4 in J5f I mi Ihlo.'i jMol Mi.-ED didn't 1 asked id Plain and you ime last ou ased ion yo ily, wa ung W go Trib- k. jro have 1. "Hit 1 Bitters, d unt Id na of III mach and nine lent of k od. t heartily da." Appetitf ty trourjii tive. 8 Ciddlebui an Al CO. SamPsell aer, his the or the next I iK about thl t vau aauUI u J ant to know ir; I hW enter, that IRACCOSPf id SMOKl lurLlfeawayJ nf Inlom lisifllt manage, t"'1 S 'T Tka aVaaaailasaakB 1L I m. .1... l hJL i. t . I The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. Ike Discoverer cf Swamp-Root at Work la j IB! Lrr-ir,l--mrLji-a55r';Wr--Wfej W I His Ixtcratory. j of such laws, as they are simply relics There is a disease prevailing in this -if barbarism, and tend to promote Iff- tSSiSZTSZSTt rr the mind, it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure people. Let us have laws pro- or apoplexy are often the result of kidney villi"K for ample air space about hos disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to id- pifals, for extensive law ns and bcauti vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack ( fl,i trees; let us have laws covering the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves ' ,. ' , " ., wxsi break down and waste away cell by cell. I . construction uf 'e buildings and Then the richness of the blood the albumen ' Imposing proper administration meth- leaks out and the sufferer has Eright's , oiis; but let us repeal laws that sav a PlOnn .1,,. - ' 1 f 1.1 J . 1 I - n. i-n c ti . .l j. 1 . ramum a .'n.iiiii.uiu me new ais- i coverv is the truo snrio fnr Hn.u H i, and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Drilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. Sunbury & Lewistown Division. In effect March 18, liXH). TKTWAItl. P M AM STATIONH. I KAHTWAHir liu oo in 10 10 ir 10 i 10 i 10 2H 10 31 loan 10 47 111 bi 158 HUH 11 l II 18 II -Jl 111 27 ,11 K A H r M Sunbury V JOi 3 IK) KeHmxrovu Junction (OH, 4 SO svlhmirrovr I Mi 4 1'. Bawling 8 5.1 4 3S K reamer M IS 4 SI Meiaer 8 V) 4 IM lliibllcburg 8 40 4 2 Banter 8:t4 4 i Itoavertown M -At 4 07 AilauiHlxirK H J0 4 n'2 ,,,,1... Mill.. 111 U -IK ..noire .in n i.j o DU i Met lure 8 HT S 4'J ! Wageer 7 S7 3 : Sluiidl.- 7 54 3 .'Ml VnintervilU 7 40 3 30 Haitland 7 43 s .' I lji...n TIM 318 IttTILssrlstown (Main Htreel. !73 8 13 1140' tmrlstown Junction. id 3 10 rain leaves Sunbury 6 .'10 r m, ar- riven nt Seluistrrovn 5 45 n tn Leaves SelitiHtfrovel:00 p. m., arrives at Banbury b.ir p. m. fi-nlna leave Lewistown Junction : M a m, 10 13 n in. 1 10 n m,l3Hp in 5 ap in. 7 07p , r.-m h m ior aiiooii.i, i-ittfiiurit nnn ino went. Kor Haltlmnre nmi Washinvton Sift am 30, Hi. 1 SS 4 S3 8 in , K..rlhilil-hlo. Nnw ? h' i V ?m' .. liwprin m Kor HarrUtiuiK 8 10 i Philadelphia & Ene R R Division AND NOIITHKKN CENTKAI. KA1LWAY VVESTWAKD, Train Iinvo S'lt isrove Junction dally tor anbury and West. van ui, in, i m.--nmiuaj a m, p III. Ids leave Sunbury itnlly exooiit Sunday: :3 a m tor llulT ilo.l Ji a m for Erie and ('an- Idafaraa 111 am for Hollelnntn r.rle nnd (;ananlulitua fcam for Loek Haven, Tyrone and tbe wesi. 1)4 for Humuo, l in p in tor Koiietunte Kane '.tone and Canacdiiiiiua Sp in lor kenovo and blinlra ti p m lor wiliiuinspoit nday liii m for buffalo via Emporium, I a m for B'te, 5 iu a m tor Erie and Onnan- kus 8 63 p ui lur i turn for l.ocn llnvoii and uiport am, 9 IB a m 2 00 and 5 48 pin lor wnuon- M and Hanelton r n in . lo 10 a m . 'i 59 p ui . .' I ". p in Inr Stiamo- land mount i;iirm'i uuday V 65 a m tor Wllke'biirre AD & W AJWi rnlns leave Sclinngrove Junction lOO a in, dally arriving at Hliil uU'lplil.i Ip New York 5 H p Haltlinoro 3 II p ui liliiKton 4 IS p in I u in daily arm hie ai I'liiiiuiiiipnui In m New York 3 58 a ui, Ilalliiuuro 9 13 p in ililnirtou 10 56 p m. ip in, uaily ;i rrivu.it at I'liiimiRipnia i in. New York 713 a in. Hiiltliiioro '.'3D a in IliiiiKton 4 Oft a re ; ra'iis sipu leave unniiry : a ro dally arrlvinit at I'hiladeldhla A .vi a m llinnre7S0 a m Washii'Kton 830 am New hiUidi Weekday. 10 38 a m SundayH, daily arm ing at Philadelphia 7 l IS ' York 9 33 u in, 10 38 Sundays Uulkl- t ; . ' a in, w;asiii)Kton 830 a m. uaitiuiore Id n Wasliliurton I 16 P in. a p u. weak day arrlviDK at Philadelphia li'in.r w York 9 :J0 p m, Haiti more 6 00 p in pklnatoi 7 is p in m daliy, arriving at. Hhlladolplila 7 3i p in I vora io p ui, uainmon 7 30 p m, wasn- on 8 35 p in litis also leave Miniuiry at mi a in anu o -a 31 p in, lor HiirrlaliurK, rniladelplila an I tuiora I. K. Wi 11 m, Ocii'l Kasa Airoiit IMUTCHINSIIN Hen'l Mauniror. IICHESTER'S ENGLISH tNNYROYAL PILLS Always rellnhle. Ladle, ask Iirucslut fin insn iis :;. isil In Krd and UH'tiillii: Ihix.-h. si'uIlhI with blue ribbon. ' no oilier. KcfUMe dnnicrrctuH uball- "inil Imllallctna. HiiyoryourliruKi;ist, 1 4c. Ill stump for Particular. Tcatl- aim '- lei lur l.ndlr. ' li Irtlir, a Mall. IO.OOO TeMlmoniHlH. Hull! bv UKKista. ORIOHESTER CHEMIOAt. OO. iladlavn Mquarc, I'll 1 1. A., PA. Mvatloa lata DDr. 1 want PUitK WHI8KEK direct from the y, write The llayner UiHtilluuf o , Ihiy- lo, who ai - uppl) inft four full (iinriHot fs hoven-Year-Old Ityc for li.'JO, eiprcaa 0. L,.: WENS- AT TO It E - A 1 .1 AM' :'IALITV: TVROKE, Pa. Collect tuns and Beports, !Beea, First National Hani'. Mtafhe iHepresonted : Bellweod, Altcona, lloltl Ujatlugdon and Uelletonte 8-8-1) r Fenner's uraa,woui a TRt'i aricinti u all litTHadacho nutoooll Tooth- atcetc. r. The safest place to be sick is In a well administered hospital. It does Uood Word for necessarily fol low, but it is gen- City Hoapitale. trull true, that as i rafe a location as can be selected in j any city is one iu the neighborhood of ' U CllOtl hflRllltri! It t u l..,1; cue. lhis was not always so. There was a time when hospitals, beinj? bad ly administered, were centers of infec tion aud tin re fore undesirable neigh- bors. That time hat long since passed. It has left its mark, however, upon the laws of some states where t he loca t ion of hospitals in certain portions of cities is prohibited. It would seem that ,he time had come for the repeal " ' ' s"uii not eist ill the verv quarter of a city Where it can do its best work in giving health anil happi ness to the common people. It would only be fair retaliation upon the heart less rich who attempt to prevent the construction of good hospitals, in cer tain residence localities, if the prop erty in question should be covered at once with little tenements, each with its own garden and liack yard. The children at the poor would tim- gel some benefit from fresh air and good surroundings, and in another sense it would still 1h hospital work in the prevention of sickness but hospital Work which neither the law nor the courts could prevent. lr. Jay W. Beaver, a physical di rector in the Yule gymnasiam, re- Crooked-Daeked College Men. portH as the result of observations up on nunc than lb.- 000 college Students that curvature of tin- spine is the most common physical defect union,' educated men. in every thousand fresh men who cuter Vale, for Instance, 5ii have spinal curvature sufficiently developed to be considered deformity. Studious youth prone to Umg bending over books furnish mine than their proportion of the afflicted, while of athletes only 10 per thousand are thus deformed. Kxccnt i:tYMimnblv the most pronounced caais, curv Bture of the spine may be cured or lessened by a prescribed course of ex ercises, and by similar mean, it may be prevented. These observations allow that in the wisest Scheme of ed ucation it. is as necessary to urge studious boys to take exercise as it is to urge play-loving boys to devote ome of their time to study. Hut in how many schools is this done?" The government's July crop report Confirms the favorable estimates of the wheat crop embodied iu the June report. Th condition both of winter and spring wheat improved during the month, aud for both combined reached 91.1, as against O'J.8 on July 1, 1U00. These returns give promise of the largest wheat harvest ever known. The acreage of corn is less than last year, and the condition of the crop less forward. Intense heat, long con tinued, has affected corn Injuriously in some sections sinee these returns were collected; but corn is a t-rop which endures a good deal of heat without damage, and the injury from this cause may have been exaggerated for speculative reasons. Gradually the government is doing away with the distribution of rations to Indians. In five years the system will be practically abolished. There are now in the United States 208,000 Indians. Of this number 43,230 draw rations regularly, while 12,000 more are provided for at various times when they are unable to work or do not feel like it. In the latter class are included most of t ho Indians who have grown old and have been de serted by their young relatives. In Abilene, Kan., there is ,1 woman who has not been down in the busi ness part of town for more thun 0 years. She lias never seen either of the railroad depots or a train come in. The Presbyterian church of the town is more than 10 years old, but she has never seen it. She is not an invalid or blind, but only u home body, who makes the limits of her yard the liiuiis of her world. A machine that will do the work of HO expert mathematicians is being constructed by the government in its oientifio instrument shop on Capitol Hill, in Washington. It is to be an Improvement on nn instrument in use iu the bureau of the coast survey, which has charge of calculating the tides. ''.Ve sell more expensive pocket dt rrles In Jnly than we do at New Yi ar,M said a clerk in a clothing store. "When men put on skeleton suits for summer wear and have to get along with only one or two pockets they lose their diaries as easily as they do pencils and pocket ha nil kerchiefs." It is claimed that the two Dakota and Minnesota atone will harvest this year between 185,000,000 and 200,000, 00 bushels of wheat, as against 100, 00,000 Uit year. : paced two bad men Chicago Highwaymen Foiled Ycung Woman's Pluck. by How Mr. Willis Saved an In knows Ham's I'rot.rrty and I'oaalblr Ilia Life Would Not llrir.nl I uder ttatti l ire. Bravely defying the revolver and ihrcats of a footpad, Mrs. Hessle Will '.is, of 34 I.aflin street, Chicago, pre vented a highway robbery and saved for a man waom she docs not know his valuables and possibly his life. At about 11 o'clock Mrs. Willis was standing at her door saying good night to some friends who had been spending the evening with her. While they were talking in the doorway a man who later reported his name to the police as K. c. Fowler, 40:1 West Adams street, passed along the west aide of Laflin street, closely followed by two other men. As Mr. Fowler reached the alley between Monroe and Adams streets, the two men stopped him. The parly on the steps aoross the street, at lirst suspected that it' was a case of robbery, but as there was no struggle and no out cries the robbery idea was abandoned. The three men soon separated, Mr. Fowler continuing qn his way to wards Adams street, the thieves re turning to Monroe street, where they stopped nt the corner to await W. J. Dowling, of 427 Folk street, who was walking along the south side of Mon roe street. Howling was stopped and the robbers at once began to go through his pockets. This time there could br no mis take, and the friends of Mrs. Willis, crying: "(), it's a holdup," ran into the house. Mrs. Willis, however, stepped out into the street and called out: "Let that man alone," and then sent up loud calls for the police. "Shut up there," shouted back one of the robbers. Mrs. Willis continued her cries for help, and the fellow then and there shouted: "I'll blow your head nil." The friends of Mrs. Willis, who could see the flash of steel in the robber's hand, implored "LET THAT MAN ALONE!" her to stop calling for help and come into the house. Hut the plucky wom an refused to do anything of the sort, and one of the robbers, leaving his companion to struggle with the man they were trying to rob, rau across the street toward her. When at a distance of about 20 feet the robber tired, the bullet passing close byalrs. Willis' head. Even then Mrs. Willis refused to step back, and the robber was advancing to try a sec ond shot when Mrs. Willis' friends pulled her inside nnd slammed the front door. The woman's cries had the desired effect, however, for hearing footsteps coining on the run down the street, the two robbers took tlight, running west to Monroe street. "There was not much to it," said Mrs. Willis when congratulated on her pluck. "1 did not want to see them rob that man if I could help it. They called to me to 'hush up' and I wouldn't 'hush up.' Then one of them ran toward me, and 1 do not think that he was over 20 feet away when he fired. I don't know where the bullet struck, but I could hear it sing, and it was not far away. 1 think he would have hit me the next time, as he was getting ready to lire again nnd I had no In tention of going inside. I had no choice about that, however, as my friends just hauled me through the door. 1 don't know who the man was, but the robbers did not get any thing, so he told the policeman. He had just bought n new watch two days before. I heard him saying that. If those men had been holding up anybody I knew or cared about 1 think I would have gone I ht over to help him." Mrs. Willis is 2 vcars old and of such modest manner, says the Chicago Tribune, that only her flashing eyes suggest the pluck she has shown. Four years ago a village youth and his sweetheart visiting a Michigan town noticed a furniture dealer's ad vertisement offering a drawing-room suite to any couple that consented to be married publicly in his shop. They secured the suite. Going on their wed ding trip to an Ohio town they noticed a similar advertisement there and re peated the performance. Then the idea struck the husband that he might arrange these matters himself, and in two weeks he had persuaded six deal ers in various towns to emulate the others. Nominally the couple won a specified prize at each place, but they really received a cash consideration arranged beforehand. So it has gone on ever since. The couple now claims to have been married 900 tiaaes. ff WILLIAM VcUMLBT-' Ills Un ,M UIIKK. I Y ;k! CsAauM 11 oaosvraiuk 1 he laic Presided ' lifelong comrade to war. col lean ue Iu ' oni;re and champion in IIouhc nl K-p' scn'ntiic: wan near tlie I'reiddeM' Ma with t Ibar (real men a hen hi eye were I'linnl in diath. Followed hia reitm'ii to Na tional Capitol and lo Canton, M IIHona of oopira will he nold. Sa Vs tpreaiiiiiK lie Ore la dry ntuhtilr: men and women takina; II to ro otdon dally, It is tlie official I ook KaloKiea from Governors. Senators. editoriaW Irom ti r e a I daillea I ,at ami dytim word of world's Krent men hut none soKruml a MeKiniey's -"I I IS litiD's WAV," uontalni photogravura of last photograph of President ever taken. ToU can easily and quickly clear t'.'.l 00, The Gen- ernt rcullirc that slutm uf nn, Ih ,,r - nl.- nl every look aoidahall bsdnnatad ton Mckinley j Monument Fund. Thus every suhscriher to thin book becomes a contriluitor to tic- fniul. Kverybodv will luiy it: onler for the ahkinit; no one will r fu.. Scinl 1-.' l.' eent atampa for tOjlMI prospectus; 10o.lh.ti copies will lie lolll in till v'ci'.ity quick: wideawake b Balneal msn or woman of some noaai Dan make a fortune iiiick by uctlltiK sole control of a Slate Address, THB OONTINSNTAL A88BMBLT, Coreofaa Bldg , Opp, l' 8 Treasury, tl-T-lm. Waahlrigton, C, 1. l'nlnla of Ideal Bafp, To make our sheep as ideal as possi ble, it is necessary that, in conjunc tion with the close study of breed quality, We must adhere to our mean ing of breed type. It is not only nec essary to saleet a crrtain breed be cause it has a reputation for some de sirable characteristic, but we inut tee to it that the breed type is clearly shown. When the sheep shows tin type of the breed which it represents, then it is the beat guarantee for roe- potency iu breeding. This js B char acteristic of our ideal skeep.- r'arm j eiV Review, No one can reasonably bopn for good health unless bis bowels move once each day, Wbon Huh is nol attended to, disorders of tbe stomach nriso, biuiousness, headache dys pepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regular by Inking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when reunited. They are so easy to take and mild nnd senile in effeot. For Bale by The Middle' Inn r Drug Co. llliout Ilia lsalfniice. A mounted messenger came gallop Ing into the little western town. The doctor was wanted at OtlCC at the mines. A roast had been dangerously Injured. The physician hustled his traps to gether, and was just clambering into his buggy when another messenger came thundering down the dusty struct. He bore a note which the doc tor, receiving, opened and read: "Hear doctor, you need not come; the man is dead already."- .Judge. I anibrrm "Do yott consider it good taste for u woman who marries to retain her for mer name and merely mid her hus band's to it?" "Certainly not," answered the lady from Chicago. "There is a charming friend of mine, a grass widow, who. miller such a system, would be known as Mrs. Rtlaa Jenklnsby-Smlth-Thoinp-son-Hrow n-Siuii hers aud several inor that I can't remember." Washington Star. DR. HAYNE'S, (TheGroet German Bclenliat) improved Doable Extract of Surs parilla and Celery Compound lied Clover. Beef nnd 12 Vegetables, Roots nnd Herbs, (no Minerals) contains DOUBLE the Curatives of anv one dollar Medicine in tbe mar ket and lasts TWIG as long. The greatest Remedy the .W', killing all GERMS, destroyed all MICRO BES ami n huh' and certain cine for KDNEY ami LIVER disaBes, Rheumatism, NervousneBB, l)yspe psia.' Malaria. Constipation, Hick ilcndiiclio nnd all complaints airs in from impure blood. Regular price fl.00 per bottle 16 oz., but in order to get it introduced in this sec tion wo will Bell at !0 cents per bot tle or I bottlcb for $1,50 until furth er notice. Io not wait, order nuw if you are ailing. The above medicine is used in EV ERY HOSPITAL nnd liv nil the LEADING PHYSICIANS in the world to day, nud highly endorsed ly nil. Address, iAONAWK RELVJYCO. April iK .'tt. ROMS, V Y. IWaasjsjSal REVIVO iruaun. RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man THB a. of Me. X- la. ! ra.1- , 1 7 ,, prodacn tbe above results ln'30 days. It ictl rower f ii My and quiclly. Cures ahi n all otherti tall. yoaDgmonwlllregala tholr lot t maubood, and old mon will recover tholr youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surolyrcntoros Narvoua, net, Loat Vitality, Impotrnry. NlKlitly Erulsslons, Lout Power, Failing Momory. Wat-tinir UlscaMB, aad 111 effects of solt-abuso or excebB and lndiscretiOD, which unfits ono for study, biiRlnces or rusrrlago. II dot only cures by starting at tbo peat of dieease, but Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back tbo pink glow to pale checks and re storing tbe Bra of youth, ft wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist oa having REVIVO, no other. It can be carried la vast rocket. By mall, 1.00 per package, or six for ejo.oo, wllb a poal tive written guarantee to core or refund he money. Circular free. Address Royal Medicine Co., rtt.'SJh For mle in Middhburqh, Pa., by MWDIILEURGH DRIG CO. WINDSOR HOUSE W. II. BlllXEB, PruiirU'tor 418 Market St., Harrisburg Pa., (Opposite 1'. K. K. Uepot Entrance) st alled far All lrsln- Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c 11.00 to l.sa per day. M.0S to S.M per week. Good aeeemmedstions. tl Isn't h Worth 25c. To Be Cured of Constipation People who suffer from habitual constipation with all its attendant ills, rlogRcd stomach and bowels, slumii'' liverjncartburu, indigestion, and thin and impure blood, arc too apt to believe thai the only remedy is violent purgatives, The contrary is the case. Such cathartics, even if tin y do movo the bowels, arc irritating and griping, leave the stomach iuiliuncd and enfeebled and the constipated eoadkioii recurs with greater difficulty of cure and th sufferer constantly growing worse. There is a laxative that moves the bowels without pain or griping, cleanses the stomach, bIi irjicns (lie appetite, stimulates the liver, strengthens the nerves, and purifies the hi I. while its marvellous tonill properties tone up the entire system and Keep il healthy. Laxakola Does It Its remarkable tonic properties reach every organ the liver, kidneys and stomactr) nerve, heart and brain aud removes the cause nf vour debil itated Condition. This is the only way lo secure an absolute and permanent cure. Laxakola i.s the only medicine for babies, is purely vegetable and its action is gentle, speedy and effective. For coated loiiguc, simple fevers, colds, chills and htnguid feeling it is the ideal medicine. it tastes good. '.If' Children like it ami ash for it. Laxakola, tha nrrt toalc laxattra, U net only tlir m,i rfli, inn ! family remedies, but Ihemotl econnniual, because it luniliinr two nu-dx ittt lit I tAxativ r .mil tonic, .mil nt our price, tin other remedy glvti ao much Co the money, At druggiati, 35c ,nul60i , or send lor tree sample tu LAXAKOLA Co , 1x2 Naxaaa suxet, N. v , cm 3.g Deaibutu Strati, Chtcagu. FOR SAI.K BY THE) MIDDL,E)BURQDRU0 GO When You Do Die, Die or Old Aqe. YOTJ CAN B8 CURED by our combined movement-cure, hydropathy and Internal tn-.it-meat. We not only ualataia but guarantee that vlsoroua. luti ixiuatlns boallh can be at titlneil by all who, under our dixeotiooa, strive tor it by NATUKAL menus Wc in nl you a 1ii of questions from w hieli your ease K itiatruoscil by oursi uff nt physicians, tiacli oune Is specially preaoribed for. If doctors have proaounoetl you Incurable In any of the fol, r m diseases, it will be of vital Interest to you to communicate with us at onec. Br Tlit's Disease and other Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Consumption, Weak nesses of Women, Lost Maulioud, Bladder Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Bluml Dis eases, Oatairh, Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Insomnia, Livi r Disease, Nervom Debility, Sciatica, Asthma, Biliousness and General Debility, ami all other diseases which result from improper living or ignorance or neglect of the laws of nature. "The neidect of the Physical well-being . . . In my judgment resulted In an Irtirrwise in insaiiii y ami u ilecreue in tbe. birth ratf. tliroutrtioiil the United Slates. Int. r'asuBHicKj, StMFHOM.of Uartfonl, " They cure w hen' others have failed." PHILanSLPBU PUtSB. "Tlclr treatment Is ratlnaal . they do all they claim." Pnti.Amu.ruM North Amkbican. Diet, exercise ami w atci- are the three great suratlve ageneles." 1 1 KM. 1 11 JoDBNAL. An interesting pamphlet of our treatment containing half-tone and tes .lmfHSiais of persi as u have cured, rent free to all. Till: INSTITUTE OF PHTBIGAL HCIEXt'K, l.awreuceville, Tiotra Co., Penn'a. tt.II sv n ill ! E s ihif ' mm SALESMEN l . M llu1 tll.M't' I I III' f Nlinwy NtiJc Stnulv w'rk. utiit i. mih i iii i im i' iii it i s lo tim riiclit iH tHfiiiM- All slut k k'unniiili l U'lUc imiu Im It r1" Allll MM lire kmm ItlUaVtiOII for tltO fell ami winter. AlilrcM, THE HAWK NURSERY CO. !-."-Im. koche.ster, N. Y Tliey are eas If your liver feels ioorl. vim Kiod. McNair's Stomach and l.i I riLLS tl'lll ri till' Slullllle i il'ii lateii the live, mnses ui worm uviuk. iiest Pill. J;).' KetH lliom. Try tin in est Sim-: Tn mm cv ( I 1 V'". Uatnvis, 111 in Jl IU .in-i So, Little Elmer I'npn, what is a coun terfeiter? Prof. Broatllienil A counterfeiter, my son, is a man who wants money o Isii ti that he makes it in that wny, -Judge. hmy Could lie, Indeed. She How ilare you speak lo me when yon don't Know me I He- Well, hour nm T going to hnow von if 1 don't speak 10 you? Town Topics. Folia ii Deadly Attack, "My wife was so '11 lliut good lbi sicians were tillable to help her,'" writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, luti., "but was completely cured bj Dr. Iuuk'h Ni w Life Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver tioiiMcs. Cuits constipation, su headachoi lit Mlilillt'lilll'K Dl'll; Oo.Graybill, Uarman a Co., Rich field, l'u., Dr. -I. W.Sampsell, Penus- crock, Pa- Better If He llnd. Cominp Inline i n I her late one nipht o!tl Jones discovered a country bump kin standing by the kitchen door. "Young man," Bald lie, what arc you doing here?" "I've come a-courting, sur." KA-COUrtlng? What do you mean?" "Well, I'm a follower of Mary, the kitchen maid, sur." "Do you usually carry n lantern when you arc on such errands?" asked the old man, sarcastically. "Yes, sur, nl'ays." "Don't tell me such nonsense. You had better be oft tpiickly court inn With a lantern, indeed. In my .voting days I never used such a thing." "No, sur," replied the bumpkin, sidling off; "judging by yer missus, 1 shouldn't think yer did." Leslie's Weekly. m II rfllilll rlililUlii M WANTED Wmiiei, alao SnlTee, ''Should men complain because our hatj Conceal the statce frum Vli ".' " Hi!-i May '"I'll.- hats ol other iilrls i IbstrUCt our vision, tin." -Phlludi Iphln I'i. sa OSUII I nit II 1MM V. The Chili! Mother, dear, where is the wind when ii isn't blowing'.' Pick-M-l';i. mil ii -r li-, . Yc. whistle at your work- nnd so Around tbe office you can throw on other's nerves such m ping thrall That they can hnrdlj work ui nil. -Chicago Record-Herald. lowtr in lleot. "Is there much power in heal, Wil lie.'" asketl the teacher. "You bet there Is," answered tin' boy. "Give an example." "When ma begins lo warm things up pa just has to get up and hustle, ami don't you forget it." -Chicago Post. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE HADE. BlSnna Designs Copyrights Ac. Anton asndliiK a Kketrh and ilparrlplloii may quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an invention in probably patentable, coniinuiiiea. tioRS strtetlj oonfldeciuaL xxaadbookoa Pwteats sent free, oliluat ui.'ni'r fur noi-urlnii patents. I'aieuts taken tbrouiili Muuii k Lo. receive ivi-1,1! mitkr, wiilmut clianie, In the Sckntific Jittiericatie A handsomelr Illustrated weeklr. Lareeat rlr- ru laiion oi any Manan as !' waa rear: four months, L Sold brail newsdealers. A V n C.I v. 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