N'T Jf VX& - f "Va have a Jod 101 w note hesds on hand. They must go quit. The price will do it. Samples and prices for the ask- We furnish them printed ,0; than you can buy them without printing. 1 f. Vagtoicller, Editor aid PraprteUr. Rates: 0o Dollar Per Annum, la Advance vol. xxxix MIDDLEBUltoll SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. OCTOBER 23 1902 NUMBER 42 irfil lufiW'F I B,firafillinZl rV Having bought so many JVy T - g (jr V V figure. Send for samples a ranuy janraai, ixrttta u newa, scuacs. Art, niitlcal Economy aad Carrtat Literature. ljuCIP U)aL LACONIP .brand new boy. church. Fremont The Election i nnuiuiiuuu npjienrn the Post this week. The members of the Reformed church bebrated the Lord'a Supper Sunday Miliar. They used inuiviaual uoiu- lunion cups for the first time. Wasted Veal calves, also hides, llow, and wool. J. L. Wiueman, N., tl street, LewiBOurg. io-uer. i a. Fisher of Kantz and W, A. Jilbert of Middles warth were In this Wee Monday to order sale bills. C. 0. St roup's cider mill will run ktesday, Wednesday ana Tnursday or oh week. The press Is in good run- ng order and every thing la In ex- llleut sliniie. r New advertisements In this Issue. F. Clemmer, of Sunbury. H. A. iright, of Aline and Henry Harding, f&'lmee. Other new ads now in the ist, Uroslua Bros., of Sunbury, M. liner, Kantz and Rice's Sunbury. Call on A. E. Solea In im new tunv ig and hair cutting parlor for your end cleaned with a refreshing sham no und a clean towel to each patron h the north side of Market square op twite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar- ntctd. tf. St. I. Potter and wife gave an "At ome" last Thursday to Mr. Potter's linday School class. A delicious re Lst was served and the evening was Vssed very pleasantly. Wanted. Shoe operators on Child- b's Turned Shoes. Good wages id to experienced hands. Address, A. H. Prenzel & Co. V3-31. - Halifax, Pa. i Just received a full stock of boots and ixj for the winter. la rubber goods it carry best quality only, must be E or your money back. We also Ivea complete line of Freed Bro's. loeg for men, women and children larked for quick selling. A. S. Sechrist, 15-lG-2t Verdilla, Pa. Wasted. Fifty men to work in Barries, mines and washers of Penna. i9 Hand Co. Shanty privileges Itegular work the year round. uges 13 cents an hour. V. P. Stevenson, McVeytown, Pa. Samuel Hatfield, 3-21. Mapletjn Depot, Pa. Over m copies of "Theory and Prac- of Advertising" have been sold ice August 1st. This is a book ex timling the salient principles of ad- rtising written and published by the litor of the Post. Not a day passes ft what we receive from two to a doz- wders. The book is sent prepaid for cents. Send your order todav. For Sale. A tract of nearly 8 acres of good land Mgthe public road through Hles- vauey, in West Perry township, is county, adjoining lands of Aaron uiennel and others. Timber on M. For particulars, address, JIks. Ii,MMA J. Martin, Lewisburcr. Pa. F. E. Uoweh. Ativ.. tf- Middleburg, pa. Notice to Formers. Wank & Gottehall, Sunbury, will buy Mima or grain at McKees Half Falls market price. Levi Keriin. the fOman, will attend to the weighing 1 the loading. 9-25 4t ne thousand bushels of walnuts am filled. The hlirhewl nrlrwa will Vw ill In trade. Charles Boyer, Paxtonville, Pa.' tf Fewer OnlloM, Witra Unrer. You can paint a building with fewer ""Us of DevoeLMri ft'" Mixed paints, and it will wear rjj s long as lead and oil mixed by Drlitd A hniu u' .- ltMl thousand pounds of dried ap- r wonted. I will rav five cents pud In trade at my store. CHARLES BOYER, Paxtonville, Pa. f voe Lead and Zlno Paint wear twice ,ong as lead and oil mixed by hand - ll-2Wy. Coming Events. ThuraJay, Oct 23 and 24, The 21st an nual re-union of the 40th P. V. at Huntingdon. Sunday, Oct. 26, Communion In the notice, for sale at this office- Lu"em church, Middleburg. win Bow.rso la the happy father t"" T Saturday Nov. 1 and Sunday Nov. 2, church dedication at Kratzervllle. Tuesday, Nov. 4, general election. Tuesday, Nov. 4th, the 150th anniver sary of the time when Hon. George Washington was initiated into free masonry. The event will lie cele brated Nov. 5th by all the Masonic Lodges in the state. Tuesday, Nov. 18, near Kantz, J. A. Fisher will aell 1 horse, 1 cow, two bead of cattle, trucking outfit, etc. Monday, Nov. 24, Snyder County Teachers' Institute will open in Mid dleburg to continue till Friday, Nov. 28. Tuesday, Nov. 2r, near Port Ann, W. A. Gilbert will sdl two horses and (arming implements. Thursday Nov. 27, The annual Thanks giving Dny. The binks' will be closed. A PLEASANT PARTY. The palatial residence of B. S. Rice, of Beavertown, was the scene of much merriment last Tuesday evening when their charming daughter, Miss Suie, gave an "At Home" to 18 of her friends In honor of Miss Ella Puttrn of Harrlsburg, who is sojourning with her for a fortnight. The entertain ment consisted of music by Miss Edna Wlney, Recitation by Miss Blanch Rlne, pinning of tails on the donk'eyi for which Miss Anna Snyder took first prize and Miss Joy Herbster booby prize, music by Miss Snyder, who very ably executed master piece; next in line was progres sive observationwhich was thoroughly ODloved.bv all nresent. ..if Promptly at 10 o'clock 'the guests were invited to the spacious and taste fully decorated dining room, where all the delicacies of the season awaited them, Miss Patten, the guest of honor, poured tea. The flowers of the even ing being pansies with bow-knot of white ribbon. After refreshments were served, the remainder of the evening was spent with choice selections of music by Misses Joy Herbster, Edna v iney and Anna Rlne. All spent a very pleasant evening. Aurevoir, DEATH OF JACOB WINTERS. Jacob Winters, a life-long resident of New Berlin and the oldest citizen of town, passed away last Monday after noon, after an illness which had ex tended over a considerable portion of tine. Mr. Winters was a tailor by trade which work he followed the greater part of his life. He was the last one out of a family of Beven sous and one daughter to take his departure, all of which had reached a ripe old age. The deceased is survived by au only daughter who took care of him during his illness. He was born in 1813 and was aged 80 years. The fun eral services were held at his late home Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. S. Kohler. Funeral directed by Harry Maurer, undertaker. New Berlin Reporter. Republican Rally at Ccntrevillc. On Friday evening. 17th Inst., a grand Republican Rally was held in Centreville. The meeting was called to order by Co. Chairman J. S. Yearick. Chas. E. Sampell. Republican Candi. dute for Sheriff, was elected President The usual number of Vice Presidents were elected. The meeting was ad dressed by the "Old War Horse" Dr. A. M. Smith, of Beaver Sprns, Prof. F. C. Bowersox, M. I. Potter and Per- cival Herman, all of whom delivered good addresses. The meeting was in all respects a success. MARRIED. Married Oct 1, by Hiram P. Jarret, J. P., Harry Covert of Selinsgrove to J Pearl Boweu of Shamokin Dam. Oct. 14, by Q. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, John Moyer and Grace Bousum, both of Selinsgrove. Oct 0, by Rev. J. O. Smith, Cloyd B. Shellenberger, of Monroe Twp, Ju niata county, to Mary M. Barner, of West Terry Twp, Snyder county. Oct 5, by Rev. J. P. Jarrett, Ira O. Sanders or Pltcalrn, Allegheny Co., to Minnie M. Jarrett, of Hummel's Wharf. John Duck, of Lewlstown, spent Sunday In town. W. 8. Kuhn, of Sunbury, was at the County seat Monday. J. C. Basler, and wife of Freeburg, were In town Sunday. Mrs. John Snyder and children, are visiting in Lewlsburg. A. R. Trexler, of Sunbury, was in town Tuesday afternoon. Geo. W. Smith, of Shamokin Dam, was at the County seat Tuesday. Calvin Stetler mid son, Fred, are spending the week at Philadelphia. John Bateman, a printer of Sunbury, was added to our force Monday of last week. -W. H. Beaver spent last week In Philadelphia buying fall and winter goods. W. E. Stahlnecker and wife of Bea ver Springs, visited friends In town Sunday. Insurance Agent R. L. Schroyer, of Sellusgrove, was In town on business Monday. Hon. O. Alfred Schoch is attending Supreme court in Scranton as a juror this week. Mrs. Dr. I. G. Barber and daughter, Margaret, of Danville, are visiting rel atives In town. John M. Moyer and daughter Sarah spent Sunday with C. A. Meiser at Thompsoutown. Miss Diehl, spent a day last week visiting her brother, Rev. W. H. Diehl and family of this place. Miss Elva Baker, the stenographer of this office, spent Suuday with her pareuts near Lewlsbuig. Geo. A. Snyder, of Kreamer, was at the county seat Monday. We are al ways glad to see Mr. Snyder. Ex-Coramissloner Isaac Spotta and, Riley Weaver, of Meiserville, were county seat visitors last Thursday. , M. S. Helser, proprietor of the Rich field Roller Mills, was in town Tuesday and ordered a new supply of stationery Rev. I. P. Neff and wife, of Jefferson county, spent several days in town with his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Beaver. Ex-Commissioner Frank L. Magee and wife of Mazeppa spent several days at the home of Dr. J. W. Orwlg and wife. William Dunkleburger, head clerk in the Globe Warehouse, Sunbury, spent several days in town with his pn rents. Milton Keeler, wife and child, of the western part of the state, were visiting Henry Dletrlck and family in Swineford. wr. lender, oi tne nrni or reader & Son, of Shamokin, was in town last week trying to make arrangements for a'coat sale at this place. Dr. A. J. Fisher, ex-Representative of Juniata county, and his two accom plished daughters, and Andrew Bas- hoar are visiting G. M. Moatz. Albert Gellnett, of the firm of Gell- nett Brothers, was in Philadelphia. Baltimore and New York this week, buying in a supply of new goods. Fred Krenmer and wife, of Minne apolis paid a visit to W. W. Wltten- myerand family. At one time they resided where Dr. Orwlg has bis dental pnrlors. H.E. Pontius and wife of Mlfllln- town, spent several days in Snyder county with friends. They wera in Middleburg Tuesday last week on their way home. Ex-Judge Alfred Specht, (ft Beaver town, was at the county seat Saturday. He made a call at this office and order ed the insertion of an Executor's no tice In the estate of Sophia Kluck. Rev. W. H. Dlehl and wife, Misses Claire Wlney, Cary Willis, Hattie Bowersox, Lottie and Bertha Crouse, were among the list of those who at tended the C. E. convention at Krea mer. H. 8. Shaffer, of Spalding, Iowa, and his sister, Mrs. Savllla S. Wales, of Cando, N. Dak., last week left for their homes after coming east to attend the funeral' of their father, H. H. Shaffer. J. Calvin Boyer, of Mt. Pleasant Mils, was away on a trip last week, bought an automobile and rode home on his horseless carriage, lie was in towc several times and gave some of his friends a ride. Mr. Clyde Bollg, of Wlnfield, is vis iting B. W. Yodcr, and sister, Mis. Hottensteln. '; t Botteiger, of Trice, Kansas, drop ped fa to see us Wednesday, and or dered the Toot sent to his Western borne. He Is a former Snyder countlan fcnd is making a visit among friends. Geo. L. Russel, Cashier of Russel's Bank of Lewlstown, Cashier J. N. Thompson, of Bloomsburg, and moth er, Mrs. W. P. Thompson, of Mexico, pent Sunday at the Central Hotel with Cashier Jas. G. Thompson. ' Station Agent Wetzel took a vaca tion last week. In company with J. K. Kreeger, of Franklin; S. G. Gear hart and Harry Shuck, of Sunbury, he was on a hunting expedition on Shade Mountain. They were camping. Joseph L. Auckcr, of West Perry township was In jail here ono night last week one night, on the charge oil" threatening to shoot a man. The pro secutor is a man named Maurer. Judg ing from reports that come from West PfrO'i this man should have an op portunity to secure his release. He was billed out Monday. , v " Theodore Roosevelt on The Presidency. Before his nomination for the Vice Presidency Theodore Roosevelt wrote expressly for The Youth's Compan ion an article on "The Presidency." It will be published In the number for November Gth, this being one of the remaining weekly Issues of 1902 sent free from the time of subscription to evry new subscriber who at once sends 11.75 for The Companion's 1W3 volume. Pfeaidei When his article on "The ncy" was written no one could mtve foreseen or dreamed even that luAuthor would so soon be called upon totyoke up the duties of the great of$co. For this reason alone what Mr. Roosevelt has to ray possesses extraor dinary Interest, and will be eagerly awaited by persons of all shades of A I I . pyiiuctu opinion. , . Ajwenty-elght page Prospectus of the 1903 volume of The Youth's Companion and sample copies of the paper will be sent free to any address, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass, A Remarkable News "Heat" "The Press" on Oct. 14 was the only Philadelphia paper giving, In its early editluns. the result of the conference between President Roosevelt and J, Pierpont Morgan that practically sett led the coal strike. The agreement of the coal mine ojierators to arbitrate their ditrerences with the miners was news of national importance. "The Press" being the only newspaper to give the public this news in the wide territory covered by its first editions, made a notable addition to its many siiuilarachlevemeuts in the past. "The Press" at the popular price of one cent dally places Its vast and complete news seivlce within the reach of all. MASS MEETINGS. Republican meetings will bo held in Snyder county as follows: Selinsgrove Tuesday Oct 2S. Shamokin Dam, Thursday, Oct. 30, Middleburg, Friday Oct. 31. Old Copies ol the Post Wanted. While the subscribers of the Post are hunting up their old newspapers, they might look for the copies of the Post that are missing from our files. We will pay lilierally for a copy of each of the following dates : July H, Sept 6, 1800; Apr. 6, Oct. 13, 1S70; J..o. 20, 1871; Apr. 17, 1S73; Nov. 4, Dec. 2 1, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 1879; March 10, May 5, 1871; April 20. 1883; Mur. 27, June 12, Oct 30, 1884; Sept 17, Dec. 8, 10, 17,24, 1885: Jan. 28 May , Oct 18, Dec. 23, 1880; Dec. 29, 1878. . tf. Caution Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have purchased the household goods and carpets of Adam Howell, at Constable Sale, and have left the same in his pos session. All persons are cautioned not to interfere with the same. Oct 1 1, 1902. John Howell. 3t Get a free samnle of Chamberlains stomach and liver tablets at Mid dleburg drug store. Thoy are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pills. Then their use is not followed by constipation as is often the case with pills. Regular size, 25c per box. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it ails to cure. E. W. Grove's slgnat ure on each box. 25o BRIEF Fl'M HAWS A HARR1CK. Prom Iiellefmite Ukzrtte. Likver Kernel Harder. Ich wore de ledsht woch utlMcr aldta bow er!, un es hut inich widder yung fecla mnuchii. K loud un de gn-hiar sin nueh dort, awver olles soonsht is fanlt. De fcldcr gonka usht uueh holver so grose os se ols hen won so olu full weetza odder welskarn worn un iner is ons ob-iuaiicha gaugit. I)e hivlii sin nimiim so hoach, do dawls nlniiiiu so nidder, un de dooukla ecka hen ken fooricht. Olhieck utl'der bowerl hut ehlHw far em tsu nrlnera. Dolt is woo uns der oldt Hill gowl dorrich gongn, dart worre degownsh, doh wnrra mere am sholl'u we de nias cooinu is os der brooder g'shussa is worre Im greek, uan woo un es arsut moiit inn suacnu made! era bond g'liovo hob; doh woo Ich my nrsht soch-messer farbrucha hob, un dart woo mere ols olsfart en hummel uesht g'fumia heir won mcr drows woneSundawgs hooulch soocha. Dart wore de oldt flox-hrech un doh de tzooker camp ollaeck, un hivvel un heck hut en history, un olla diensht coomo Uurick we en long-fargessner drawm. Der oldt bawm-garda isnuch dart, awver de hame sin oldt un fowl undoebbel sin glae un sour. Dart wore der karabsa obbel dart der wise boyobhel, dart der hoonichobbel, dart der Pinick, un doh sin nauli de wurtzla fum oldta Ireea sees obbel woo mer ols" Ivver em lioy-maucha dertun g'esse hen uu du kullick greeked. Doh sin de oldta -karsha bauie usht nuch shtooniba mit a pawr lavendiche nesht, won wor der oldt walnlss bawm woo ols sooniers de aichhowsa era laeva druft'furlora hen won Ich boolfer un sbroatg'liot hob fur du oldt lliudt luwdu. Ich bin clorleli es oldt house. Doh is do koinmer woo de kinner ull'de weldt comiia sin. Doh wor es bed-ludely gsnianniiwoo mcr laerna lieu miser kiilmdclin suwgii. Doh de kicli woo mere ols de longa owet tsu gabrocht lieu furslitccklii un lilimhi-tiiiscly shpecla. Doh wore der mommy era shpin-mwd g'shtaniie, dart de bock nioom. L II selleui slieliilu ulir nil in sulleni eck der shonk woo mere ols jam rous g'slineoked lien. Doh in do slipci- cher-slitake nuH'gongo, uu doli is do slitiMip woo mere als seeser schlofc greeked hen won de dawg's arawct ivver wore. Un doh, warricklish, is der everslit speicher woo mere ols onna sin uu du oshter oyer bo-gooked won gor ken aunerer blot, nine wore os tins hovva hot wellu. Dart hinna Im eck hot ols de oldt week g'shlanna won se net in use wore un sell wore net uft. Uuich deiinti sliporra hut's ols full ga- grider g'huuka os goot worre far bouch- wae un olla onera grankhehn; sliofe ribla, oldtermoii, niaderly, sol vie, raw- da, guindle warmet, dorrich-wox, sos- safrill, olond uu schwartz-wartzel. Dart sin nuch de lecher woo mere ols de slchla nel g'hocked hen won de am farhy wore, un dart drlvva hut ols der oldt horrich trunk g'shtonua os der grosc dowdy fun Deltschlond gahrucht hut. Dart uf em wesh-bouseheuked nuch de oldt bell woo una ole ous em feldt garoofa but tzu'm essa. Now, Kernel, Ich bob shunt feel goode moosich g'hared. Ich hob shunt bands g' bared os shpeela hen kenna bis es , em lndatzaea ga-glingeld hut, Ich hob shunt hoache mooslc g'hared ulf der piano, un Ich hob shunt weipsleit hara slngu in der karrich bis yadaebber boll g'wlushed hut se daida shtuppa odder shtarva, awver melm dawg un de laeves hov Ich ken so sallche yocht g'hared os cooma Is fun selera oldta mlddawg'sbell. Wos hot mer en obba- dlt g'hot, un wos hut's brode-warsht, shoonk-flalsh, abbel-boy un leb-koocba ga-kusht! Un demo hin Ich ons oldt shool house awver des U niiiuuy d irt, un duch hov leh'sgWnagrawd won es uueh dart shtae date. Ich hob de marika utlMcr wuidt g'saena; I. h wore widder hi dershpelling g'shtonua woo es arsht niadel os Icli in meim laeva gagllchahob mer g'sawd hut se bet g'hossed mich i.w trappa wile se mlch ga-gllcha hut; lcli hob do shoolcr es map singa, un de grammar class hara recita. Ich hob en drink ous em oldta wasscr-kivvel g'nuiiima.uii hob widder koldte lever warsht un lodwarrick brode g't'ssa nil' em hinnere Hit.. Ks wore oik nucli so uoddeerlieh os Ich reecha bob kenna wo ole de oldta schnioo.iclia reehel-bh-hel gVth.sinka hen. In fact, Ich hob g'miined Ich ware widder en boo un ware am eck bolla shpivla mit da onncra shiNder. Oil de socha saene lien inicli hardt denka niauclia. Wos hut's gevva mit da onera shooler? Dale sin dote uu dale sin in widelenuer. Dale sin hoach druvva in laerning, un dale sin nuch net oils tm sphelling boorli. Dart wore der boo os mere ols es lowsich kolb g'. haesa hen. Are is now en Shtatc Sen ator un der karl woo ene ols b'sbiinpt hut wile si fodder net ols nuch far dor General Jackson gavote hut, maiieht sel laeva mil huekelbeera ruppe un. sluH'pa-basuni farkawfa, un oil sin tsu fiitta mit i-ram blot.. Aner soocht far ebbes tu essa un der niiner soocht far en abbadit un hiss mich dere sawga, Kernel, der moil woo goot g'satisticd is mil nix is ahead. De weldt is en mower; yada mensch is eu shtae, un yadera hot si blot.. Dale sin en eck-shtue un wara uft ba-gooked, un dale sin in der mit fun d.-r woond woo es es dawges-lieht net saeim, uu duch sin se noteweiinich far de mower ull' haeva. Noch anes is mere ei-cooniu, un sell Is os mer shtwrriek ohlt wuru. De menshta fun uns sin doh shunt Ivver mlddawg, un boll cooiued de noeht. MereshUirta now niorgets uu maena der dawg bet ken end. Won der mid dawg doh is don cooineds uns el os des laeve duch net so long is es mere g' maned hen, un won owet coomed don sin mere oil ready far hame gae. Ols widder, Gottlikii Boonastiel. Marriage Liceones. f Ira J, IMubl. Ira J. Keller. Beavertown. n Selinsgrove. i ii liiveriMsi' leO. Kohler, Uohn Moyer, "(Grace Itoiisumn, (Rev. John F. Kelly, 1 Lillian M. Spaid, f Harry Covert, J. Pearl 1 to wen, Middleburg beliiiHgrove. Hhaiiiokiu Dam. GLOBE MILLS. Wilson Walter, and family, spent Sunday will. Jlciirv llotteiistcin md family. Frank Jlummcl, if Kramer, and Hun rv iIauer and family, of New Hei-lin hpent Sunday with J. 10. J I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c I and wife. Isaac Sniicr and family, of Ki ac- mer, sjicut Sunday with tlicir son, Calvin and wife. Mrs. 1 It'll Ulricli, of Selinsgrove, Mient Thursday with John Zcilicr and family. Mrs. James Crouse, of (il jUKIiIIC- uirjj, ncconipuiiKHi tiy icr sister, Mrs. Howard liimiiir, ot Jlcavcr Springs, spent a few days visiting relatives at this place. James Keide, of Vicksliiirg-, vis ited relatives in this place Sunday. V. h. Sliroyer and wife, nccoin- .atiicil iiiomiis Jloitrick of Krac- mcr on a trip to Sunbury at Sliamo kin Darn. Died. Saturday Oct. lltli, Clayton lumnicl, aged 52 years, was born in Middlecreck township and fort a number of years was a resident of this place, lie was a long and pa tient sufferer from stomuch trouble. le leaves three brothers aud threw sisters and a host of friends to mourn their loss. The brothers of of the deceased are: J. C. Hummel a mason of this place, II. A., the Justice of the Peace, and Jefferson, oi fliuiou. i he sisters arc : Mrs. Samuel Hassinger, of Danville.Mrs. v i ana I! rank Solomon and Mrs. Cromlev. of New Berlin. Interment in the Zieber's cemetery. Rev. Schnnble oniciating.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers