Hotc Weabs Envelope HI We have a job lot of note heads on hand. They must go quick. The price will do it. Samples and prices for the ask ing. We furnish them printed for less than you can buy them without printing. 1 We bought a I: rge con J signment bpes M vwCht so niany eX&r umtrftH a r.-.rV K-ittnm V f;..... c.,J i - f and prices. I . i ' ; e : Geo. W. Waftostller, Fdiior and Proprittor. A Family Journal, Devoted tt Newt, Scfcac. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. RattK Ouc Mlai Per Annum, in Advance VOL. XXXYIII MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. .NOV. 7 1901 NUMBER 44 A large fat hog belonging to X. P. Hare died Sunday morning. Blank receipt books for sale at this office. 25 receipts in a book, 10 eta., 8 for 25 c. tf- Wanteii Potatoes and apples want ed by Hummel and Hummel. Kramer, Pa. tf. Ask for Dobbin'aTrlplo scented Toilet , .Soap at the Middleburg Drug, BUM, The best on the market. tf Bnosiors linos. JSkix Chothimi Cheaper than any Stoke in Sun- Ill'RY. For your dress goods go to Hrosius & Minium. They have a large line to elect from. Don't fail to see the great Pan-American Glass Blowers in Hecliold's hall every night this week. House for Sale. My house and lot in Middleburg borough is offered for sale. Inquire of A. J. Crosgrove. 10-24-4t. Walnuts wanted I want 1000 l.unhels of walnuts and am willing to pay 40 cents a bushel. Boyer, tf Paxtonville, Pa. Wanted. Experienced agricultural salesman permanent position farmer preferred. American Farm Co., 10-31-2t. Buffalo, N. Y. Brosious Bros. Sell CLOTHlira Cheaper than any Store in Si n bury. For your warm foot wear go to Bros ius & Minium. Tbey have a large line of lumber men's socks and felt boots at bottom prices. Robbers entered the home of Am andus Shambaeh last Thursday night and stole a gold watch and $2.00 and also at A. S. Beaver's, where they got but little. Franklin Milling Co. are now grind ing buckwheat flour on their new buck wheat mill. Their flour is giving ex cellent satisfaction. Try it. 10-31-2t. Dried apples wanted I want five or six tons of dried apples and am willing to pay C cents a pound. Charles Boyer, tf; Paxtonville, Pa., co Hir.rA beautiful home for XJI mm sale, everything in first class condition, the choicest fruit of all kinds. Inquire of Mrs. Amanda NOLL, Hummel'i Wharf, Pa. Brosius & Minium are selling un bleached muslin at 4c nnd up. Print. at 5 and Oc, Lancaster Gingham at 8c The merchant who expects to do bus iness without advertising is like the man who expects to stop a train at a flag station without signaling both generally get left. Lost. A hound about twelve years old, black tnn, slightly gray, with a lump on his front right knee, and walks with a slieht limp. Reward of $5.00 is offered for return of same. T. R. Hosterman, Middleburg, Pa. tf Call on A. E. Soles in his new shav ing and hair cutting parlor for your heart cleaned with a refreshing sham poo and a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market square op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed. tf. Rrosioi s Bros. Sell Ci-othino Cheaper than any Store rr Si n iiuby. They are easy. If your liver feels good, you feelgood. McNair's Stomach and Liver Pills tones the stomach, re gulatwi the liver, makes life worth liv ing. Best pill, 25c gets them postpaid. Try them. West Siie Pharmacy Co., 10-24-10t. Batavia, Ills. Gtf to Brosius & Minium, Mt. Pleas ant Mills, to get bargains on shoes they sell at a greatly reduced prices. The great Pan American Glass Blower's under the management of J. W. Lee are Exhibiting in Seebold's hall this week. The people of Sel Ins grove and Freeburg, where they have exhibited, are loud In the praises of the character of the entertainment. Some dealers pay too much for their goods, some want too much profit. We still believe In quick sales and small profits, we are selling genuine Baking Soda at 3c per lb. and other goods in proportion. A. 8. Sechrist, Verdllla, Pa GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS November 5th, 1901. State Treas. DISTRICTS e 6 X Adams Beaver Reaver West Centre .. Chapman Franklin Jackson Middleburg Middleereek Monroe Peon Perry Perry West Sellusgrove Spring 1 nlon Washington Totals Pluralities 1 77 124 124 189 :t.i US 7fi 7t 75 !I7 117 S2 54 125 182 ill 124 UiO!) 730 88 26 ) 82 i5 42 54 08 80 57 58 47 92 52 68 109 D68 The barn on Oscar Bower's truck farm at Red Hill, two miles east of town, was destroyed by lire last Thurs day evening. It is supposed it was set ailre by a freight engine that went west shortly before the (ire. The editor of this paper strongly en. dorses the action of General Charles H. Groavenor, in requiring a certain share of the proceeds from the sule of his book to be set aside for a McKlnley Monument Fund. Our readers ill see an advertisement of this look in an other column of this paper. Why UrliiillnitT The finer the better for aint; no matter what paint, all paint ; and the best is Devoe lead and sine ground to gether. AMENDMENTS LOST. The total vote ou the Constitutional Amendments in Snyder County are as follows : Yes No Maj. 1st amendment, 37!) 387 8 2nd amendment, 819 340 2 3rd amendment, 289 400 11 Susquehanna at Lewislmrg Bucknell plays Susquehanna at Lew isburg Saturday. Nov. Kith. This is the last game of foot ball scheduled for Bucknell on the home grounds this year. Susquehanna has a good team. This will be the last opportunity of seeing a good college foot ball game at Lewlsburg this season, which fact should bring a large crowd to witness the contest Game called at 2:30 P. M. Admission, 35 cents. Notice. To whom it may concern. As I have been treated by the best doctors of Ind., and have taken all kinds to medicine for the complaint familiar to women; and only found temporary re lief. Dr. M. Rothrock ot Mt. I'lesant Mills has permanently cured me, and I hereby give my thanks, and advise Other sufferers of the same nature to give Dr. Rothrock a fair trial. Mrs. S. C. MlTTKRUNG, The Youth's Companion in iqo2. To condense in a paragraph the an nouncement of "The Youth's Com panion" far 102 is not easy. Not only will nearly two hundred story-writers ..m. tribute to the paper, but many of the most eminent of living statesmen, jurists, men of science nnd of letters, scholars, sailors, soldiers and travelers including three members of the Presi dent's Cabinet. In n delightful series of articles on military and naval topics the Secretary of the Navy will tell "How Jack Lives;" Julian Ralph, the famous war correspondent, will describe "How Men Feel in Buttle," and Winston Spencer Churchill, P. M. whose daring escape from a Boer prison pen is well remem bered, will describe some experiences "On the Flank of the Army." And this is but a beginning of the long list. A complete announcement will be sent to any address free. The publishers also announce that every new subscriber who sends $1.75 for the 1W)2 volume now will receive all the is sues for the remaining weeks of 1001 free from the time of subscription; also 'The Companion" Calendar for ? 902 nil In addition to the fifty-two issues of "The Companion" for 1902. The Youth's Companion, 196 Columbus Ave. Boston, Mass. President Uountar Judge Sur'ev'r a E Q J , -, s 77 126 124 186 28 !.-; 74 70 74 96 S2 68 125 182 1(2 125 83 ok 126 117. 121 48 145 (Hi 7!t 781 104 124 70 5:1 122 184 IOI 124 88 01 24 24 00 51 18 2 69 46 34, 83 ;tH 65 42 82 loo :t 12 9 2 II :2 :il 24 9 12 10 25 5 111 14 16 4 SO 121) 12.1 140 88 169 75 91 75 1(H) 122 so' 52 182 14:i 102 182 28 K5 66 4ti 84 66 70 66 57 4S !H) 60 61 Uii 1689 I 7110 96 ! 1670 986 698 2H2 17:W UNION COUNTY RETURNS. The vote in Union County shows: fob Judge McClure, 21.50 Leiaer, noo Crollse, 01 McClurc's plurality, 880 Glover for District Attorney, 600 maj. Ernest for Associate Judge, 050 muj, McClurc's total plurality Snyder county, !)80 Union county, 980 Total, 1946 SAD UNI) OF DAY'S HINTING. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING AT POUT TKE VEKT0N FRIDAY MORNING. Clayton Neitz, Aged 12 tears, Shot While Hunting Ducks with Dr. J. K. Hogar Wound Not Serious but When Placed . under Ether, He Died from the Shock, Never Regaining Consciousness. An accidental sh. Kiting at Port MTreverton, Friday morning, was fol lowed by the death of Clayton Neitz, the Interesting 12 year old son of W, I. I Neitz, of that place Early Friday morning Dr. J. K. Bogar, a prominent physician anil citizen of Port Treverton, accompanied bs young Niitz, secured a boat and went duck hunting mi the river. After rowing about for some time the Doctor finally succeeded in shooting a large duck and the boy was very anxious to reach it thinking that per haps it was not mortally wounded and It would make good its escape. The doctor laid his double barrel breech loading gun down along side the boy and taking up the oars quickly rowed toward the wounded and struggling duck. When they arrived at the spot the hoy in eagerness threw himself far out over the edge of the boat to reach the duck anil striking the gun in some unknown manner it exploded, Un charge entering his right leg at the knee making a deep and ugly wound but not injuring the bone. The boy displayed considerable nerve and never once lost consciousness. Slopping I be llow of blood as best hecould under the circumstances the Doctor rowed to shore and the boy was taken to his home and preparations made to dress the wound. When the party arrived at the house the lxiy seemed to he suffering a great amount of pain. After an examination of the wound it was decided to place the patient under the influence of ether white dressing the wound which was accordingly done. When the wound had bean properly dressed which proved not to be of a serious DatUN an eitort was made to restore the boy to eoneiousncss but all efforts prov ed futile and he suddenly breathed his last while still In a half conscious state. His death is attributed to the shock and being unable to rally from the affects of the ether. No censure is placed on Dr. Bogar who feels very much distressed over the sad termina tion of what was to be a day of pleas ure for both himself and the victim of the strange accident. TO CITRR A COLO IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. tf. Sim. Judge V ja PERTINENT PERSONALS gHrt F.dilor I. milliard was at the county scat last Friday. 8. B. Simonton visited friends at Mil fltnburg Saturday. c. w. Graybill transacted business at MifHinlMirg Saturday. Samuel WiUenniycr is spending 0 few days at Lewistown. K. YV. Snyder of Selinsgrove was at the county seat Friday. J. B. Enterllne of Riverside is visit ing friends in town this week. Mrs. J. C. Amlgof Lew istown is vis iting her parents ill Franklin, W. K. Feese moved nis household goods to Beavertowu Tuesday. A. H. I'lsh and wife are visiting Ira E, I'lsband wife at Mlllersburg. Harry Grimm, who is working at Lewistown, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. J. W. Martin, nee Jennie Kcr stetter. of Milton, is visiting relatives at this place. Charles L. Marks, n student of Phila' Dental College, is spending a few iImvs with his parents. Win. F. Koush of Freeburg is the as sistant In the First National Hank of this place. Chairman Peter Young was at the county seal last Thursday looking up political fences. Lank Walter and James Bowersox, who are working in Mifflin county, came home to vote. Miss Chute Giaybill returned from a five months' trip to Cleveland, Ohio' ami Western Pennsylvania. Judge P. F. Riegelof Adamsburg wa" a caller at thla office last week to pay the subscription of Aaron Howell. Lawrence Gemberling of Globe Mills Saturday, by the accidental discharge of his gun, lacerated his hand so that it will probably have to be 'amputated. Mrs. Aaron Miller and daughter, Bes sie, and Mrs. Ballle Kllng and daughter of Maaeppa visited Dr. J. W. Orwlg and wife and G. Alfred Schoeh and wife. Miss Mabel Grimm, who formed sev en weeks' companionship with her cousin, Mrs. George Bearley, at Lewis town, returned home Saturday even ing. Government Estimate of lh torn Crop. The Agricultural Department at Washington has just Issued Its estimate of the year's corn crop, showing a total yield for all the slates of 1,250,597,000 bushels, Of this the statement shows that Nebraska, notwithstanding the dry weather which prevailed during July, will furnish 103,367,000 bushels, or re than one-tenth of the entire crop. This is interesting as showing the wonderful recuperative properties l the Nebraskan soil. There Is probably no oilier state in the Union which would, under the cricumstances, make such a magnificent showing. Nebras ka Is a grand state and is rapidly in creasing In wealth and population. THB RAILROADS AND THE CHICAGO LIVE stock snow. Why the Railrosds Encourage Bxblbltont of This Character. An official of the C. B. v i. was asked recently why his road took such an interest in the International Live Stock Exhibit which is to be held In Chicago, November 80 to December 7. "It is very simple," was the answer. "During 1900 our line brought into Chicago 012,000 head of cattle, and their estimated weight was 784,400,000 pounds. NOW Suppose by interesting the farmers from all over our s,00i miles of road, they come to the live stock, sec the splendid exhibits -the largest and finest in the world realise the difference between high grades and scrubs, see the extravagance of putting good feed into poor stock, and so by en couraging them to breed better animals which when fat would weigh 10 per cent, more man we om sort, 11 is piam that our tonnage on this class of freight would bo increased to the extent of 7:1,440,000 pounds. An item of consi derable Importance. The annual live stock exhibition at Chicago is a hig thing for the country, the farmers and railroads. Don't forget that for a minute." HotUfectitin guaranteed or money refumlril. Thrao are tho terms ou which the Uayner lin lllllng Co, toUotl -our onlem. 13-iOwiU hring you lour full quart ot Seven-Ycap-Olil Hjre, ci presa prepaid7. Full pnrtlculnrt In their an nouucnwnt elacwuerc in tliia luue. Jeachers Attention! Make your work lighter and results more satisfactory by UBing our praetl- cal school room aids. Wc carry a line novel and helpful for every grade. Catalogue mailed free. Valuable sam- ples of "reward of merit cards" sent for five cents. WARREN PUB. CO., WARREN, PA. Atteotiea I Comrades I The comrades of Captain Ityan Post, No. 364 Dept. of Pa., G. A. K., arc here by Informed that Comrade Ner. Mid dleswarth has been detailed to inspect aid Post, on Friday evening, Nov. 8th inst. Comrades are requested to turn out in full force on this occasion. All those having uniforms are expected to be uniformed. By order of the Post, J NO. V. RHISDKI., (i.e. OfTKi.itis, Commander. Adjutant ,11 Letter to w. v. Wittenmyer. M 1 MM.Kunuiii, Pa. Dear Sir: We want an agent in your town for the foremost paint in the world: Devoe lead and .inc. We be speak a few words to say how much moi'i- this means than simply the sale of good paint. Our agent has to administer this agreement with every customer. "if you have any fault to find with this paint, either now in putting it on, or hereafter In the wear,tcll your dealer about it. 'Wc authorize him to do w hat is right at our expense. We bet ic, you sec, the partner of every man that uses paint ; and the partnership last:i as long as he chooses to continue it. Suppose 100 jobs of painting aredolu With Devoe lead and .iiic this year; and some of them don't turn out satisfac tory two or three years from now. Our agent has got to ' do w hat is right at our expense." Of course this means that wc know our paint is going to turn out all rigid. We have been in business, we and our fathers in business, R" years; have made a great deal of paint; and have dealt with thousands and thou sands of people. Are not in the least afraid to "do what is right " when a job goes wrong. Anil, in this ag . of adulteration, we suy "Send it to your state chemist. It he finds is adulterated, we will pay his bill and send you $100." There is such a thing as honest busi ness yet in the world. Yours truly, P. W. Dkvok & Co. . . Teachers' lastitutc Magazine. The aoove is the title of a book issued from til s office in connection with the Teachers' Institute of Bnyder County, which will convene in this place Nov. 25 29th. It will contain about 50 pages of matter, including the official pro gram of the Institute, the names and addresses of the teachers and directors, several timely articles and advertise ments. A copy of each book will be mailed to each teacher, director and ad vertiser about Nov. 20th. If teachers or business men have any announcements to make, they should be sent ill at once to Ibis office, siops tin- Vmagb mill Work! him in- Gold Laxative BroiUO-Qulnine Tablets cure a odd in a day. No cure, no pay. Price 2") cents. tf. BROSIOCS llmis. SdI.I, CbOTHINO Cheaper than any Stoke in Sun bury. Peddler1 License Law. A bill approved by the Governor, .June 14, 1901, authorises County Treas urers to issue licenses to hawkers and peddlers of dry goods, notions, crock ery and tinware. A foot peddler Is re quired to pay $10 yearly; one with a horse and wagon flu. Upon CiMlvlction for violation of this a line not less than lou or more than $I0, or imprisonment for not less than three months or more than one year, or either or both, at the discretion of the court, may be imposed. BaatlM Rnnonooonionl of Ibt Bayncr tilling Uo.. niijrton, Ohio, which appre else where in till- Umi. ex)lniniiiK their plnn of Qpplyfnslho coatttBW with four full ouarli ofHaViMri BSfStt-1 sat-OW Hye tor, (MO, pesas ptapaM, MARRIED. Oct. 28th, by J. Kohler Peek, J. P., Sheets M. Kelly of Port Treverton to S. Kathrvii (iarinan of Holler. Win. Hressler of Richfield reports having an apple that measures 15 inches in circumference. If any one can beat it, let them Htep up. Nliirlllni;. lint True. 'If every one knew wl at a trrand meaicipe ir. King I New L'.fe I ills Is" writes I). H. Turner, Dempsey town, I u., "vou'd sell all you have IC S day, Two weeks' use made a new man ot me." Infallible foi cou supaiion, Btomach and liver trouble! So at the Middl eburn Drns Store. Graf bill. Garman .v t'o., Uichfield, Pa., and Dr. J. V. Bainpsell, Penoa creek, Va. court inn st: chips. Deeds Eatered fm Record. Henry Bpecht and wife tu Sarah A. neuter, 2$ ne res m Mlddlccreek twp., for one dollar, etc. Wilson VVeller and wife to Susan Springer, .'1 tract- in Franklin twp., for lino. BRAIN FOOD N0NSEN5E. Another ridiculous food fad has been bland.. I by C'H most com petent authoritirs, They have dis pel ed the silly notion thai one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles ami another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a ptrticuliir part of the body, but it "ill SUht iin every other part, Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destrovod by indigestion or dyspepsia, You must prepare for Iheir appearance or pi even l theii i-ouiiuu by taking regular doses of (recti's August Flower, 1 he favorite medicine of I he healthy millions A few doses aide digestiou, Htiuiulatea the liver to healthy action purities the blood, and makes ou feel buoyant and vi gi tons. You can irct Or, (, Green's reliable remedies at the Middleburg DlUg Store- (Jet Green's Special Almanac. PORT TREVORON. Mrs. Lloyd spcecc visited Iter parent- the imsl ttcc-k. Ivl. A 1 milliter 110M wile ami bright little Until of Sliumokill spent a week with relative- 111 (own. Harvey Shaffer has gone to Sun bury to be niglil partner at the City Mote!. Lydia Lenig held puldk- sale of personal property last week, and it was well attended considering, ilu- busy season. Klnicr Dauberl of Mikon accom panied by his dog were Foaming o'er our township in search of the "invisible bird," the quail last week. Misses Carrie and Flattie Geist of Herndon and their cousin, Miss Geist of Ashland were the guests oi George Troutmaa and wife over Sum lay. '. VV. Knights had a wagon train loaded with apples pass through town i-nroitte to Herndon where they were loaded on cars and shipp ed to I'hila. II. V. WIes did the packing and the Commissioner is planning to lake tho old veteran along to assist him down there, G. A. It. I'o-i 1 18 of Selinsgrove was in (own Saturday evening to insoect Post 407 "l this place. After leaving the L A. R. hall they proceeded to the National Hotel and had an excellent -upper The Post of Selinsgrove enjoys coming to town and sel. loin, if ever misses having a good meal lu re in town. In the spring the cry of Ilu fumers was "What will we do for 'corn and potatoes?" And now -hen the corn cribs and potato bins arc filled and the market over . ticked they are wondering what to do with the corn and potatoes. We wish to compliment the "Sunbury trio" which consists of Aucker Neitz and Shambaeh for the interesting manner in which they conducted the exercises in the K. I'. C. E. Sunday pvemnsr. 18LEEP AMIli PLANES Breaking into a blazing home, Home firemen lately dragged the sleeping inmates from death. Fanci ed security, and death near. It's that wav when you negleet coughs and colds. Don t do it. Dr. King's ew Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid sufferinjr, death, and doctor's bills. A tea spoonful stops a late cough, insis tent use the most stubborn. Harm less and nice tustiug, it's guaranteed to satisfy by the Middlebutg Drug Co.. Qratbttl, Garmnn & Co., Rich tield, Pa., and Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Peimscreek, Pa. Price 50c and $1 .00, Trial bottles I free.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers