5 otc Weabs 5f Envelope $ We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price will do it. Samples and prices for the ask ing. We furnish them printed for less than you can buy them without printing. 4 ( 1 We bought a large con- J t signment of envelopes J Having bought " I we secured a Co. CommUwionars, J figure. Send for samples and prices. Geo. W. Wagcnstller, Fdiler and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, An, Political Economy and Current Literature. RatK Wn Dllar Per Annum, in Advance VOL. XXXVIII MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. NOV. U 1901 NUMBE B CID LOCAL LACONP : Tin court advertising appears ill this issue f the Post, It is stated that tin ISuttaJ Reposi tion was run ut n loss of $8,000,000, Patronise the advertisers f the Post. : An advertising merchant alwayi has bargains). Bnyder County Teachers' institute , will begin in this place Monday h week. Blank receipt books fr eale at tliis office. 26 receipt in a book, loots., s for 26 c. ; Wastku Potatoes and applet want ad by Hummel and Hummel. Kramer, Pa. if. Ask for Dobbln'sTriple-soented Toilet Soap at the Mlddleburg Drug Store, The best on the market tf. Bboriovs Bros. si:u. Ciiothinci ClIKAI'KIt THAN ANY BTORK IN SlN IICBY. House nn Bale. My houseand lot in Mlddleburg borough is offered for sale. Inquire of A.. J. Crosgrove. io-24-4t. Walnuts wanted 1 want i(HM' bushels of walnuts and am willing to pay to cents a bushel. Charles Boyeh, ,i Paxtonville, Pa. Bkosious Bbob. Bell Ulothinci Cheaper tuan any Btobk in Svn- IIUBV. DBIED APPLES WANTED 1 want live or .sis tons of lricd apples anl am willing to pay 6 cents a pound. Ciiahi.i-s UoYKit, ,, Paxtonville, Pa.t Lost. A hound about twelve years old, black Ian, slightly gray, with ft lump on his front right knee, and walks with a slight limp. Reward of $5.00 is offered for return of same. T. h.Hostkkman, Mlddleburg, Pa. tf Beginning with December a free rural mail service will be inaugurated in the country sunouhding Lewtatown The route is twenty-four m i 1 es In lengtn, covers eighty square miles, has two hundred and ten houses and repre sents B population of nine hundred and forty-five. Call on A. K. Soles in his new shav ing and hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned with a refreshing sham poo and a clean towel to eaeh patron on the north side of Market square op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed. lf Bbobioub Bkos. Bell Clothing Cheaper than any Btobk in Bdn- IIUBT. They are easy. If your liver feels good, you feel good. MeNair's Stomach and Liver Pills tones the stomach, re dilates the liver, makes life worth liv ing. Best pill, 26c gets them postpaid. Try them. West .Siik Pharmacy Co., i i-24-lot. Batavia, ills. Some dealers pay too much for their goods, some want too much profit. We still believe in quick sales and small profits; we are selling genuine Baking Soda at 3e pec lb. and other goods In proportion. A. s. Bechbist, tf. Verdilla, Pa .I.W. Lee's (.lass Blowers' entertain in 'iiU wero well received. Kndalia Btablneeker won the Pretty Baby pri.e while the "handsome" man prize was voted to the editor of the Post. The prise is worth fully as much as the com pliment. Thanks. We extend our vmpathies to the defeated eandidates. Quite a number of houses in Belle fmite, Bays the Watchman, are quaran tined on account of scarlet fever and diphtheria, but the niaji rity of the cases are of a mild form. Nancy Hun ter, little duughter of Mr. and Mrs. liobert F. Hunter nnd Mrs. Percy Blackford and lis two children are ill with diphtheria, while Lillian Hall, laughter of Conductor John D. Hall, and Helen Hartranft are scarlet fever patients. The Lewistown Junction correspon dent to the Lewistown Gazette last week says : "There is considerable talk about the Lewistown division chang ing bands again January 1st, but the report cannot be verified by any one in authority so I guess we will have to wait and see. No one seems to know whose bands it will go into this time, but the supposition is that it will either go back to the Middle division or the old relations wUl be re-established." A tin can causes a dog to have a tale of woe. The negro sentinel is not necessarily a blackguard. Lots of sermons are not as broad MS they are long. Are eople who live in Hats suscep tible to Battery? "Yea," said the seidlitz powder, "l am one of the old settlers." You might ssy thai New York Isa city of Hats and sharpers. The bookkeeper should always be s person of a good figure. rhe Snyder county hunting party is out for deer. We bad snow squalls Tuesday night ami Wednesday morning. The planing mill is now lighted with electric lights. It occurs that Register of Wills Willis will not have any accounts to present 1 1 the December court forcontlrmatlon. This is an U II usual occurrence. Every married man and every mar ried woman should read the article by Dr. Hall in ibis issue. It would not burl single persons to read it either. Koine of the men and boys who go to the woods for game are not lit to lie trusted witli H rearms. Hunting ac cidents are of almost daily occurrence now that tbc season bas opened and they will continue to occur so long ns tbougblcss and reckless persons fall to realize tbc danger of shooting at every thing that r sembles a bird ornn anim al or d noHcnow any better than to handle their nuns as if tin vci e pieces of wood. There should .be a In " passed for the protection of careful I s well as the game. ONE ON THE BACHELOR A single man may stop a boie That's tearing down tbc street ; He may stop an enemy':i advance When it looks like sure de c it. In fuet, be may stop many things Where the situation's try inn, Hut not a single man on earth Can stop a baby'scrylng, A one Dollar Gift. If you have friends living ut a dis tance who are interested in Bnyder county news, you can buy nothing for them that w ill be more acceptable than the PORT, It Will be like a weekly let ter to them, giving all tbc news in n most complete way. Fifty times each year the POST will be sent to your friends for one dollar, nnd fifty times each year will you be blessed by these friends. K.ital Injury from Burstiag GOB. William Bishop, a young man of Mc Clure, went out on Monday, near Mail land, to shoot a rabbit with an old rifle heavily charged. The gun exploded and the breech of the gun was blown into bis temple, just above the left eye, penetrating the brain. Dr. Parcels was summoned and gave surgical aid, but bis recovery was not expected. Bishop formerly resided above Lewistown. May Abandon Horse Shoe Curve. The P. H. It. are considering plans to do away with the celebrated horse shoe curve above Altoona, nd thus shorten the distance from that city to CreSBOn by tunneling the mountain. If built, this would le the longest tunnel in the world. According to the plans the tunnel will begin near the horse shoe curve and will come out at u jKiint west of CresSOL. The length would approximate seven miles. The distance between the horse shoe curve and CreSSOn over the present line is ap proximately ten miles. Tbc tunnel would save at least three ol these miles, to say nothing of the steep grades to be elminated. Letter to Adam Showers, Middlebubgh, Pa. Dear Hir : H. M. Hooker & Co., Cooperstown, N. Y., have sold Devoe paint for 42 years. D. T. MoGown of that firm, built a bouse in '85 and nainted Devoe, of course. The paint lasted ten years. A year or two later, a Deigbbor built a house, and nainted it lead and oil. The neighbor's house was repainted twice in the same time. This looks as if the neighbor's house was painted three times in eight or nine years, and Mcuown's once in ten years. We are not quite sure we tell the tale as it comes to us. It is enouffh to say that Devoe lead and sine lasts twice as long as lead and oIL Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co. PERTINENT PERSONALS R Mrs. w. B.Smith of Erie was visiting friends in this place. Carbon See bold is reutpeiing the Washington 1 louse. Mis- Luna dewberry of Philadelphia is vising m is. J, M. Marks. I John C. iloyer has engaged to work I for the Telephone Company . Wm. K.Miller, Esq., of Salem, was in town the early part of ibis week. Misses Maud llunklo and Lizzie Irimm drove in Mitrliuburg Monday. K. B. Hnrt mnn of Pen ns creek was at tin' county scat Wednesday morning. Merchant James 15, Magee of Crea mer wasat the county seat last Thurs day. Dr. J, W. Orwig and wife are visit ing in Walaontown and Hunbury this week. Mrs. II. II. Herbster of Pennscreek was a county scat visitor the latter part of last week. Stephen Mensch, wife and daughter, Dora, of Miffiinburg were visitors in town last week. Mrs. Amanda (lemberling of Bellnt grove -pent u week with her daughter, Mrs. N. A. Bowes. Allien Slookey, an employee of the Shiuksbiu'g . ". was a Mlddleburg visitor Haturday. Mrs, P. I'. Custer ofl'enn township, 'sited her mother, Mrs. J, c. Massing or, at Ibis place last week. John K. Robinson, Deputy factory inspector Of Mifllintown, was in tliis place )asl Friday on official business. Hon. Clinton R. Bavldge and Yoris Anten, both Democrat, were elected judges in Northumberland county. Miss Jennie Tobias received the iri.e for being the prettiest lady in town, awarded iv the Pan-American Glass Blowers, Wm. A. Dreher of Selinsgrove was in town Monday. We tnist he will soon be able to gel bis shoe factory running. J. F, Bufflngton of York spent sev eral days with friends and relatives in this place. Mr Bufflngton was at one time a compositor on the Pout, prior to its present management. H, ii. Glass of Freeburg, who Is su perintending stone quarries und lime kilns at Rheams,Pa., was at the county seat last Wednesday and while here, paid bis respects to this office. (i. ('. Chisolin of New Columbia was the Judicial return judge from Un ion county and Irwin II. Bowereox of tbis place for Bnyder county. They met Tuesday of this week at Middle burg. Gen. Qobln will lecture in the Selins grove opera house next Tuesday even ing, Nov. Hull, on "Providence In War." The General is an eloquent and ami pleasing speaker and can not help but please you. Ex-Sheriff Ner It. Middleswortb of McClure inspected the G. A. It. Post at this pleealast Friday evening. The old soldiers are rapidly passing away and the numbers of the ('rind Army are dwindling down. The Saturday Evening Pont The November special number of the "Saturday Evening Host" publish ed by the Curtis Publishing Co. of Phila. received. It is tilled with articles of interest to every one, more especial ly business men and those who have a desire to improve their talents. Dr. Twing, President of Western Iteserve I'liiverslty, contributes nn article, " If 1 were a College Student." I'ault-Knding Helps Notiady. Contumely helps nobody; least of nil he one who administers it. Pessimis tic remarks dampen the enthusiasm of others, discourage honest eftbrt, and react on the grumbler. Chronic fault tinders command no favor with em ployers or fellow employees, and are not the ones selected for advancement. Talking failure makes failure easy. A gloomy, melancholy disposition i s largely a matter of habit and material ly retards one's advancement. It does not matter if one is unconscious of these habits, they all figure in tbc final result of life work, just the same. Watch your chance remarks. Make them count for hope and encourage ment. November "(Success." COIRT D0DSI CHIPS. Herds Entered lor Record. James H. Walter ami w ife to Charles Fry, B acres in Jackson twp., for -no. Moses (!. Horning and wife to Sam' I A. Oberholzor, 119 acres in Cnion twp., Ior7,ri0. J. It. Middleswartb and wife to Jac ob R. Haines, house and lot in Beaver towu, r fKim. Wills Probated. Tka la-t will and testament of Wm, Stahl, late of Cnion township, wnspro Ixitcd Nov. Dth. His son, 1 1 i rain Stahl, is mimed as exeeitor. The wife and children are the heirs. M.mi.iue Licenses. Harrv C. Kline, I Hattie 8. Waller. ' Oeo. A. Brown, i Maggie Bchreibcr, I .lames A. Bowersox I Bdfesie M. Walters, i John It. Kers tetter, I Linda P. It. sslcr. Bitter, Pa. i It Iter, Ptt. Holler. I I toiler. Peunscreek, I Peiinsereek. decs J Lulls, leorgetown. i Mi MAKHH.li. Oct. Htli.at Henvertown, by Rev. A. D. (irainley, Lyman M. Ilaker of Lcwi-towu and Mi Clara Rell Bpecbt of Iteavertow n. Nov. 7, at ion, by Rev. s Aurautl, Marry C. Kline and Hattie s. Walter, both of Zion, Pa, Nov. !, at Milton, by Rev. D. L. Kepncr, J. Ii. Kerstetterol MeKces 1 Kails to Linda P. Itessler of G ge- towm Fov. -2, by .1. K. Peck. .1 I'.. Sheets M. Kelly of Port Treverton to S Kath ryn Barman of Holler. Oct. 81, at Mlddleburg, by Itev. J. Shamhacb, Burl II. Scbaeller of Shreiner and Mary M. Hitter of Will lield, Pa. NOV. "til, at Miilillcl.m-. by UeV, J. Sbambacb, .biinis .. liouersox ami itessle M. Walters, both ol t elitrevllle, Pn. . k Thrce-liinriers ol a Century. For seventy-live years "The Youth's Companion" baa been published every weak as a family paper. In these seventy-five years tbc paper's constancy to a high standaid bas won tbc confi dence of the American people. It bas kept pace with the growth of thecoun try. Its stories, its special articles, its editorials, its selections represent all thai is best in American life Kor PhiJ the foremost men and women of tbc Knglish speaking world have been en listed as contributors. Tbc w ork of an unprecedented number of new and pro mising writers bus also been Becured. Thus the constantly Increasing demand for the best reading suited to all memb ers of the intelligent American house hold will be fully met. A twenty-eight page Prospectus of the 1008 volume and sample copies of the paper Will be sent free to any ad dress. Those who subscribe at once, Bending $1.75, w ill receive all (be is-ue for the remaining weeks of lOOl flee from the time of subscription; also "The Youth's Companion" Calendar for 102. lithographed in twelvi and gold. Tim: Youth's Companion, 195 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. No Caterpillars Ncm Year. Those whose trees have suffered dur ing the summer from tbc plague of caterpillars may breathe a sigh of re lief, for State Entomologist Smith as sures them that there is no danger of another invasion of the pest next sum mer. He lias discovered that a small parasite has been killing off all the co coons in w hich the caterpillars w rap themselves during the winter months. The parasite isa strange looking insect, which strongly resembles a My, but bas many features common to a small fly. Before the caterpillar retires to it cocoon the fly lays one egg on the cater pillar, which is wound up in tliesilki n ball with the caterpllar. In the course of time this egg hatches out the grub of the My, w hich feeds on the caterpil lar inside. The wholesale killing off of the caterpillar by this little insect will cause a great scarcity of butterflies in this State next summer. The visit of the pests In such large numbers was largely responsible for the poor crop of apples and pears this year. Their pres ence has been felt by farmers every section of New Jersey. Why Zlnennd Urlndina T Zluc combined lead and oil forms the toughest paint known, but they need to be line to combine. Devoe lead ami zinc are famous for fineness. Stop the oi,Kli hikI Work ir the t old Laxative Bromo-tluiuine Tablets cure a cold in a day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. tf. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The annual Snyder County Teachers Institute will lie bcld in Middlebunr I during the week beginning Monday'' I Nov. 2.", 1001. I I Educators of large and varied experi ence will be present to give Instruction ! during the day sessions, notably among whom will be Prof. I!. P. Heydrlek, I Professor of Literature, Millers villo Normal School; Mrs T. I!. N'ossofj ! ( California Normal Hehoo Sunt. J. M. Cougbliu of Wilkcsbarrc, Pa.;Supt, l) A. Hnrtnan of Haleton, Pa. Monday evening will be devoted to a miscellaneous program in which a number of prominent teachers will par ticipate. Tuesday evening, a lecture by Hon. Fred, tkeler, Biiblect: "Airitators." Wednesday evening, a musical enter , tainmcnl by the Pulricolu Concert Co, Thursday evening, a lectin e by Dr. I E. F. Hagermnn, subjei i : "The World j We Live III." Directors' Day will be oiwerveil on Thursday afteriiiKin. Prof. Wm. Nod ling will addle the meeting mi the subject : "Defects in the Adiniliistra- tioll of ( lur Public S.'bui 'U :i- Seen by :i Director." Other addresses will be made by prominent speakers. Prof. Paul IMlharl will have eharge of the music. Mr. W. I Drown ill preside at the piano. The Mlddleburg orchestra will fur nish music for the evening sessions save Wednesday evening. I can assure the teachers, directors and public that no pains have been spared to procure tbc very lies! talent for day ami evening instruction and entertainment, li is our special desire to present on ibi asion a strong pro gramme. That we have succeeded will be justified, we believe, by the verdict of all who shall attend the in stitute. All tickets will lie .sold l.v Mr. .1. N. Ibosius, Commisioiicr' Office, Court House. The admission will be as follows: Monday evening, free; Tuesday even ing, Children under 12 years, 15 cents; Adults, S cents. Wednesday evening, reserved seal, 10c, general admission, 30c, Thursday evening, reserved seat, ', general admission, 25c, season tickets, 75c. For further information address, K. ( '. BoWF.usnx, ' i. oupt. Exctirsio Pennsylvania Rnilrood's Wimti Hmi ic Book. In pursuance of its annual custom, the Passenger Department of the Penn sylvania iiailmad Compnnj has just Is sued an attractive and comprehensive book, descriptive of tbc leading W inter resorts of tbc Last and Bouth, and giv ing tbc rates and various routes and combinations of routes of travel. Like all the publications of the Pennsylvania Railroad Cnniiinuy, this "Winter Ex cursion Hook" is a model of typograph ical and clerical work. II is bound in a handsome and artistic cover in colors, and contains much valuable Informa tion for Winter tourists and travelers in genital, it can be bad free of charge al tbc principal ticket offices uf the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or w ill be sent postpaid upon application to Oeo, W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street station. Philadelphia. ,i, - -Shooting Stan in November. According to (be conclusions of a writer In the Scientific American, Nov ember 16 will bring tbc notable mete rlc display which tbc world beholds three times a century. It was predicted for last year, on the theory that tbc meteor swarm made the circuit of its orbit in 88 years. Tbis, however, is an error for closer calculation shows the period to be 34 years and one day : or more ac curately, 14,419 days. The Aral record ed shower was witnessed on the nights of November 11-12, 1799, the next on November 12-18, lsi;i; the third on November 12-14, IsTti. The coming bower would seem to be due, there fore, on tlie nights of November 14-15, 1801. This will be Thursday night and the mOOti, new on Monday, with a slender crescent, following the sun down oebind the western hills. Football at l.c istnirg. On frsaturdny, Nov. 16th, BuokneU plays her last game of football on the home grounds this year. The game is with Busquehanna University. A bard contest may 1h expected. lame called at 2:30 P. M. Admission .T5 cents. Bkosioi-s Bkos. BkU. CuvniiNu ClIKAl'KR THAN ANY STOUK IN BCH" KIKY. Jury Ldst. LISI ntOrsad furor ilrnwn cr over nml Terminer and Oencriil unili'inirr nf (jimrtir BmrtOMof Snyder coast bold si Hoc. Term, Monday. Btfc, , nun. Nniin- Occupation, Bosnr, '. if., nickliart, oeontCi iti i ' hi'i. fainter, Hnilpy, William, 1 1 nifler, i; ormi r. , HWiny, K. .i tiki oomnorilns, aibei i if ilnoa, alinn, lprbnter, ir iwnrd laVriiwn, P, II., Kllni'i i .it, Sainui'l I MUdenidaaffr, tMriiellus unpir, oennrti w , i.' ltnr, samual' Nnwmitn, Henry. ''l'..l A.. ir 'lull-- llnward i it"-, ii iward lt"'lh. Wm.. lmely, palmer, stnith, K, K smith, Wm s Hmllh, w in. it Wa "r. f. i; tae Court of .iii delivery i he Ponce of njmmeiicti.K Kosldonoo, L'nloti rrnnklln Fi .null Monroe tliapman Pmnkllii Sollnitruve West Bwivcr w ui'iiver I- m, Nniins I . Till I'snin- .luckHon Krunkllu Ki uiklln snrtny Pi uh iHiiinaton 1 1 mklln liimK Pel r s iring Krunkllu PKTI 1 l.liil nf ivilt .hir,.rs fiHiunnn Plena, (Siuri peace I'.iurt or Oyer ; .lull Delivery nf snvdc nec. Turtn, commeni h Nn inc. OccUpi Aucker, i thartos, Mm. Solnu II IHOnwiX, 'hiirli's. Ii iwersnx , lliii r Hoi er, it. i... H if ir. asno, Imnren, .lerry, Henrer, .i iinen Riilley, Ichli r . Rnwea, N, A . Bower l'i rl lllekel, W illi nn 'iiaries, Hem v. cielun .in- ii , l)neae, c w , lleuhler, K I . , Drecte. iiiHjnni u Kmkei, (Miarle Clae, D.iniol w . Ontnbcrllhir, m Olnce, rge, ' ruM'lll Inn,, Hummel, Asm i, Helinbacli, Cnnrli . i ii tons, i i.i Ml O ml 'I vn fur I In I ui I 01 larter Seaalnna "t I he Ormlner and i ienerol unity, pi,, bold ns 'i. 1(01, KMidonno, i nti.it m mme Mi. mi ci k Mlriilleti I'g Ki ii nklln Union Monroe sprina Monroe Mlddlehuru Pin:, rn avei Union m li Hehnrk WnhinRton Perr IV iver Art 'ins Penn il 'iser, ivt . lermnn, Peter, ii ick nhum w i i i rett, .Tacnb p . Kiiator K n . Lenlit JerTerHuii Lantlla, T i M irkley, l II M later, Win w Row. Jonnilian v . Hoi her me, Perr) , Hholl, tieorse II., Hiwnman, iiurr' Bchoch, ii ii., s'i iraboch, Hon n l SbeiAimrser, Jacnii, Scbaeffer, Jaoob i .. Rho'zbonnr P. n, sitomtincb, wm . Tliomaa, Barrtson Wnltor, a. h.. Wlney, Joolnh H . W'l.'l( ,t;in,.M 1 1 ( Wagner, Joseph, Wt( Porrj Ponn i nlon t'nion Jackson sellnkaroVe Kr:il,Ull, mot I li I 'i rr (mapman prnnl tin a lama Km. .kiln Metl Pern Bearer Wcsl Beaver Suaquehnnnaanil Buckncll. Tlie people of Lew isburg nnd vicinity w ill have but one more opsrtunity to see the great Buckncll team, the strongest in years, play football m home. Tbis is tbc last game scheduled for Buckuell on the home grounds this year. Susquehauua bas a good team, and a more closely matched game can lie looked for mi Saturday than 1 1 e one with Gettysburg two weeks ngo. A big crowd Is exMX.'ted, . . - w in in i n A young man who failed by only three points iu au examination lor ad" mission to tbc marine corps, appealed in bis Itepresentntive in Congress for assistance, and together they went to see tbc Secretary of tin- Navy in tin hope of securing what Is known as "re rating" ot bis papers. "How many chances do you want?" Baked Secretary Long. "This i- your third time." And before tbc young man had a chance to answer, tbc Secre tary continued . "How do you expect to get along in tin- world w In n you smoke so many cigarettes'.' Your clot lies are so saturated with t lo ir odor. Pull oil' your gloves and let me see your tlngelS. There, see bow yellow tbey are ! " pointing to the sides of tbc tit si and second lingers. Before the young maii found his tongue to offer an explanation, the Secretary asked him if lie drank. "Only once in a while," wai the Bhecpish reply. Secretary Long then invited the Con gressman into his private office, ami while offering to do e erythlng thai lie could consistently, added : "I am sick of trying to make anything of these boys that are loaded with cigarette smoke and drink once in a ivhile." Tin y are about bopi less. When they left the department build ing, tbc young man, half apologising for his poor showing remarked: "Drinking, my father -ays, is the banc of tbc Navy." "I gtiisvs it is," rcpliisl tbc Congress man, laconically. TO ( I Ri: A COLD IK OaTB HAY. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulniue Tablets. All druggists refund tlie money if it fails to cure. K. W. Urove's signature Is on each box. 25c. tf. Druggist W. H. fipangler went t Philadelphia Wednesday morning and Daniel Lepler of Paxtonville is attend ing to the Middleburg Drug store on his absence.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers