Publiaacd Every Thartday M .ratal : ' ,. QBO. V. WAQHNSBIXIR. A. If. IDITOB AjroOTOB. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. 91.00 per year vald In advance. I.Sv per year It not paid in mtu BiuK'e copies, rive una, tOCAL HISTORY. ."X .-. i AeWrrllxInr Rjilmt. Si rente oer line. nonrrell n, far nrst iusertinr. and 20 crnts per line far each aubee qr.rl Insrrtion. ir"OFFIt'K. Neartne County Court Uouea, between tbe Kir National Bank and the Onuntj JalL. VOU XXXIX. OCTOHER 16, 1902. Number 41 Republican Standing Committee. Adams 'CP. Fina. J. T. Shawver. Braver has. K. Drcese, 11. H. Faust. Heaver West J. W. Baker, David Renntnfer. C'entre W. A. Napp. L. C. Blnnmu. Cliapman Joseph Ixnir, T. K.Leifht. Krauklui-J. C. Hackenhurir, U. f. Metier. Jackson J. S. Yearick, Wm. Martin. MidrillUrK-Kiank hpeclit. Banks W. Yodar. Middleereek M. K. Knllejr, J. M. Haarer. Monroe-Il. C. Uendruks. II. F- Flslier. l'enn Joseph ft. Hendricks. I. N. Jarrett Ferry-A. W. Valentine, K. K. Mover. Perry West J. S. Winejr. J. Z. Strawser. SeliiiKove J. Prank heller. J, A. Ludwlf. (taring C. K. Klose, I- Harrison Snook. I nion J. O, Ktahl. Hastilngton W. F. Brown, Myron A. Mover. Republican Ticket. For Governor. Samuel W. Pennypacker. For Lieutenant-Governor. William M. Brown. For Secretary of Internal Affairs. Isaac B. Brown. For Congress. Hon. Thad M. Mahor. For Assembly. , . F. C. Bowersox. For SuerllT. Clias. E. Sampsel. For Treasurer. D. Norman App. For county Commissioners. Harrison Mover. Jonathan Reichenbach. For county Auditors. Cliaf. M. Arliogast. Jolin M. Boyer. For Coroner. A. J. Herman. ' Names of tbe Residents of Beaver Township, taken from an Assessment made by Daniel II 13 singer, in April, 1789: " COHTINCED FROM LAST WEEK. Wiant, Jacob; Woods, John; Yost, Widow; Young, Matthew. Single men taxed ten shil lings each: Collins, Joseph; Gift, Anthony; Gross John; Hassinger, John; Hassinger, Henry; Lew is, Euoe; Manning, Elit-ha; Manning, Nathan; Philips, Benjamin; Sherrard, George; Strayer, Matbias. 79i . Bopp, Conrad, hemp-mill; Collin?, David; Edmunon, William; Hassinger, Jacob, tan- yard; Johnston, John and James; Myer, Henry, grist and raw-mill; Myer, Jacob, tan-yard; Knepp, George; Sharrard, Jacob; grist and saw mill; Wise, John, grist and saw-mill. "794 An rand, Henry and George; Cummings, James; Ewing, Thomas; Ewing, John; Gill, William; Hendricks, Jacob, mill; Harman, Sam uel; Hileman, Adam, mill; Romich, Joseph; Shipton, Thomas; Shultz, John; Troxel, John; Wilson, Moore. 179 Aurand, Daniel; Barlet, Jacob; Blouopon, Conrad, mill; Cummings, John; Fry, Jacob and Abraham; Gilman, Henry; Gros-:cope, Samuel; Heil, Daniel; Howell, John, funning-mill; Lehr, William; Manning, Richard; Middlesworth, John; Miller, John; Peters, Jacob; Reigeldorf, Adam; llomig, Joseph, mills; Rote, Jacob and John; Smith, Ailam; Steele, Adam; Sterninger, Dewalt; Wise, John, miller; Zerns, Jacob, paper mill. Single men Hoyn, Henry, in a store with Henry Aurand; Kern, Adam; Kern, Peter; Mus sina, Zacharias; Weber, John. the Gat for both, of these onranixntions are favoring good roods. In New York the State appropriates three millions a year and pays 50 per cent, of the cost. Pennsylvania can do as well, and when Pennypacker is Governor it will. PennyptckerY speeches are new. He has never woo celebrity as a politician, but he shows a profound knowledgo of government, seeks the best, and is bold to say so. a GOOD ROADS. Pennypacker's advocacy of State aid for per manent roads meets the demands of the many Road Drivers' Associations aad the Grangers of - i WHY HAVE A THIRD FAILURE? "Does Mr. Pattison burn to reform things at Harrisburg?" If so, why did he fail to reform things on his first and second trials? If he failed then what can we expect from him now? If he trind twice and failed, why should the people give him a third term? If he introduced any economies he wasted ten times more than he saved by cheese paring, in calling an utterly tin warranted extra session. No man practiced in public affairs expected anything hut expense from that extra session. All of Mr. Palti-on's reforms are simply the result of negation. H - ; SPEAKER HEXDERSOV. Speaker Henderson deserves sympathy rather than criticism. He lost his leg in the war for the Union and his periodical attacks of pain in what is left of the limb, and as wel! in that which is buried, as well as similar sufferers know. These attacks of pain last many weeks, and the recent one compelled him to leave his home in Iowa an 1 seek relief at Atlantic City. He haa both moral and physical courage, but en durance of pain finds its hardest test io his lost limb. Whether a candidate or not, he is none the less a hero an honest, outspoken able man, who refused to bow to any suggestions looking to free trade, with convictions all in favor of continued and uninterrupted protection. His publicly stated jwsition suits the best thought and interest of Pennsylvania, whether he is a candidate or not. "No fusion is mine ; I am for the straight ticket, first. last and al! the time," is the expres sion of nearly every Republican you meet. Attoona Tribune. BEAVERTOWN. Isaac Boush had been indisposed for sometime. He is out again. Mrs. Edward Fiecd has been confined to bed with sickness during the last two weeks. She is no bet ter at this writing- lV'"-for S. A. Wetzel attend ,u1 the National -encampment at Washington several days last week Allen Bowersox of New York City i9 the guest of his brother, A. H. Bowerssx. . . Robert Fee.e is attending the genera) Conference of the United Evangelical church now in session at Williamsjiort. A. M. Bowersox was in lliila., last week to purchase his fall and winter goods. Lincoln Zeiber sold his house and lot to Wilson Aigler. The seven mouths' old daughter of Samuel Hummel anil wife died Tuesday evening of Cholera in fantum. It was taken to Glolie Mills where it was interred Friday. The farmers are busy gathering fall and winter apples. The crop is an abundant one, but there is David Kuepp of Bannerville is learning the blacksmithing trade with Ed. Beaver & Ron. Mrs. Isaac W flgncr, (nee Ivather itic Swiueford) died on the 9th inst at her home north of town, aged 73 years. . Interment was made ou Sabbath forenoon, when a large con course of friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last respects to the departed. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, three sons and a number of grand chil dren. Her pastor, Rev. D. C. Kaufman preached the funeral ser mon. Isaac Winter sold his farm of 129 acres ou the north side of Mid dlccreek to John Klingler for $3, 400. Mrs. Lank Walter and Mrs. George Walter of Swiueford visited friends in town over Sunday. J. A. Hanies' blacksmith shop, and perhaps his foundry buildings narrowly escajwd a conflagration, Friday e ening, he had a fire on the hearth, and when he started lor home he supposed the fire was extinguished, but a spark some- Mrs. Philip Ilerbster slipped and fell Monday morning and it was at first thought she had broken a leg, but an examination by Dr. 'Miller proved a severe spraiu of the hip. Dame Rumor says there will be two or three weddings in town ere long. Constipation- Does your head ache? Pain back I of your eyes? Bad tastejin your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. ' Ma uu uuiiiriuiu will. tjMfc vti, , , I .1.1 1 . . 1 , r . r. .1 1 where underneath the fire led keot some complaint of rot after the crop 1 ... ., ,, , . nn umn i Inn until Siimlnu t.,rti- is gathered. Dr. E. M. Miller has been con- on smouldcrimr until Sundav morn o j ing when a small name was di covered nit i- 1 1 .1 1, : . f cuvereu uy :hjiiic one wi O exiiu net to his bed the ltrinning 01 ., . .. . , , , ., , , to guished it in time to save the build the week. ? was dis- who extiu- Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then ute BUCKINGHAM'S DYEUV, SO CM. or Bxninn. o. S. P. M.ll a Co.. HUMI1, N H. Wasted A Trustworthy Gentleman or lady In eacb county to manatee business tor an old established house of solid financial standing. A straiKht, bona fide weekly salary ot $18 paid by check each Wednesday with all expense direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Manager. 340 Caxton Bids, Chicago. -4 16t. Divorce Notice. To Peter L. Strawser, late of Steel ton, Dauphin county, I'enna. W herras. Virgle A. Strawser, your wife, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Plea of bnyder couuty. of October Term. IMS, No. 9, iravtnit a divorce airalnst you. Now, you are tereby notified and required to appear In aald Court, on or before Monday, tbe ninth day of December. 104 next to answer the complaint of the said Virifle A. Strawser, and In default of such appearance you will be liable to bar a divorce granted In your absence Middlebura:. Pa. O. W. Row, Oct. It, 1W2. Sheriff ot Snyder Co. In the Orphans' Court of Snyder Co., Pennsylvania. In the entate of Jos eph Lepley, late of West Beaver township, in said county, deceased. Inquest in Partition. To T. A. Waner, Atty. In Fact tc.r Mary Ann Gets, Mrs. Kva Lepley, Mrs. Lydia Wcader and Abraham O. Weader, Mrs. Mnry Ann Snook and Klon Snook, Mrs. Amanda Hoyer nndSop barus Boycr, Mrs, Sarah June Markle and Franklin b Matkle, and Snrnli Lepley, all of Snyder County, Pa. ; Mrs. Hester Sumpsell and and Joseph Sniupsell of rlowerllcld, Michigan; Mrs. Polly Ann Faust and George Faust, ol Moore Park, Michigan; Isaac Konilg, ol How ardsvillo, Alichiguu; Mrs. Amalindu Kline, of lA'egburg, Micliigau; Abraham Itomlg, of ticoits Station, Michigan : Mrs. Kliziibeth Heeler and I)uniel Ilectcr, of Fulton, Michicnn; Mts. Ilnn nli Oelong and Hubert Oelong of Misliawuka, Indiana t himon I urkcr, of Three Hlveiv, Mich lean; Samuel K. larker, of Grand Kupiclx, Michigan; Isaac E. Parker, of Spalding, .Mich. gau ; Mrs. l.illio Smith and C'iiauticcy N. Smith, Mm. Klla Smith and Samuel K. Mnitli, ol Howard City, Michigan; Uriu K.. Itiduu Charles A. Kldcu, Mrs. Ida M. C'ompton and Henry Compton, nil of Macomb. Illinois; How ard S. Fuller, whose address is unknown ; Jidin 11. Leple.v, ot Seiglerville, Alilllln fo. pa.; Lhi abeth Ureluer, wlione whercalioutH N unknown; Mrs ltachel Kcinhcrllng and John Keinherliug, of Elkhart, Indiana; Miss Lucy Ann I III and Jorry Tltz, Mrs. tvirali Truhy. Mm, Hernice Kleil felt, and John klenlclt, Mrs. Annie Lep ley, Annie Lepley, guardian of Hi-rt Lepley ami lieulnh Lepley, Wirt Wagner, Wirt Wagner, Suardinn of Lottie Wagner and Mai -el Wagner, Irs. Maggie liunn, A, Sinclair, guardian of Glenn Lepley and Fred Lepley. nil ofl ulon, Michigan, and Mrs. A bbie Sanborn and Frank Sanbotn, of Unrr Onk, Michigan, heirs of the said JoxepU lepley, deceased, and parties in interest. Take notice, that the Orphans' Court of the said County of Snyder, I'enna., has awarded an inquest to make paititiou and valuation af cer tain real estate of the miC .loscph Lepley, de ceased, consisting of a messiMge and tract of land, situate In W est Heaver Townshin, Snyder county, Pa., bounded by lands of Levi Smith, Daniel Hassinger and others, containing M acres and s3 perches, and that said inquest will be held on said premises, on Saturday, Novem ber M, 1902, at 1 o'clock, p. m., al which time and place you ate reqested to attend if you think proper. Q. W. Row, SherifTs Office, Middleliurg, Pa., October"!!, Lungs . "An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I had consumption. 1 then tried Ayer's Cherry PcC!o:.-I t.; cured mc croir.ptl." A. Handles, To'-sr.! i: You forgot to btv r. tie of Ayer's Cherry To toral when your cold Erst came on, so you let it run along: 'Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. n FOuiJITUlH. Three tlses: IV.. enough for an ordinary old; two. just right for bronchitis, hoarse ness, hard colds, ete. II, most economical tut chronic eases and to keep on hand. J. C. AY KB CO., LoweU, Mass. First Naiiooal Bank of Aiddleburg, Pa. Capital, - $50,000. Surplus, - $30,000. Q. Alfred Stmocir, Pres. YV. W. WiTTEKMYEtt, Vice Pres. J A s. G. Thomi"SON, Cashier. DIRECTORS G. Alfred Schoch, W. C. Pomeroy, W. Vf. Wittenmyer, A. Kreeger, J. N. Thompson, M. Millner, Jas. G. Thompson. Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited. For Sale. A tract of nearly 8 acres of good land along the public road through Hies ter's valley, in West Perry township, this county, adjoining lands of Aaron Ilothermel and others. Timber on part For particulars, address, Mrs. Emma J. Martin, Lewisburg, Pa, Or F. E. Bower, Atty., 9-17 tf. Middleburtr. Pa. w r J! Do you need any furnit Ifao, don't fail looome . . store and get our pri t We can suit y0lIJ I style and nrim. I 1r the ch.O $ est to the Mg ElplTte-iittsj Hard wood, golden )ak foj Only $i2 . ? Mattresses . ft, J Bedsprlngs . Si.j.l I Enamel XI od. ' 80.00 I Chairs, Rockers, Coucl gij- M.MARTMANFLRNITIJRECO. AHiminntirga Geo. W. Hackett, Phone 1012, Sunbury, Hardware, Glass, paia' Building Material, Fence Wire, FunnersTo, Guns and Animiiuition. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET, Butter 20 Eggs 7., 16 Onions 75 Lard 16 Tallow , 3 J Chickens..., 7 Side : 12 Shoulder...... 16 Ham 16 Wheat ..M Rye Corn Outs Potatoes ., BranperlOaiJ Middlings"! Chop 1, Flourperbblii FURNITURE..... If you are in need of Furniture, Carpet Mattings, Rugs, Oilcloth, Linoleum, Luce Curtains, Window Shades, Pictures, and Picture Frames, give us a call. ' We can suit you in Style and in Prices Our stock is new and up-to-date. It is no trouble to show goods and quote prices. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. Levistown Furniture Go, No. 12-14 Valley St. HBIHBHi.fBfiVfValLM Felix Block KMriuanramoi t Kusp-firmmw Co cwwi uken II OUR mm 1 Ay P and Ghildrens' Suits and Overcoats for this season, eclipse all our preyious display. Also have enlarged our sforo bv taking in two raoro rooms and, reserving the second floor for the handsomest line of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S aim $4.98: $7.48: T8. FUR8 I MEN'3 DEPARTMENT, f AQ Men's imported clay ial w w O worsted and fancy scotch suits, equal to merchants tailoring in workmanship, also has our one year guarantee for durabili ty. Over twenty five styles to se lect from, and are oflered elsewhere at S 15 to $18, speciul price $9.93. CHILDREN'S SUITS sizes 4 to 15 at $1.98 per suit, all of them are the $2.50 to $3 quality. ;. UKMKMIJKIt THE STORE ON THE CORNER . I "MATCH US IF YOU CAN". F 1 WN8T8. LADIES DEPARTMENT. Men's Suits in all I Wool cheviots and Ca-niiiiercs, made with french facing. Worth $8.50 jicr suit, sjiecial price (Men's Fine dress l-iuits io Mack day wonted, lancy Cafsinieres etc. Has the lx-t of tailoring and trimrn ings, ti'rantwl $10 value, special prif $7.48. at MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS over 100! FURS in all the new shapes dozen to select from. Garner's best $1.23, $1.75, $1.50, $7.50 and percale, made with or with out ex- $9.50. tra collars. Worth 75c special r atmsvci 1 1 11 ! t.ricp 4r, .nfa LADIA'S dress and walking skirts illYN ru. .. utH-15, $2.48, $3.75, $1.50 and liOY'a OVLRCOATS, all sizes'g, and lengths. We have them from L . , ' fU lkntnKl ,. ,,, lilUll'jJ VUA10Ulli3,in(H.'Uuie $1.47 up to $5. MEN'S OVERCOATS in fiue black imiiortcd Kerstjv and oxford grey in all the different lengths. we guarantee a saving ot $2 to $4 on- each coat, special prices from to 9:20. ImisiMttt I RICE'S-3rd Market St., Sunbury, Pa. cheviots and vanietia cloth, made with the new blouse jacket. Skirts cut with the newest flure and slot seams. Worth $18 our special price $12. LADIES' MISSES' and CHIL- nn nrtl 1 ra natmt iiuuas sawars line to select from. Prices range'-""0' . , from $3.75 up. - s-slaBawssafMawrw IK l i Mm. ill 1 7 MsaHCiiirwHHty V V'1 (h t .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers