THE SUXDAY SCHOOL. la.tfc lBcraaall ScvIm far aesfcei XH. IOO -Res-lew. COLDEX TEXT. Lard, tkaa kaal haaa aar wllla alaea la all.cca ratloaa Pa, Wli 1. CHRONOLOGICAL. REVIEW. . B. C. 1451. The tending of the spies B. C HiL.The crohjug- of the Jor dan. B. C. HSL.Th fall of Jericho. B. C. 145L Conquest of kouthem Canaan. B. C. 143L. Conquect of northern Canaan. B. C. 1445. Caleb claim. B. C. 1444. The tribal allotments. B. C 1427. Joshua's death. . B. C. 1425.. Ik-finning of period of the judges. B. C. 1256. Gideon's call. B. C 1101. Judgeship of Jcplithab. B. C. 1101-1120. Judgeship of Sam ton. B. C 1322. Ruthk choice. B. C. 1171. The birlh of Samuel. B. C 1141. The ark captured by th Philistines. The lesson objects studied during the past quarter and lhe golden text .were as follows: Lesson L Joshua encouraged. Josh. 1: 1-11. ...Golden Text. Be strong and of good courage -Josh. 1:9. Lesson II. Crossing the Jordan. Josh. S:-17... .Golden Text. 'When thou pnsneth through the waters, 1 will be with thee; and through the riv ers, they shall not overflow thee. Is. 43:2. Lesson IIL The Fall of Jericho. Josh. 6: 12-20,".. .Golden Text. By faith the wall of Jericho ell down. Heb. 11:30. Lesson IV. Joshua and Caleb. Josh. 14:5-15,, ..Golden Text. He wholly followed the Lord. Josh. 14: 14. Lesson V. Cities of Refuge. Josh. 80:1-9... .Golden Text. God is our 'refuge and strength, a rery present 'help iu trouble. Pa. 46:1. Lesson VL Joshua's Parting Advice. Josh. 24: 14-25.... Golden Text Choose you this day whom ye Will erve. Josh. 24:15. Lesson VII. The Time of th Judges. Judges 2:7-16.... Golden Text. They cry nnio the Lord ia T. their trouble, and lie saveth theni -out of their distress. Ps. 107:19. I Lesson VIII. World's Temperance (Lesson. Isa. 28: 1-7.... Golden Text. "It ia better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence In man. Ps. 118:8. Lesson IX. Gideon nnd lhe Three Hundred. Judges 7:1-8,.... Goldeu Text. He that is slow to anger is oetter than the mighty; and he thnt ruleth his spirit than he tho,t taketh (jfc city. Prov. 16:32. ' Lesson X. Ruth and Naomi Ruth ' 6-22.... Golden Text. Be kindly "AHectioncd one to another. Rom. 12: m vi,yoysuuei.-'7bi.'uJ 3:0-14.1. Poldua Text-Spcak, Lord; fcjr Thy 'servant heareth. I Sam. 3:9. - Wesson XII. Christmas Lesson.- J. Ike 2: 8-20.... Golden Text. Pre pare your hearts, unto the Lord, and serve Him only. 1 Sam. 7-3." It helps in the study of Old Testn ment lessons to remember always tlin, Qod was working purposefully witii His people. Their history was following the details of a Divine plan. To many it must have seemed most mysterious; to us, even at this day, all is by no means clear. The only comfort is in remembering that to God all was clear. In His thought .there was neither confusion nor frus tration of effort. AH worked to on Appointed end. I The story of the Israelites is the story of heart-life the world over. As we read it we sympathize with it we feel that we have traveled that same road. This is the true point that ought to be emphasized the common experience of sin nnd suf fering, of repentance and forgiveness, of obedience and blessing. Wheat and Chaff. ! Truth does not depend on temper ament. Happiness is the fruit of heart tealth. There is no progress apart from Christ. I The religion that is put on is easily f Ood's Buccor comes swifter than kin's sting. f It is not the service but its spirit jthnt makes it sacred. i They who eeek the praise of men louen miss me approval of God. I Many trust God for n crown nnd go fright on worrying over crumbs, i The opportunity is always ready for the man who is ready for the op portunity. Ram's Horn. ' '. ' or corroding care on the part of a ( liristiun must be n great sin. And it must be a siu very deep in thi- heart. So large a part of the Sermon on the Mount would never lave been directed ngrninst anxiety, oor so ninny arguments henped tip Bgniust it, if the sin were not very larpe and its grasp very rude. "Fret not" Is Christ's constant caution. Eev. Dr. Land rum. I ln(leilKp of Mn. I It is foolish to say that one needs to be acquainted with sin in order to avoid it. All the knowledge one needs of uny form of evil, that he may keep ch ar of it, is the knowledge that it is cvfy. Wcllspring. firrat Arblrrement Teg, wori eci-J (Of great achievement. Rer. F. D. If ecmun. v- Practical Vletr. Practical piety must be personal am'i Horn.. oj.-J uUm did nothing for the Id, ,Love of humanity waa the A Caratcae CMr Edttar. Reporter That's a nice way to make an assignment, isn't it? I'm ordered to get up a cclamn of "Slaugh ter Statistics." Friend Well? Reporter Well, I don't know whether I'm to write up the abattoir or the grade crossings. N. Y. Weekly. Geatlaamaa at Lelaare. Mrs. Dinks Aren't yoo ashamed ta sit around doing nothing while your wife works bard all day? Uncle Eph Well, miss, Pve tol her time an' ag'lc dat I'm pufflckly wil lin' to do de e-noppin foh de fam'ly, but she won't let me candle de money. Chicago American. Oaa Eaaaaalc. "In union there ia strength," said the first passenger. "Yes, indeed," said the ether. "I have been trying for a year to break a marriage tie. Have tried Dakota and Oklahoma both, and we are still united." X. Y. TSia The Est o the Werl. Little Dot I know something mj teacher doesn't know. Mamma Indeed! What is that? "I know when the world is coming to an end, and she doesn't. I asked her, and she said she didn't know." "Oh, well, who told you?" tUncle John. I said the world would come to an end when children stopped asking questions that nobody could answer." Tit-Bits. The Host. "Mrs. Gushington, who called upon me recently," began the conceited and boorish author, "was pleased to say she thought there was no pen more artistically delightful ia all the world than mine. "She told me," replied Sinnickson,' "that she had admired yonr house. but don't you think it was unkind of her to call it a 'pen?' "Philadelphia Useful Christmas Gifts Carpet Swceper9 Carving Knives and Folks Tea and Table Spoons Clothes Washers and Wringers A full line of Nickle-Plated Ware. AlsoGranite and "Delft" wares, Geo. W. liackett, 325 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. Hope muni be elastic. It (bprings eternal in the human breast. When a man makes a monkey of himself, e.olution must work both ways. Soft Harness Too can mulct yonr ha ntxa as soft aa a glora and aa tough aa wire by uilngEl KKKAUar. Oil. You can Ivngihra lu 1Mb make It lint twlr aa long at It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil inakM a poor looking bar. lima Ilk new. Mula of pure, heavy bodied oil. ea. peelally prepared to wlta aiaud lbs weailier. y Bold everywhars in caat-u si inVP fWSA iw sr AilsV aW4r1AI WV Midi bj STANDARD Oil CO. VINDORHOUSE ft. II. BUTLER, Proprietor 418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa., (Opposite P. It. It. Depot Entrance) VCnllfMl for All Trains Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c Goad accommodation. it For thnt jMilHonaire Feeling wear clothes made to your exact meas ure by STRAUSS BROS Good Tevllors 25 years, CHICAGO You feci ust right in them. Near ly 600 pat terns tO 80 lec t from Satisfaction guaranteed. See the com plete line rxt the store of far V-ct-S-.'s.'l P V'i ' in j EFFECT Gelnett Bros., Hiddleburg, Pa. lai la tks liliraailaaal Sawli to Jmmumrr 4, 1SOS Tal aa lias at PhUlppl. THE LESSON TEXT. Acta U:2-C ) Zl And tha multitude rote up topetbef strainat them: and the rosgiatratta rent oS their clothes, and commanded to scat them. 23. And when they bad lain many trlpes npon them, they cajrt them Into prlaon. charging the Jailor to keep thtm aafely: li. Who. having received auch a charge thruat them Into the Inner priaon, and made their feet xaat In the stocki. X. And at midhlght Paul and Stlaa prayed, and gang pralsea unto God; and tha prison era heard them. 21 And auddenly there waa a great earth quake, to that the foundation, of the prlaon were ihaken: and Immediately all the doorg were opened, and everyone'! bands- were loosed. 27. And the keeper of the prison awak ing out of his aleep, and aeelng the prison door open, he drew out hli swordv and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners nad been fled. 23. Out Paul cried with a loud voice, say ing. Do thyself 4io harm: for we are all here. 29. Then he called for s light, and sprang In. and came trembling, and fell down be fore Paul and Bllas. SO. And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved T IL And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou ahalt be saved, and thy house. 31 And thev spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were In hli House. 13. And be took them the same hour ot the night, and washed their stripes; ana was baptized, he and all hla, straightway. St. And when he had brought them into hie house, he set tneat before them, ana rejoiced, believing- in God with all his houaa. GOLDEX TEXT. Believe oa the Lord Jeans Chrlat, svad tkoa ahalt be andArll li31. ANALYSIS OP 8CRIPTURE SECTION. Healing an unfortunate.. Acta 16:16-18. CSBt luto prison .Acta 16:l-24. Speaking the wordl.....-......Acts 16:K-ot. Released from prison .......... Acta 16:4-t. TIME. Winter of 2 A. D. PLACE. Phlllppl. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Tsui at Philippi. When we left our study of the beginning ot the Christian church sad of missions to turn bock to the Old Testament, Paul had made one missionary journey and was in the midst ot a second. He and Silas, with two younger work ers, Timothy and Luke, had just crossed to Europe and begun work at Philippi, and here we find them at the opening of to-day's lesson. Remember that the missionaries, now. in the midst of Paul's second journey, found almost no Jews in Philipppi, and no synagogue, but only a very simple "place of prayer," down by the river, which may not have been a building at all. There was a poor deranged slave girl in rhilippi, who, because of her strange, wild utterances, had gained a greut reputation as a fortunMeller and oracle. They said she had a Tython spirit," referring to the mythical jj'ython or dragon tjiat was supposed to inspire me ueipuic oracie. iuosi High God" and "salvation" were both common pagan expressions. In some way her poor, darkened miid was impressed by the earnestness of the missionaries, and she followed them about constantly, uttering the cry spoken of in 16:17. When Taul, an noyed at her calling, end pitying the gill, ordered the spirit to leave her, she lost her power completely, nnd her owners lost their fees. Paul nnd Silas, as the most prom inent of the missionaries, were ar rested and taken before the magis trates by these men, simply bceutise they wanted to "get even." The charge made had nothing to do vjtli their grievance, but appealed (1) to prejudice against Jews; (2) to the desire for law and order; (3) to loy alty to the Roman government. "Rent their garments off them:" Stripped them for the beating. "The inner prison:' A small cell with only one opening, and that into the outer prison. "Praying and singing hymns:" The missionaries never al lowed the sufferings and sorrows of the moment to make them forget their joy in the service of Christ, which was Infinitely greater than their Borrow. "The prisoners were listening:" Picture the whole scene to yourself the loathsome prison, the midnight darkness, the perfect stillness, except for the far-away sound of singing in the inner prison, and then the strange rumbling in the earth, the earthquake, the partial wrecking of the prison, the panic of the prisoners and the rushing up to the assistance of the jailer of men with lights. "Wiot must I do to be saved:" Such experiences turn one's thoughts to serious things. "Uelieve:" This mtant, in Paul's usage, to take Christ as whnt He chiimci to be, und to act accordingly, that is, to trust and fol low, and love Ilim olways. "And thy Iioiirp:" Paul docs not mean thnt f-r the jailer's belief the household bliiill be saved, but that belief in Christ is the condition of salvation for him and th era alike. The magistrates may Lave been in fluenced by a further investigation of the trouble of the day before, or they may have connected the earth quake of the night with their treat ment of the two religions teachers. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. How much the Gospel has done for those who are afflicted in snind as well as for those afflicted in body! The Gospel helps one to endure sufferings even with songs. If Paul and Silas had not been cast into prison, the jailer and his house hold w,ould not have known Christ. The Gospel so changes the hearts of men that cruel jailers become kind and gentle. Those who pray without ceasing rejoice evermore, for they live la the nnshins of God's favor. L.a x 4 oust "T LJ-.-..30 To De Released From Life. Almost Insane From Nervousness. Dr. Miles' Nervine My Salvation. Do yon enjoy life, or do yon sleep to poorly that you are more tired when yoo get up than when you go to bed ? Is your appetite failing, are you getting thin; does your head ache, back ache, eyes lire easily i Thsae are symptoms of a nervous disorder, which should be promptly treated or tainting tpellx. mental and physical nervousness, morbid fears and loss of control will lead to insanity or mental irresponsibility. Strengthen the nerves with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It quickly supplies nerve-force and vitality to the weak ened system, bringing sleep, appetite and health. "I was almost insane with nervous trouble. Could not eat or sleep. Could fee no pleas ure in life; indeed, life was a burden to me, and I even prayed God to release me from it Three doctors did all they could for me, all to no purpose. I was in despair of ever getting better when I saw the advertisement of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I go a bottle, commenced talcing it and wrote you for advice. I followed it carefully, taking your Nervine, Restorative Tonic, and Nerve and Liver Pills. Those remedies were my sal vation. It is some months since I stopped taking the Tonic but I keep the Nervine in the house all the time, as it is a friend that I do not feel safe without If any sufferer should doubt the truth of this statement, let them write to me and I will do my best to drive all doubt from their mind.1' Mrs. Mabel Redden, La Jose, t'a. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lnd. J AS. 'i. fiROTJSE, ATTOftH KT AT LAW, MinDLKBTims, FA All entrusted toblsesr' rl'.l receive nroiuot attention: Veterinary sUrgeoN. StLINSOROVt, A. All professional business entrufad to my car will receive prompt sod careful attention. T?XECtJT)R'8 NOTICK.-Notlce la hereby iJ Riven that letters testamentary upon the entate of Sophia Kluck lute of Dearer town ship, Snyder County, la, deceased, have been leaned In due form of law to the under signed, to whom all Indebted to said faiate should make immediate payment and tlioae having claims anal net it should present them duly authenticated for settlement. ALFRED 8PKCIIT, Executor. Waktbd A Trustworthy Qenlleman or Lid y Ih each county to manage buniness for an old eatabliabed house of solid financial standing. A straight, bona flile weekly salary of fig paid by check earh Wcdnendtiy with all exprnaea direct from headquarters. Money advanced for eipenrea. Manager, 840 l aiton Illdg, Chicago S-t let. I have juet returned fr stero Cities with a nic rtock of Merchandise at UrgaiQj our eycrj my stock before purchasing elae end . . . ' nans' SHOES BEDUl25 w cent. All ladies and misses el ve rcda5ed 25 per Men's Wool lined Hub' A0 made by die In(lf . " . Co., reduced to $2.50. " JJ- v Ladies first quality rubh'Q LADIES FU- SCARFS Worth $4.00 rcl to $3.00. A. full lme of Dress Gl i r..ji i: at jnmuui lira, IIENRYIIARDlfe SCHNEB, PA, 7 - MftfSS 1. Eeadiijjstaiid and AD WV ABLE TOP. Is 14x13 inchef h your Dictionary Wctory, Dun, BradsW IJIRI.E, Atis, or heavy volun'e, at anv D iJkjy aogl. Jtcanbej.andaed tattCTM v M ?ay -lth M' ttron9et f'ght on their' It' n I i Cfn aV' W,1U on your eya ineri j 1 1 when holding a bo Edith,onr hand or on a kve,tf I LI It is mane of Quk on. . r keen books from REyoL'fJG CASE. . This CAr is 13x15 h. Ol t is 1 11 oCHOr nit nr Aeli fimaliiwl . . . i i .. . , ... " , " , ""r" vpiu siaes ana on all edr ami hflve 9 inch PS of nnk ennca nn flum H n i. . . .. 0 or d Ieel In room enough for reference books of K Mauy J be placed on the upper shelf. In allj tweT thirty vohr'. size, can be put in it. . ' v- f CASTINGS connectinff the ton and Cape are finished in l.U t t And of fUlflicipnt Htrnno-lri tn laat n lifijwfim.i i Pipe, Post and Legs. ! The 3 legs are attached by round-headed screws to the turJ , Into this post is forced an iron pips, which runs up throu i the and to which the castings at the top are attached. Arou ! thij the Case revolves. A9 a Home. Office or Library artida we claim its mn.i ovwf Til A Ofim.Kn.M C 4 nt.t..-i i U.. C I 1 . to v. &itg auiuaur Ul 1.1113 OUlUflllUIlL UlIII Ills CUUIirillFIl l)V I K, letters of the highest commendation from ihusands of Mini-ton j torueys, Physicians, Government, State andu County OIBcials, Pii. to advertise' iu a live and up-to-dale newppnper. For results " The POST. toe eoiih anil Wat Ma alt ike ll Lii.ntiv Krtiiui-viiiiiiie 'lithlei.t t t a cold in i tiny. Mocure, no pay. Pi-i 5 tdi l.i. Wantkii A Trustworthy (trntlcman or 1 ady in each county to jnaimc buoincttn for an old cstitliltMltcd hoii.e itf solid finnm-inl stitndin. A Ktriiluhl, bona llile weekly Milury of f IH.paid oy clin k each Widiirwluy with all fxpenxrs direct from lit'Nd(iinrtera. Money advanced for expennca. A:anuuer, b-10 Caxton HUtjr, Chuaico. tr lt. Ladies vVanted $5.50 Sample Outfit FREE llr.aipoti'a S'lerlrie 1'oraela. straiitbt Iront, Nnture'sown remedy for Backache, Nervousneaa, lndl--KeKtlnii, tleadwhe, l.lvcr and Kid ney Trouble; price II to W. Up. Nt-wli'a llalr Hruahea, ffn. rn11i..n I T .. 1 . ' ... 1 -. artielca. Write for I ilieral Terme. u,ni0iuutofuu way i. i rr.iiMAxr.vr siti'atios. Cavil pad week I y for services either on salary and eipcnuct paid, or commission, to take or der for our Garden Peeis; also Frulta and Flowers. We carry a full line for the Farm and Market Gardenere, ao that a live man cannot help but succeed, aa he baa the facilities to compete for all kinds of trade and with differ ent ciawtes of customers. Write at once for terms to Ilerrlck Reed Company, 1S-1-13I. Kocbeater, N. T. A Steady Income. Salary or commission raid weekly. Our 1200 acre nursery requirea local and traveling agent everywhere to dispose of its products. Also seed line. Will arrange for whole or part time. Outfit free. We guarantee profitable and pleas ant employment the year 'round. Write to day for speciol terms. nrnwn flroa. Company, Borhehpr,H, Y 1218-3mo. Would Take o Risks. "Now, Freddie, go and kiht your lit t!e sweetheart and rnnke it up," suid Freddie's mother. "No, I won't." "Go and tell her how much you lova her and how sorry you are." "No, I won't. Ta say he got into a breach of promise case by tellin a girl that, and had to marry the old thing, I won't run any risks, I won't." Tit- BiU. Cared niin Coui yietely. "Have you got over your love for that girl you were spoony on when I last met you?" "Ohl quite I married her a year ago. Ally Eloper. New Uses. "What has Charlie done with his sofa pillows?" "Why, he's using them as pads for his football suit." DetroiWree Press. . Ongat ta Be Beard. - "It there much tone to her sew Areas?" ' "Well, it has accordion plait and fluted ruffles." Philadelphia Bulletin. y and Business Men. Over 50.000 have beeit old in the United anu oruer8 now come lor large lots ironi Jyigland counti'K8. .& v . -J i'l oikj u uiuuuieui mj any wince, Xjiorary or I'arlor. 1 O T TVT, f. . '. . 1 . ' I jvo a uir i. jNotliiTig made is more suitable to present tn ii or a? a AVetldmg .or birthday Gift than this Stand. HOW SHIPPED. This Stand is sent Wked down, l hrnw nnnor matins n k.i.lrAr. 0( IK, !. ; I a ' 7 l't'Lm UlUilallll' U IIlUJIVUI IZ III Zitl III. I IV r TP r r T it second-class, aud at about half what it would cost if sc.ii 1 lain directions for putting together accompany each Stand. While the regular mice of this Stand is S7.()f). n short i; are allowed to sell them nt the wholesale rate of Three Dolls b., Clnengo. Or we will seud the Post one year prepaid an ! In Stand shipped F. O. D. Chicago, for 3.50. The POST, Middleburg, R? rf illiJ f ifiEi 0 Here is an excellent TUFTED COUCH, best durable valour covering, excellent quality springs, just the taing for any easy rest, only Extension Tables, ' 2$i $5.00; 8 ft. $6.00; 10 ft $7.00. Beautiful Writing Desk, Top 26x48, highly polished four drawers, 17x11 and a cupboard with two departments. Two persons can use it at the same time, It is fin ished on all sides so that it can be placed in tie middle of the room. It is a bargain at $8.50, Strong Oak Stand, Square, extra fcraaes ana more $250. or centre table, 2ft. shelf below, only 9jc. Better expensive finish, $1.80 ana 0 Large Arm Rocker aflafe ai a OS 0 J A good easy chair, a special bargain at 8 !.- Other rockers, $1 CO, $2 00, $4.00 and $4.50. PICTURES, fruit and scenery, size 27x31 ij oak, oxydized and gilt frames, easel, worth $1.50, selling now for 1.00.; CJl fi 3 re Kitchen and dining room chairs. Viiuirs. assortmeDtt ?4.50 and ?5.50 per half doz. - I have also a nice assortment of beds, mat tresses and springs. Come early. J. E. ZtlAGEE, Kreacier, P Si
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers