3 k &MmiUlll, ' Envelopes id ml Senator .earn""11' rd. L anJ 'et rothersl rget r. ,ENSE .od fail mnst CO . have ' bi ain. anot' another will not nart oi . eveu odyourl r .T A is destru oepsia r apPo: a hV I I iens admin 0 ew dossfl the ii as the ...nt ft -l rv ft iedieH at Itorc We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price will do it. Samples and prices (or the ask ing. We furnish them printed (or less than you can buy them without printing. i . i -mmmmmp j M l fit. W. Wageaaeller, Mi tor aad Proprietor. VOL. XXX V III For Bale. A good second-baud bi cycle, apply at this office. tf. Bwtfiiors Bros. Seix Chothinu Cheapkrtiiax any Stork in Sun- BUBY. Walnuts wanted I want 10C0 bushels of walnuts and am willing to pay 40 cent a bushel. ' II A KI.KS B()YER, tf. Paxtonvllle, Pn. Bkosioih Bros. Skli, Clothimi Cheaper than any Store in Sun- BURY. Dried AVFUM wanted I want five or aiz tons of dried apples and ani willing to pay 6 cents a pound. Charj.es Boyer, tf. Paxtonvllle, Pa. (Jultea number of new houses are be ing erected in Franklin. Still more ought to be put up. Quite a number of additional families would move here if I louses could be rented. Now is the time to aether up decay ing vegetable matter and all manner of garbage on the premises and destroy inch before the frosts of winter set in The health of your family and your family depends largely upon clean liness. Call on A. E. Soles in his new shav ing and hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned with a refreshing sham poo aud a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market square op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed, tf. Bhosious Bros. Sell Clothing Cheaper than any Store in Sun bury. They abb baby. If your liver feels good, you feel good. McNalr's Stomach and Liver Pills tones the atouaeh, re gulates the Hvr, maJto iirwftv log. Best ptt1, 26c gets them postpaid. Try them. West Sidb Pharmacy- Co., 10-24-lOt Batavia, ins. The Post learns with regret that Ex Commissioner A. A. Bomlg has been akk for six weeks at his home near Lowell. His corpulent form has been reduced to a mere skeleton. Mr. Romig is well known to almost everybody in I the county and his many friends hope that he may soon recover nis woutea health. Five vears ago rural free delivery of iinails was an experiment in which few faith. To-day it is a proved suo- i, and is advancing so rapidly that new routes have been established ip naat four months. Best of all it lids up its own business as it goes g, so that the Increased postage ob- through its influence virtually iys its expenses. Authorities predict that this will be winter of epidemic diseases, and It hooves people everywhere to observe laws of health in every detail. First aanUerv conditions of the premises Hooking after and all vegetable ter and germ producing filth des- ived. Exnosure to cold from Insuffl- it doth inn or sudden changes should s avoided, and every precaution taken the use of oroper diet Epidemics ice started in a community will find Ictlms among those who are negli it In these particulars. Look well r the cleanliness of the home and condition of the system of the ln- n. and you will fortify yourself a- mt many of the ills to which human 1 Is heir. At the last session of the Legislature law was passed and promptly signed Governor, making appropria- i8 for the next two years, of $ 1.50 week to each student in the State 'ormal Schools of Pennsylvania, who seventeen years of age, and who te teach in the public schools of Bute for two years or longer. It is ier provided that this is to pay the n in full of said student In the schools. The law Is now in tlon and the students are now re- iff its benefits. This completely finally brings the normal schools line with the other public schools ie state, of which they have long recognised by law as a part It, reouras,! greatly reduces the cost to who attend the normal schools to for teaching, as they are ra ti to pay only for board and todg ln addition to the small coat of iand stationery. The total cost these expanses Is very small Cor advantages afforded. ! ... . , ' '-aaaMataaiBaaa,..iii..,......M.M The Pout extends a cordial welcome to the teachers who are making then home in town this week. Do not foroet to e-ive thanks. This is the day set apart for that purpose. This Mo a legal holiday the First The missionary thank-offering meet ing, oh account of rain, was postponed to next Sunday evening. M. Milner of Kanti is in Philadelphia this week buying in a supply of Win ter stock and holiday novelties. The family of Rev. Wm. K. Dlehl of Nlttany will arrive In this place this week. Church services will begin next Sunday in the Lutheran church. Our stock of Winter Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods and Holsery Is comple at rock bottom prices. We also have a full line of family medicines. A. 8. Sechrist, Verdllla, ra. THANKSGIVING TURKEY. Sometimes the hills are white with snow; Sometimes the fields are brown and bare : And flocks of sombre-coated crows Fly through the soft snd hazy air. But, be there wind, or rain or shine, Or mist snd mud, or sleet and hall, Thanksgiving turkey's always fine ; 'Tie never known the aay to ran. Though other birds have sweeter note And grayer hue of feather. The turkey always gets my vote He comes, whato'er the weather ! Marion Hull Stevens (age H), In St Nicholas. SPECIAL OPFEK. One dollar paid during December by a new subscriber will pay for the Post to Jan. 1, 1903. Send along your dol lars. That open hand is still appealing to thm who have lour bills. Some one in thto class had the nerve to ask us to discontinue the paper. If you want to discontinue your paper, send the am't due first It looks more like buslneai AN APOLOGY. The Post owes an apology to Its readers for the insertion the lest two .wk. nt the advertisement o f a syringe. The syringe is all right hut the matter puDiunea snouia nave oeen edited for our purpose, wherein we were at fault With the most careful watch- ins on the nart of the editor, some things will slip io to print at times, that should not find a place in a ret- ,uu,iohln nflwaraiuT. It la our over sight and we regret it very much and we trust the readers will pardon our shortcomings in this regard, promising to be more careful in the future. TO CURE A COLD IB OWE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cur. E. W. Grove's signature ia on each box. zoc. u. Brosious Bros. Sau. CuothInq Cheaper than any Stobk nt Bun- buby. A Family joaraal, Devoted to Newt, Science, MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. NOV. 28 rgTPSYj. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. W&ifcrwif The uU AmmI Convention of Snvdcr Coun- PgNEPERSLSg , i. sml.. Thi. Week. H. H. Grimm, Esq., was to McClure Mrs. Abel Winey of Beavertowii was a Middleburg visitor last Thursdsy. Allen W. Peter of Mlddlecreek spent Wednesday of lift week at the county seat. M. L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove was a Middleburg visitor one day last week. Banks W. Voder has fifteen men at work In the woods near Beavertown getting out lumber. Misses Lottie and Bertha Crouse and Mazle Beaver spentseverul days in Hun. bury during the past week. Mrs. W. F. Feeae and son, Earl, of Beavertown are visiting her parents, E. K. Freyman and wife. Samuel Bickhart of Pallas was at the county seat Wednesday of uut week and made a pleasant cull this olHce. C. S. Spriggle, one of the Republican committeemen of West Perry town- snip, was at the county scat Friday. Mrs. W. H. Smith of Erie sold her house and lot adjoining the Planing Mill to the Dunkelberger family. James Bowersox and Leroy Stetler, who spent Sunday at home left Mon day morning for Lewistown to work at some buildings. Hon. A. M. Smith and W. E. Htahl necker were in tbe village Monday evening. It Is said the Doctor is a full fledged candidate for Congress and will make a strong fight both for tbe coun ty and the district nomination. Register and Recorder John H. Wil lis, Carbon Seebold and the editor of the Post of this place, Dr. J. F. Kana well of Pen use reek and W. E. Stahl necker of Beaver SpringB attended the monthly meeting of 32d degree masons at Bloomsburg last week. Letter to Harrison floyer, MlDDLEUUROH, PA. Dear Sir: Porterhouse, so much; neck, so much; all the way between. Just so with paint Devoe lead and and sine Is the porterhouse. Nobody wants the neck; the between, some one says, is good enough for them. But Devoe costs less, not more, than between. Lead and oil is between; it is the old-fashioned paint But cine comes In. sine toughens white lead. Devoe lead and sine is the paint If you paint in three years, you do it for looks. Devoe does not wear out in three years. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe A Co. SfM tata Com mm We esT mm CM Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets ours a cold In aday. No cure, no pay. Price 86 cents. tf. Art, Political Ecoaoay .nd Csrrt Lherat.re. The 44ta Asaaal Convention of Snyder Coun ty la Seooloa Thia Week. The Usual number of teachers are in. Ml(WWw this week, institute open ed MonVay at 11 A. M. and organised ex-offlciOrT rreteCS Secretary, Wm. Zimmerman, T. A. Stetler. The sessions of Institute were fixed for 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. Re porters for the county papers were ap pointed. Miss Ida O. Stahl was ap pointed for the Post. MONDAY A FT KK NOON Mrs.. T. B, Noes, of the Callfornln Htat Normal School, spoke on "Aids in teaching Ooegraphv." Sheisavery ready and able speaker and master. "How Not to Teach LltaMatutC'' was the subject discussed by Prof. B. A. Heydnclt, chair or English Literat ure, MiUeraville S. N. School. The profes sor thoroughly understands nls line of work aud gave many valuable sugges tions. Prof. R. M. McNeal. Lock Haven Normal School, in his able and efficient manner, gave an able discourse on "Teaching to Meet with Success." TUESDAY EVENING MARCH. Medal of Honor J. O.Casey, Middleburg Orchestra. OVERTURE, THE Bridal Rose-C. Larallee, Middleburg Orchestra. ORATION, The Principle of American Equality, A. R. Gilbert. ORATION, Our Public School System, G. W. Walborn. ORATION, The Shaklng-Up Process, P. G. Shelly. SOLO, The Silent Night is Sleeping- H. Buck, Mary 8. Hilbish. ORATION, Practical Education, C. R. Klose. 0 OBATION. Spirit of the Modern School, E. E. Wetzel. TROMBONE SOLO, The Holy L'lty Stephen Adams, C. Stetler. ORATION, American Schools, R. F. Smith. ORATION, What Should lie the Am erican Teacher's Mission? T. A. Stetler. ORATION, A Living Vice of Barbar ism, Geo. F. Dunkelberger. MA HCH, Century Manual Louis A. Leswee, Middleburg Orchestra. TUESDAY EVENING. Devotional exercisrs by Rev. H. H. Spah n. Prof. Heydrick gave a splendid and exhaustive talk on "The Place of the Newspaper." The new.Hpa.per is the popular educator and is one of the mo dern American wonders. Prof. McNeal spoke m the subject "Attention." He showed how best to secure the attention of all. Mrs. Noes save a very able, instruc tive and interesting talk on the Nicar augua Canal. Adjourned. (To be Continued next week. ) Ida G. Stahl, Reporter. I I By buying anti-trust matches in large quantities direct from the manu facturer, we are giving our customers the benefit and are selling 2400 perfect water proof matches for 12c. They all wonder how how we do it but we get them Just the same. A. 8. Sechrist, 11-28-2L . Verdllla, Pa. 1901 Who Remembers Michael Hounh The editor of the Post is in receipt of tbe letter we publish Mow making nquirles concerning some ancestors. io effort has been made to preserve any genealogical date of this county prior to the publication of the book on "Snyder County Marriages" and the uue . ruining the "Tomlistone In wrlptlom at Huder County." The first imiued book is now on sale at UilH office and the latter will lie ready, we hoje, early next year. It is very dif- i . "v one to secure records of eurly settlers anu assist the future generutionVVfW, ' J iug data shouid have copies of euub of iln-M-1 looks. Itead the Inquiry below aiui iij one knowing anything ton" owning the parsOQl wil) oblige us by sending to the POST for publication. Lena, Illinois. Nov. 11, 1901, G. VV. WAOBNSELLBR, Middleburg, IV Dear Kir : Being referred to you by the Librarian of Congress In regard to Snyder County records I write to ask you concerning some of my an cestors. I wish to find the records of the an cestors of Michael Itoush who moved from Madison burg. Centre Co., I'a., in 184!. Also of his wife, Eva Breau or Breou (Bryan) whose father, George B.', was in the Revolutionary War. Her mother's name was Mary Hiuely, who, 1 have heard, was of English des cent. What information I have received from relatives has been very vague. They say the family (itoush) lived in Snyder county before (Miming to Centre county, which must have been in the early part of the nineteenth century. Have the complete Itev. War record of Geo. Itoush who was bom in 1790) but cannot find his relationship to Mi chael. Thanking you in advance for the favor of a reply and telling me your charges, I am, Very sincerely, Jkshie E. Roubh. Quarterly Conference. The fourth quarterly conference, for the present year; of Middleburg charge, IJ. Ev. church, will meet in the Pax tonvllle church, Saturday. Nov. !M), at 2 o'clock P. M., at which all the offi cial members should be present to elect officers to fill important positions the ensuing year. The Lord's Supper will be administered as follows : Paxtonvllle, Saturday, at m P. M. Middleburg, Sunday, at 10:00 A. M. Kreamer, Sunday, at 7:00 P. M. The presiding elder, 8. P. Remer, of Lewlsburg, will nil the appointments. J. Shambach, Pastor. Sine mm UrlaioHotg Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. 11-21-ly. i MARRIED. . Nov. 21st at Middleburg. by Rev. J. Shambach, William W. Brunner add Miss Elva J. Hartman, both of Centre- vllle, Pa. Ratee: Oao-DotW Per Aaaon, la Adriaa NUMBER 47 HERBERT BUTLER. The Violinist, atricolo Concert Company. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. Great closing-out sale of clothing and gents' furnishing goods will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23rd. I90L Our entire stock musl he sold out In about 00 days on account of nulttlna1 business. Don't fail to come if you want to bay bargains. Tbe entire stock Will be sold at about half price. Here are n few price, Men's 5.00 Snit at 0 i.ir Men's 7.M Suite al 4.M Men's KUHI Suits Ht li.iO Men's $ 5 00 Overcoats at $.1.2.-1 Meit's 7 60 Overcoats at 4.60 Metk'H 10.00 Overcoats at &60 All our 60c and 76o Shirts at 3Hc All oor 50c and 75c Underwear at 38c Indies' 15c Hose at 0c Children's 6e Hose at Rc Every thing iM reduced at about 4 price. Don t fail to come, rememlier we n. 'leaiitg town in about 60 days. E. Katz, nasfl UM'onrt Home. Middleburg, Pa. HI C K.N hi. L bNIUKSITV. Tvaahers' State Certificates were re- mtly granted to four graduates of the HUttkiwH t Ilege of Liberal Arts. Lincoln Hilley, OU d , .a an of History, aud Uisa Juliet A ikon, In- struetor on tbe Piano, of the Bueknell ajfllUDl of Music, have been made in- . w. r Pennsylvania vnau Uuua at Mt. Cretna The following Bueknell men wor cjtusen sudges iii PennsTlvaptfi M recent eiectlbn i tirtn. Harold Murray Met 'Inn, President Judge, t7th dis trict; Hon. Voris Anion, AswN'iate Law Judge', Htb district; Hon. Andrew H. Kieas, Orphans' Court, 11th district The new physical laUiratnry Is under roof. It will furnish two laboratory rooms, one forty by forty feet and the other twenty by fifty. The larger room or the basement will be used for Uiilers from which all the twelve buildings of the institution will be wanned. The boilers are now in place and the con nections will soon be made. The smaller room, twenty by fifty, will la used for electric lightning. Work up on this will bs begun as soon as the steam work is completed. When the steam connections have been made, facilities for bathing will be Introduced Into the Main College, the West College, and the Academy. The facilities now in the gymnasium will be retained and improved. THE DEATH LIST. Nov. 16th, at Selinsgrove, Z. 8. Keely, aged 75 years, 0 mow. and H da. Nov. 10th, at Bannerville, Emma Jane, wife of Sin ion H. Oldt, aged 38 years, 10 months and 17 days. Nov. 15th, at McClure, Mary J. E., wife of J. Calvin Goss, aged 27 years, 11 months and 16 days. Nov. 13, In West Beaver township, Michael 8., son of John and Ann Wei and, aged 63 years, 1 month and 2 da. Nov. 16, at Beaver Springs, Isaac Gets, a veteran of the Civil War. Nov. 13, at McClure, Walter, son of Hurley and Bessie Wsgner, of diph theria, aged 4 years. At White Top, Margaret Rachel, daughter of Geo. H. and Augtline Reich, aged 2 years, 2 months and 4 da. Interment at Globe Mills, Nov. 15th, Rev. Suable officiating. Nov. 16, near Fremont Ellas Miller, Co. C. J 17 P. V. t, aged 57 yrs., 7 mos and 10 days. Nov. 11, at Selinsgrove, Herst Fred eriek, aged about 5 years. Nov. 16, in Perry township, Mary Ellen Spotts, nee Minium, aged 33 yrs, 9 months and 19 days aac.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers