILLS fJnfla. Alnara reliable. LadlM, aak Dnvrlat M CHlCliKMTKava aMaiLiaaf In aVaJ aod tola melalllo boina. aaalad with Mua rlbboa. Tnno ato otSior. BMflaaoai aamal laillallaai, BuyofyourOmnlat, 4a. In atamna for aurtlnlara. Toatl- alola and " Steltor for U4IM," in latMr, br rvUirw Mall. io,ooTaatlmonla-, BoWtaT all Drucxiau. oHioBaaraa obsmioal oo. MM Moa-Han aamatro, PBUI, PA. i try i In the Mlnaa. Jason Peckham I always said, an' 111 say ag'in, thet the gnver'ment should own the coal mines. - Hirsra Qose Thet's exactly my Hear, too, B'goaht Them darn gov er'ment clerks should be made tew earn their wages by workin'l Puck. Kaew a Thlnsr or Two. Benedict How la it you've never thought seriously of marriage, old man? Bachelor But I have, dear boy. That's the very reason why I'm still single. Ally Sloper. -Too Good to Bo Trac. Dolly Please, Misa Sharp, mamma says, have you really left your songs at home? Miss Sharp Yes, dear. Why? Dolly Well, papa saya it sounds too good to be truel Tit-Bits. Well Mateo. Husband Do you mean to say that your judgment is superior to mine? Wife Certainly not, my dear. Our choice of life partners proves that in inferiority of judgment we are equal. Chicago American. Born So. "To what do you attribute the Chi cago woman's fondness for matri mony?" "It must be a combination of habit and hereditary instinct." N. Y. Times. Inquest in Partition. In the Oriilmns' Court of '8iiyder Co., Pennsylvania. In the estate of Ja cob Leploy, late of West Beaver Township, lu said Comity, deceased. Now, lire. H, IOiii!, the t ou t Rrnnt k ru'e upon the li' lra nml other pirtica inliTonlcil In the partition of the real raiulvuf anid ilrcedcnl, lo apP'-ar in oh)ii t'imrt on .Monilay, Ilia 'Jiii dny ut 1'ehruury, A. 1 , 1WW, at 2 o'cliick p. in., ami nii rpt or rudixa the rrul elnti- at the valu ation H I'd by return of iuiiio Itlim, oriiiake blda on llio itine, or allow utuno why Ilia biiinu auould not bo aold. In piirmunce of lh aliovj order, notlco la heruby uivu In you, T. A. Maunrr, Atly In Fact fi,r Mury Ann llctz, i'.Ti. Kvu !xpliy. Mm, I.yilln Weadrr and Ahrnhaiu l. M'rader,. Mm. Mary Ann Munolc and hlon Snook' Mrp. Amanila Hoyor and So- Iibarun Uoyer, lira. Struli June Mitrkle and ranklln II Markle, anil hiirnh Lopley, all of Snyder County, l a.; Mra. llvatarSuinpaull and Joacph' Sauipm.il, of MowerHelil, Aliclilicuu; Mra. Polly Ann Kiliint and tioorxe haunt, of Moore Park, MIchiKan: Imtao Uoinlir, of How. ardaville, Micliliriui i Mra. Ainnlindn Kline, of Levaburir Mleliiiian; Abruham KoiuIk, ol Scotta Sutliun, MicliiKan : Mra Klizalit tll llreter Und Daniel Heeler, of Fulton, Mkliinon; Mra. ilannali ltelonic and Kuliert Delonir, of MUlia wakii, Indiana: Simon Parker, of Three Klvera, MichlKan i Samuel K. Parker, of (irund Hanlila, MiiliiKan; luioc K. Parker, of Hpaiiliiie, MkhiKHii; Mra. Lillie Smith and Chniiiiivy N. Smith. Mn. Klla Smith and Samuel K. Smith, of Howard City, Michigan; L'rina K. Klden, t'harlea A. Kiilen. Mra. Ida M. t'oinptoil nnd Henry Comptoii, all of Macomb, Illinoia; How aid S. Puller, wlioao alilresa la unknown ; John II. lA-pley.ol 8flKlcrville. Mllllliillo , Pa Klia alietli llreiner, whoae wherealmuli is unknown; Mra Knchel KembellliiKand John Kenilwrlini;, of Klklmrt, Indlnnn; Mins l.ucy Ann I Itz niui Jerry I'lti. Mra iSnrnh Truliv,' Mm. llernlee Klciiifelt and John Hlcinfelt, Mra. Annie l.rp ley, Annie lopley. Ruarriian of llert Lepley and lleuliili lopley, V lr Wairner, Wirt Wairner, gunrdianol Lottie Wagnei anil MalicI Warner, .Ur. MnKle Dunn, A. Sinclair, KUurdliin of (llenn Ipley and Fred lopley, nil of Colon, MicliiKab, and Mra. Abtilo Sunborn anil Krnnk Sanliurn.ol Burr Oak, MicIiIriiii, heira of the aaid .lacob Leiiley. deecaanl. and Dartiea in In. t;ounty, on Monilay, tne xia nav ol rebruarv, I WIS. at 2 o'clock ti. ru.. lu accordance with aaid order. U. M. SiiiNnm.. I Seal of the Orphans ) Clerk O. C. Court of Snyder J. W. How, ( Co., l'oiiua. I SherilT. Toke Laxative Bromo QuinKie Ticts. Seven Million boxes sold In past 13 months. This sigRatlirG, re-'UJiviHM Do The five-cent packet is enough for an ordin ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, contains a supply for a year. T VIC Coated with stale eggs, glue and other things art not fit to drink. LionGoffco is pore, uncoated coffee fresh, strong, well flavored. Thaaaalaa- aaal a aaUaraa i aaallty ! "Well, sir, I had a funny experience aaicruay. "What was it?" "I went into a downtown restau rant to get my lunch and across the trfble from me sat two middle-aged, proHperous-looking men. They weren't talking about business cr money." Chicago Ilecord-Herald. Prnfuae Apolonlra. "See here!" said the hotel clerk, "you'll have to move on. We can't have any loitering around the hall." "Wei!-" replied the offender, "the head-waiter told me to stay here till he came. I'm after a job as waiter." "O! I beg your pardon. I thought you wre only a guest." Philadel phia l'ress. ; Benefactor of Mankind. 1 "Hobbs is weak, financially, isn't be?" . "Well, he hasn't much to boast of, but he gives employment to a great many men." "Who nre they?" "Other fellows' bill collectors." N. Y. Times. lie Wouldn't Da. Barber Meiu craeiousl You von't o. Xew Man You sehoot,t dold me to go to vork. Barber You von't do. Now you hnf your hat off I see you nre bnld. IIow c ou zell my hair restorer, eh?" X. Y.' Weekly. A Day for Had Lark. ' "Xo; John never seemed supersti tious until we were married. Isn't that so, John? And why did you change?" , "I suppose it was because my wed ding day came on Friday." Cleveland The CoinlnK Krn. "So you wish to marry my son, do you, young woman?" Young Woman I do, nindame. Fond Mother Well, er is your in come sullieient to support him in the condition of innocuous desuetude to which he lias always been accus tomed? Philadelphia Inquirer. A llniumer. ! First Space Writer That article of yours, "Truth is Stronger Toon Fic tion," is a hummer. Tiouuu.-io attract attention. Where did you get the facts? , Second Space Writer Made 'em up. X. Y. Weekly. ; To Cure a CoM m One Day I had suffered for over a year with a sore mouth and tongue. The doctor said it came from the stomach. I was advised to try Ripans Tabules and have found them the best thing I have yet taken. I would advise everybody that has any stomach trouble to . try Ripans Tabules. Aro Vex ciz:r?. , Do you suffer from Xidntf, Linn; EiAdder or Iood Ciseaj or any urin ary trouble, Syapepeia, RhanmaHew. Constipation, or if a woman auiy of . the sicknessee peculiar to your sex t If o, tend your address, to. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Kondout, N. and they will send you abaolately fro a 1 .41-. i on. imuiEDY's FAVORITE REMEDY, voo nvmn specino Known to medical erlenoa for the our of theao dlseaaea er any urlo acid trouble. It ha been used by phyalcians Is aaepltals and aanitariuma for nearly tlilrtj years with unfaUina; auccesa. It aiUo la M larg to-oay It can bo found at any drug store 'tt).t70aSarf ' afof4.CO. GREAT EXPECTATIONS. First Fair One It's coming on to rain, dear we've got no unilucllas. Second Fair One Don't fret borne are coming. Ally Sloper. The Cuxlomnr)- Way. She had defied his authority and hp was nn ry. "Didn't you promise," he asked, "to love, honor und obey me?" "Oh, yes," ahe answered carelessly. "I made that promise, but it woa with a mental reservation." Chicago Post. A Mntlrr of t'onrap. Millie I wnuder whnt the holes in a porous plaster are for? j Willie Why, they are for the pain to come out through, of course. Yon-' kers StiiU'kinap. ' ut Willi a Innd I uk. Doctor Yes, there are a great many drugs used in medicine. Patient There is, bednd! An shtill n good inuiiny people git well ut that. Fuck. I'ttrlinps. "Why does the baby cry?" "Well, I suppose it's because the Iird put it on earth as a test of tern nsa." ltrooklvn Katrle. ADMINISTRATOR1 NOTICE. Let tera of Ailinlnlatrntlon In the eatnte 111 Polly Noll, late of Perry tow.r-,-V,,hi, aji Couuty, la., door, hHnp W uiu JiiuciA.Kueu, all peraonA kuowintr tliem mdvea Indebted to aaid eatate are requeated to innke linniiKlmtc iyinent, while tUoae having elaiina aKiiinat the anid eatntejm'ill present tlieia duly authenticated to the unilcraiicncd, KKANK KKK'HKSIIACH, J. NKWT. llOU.NIIKUKIt, Adinlnl.tralon Dec. H, Ji2 M . leuutiit Mills. Cures Crip In Two Days. ft' t? on every i i i 's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers