'Envelopes flote Weabs have a job lot of, note 4 hand. They must go a large con- Vis on . ..Ill An It 5 slgnment of envelopes J A lno pnuo w w tuples and prices for the ask Having bought so many we secured a rock bottom 5 figure. Send for samples J and prices. Ve lurnisn mem pnmeu less than you can buy them fchout printing. A Family Jaaraal, Derate U Hews, Science, Art, Pailtkal Ecasamy ao4 Carrent LIuratare. Ratea: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance You XXXIX MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. SEPTEMBER 11 1902 NUMBER 3G o o f hf court advertising appears in this le of the Post. M. Moatz Is making improve- L to bis dwelling. r . . i a- 1. 1.. - g. 8. Kohier preacueu w ui remtlon Suuaay eveuiug. L assessors made their returns for titration or voters last, weea. -n,lv services were resumed Bab- evening in the Lutheran church. lton Derr is the happiest tanner (he Lunch, all on account of a little iihlleburg was well represented at w- ... . Kratzerville and Troxellviue pio- Saturday. he six-weeks' old child of George and wife of Philadelphia, was luirlit to Selinsgrove and burled at Lburg, Tuesday. xcursion tickets will be sold from lkburg to Port Royal and return the fair, Sept. 10th to 12th good to Vrn till the 13th for $ 100. H. Btelnlnger found a pocket book hit 10 days ago containing a little r l . i i Inge, uwner can get mu eaiua vy ing at Runkles and proving propety lie engagement of Miss Esther ten, daughter of Calvin Green of Wistown, and Hugh Hamilton of hatter, X. Y., has been announced. he public schools of the borough ned on Monday with a fair attend- Profs. A. R. Gilbert, Edwin Vrles and Miss Lula Smith are the there. Dr. M. L. Emerlck, of Hickory Cor ,tb widely known physician, is r to he op and around afalaH ail(( ItTing from ?. severe attack of ap- llcitls. fliereare rumors afloat connecting engagement of Btettler's cornet bd of this place for the Grand Army kanipment at Washington. We t It will materalize. he Post has opened a ''Coming f nt" column, to announce meetings ilea and all important events. We 1st the readers of the Post will keep supplied with the events in their kilties. Ihe house and barn of Thomas Het- :i at Shamokin Dam, was entirely umed by fire. The entire town (threatened for a time and a fire ine was brought from Sunbury to Kk the flumes. Vie received a request last week after Post was printed, to publish the Imiiiieem.'tit for the Kratzerville pic- e slinll gladly publish such an- peements, but they must reach us re the paper is printed. te Republican conferees of the Sitcouutles comprising the Sevei Mil Congressional district will meet f ne tolemau House in Lew is town i. . . Jit Monday by order of Chairman tz,of Huntingdon, to nominate litlate for Congress. jThose who wish to collect Imnnrtnnt h concerning local history should luie inrormation now beinir nub- ea in the Post. The list of real I'fsofPenn township will Include any every early settler of Penn "ship, your own ancestors. Nl on A. E. Boles In hla now ..... and hair cuttinir Parlor for vour M cleaned with a refreshinir nhnni- Panda clean towel to each patron I "orru slue of Market square op lte Central Hotel. Batisfactlon guar- rxu- tf. I-AKOE Corporation wants energetic r Agent ror this county. No f , ln"urance, or canvassing. Ac- r ..antes witn merchants and man r-mrers necmrv T. . , Auiuauvuu Blate aire. exiwrlnrA rufi.,. .... I . . ra nrst letter. AddroKH ku r?o r 1001 t'heatnut street Phlladfllnhin' (t l estimated that Knyder county .Mket a"ywhere from 12,000 'W) bushels f huckleberrlB thl- U.x H KUt from PaxtfinvtltA - - " lV'C binhil Ikllu r . r UU811"' from McClur. Th fckfi i , . wu BllUUBb W price vu 7i Mnt. alue of 15.000 biiahoi. tn lie n.n.,1.1 u " ue tJO.UU. Jh0Ui?ndbu8ofwalnuta are The hlfFVit prices In trade. will be Charles Boyer, Ptxtonvllle, Pa. Have you paid that little bill sent you Aug 2.HL? This is the fifth no tice and means business. This refers only to that class of delinquents who have received five notices by mail within 15 months and have paid noth ing on their accounts. School to School Visitation. The State Bubbath School Associa tion has taken steps to have all the schools in given districts visited on the same Sabbath by an officer or teacher from another school; accordingly the Executive committee of Snyder county have taken similar action for such vis itation in this county in the near fu ture. Many schools are running in ruts, while others are continually introduc ing new features without ever realizing the good they are doing. The reason iu both cases is because the workers in these schools never see another school at work. The object of this visitation is to help those schools which have been run ning along iu the same chmnel for years to a change of methods, and lead others who have been advancing to ap preciate their efforts in that line and cause tneia to seek still other avenues of progress. Accordingly on a Sabbath yet to le named each suieriiitendent in the county will be asked to visit a neigh boring school or appoint some ofllcer or active teacher from his school to do so. The visitors are not expected to make addresses, but simply visit the school and observe its workings. It were better if the visitors' presence w ere not announced. Blanks will be furnished the visitors who will fill them out in the school they visit and read the report the fol lowing Sabbath in their own school. The reports when read in the school to which the visitor belongs, wV be sent to. the district chairman, who in turn will return them to the county secre tary through whom they will find their way to the state office. It is to be hoped when the day is set. aud the visitors appointed, that each one will cheerfully discharge the sim ple duty as efficiently as possible and thus help the work along, and help to prepare the way for the house to house visitation which is to follow later on. Member ok the Executive Com. Church Dedication and Quarterly Conf. On Sept. 21, the rebuilt church of the United Evangelical church, will be dedicated at Kratzerville, for which together with quarterly conference the program is as follows: Saturday Sept. 20, Quarterly conference will open at 2 o'clock, p. m. In the evening there will be a business meeting and preach ing services at 7 o'clock. Sunday, Sept. 21, Sunday school at 9 a. m., and preaching at 10 a. in. Communion and dedicatory service at 7 p. m. Rev. E. Crumbling, P. E., of Centre District will officiate. All ministers and people of adjoining charges are cordially invited to be present. J. Shamhacii, Pastor. Old Copies of the Post Wanted. While the subscribers of the Post are hunting up their old newspapers, they might look for the copies of the Post that are missing from our flies. We will pay liberally for a copy of each of the following dates : July 8, Sept. 6, 1809; Apr. 6, Oct. 13, 1879; Jan. 2(3, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 1879; March 10, May 5, 1871; April 20. 1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Oct 30. 1884; Sept. 17, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24, 1883; Jan. 28 May 6, Oct, 18, Dec. 23, 1886; Dec. 29, 1878. tf' MARRIED. On Aug. 24th, at Middleburg by Rev. J. Shambach, Eugene J. Erb, of Trox clville, and Martha S. Luck, of Salem. On Sept. 4th, at the home of Isaac Kline, in Franklin township, by Iiev, J. Shambach. Henry Lester Kline, of Middleburg, and Jennie Luciuda Willi of Juniata county. On the 2d Inst, by Rey. Haas, John Ed Wilkerson, of York, to Florence R. Blckbart of Selinsgrove. Marriage Licenses. f Henry L. Kline Middleburg Jennie L. Willi Oriental f Lewis F. aemberlinir Penn Two A. Jane Shively Vlcksburg (Charles C. Dobson Paxtonvllle 1 Hhoda V. Bachman Paxtonvllle Zlne -4 Grinding Hake Devoe Lead and Zlno Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand ll-2My. Kid PERTINENT PERSONALS RE Joseph Dreese is on the sick list. F. E. Neltz of Hofier was In town Friday. Mrs. Aaron Crosgrove returned from her visit to New Berlin. Dr. C. H. Brisbin is moving his fam ily to McClure this week. Wm. Ayers of Paxtonvllle is visiting William Philips in Sunbury. Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Orwlg spent Sun day at H. H. Harter's Sunbury. Mrs. Joseph Dreese returned from her visit to relatives at Altoona. Roy Hannah of Harrisburv was in town Saturday to see the printers. Harry Bowersox, who Is employed at Alleutown, came home Saturday. Adam B. Walter of Frankling town ship has been sick for several weeks. Mrs. Jane Troxel, who had been vls iting In Union county, returned home, H. H. Schoch of Selinsgrove was at the County Seat last Friday afternoon Mrs. G. C. Smith of Johnsonburg visited at James P. Smith's last week 'Squire T. A. Stetler of Shamokin Dam was a County Seat visitor Satur day. Miss Bertha Seebold will attend school at Bucknell Institute, Lewls- burg. Mrs. W. A. IiUtz, nee Carrie Bach man, of Bhippensburg, is visiting her pit rents. Dr. J. C. Amig of Lewistown, came down Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives. Miss Gertrude , Dunkleburger, spent Sunday with Mist Neyie Crawford at Sunbury. . RayCrouseand friend of Philadel phia were visitors here Thursday of last week. 'Squire Thos. Paige and Fred Leach of HoiTer, were Middleburg visitors Thursday. Frank Gauglcr and wife of Selins grove spent Sunday at Graudpap Renninger's. G. A. Gutelius is employed as a wait er in the restaurant of the Altenius hotel, Altoona. Flcyd Red of Brockwayville, Jeffer son county, spent several days in this place last week. James Erdley and Harry Grimm who are employed at Jjewistown were at home over Sunday. Mrs. II. H. Leitzcl and son spent several days in town lust week with James Ayers and wife. Druggist W. H. Spangler uiul wife spent several days visiting ills father at Blanrhurd, Centre county. Mrs. John W. Runkle and two sons, Keemer and Cyril, are visiting C. C, Seebold and family at Sunbury. Clark Boyer of Paxtonvllle, who had been ill with Bright's disease, we are happy to say, is slowly recovering. J. O. Klingler and J. O. Koppen haven, managers of the Beaver Springs wagon factory, were in town Sunday. Jacob Paskusz of New York City, is spending the week in Middleburg look ing after his interests In the tannery at this place, Mrs. John Elleuberger and children and Miss Luella Bowersox, of Harris burg are visiting their father, A. W. Bowersox. Miss Elva Baker, the stenographer and typewriter of this office, is enjoy ing a week's respite with her parents near Lewlsburg. Alex A. Romlg, T. E. Reitz, I. D. Gentrel, L. C. Wagner and George Bishop of Lowell were at the County Seat Saturday on business. C. H. Dunkleburger, storekeeper and guager at Brumbaugh, Bedford county, came home Saturday to 8end Bun day and Monday with his family on the French Flats. James Mangle of Aline dropped in to pay his subscription last Friday. He says he can beat all previous rec ords for large potatoes as lie has pro duced one that weighs two pounds and a half. George M. Shlndel and wife and P. S. Ritter and wife Saturday started to drive to the Kratzerville picnic. By the time they reached Edward Hum mel's back of town, Mrs. Ritter be came so sick she had to be taken into the house where she waa cared for. . Death of Samuel Gembcrling. Samuel Gemberllng waa born in Penn township, Union county, now Snydor, Feb. 8, 1810. Was united in marriage with Annie Laudenslager of the same township and county on March 12, 1840, by Rev. J. P. Shindel. He waa the father of 10 children, of which 7 daughters survive hlin, Vio letta, married to G. M. Aurand, who reside at Wilmington, Del.; Mary, married to Adam Stahl, Esq., residing at Lewlsburg; Catharine, married to Isaac Mertz, residing at Milton;. Utica, married to R. C. Flss, Esq., of Bha mokio Dam, from whose residence the funeral was held and where he died; Harriet, married to J. C. Gaugler, Esq., of Sunbury; Annie, married to S. A. Boyer,' living at Selinsgrove; Jane, married to W. G. Meckley, who resides at Wast Milton. Deceased was a memtar of the Re formed church at Selinsgrove. Was a christian man and a good citizen, al ways pleasant and full of life. The en tire community of Shamokin Dam where be has resided for the past 60 years, mourn his death. His remains were laid to rest in the Hottenstein cemetery at Shamokin Dam, Saturday afternoon, Sept. 6, Dr. J. R. Dimm of- flciatlDX. Aired HO yearea, 0 months and 25 ilays. . ii i niiai Mrs. Emma T. liolig. Mrs. Emma T., wife of J. E. liolig, died at the Mary M. Packer hospital Saturday, Aug. 30, at S p. m., aged 32 years, $ months and 20 days. She was taken Ml alxut a month ago and stead ily grew worse and during last week was taken to the hospital where she underwent an operation. She leaves a husharid, one son and one daughter, MatUeand Laura. She was a mem ber of thi Lutheran church, a kind ohrlstlai lady and waa highly respeotr ed by w vL knew b. Funeral vices were held from her late residence on Fourth street, Monday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock. Rev. J. H. Weber offi ciating. Her remains were taken to Centreville on the 2 o'clock Lewistown train for interment. Sunbury Item. Marriage Factory at Mifllintown. Minilntown llerld. Under this caption the Middleburg Post gets oil' the subjoined item. As to the bachelors from this county who have taken up their residence in old Snyder county, we do not know who the editor of the Post refers to, unless one of them is the young banker who recently left here to take the position of cashier of the Middleburg National bank; but he U still young enough to get out of the bachelor net and join with the happy benedicts. Our Juniata people who are residents of Snyder county may not die bache lors. They no doubt hope to live until they are married. When they do mar ry, If ever, they will take the daughter of a good mother, and domestic happi ness will be the result. Some young ladies, perhaps they will be Snyder county ones, will set the neb that will capture Juniata's young bachelors who are living In our neighboring county. They do not want to marry in haste and then repent at leisure, so will le very careful before making the vent uresome nlumre. U" ".! . , .... year. or U1II1081 riuiTiiy nun ii sumption of wheat. Of course a large proport ion of the corn p uct was uaea ior no i.uu, this granted a very important q. lies buried in St tity undoubtedly went into coiihu tion for table purposes. What a ;Cemetery, I-reeburg. Alsi 1 bill passed by congress recent Bection was aOoptea proviumg the punishment of persons inj'i or in any wuy defacing niuu i on rural free delivery routes, went Into effect with the algnin the bill by President KooBevelt, Is now. in full force. Previoul; 'hia the government had no spj ection covering rural routes, forth. roseeutions were made unuer. nMn.. A Committee Meeting. The Republican Standing Committee of Snyder county, will meet in the Court House, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1902, at 12:30 p. m. sharp. A full attendance is requested. J. 8. Yea.rt.ck, Chairman. C. P. Fiss, Secretary. kMpa a Waraa lh Celd Laxative Broino-Qulnlne Tablets curt a cold in a day. No cure, no pay. Prloe 25 cents. tf that Ei rope, proverbially hungry Jtousn rii way un.i, cneo nee. n, cheap i ml wholesome food prodt 1844, and his wife Mary, died May 0, does n t appreciate the beautlei 1858, aged 7(1. Also David Roush, our coi :i bread and "rye aud Inj lM,rn -,)V. o7) l:m ,Ie(i AuK- u K77 Orange Judd Farmer. nU(i wi,t.( arali, born Mar. 2, 1800, Kami Maiu Protected, 'died Oct. 3, 1870. Also another Jacob With the post office. nppropriajRoush, born July 10, 1790, died April GENEALOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Data of Historical Interest to the Head ers of the Post. RofPii. The Post, in response to an inquiry hat compiled the following data con cerning the Roushes of Peuna.: Anthony Roush was assessed in 1783 with 3 horses, at Bottstown, York Co. Casper Roush, Penn Twp., North umberland county, 17S1, 1 horse, 1 cow; 1782, 1 horse, 2 cows; 17S3 and 1784, 1 horse, 1 cow. Ho was assessed as early as 1770. Geo. Roush, PennsTwp., Northum berland county 177S and 1781 was as sessed with 100 acres and 3 head of cat tle; 17H2, 50 acres, 2 cows, 4 sheep; ITSli, 50 acres, 3 cows. Was one of the "Rangers on the Frontier" 1778-83. 200 acres iu Penn township surveyed April 3(1, 17i4. Also 88 acres April IS, 1787. In 17S2 there resided a George Roush in Philadelphia; in 1774 one in Cumri township, Berks county; in 1784 one in Brunswig township, Berks county and a George Roush in North ampton county one of the "Rangers on the Frontiers," 1778-83 1785, Henry Roush was assessed In Berks county. His tax was XI and 19s. Isaac Roush, Philadelphia, in 1774 a sto' weaver. Name appears 1779 and 1780-1-2. June 15, 1792, 100 acres were surveyed for an Isaac Roush in North ampton county. Jacob Roush, Penn Twp., Northum berland county, in 1781 ami 1783 was taxed with 100 acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, 2 sheep. May 31. 1785, 0 acres and Oct. 1, 1790, 300 acres were surveyed for him in Penn township. In 1778, 1779 and 1780 his name appears. In 1796 Jacob Roush and Jacob Roush, Jr. are asteened in Mahantongo township, NwtbnmberJad ownty. . From 1779 to 1782, John, Matthias and Nicholas Rousb were assessed in Philadelphia. In 1780 Widow Ruttle was assessed for John Roush's estate, John Roush had 300 acres surveyed Jan. 0, 1773 in Northumberland county. In 1782 ho was assessed with 150 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle, 4 sheet). In 1786 there was a John Roush In Penn Twp, Northampton county, assessed with 100 acres. Nov. 18, 1793 a John Roush also a Nicholas and Philip Roush, cad had 400 acres surveyed in Luzerne county. 1783, Lucas Roush, York township, York county, was assessed with 100 acres and 1 servant J778, Martin RouhIi, Derry township, Lancaster county, assessed 40 acres, 1 eow, 1 sheep. 1782, 30 acres, 2 head of cattle. 17M0, Roush A Davy were grocers in Philadelphia, assessed with 15K) Tax .C5, 5s. John Koush was assessed iu Penn township, Northumberland county in 1778. In 1S02, a John Koush was as sessed at Straubtown ( l-'neburg) witli a tan yard. Married. June 19, 1817 by Rev. J. If. Fries, Samuel Roush, Esq., to Miss F.li.abeth Duuklc. Penn township in colonial times was practically what Snyder county is now. Mahontonga township at the time was cut from a part of Penn's and was located at the S. E. part of the Co. . , , , j . ., .... ,, . St. Peter's Also Philip t I i r ii. ( i i - i i. po This Is probably Jacob, Jr., land his wife, Salome, born Mar. 9, 1802, died July 25, 1882. About 50 oth ers are burled in and around Freeburg. Samuel must have lived iu Centre county as Rev. Fries preached there. It will be rembered that Rev. Fries preached in Brush yalley aud it is said when he preached his farewell gemion. he used the expression. "Gelt zwinked de welt un durahelt Brush Valley." Died. Sept. 7th in Penn township, Calvin Long, 47 P. V. I. Aged 65 years. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fallB to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 25o Coming Events. Wednesday, Sept. 10 to 12, Port Roy al fair. Saturday, Sept. 13 to lit, Orange En campment at Centre Hall. Saturday, Sept.13.the Sunday school. of Beavertown will hold a union nie- nic. Saturday, Sept. 13, the annual liean soup of Co. G, 147th P. V. I. at Selins grove. Saturday, Sept. 13, in West Beaver township, the annual picnic of Ridge church. Saturday, Sept. 13, Republican Standing Committee mceU in the Court house at Middleburg. Saturday, Sept. 13, picnic in See- hold's grove near New Berlin. Mid dleburg band will furnish the music. Saturday, Kept. 13, public sale of real estate of Charles Keek at K reamer, in cluding Historic. Block House, now the bone of contention nnionir local historians. Sunday, Sept. 11, "Old People's Day" will be observed in the Luther an church at Adamsbiirg. Monday, Sept. 15, the public schools of Selinsgrove will open. Monday, Sept. 15, the Republican conference of the 17th Congressional District will be held at the Coleman hoiwe at Lewistown. Monday, Sept. 15, the North Branch Conference of the Evangelical Luther an church will open iu Selinsgrove and continue for three days. Wednesday, Sept. 17, re-union of the 131st Regiment at Milton. Friday, Sept. 19, Welsh Brothers show will exhibit at Middleburg. Saturday, Sept. 20, Sheriff" Row will sell real estate of U. C. Kerstetter situ ate in Chapman township. Sale at the Cpurt hom; , . . Saturday, Sept. 20, in' Hon. A. M. Smith's grove at Beaver Springs, the Odd Fellows' lodges of Mifflin, Juniata and Snyder counties will hold their annual picnic. Able addresses will be a prominent feature. Bunday, Sept. 21, "Old People's Day" in the Lutheran church at Beav ertown. Tuesday, Kept. 23, thu Union county fair opens at Lewlsburg. Saturday, Sept. 27, at McClure, Capt. Michael Smith Post, No 355 G. A. R., of McClure will hold their annual beau soup. Tuesday, Kept. 30, Milton fair begins and continues to Oc t. 3rd. Monday, Oct. (, court opens at Mid dleburg at 11 a. m. Monday, Oct. (i, National Encamp ment, G. A. R., will begin in Wash ington, I). ('., and continues all week. Fare from Middleburg about $5.50. Tuesday, Nov. 4, general electhiii. Letter to moml Iwitz. M I IIHI Kill H I, 1'fnn'n. Dear Kir: When you see a well-dress ed muii, you like to say: "There's a sample of my clothes. That man is worth two of himself as he was w hen he came to me." We have the same feeling. Our paint on a bouse is worth twice as much as old-fashion painter's paint, lead mid oil. It looks the same when llrst put on. In three months it don't. In three years it decidedly don't. Lead and oil chalks oil' in three years: it is considered a first-rate Job that lasts three years. Devoe leatl and 7,inc is about ns good in three years as it was the day the painter laft it. Zinc is the secret of It: no secret at all. A good many paiuters know zinc; some mix It in with their lead. We grind it in: not a little: good deal. It's the zinc aud the grinding that does it. You can't mix zinc by hand. We grind It by machinery. Paiuters are finding us out, though. some painters are slow. You know that it pays a good man to wear good clothes. How many customers have you that know it? Yours truly, 84 F. W. Dkvob Jc Co. Dried Apple Wanted. Ten thousand pounds of dried ap ples are wanted. I will pay five cents a pound in trade at my store. Ciiaki.es Boykr, tf Paxtonvllle, Pa. Fewer Gallons i Wenr Longer. You can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than with Mixed paints, and it will wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers