OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX.V v XJOOOOOC I XXXOCXXXXCOOtXXXXXXX)0 A LARGE We Will Pan FOB SIXTY XX&-5TS, A T HE D U ( TION HALE Ysr Car Fare la To attend the Greatest Sale of Over- U 0 it t J iiiis Town Has Ever Known, 350 OvercDats at half price On a purchase of $10.00 or nunc this store will pay your car fare to Sunbury and guarantee to sell you Clothing for about the same price that a great many other stores "pay" for it. This is positively the only store in Sunbury doing a strictly cash business and we ran undersell them all. Men's $10.00 Oxford Overcoats f 0.98 Men's 8.00 Kesrey Overcoats 4.98 Hoys' 2.50 Oxford Overcoats 1:00 h r rows CRMRRiT. mm mm . 11. uuuiuiiu UUllUllllU UlUllJJ, U II 111JJ1 i, Pi Boys' :.50 Oxford Reefers 2.39 BROSI0US BROTHERS cxxcocxxk:.oooooooocxxxxxxx? ooqooooooooooooooooooooooo SHOE BARGAIN COUNTER Boys' Shoe Bon Ton Too, well made, gxd solid leather reduced from $1.25 to $1.00 Child's Button Calf, heavy Bchool shoe has a nice tip, re duced from $1.20 to $1.00. Some smaller sizes, same quality, reduced from 96o to 75c. Ladies' Empress Dougola Button, formerly $2, now $1.35. Ladies' Keystone Button reduced from $1.50 to 90c. Patent Leather Tip, 2.25 reduced to $1.80. Men's Plow Shoes from $1.00 up. Men's and Boys' Boots Boys' Boots reduced from $1.7") to Men's Boots reduced from $3.00 to $1.25 $1.75. The entire stock of Boots and Shoes are well made or' superior leather, carefully sewed and with out a blemish. They must go at reduced prices to make room for new stock. Dry Goods Good unbleached Muslin from 4o up. he hot Prints, ."c and 6c. Dress 7oods that will wear for years a large stock, low prices Warm Foot-wear We have a large stock of lumber men's socks, good heavy warm goods made of reliable materials. Pelt Boots, that wilt stand hard wear and keep out the cold. The prices are away down. BROSILS & MINIUM, Ml. Pleasant Mills, Pa. !0ME HAIR RAISERS. - Quite a great many gentlemen in Snyder County and elsewhere have tried a great many hair preparations and their hair is still thin or their heads bald. The readers of the Post will find that EUIIT'S HAIR REVIVER U a sure Hair Grower. It prevents hair falling out, remove; daudrull slops itching and restores luxuriant growth to shining scalps. It contains no poi-on and is no dye. J. J?ow Recent T ostlmonlals. Marinington, W. V., Doc. 27, 19(H). Southern Medicine Co., llarriman. Tenn,, Q.ntlemen : Mud me at once two dozen more of your I arse else boMIet ol Hcviver. The rMtllti obtained from its use aru shniily Wonderful, It certainly does all you claim for Iluntsvllle, A In, March 12,1901. (ientlonen :" Inclosed tlud I'. O. money or der for M for which send me six hottlcs of your Itcvivcr. 1 am dclightc-d with It. Knozrille, Tenn,, March U, 1901. (Ii'ntlemen : I have used lour lai-pc bottles of your Hevlver, and the hair is nearly one inch lon all over my bald spot. You may send me six bottles more. Enclosed check for 45.00. Washington. I Ot.jM.9ttb, I'Jrtl. Southern Medicine Co,. Qenttenten I fftve one-half of a bottle of your Reviver lo u lady fiieud of mine who lias brown turning gray She used it and in de llghted with II I shall send you In order soon (in, Harrlman, Tenn , Oct. llth, 1900. Southern Medicine Co., Gentlemen i I have used Kurt's Hair Kevivcr for the last 3 ' or 40 days and I think it is the host i reparation on the market. I had been troubled with dandruff for several years, a'so irritation f the scalp, but jour Kevivcr lias completely cured both the dandrurT and scalp dieeooe 1 shall etvtnlnl recommend it to my friends. Yours truly, It A. Moore. jl TB&j 3 ITS MERIT. liurt's Hair Kevivcr is put up in Half-Dollar and Dollar bottles. Send us one dollar aud we will send you by txpres prepaid one large size bottle, or six bottles tor $5. If you mention the Middlcburgh Post when you write, we will guarantee to refund the money if results are not perfectly satisfactory. FROM MONDAY DECEMBER 9, 1901 TO FEBRUARY 10 1 92 Wo will reduce our entire Wonderful Bargains of Fall and Groceries. 5 Cakes Soap, Sc.. 1 lb Oyster Crackers, 5a Coal Oil, kt gallon, 8c. Light Brown Sugar, oi lb 5c. Granulated Sugar, jut IJb 5e. A Sugar, per ll 5$C. Baking Soda, pr lb 4c. Arbockle Coffee, per lb 12c. 2 Pounds Golden Blend Coffee, 24c. Flour Sulphur, per lh 5c. Epsom Salt, per lb 6c. Shoes. Misses Shoes, 40 to 50o. Ladies' Shoes as low as 60 to 75c. Boys' Shoes, 50 to 75c. Mens' Shoes, 75c, $1.00, 1.25. Mens' Rubbers, 40c. Mens' Arties, jrt pair, $1.00. Mens' Kelts, mr pair, $1.80. Ladies' Felts, complete, $1.20 stock to and below cost. We invito every lady to come to see our Great Bargains, Winter Ooods. Below you will find some of the many bargains we will offer. Dry. Goods. Cotton Flannel, per yard, 5c. Dress (roods reduced to 15c Lancaster Ginghams, Bio. Beat Prints, jer yd, 5c Appleton A Muslin, jcr yd. 7c. Bleached Muslin, per yd, 6 and 7c. Prints go as low as 8o per vd. We have a complete line of Queens ware and Agateware, decorated Glassware, etc. Agate Wash Basins, 10c. Tin Wash Basins, 5c. Ski lets, 6 and 10c. 24 Sheets Fools Cap Paper, 5c. 24 Sheets Paper, 24 Envelopes for 8c. 5 Dozen Clothes Pins for 5c. Clocks, 8 day ami Alarm, $2.25. Toilet Sets, per set, 2.50. Fine Umbrellas, 40c each. Notions. Saxony Ynrn, per hank, 7c. Mens' Fleeced Underwear, 20 and 40c. P.) Hats and Caps as low as 10c. Mens' Caps as low as 20c. Mens' Plush Caps, 40c. Mens' Mittens, 12c. Mens' Gloved, 22c. Bed Blankets, per pair. Fascinators as low as 10c. Ladies' Mitteus, 10ft Mens' 1 leavy Over Shirts, 40c. The ohove named articles are ouly a few of the bargains in a large stock we have to select from, it will jwy you to make a special effort to attend this sale. Come and bring your family. Remerober.bargain prices are good between above dates and for cash or produce only. We will give a handsome present to every customer who buys 25 cents worth or more on Satih-day, Dec 21, 1901. A Fine Assortment of Holiday Goods B. H. CUSTER, - SWINEFORD, PA. Harding Bargain Counter When you want to get a neat and serviceable cloth for a Dress, 1 will give you u better quality of goods for the money than any other dealers. If any one offers you cloth for less money, it must lie inferior to the quality I sell. 20 cent Dress Gods now selling for only 15 cents. Bargains In shoes. Men's Split , Double Sole Shoes reduced to 00 cents. Boys' Fine Caps reduced from 50c to 10c. LADIES' WARM FOOTWEAR at bottom prices. I always pay highest-prices for produce. Ladies' and Misses' Rubbers reduced to 25c a pair. Men's Rublxrs reduced to 50c a pair while they last. HENRY HARDING, SCHNEE, PA. 11.21-41. SOUTHERN MEDICINE CO., Harrlman, Tenn. PREPARE FOR WINTER We have a nice line of Winter Stock, MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS, MEN'S AND P.OYS' OVER COATS, FULL LINE OF UNDERWEAR, HATS; CAPS AND UNDER WEAR. You are cordially invited to examine oar excellent stock, whether you buy or not. Our stock is all marked in plain figures, and you can see all prices for yourself. We have strictly one-price to all. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same I remain Kesp'y. WOU.PREEiDMAN, 318 East Market St., Sunbury, Pa, 6L0BE WAREHOUSE Keep These Truths in Mind: We sell exactly as weadvertise. We are never "just out w ea one asks for an advertised article. Further more, we do not "color" onr advertisements. We simply tell the plain fact ; we claim our prices are lower than all otbers; we claim that our variety cannot be matched in Sunbury. Expensive experience elsewhere will convince you that we bardly claim too much. Ladies' Oxford Raglans The most successful garment of the season. Yoke back and front, bell sleeves with culls; in medium gray and oxford real value, 420; our price, $17.50. Ladies' Raglans Jn Oxford, Gray and Castor Meiton, half fitted lack, full velvet collar and a big seller at $10. Ladies' Coats 27 inches long All wool Kersey Uoats, in BWc!r, Tan and Castor, lined with satin; the new style collars and cuds. Regular price, $12.50; our price, $10. Automobile Coats 42 inches long Mke of Kersey, Tan, Castor and Black, half tight-fitting back, with box front, elaborately stitched, satin lined. Real value, $15; our price, $13.50. Misses' and Children's Coats Misses' good quality Kersey Cloth, all newest shades, sold else where for $7.50; our price, $5. Girls' All-wool Box Coats Long and short, turn-over cuffs, notch collars, doubled breasted. Real value, $7.50; our price, $5. Ladies' Suits and Walking Skirts Iddies' Tailored Suite, Venetians or Serges, fly-buttoned or tight fitting Coats; romain lined, new flare skirts, percalinc lined, worth $11.50; our price, $10. Ladies' Walking Skirts Iu Medium Gray, Black and Oxford, at $3.25, $4, $4.50. $5, 85.75 to 10. Fine Table Linens TIME TO GET READY FOR THANKSGIVING. 62-inch Bleached Table Linen, our price, 50c per yard 70-inch Bleached Table Linen, our price, 75c per yard 70-inch Bleached Table Linen, our price, 98c jjer yard 7-iDCh iileaclied table Linen, our nrin 1.25 nor van! , j , -t r - GLOLE WAREHOUSE, V43 Market St., SUNBURY, PENNA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers