COMMENDABLE ANGER ' ready for his speech it pa: us! "The i Petition of the Clergy" by spending II hours at the gambling table Talmag: on T!cw to Be Angry and Sti.l Sin Not. irv- inp's life of Oliver (jelrtsuiith says that the ureal licet lost I'JW. all his earnings, io a short tour to see the ! ,:u,il U judgment clay reveals every ; Christianity and leave a'.l things In i. n arctic night, the cold equal to the darkness. You do well to lie angry, but how about those who have, la-en llung of scepticism, anil that is more million than cu will ou r know of Plrrlrnln.f Rftnrr the Oltrnit gad the OflVutlcr We ShoulU U ISMtinnanl at One and I'll) (lie Other. ICopyrlsht, 1901. by Louis Klopsch. N. T. Washington, June 30 A delicate and difficult duty is by Pr. Tulmage in this discourse urged upon ail, and especially upou those jrivcu to quick temper; tent, Kphe sians iv., Uti; "Re yc angry and biu not world. Gibbon, the authtir at "The Decliac nnd Kail of the Roman Em iire." came to his own decline and fail through gaming practices and in a letter in 177i saW: "I havo un done myself, an.1 it la to no purpose to conceal from you my abominable madness and folly. 1 have never lost so much in five days aw I have to night, nnd I am in debt to tho house lor the whole." But while you are hotly ludtgUAnt against the crime, how do you feel about those who were flssosd and !!. 11... v ,..l Lni. tl,:,t tlieir . ,',',, ' small boat was so near the maelstrom. tu'ucc, ioroearuucc, iiro cxioiicu oy most "f the radium pens of Inspire . Some of them were bora Willi a tend ency to recklessness and experiment . aal hazard. The) inherited a disposi tion to ttmpl ubauee. Uo not heap on them additional discouragements; do not deride their losses. Help them to start again. Show them that there I are more forluues yet to be gained won, but my text contains thai which at tu-st sight is sturtling. A certain kind of anger is approved aye, we are romniuudcd to indulge in it. The most of us have no need to cultivate high temper, and how often we any tilings ai.u uo i.,.uK. union.-. bM- ff u1 horej ;ln J lh. t ed impulse w inch we arc sorry for . GoJ tUf Mead hfiJ wi ,1,,-n perhaps it a too late to make; uu.4 t alll, lhriiuffh th S:l. effective apology! Why. then, should i()Ur.s m th(.y mar P,ig. for,ri.r 0,. apostle l'aul dip his pen in the ink ,n (fce Un(J mhm t, ar burn and trace upon parchment, alter ward to be printed upon paper for all ages, the injunetiou, "lie ye uuyry and ain not?" My text commends n wholesome In dignation. It discriminates between the offense and the offender, the sin and the sinner, the crime and the criminal. To illustrate; Alcoholism has and Infinite gains. White yoa may red den in the face al the fact that gnuj bling is ihe disgraceful mother of multitudinous crimes, of envies, jeal ousies, revenge, quarrels, eruelties, falsehood!, forgeries, suicides, ntur dvrs and despair, he careful what you say of the victim of the vica and what you do, He needs more sympathy than the man who came up from inebriety and debauch acd assassination, for tii, up. 'An, sere comes your oppottu nitv for gentleness, kindness and sympathy. 1 be pn 1 al UUy is that if ou hail been plied with the sa'ne in fluences n Hi unbeliever there would not be a Bible in all your bouse from cellar in attic Perhaps he was in some Important transaction swindled by u member of the church whose taking of the sacrament was n sacrilege. Perhaps he read agnostic books and heard agnostic lectures and mingled in agnostic circles until he has been befogged and needs your Christian help more than anyone that you know of. Do uot get into any labored argument about the truth of Christianity, He may beat you at that. He lias a whole artil lery of Weapons ready to open tire. Remember mat no one was ever re formed for Uiis life or saved for the life to come, by an argument, but in humblest and gentlest way, your voice subdued, ask : -. a fi W ques tion . Ask him if he a Christian parentage, and if he says yes ask him whether the old folks died happy. Ask him if he has ever heard of any one going out of this life in raptures of infidelity and agnosticism. Ask him if il is not a somewhat remark able fact that tha Bible, after so many years, sticks together aud thut then are snore copies of it in exist ence thnu ever before. Ask him if he knows of any better civilization than Christian civilization and whether he thinks the teachings of Confucius or Christ aru preferable. ruinsd more fortunes, blasted more '., r . , . IT many sucn repent anil are saved, mil ' Af,k him ), thinks it would be a confirmed gamblers hardly ever re- far thing in the Creator of all thing3 form. to put in this world the human race During the cmir-.e of ,s prolonged min- (mj giro them no direct cois.mun.ica- Iftry 1 have seen thousands redeemed, many of them who were, clear gone in sin, by Almighty rescued. In all perls of this kind and in some parts of other lands I have seen those who were given up as incorrigible and lost recovered for Ood and Haavsn, hut bow many confirmed gamblers have I seeja converted from their evil ways? any evil thut 1 think of. It pours a river of poison und (ire through the nations. Millions have died because of it, und millions are dying now, nnd ethers will die. Intemperance is an old sin. The great Cyrus, writing to the Lacedemonians of himself, boasted of unuiy of his qualities, among others, that he could drink end bear more wine than his distin guished brother. Louis X. and Al exander the Great died drunk. The parliament of Edinburgh in 16ft is called in history "the drunken par liament.' Hugh Miller, first stone mason and afterward a workt-rs-sswnsd geologist, writea of the drink ing habits of hia day, saying "When the foundation vsaa laid, they drank. When the walls wars leveled for laying the joists, they drank. When the building was finished, they drank. Whsa an apprentice joined, they drank." In the eighteenth centnry, tha fiver of an entertainment boast ed that none of tha guests went away saber. Noah, the first ship captain, was wreaked not in tha ark, far that waa safely landed but ha was wrecked with strong drink. Every roan or maun rightly constructed will Mush with indignation at the na tional and international and hemi spheric and planetary curse. Il is good to be aroused against it. You came out of that condition a better man or a better woman. . Be ye an gry at that abomination, and the sore anger tho mora exaltation to (hsraoter. But that aroused feeling becomes sinful whsn it extends to tha victim of this great evil. Drunk enness you are to hate with a vivid lion for their guidance and. if they did wrong, tell them of no way of recovery. I think if n famous infidel of our time, instead of being taken away instantaneously, had died in his bed after weeks snd months of illness he would huv revoked his teachings snd left for his beloved family consolations which they cetlld Athoussnd? Js'o. Five hundred? No., not flml ln 0bsequle at which not I V . rsa a. VT a - - FlfryT So. Two? No. On? No I read in a book of one such rescued. I have no doubt there have beea ether cases, bat no evil does Hs worle so thoreugh)y and eternally M gambling. Such almost hopeless of reformation ought to ealf forth from you deeper ; wouid sympathy Shan you feel for sap other unfortunate. Pity by all means, for those who, shipwrecked and bruised among the timbers, have nevertheless climbed up to tha fisherman's eavbin and found warmth and shelter, ant more pity far these who never reach shore, but are dashed to death in the breakers. Be aagry at the sin, but sympathise with Hs vioMme. One act of freed WM of in big head lines in toe morning papers rightfully arouaas tha nation's wrath. It Is the interest of every goad sees and good woman wo reads of the crime to hsve it exposed and punished. Let it go uo aosthsd, and yon put a prsmtutn on fraud, yon depress pubiio morals, yen induce those who sre on the fence be tween right and wrong to get down, on the wrong side, snd you put the busi ness of the world on a down grade. The constabulary and penitentiary one ward of Holy Scripture waa read, or at Fresh Pond crematory, wheia no Christian benediction was pre nmnred. I do not positively say that in a prolonged illness, there would have been a retraction, but I think ssireo; out the drunkard you are mast do their work. But while the to pity, to help to extricate. merciless and the godiess ory: "Good Just take into consideration that for him!" "I am glad he is within the there are men and women who once prison doorsl" be it your work to find ere as upright as yourself who j out if that man is worth ssving and have been prostrated by alcoholism. what were the causes of his moral Perhaps it came of a physiclan'a pre scriptlon for the jehef of pain, a re currence of the pain calling for a continuance of the remedy; perhaps the grandfather was an inebriate sad the temptation to inebriety, leaping ever a generation, has swooped on this unfortunate; perhaps it waa un der an attempt to drown trouble that WaS SOUU-ht (),. nai,r I Try gradual chaining of the man ith the beverage which was thought to be a servant, when one day it an nounced Hself master. Be hum We now, and admit that there is a Vrong probability that under the same eireumstaaeea you yourself lght hsva been captured. The two PPropriau emotions for you to al ia '"Station the Intoxicant which enthralled and sympothy for victim. Try to get the sufferer out of his present environment; rec ommend any hygienic relief that you now of and, above all, implore the Mns rescue for tha struggle in "n'ch so many of tho noblest and PaatJest have bean worsted. Do not C"e yourself tin to too ku. . - M - O f j . i nil. 'vi -rr-v.. aawaaj wnat the man ought to to abhor, while wo try to heip ... urn ana ought to have done, victim, and that is overthrow. Perhaps he started in business fife under a tricky firm, who gave him wrong notions of business integrity ; perhaps there was a combi nation of circumstances almost un paralleled for temptation; perhaps thera were aHeviatlons; perhaps he wss born wrong and never got over it; pexhaps he did not realise what he was doing, snd If you sre a merciful man you will think of other perhapses which, though they may not excuse, will extenuate. Perhaps he has al ready repented and la washed in the blood of the Lamb, and is as sure of Heaven as you are. What an opportu nity yon have for obeying ny text. You wera angry at the mlsdemanor, but you are hopeful for tho recovery of tha recalcitrant. Blessed all prison reformers! Blessed sre those gov ernors and presidents who are gtsd when they have a chance to pardon I Blessed tho forgiving father who wet comes home the prodigal I Blessed the dying thsef whom the ford took with Him to glory, saying: "This day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise!" There is another evii that we ought the infidelity. It f natches the life preserver from the man afloat and affords not so much as a spar or a plank as substitute. It would extinguish the only light that has ever been kindled for the troubled snd tha lost. Let the spirit of Infi delity take hold of a neighborhood, aad in that town the marriage rela tion is a farce and good morals give place to all styles of intraorals. Lot it t nlf . nnuMtlnn s, O.U law that much of this devastation thera will be no virtue left in all the It I WT0Ua'0 to ladies' parlors, world's olrcumference. All the sins j an evil which sometimes Is as rebuked in the Ten Commandments polite and gracious aa it is harmful, would be dominant. The torch that odeed, there never were ao many 1 shall kindls the conflagration of the rPle trying to gat money without ; earth in Its last catastrophe will not arnlng it. But it la a haggard 1 do as much dsmags as would infidel ransfression that comes down to us Hy and agnosticism, if they got the m tn past blighting all its way. I chance. Be angry with suoh theories I have aeen In the archives of the ! ot unbelief and hatred of Ood. Never tioa In this national capital a large , laugh at the witticisms of those who j"0' kt which one of tha early pres-' would belittle the Bible with their Wats of the United Statsa kept aa jocularity. Quote to them tha four J080"- to hie own handwriting of : Ues of WhHtier: f ine nd lossss at playing cards j And wtsry ssebers sf the best B page tha rains and on tha w ef"mt bMl1 ,,d,n wl,h our w atW ass 5 ?&tr ooasren a a a v i I flash in your eheek and a frown o o iSTna VititM ohnmberl "one your eheek flushes with wrath " the foe that has braught the ruin, JM roar eye be moistened with tears of ply for the sufferer. In that way you will have fulfilled the injunotion MJa text: "Bo ya angry and sin Tnore h another evil the abhor "Me of which you are called to. ad it t. n v. t -u. . .... M,t iuvtcsk lac gam- wing practice. Recent developments But let me confess at this crisis at my sermon that there is not an in junotion in the Bible more difficult to obey than the worda of the tent. iTV'hne it applauds a wholeanme Indig nation, it wants against sinful an ger. Aad there Is in all ths rsakst of passion nothing more destrustive than indiscriminate hate. First of all, It frenzies tha nervous ganglia. Those paowtt who easily flare up an little provocation ga Into high 4nd geon, take umbrage without reason, snsp yon up quick, hsvs ruinsd their nervee, end there is only one thing worse to ruin, snd that is the brain, and we ssy of ono thst is given to frequent ebullitions of temper that he is an unbalanced man. A business man of our acquaintance said: "I cannot afford to get mad. It hurts mo so." A man thoroughly mad. can say enough in two minutes to damage him for 20 years. It only took five minutes for the earthquake to de atroy Caracas. Ono unfortunate sen tence uttered in affront in a apeeeh in the United States senate shut for ewer tho door of the white house against one of the most brilliant men of thelaetoentury. Surpassing all other charaotera in the world'a biography stands Jesus Christ, wrathful against sin, mereiful to the sinner. Witness His behavior toward the robed ruffians who de maaded capital punlahment for an offonding woman denunciation for their sinful hypocrisy, pardon for her sweet penitence. Ho did net speak of Herod as "hia majesty" or "his royal highness," but dared to compare him to a cunning fax, say ing: "Go yo and tell that fox." But, alert to the cry of suffering. He finds ten lepera and to how many of the ten awful Invalids did He give con valescence snd health? Ten. Bebuh lng Pharisaism in the most com pressed scntenae in all the vocab ulary of anathema "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye ee capo the damnation of hell?" yet looking upon Peter with suoh tender ness that no word was spoken and not a word waa needed, for ths look spoke louder than words. "And ths Lord looked upon Peter, and Peter went out and wept bitterly." Oh, what a look it must have been to break down the swarthy fisherman apostlel It was such a hurt look, ttuch a be seeching look, such a loving look, such a forgiving look! Waa thers any other being since time began, such a combination of wrath against wrong and compassion for the wrongdoer? "Lion of Judah's tribe! IMBil PRETTY HANGING POIS. Aa n Deoarnt Ion for Conntri Itonse imiikkiim or for Windows t in Have Pets itini. Too often the beaut of summer blossoms is spoiled let awkwardly shaped bowls or a harsh contrast of colored ware. A mistake most often seeu is in chousing some elaborately decorated vase for holding the sim plest flowers violets, daisies or anj of the wild blossoms. The fish globe, thai may be pur chased in three different sixes, is one I V ml XJo. DECORATIVE FLOWER POTS, of the pret tlest of flower holders. Thl is of clear glass, with a rim at the top that is capable of carrying a brass chain if the bowl is to be hung up llrass and copper vessels that have been kitchen property are othei unique holders for flowers. must be remembered, is the safest background for any kind of flower. The hanging flower pots shown in the illustration are an attractive deco ration for a window drapvd in white muslin. They iftsy lie adjusted to an) desired height by lengthening 01 shortening the cord. Almost evert flower that can be found in the garden or woods tnkeR on a particular charm when placed In these hanging pots They are as desiruble for piassa fur nishings as for indoor use, onil are lm ported only In small qaiantities from Japan. N. 1 . Tribune. FRUIT SPECIALISTS. Not Improbable Thut Thej Will In Time Control the Markets All Over the Country. Prof. Green, of Minnesota, Is quoted aa saying that tiie time is coming when fruit will be grown only by specialists He says or it is Raid thnt he says that the ordinary man is toocnreless and shiftless and ineffectual in his treatment of fruit trees. He cannot compete with the man who makcR a specialty of fruit growing nnd who cares for his orchards in the best ways known. Prof, Green is perfectly safe In such s prediction. In fact, he might pass It for a statement of present fact and not be so very far wrong. There nre still a good many farmers who grow fruit as a "side line" without any particular care for the best methods; but anyone may observe that they cut a wonderfully small figure in the mar k"ts. A good illustral ion of the si t u ntion came to notice last fall. In one neighborhood the apple buyers were thick and prices were good $1.50 to three dollars a barrel. In another neighborhood in the same state apples were rotting on the ground by the hundreds of bushels and prices ranged from 75 cents n barrel down to nothing at nil, with the barrel thrown In. The difference was merely that the former neighborhood had a reputation for apples based on the careful work of many professional apple growers, w-hihs the other neighborhood had grown its apples "on thcVdde." The samethingean be observed In the peach growing business, and still more plain ly in the pear g "owing business. The strawberry business, too, is practically all In the hands of specialists. This is n good thing and li ought to be encour aged, the only tnitipatinir considera tion being that this condition discour ages some farmers who ought to prow fruit for their own use, but who are giving it up because they have been crowded out of the market by the stie- t. .!:..... n . 1 iwuism ountry nentleman. THEY HELP THE FARMER. The crow is a great destroyer of in sects and does but little damage to crops. The owl seldom attacks poultry, but prefers rnts, mice nnd squirrels. The mole is one of the farmer's best friends; it saves shrubs nnd plants by destroying worms und insects that prey on their roots. I nnsalenhla Int anlajsaats. Vntil about JO year niro most1 of Hie Xnmigrnnts to the United stntt - came from the cot. nines jf western aud northern Europe. In general, they were Industrious and thrifty. When they arrived their tend- encj was to scatter among the farms of the west and northwest. Manx of them spoke our language; most of them were accustomed to free insti tutions, They were Uritishvlrlsh,Uer mans. French, Swedes, when the came; then they became llrltish-Ain r icans. Irish-Aim ricans. Uertltau-Amer-leans, nnd so on; then the) or their children dropped the prefix and the hyphen, nnd are now plain Americans, tif late years, saya Youth's Compan ion, there litis been an alarming in crease of immigration from eastern and southern Kurope, Twentj years ago Poles, Huns. iVustriana, Uusslaus and Italians made up altogether less than one-tenth of tin- total immigra tion, for the nine mont lis ended w ith the ;iist of March last they constituted neurit seven-tenths. Nearly one-half of them were illiterate. These Immi grants are a source of dunger, not onlj because they arc illiterate and igno rant, of American institutions, but be cause ihey crowd inro the cities. Of the Poles In Illinois, five-sixths arc in Chi Ml go of the Italians in Illinois, three-fourths are in Chicago. The same tendenej to colonize In the gn at cities appears in New York, Massachu setts ami other states, Chemists pre pare tallies showing how much time different kinds of food require for di gestion. If similar tables Were to be prepared for the body politic, it would be found that the earlier t pe of Immi grants required a comparatively short time for assimilation, nnd that those of the later type are assimilated with extreme difficulty, if at all. Every crowded ship load of thin class of im migrants adds to the public burdens and teaches the need of restrictive leg lalat ion. American mules were sent by the thousand to South Africa and evident . ly created a favor t'ur iiiirRf, mill W ifhin the last two years many American horses have seen service with our .soldiers in the Philip pines and in China. Whcither our horses are l-tter for military and general service or not, their appearance in the . rr- 1 it ,' nr i ; WIDL-AWAKE FARM 130Y. Evidently 'iitin Yonnnstev t Detests mlticil i Make tnrlenltnrs n Prontnble Uceapntlun, This article is fi lit . up to date t.4 farm nnd its stock s about Uvea in l' I know that you Will fn hearing about him. Ibe boys; those thai like tho I he boy that It tnge count . ami be in teres tod La I fall the writer attended fair, nnd on the we passed a bott calves hitched to Kittmir on the band, 04 tllgnin1 The calves t he t hagrin Tails 'und front that faff ilriiiiiir :i pair of it a wagon He ws spring seat, whip tn d ns any grown iniitv. te well broken, ansl they responded perfectly In n word nnd n liciti tup nf the whip which he carried in hi hand. We notices thai he never bent them or relli ! at 1 ' -Wt i ArV- -'ieKv U $v. i. HARRY ANI gi one HIS TE t pci Now, do mi n oell. tere is a it lot was arranged that I I or t Ins i the boy'e hi.s calves and lohn Gould's the tllelll. Its H when they dri We thought: picture," so it llnrrv Stebbins name) should In i wagon over to Mr next dav and haic their photograph taken. The next forei n Harry mm on hand with Ins outfit, and Mr. 0 ou Id borrowed a neighbor's children to help till Hie wagon, for that, tn the only way .lohn has any children of his own. The sun was just right on the south side of JJie windmill. able impression, derrick and large maple in the yard. Sitting there in the morning HUUUght, Harry looked as pleased as a "sure," enough" .farmer. Snap went the camera, and Ihe picture was taken an quick as a flash, tmd you can see nil just us. they looked. You will think it must have taken orient naa aireciea attention to norses rnrry lots of time to break these nnd cattle in this country. Thirty and calves. Yef, it did, but then boyn forty years ago American cattlemen , have lots of odd hours, nnd Harry and horsemen were sending commit- used hisoiir training his calves, ba tees to England and continental Eu- j i,1 !' forming the of industry. rope to purchase horses and cattle for The mafmgerg of the fair invited breeding purposes. Nearly every live 1 1Ittrr .to hr'm hi irlli"v'1 ''iltp8 to ,. . , . the fair and go in the procession tn stock district in the middle west had ' . . . t 1 , , ,. !. . ... tno ring, and gate him a premium tot itscommUslonlnEur0peinvMtigatlngldolng RO That was why he was feeV methods and purchasingauimals. Now g B0 Ray .,., ,,,,, COming homfl we have in the United Stntes a Japan-1 that evening from the county fair, eso commission made up of govern- j His little yoke of steers, one year in o n t officials ajid live stock specialists to select horses and cattle in the dif ferent sections of this country for Japan, It is significant, remarks the Chicago Inter Ocean, that this commis sion cornea first to the United States and will visit the countries of Europe later. This means that the United States in not more than SO years has become, through the attention of its ' old, had won a prize nil through his own efforts. One day Harry's father wanted Some bron from the feed store, two miles away, and Harry said ho could go after it with his wagon and calves. There was a big hill to como up on the roatl home, and Harry's father thought that they could not. haul more than JU0 or 300 pounds, but Ms. BtebbinS was surprised to SCO litem horse and cattle breeders, through its bring home Tim pounds. Soma lii' variety of climate and aoil, through its before Christmas Harry sold hkt great extent of territory adapted to calves for $4.1 to a man In the neigh the growing of the finest horses and hnrhm"1 1w"led VT, . ,.vo ii fur . tc f'i rm Mil I La , r . I W. cattle, a center of interest to the live I , , ' ,, ... stock men of other countries. Un- fo W(,rk ',,,;. farm, Apparently dourlitedly the demand for our horses lthis boy cuitivoling a love for farm and mules growing out of the Boer war industries thnt will make the right was of great advantage to our farm- ; sort, of a farmer George K. Scott, etrn and stock growers, and possibly In Ohio Parmer. the visit of the Japanese commission j Mur(1 Co9ntr, yK to look into our methods of stock; There is no o.n of t lie itifliienns growing and to purchase typical Amer- i which the sturdy outdoor lift has uikh lean animals Is the beginning of a country boys; and the fact that the Vite movement thnt will atlmulatn our lis harnessed to regular, imperative ranchmen and farmers to continue in ties is to the boy's advantage. He Is those efforts that have given us the I developed gradually una neiiimiiy, nts finest horses and cattle iji the world. The 1, i no 1 i r. f .,f. .i TJ . . .1 , . . V B iim utcirois IQI Hear that! Lamb of Ood who tak- farmer's bees, but the pood which it eth away the sins of the world!" Hear that! Like Him, let us hate iniquity with complete hatred; but, like Him, may we help those who are overthrown and be willing to suffer for their restoration. Then, although at the opening of this discourse our text may have seemed to command us to do an impossible thing, we will at the close of this sermon, with a prayer to God for help, be more rig id and determined than ever before against that whSi is wrong, while at the same time we shall feel so kindly toward all the erring and work so hard for their rescue that we will realise thst we have scaled the Alpine, the Himalayan, height of my text, which esjoinst "Be ye aagry and sin uot." ' Ooes DJf protecting poultry from haw ks and other birds of prey greatly over balances the mischief which it may do. F. F. Fronts, in National Rural. ' American Vines In Austria. It is interesting to note that just now Austria is importing American grape vines, as It has been found that the Americnn grape vine is not subject to insect attacks to the ex tent to which the European vines nre subject. This is of value to us, indi cating the advantage we have In nat urally hardy stock. The American vines have been introduced into France and Italy nnd now there nre large vineyards with nothing except What grows on American stocks. Austria has been slow to recognize the situation bo far as the hardier vines is concerned. .... Dr. I). K. Pearsons, CI years old, who has given $3,000,000 to small colleges providing other persons gave $9,000,- ()()(), says most of his fortune has lx-eu donated, reports a Chicago exchange. "What an investment this has been!" leclared the philanthropist, musingly. "It is far better than making money. 1 feel as if I am drawing 25 per cent, on my investments. 1 wish I could tell every rich old fellow the satisfaction there is in this giving. There are a few I have stirred up. I Would there were more. 1 am glad I was a pioneer and helped stir this up. Why, now it i.s fashionable to give money to col leges. 1 have given something store than $3,000,000, and this has caused others to give $0,000,000 to meet it." mind following Ins physical strength rather than the reverse. And arouml him. for his eve rydaj observation and study, are the vi ry best object lessons possible for a boy's developing lifsr. He associates familiarly with natune during his work and recreation; and even (luring his slei p, t he air w hich til lers his open chamber window Is laden with the odors of apple blossoms, or I the harvest season, or, perhaps, is ihe pure, stimulm ng atmosphere of the white, undulating winter fields. Until all goes toward making him stronger, sturdier, more self-reliant, more aui bitious, more observing He is healthy all through, physically, mentally, nior i a 1 1 v . -Farm Journal. Ihe old anil the New We cannot help admiring tin line spirit of conservatism which Leada many men to cling to the faith of their Then came a chuckle from the doctor I fathers in many good things. Hut as he added: "And iM-rhans some of ! ll' r'- ' such, a thing as being too cos- themdid not want to shell out, either.' servatlve. When conservatism means Ignorance, awkward methods, unsatis- A recent report says that a number I factory returns, it is not a subject of of American bronze turkeys have been reverence, but a source of stagnation presented to King Edward, and thej will be kept nt ciandringhnm. When the next delegation of American busi ness men visits his majesty he will be enabled to pay them a very delicate compliment by taking the n. out intc the sJied and killing a nice plump gob bler with which to regale his guests. and poverty. The true spirit of im provement is not a w ild desire for some thing new; but if is a willingness to recognize that which is best and to Utilise it whether it conflicts or coin cides with former ideas. Let us not revere the old t kings loo much, BOf ex sit the new things merely because they sre new. American Cultivator. Dry sifted coal aahea on the floors of coops and frequent clen:ii?! will The Cincinnati Times-.Star prints a fhrillimr start- of how two Cincinnati men who were atartled by the appear- I ho,I' to young birds. In a healthy . . , ,i , ... , state. Dry earth is equally good, ance of a great serpent finally killed ' H fc the auimal. Serves the serpent right. The surplus Int ers should be started If it hod stuck to the seacoast it would an the way to market. The chicks will never has, been IdUed. soon need more room.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers