TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. I A Coueckon Madejrom all tht Bury-1 iiuj (i round in Snyder County tor the ifiddltburqh "Tost." OU)Bfi Milu Cbmetkby. Report 1 by W.Wagenaclter. Roush, Ellen J. d of Henry and Elian, d Jan 30, 1864, aged 10 m 27 d. Bousli, Pauline, d ol Henry and Eliza, b Feb 24, 1800; d Aug 0, 1878, aged 18 y 5 m 12 d. Row, Ralph Raymond, s of Perry L and Kate, d Sep 20, 1884, Hged -i in 17 d. Saiur, Elisabeth, W of Adam, b July 24, 1820; d Aug 12, 1854, aged 24 y 3 m 10 d. Bohoch, Anna Verdi I la, dof Michael K. and Sallie, l Dec 1866; .1 Apr 13, 1867, aged 1 m lOd. Scuoch, Frederick M. s of Michael and lios'tna, bAug '', 1845; d Dee 8, 1858, aged 13 y 4 m 5 d. Schoch, Qeorge J. I) Mar 2;), 1 710; d Aug 14, 1877, aged 81 y 4 in 21 d. Bohoch, Frederick, s oHJco. J. and Eliza. bMav 7, 1821; d Aug 7, 1845, aged 24 y 3 m 10 d. Shaffer, Sussanna, b July 14, 17f 5; d Sep 10, 1856, aged 01 y 1 m 20 d. Smith, Malinda, w of Jacob A. b Oct 10, 1828; d Mar 7, 1874, aged 45 y 7 01 27 d. Smith, Sarah J. d of J. A. and Ma linda, b Mar 11, 18.-.3; d Nov 8, 1868, aired 15 y 5 in 2 1 d. Smith, VerdillaC. d of J. A. and Malinda, b Nov 3, 1800; d .June 29, 1807. Snvder. Maria ('. d of Jacob K. and A. d Aug 24, 1861, aged 3 v 1 in 18 d. Snyder, Lee, s of J. K. and M. A. d A eg 22, 1801, aged 3 yi) m 7 d. Spade, infant a of I. and H. d May 15, 1851, aged 1 d. Hteininger, Harriet, w of R. b Sep 7, .831; dOot 6, 1854, aged 23 y 29 d. Bteininger, George, b Oct 5, 1823; d Mar 11, 1887, aged 03 y 5 ni 6 d. Steininger, wife of Geo. b Dec 8, 1824. Stock, Clara V. d of Samuel and Susan, d May 5, 1888, aged 19 y 5 m 20 d. Stock, Conrad, I. .June 2:'., 1791; d Mav 25, 1873, aged 78 v 11 m 2 d. Stock, Rebecca, w of Conrad, b Mar 5, 1707; d Sep 28, 1880, aged 80 y 0 m 2:'. d. Stroub, Robert, s ol John and Polly, b Sep 30, 1842; d Feb 25, 1882, aged 19 y 1 m 25 d. Stroub, John C. s ol Henry M. and Susan, d Julv 27, 1861, aged 1 y 2 d. Stroub, Jerome, S of Henry M. and1 Susan, d Aug 8, 1872, aged 2 m 21 d. Stroul), Folly, w of John, b Jan 14, 180."; d Feb 7, 1877. aired 72 y 21 d. Stroub, John, b Feb 4, 1804, d June 4, 1877, aged 73 y 1 in. Stroub, C. S. s of Geo. S. and Mary, d duly 10, 1878, aged 4 m. ' Stroub, Sarah, d of Geo. S. and Mary, d Oct 25, 1870, aged 12 y 5 in. Stroub, ( Seo. A. s ol Amos and Sarah .1 Mav 20, 188(1, aged 6 y 11 m 24. Stroub, Milton, s of Amos and Sarah d Apr 8, 1880, aged 32 y 7 m. Stuck, Mabel, d of W. W. b Aug 2, 1824; d Jan 13, 1852, age J 27 y 5 m lid. Stuck, Susan, v of Samuel, b Oct 1, 1843; d Apr 22, 1000, aged 50 y 6 m 22 d. Swartzlander, Mabel S. d of B. F. ami Fanny, d July 2, 1885, aged in 1 d. Teats, child of ltoliert M. and Eliz- alieth, b Nov 9, 1878, aged 7 y 4 m 15 d. Thomas, James P, s of John and Amanda, d Jan 22, 1881, aged 5 y 4 m 1 1 d. Thomas, Mathias D. s of John and Amanda, dFeb 10, 1892. Ulrieli, Catherine, w of Antes, d Jan 15, 1887, aged 56 y 3 m 17 d. Wagner, Elsie A. b Mar 8, 1890; d Mar 12, 1892, aged 2 y 4 d. Walter, Thomas, s of L. and Lu- cinda, b Dec 8, 1853; d Feb 27, 1S73. Weller, Charles E. Weller, Susanna, d of Jacob ind Catherine, b Feb 15, 1833; d Nov 30, 1855, aged 22 y 1 m 15 d. w of Uria H. b Wise, Sarah H Mar 10. 1816; d Dec 7, 1877. Wise, Uria H. b Jau 7, 1817; d Mar 15, 1892, aged 75 y 2 m 8 d. Wittenmyer, Eniiline, d of Frank and Maria, b Sep 26, 1846, d Aug 17, 1873, aged 26 v 10 m 22 d. Wolf, Isaac, b Dec 30, 1827; d Sep 21, 1861, aged 33 y 8 m Id. Wolf, John E. s of I. and D. d Aug 19, 1861, aged 7 y 6 m. Wolf, Mary L. d of I. and D. d Aug 29, 1861, aged 2 y 10 m 19 d. Wolf, Win, H. s of I. and D. d Sep 4, 1801, aged 5 y 4 m 18 d. Ya'ger, Elizabeth, w of Jacob, b Oct 19, 1789; d July 17,1878 aged 8S y 8 m 28 d Yarger, Jacob, b Mar 31, 1798; d Jan 22, 1870, aged 71 y 7 m 22 d. Yarirer. Maria, d of J. and E. ( I Mar 11, 1849, aged 19 y 10 m 14 d. Yerger, Ephraim' b Mar 18, 1812; d Mar 25, 1885, aged 73 y 7d. Yoder, Catherine, d of John, b Apr 17, 17ti0, d 1843. Yoder, John, b Nov 27, 1708; d Oct 20, 1833, aged 64 y 10 m 23 d. German inscription: Aufden 14 November 1700. gebersieh in den Ehcslar.d init Catherine Hert und ierigten mit einander iner aohne und fines tochter wovon ein aohne und ein tochter vor ihm in die eiwigkeit gegangen Bind. A' i o i i. T..1.. o toevt. A i oner, ourauei, o a uiy o, aou; u ' - ' 1 li..'' 1 ww .,.-,..11. , tit 15 d Yoder, Sarah, w of Samuel, 1 Apr 28, 1808; d Jan 14, 1887, aged 78 y 8 in Hi d. Yod. r, Samuel H. d May 27, 1895, used 57 v 1 m 23 d. Zechmnn, Franklin, s of Joel and hvdia, d Sep 8, 1873, aged 11 in 7 d. Zieber, Daniel, b June 1, 1779; d Dec 7, 1863, aged 84 y 6 in 6 d. Zieber, Elizabeth, w of Daniel, l Keb 19, 1788; d Anr 30, 1874, aged 86 y 2 m 1 1 d. Zieber, Samuel, s of Daniel and Elizabeth, b Mar 21, 1827; d Mar 23, 1814, aged 16 y 11 m 20 d. Zieber, Hannah, b Oct 13, 1880; d Apr 1, 1892, aged 73 y 5 m 18 d. (?) Zieber, Nora U. d of John and Re becca, d Aug 9, 1894, aged 1 y 3 m IS d. Zieber, Rebecca J. w of John, d Mav 20, 1893, aged 35 y 1 in ? d. Cemetery at Abtley's Church. Kepnrtnl by I). V. ltau. Benfer, James J. a of Benjamin and 11. I) Dee 10, 1866; d Apr 8, 1867, aged :i m 28 d. Benfer, John, b Aug 15, 1787; d Apr 25, 1869, aged 87 V 8 m 10 d. Benfer, Andrew, b Feb 28, 1821; d Nov 17, 188), aged 62 y 8 m 19d. Benfer Catherine, w of Andrew, b July 24, 1821; d Aug 19, 1877, aged 51 y 25 d. Benfer, Christianna, w of Jacob, l May 3, 1827; d May 31, 1894, aired 67 V 28 d. Bennighoff, Molly Magdalena, w of Geo. b Dec 25, 1784; d July 19, 1862, aged 77 y 6 m 24 dj Bennighoff, Ceo. b Apr 15, 1795;d Jan 26, 1883, aged 87 y 9 m lid. Bilger, Abraham L. d Feb 17, 1863, atced 2 m 10 d. Bilger, Catherine, w of Win. H. b June 19, 1850; d Oct 25,1873 aged 29 y 4 m 6 d. Bilger, Judith, d Nov 26, 1880, aged 71 y 2 m 18 d. Bilger, Angeline, d of Frederick and Angeline, b Nov 20,184lJ d Nov 28, 1862, aged 21 y 8d. Bilger, Maria M. b Aug 13, 1851; d July 23,1867, aged 15 y 11 m 10 d. Benfer, Catherine, w of Daniel M. d Feb 13, 1889, aged 81 y 9 m 23 d. Beaver, Sarah P. w of Philaman, d Aug 25, 1896, aged 45 y 10 m 27 d. Bilger, Clov' W. s of H. J. and L. ' d Oct 13, 1881, aged 1 y 4 m ! L a- Bilger, Enuna J. d Sep 10, 1861, aged 3 in 16 d. Bilger, Mfm. C. t. of Samuel and Henrietta, d Sep 6, 1869, aged 1 m 28 d. Bilger, Frelerick, d Dec 31, 1884, aged 67 y 11 m. Benfer, Eve, w of Henry, b Jan 24, 1781; d Feb 15, 1871, aged 90 y 21 d. Benfer, I'enjamin J. s of Henry and K. E. b Jan 30, 1866; d June 6, 1807, aged 1 y 4 m 7 d. Bilger, Abigial, d July 6, 1878, aged 04 v 0 m 5 d. Bilger, Catherine, w of John, d Sep 2, 1871, aged 80 y 8 m 10 d. Beaver, Michael C. a of M. and S. d Feb 2(5, 1873, aged 4 y 8 m 5d. Bilger, Amelia. Bilger, Infant s of Joel and Cather ine, d May 13, 1867. Beaver, Sydney D. b of P. and S. li. d .Nov 14, 1891, aged 20 4 Benfer. Honrv. b Anr 15. 1779; d Aug s, 1868, aged 87 y 3 m w if r sr ' Heaver, Bessie May, dau of Clara, .1 June 11, 1892, ag.d lm Id. Bilger, Henrietta, v of Samuel, b Mar 9, 1839 d Nov 5, 1896, aged ?u y 7 ni2tl d. Benfer, Mary, w of John, d Dee 24, 1897, aged 71 y 3 m. Bilger, Chester A., a ol Isaac and M. J., d Apr 23, 1882, aged 1 y 8 in 1 d. Beaver, Charles A., a of Philaman and Sarah I'., 1 Mar 0, 1881; l Aug 9, 1893, aged 12 y 5 m 3 d. Bilger, Abraham C.,d Feb 2, 1S79, aged 9 in 20 d. ,, . . r lieavcr. nitaiit child of ( liarles ' Heaver, Margaret, dau of F. and S. P.,d Feb 14, 1873, aged 11 d. Bilger, John F., s of Isaac and Mary J.,d Apr 24, 1875, aged 2 y. Benfer. Charles W.. s of Benjamin J. and II., d Feb 8, 1869, aged ditch without leaving any consider - able space between the stick and the t) 111 IV ti. I bottom; a brace or tlck about one- Bolig, George, b Apr 11, 1801; d third ongeT than the depth of the June 1, 1871, aired 70 y 1 ni ditch and a piece of oanvas about one- 20 d. Bilger, Amelia, b Jan 1, 1859; d Aug 10, 18!i8, aged 18 v 7 m 6 d. Bilger, Catherine' w of Joe, b Feb 20, 1S38; d Sept 20, 1872, aged 44 y 7 m. Heaver, Alvin, s of Charles J. and Sarah J., d Mav 19,1890, aged 9 d. Bolig, Catharine, w of George, b Aug."., 1805; d Nov 9, 1880, agetl 75 y 3 m 4 d. Boliek, Geo. s of II. A. and M. A. d Feb 16, 1862, aged 20 d. Breon, David, dJan 10, 189 ged aged 79 y 2 m 23 d. Breon, Elizabeth, w of David, d May 10, 1897, aged 82 y 2 m 1 d. Breon, Henry, b Mar 26, 1842; d July 31, 1893, aged 51 y 4 m 5 d. Breon, Infant s of J. and M. d Jau 14, 1879, aged 7 d. Breon, Jacob, b Jim 1, 1787; d Sep 30, 1868, aged 81 y 8 in 29 d. Breon, Maria C. w of Jacob, b Feb '., 1788; d Mar 16, 1870, aged 82 y 1 in 7 d. Breon, Henry Ervin, b of Jacob and Malinda, d July 28, 1876; aged 11 in 7 d. Dauberman, Peter, b Oct 22, 1808; d Julv IS, 1880, aged 79 y 8 m 26 d. DeniuH, Emanuel II. s of J. H. and M. d Mar 12, 1889, aged 1 y 9 m 1 d. Denius, Henry A. s of G. F. and Jennie L. b July 23, 1889; d Julv 2, 1893, aged 3 v 11 m 10 d. Denius, Sarah A. b Nov 25, 1828; d Julv 3, 1879, aged 50 y 7 m 8 d. " Daulierman, Barbra, w of Geo. d Apr 5, 1888, agetl 87 y 27 d. Daulierman, Geo. b Nov 24, 1798; d Jau 30, 1879, aged 80 y 2m 6d. Dunkelberger, John, d Jau 2, 1885, ' aged 71 y 7 ni 17 d. Denius, John, s of Henry and Sarah d June 20, 1871, aged 27 d. Dcrk, Infant s of Sam and S. d May 19, 1S74, aged 21 d. Educate Your Bowels. Your bowels can be trained as well as your muscles or your brain. Cas carets Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do right. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. mm WATERING ROUGH LAUD. tlasple rotes IrrlsjalleJ lie- Itreeice In the Aria HUM of th Far West. Along the line of many Irrigation ciuli, large tract of laad r oftoa found whioh har a dcaidad fail, urara rolling. Wbvrr thin occur in largo tract, th xpene of terracing i gen rally too great for th avorage farm er, and a system whereby the distri bution of water can be assured which ia auited to the contour of the ground' mut be devised. Un land iloping sim ilarly as shown by the plan herewith, (ha water enters tha distributing ditches at the upper laft-hand corner, and dividing, flows through these into the still smaller ditches, from which it Is turned laterally Into furrows. Little dams or temporary obstruc tions of earth chock its flow from point to point. After water flows out upon a field, any surplus la caught by small SIMPLE SYSTEM OF IRRIGATION, trenches shown in the figure ai trend ing diagonally toward the right-hand lower corner. From thene trenches the water can be turned upon the low er field so that the excess or seepage is not wasted, but is employed on the les elevated tracts. "-anvas dams are generally employed In checking the waters over the field a thev are most convenient. The fol lowing description will enable anyone to eontruet them, and will also ex plain their use. The materials used in the construction of n ennvas dam art a piece of timber, usually a two by four Bcantling, long enough to reach acros the top of the ditch from bank to bank: a small slick varying in length accordiny to the width of the ditch to be dammed, but no longer , than will lie across the bottom of the third wider than th depth of the ditch and as lnopr 119 h width of the ditch at the upper edfre. The canvas is cut Into a trapezoidal shape, some what resembling but larper than a aection of the ditrh. The lonir edj?e of the oanvas is fastened to the seant ling first desoribed and the short edg-c to the amall stick. It is well to have a little) margin of the cauvaa below this short stick. The dam is placed by throwing the cantling across tho ditch just below the point at which it is desired to di vert the water. The canvas rests In the ditch, with the short stick lying across the bottom, far enough up stream from the location of the scant ling to make the canvas nearly tight. The brace is placed with one nd against the scantling and the other against tho short stick, thus prevent ing the canvas from being washed back under the scantling. A little earth is thrown upon the loose edges of the canvas, where it rests against the banks and against the bottom of the ditch, and the water is turned in. The weight of the water presses the canvas agninst the banks, o that there is scarcely any leakage. In some cases permanent dams with head gates are placed in the ditches, and this is often done where ditches branch anil it is desira ble to divert the water to one or the other branch. V. J. Ulanchard, in Farm and Home. Keen-inn Ilonila In Condition. Fred Grundy, in Farm and Fireside tells us he has been watching "road keeper" care for ten miles of black earth road, and he has kept it in good condition, not by macadamizing it or by covering it with crushed stone, but by providing good drain- by tilo in most places, to take the water oil, and by digging out some of the worst places about 1H inches deep and filling with broken brick, tile, coal, cinders or whatevei will make a firm foundation, and al low water to drain through. Then il the roads are rounded up to allow the water to nm off and they get a little attention alter every rain. they are easily kept in good eondi tlon. The results are much better and the cost much less than they were for the annual turnout of the district to mend, or often to make worse the roads, the job being ex pected then to be done until the same Maaon comes around another year. Wood Aahe a Fertiliser. Wood aahe give the best result on naatura land, orchards, small fruits and on clover. To purchase wood aahe ia a risk, a it ia difficult to pro cure two lots alike in composition, while exposure to rains may cause loss of potash by leaching. If one has ashes it will pay to use them, as they contain both lime and potash, bnt It will be found better and cheaper to purchase potash in the forms sold by fertilizer manufacturers than to buy shea on the market. for Infants and Oaatoria la a harmless substitut for Castor OH Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrup. It la Pleasant. It een tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ins; Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulate the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought i Bean the n Use For Over 30 Years. The People's National t'uKli hIkmI Monday, Wednesday hi id Friday, in in reality a tine, frpnn, every-oUier day Daily, giving the latent news nn day of issue, and cover IttK new of the other three. It contains all im portant foreign cable newn which appear In THK DAILY TRIBUNE of same date, also Domes tic and Foreign Corres pondence, Short Stories, Klegant Half-tone Illus trations. II timorous Items, Industrial information, Fashion Notes, Agricul tural Matters and Com- trehensive and Kehnhle inaiK uil and Market Re ports. It e g u 1 a r subscription price, f 1.51) per year. We furnish it with the Pont for f 1.75 per year. Hbw- Trl-WBBfcly Send all orders to the "Post", Middleburgk Pa. Liberal Adjustments- REMEMBER H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSTANCE AGENCY Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 18191 Assets 11,0 ,13.88 " Home M 853 " 9,83 ,628.4 M American " " " 1810 " 2,40 ,84.3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. during HOT WEATHER I USE BLUE FLAME if New Rochester" ROOKING under tl'eso circumstances is a pleasure. The Rochester Lamp Co. stake their reputation on the stove in question. The best evidence of the satisfaction enjoyed is testimonials galore and du plicate orders from ail parts of the world. Send for literature, both for the the "New Rochester" Lamp. You will never regret havine introduced these trcods into vnur house hold. The Rochester Lamp Co., 38 Park Place and 33 Barclay St., New York. That Mvn lion, City Editor (to new reporter) You omitted something very important in your account of the bank failure. Keporter What was that, sir? City Editor You neglected to say that the depositors would receive dol lar for dollar. Harlem Life. Ml n1 km In III Calling. "Who is that whistling in the other room?" asked the proprietor. "That's the clerk who's addressing the letters, sir," said the typwriter. "Well, just tell him he's not en gadc a a musical director." Yon-kei-6 Statesman. Description. "Did you hear what Judy Olbbe said?" "No What was it?" "She said the new bride next door to Lhm has the most elegant repertoire of shirt waists she ever saw." Chi cago Record-Herald. A Safe Coarse. Jimmy Plata Say, Billy, yer lack prudence in gettin' so drunk before yer goes up to that house. Billy Burglar I know me business. I want to get in an awful condition so d dog will think it's his master oomin' horns. Cincinnati Daily Kaws. CcauiM stamped CCC Nwr sold In baft. Bcwsrsof the dcslcr wha trie ts tn & Children. Signature of Family Newspaper Publlnlipil on Thumb) nd known for nrly lily jrcsm In rvnry out of the I nlled .t i, . , , Nntlonl Cnmily New.. per of tlie lilKhmt lnw. for farmers ami villager. It rontaiiM all t .... important Reni'nil i . . of tub daily TRia I NK up to hour of jfolng to preaa, an Ajrricultttral I0iarlmcnt of tin- higb eat order, ha BDtertalo lag reading for ivili member of tlip family, old and young. Market HcportH which are aeoept ed an authority by farm, era and country m chenta. and In clean, up to date, intercating tai liintructivo. Kegula r nulwripliun price, 11.00 per yinr. We furniih it with Iht Tost forll.SS per year New- YOTfc Prompt Payme COOK STOVES. WICKLESS SIMPLE, SAFE. "New Rochester" Cook Stove ami J AS. O. CHOUSE, ATTORNKT AT LAW. MlDDLKBUHS, PA. All busluois entrusted to bis cart will receive Droruot attention: Veterinary sUrgeoN. SCLINSGROVE, PA. All professional business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. There is no better investment for people of small or large means thnn the pharos of the Union Consolidat ed Mining Co., which are now being offered at one cent a share, full-paid, non-assessable, and without person al liability. . Interest Dividends at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable half yearly for two years, are quabantk ed, in addition to the regularly earn ed dividends. We also call Tattention to tbe "Smelteb Shabes" oflthe "Kkttlk Curlbw." "Boundary Camp" and "Qcbbn Bbb" companies; now sell ing at three cents, with same inter est dividend guarantee tAll shares sold on the installment plan, or all oash.i Bend for illustrated circulars maps, terms, prloea. etc. Katlensl Wain Promotion CosspaW- Fonrth Floor, Andras Bldg.. Itt-ftt. Minneapolis, Minn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers