TOMBSTONE IMCf DIDTIAMC ! mOUUM 1 lUHO. A t oiiection Madejnm all the Bury ing Ground in Snyder County tor Hi,- Midilleburqh "Pod." Erdley'h Ceicetbry, BpMt.l by i. V. itsu. Dentus, Esther, w of John, b Aug 12, LSKS; d Apr 24, 1882, aged 04 y S m 12 d. Denius, BmniaO. dof J. and II. d May 11, 1880, aged lySm t A lid. DenitlS, Marv, W of Jacob, l Dec 15, 17KS;d Deo 17. 1871, aged s-y 2 d. Dm,',. lierger, Daniel, May lit, rn 1 ....... I .. ') v j rn 1 II, Dunkellerger, Harriet, d of John and Ibiehael, d I'd. :;, 1894, aged 5u y 6 m 18 d. Dunkelherger, rnfantofD. and S. A. d May 1885, aged 10 d. Dunkellierger, Mary, d ot Daniel L. and Sarah A. d Aug 28, 1882, aged 1 1 in 2 d. Krdley, John V. of Morris and Annie K. d Apr 2 1, 1S77, aged ." in 23 d. Krdley, V. Uehecca, d of Morris and Klizabeth, d Sup 19,1889, aged in o d Kid! i , jor.n I, July 'J::, 1808: d M. 30, 1880, aged 71 y 8 Erdh v. Elizabeth, w ol John, h Oct :;, 181 lj d June 17. L892, aged 80 v :'. m 1 I d. Krdley, Catherine, d Mar 20, 1898. Krdley. '"O- f of Henry and K, I' Dec 7, l:;;': d 20, 1802, nged y in m 13 d. Erdh Eve, w of Henry, li .1 une 17, 1812; d dan '.i, 1879, aged (ii V li til '-1 d. Fry, Sarnh Agnes, w ol' ( 'liarlcs, 0 Sep 2:'., ls'ii"; il Apr 1 1, 1889. nged 27 v 6 in 18 d. Fry, Mary Anna, w of Jesse, , July" 2, is:;;.: d Feb 1 1, L892, ii-ei! ."id y 7 in 12 d. Hide, Henry, d Jan 25, 18S1, aged 77 y 2 m i(' d. Horubergej- Abraham II., d Feb Id, 1885, ageed 24 y 1 m 1 d. Hummel, Elizabeth, d ol Conrad ana .Mary, d uci mow; o Sep 21. 1862, aged 2 y 11 in Id. . Humnielj liosa E. d of Henry and K. d Fed 17, 1865, aged 1 m 27 d; HnmujoT, Bafbrn M. d of Conrad and' Mary M. b Feb 21, 1862; d Sop 21,1 S64, aged 2 y 7 m. Hummel, Mary M. w of John, d Ke! 8, I ssl . aged '! v 10 m 2 Id. Humnii 1. Solomon, b Dee 22, I7'.1"'; d N v 28, 1861, nged or, y 1 1 III 6 d. Hummel, Susnnnah, w of Solomon, li May ". 17'.'.': d Feb 2."., 1879, nged 7'.' y 9 m 20 d. Hummi I. Solomon, s il'T. I'. and . need 22 v 3 K.d Se i s: I umniel, M ry A ni 1 8.r)0j d Aug i, 1 1 ! II d. I, Ii Sep 858. need 20, 7 V Hiimni' ! 1". Mirnh. w ut ( i 8So. ngetl 70 . A. .1 I . I , y 1 in 1 "id 24. L806. Humni' I, t ; i. il Mav ' SI y 1 in 17 d. I Itininu '. Fannv, w of I lavid; l Mar 25, 1825; 1 No.- 4, L892, aged ii7 v 7 in 1 3 d. Hummel, M. ).. )( 21, 1S0S. Hummel, Conrad, -1 Dec 12, 1895, ngi ! 71 y 2 in .". .1. Hummi '. Ri becen, vV)l Daniel, 1 Aug 24, 1825; d Feb 5, 1898, need 7 1 v 5 in 1 1 d. Hummi !. Marv J.. li I''' 1 1, 1848; ' .1 Mar 29, IS90. aged 40 y :'. in ! 8 d. Hummel, Francis lv, s ol' Lewis tun! Laura, d Jan 2:5, lKOiS, aged 7 y 19 m 8d. Hummel, John, 1 May 27, 1818; d Mar 1 1, 1895, aged 74 y !) m 17 d. Hummel, Emery I., s f John and da E., d Apr 1"), 1894, aged 10 m 21 d. Hummel, Matilda, dau of D. andF., d May 28, 181.0, aged 4m 26d. Hummel, Andrew S., s of Andrew and Barbara, l May 20, 1800; .1 Apr 12, 1878, aged 17 y 10 in 12 d. Hummel. Peter S s of Geo. and E lizaheth, d Apr 7, 1872, aged 30 y 3 m 20 d. Hummel, Lee Roy. Hummel, Maria, dan of Marv J., 1 Iec 24, 1878s d Jan 24. 1871). Hjjmmel, Knima Vertlilla, dau of FUurd and Fanny, b Oct 3, 1884; d Nov HO. 1892 acred S v 1 in '27 d. Hummel, Susan, ! Aug 1.1857; d Jan i!l, 1859, aged 1 y 0 m. Klingler, Margaret M. d of John and Lucy A, b Dec 4, 1850; d July 25, 1800, aged 9 y 7 m 21 d. Klingler, (ieo. . -r iu I o ui tiunu hi Lucy. A. b Dec 10, 1848; dFob 19, aged 10 y 1 m 25 da iri;u r i t on icor , Klingter, J.d A,g20, ISSo.agnl! ,4 -v 0 1,1 Klingler, Anna M., dau of 8. Jack- son andC. A.,d Mar 29, 1882, aged 0 in I d. K rouse, Samuel, d ov 5, 1881, aged U3 y m 20 d. Kroilse. Franklin Howard, s of Henry and Mary, I, June 26, L859j d Jan 4, 1867, aged 7 v 6m8d. Krouse, Salome, l Aug 30, 1830; d Aug 13, 1864, aged :y.) v 1 1 m 13 d. Kroii.-e, Lucy, d of Samuel and Molly, ci Aug 211, 1876, aged 1") y I I in 1 1 d. Krouse, Marv . w of Henry, h Mar 25, I830j d Mar 18,1889) aged .".S y 1 m 2:'. d. Krat. r, Wm 0 Oct 20, L831; d Mar II', 1892, aged 60 v I m 22 d. Krater, Hannah, W of Win. d Jan 12, 1880, aged 58 y 1 m 19 d. Krouse, Henry, l Nov 11, 1830; d Sep '., lss I, aged 5:1 y 9 m 26 -1. Kcitzol, Adaline, d of Eliza, d Aug I I. IS58y aged 7 y 7 m 26 d. Keitel, Klizaheth, v of John, l Sep 'J::, 1803; d Sep l':;, 1868, iiged 05 v. Leitzel, John, h Feb 7, 1799; d Jan ill, 1875, aged 75 y 1 1 in 2 I days. Keit.el, Bertha Anna, d of Jane, d Jan 0. 1894, aged 0 in I d. Keitel, John ('. s of F. ami I A. 1, Apr 8, L873;d May 10, 1874, iged 1 y 1 ru 2 d. Leitzel, Henry K. d Jan 17. 1891, Magg'ie, d of Frederick an, , d.a Jan Mj 1898 22 v 1 in 8 il. aeii y i in IV u and Keitzel, Ralph rvin,8ol Alfred and I Sarah A. d Aug 4, 1 887, aged 0 m 2! i d. Leitzel, Kve M. d of II. K.and Kve '. d Aug 12, 1881, aged 1 m II ,1. Keitzel, Win. d Mar 21, 1857, aired 40 y 1 in lM d. Keitzel, Eva, d of Klias and Susan, d Me.' 21, 1866, aged 20 y o in lid. Keitzel, Mary,d of Klias and Susan, d Oft 2d, 1861, aged 7 y 11 in 2 Id. Leitzel, Geo. b July 12, 1785; d Sep 29, 1864, aged 79 y 2 m 17 d. Lose, Henrietta, v ol David, b let 31, 1825; d June I, I881,aged 15 y 7 in ! d. Lose, David, li Sep .", 18 I pr 1", 1878) need id y i in o u. s of Daniel Mowrer, Charles W, and Catherine!, aged 5 in :! d. Muurcr, Jacob, s of .llllv ,18G4, Daniel and Ks 1881, nged y ther, d Sep 25, :'. in Id il. Menges, Marv Ann W ci I' ('. inrati -1 Apr 15, 1888, aged 03y 28d. Morer, Maggie J., w of Henry, b July ii, 1852,-d June 2 1, 1890, aged :'i7 y 11 m 1 8 d. Maurer, Pauline, dau of Daniel and Esther, b Mar 25, 1804; d Sep 8, 1808, aged 4 y 5 m 1 1 d. Mowrer, John E., sot' Henry and Mageic J., d July 26 1875, aged 22 d. Mowrer, Sallie A., dau and Maggie J.d Aug 29, 1883, aged l y o in t d. Martin. Elizabeth, dau of Win. and Barbara ('., b Nov 20, 1867; d Aug 3, 1808, aged S m l id. Martin, George M., b of W, and B. E.,d Sept 9, 1877, aged 1 v 4 m 14 d. Neinian, Susan, w of Michael, b Mar 0, 1787; d Mar 25, 1809, aged 81 y 3 m 15 d. Pontius, Henry, b Nov 4, 1811; d Nov 9, 1870, aged 05 y 5d. Pontius, George, h Aug 28, 1800; d Aug 22, 1888, aged 81 y 11 m 30 d. Pontius, Susannah, w of George, b Aug 27, 1807; d Dec 18, 1882 aged 75 y 3 m 21 d. Saner, Charles II. 8 of Heniv and Lvdia, d Sep 9, 1SI5G, aged 5 m 27 d. Snyder, David, d July 23, 1891, al-refl w .V l 0. Snyder, Catherine, w of David, d I Apr 20, 1890, Ugetl 85 y 5 m la id Snyder, Franklin, d Apr 27, 1887,' aged 43 y 2 m I d. Snyder, Jacob, s of David and Cath - erinyl Dec 9, 1837; d Nov 20, 1 80 4 , aged 20 y 1 1 m 1 Ld. Smith. Sarah C. C. d oi Sn.ker I - ' ,. , A. -tV,j ' aim, j menu, u o, ioui, ftTg" , Sauer, Eliz.nheth, w nt John, b May ,g l79g. d jupe 1; imaged 81 V 12 d. agvd 1 y 10 in 15 d. Snyder, Calvin F. s of David and Mary E. b Apr 9, 1874; d Sep 4, 1S7", aged 1 v 4 m 25 d. Snyder, Roy Palmer, s of Chas. and Emma, b Aug 5 1893: d Nov' 2. 1895. Sauer, Ad; mi, I Nov 10, I889,aged 71 v 8 m 21 d. Still, Infant s of Elmer J. and Ida M. I. Mar 10, 1891. Shnllv. ( '.ilvin ; (' in nn.i S'ir ili il Mar 29. 1873. mred 4 m 24 d: o Valentine, Maria, w of Geo., b July 5)0: I Apr 19, I860, aged i ii v o in zi) a. Vralentine, Eve, w of Geo., d Juiu 1894, aged 62 y 8 m 0 d. Valentine, (Ieo. 0 Apr 26, 1790; d May 21, I860, aged SO y 28 d. Valentine, William, s of George and Kve, d July 8, IN,-', aged 1 y 1 111 10 '' Valentine, infant dau of George and Kve, b Mar 25, 1862. Valentine, infant s of George and Kve, d Nov 1, 1861, aged :'. y 2 in 22 d. Valentine, Abraham, s ol' George and Kve, d Sent 1;'.. 1858. aged .i v .i in i d. Wetzel, 11 Frauk .lan d, 1860; d Di e :;, 189 I . . . , . i July : aged , ISO I y 1 in 8 d. Verger, 1 1 enry, b A :'. 1 I e 8, 1 875, aged 71 S d. v 3 Yoder, Ella, w of Samuel L. d Feb 15 isn't I Verger, Magdalena, w of Hcnrv.'br Sep 2'.'. 1800; d June 5, 1868, aged 07 y s m 7 d. Verger, Catharine, w of Henry B., b June 2S, 18 10; d June 7, 1 1895, aged 48 V 11 m9d. Smith's ( Jemeteby Ld )( A l Pa. HI) AT KreAMER llopotted by rrvln E. Buck. Klsworth and pa , . ot Samuel and Aurnnd, nfanl ot Huttie. Bollinger, Win. II Martha b Jan I 1. 1869; dDec 20, 1895 Bollingi am Mauervn C. d of Samuel lima, d July 5, I875i ngen in .) d. Glltelius, Infant d ol Nelson and J. Gordon, Paul Smitlt, s ol Wm. and! Lillian E. i - - Lenig, Margaret. Mitchell, Infant s of Charles and Emma. Lliehl, Francis L. s of Joel and Rosa, d lei 18, 1888, aged s m, Riehl, Elins A. s of Joel and Rosa, I Apr 5, 1 888, aged 5 m. Smith, Jacob A. b Dee 30, 1825; d Sep 28, 1894, aged 61 y. Smith, Infant d of A. ('. and Nora. Seaman, ard, sof Frank and Mol- lie. 1 9 m. Seaman, Marl of Fran an Mol- lie, nged - in zi a. Walter, Sallie A w of H. A., .1 Nov 25, 189S, aged 22 y 6 in J s ,1. Walter, Louisa E., w of'Laphenus, .1 Jan 4, 1896, aged 52 v 2 ra 17 d. Walter, Laphenus, d Sept 6, 1900, Monroe Township. i;,,,,,,, I t.y 1. E. Bount. Sua mi ik in Dam CEMETERY Located at Sliamokin Dam, cou of Henry tabling 172 bodies, 93 having in- scrtptiong. Aurand, Robert, s of II. J. and M., li Aug 14, I860; d Nov 19, 1861, aged 1 y 3 in 5 d. Aurand, Jacob, s of II. J. and M. b Apr 14, 1808; dMay 14,1809, aged 1 y 1 ni. Aurand, Esther, w of H.D., d Nov 10, 1805, ngedG ni5 d. Aurand, Henry, b June 3, 1813; d Sept 1, 1878, aged 05 y 2 in 28 d. Don't Accept a Substitute ! When you ask for Cascarets be sure you get the genuine Cascarets Candy Cathartic! Don't accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. In the advice given by a vell-knowt. business man to the school children of Idlt Kind of Bu8tOD latel- tm- phasis was laid on Sclf-Rrllaare. ' .... the need of a right kind of self-reliance. In order to ex plain his meaning the speaker referred , to the experience of two boys in moun- tainciimMng. Their fa;her hadjuvited them to climb Mount Washing-ton Kith ( him. -at which both were delhrhtjd. 1 Wbn the day arrived, says the New iwk iribune, one preDared himsalf by eating a hearty breakfast, but tha nth..,- C lit. TrW". -'""cement, scarcely jtaaiM mouthful. The father's re- monstrance at this lack of food only for.hfrotn the boy . hearty Oh. 1 m good f,,r :,o .Vfount Washintona!" j btfer. the) reached the top. how- j ver- tlle who had left his break- fa'st,,n, a4 had to be helped along while the other continued o the end In pood eonditlon. This illustrated, in the speaker's opinion, the difference between sensible and boaatful aalf.n. nance. You children are here in school," he laid, "to lav in a soli, I "rcakfast against the day when you "oi nave to face and climb the hill of life. It's a steep, hard hill, 1 can tell noii, ami you will never g-et to the top of it unless you have two lcln r, fc. "ls'.Laru .I''0" el'-"Unw, and nd, KVUUUi IL Sr t 1 . to mmllA .... 1. : huruiy necessary for me to detail to . ... iw,h u h JLJ you all the items on the bill of fare of Oje breakfast you will have to lav nere. Heading, writing, ciphering, feography, phytic, history these are a few f t Ii. in that will help to build up in you a clear and accurate mind with some range of outlook to it. Above nil, you arc here to build up a character t hn t ,. i, t, i ....I i , fulness, industry and honest v. If you fil of estal.lishine- this fonnH-tln- tn nre eelf-relianee you have the woisc lor you am! everybody else." The curse of . rlca, the speaker thought, is the great number of per ona claiming to be expert, thorough ly ielf-ufflclent, but with no founda tion for their boasting! hence his de sire to impress upon the boys and girls the need of making themselves really lit for their work in life. A curious outcome of technical ed ucation f,,r women was shown dur Teehnlrnl Kdu. inB "u' past year in the case of a III Mill. man who bv fail- tt'e in '"i"1 ert.v. He ha was reduced to pov- i capable family, and 8 :" once K"llf;1" fur hit" uauons as dressmakers and milliners. In the latter trade there was no prospect of immediate remuneration, n.S it is CllstnillMI'l' for 41io hMlimM to ,rlve three Aontha of service both spHnp nnd (all without receiving WBgM. The second daughter got a j place to sew in a dressmaking estab lishment at Small waarea. and the fa ther's efforts to make a living were hampered by his advanced years. Then the mother took a hand, says an eastern contemporary. She bad , . ... ' , VA Bnd found emDloynient tylnff tables for market. In this industry 'be chief requisites are careful count- 'n nn(1 ,,on,,s,y, early rising and in dustry. She actually made enough money to keep the family for three months, but then slie did not have to spend money to dress up to the situation, nnd was paid for her work at the end of each day. .V enriout-looklng piece of machin ery is the new Inspection engine turned out for the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad. It is a combination of a locomotive and passenger car, the ear being set on nnd around the en iniir boiler, so that from the windows at sides and front the roadbed can he Inspected by the railroad officials to the frrentest advantage. It might ap pear such m ar proximity to the boiler would mean uncomfortable warmth, but this is avoided by an extra thick ness of "plastic lagging," as it is called, u nonconductor of heat, in connection with an air chamber bet ween this and the (loor of the ear. '1 lie machine is lighted with electricity, even to an electric headlight, and ten lights dis tributed under the engine to atTord light when oiling. It will 1 used oon stuntly on all Inspi ction trips. The statement that Americans spend from $400,000,000 to (900,000,000 annually on account of their summer vacations is probably not wide of the mark, ft is interesting in so far as it is indicative of the vacation or recreation idea. People generally at I coming to recognise that there is a limit to physical and mental resist ance, andHhat, as Longfellow so apt ly put it, one must "play the part of an unstrung bow." The man who drops the working habit gets near to nature's heart in relaxing, temporary exemption from business stress and strain, is the sensible man. Illinois is adopting drastic means to put down hazing and kidnaping. The maximum penalty for the former Is a fine of $500 or six months in the county jail. Kidnaping for ransom is made a capital offense. Other states should follow her excellent example. In celebrating Arbor day nt Gay lord, Kan., the exercises consisted of 31 pieces spoken by children and a lot of songs, and when the pro gramme was finished It was too lata to plant any tress. i for Infants The Kld You Hare Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for ever 30 years. Allow no one te deceive you In this. Counterfeits Imitations and 44 Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. . The Kind You Have Always Bought SI Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. THt ( I NTS i comNT, tt The People's National Family Newspaper t'Ubllahtd M o n 1 a y, WednMday nnd Prlday, i- in mtlity lino, frttb, fvcry-o' ber tiny Dally, giving Ihe liilt'Ht news on tla'H of iHin, Rnd cover Ing new i r the other tiirrt-. it contain ill im portonl foreign o b I e newn which nppeAM In TrlK 1AI!,V TKIBUNK of une iato. rJm Domes tic and Foreign Corres pondence, Short Stories, Elegant BalMone Lllus trstlons.Huniorotis Items, industrial Information, Pahlon Notes, Agrtcul tnml Mutters ami Cum prehenslve and Reliable Financial and .Market Re ports. R eg u la r subseiiptlon price, 11.00 per year We furnish it with the POST for $178 per year. New Ton Send all orders to the Liberal Adjustments. H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSTANCE AGENCY BBIiIA SQKOTM,, PA. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, File, Life, Accident and Tornado. gg Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,13.SS M Home " 853 " 9,83 ,62S.4 u American " " " 1810 " 2.40 ,84.8 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Silicited. DURING HOT WEATHER f U5E BLUE FLAME ii New Rochester" ROOKING under fcbesp circumstances is a pleasure, The Rochester Lamp Oo. stake tlieir reputation on the Htovo in question. Tub best evidence of the patisfuotion enjoyed is testimouiulH Kaloro uud Ju plicate oriiciH from ml parts of the world. Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove ami the "New Rochester" Lamp. You will never regret having introduced these gcods iuto your house hold. The Rochester Lamp Co., 38 I'ark Place and 33 Barclay St., Now York. A Philadelphia !pinsror Who has niom-y I'liouli 1 be iiulepontlont, was annoyed by a young woman who lived next door and played the piano with a persistence worthy of a better cause. The worthy lady did nut go to the neighbors and tell them that, she wished the girl would get married or paralyzed or BOmething, and she didn't write anonymOUS letters. She stood the playing as long as she could; then she paid $60,000 for the house in which the girl lived, making it necessary for the latter and her" parents to move. Yet there are so-called philosophers who go around with long faces and empty pockets preaching that money will not buy happiness. Jt is estimated that fully 10,000,000 Americans will take vacations this year and that the average length of the outings will be one week. Itcer taiuly speaks well for the prosperity of the country that one-seventh of the population should be able to enjoy this privilege. And it also speaks well for the wisdom and good sense of the people. A vacation was once regarded aa a luxury, but it is now properly looked upon more in the light of a ne- CAMDY CATHARTIC. lOt. It.. Genuine stamped C C C Never sold Is bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sefl "somethlns utt at loeoV CAJIOY CATHARTIC sVIWs. BSBBBBBBBBS is and Children. Signature of Muww rrmif, niw qww city. Pnbtlahed on TtumUs moi known for ucarh sitty yeiirn in every (mri nf the I nited Htaten h , NatlonA l-'iititilv SewR. Mper of the hlalintclui fur farmi'm Rnd i In, it oontalm nil the nuni iinMirtatit mneral newi r TUB li.MI.V TKIli ONE up tn hour , I, , to pri-sn, iin AKricultural Department ..( the 1,-1, est order, hot nterutiti Ina reading for e re n member if tin- famiiv nlil ami young, MarCvj Re porta which are accept, eil s authority Iiji tarav t a n il country m , r. obi ata, unit is i fean, uu tn date. Intereathiii ana instruotlve. li egtsla r mtlMcriptloo price, 11.00 per year. Wo furnish it n ull tlir t'usT for $1.28 j i year, YorR "Post", Middleburgli, Pa, Prompt Pavrae REMEMBER- COOK STOVES. WICKLESS SIMPLE, SAFE. JAB.. GROUSE, ATTORNKY AT LAW, MlDDliKBUlfU, PA. Ml buslUoH entrusted tohlscsn will reoeive iiroinot attention: K. 1. IPotliegci', VetefjiNARY sUrceoN. SELINSGROve. PA. All prof(sslumil business sntmsted to my -..n will receive prompt anil creful uttcntloe. There is no hotter investment 'r people of small or largo means than the shares of the Union Co mou dat ed Mining Co., which are now being offered at one cent a share, f ull-paid. non-assessable, and without person al liability. . Interest Dividends at the ratn oi 10 percent per annum, payable half yearly for two years, are ouarantK ed. in addition to the regularly earn ed dividends. We also call "attention to the "Smelter Shakes" ofjthe "KkttlK' Ccblkw." " Bound aby Camp" "Qubbn Bbk" companies; now sell ing at three centB, with same inter est dividend guarantee. AH shares sold on the installment plan, or all cash, i Send for illustrated circulars maps, terms, prices, etc. National Mlninr Promotion Company Fourth Floor, Andrus Bldg., -2S-25t, Minneapolis, Kin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers