' f- !3 '5 . i : i J ! i . A. WEEK'S HEWS COHDESSED. ' Wednesday, September 10. . California yesterday celebrated tbe ; 14 anniversary of her admission to the union. James T. Kaye. cf Topeka. Kas.. was f-enteni-el to 27 years In the penlten- 1 tiary for the murder of his wife. ' John l.v.ia. a n-sro. who assaulted Susie Ci'stenbader near Alexandria, Vs., ln?t ,V:ne. was uan;;ed at Montrose, Va., yostcr lay. Ex-C.overnor Foster M. Voorhees, of , New Jersey, was named as the receiver I lor the Ht-uublk- Savings and Loan ! Assorlaticn. of Newark. ' CiiHirpe 1. Meyer. Vnited States am baiwnilnr to Italy, wlio underwent an operation for aiiiT.(!iiitis at Hamilton, 1 Mass., U rapidly reroverlng and will ' ehortly return to Rome. j Thursday, September 11. The navy department has assigned Captain Kum-ne K. 0. Leutze to com- ; tnand the new battleship Maine. The new building of the Ottawa I'nl Tersity. at Ottawa, Kan., was burned yesterday. rr.'ailin; a loss of 50.000. ' Henry (Irmly, of Atlanta. Ga., who' disappeared from Norfolk. Va., last Frl-' day. was fo'ind In New York yesterday. ! J. 11. Andrei's, tashier of the Helena VA'at r Woi k. ll 'leua, Mont., was ar testi il on a charge of embezzling is,. 00. The Democratic state convention of j New Hampshire yesterday nominated Henry F. Hollls. of Concord, for gov ernor. Friday, September 12. Senator Htveridge. of Indiana, oih'ucH the Republican campaign In Utah lat ni:;ht at Ogden. Robert S. McCormick. I'nlted States' ambassaiinr to Vienna, Austria, will aaJl for the I'nite.l States on the 17th inst. Garland Sniit'.; and Kdward Cuddy were arrested at l'.'.laski, Va.. yester flay, charm (1 with killing a mine guarl ait Godfrey. W. Va., last month. Vire caused by a spark completely KUtuvl tiu S'.oti' wall Cotton Mills, at Stonewall. Mi;., jtsurday. The loss Hill exceed JUS.1''". Saturday, S:ptember 13. Alexander P.. nl. fonrer c"v- vrnur of the District of Columbia, died at Itatopilas. Me , yesterday. Fire at Prentice, Wis . yesterday Imrned o it a whole block and part of another, catkin.: a loss of over $150, O00. President Rooscclt has appointed Charles A. lionaparte. ot ISammore, a member i f the beard of mission, -s. Black Hair "I hsee uied your Hair Vi..t,- v for five vcar3 ar. 1 rtn i v pleased v.ith it. . . stores the erv'.u.-l :' r t. . hair. !: keej-s r.'v V: r.'.ft."--f Helen K:l!:cn::' rtrt;.ir.'. . Aycr's ih: been restoring cr: gray hair fcr y- . and i: ncv: .,- iu j t , . this work, d::.i. You can rely upon i: .' for stopping ycur hair :j from falling, for Keeping ji your scalp clean, and fcr making your hair grow. 11.00 a bottle All draultte. If your dnimri't cannot minrlv von. tend u n dollar ami e will eiprtM tdu a iwttle. lie nuro ami irlvi uf your nearest exnreiii office. Address, j, c. Air.K co., ixmeu, alas. Kcdiucl Kates to Washington, P. C. For tlie Thirty-sixth National Kn cnmiinieiit, (.. A. K., to tie held lit Washington, I. C , October 8 to 11, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell rounil-trip tickets to Washing ingtoti from all points on its lines ut rate of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will he on sale from October 4 to 7. inclusive, mid good to return un til October 1 1, inclusive. Hy deposit ing ticket with the Joint Agent at Washington between October 7 and 14, and the payment of 50 cents, an ex tension of the return limit to Novem ber : may be obtained. For spec-ill i' rates and further infor mation apply to nearest ticket agent. oseinXnce 7377 An Ordinance, lirithti.tg f rmi!Jon ti A, i. Scholl, t'arl V. KpnH-l mle unit their aiKn. a proiM'-Hnl corpor.ition to t. utllrtl ami known at I llK 1 1 lll:ill KJ KI.K ' i KU' COMPANY i hereinafter to be mrtitionpil m the onid pro ( ot il lurpornlioii) to occupy Hie street., lanes mid alleys of the borough of Muldlcburir. i'a , vit!i poles ntul wirejt tor (he purpose of mip 1 '! I .iwht, Heat an1 l'oucr by means of e tr . :ty s t . u : He it ortlaincil hy the Town Coun cil nf the borough of Midttleburg. Wnyder t o., la. in Town 'outlet I a-Hnniled, and it is here by emu-ted and ordained by authority of Hie tame, that pertulPMion be and the name U here by enuctcd and ordained by authority of the .ime. th.it perinift-un be and the name i here by granted to the naid proposed corporation their successors Mid. iwkiw, to erect and main tain roles anl wires with nccesaary tlitures iin the streets, lane and alleys of 'tAid bor ough, for the purpose of supplying Light, Heat and Cower bv means of eltctricit v. within tb !ntl;'in rnmJ Umilsofsaid borough turn I( iB ilttUvr oria,ne,i by the s;iid town coun. cil that an agreement tthall be embodied herein. If !i PU UJj LNETT BROS. 1 "Buy from us and save money." lleuieuiber what you save in bujing is easily earned. Jt will pay you to come and see our complete line of MERCHANDISE. We are making a drive in many lines and we would especially say now is tbe time to buy your Straw Hats at a greatly reduced price. SUITS... From $4.00 up to $10 These are Suits that sold formerly at from $6.00 to $1500. A complete line of up-to-date Wool Hats at all prices and all grades. SHOES. We carry tbe most complete line of Sboes ever car ried in Middleburg. i fill The lories of Mr. End Mrs. Charles L. Fair, who were killed in an auto mobile accident in France, were buried at t-an Francisco yesterday. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has placed an order for 200 freight locomotives with the Baldwin IxK-omotive WufVa, Philadelphia, to cost mure than '"13.0C0.0iJ0. . ., . Msnciay, September 15. w hereby the aid pruKMed corporation their iuc'or mill o-inn shall furiiii.lt light fur strevt r.urpn.' for uid btrough, hy twenty i AJ or mtir' Mtrntitleaent lifrlitii. of eitlier IA 0. i'., 32 C. Y . it ' C I', asthe said council my neeflt.M no. ot'ilinif 6 0l p r lifrlit of Id V. ! per nunuf i.im per liRht of 32 C. P. per n ntnn ami il'. ,r liyht of VJ ('. . pr annum, ami tl.t;iic . i tract Mhall be for a perud of live y'.U! li.irii t oinplction of the said plant. '1 he .nj tin t ' iimy bt- renewed from time to tioje. at (inofHaid town council, at not excee.i. . ..j tatea nerelnoefore-mcntion (ients Heavy Weight. Tup Sole, a big value for $1.0C Stur I'liion Line 1.50 Creole Milwaukee Grain 1.40 Medium Weight. Seamless 1V1 J1.50 Kantraroo Calf, guaranteed 2.00 Gent's Fine. Five Points, absolutely solid f 1.23 Mens' Satin Kals 1 75 Security Congress 2.20 Velours Calf 2.00 Fine Ureeian Blueher 8.00 This shoe sells at 13.2.5 to $3.50 by all dealers. Ladle's Everyday. Kanguroo Kangaroo Calf Oak Kip 1'olisU Box Call Ladle's Fine. Brand O, Sadie Woniau's Dongola Polish A very high grade flexible sole shoe for A friction sole for 2 75 We have a nice assortment of Walking Shoes and Slippers left. 1.2! 1.40 1.00 1.75 $1.50 2.00 40 cction 7 I polr which may bo planted Rich slate rock quarries have been : .,. .hii i.troiKht. they .hall paint- opened bv le?ees Cf the farm of J. F. " J be kept painted allewl fifteen feet from i( T' - v,,rV- P 1 .round up. with uch paint a the Street .vyers. r. ar l om. ra. .uxiiteiluli direct. T!.e Nntional Prison AfPOCilt'on ' I he aid poles shall be planted at tuck polnti , , ir ..,. i and plates i the .aid itrcet committee may di- America held its annual convc: :i;i . j ro t or approre. Phii3 ! "ivhia vete-Jav and toCav. ' Should tl teconie neceawrjr M any time in the ---.- tjv - v-. Judgment of Mid otreel coiimittec that any of Prr. .r;;t Fa.ieeU tas been invlt- Mj,i .le fhouid be moed and changed, the sj to V. jit the torse f how at Nashville at once be done by the wid propoa- , -.v-j.- ' ed corporation, their luiwum and aoiKnn nt lenn.. te.ween Ciitrifer i and li. tlieirounnxt. upon notice beinKk'iven by said Lumber faliicp tror.i a car which 'r'' committee i utt- lint i iiu iw inn tn.tii -i iff i il iff l ironi Re sure and come and see our line before you buy and be convinced of these exceeding low prices and great value. We still have a nicetlot of Summer Dress Goods Such as Silk Ginghams, India Linneus, Lawns and a very fine piece of Black Pokadotte Satine. If you don't wish to buy come in and examine our stock. Gelnett Bros., Mlddlebul'g, Pa. fce wa. i?s:ag ki! ' '"'; .in William CivmMir. at OaVlanJ. '-'a!.. S.r ir iay. A tout r."- arr.'.akers :n xi.f Amer ican C'isrir Con.; at.y's factory at Tam va. ".a , went n a strike for better vcrkiae tfndit:i.c5. r.e T t'r.:t-'-j ;ar,fi. Fr s"a r-'r : Pr- -r. : c ::?.! ccvpntien of the i i f Carp'E'ers an 1 a was heM at At- : v.-x. ... ay. r.esia. Stc.erber 16. l"- . ry ;- ?-rv;. tr -n '.W be : '. at I Pa . Decern- the; post contains more reading matter than any other county paper. ce!- brat ary y.s- arr:v- : . ' : '. h Trij It. Only $1.00 3 I ': EPAw VAP.KETS - F:o: s." i . - . i. : v.' lor ;.' it:., y. J.:-J . :: yj..'.ry v. ,k a. v. i Vt i ; . ':.;.'.) .ia:..i the teiound and all ntreet litrht? ithall be su lcioled in the centre of the.trt-ct. and nt such poinis a the street committee may direct !N-ct'.on -I. The .aid proocd corpomtion their u-ceAor. and asit;ns shall he liiible for any and all damages cauneO bv the construc tion ;ik1 ftt-nce of plant of thesnnl proo4-d loruor.ition wrhin the liuiitg of wnd borouKh. ecli-n 4 W hen tli. Kiid promised Corpora tioi. sl.aii enter ujon any .trvet. lane, or alley. !.r ti. i' jri-oe of cot. strut ting or rcpainnu their ny.uiii. they .hall proM-cute the work with a., due diligence, close up all hole, as -kii: a rni.ihle. ai il Ica.'ihi? the streets, lanes an-1 aiie in a. good condition a. they were fo'"ijil ly tiiem at the tune of entry. s.ition -V I he ant propeil corpiration teir u.ter antt aM.jjin their aK'iit ant; t-n.p.i.yfe are not p-rnnited to t ut or trimtrev either public or private so a. to de-trnv r di- t'.tfur tnern. without tnectnent of the owner or t)Wr,. r- ThtTet.r. vt.-i. t 11: t nlire ' 'r-lir-.an e .h;iil Ik nuil ar.d :1 and of no e'leit. a. ftnltiw. viz.; :.GuM the a:d pn-jxise'l co"orat:nn re- t ' - e t to f. 'fiua y iKt-t-pt ilt. ,r,,vi ..r.- .' ::.. t T'lu-ante wit:i tJie ai;reerilelit. ' v . t ..:iv liay-i a.'ier the jnie hi. Ijecn li : a. , . .1 : t'.e .y-tt rn ff l!ie -aid rojKed .-:.-..!..i ! r 1 --fr.tir.K of buii-lini; If faulty : : . . V -.i.f'.rm ni li the rule of the I n-1 A- t.i.ti-.r, of t',e Middle 1 ejart-r:.--:.l --I -.1 - iri f--r v at the li me h' : J ti.e -i-l nrt-pc-ed r. .rptiration fail r l:.-- . t--m f .r l:il-r1tjn-i in f u;i - -j -era t ion , e -i. t e.. iwol.ths from date of final fas ' -e J - t T. A'l tiM of puhlicat on .hall he' -'.! '.r. i It i. h rehv un ler-txcl and a-fret-d :. u,e id town council ant the I Stabbed at a wedilin-j feaRttbree tuuZu :. : week ao John Wasco died y more tfiea;d town council may re : ji-e fr t.r:i- to tlrrje. f ai,d s'ih.tan- '. i-tt-rr,. and -tha;l be r.'-ainiaine. and kept . . . . . .,, , U wtvi,0 li..r, hy the ,d pro-,-d cor- ; "nimanientlwO. ;.,r.i .i t..- tbe i:f- of tl,.- co-.trat-t. v.i.i Mr. K htor Allow tne to speak a r:Jr.'i't' "eSt '.m:v ''".few words in favor of Chamberlain's ' j ::sht n:i t-iar.i a t-r wi'tm cougb remedy. I Buffered for three i.,fi.v.o. I r. ar.1 .U.1 continue in f.il , vearg wjth te brODCbiti8 and Could i ;jl f '.ri. t;:,rtf Vj day hr-a of e. h rjiri.t lur- ' . , . . . . , ,r ut: !?. iiii.t.,M-i. i t-ct sleep at mulii-. I tried several . :.. :-'-..;n t wh . h the i town i doctors and various patent medi- :; Ii:;,r.i : cices but could ct nothinK to gi.e t . .. : . !tr..M-i-wjwt.M)ni;iiiirvririiM i me any rfelifff until my wife got a in f Jnr,er.-,n.ier1j.ontLe proi) hottle of this valuable medicine, -. 7 , lioo -rA w w iJrockman. Bagnell, Mo. Tbis rem edy is for i-ale bv Middleburg drug btore. if paid in HI DM TO I1E1 CXnrr ftrinm T.jct flnnonn 1 C TJ .better this Year All Fresh Features-Everything New and Amazing. liirlnne l.von Alrmu. HaviDg distreRsint: pain in head, back and stomach, aud being with out appititc, I began toune Dr. Kiog"a New life pills'writes W". P. Whitehead, uf Kennedale, Tex., and soon felt like a new man." Infall ible in the stomach nud Uvea tr oub les. Only i!5c at Middleburg drug store; Oraybill Garman k Co Rich field. Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Peuns- Allentown Thursday nsgbt. at ROYAL IMPERIAL, .IAPANP.RR niRr.TTQ UUL.IA1HKJ MUbfclUM AND COMBINED TRAINED ANIMAL EXPOSITION, THB MOST STUPENDOUS ARBIMIO RBVIBW EVER OFFERED IfM OINB RIINO. 500-EXTRA0RDINARY FEATIRES AND STRANGE SIGHTS-5O0 HUOB WATER-PROOF TEINTS. SEATS FOR FOUR THOUSAND PERSONS. INO BETTER SHOW WIUL. VISIT HERB THIS SEASON. No Other Show can Present These Features. PROF. JNO. WHITES WONDERFUL G3 HORSE SPECTACLE "SNAPPER" GARRISON'S GREAT CYCLE WHIRL THE KITAMURA ROYAL IMPERIAL JAPANESE TROUPE THE WEST-ZANTA Great svivksteu GEO. Di:0.NZU Star Aerialists. Eortli's Greatest Champion Trick Coutortonist Barrel Jumper Madame Colette's "GRIMALDI BROWN GEO. COLIiY'6 Cane-Walking Horse Hurdle Mule Rider Singing Ponkies The LaRue Troupe of Acrobats AUSTRALIAS GREATEST PARLOR ACROBATS. 4: r .':? 7 4 :. r IT r.u v;. tiTTfat. ; I? '.Iffi .''--.. 15 fi.. ):'. - K..J.HC IT ; v'n'i t -j::. h' ."- f. " tv ' li-1 ". ' : f v.- r . ... s : .&.-. V t-J .:. ' JT'.n r t ;!t.vi lit i r IjTA '. rr, fT Wr -i.ftf 1 lArfj 1 ' 4ir"a !. t- rt !. ail u ifjtn rijurttf-iai lai. t", . . li.- 'f pr'j.Ml -r,'ratHri llir:r i . f-,i -A ..:yr. f '.riii-lj Jjul!:t or trr.-t g : m-i lxrotji(li ur.'jtrr I.-.:. i-utra.1 j ij' iit.f rr.- irrf. , ---i .: :fj1 V. miA 7ri'.ra- j vi f'r arj aiMr. tot uii 'J.ari iwm rn-.''. LAtun at or iw . a pt't rala rrltr I i 1 i.. IT a;4 y,r,iyti ojt f Ih i t M tii t 'fa. r ail l:r; n't-l- ' . r 1 . r. -. !'.- 1 I i, V. 7 rr prwf'l vrirition '; f.r.'' wr,lb4 MK'Ji- .l.all f'jrr.ikli tl ! '-(.r'.. i.ar.-.'.-r of )'J rOf'yyt. Itlj nwl I. 1 tv .-r r-avj irati ihr iiAa''ir-rit .lyJj1 . f . . . r. u cur.fjK lit nit vi int. '"'";. -i , - , . 1' -J.--..-4 A It a i.-j(wJa ;v-i rjf of 11 Uwu S . Ill li tVIW(l Vf M.CrJj'.VUflf A ! Ww -JifjJirr r.-l jff. t-- r Lariuy '--f l-ii ii.'3 aryl arr4 uimm by W t. iwvui-jJ ai Jan.)f I. ri d'Jlr r. tA.i4 tv un t'r ai.-rfTaw o 4ifrrval J uin ;!.!. l.V. km I KU. a a' Two narked men who held up Mrs. Marion Walters nar Aharon, took ill and a gold watfh. A Hu) Will Hide l or Life. With family around expecting Lim to die-, and a bos riding for life. Kmc 8 ew Dm- w i.n th- uiw. f . c ai inr j covery for ConHumption, couehs and w.-r .Jar-I- ITV'.T.Vi: Y r.7ej-a Irwdwortb ir.lJaa w lxdr ' it. 1. cvKti'r v auarHf.. ( an I .VikV .jj.rt v 4 oa-j( Ui... I . rV.u. Wut MUr llf ar 'A I lwJ J vr v'v a- Ju Mduta4ajr viUt aJi pea ' -f- frvsi MiMUMir M'turf m4rwi tvt I a.wfn vw-mw p, c'Uh, W H. Urown, of IeeHville lod.. endured dfath'n agenie from a thai, bat thin wonderful med icine (;ave iriktant relief and aoon cured him. He now write "I now iletp Roundly every night." Like marv-louH euro of ConfiumptiOD, Pceumorua, JironcLitiu, cough, cold and Crrip prove its tnatcbleaH merit for all throat and loDff trouble Ooarautted lottl' VM an 1 l.(X. Trial Untie f roe at Middleburg drug tore, Gravbill. Oartnan &. Co Rich fiW. Dr. J. W. bampaell, Fcnnp-cteek. .ermiiKiirt riirliy.t-iitrr)' A itlnrrliiM'it trVMill liwr oomeyeftts ago 1 was one of a party that intended to miike a lotn; bicvele trip: nays F. L. Taylor, of New Albany Bradford Couuty. Pa, 1 was taken suddenly with dia rrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of La ceyville Messinfter, suggested that I take a dose of Chamberlaid's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. I purcursed a bottle and took two doses, one before starting and one on tbe rout. I made the trip huc cessfully and never felt and ill effect. Again last summer I was almost completely run down with an attact of dysentery, i bought a bottle of ' Only Philippine Water Bull 20 Great Clowns 3 Band. th nmo rommlv nrwl Ihiu limn nn ! . If . . . . . P'lG CONCLAVE OF PERFORMING HORSES, MULE: MONKEYS, SHEEP, BEARS, GOATS, ETC. d08e cured me. burg drug store. Hold by Middle- Peferring to bridges, the two fastest horses in the world are a span without a peer. -a Sot Itooinrd for Life. "I was treated for three yenrs by good doctors," writes W. A. Jreer, McConnellsville, O., for piles atd listuul, but, when all failed. Buck len's Arnica salve cured me in two weeks.'' Cures burns, bruises, cuts corns, sores, eruption, Hilt Rheum, piles, or to pay. 2rc at Middleburg drug store, Graybille Carman & Co Ilichfielb, Dr. J. W. Sampsel Penns-cretk. It is usually the man who con sidcres life a burden who is always getting loaded. Mummer romplalnla 14 not a I way urougut about by change of air and water. Tho'Vtay at-homes" are Just as susceptible to diarrhoea; due, generally, to oyer eating, as unripq fruits, cct.; and drinking ice water all accompanied by painful bowel discharges, and, if not checked, results seriously. Perry Dvi Painkiller U tbe only pure reliable remedy 2oo and COo, of Music 100 Star Acts, Herd of Prize ivist India Cattle, Only Genuine Hindoo Serpent Kuchan tress with Largest Snakes in Oapativity. BIG GmiilOUS FREE HOLIDAY PARADE leaves tlieshu grounds promptly at 10 h. m., marching through the principal streets. CAPTAIN PERRIE, OF THE BOSTON, MASS., F1RK lr PARTMENT, will make his sensational dive for life from a 110-toot ladder into a life net k'low All free, ini mediately after the parade. 2 GRAND PERFORMANCES DAILY. 2 AND 8 P. I Doors Open One Hour Earlier. 25c The Price of Admission has Been Reduced to 25c Will Exhibit at Middlebun letb. Grounds: Sugar St,, west of Shoe Factory. J I Mill IIHIb-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers