UNSEATED LAND SALE Commissioners of Snyder ''nnnlv wtlleaoaaa to public sale at the 1'ourt Houm In Middle turar. Pa., on Saturday, Mot. I rd, 1VUI, at I o' clock A. N.. the following tractn on unredeem ed unseated land : He Aerra l.or'ion So 1. 1 for Mar T, .1 1 40) ! Carer Thos K. I Tw. w iiellenberg-er I U West l-lohn A. ferry Ti Sehnee I HI ireter llar-'inn 4 ID I 9 am W r-t Cook and eaver 1 jir. r InoPldlips 6 400 r'ranklin ianiol chepp Latwrt-nee Kunkl I 41 W. Bca'r W. K. Smith Wm mlth 41- Heaver A K dirt 8. Snyder W I'errv I. Krucirer Rat 10 M " i'. II. .shelly Heirs II 2 7 I ranklin Jackaiui How- lirlatlan ell iEatale Itetlinir 1 ) Moses Specht I. Wilson IS 4.8 " Daniel shepp John l.awrence 14 4S3 BUI a Buyer Wendell iAwrence 15 Its W Ilea er W. K. Smith Win Hoyle Note Accord ins to the records the above tracts have never been redeemed Any one having title I , any of these tracts shall prove name to the commissioners before day of sale. OHO. K. Ml I.I.Kit. JOHN ! WKT.KI., C W KM' ill Is. Commissions Her First Potato Salad. She boiled the eggs and sliced them with discriminating care, She cut the onloni finely, with a most Im portant air; With comprehending nrt ihe mixed the golden mayonnaise, Whlih, really to her credit, was d( serving highest praise. Thtn she added the potatoes (humming gay a little ballad), As she thought: "How pleased will hubby be with this delicious salad." But at lunch she was the saddest little girl you ever saw. When he said: "Aren't these potatoes, dearest, Just a little raw ?'" London Tit-Bits. I CARPETS, MATTING RUGS and FURNITURE the umm I v LEWI8T0W Marked attractiveness in design vof fi'jric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets J conspicuous. At this lime attention is called to the new season's 1 patterns of the well-known Wilton's. Axminsters and Tanestrv I ; Brussels. The latest effects in Ingrains. Rag Carpets in all styles . nuu prices. Our stock of new pecially pleasing:. We also have a fine Mine of baby Carriages. W. H. Valley Street, f t if t "H M I 11 1 I 1 M I 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 REFRIGERATORS Numbers and assortment to We IltiVft Rfenrnii thu n, iui iuu ceienrated BALDWIN DRV AIR BOX It is the original "scientifically built" refrigerator if .K01?18 J 8 Periority overall other boxes, making it tne best and cheapest refrigerator on the market. cleai7thing be removed' makill8 easy'to Patent "Lip Oup" preventing any warm air from reaching the ice compartment. Every one 1$ guaranteed to irlve satis faction. Prices ranee from $8 to $17.90 with or without water &?wX'adWSCreeD8' LaWD M0We"' Garden W H HECH. Snnhnrv Pa WANTED a4saaaaaaa.aaaaam. l r8aaaaj i Oar complete line of bed-room suites are ex traordinary value. Prices deeply cut and worfli your while to consider. Very respectfully, W. A. SHIPMAN, 439MaiketSt. SUNBUitX PA. Undertaking Special Is Life Wank i.i.Ihk? Then don't neglect a cough or eo'd. eapeclall v when only twenlj-flve cauls will huvabol.le ol Meiicau Hyrup II la ao aoothine and mo many tonaumptivea nave seen made well ly it. use head some of the testimonials on the rapper around each taottle that prove ttda ' remedy more sure for deep eeated colds 1 hahilual coughing ami even consumption, than ! any other remedy known to phyatclans Many I of wt off recommend and ttrescrlbe It wh te . K-aa effacaclo' reiuediea fail. ale, Pnar, tllUlren If a child lia. a luvl smelling Itreath. if it hahilunlly p c s it- none, if ll is cross mid i nervous, if it doen not ideep nouuilly. if it ia I hnllowed-cyed, if it has a Ktie, nloodUss coin- : pleiion, if It ia growing thin ami lifeleaa. give it Mother's Worm Hyrup and you will remove the cause of it dis'ress quickly. 'I ben will ita little el eeka gel red and roay. ita appetite and dik'cation improve and ita health be lielter Price only & cents- No other worm-killer ao effective. Be Mat llecelved. Don't thins you can neglect your health and I reach old age. The way to longevity ia t be ' kind to nature and then nature will le kind Pi I I you. t'onnituition, inactive liver, etc., are foca J to nature Try them They cure by cleaning 1 and afrcugthcnitig Fain Tan Ha Cured. hr suffer naln? Pain la Irvine to kill vou Why not kill sin. Nothing kill pniu, either internal or external min, ao quickly mid ao effectively hm (iuoch'a tjuiek Hclief, t'urea cramp and colic. A Complete1 Cure. When you take Hooch's MBfajaprttls JfOtl And it a complete cure (or bad lilood. ... i IMIe-l.it- Cures Pile. Money refund, d if it ever faila. Am i AOUa cures C hills and fever, A new remedy for biliousness iH Dow ou elilu ut Mitl. Hi-hurt,' DrilK Store. It is called Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief anil will prevent the attack if given us noon as the liist Indication of the dUettse ap pears. Price. '2'r cents per box. Samples free and color and excellent nualitv FURNITURE is es FELIX, Lewistown, Pa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it satisfy most any taste. .1... ii i . j ... A 25 PERSONS to buy a bed room suite, consisting o seven pieces for $10.50. We do not deliver these suits out of town for this PRICE. This, offer Is to hold good until the present stock is exhausted. Others will quote you the same grade of suite from $20 2 $23. $ REFRIGERATORS I V " a ass7 jsa ttomocrats Finally Accept Termi of Unioa Party Managers. TO DISRUPT REPUBLICAN PARTY That Is Ul Game So As to Pave the Way For a Democratic Governor and a Wanamz'.er Legistature at the Ensuing Session. tSperlal Correspondence.) Philadelphia, Oet. 8.-As wns ex pected, the Democrat! have withdrawn their candidate for state treasurer In order to permit of the carrying out of the deal to have E. A. Coray, the nom inee of the I'nlon party, put upon the Democratic ticket in his atend. This will complete the compact made between James If, (iuffey, member of the Democratic National committee from Pennsylvania and tne Wanamak r managers of the I'nion party, by which they are to work together against the Republican party this year to form a nucleus of aa organisation which will run a fimlon campaign for the election of memhers of the legis lature next year, who will be called upon to elect a United Slates senator. It Is quite manifest to all of theWan amaker adherents that their favorite cannot hope to be supported by regular Republicans for the I'nlted States sen atorshlp or any other honor in the gift of the Republican organization. They fear, as the- Philadelphia Rec ord said a few days ago, that "Wana maker Is a dead cock In the pit," but as long aa the cash holds out they pro pose to make the best fight they can for the money. Guffey sees that he cannot lose any thing, particularly as it Is understood that part of the deal with the Union party managers is that the Democrats shall bo permitted to elect the next governor in return for their support of the I'nion party candidates for the legislature. BREAKERS AHEAD FOR Gl'FFEY. The withdrawal of Palm, the Demo cratic nominee for state treasurer, doe not meet with favor In Democratic cir cles and Guffey la suing to have trou bles of his own In working out the scheme. Guffey would have nominated Coray instead of Palm when the Democratic stato convention met at Harrlsburg, but he found the sentiment among the delegates to the convention pronounced against the placing of a disgruntled and bolting Republican on their ticket. He was afraid to force Coray'i nomi nation. He decided to put Palm on the Ucket, temporarily, at least. Had Palm withdrawn before, Guffey would have been compelled under the Democratic rules, to reconvene the Democratic convention, and he would have had to nominate a Democrat In place of Palm. The state convention adopted two resolutions calling for the nomination of a Democrat In the event of either of the candidates with drawing. Now theDemoeratlc state committee will have to fill the vacancy occasioned by the withdrawal of Palm. There "t be a vigorous protest against the sub stitution of Coray for Palm, and It is not improbable that there will be a lively struggle at the meeting of the state committee. Chairman Creasy haa been visiting different parts of the state, meeting members of the committee and work ing in the interest of tho nomination of Coray. Coray has nothing In common with Democracy, the Democrats opposed to his nomination say, and it is quite manifest that he has no placo In the regular Republican organization, as he has been an Insurgent for a number of years. He is an ardent Wanamaker supporter. The managers of the Union party know that there Is no likelihood of suc cess at the coming election, but they hope to form an organization, as their state chairman, Riter, indicated on hli acceptance of the position which he now holds, In order to be in shape for the United States senatorial contest of next year. CORAT WILL BE KNIFED. The Union party managers and Col onel Guffey have evidently not taken into account the feeling among straight Democrats throughout the state against the Wanamaker movement. There will be thousands of Demo crats who will not vote for Coray for state treasurer. They realize that be has no standing In either the Demo cratic or Republican party and they resent the idea of his being foisted upon their party at this time simply to oblige the Wanamakerltes. Coray Is a very erratic politician. He will bo cut most where he Is best known to Democrats. In his home county of Luzerne, Democratic com mittees have already adopted resolu tions protesting against his being plac ed upon tho Democratic, ticket. In Philadelphia he will be cut many thousands by the Democrats who are protesting against Colonel (iuffey com ing Into this county and dictating to the local Democracy. He practically told them that unless they nominated the Wanamaker local ticket he would read their organization out of the Democratic party. Imagine what these Democrats will do with Mr. Coray when they reach the ballot box. Guffey has practically given over the Democratic organization in tho Quaker City to Judge Gordon' who is on the Wanamaker staff of political support ers and the Democratic voters have no redress excepting as they propose to act at the coming election. Candidate for Supreme Court Not Strong Among His Neighbor!. A MAN OF VIOLENT PREJUDICES He Is Assured ef Defeat Should He Aspire to Re-election to the Com mon Pleas Bench In Bucks County at the Coming Election. Special correspondence from Doylestown tells of the weakness of the Democratic candidate for the su preme bench, who at the instance c the Wanamaker Interest In Philadel phia, haa been placed upon the Union party ticket. "Judge Herman Yerkes, of Doyles town, the Democratic and antl-Repub-Ucan candidate for Judge of the state aupreme court," says a Doylestown correspondent, "has presided over the courts of Bucks county for nearly 18 yeara. He was first elected Judge by more than a thousand Democratic ma jority. At the close of his first term he was renominated and elected by the bare majority of about 230 votes. The prediction has been repeatedly made In Rucks county lately that ho cannot be re-elected to another term because of the enemies he has made In and out of his party. His second election as Judge of the Bucks county courts was only made possible by tho votes of Republicans who supported his candidacy. "During his second term he has de veloped tho attributes of a czar. Ho has assumed to regulate and manage men and affairs in bis own county as only a despotic ruler would do. He has commanded grand Juries to do bis blddlngas noother Judge in these days la known to do. He has gone far out of his way to exert his power, and has lost the esteem of many of the best people of Rucks county. A MAN OF VIOLENT PREJUDICES. "Judge Yerkes Is a man of strong and violent prejudices. These preju dices he carries upon the bench and allows them to contrul him in certain Instances. Up to the first nomination of Bryan he was an Intensely bitter Democrat, but in the first Rryan cam paign he sunk his partisanship and opposed Bryan's election. For this ho has never been forgiven by straight out Democrats. "During that campaign, as an Illus tration, Judge Yerkes came to dislike a certain Democrat in Doylestown who was enthusiastic In support of Bryan. This man headed a company which later applied to court for a distillery license. Judge Yerkes, many believed, declined to Issue the license because of his difference with this man on the Bryan issue. The case was carried to the supreme court, which directed Judge Yerkes to iasue the license, all the conditions of the law having been complied with. "In a subsequent case, not at all con. nected with the one referred to, Judge Yerkes took occasion to utter a slur upon the supreme court such as Is without parallel In the Judicial his tory of this commonwealth. That de liverance should bp upon record In the Rucks county courts, nnd might hare been made the basis of impeach ment proceedings had it been desired to proceed in the matter. "The prejudices of Judge Yerkes are many and deep-seated. He is extreme ly sensitive, and dislikes criticism. He himself criticises freely, but he does not want his views or his actions com mented upon adversely. He resents anything of this sort, and many of his opinions are burdened with this re sentment. "During the early years of bis pres ent term the Republicans elected as district attorney the county chairman of that party, who directed the fight against his re-election. That district attorney had the most trying experi ence that has ever befallen a similar official in the county. Judge Yerkes seemed to take advantage of every op portunity to humiliate him. "Judge Yerkes lacks the Judicial temperament in a conspicuous degree, some intimation of which has been given. He can not restrain himself In his likes and his dislikes, snd car ries them upon the bench. He never forgets an enemy and rarely remem bers a friend. He is absolutely selfish and self-opinionated. "There Is another feature of Judge Yerkes" unfitness for the supreme Judgeship, and that Is his lack of ex perience la the higher or more In volved law. Almost his entire time as a Judge has been given to petty crimi nal cases. He has rarely been called upon to pass on questions Involving momentous or even intricate ques tions of law. "Much of the business of the Bucks county courts hss been and Is of a minor character. The business of the county Is almost exclusively agricul tural, and that, aa everybody knows, does not eall for much or important litigation. Consequently Judge Yerkes' experience as a lawyer and as a judge is with cases of no great importance. "Judge Yerkes, realizing, no doubt, that he can not be re-elected to the position he now holds In his own county, has exerted every possible ef fort to secure another Job. He has even thrown over his strong Demo cratic tendencies to accept the straw of Independent Republican support. Ho wants to sit upon the supreme court bench, and he Is willing to sub vert his party Inclinations to take ad vantage of every opportunity that may bo the means of securing the coveted position. It Is no lofty ambition that urges Judge Yerkes on In the pending campaign. He simply does not de sire to retire from the Judiciary to the place of a medlocore lawyer In a email country town." IN THE WINTER. (Btatoa'i Platter It Pain's Master. For coughs and colds Benson's Porous Plasters are an incomparably better rem dy than any other external or internnl. Their medicinal properties enter the skin and ff ttraight to the trat of t' t ditav. They relieve and cure a "seated" cold without disturbing the system or UHtetting the stomach. Cough mixtures often nau. aeate llcnaon's Planter are medicinal in the highiist degree, and quickest to act. , Pinned ou the chest or back or on both at once in serious cases, the good effect is feltimmcdiaUly. Tbernugestiou y'vlds, the cuiit;h abuU'S and the brentUiug improves. Lung or bronchi d uffeetious or kidney divas", are cured with the least possible siiMYrm ; mid loss of time. Hanson's Plasters are immMiirablr su perior to Belladonna, Strengthening, C.ip sicum or any other combination in plaster form. They are also preferable to oint ments, liniments and Knives. Benson's Plasters have received .ly .rtre hi-', mt airnrdi over all competitors; nnd more than H.000 physicians snd drvj,its hava declared them to bo ono of the few trustworthy household remedies. Fur silo by all druggists, or we will prepay postage on any number ordered in tho United States on receipt of 25e. each. He. sure you set the genuine. Accept no Imitation or sulsititute. Kesbury A Johnson, Mf. Chemists, N.Y. lel;al r vkrtising Amkn!u:nt t tmk i-oNtcrirmo Htort wKD TO TIIK ' nKSs u 'lllls iOMMOMlVSALTU FOR THK1K AT PBOVAL Oil RfclKCTlON BY I'HK UKTfl KKAI. AHHKMU1A OF TIIK COM MOM rVKALTU 01 n:N.M I A AM rut. LIVIIKD BY OttDRH OK THE sK itKT l(Y Off rut: IXJMMONWKAlTH IN IM'I.M ASCK 04 AIMM UC Will of THK Mi s ri I UTfOW. A JOINT RKSOI.UTION PtFopotltiH ftroendivciil lo Ilia Comlttutton ol tin- Commonwealth (taction l te it rt'- imI by the BmhUc mnl HoiUM of Uciri-4riiUstivm 61 ill UonntoLV wealth In General Aenainblv me that thv di low I mi in proposed ai amend met it n to tlx 'n tltution of tin Commonwealth of Peiiivyj. vim in, in accordance with the provision! of tin eighteenth article thereof: Amendment One to Arth le Bight Section One, Ailil at tlu' end of the Hint iurio:riu')i f nald action, after the wordi "ehall be entitled to vote at nil elecvtotte,' the words, "subject how ever to euch laws requiring ami regulating tin registration of electors as llie Ueneral AMembty may enact.' i that the raid su lion thai I read Iff follow. Hectlon I . Qualification f Electors, Kvory male cltlsen twentyone veers ol see, poeeess Iuk Hie following qualifications, niiuii ne en titled to vote at all elections, subject however toeuoh tows requiring and regulating the reg istration of electors tin- Ueneral Assembly may enact: l. Mr ffhiill bare been a cltlsen of the United Statri at li-ufft one month. it. He ffliail have resided In the Btatfc out year r if, having previously been a qualified alee tor or native born Cltlseil of the State, hr Khali tiave removed therefrom ami returned, within i i nioiitha itonictltaU'ly prtH-eihng the eloo lion.' .'1. He ffliail have reffiilnt in the rlrotion difftrlct where lit hall ufft-r hi vole at leant two nmntiiM Immediately preceding the eleetlon, 4. If twenty-two ymr of Ige ami upwardn, he hali havsj phl within twn y.rt it Htate or county tax. which ahall have beenaaseesed at leant two inonthaml paht at leant one month before the election. Amendment Two to Article Kfght, .Sit Ion Beven. strike out from aald section Ihe worU "hut no elect r ffhall he deprived of the privilege of voting hy reason of hin name not helng re irintrred," ami add t' Maid section the following wonlff, "hut I a vi i regulating and reiiitriiiK the regifftrtloti of eleetorn may he enacted t I apply toeltieii only, provided that hiu Ii law may he uniform for ritien of the tame ela," to that the Mid Kection si a 1 read Si folloWl ! Section 7. Uniformity of Election Iewe.- All lewff regulating the holiling of election! hy the citien or for the registration of e lectori ffhall he uniform throughout the Mate, hut lawn regule ttiigand reipiirintc the registration of elector may be enacted to apply t eitfesonly. provided that Mitch law n he uniform for cities: of the isauie class, A true ropy of the Joint Rcaolutloiti W, W, GHIBBTi Secretary of the t ominonweslth. 1MBNDMBNT TO Tin: CONSTITUTION pHOKtSBD TO THK CITIZENS OF TU 18 ( OMMONVt KAI.TH I ok THKIH Al'I'ltoVAI. ttlt REJECTION BY TIIK liKNKKAl. As KKMBLY OF THE L'OMMONWEAIIH k PENNSYLVANIA. PI'BUHIIKDB OKDER OF THK SECRETARY OFTHKt'OMMONWKI TH. IN PI lisi'AM'K OF ARTICLE Will til- TIIK CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth Section I. Belt enacted by the Senate nnd Uouee of Representative! ol the 'ommonwealth of Pennsylvania in GeneMl Assembly met That the following)! prouoeed asan amendmetat to the Comtitutlon of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In accordant e w ith the provisions of the Eighteenth Article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section foUf of nrtit 'e, eight, ttiid neert in place thereof, nn follow : Section 4. All elections by the cltlsen! Rhall he hy hallot or hy niteh other method hf may be peeecribed by law: Provided, That werecy In voting le prerterved. Arue oopy t if the Joint Resolution. W. VV. (i HI EST, Secretsry of the oinmonweulth. " For tbr 'e duys find niclits I suffered aRony UDtold from an attack of cholera morbus liroueut on by eating 'ucuinbers. sa.vn M. k.. Ijow- Itber, clerk of the district court, t'eiiterville. Iowa. " I tbousbt 1 Hbould surely die, and tiied a dozen diffeient mediate but itll to no rurpoHe. I Bent lor a bottle of Cbsmbeilain's Cplio, ('boleia and Diarrhoea Keniedy anil tbree doses relieved trie enlirt ly." Tbis remedy i for sale by Uiddleburg Drug Store. Wlion vnii pnnnrit. -lecti for collL'h- inir. it i bardly necessary that jou i j. r i '1.... K. i. tieeit h tew u"er i vunuiurimiu Oough IVmedy to allay 'be irritation "f ibetbroHt, and make rlsjep poaai-ble- It is good. Try it. For sale by Middleburg Diu Store. WANTKI SKVKHAL IKltMCNS 'F ('HAH in t- r it i il koo1 rcpulsition in each -tnte (one in thm county rrouurd) t repnent and adver tise ohl rMAhltttiel wealthy I Minimus boUSC ol olid nimneiai itandlng' ..alary fl.W weekly with exMnieM additional, all payable in enh eac h v 1 1 1 r , i i ii direct from head ofticei Horee ami enrriijre furnished, when necessaiy Heferonee. BnoTose Mcif addresed etainned envelope. ftMasafer, Bli)Centon Building. Ohl eaen. e-ltM Troahlea of tin- Rleh, Crawford Whjf is it a ilisgrnce to die rich? Crabshaw Because if you do a lot of Women "ill come forth nnd claim that you married them. Town Tup les. Iloatoiilnn Snrrs.m. Uncle (It'ore Tom Tnylor says he noticed that you have jrrown remark ably pretty. Clara So he has begun to talie no tice, has he? Probably he'll bepin to talk by and by. Iloston Transcript. oRUUNs' COVHT KAXK Of "VeT! vin'ftolo n c cil Estate IV I'ENX TOWmUIP, SNVl'KIt CO., pi Uy virtue ..fan order iMiirl hy a orphan. Court f Snyder runty to ihe tin. I, , signed Administrator '. T. A. or Daniel Blouse ate of Mid Township. dt iruM .t 1 wi i , ' t,, puhltc Mle on the premise, on Thui-MJav, October Slut, 1. 11, he follow Iuk real ctatr All that eertain tract of land eltuate in mlsM Townahip, I ounty gnd State and bounded 00 the north hy a public read and land of the HeJem hun h.on the raat hy a puhlic road and laud of Matilda I isher. DM the MUttl h) a public rond, ni.d on the e t h I.iimI ,.f t L, hcitaof Henry v.oyer. deceased and ctiiitainliig elfM acres, more or leas, In n n srecrectt il . ft tese dwell tog bet tee stable and minor buildings beirej I be name property w ho h i at hi rlne Hroaas as the wteTott f mI L'aniel Hroose OCCUpted during her natural I He. . aid n. erty i situated in the village n al iti and brw plenty of eltoleg fruit trees and ntliet i ultson it. also K m..I water ll forms a suit il I it. for ik store T other buMnesa, sale t i begin i i o'eloch P. If. whettbe conditio'.-, w ll I a made k now n A. ll. Keek. Auctioneer William II. Boyer, Admlnlatrator tum '' mciilu Annexe U M 1' 1 In. h Kaq., Atty for estate. DMIKltiTH ATOMS' NOTICE. Let L v ten of AUm uiatmt in the estal nnrew iruti, late or Monroe towns p, ,IV. der tint) u decease I, having In n gmnted to the uuderslgued, all pcraous km ji . thettf wives Indebted tu said estate are requested to make h 'dtate payment, a hile tin.-. : t g clalnih vgalntt the said estate ill present them duly iutuentlcated to tin undendgm d HAMITKI. U I hi rr JAMK4 y u KHTZ, AdmluUtratora. Oct 1, 1901. Nntl. ia hereby given Hint Power nl attorney. in faeiliaal iig-ranteil by Ibe heirs In the ea. tale f Connul Keller, lata nl I'enn townsbin nnyrter County, l'n , deeensetl. All Lersons ktraSfltiK themselves to b. Irbteil to said s lale alioulil make immerilatr paytnenl ami i liose havlna c aims airalnsl it ahottbl iresent llisjn. July euilurallvated for setllemenl ALLKN H Sbt hi;i-r. Attiirn.'v in-f lef. I 'undone I'll., ' Unc I. Ill 1 1 ADMINlSTHATOK'M NOTICE Let ters of Admiulstrati m In the estnte nf Henry Na'itlit la'c ,,f VV. IVny two., Hnyder lily, P dee'd, liavinR ! njironted ( lo tin- iindarslsTtied, all nersnns know Inn them selves Imletitedto said estate are reUeated k make ImmeUlate pay metit. while thos' I ivln le'almswlll present (Item duly autbenllvai I lo lbs unit, rsignetl. J, r. NAl'OLE. Administrator, Aline, Pa., m; in, ioui, I?XKClTTOK'H NOTICE N'otlee hereby ' ' cim-ii thai letters testnmentary upon the estate of bydia HwarU, lute ol Wiialiinirtoii Township, Snyder I'ounly, I'n . deeeaai d, li iv been Issued in due form of law lo the under signed, to whom all Indebted In said i state should make immediate payment and those having elalms against it should preset:! them duly authenticated for settlement. II. N S, MCI'. I W. II. SYVAKTZ, i l' "' Knnir, I 'a., Auk. , 1901 VANTKI.--('aalile. reltobla person In every county to represent larne company ol solid flnam lal reputation; (WIA salary per year, pay able weekly; fH per day absolutely sliro I all ezMnsrs- straight, DO Da-fide, definite salary, no commission; salary M.ul rncli Btgyda ami expense money advanced .-iicb w. "'a'N'I) A III) BOt8 St, XII Dear Son. St., CbSlO, B-MI $i5 to $18 a Week fvilary for nn intelligent man or woman in er.eh town, lvrtuanent poeition. 80 cents per hour for upare time. Mantifaeturer. Doi 7s. Phila delphia. Prof. 0. Nolin j Lalo with Dr. A. H. Wells, the . I i.i int. 1 1 ti BTE BPEl'IALIHT of Waafaingtorj, l. 0. j Headquarters at Hillcr House, 1 23 East Market St., Lewlstown, Pa. Consultation and thorough esamlnation fn of charge every Wednesday and Saturday. Glasses scientifically and skillfully fitted. Also all Imperfections In Iheeyesof children ;ire- fully examined. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1st- ARTIFICIAL KVKS IN8EHTKI), RUPTURE Write to Ibe MOWHAWK KKMED VO., Rome, N.Y nnd they will tell ynu can cure your KUPTt'KK or 1IKHINA and llie liNI.Y WAY lliey ean possibly be I UKKI). KRKKUK CUAROB II "ill cost vou but ONE L'KNT, Inn'i wall, you will never regret It, Apr ln-.'lt WANTED SEVERAL I'BHHONS OF II A It actet and good reputation in each state (one in this county required)to represent nnd ndver Use old easabl lahad wealthy business house of olid financial standing, MalaryllH.UO weekly wltii expenses additional, ail payable In eai.li each Wednesday direit from hea-1 offices. Iiorae ami carriage furnished, "lien neccea ssry Referenees. linclo-r self inlilressed stamped envelope. Manager, 3 1 r (Piston Building, Chicago, MS-MI. For Hpraiiif," BWelliDga nnd lnine nenH there Is nothing so poml uh i OaMBOoriMii m i am nuim. try ii. ' For "ale by Bfiddleburg Drug Store. WANTKI Tin STWOKHY M K.N AM) MO. ! -nen totravel andadverli-e for ld estobll jlhcd I house of solid finaix'inl . tending. Salary 1790 a can. a,,,l i.i'ii.i M nil flH nl)le ill JO ll Nil .1111 vasainsT reiuirctl. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamiied envelojie. Address MaiiBKrr. XA OastOB Itlds . ' hlcago, 4-18 liit UANTFI1 SAL'ESMEN Uasse s as. Bar To sell a Choice line of Nurssy sto.lt. Btesdy v nnd Kilrs InSiirrrarnls to the ri(lil rersons- All slink guaranteed Write now lor terms and c lire a good situation for Hi rail and winter. Address, THE HAWK NURSERY CO., :i.,V4iii. Rochester, N. N- It Happened in a Drug Stne. "One day winter a lady came to my drug tore and asked for a lntind 'f cough medicine thai I-aiq not have in stock," aaya Mr. 0. K flrsndln, the popular drociil of Ontario, N. Y. "Sbe was hmu pointed and wanted to know what oough preparation ooula recom mend Baid to her that I coula frc.lv rM'omineud Cliunibri laiun's Cough Iteinedy :tnd that Bhe ronld take a bottle of tl)'' remfdy nnd after giving it a fair trial 1. she did i : ..woili lb,, monfiv tobrins HOI nun ii "o.... .... - . - --.j baek the bottle and 1 would refund llie lirice paid. In the course of a, day or two the lady c. me back in company with a fli nd in need of a eough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain'a Cough Remed7 consider that a very good recommendation re" medy." it is for "le by iHUlkburg DruR Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers