vPRKPAKBD 8XPRE33LY FOR THE POST .yid'i'i'l'g'li'l'i'g'I't'll'g'i'ii'S'li'ili'I'l'BllHlfl'lliU'l'tHlt'S'K'gti, c SCLINSGROVE. i4.u S !iarf of the Logan House, iri home on a visit to his LiilV. jlr& Fol liner and cnuuren return j to their home at Huntingdon Way. ir.nu'e keely spent a short time Lih his mother Saturday evening U part of Sunday. Airs. Pimm and daughter, Aiattie, ajent a WW wiui inemw iu u)- Liing county. finKcrvman Seller and wife eu- Ltained some friends last week. Mrs. B. F. Van Boskirk, we are Lny to say, is quite ill at this writ s' The Lutz families of this section t,xik in tlm b,ear re-un'on luesday L Brook Park near Lewisburg. Jliss Lile Forster, who for the lst 6 or 8 weeks has been on vis it to her sister in Cumberland Co., returned home Thursday. Wni. Keiser, who had been away bridging is sending several weeks ith Ins lamily. Ground was broken for the new Gymnasium Thursday morning last at8o'rloi:k. Dr. Enders, Pres. of the University, delivered a short address. There were other addresses, iy different ones, and other exercises which were interesting. Although the hour was early and not general ly known, there were a good many persons present. F. II. Knight and wife of Wat- sontown and son Harry and wife of Sunbury spent Wednesday night with the formers sister, Mrs. 13. F. Gregory. They had driven to Liv erpool and returned this far on their journey home. V. 15. Nipple was to Philadelphia last week on business for the Plain ing mill. Mrs. A. Ii. Wolgemuth went to jFairvit w n visit her son, llev. AV. A. Woliremuth ."S'.'liMih of your town was a visitor here Saturday. We are pleased to see Miss Annie Miller out airam after her severe sickness incident to the operation. Mrs. Harry Hummel and daugh ter, Murg. are guests at the old home stea I. W. K. Miller of Tower City wut several days with his brother. During the time he was here he ueceedwl in capturing a fine Wall- eyeU pike. Mrs. Clms.Gemberlingand daucl ter of Vi!lianisport are ruets of iriends. Miss Bessie Crouse spent several lavs recently with her aunt. Mrs, Smith. The Misses Scales have returned from their two weeks' niiti'no-. Ed. V. Gemberlinir of PhilmU. m visaing jus niotner on 1 leasant Street. Mrs. M. L. Krceecr took in the ocean breezes. i The Geo. Ulrich family had re-union last Tuesday. The dav was fine and an enjoyable time was HUH. wvi t ishcr and wife took a trin T t - -.. . r i "iiaaeipina and Deleware. HI !l 111. . . i Aiiey expect to be gone about month. f l. T .1 . me ijlltlieran re-linmn vaaa nni as largely attended as usual Thurs OWlllg to the BloomRhiircr Pun, ,uull'i I . II. . Ot A nnrmla of nnti!.,t It n , & t V -illiamsport and the Granger's l'icnic at Williamsgrove. The ex- v.u.st-s were excellent The student IMkjje took the trains east and ,wt Friday morning for their homes. I . (.. Von Neida sold his bakerv 'o J. H. Jarrett who took charge Mnay. The new nronrietor "onuses the same kind of service PS has lum ..I, l.. i .i ? w.i viiuiuuiiTiBiic oi me -nterprist. bakery. i WK on the abutments and piers F1 the luie Street lfcid Singslwy, H 1 IIZZIU All nr woo n.a.n: IVCV. Wnoh.r V.l l- t "g'l-noon. Her mntlinr ft Williamsnnrt UAL IttWlnMt ;'ocn wile and daughter, ,i T c - "(jvujicv uuu wueaiiu ochoch onrl 4 1. ! a1. ii niuj tuuiv iu me "oomsburg. Centennial. - V ZJXXJlflLf MM V -Til Tf OUNDORE. Picnics are so numerous that our young jeople are drawing sticks to find out to which oue to go. Eliza Mears of Girardville ejx"nt a day last week with Maria W. Duudore. C. D. Dundore and family re turned to Shamokin much improved in health. Ed. Mover lias a lucrative job at Duncannon. The Susquehanna Coul Breaker is running in opposition to the Min ers' Union and it is a" poor wind that does not blow somebody some good. Our farmers are putting their potatoes to the market at Sunbury at a lively rate at 40 cents per bushel. John P. Wolf of Treverton is spending a few days with his par ents. Ellie Stephenson and children of Hamsburg are spending a few days with her parents. John H. Wise is delivering many tons of coal at Selinsgrove. J. Ii. Staufer and wife are on an extensive tout to Iowa and other western stales. Emanuel Swineford of Oriental was in town on business and rejwrts Henry Neitz a pauper of our town ship a good boy. Adam Folkroth has a swarm of l)ces ou his porch that is accumulat ing sufficient honey to keep the family sweet for a whole year. Adam ISeitz sient a week at Georgetown, but returned in time to take in our picnic and reports prosperity along the line. Butter and Eggs 18 iu town Ournierchant is supplying Port Ircvorlon with ice. SWINEFORD, Rev. Kelly and Miss Spaid drove to J? remont ounday. Mrs. Jonathan Bingaman has been on the sick list lor several weeks. Ilattie Swartz of Cleveland, O., spent several days last week witl her brother, J. W. Swartz. Charles Arnold spent a day at Fremont one day last week. Pallas Marks, w ho had been vis iting Dr. J. C. Aniig at Lcwistown returned home Saturday. Geo. D. Maneval is the proud father ot a little girl. Clem Moyer of Vintondale is vis his brother, W. W. Moyer. Sallie Keeler left for Johnstown Saturday to visit her son Milton Keeler. Mrs. John Long of Elizabetli- ville is spending a few weeks with Andrew Kratzer. Chas. Singer and wife and Geo, Iloush spent Sunday with Foster Smith's. Bessie Shipe and Mary Marks of Sunbury visited b. B. Spitler s Monday. Geo. W. Diehl spent Tuesday at Verdilla ou business. urace otetier ot AJiimntown is visiting Sallie Moyer. Maggie and Lizzie Shambach of Kissinimee spent Sunday at John II. Shambach s. Henry Musser and son of Lewis burg Bpeut Friday with E. S. Straub and family. Another wedding is in prospect. Isaiah Bowcrsox and wife and Harvey Shambach and wife spent Sunday with Amos Bowcrsox and wife. 'Squire Horubcrger spent Satur day in town. D. S. Specht of Beavertown spent Saturday in town. Ace Shalter of Weikert spent Sunday at John Libby's; Mrs. Isaac Swartz of Troxelville spent Sunday with Merchant Swartz, Philip Amig is plastering his house. John F. Shannon is doing the work. Van Middles warth of McClure is visiting his sister, Mrs. P. E. Kin ney. . ' Mrs. Joel Bilger and daughter of Centre county spent . Sunday at Daniel Millhouse's. ILLAGB BY ITS CORPS OP CORRB9PONDBNTS) 'i''ii'j'a'B'r)'S'8'8'A''8'kMaglBlltln'g'i't''E'KtE'-,''t1fi'iil'l Chas. Weirick ami Win. McAfit of Puxfcmville wire at tliis place Saturday. A. H. Ulsh is repairing the breast of bis mill dam. Henry 11. Ueigle, who had leen ill at the home of his son, Foster, recovered sulliciently so us to be able to go to his home in lcwis town. Jonathan Grubb is digging the foundation for a new house by the side of Philip Aung. SHREINER. Miss Edith Kunkle of Lewis burg is being Huiaiued by her uncle, Edward Young and family. William Keichley is on the sick list. Miss May Lesher and Mii-s Cora Derk of Northumberland are visit ing friends here. Mrs. George Smith is seriously ill. James Slear ana wife of Salem are visiting the hitter's parents Isaac r isher and, wife. Allen Schaeffer and Kiley Kauft man will leave during the week for Kutztown, where they will attend the State Normal school. A festival was held Saturday evening Aug. 30 in Balcy's grove by the Christian Endeavor Society. Sander's Hollow Sunday school held their annual picnic Aug. 30 in Young's grove. It was well attended and enjoyed by everyone present. VERDILLA. J. S. Ileichenbach and wife of Shamokin Dam spent among friends here. Charles and Oscar Staid of Lewisburg were visiting anions: friends over Sunday. J. K. Sholly and two daughters of Tyrone spent a few days among friends here. . Lizzie Schrey spent Suoda at Selinsgrove. Quite a number from here took in the sights at Williamsgrove last week. A. I j. Aucker ot (. hulasky was here on business Saturday. J he union Sunday school picnic at Verdilla last Saturday was up to the standard. I hey had good speakers, excellent music a pala table dinner for everybody, and $82 cash in the drawer. HUMMEL'S WHARF, Mrs. Peter Klinglcr is on tne sick list. Miss Martha Schoch is visiting her sister at Newport. Miss Katie Trutt is employed at the P. S. L. Hospital at llarrisburg. Miss Katie Seeshoitz is the guest of her brother Daniel at Highspire. Philip Martin and wife of Selins grove spent Sunday at Philip Nace's. Harvey Keihecnbach and Victor Brouse of Shreiuer were visitors in this place last Saturday. Samuel Stroub and family spent Sunday with friends at Verdilla. Rev. J. Shambach preached an excellent sermon here Saturday evening. Adam Inch surprised his wife by getting her an orpan. John Seeshoitz and wife were recent visitors in town. Miss Lena Wagner of Viola, Del., is the guest of her sister Mrs. Edwin Fisher. Miss Minnie Trutt returned home after visiting friends in Danville and Cameron staton. Harrv Sassaman and wife of Kratzcrville and Mrs. Maggie Hummel of Shriner were the guests of Danial Sassaman and wife Sun day. Samuel Hazier, wife and child of Northumberland were seen in this place Sunday. The S. 8. held their picnio at Clement's park Saturday. All re port having had a pleasant time. Jame D. Wertz and wife of Selinsgrove attended the picnio and spent Sunday with Peter Bailey and wife. B OF'SHVDEI GWMTmt h. KREAMER. A. C. Smith and family visited friends in Scliusgrove. Aaron Deimer from the West is visiting his brother, John R. of this place. They madea tour through Union Co., Friday. Mrs. Felcher, Miss Welsh and Mrs. J. E. Magee attended church at Saiem Sunday morning. Grover Smith is spending the week with his aunt, Mrs. S. T. Hilbish of Selinsgrove. Alvin, sou of J. M. Maurer died Sunday morning. He was a young but faithful worker in our Sunday school. Geo. Gordner, a bridge builder on the P. and R. road, spent Sun day with his family. Mr. Hock of Shamokin spent Sunday with N. C. Gutelius'. James Deitrich of lewisburg is visiting his uncle Thomas Deitrich and family. Geo. Stuck and family from the county seat Bpeut Sunday with Win. Hummers. , John Fields and Irvin Hummel represented the Democrats of our township at the covention at Mu dleburg Monday. Geo. Hoke and family were to Sunbury Saturday. Mrs. Dirk and daughter from Union Co., are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Will Roush. GLOBE MILLS. Harry Boyer of Selinsgrove was doing business at this place Mon day. Mrs. Andrew Bowcrsox returned Friday from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Boyd's station. Ella Bitting and Clara Ijitzel returned Friday from the Granger's picnic. Thomas Landis of Ixwisbiirg visited relatives and friends the past week. The people of Glole Mills extend their most heart felt sympathy to Josiah Maurer and family ot I ream er during their sad borevement, the 1.1 .! w r dcatii ot tlieir son, Alvin. lie was well respected and will be greatly missed by his many friends. The party given Saturday in hon or of Anion lergers birthday wa well attended and a good time is re ported. Calvin Straub of Middlchurg was seen on our streets Sunday. KANTZ. Chas. Sprenk le and wife of Kriiin roy, ()., spent Sunday with C. 8, Reigle and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Millncr left Monday for Philadelphia and New York to purchase their fall stock of merchan dise and millinery. F. P. Holtzapplc and W. A. J'.rdley made a business trip to Middleburg Monday. Henry Romig and a number of friends of Freeburg have gone to Juniata to fish. C. O. Shambach and E. C. Shc niory took a long trip on their wheels last Sunday. A. picnic will be held in Forry's grove on Saturday for benefit of the Hoover's Evangelical Sunday school. R. R. Forry of Mt. Pleasant Mills passed through our town Monday. PhilpDrcese is rapidly disposing of his large peach crop. Jolly Ben Kieper with berries and 6uckcrs canvassed our little burg. Ifow'K ThliT. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an.y case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. Cheney & Co., Pnop. Toledo., O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out aDy ob ligations made by their firm. 'W est & Truax, wholesale Drugge st, Toledo, 0. Waldino, Cxnnan A Marvin, whole sale Druprgests, Toledo' O. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 75c. pr bottle. Sold bvall Drugeist. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. L"! ... a lie a . vv. iMiim nun ijiiimt a iiiim i ber of people attended the picnic al' Verdilla and . some attended the -Dreese'a picnic Saturday. J James Fisher, wife and child of ? Kantz visib-d at Jonathan Tronu's Sunday. jj Mrs. William Bub!) and child of Dalmntia, are visiting at AllH-rtjJ Schnee's at prese'it. J j Miss Maggie Rothrock s siH-ud-1 j irg several days at McClure. Miss May Arlmurist is visiting at Centrevillo' and Miflliiiliurir. it Mrs. J. N. I Iornbergcr was vis-! iting Mrs. Ellon Spotts Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Ileim is on the sick list. Jonathan Krcighlumn put a new , roof on his dwelling and hot: store.: The Freeburg r;i.-e l.sill team! played with our team Friday. Score 11-11'. A carriage load of Selinsgrove 1. .. . , , c took dinner at the 1- runout hotel Sunday. Garman & Stuck made 1700 gallons of cider last week. Apple butter boiling is ou thei' If headache 11 antt arlnu Inrflimtlnn. programme. t i iii i ... , , ooini iviioiiii.s, wiie i-iki (laugiuer of Knoustitown, visited at X . I. i ' Arl)ogast's Sunday. ,,,, , , , , , caslonal dose off and on when I feel I he dry we-Uher has prevent, . 1 ex(ra tlred , k,ep my system in per. some ot our farmers from plow ui . fect order. "MISS A. BRADY. James W. Steely came home 1 f i Mr. Fanny Klavaihu-r-hcr, of Sum week from Milllin comity to i - miuvillc, N. Y., writes u.i fullows: cruil his health under the care if "For three month I sufr.rcd witli Dr. Shipe. He is slowly inipuv ing. Under the supervision of James Treaster the delegation from Lew -town attending Lauver's picnic S. -urday was large and well conduct I. Jimmie understands handling liie I MVS. W. A. Mctilaughliu of Yeag"" town spent a few days here m.Ii his parents last week. Some parties claim there were 10.0(H) persons ou the pieuK grounds Saturday. There may have been about one-tenth the alwve nunilicr. Mrs. Lash of Lcwixtowu was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Aaron Moyer, Sunday. Mrs. T. F. Swineford, daughter and son, Roy, of McVeytown spent mdicine. when a porgativB is re n f'. w .lavs Iiim-m wiili filn.L quired Ud. snrrftinff niM ana Under dillcrcnt managers the an nual bean soup of the (J. A. R. of, McClure will be held on the 27tli of this month. Dr. Parci I of Lcw istown is expected to be present with his now goo.e story. The union jiienic of the Sunday schools of the St. John's church (Ridge) will be held on the l:5th ol this month. Kverbody is invited to be present as a good time is expect ed. SCHNEE. P. A. Troup of Mi Kees was an early seller in town Saturday inorn- The Lutheran members of the St. : John's church will celebrate the Harvest Home service next Sundav . forenoon at 10 o'clock. , Some of our people attended the Verdilla picnic last Saturday, j Quite a number of our people; attended the Stony-Run picnic Sat urday. James K. Fisher and family of Kantz were visiting his father Henry Fisher Sunday. Quite a numlx-r of our jM-ople attended the funeral of John l.eich enbach at Grubb's church. W.II. Wendt and wife W. A. Harding and W. A. Schnee were to the Granger's picnic last week. Rev. D. J. Shaller, preached in the St. John's church Sunday. B. F. Straub and son of Pallas were seen on our streets last Mon day. Simon Arliogasf, wife and child visited Wm. Arbogast Sundav at Pallas. W. Lessman, who was to Sha mokin and various other places. came home one day last week. The schools of Perry township will open Sept. 8th. J. T. Troup of Kantz is visiling his brother Elmer Troup. Josh Webthafer. of Loogootee, Ind., is a poor man. but he rhvd ho woule not bo wituout Chamberlain's pain balm if it cost live dollars a battle for it saved him from being a cripple. No extornal application i8 equal to this liniment for stiff and sw ollen joints, contracted muscles, stifl neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains. It has also cured numerous cases of partial paralysis. It is for sale by Middle burg drug store. ! NERVES GAVE WAY- PE-RU-NA CURED. MUs Asencth Itradr, Cor. Sic Illi nois Woman' Alliance, had Headache, I!m kuclio and St'douit Indigestion. Mis A. Hrady, t'rresioii(liiia Si-rre- . i'tt..l.. ....... Ill: i. uiry ijmiiiiH i uiimu b jiiiiuiiirt-, w riiiv from Zi imUan avenn., vhingo. III.: "List year from continued strain la literary work I became very much ex- j hausted, my nervet teemed to give I " 1 "unc w mjr iricnm auggvaicu inn f t n . i, J ' .1 u iim a. m.w I trtno magic on my ayatem. j 'Within ten days I felt new life and pain In the liaok ami In tin- r. irii'ti of th , kidneys, and a dull pressi: m nsttjoa i in tin1 aMomen, and other ; laiil uiis ol pelvic catarrh. " Hut after tailing two bottliv. -f Peru- na I am entirely well, hetter tli.i i J evet was." Mr. Fanny Klavadut-i-l. r. Send f'ir "Health and Heuuty," rittri uspccially for women by Dr. S. I'., i ;irb- man, rreidcnt Hartmaa SunlUiriuia, Columbuti, O. The hootbliii k may not ho a hoei&l light hut thut don't prevent Lin? from shining n society' Wnler I lire for liruiile I iiiillinllin Take two cups of hot wat-r half an hour before each meal and just before going t ) bed, also a drink of water, hot or cold, nbrut two hours after enc'a meal. Take 1 l s of ;rt door exercise walk, ride. dhvi. Many a regular habit of thin and ir many eases euronic con -tip it iou hit be CU:ed without thfi ne of an gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach Htiil Liver Tablets, ror s.uo lt Middleburg dm? store. RAILROAD DISASTER IN ALA3AM A. Excurs on Tra;n Jumped Tr !:', Kili ir.r. 30 and Injuring 81 Ctprs. Hi! in i ti ltIui iii . roini'liM; .1 cirv, incut iii -ir 1 terry, ln'. ill'' nui::-' Ala.. Si'i'i. - on a liUn Ala., yest-ri ;t i i 1 four :. While :ll.lBli- tnoni of an ina.sli rxi lifsj, n t r t in on th ii'ii way It -:i r I fmm the track over an I over Anwn the ineli:i Inn the coaches into kitnllini; wnn.l and caiisinn the instant death of :..' nor sons an 1 the injury of 81 otic i s. Physi cians say that at least Z'J i lie; ic J'li'eil raimot live. With the exception of H. M. milley, trainmaster of the Southern Kailwaj. 11 v i ii k at lliniiiiiKliatu, an 1 Itoscoe Sliellty. ff Coliimhus. Miss., all of the ilea l and injured are nefiroes, vlio had taken advantage of cxeursinii rates from points in Mississippi to Hirmlnj ham. When thp wreck occurred the train was rnnnlni; at the rate of 3' pules u hour, and had just started around l curve on top of a CO-foot pniliai.liineot. Without warning the tender of the en gine suddenly left thn trad;, jerkinif the engine and the first four cars with It. The cars, which were pie le d witb passengers, turned cotnpl. ! ly ovel si'Vi ral times ami were (msl.",! like cKKshells, killint; nnd c-ripplim; the in mates. Tim dead bodies of the ucrorfc were scKtteied in every direct inn, an OS the tnnnns :i:el appeals for help froa the woumled were h( artrendini;. Half- Sick " I first used Ayer's Sarsapnrilla in the fall of 1848. Since then I have taken it every spring n.; a blood purify i n R and xurvo strengthenins medicine." o t i vr:..u:.A -.. l If you feel run dovvT., are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then Ugin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder, si.oo a tme. ah druuti. Ask ynur iloptnr wlmt htlilnk nf AjfW SnriHrllli. Us kniiwa nil nhuut til- k-runil olil family mullelno. Follow liU lvicuiul w will be utlifled. J. C. ATM CO., Lowell, Maw.
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