AS A GOOD INDIAN. fashakie, Head Chief of the En tire Tribe 01 tnosnonej. . nvrd to Be Ovff a Hundred and ua IWapeclcd by AH Who Km" Hlni Itnile a Whl In Hla Old Air. HIM are being made by oftciall of nAVtM in WukIi i in' l mi for the he llMll'l" v .. - - r. roc 1'lioll O M urtistie and suitable Dnument upon the plot where the re- i .i... ....i.i. , l,:..f VYli-i. MIDI ol "lr . were buried in rebruaiv HUn. riis rctiOB, of the Poet cemetery at iqoc urt Washakie, which was named after he oiu nan o . !. .. Inmrhinniiirn W 'Kh.iLu (Won friend to the white pen ile, einieTUoreo always 10 nuiiiiiiiiii aaec Is QUOtaW In history as never per- I a wane man umou i o ne Mieu he could prevent it, and lie was es- reined Oj an paiwuuu im ifuuui uc r . . i .L . lime in eoniaci, mini Americana ana i own people. The report of Agent ekerion, of the Shoshone agency. Ihich contained news of wosnaKies said that there w as a larger at- tml.'iiu'i at nis funeral than hail heen in tlie vicinity of the Wind River riervation m me iusi km yvara, (VaahakU was born, as nearly as can istimatad, although some authori ng that, he was much older, in lir fought in many battlea, dls la iiiji tine qualities as a warrior, and ill times treating his enemies and Lntives with great kindness. He was Lt!e and active until a few months Lfnre he died, when he became phys- illy weak and feeible. but his mind is clear, and his last wish, which he (pressed through an interpreter a day In fore lue died, WBI that he be bneil a ( hnstian in me rort wasnUKie Imrtrrv anil have n inilitarv funeral. s!i was gladly fulfilled, for he lis loeed by all the officers of the pust. woman OH1EF WASHAKIE. Ulan DlKnlUry Who Died In Wyom ing, Aged Over 100.) he was buried with the honors of eguLur army officer. N only chief ui , .m- ern hand of the Shosbones in Wyo- (?, but vvae the head of the entire . some branches of vt lyirh are scat- si in parte of Montana and Utah, never portions of the tribe dusired .,.' requests of congress or when butt arose with other Indians. Ihakie's advice was solicited and pidered of value. His remarkable orieui ajllity has been commented In liv all the uovertiaiieji t otiieer hare visited the Wind River reser- and a member of the bureau ltlinolo(jy once heard hiui preach nnon. He said it showed con tra ale familiarity with the Bible was expressed in plain but at- Itive words of the Shoshone Ian- Washakie was a grt-jit pro- er of Chris tianitV and ed neat ion. the present Intellectuality of the bones, as a band, is largely due to strn nous efforts. He compelled nil BC children of his tribe to go to the llc schools in the rural tisiriet Jrt he Ueed) 150 miles from a rail- P. and was instrumental in sending Iful of his tribe to the Oirlisle I One of these has since become limner in the Episcopal church, to fa Waslmkie lielongcd. lishakie also had the unique dis- lun of being the only Indian who propelled a bicycle at the age of Tears. On the anniversary of his lanndredth birthday the a"gent of I "sanation placed him upon a fund photographed him (is he ned- I along- for a few yards. This tickled man greatly, for he appreciated "'ct that it is a rare occurrence for an ol that rine old are to ride n f'- He remarked, w lien lie had dis- Pted, Hint "h,. haliaved that he I'l s,,n 1, floian." eil Npimirra for llulln.. I 'he old dajg when hunters used to 10 keep an eye for Indians, some "? adventures were chronicled. all sorts of mdaallM ir,' nmA IbuIletK. from luhMn in Unk. 1 ma ii tciijbI bku i i until" f"h a muzzle louder, found himself I lots of nowder hut null- nn.- 1ml- Tl. bullet shot off the' horn of a ltasr. iinrli tliss saAaaaa aV as as mA took to lnlii ll till II 1 Itme Wbittliufr " two inch lengths inches, ramming- them down on Ewoer and shooting the deer. All he animnl wifh gpUnttrs. Finally -a partner came along am . ,n deer, but the man in tin ""dared he would have soon On- sua, Did n't Worry Him Much. fre has been found a whale with VPnan in jtg i,otIy wnich by its 1"'fQ mat it must have been I at th ...i.-i i , a -m nimic a i bo years nll, Carolina Uoralridna. ' ' s in Km ill, rn.lln. Vivo over 200 a year for the last fWrs. not afraid of work. RT. Frank W. Wirar, .lux (Circled Mrlbwdlat Mlaalnnary Riihop for Uenjral-narmali. Kev. Frank V. Warnc. of the Bengal Burniah conference, was born in t'ann iili in ISM, ami educated ill Albert col lege, Belleville, Ont. lie (erred as a missionary in Winnipeg for four years. He graduated from Garrett Biblical lu stitute in lss-t. After serving as pas tor in the Rock River conference from list to 1SSS, he went to India to servi REV. FRANK W WAKNK. (Methodist Episcopal Blahop for Bengal BursaehO as pastor of the English-speaking church at Calcutta, lie aerved in that capacity for 12 years. In 1880 he was made presiding elder of the Calcutta district, and baa held that position in addition to his pastoral duties up to the present time. In 1808 he was chosen general secretary bf the Ep vvorth league in India, and now holds that office as well as that of editor ol the Indian Epworth Heraldt All these years Mr. Warne has served' as secre tary of two large boarding schools, carrying' the financial burden with sig nal success. He has inaugurated and carried through to permanent success two orphanages and one industrial home for men. which Institutions have taken a leading position in Cal cutta in their respective linea of work, Air. Warne has not spent inure than four months In America during the nearly 13 years since he enlistedl He In in perfect health, and will make an evangelistic ami statesmanlike mis sionary bishop. EDWIN HURD CONGER. t nited Mnti a MlmftateV fit IVUIiir WhORf linn Mr M u . t .Hmii Mi lrn tecteri 1 Yniilte Turn. F.dwin 1 1 ii rd Conger. l"nited States minister nt I'eking, iindk'r whose direc tion American marines have been land ed for the protection of American in terests against the "boxers," was born in Knot county, Illinois, March 7, 1 43. M. 7sBcr is s raai. of will uiid'n. r.. He was educate! at Lombard univer sity, graduating in tJic class of lMia. He turned from the schoolroom to mil itary service in the union army, enlist ing' as a private in the I Ine II uiu! red and Second Illinois volunteer infantry. He served with this regiment until the close of the war. rising to the rank of captain and receiving' from the presi dent the brevet, of major "lor gallant and meritorious conduct in the field." wmk T EDWIN HURD CONGER. (Minister of the United States at l'. ktng, China.) j He began the studry of law at the close of the war and graduated' from the Al bany law school in lsi',7. He first prac ticed law at (ialeslnirjr in lsiiti.and then removed to Dexter, la., where he be came engaged in fanning, stock rais ing and banking. He w as elceledltreas urer of Dsllss county, Iowa, in ls77, and again in 1879. In 1880 the repub licans chose him for state treasurer of Iowa and reelected him in 1882. After this lie served three terms in congress, leaving his position there to become envoy extraordinary and minister plen ipotentiary to Brazil. From this his advancement to the Important post at Peking was rapid. lie is ranked as one of the ablest American representatives in foreign countries. lu-nr Deaa t BsteYia, The "cigar bean" of Batavia is a wild fruit recently discovered in Ba tavia. The pod la like a cigar in I shape and color, but only an inch long, and when put into water it rests on the surface for several minutes, then explodes like a torpedo, hurling it TITi T I ) ! the seed in all directions. If allowed to ripen in a warm place the pod gradually splits lengthwise from point to base. If left 'to ripen on the j plant it splits open more suddenly. Slrnnue Animal Friendship, ' A fox and a hound belonging to a gentleman in Kennebec, Me., are afftc 'ionate companions, nnd constantly sport and sleep with each other. When hoth v(jre young they were placed togethe and have ever since continued frolicsome comrades. la a Bleb Little Connlrr. Holland's ofliclal census includes 1.5f)O,nO0 head of cattle. 1,200,000 pigs, t80,000 sheep and 70,000 horses. News Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. ROW ON AN EXCURSION STEAMER Onr Mini Drowned mid Another II ml lli Iknll Fraetared With an As. rit I Indr I pit In ritllermaii'i Fatal Shot -Life liinnrnnee Matlatlca. I McKposport. Pa.. Aug. 28. A 15 minutes general tough house held sway on the excursion boat Annie Itoberts last night while returning from a trip up the Ifonongahela river. At the end of the lfi minutes the boat presented an appearance of having gone through a riot, bullet holes showing upon much of the woodwork, anil the decks of the boat being bespattered with blood. As 1 a result of the tight one man Is sup posed to be drowned, one is in the McKeesporl hospital suffering from having 1,1s head battered with an ax. and two mote ate lu the MeKeesport lockup. The trouble occurred during nn excursion said to have been given by the colored Knights of Pythias of the Monongahela valley. The boat ( had made h trip to neat Elisabeth, and was returning, when a dispute arose between Thomas Alexander and John W. Winn from their . Jealousy of n mulatto woman named Belle Rob inson, of Pittsburg Alexander drew a revolver and commenced firing, one j of the shots striking Winn In the fleshy part of the right leg. The friends of the participants gathered around nnd took sides. A friend of Winn picked up an ;;x and dealt Alex ander a blow on the head, telling him like an ox ami probably fracturing his skull. The crowd war. now surging around the boat to get a better point 1 of view when an unknown man waa pushed from the boat and drowned. THE LATE KINO HUMBERT'S PLEA, Aaanaalnated llnler Cintriiilntetl nlvlttR lTp Rome lo Hierarchy. London, Aug. 28. -"As the result ot tin outcry against the declaration ol The Osservatore Romano," says thf Rome correspondent of The Daily Kx press, "that the late King Humbert had mediated giving up Home tc hierarchy, the clerical papers hnvr been Instructed to publish a statement giving confirmation and details. "According to this account, King Humbert, some months liefore hit death, wrote to Cardinal Oluseppt PrlsCO, archbishop of Naples, request ing that a trustworthy priest be sent to hear his confession. A priest WSJ sent, but absolution was refused unlesf Humbert would agree to abdicate and give up H;me. The king asked time to consider, as he was anxious to re ceive the sacrament, and, according to the clerical version, it was thll Communication to the priest that In duced the Holy to grant Christlac burial.' "King number's letter to Cardlnsl Prlsco will be published. A clrculai note from the Vatican to the Caholi( powers declares that, ro long as Italj contests the rights of the Holy See the popo will only recognise Vlctoi Emmanuel as king of Sardinia. Tbi note appeals to the powers to rellevt the pope from an intolerable situation declaring that the condition of tht papacy under Italian rule Is sleadll growing worse." Love I lie K,l hen. I've a ktss for t4ie cook, 'Bhl Don't give It away. Tiler,' Is on "lie to look I've u kiss fur the rook: Yon see Bridget forsook t 's. Wife's cooklnff todSBJs ' T've a kiss for the , iok '8h ! Don't five It awuy, Philadelphia Tresa. Ill lew Different. Director - Mr. Cashman, llie com pany lias come to the conelusion that, it can dispells" with your services. You will be expected to tender your resig nation this evening'. Mr. Cashmail You may call it ten der, but. for my part I consider it ex tremely touch - Huston Courier, Spoke Mum I 11 1 ill. Too. Papa Are you Mire that you and mum Tim thought of me while you W6P6 away? tii. ice Yes; we heard a man kick ing up a great row about his breakfast at the hotel, and, mamma said i "That's just like papa." Tit-Bits. A Oaellded Baoe. "Yea, said the poet, "1 have heen pursuing- fame for the past live years." "Do you think," she innocently asked, "that it is any farther ahead of you now than it was at the start?" Chicago Times-Herald. A I, on I Hie SI,- ol II. "Vlnssjnr never catches tlica," So the proverb maker wroteie- An, I susarless candidates, likewise, "Ne'er 'catch the floating vote. Chicago Unity News. DISHONEST. a rs ! ti 1 . ix ' those scales, helping the . Y. World. Albert, and grocer to clfeat people The Slnilllludc. Mother Why, Bupertl I can't see i how you cuu possibly ct uuother mouthful! Sou I guess 1 am a regular "trust," , Mammal The more I gobble the mors j I wantl Tuck. Skin Diseases When the excretory organs fail to carry off the waste material from the ivstem, there is an abnor mal a cumulation of effete matter which Kisoiis ami clogs the blood, and it becomes sour and acid. This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the skin surfsce there is a redness and eruption, ami by certain jx-culiarities we recognize Edema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Erysipelas and tuanv other skin troubles, more or less severe. While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease, is in the blood. Medicated lotions ami powders may allay. the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully copunuru, aim uic couuuion is oneu aggravated ami skin permanently injured by their use. The disease is more than skin deep; the entire circulation is penned. The many preparations of aasenic, and break down the constitution. S. f. S., nature's own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tonical properties miicklv and effectually cures blood and skin troubles, W-cause it goes direct to the root of the disease ami stimulates and restori normal healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions! 8. S. 8. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to rcfermcnt in the blood and cm-,- a fresh ,: ick SSB SJ m ESS. aaaaaaaa BBaaaans aaaBaai i gi.m XJw "fl Maw fekw w .B law atl SV B M. ians ot large expetn nce in ajjaSV MBSV HBfcMsW W""'! take pleasure aiding bv Bg jjjfflg who rtesire it. Write fully and freelv about our s si i . confidence. We make no charge whatever for this sen-ice I lui Inxik on lllix Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA R. 1 IPottiege, Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSGROVE. PA. All professional business entrusted to my dan win receive prompt and careful attention. JAM,., ROUSE, ATTORN KT AT r.AW, UlOOLKBuRw, VK All business entrusted lohiscbrel win reoulva i rouul attention. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM dUshi urn bMntlnoi the t'Ir. t-ri,ii)ili'f a lux imnl rrowth, r,vver Falls to Rtatora Ory llalr to ito SOQttlful Color. Cm,' "lp dliMMf a ll,r lulling. ; . .ui.,1 a! ,"p lm,l.u Jury List. i.tst ot Grand lurorn drawn for the Court "t i oyer and Ternitner and General tuti delivery i andoourt ,,f Quarter Kesslonsol the Peace ni ' Monday, iou i, isos UUAND JUROKM. Nauie. UccupatloR. Kestaesee. ArbOgaat, PredellPk, farmer, l', rr West Blngsmsn, James;M., " centre '. Brause, John " Jackson ' Bailey, Peter, Gentleman, Monroe j Ubarles, Uenry, Tinsmith, Bellnsgrove I Fields, John, Lumbermau, Middlecreek i freed. Lincoln, Laborer, Beaver Ooas, Owen J., Karmer, Adams Herbster, Charles H., Parmer, Beaver Weal ( Hummel, Rati ben, Laborer, Middlecreek Knights, Harry K., " I'ntou Kerstetler, John, Kiinaer, Kline, wm. U., Ubrrer, Uub, Henry H., L,,tr, .losepn, lTlnUT, M'jjer, OkarlM H., : n-r. Mmtern, atSS, I'liriuer, Markley, RsUbsn, " itiexei, Rsnry, Laborer, Bpr" mUaafrovf Wssbiagton lU'iuer Wesl SprlllK Wssalngtos Jackson I'enire I', nn Perry West i Bteffen, pranela, Psnner, BSSSSman, Henry. Bhrawder, John, Carpeater, I Bmltb, Michael K8boHnaker, I Wlney, wm.. Farmer, PKT1T JrKORS, Llitol I'etii ,iiuis drawn lor the Court or common Pleas, Court ol ouarter Sessions ol Mie peace, Court or over un,i Terminer nndoeneral till ueliverj "' Huyder County, pu , ii. i.i tis lu i Term, commencing ocu l, nun. Name, Uccupatloi , Arbogast, lefferaon, Laborer, it lyer, Daniel, Qentleman, 11 lacliol, John a' ('armor, ii i, iso, Poster, Laborer, ; llltger, Ji -si'. Parmer, ! Hiker. John it.. Laborer, 11 inter, ''! D., Parmer, Ii iver, Leonard, j it infer. Blmon, Carpenter, j Orouse, Wto. c, Laborer, ' Dreeae, Anion. Parmer, , Dunn, Oalvln, Laborer, Ii, irk. John, I'. inner . Brdley, James, Laborer, ! Kurr.. Calvin, Farmer, I tioy, Qeorge, " UraybUI, Hojrt, Teacher, I. arm nn. Peter, Karuier, Hoofnagle, cbristtsn, laborer, Rotteasteia, RUJab, Herobant, Helm, Henry, Parmer, 1 Bommel, J, B btono-cntter, Residence. U'aabingten Middlecreek Praaklln 'entre Franklin Beaver West Jackson Penn Adams Hlddleburg Beaver Perry west, Franklin Hlddleburg Penn Washington Pranktlo Perry West ltwv r Monroe Middlecreek Heavor Perry Adams Middlecreek PrankUn Penn Krnnklln Hlddleburg Union Monroe Penn I'nlon Mlddlebarg Cnapman Adams HiKiinaKie, Isaac, Laborer, Kepler. Retley, Parmer, Matte rn, James M., Parmer, Metier, John s Prelgbi Agent, McAfee, Oliver, Laborer, afUSHUnsn, Wm,, Farmer, Raucb, Henry, ReJgle, Franks., Agent, Bimbo, James, Laborer, Bead, isaiu Nbemorry, Ailnin, Farmer, Bee bold, eil man. Laborer, Bpecbt, ii, ,,. B., Wagonmaker, Behrelbsr, Qeorge v.. carpenter, swart, Howard, Laborer, smith, tsssa M Qenileman, Bbiakel, John, Justice or toe Peace Becbrlst, Amnion, Merchant, Shaffer, Peter, farmer, BwSltz, Win., Ijiborer, Tbomss, HarrlSOO ll., Fanner, Trutt, Iseob, Wetxel, Charles, Walter, IrVtfl, Wagenseller, John F., Tern In r. Waller, BeplHVSS S Farmer, Centre I'nlon Chapman Praaklln A, lams Perry Jackson Middlecreek Bellnsvrove Franklin Wiisliinfrtou, D. C. QetiPsKro Pure Food Co., Lo Kov N Y. ttKXTi.KMKN-: Our family realize ko much from the uhc of ;AIN O that I fee! I must Ray a word to in duro others to use it. If people aro interested in their health tnd the welfare of their children they will use no other bcrerufre. I used them all, but OfiAIN-0 I have found su perior to any, for (ho reason that it is solid groin. Yours forhettlth, C. F. Mveiih. UUKtS 1 mercurv, potash, etc., not only do not cure tieaimy blood is necessary to preserve o. o. o ,. , plexion so inucli desired by all. S. S. S uiwu lu icai oarer, u nax i-Tii , iing t'lood ana skin diseases lor halt n ccn- tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. -s S. no lisonons minerals is purely vegetable anil harml. I Read This! MY-PRESENT STOCK OF CARP O o Is larger than ever before : my K liS for ti e SAME GOODiS. My prices on ! rolls ofcnipei WIhIi to close out will suit tlio pocket Lioili of iiiiinj ntul savi ut liiis iiidi.ey. l)i nut think of buying your fall curpets imp yon give my stuck of carpets your ut teui iou an I itet ih i i : of Mime of my baagaiutjv am offerini;, o o o o o o o o 0 llSDiai 01 IVHffis Prices just right One Word 1 :,ui o fieri ii g THAN COS T .in I"ii't miss tins my preaeut I soiiiu lor t I have some pretty tilings to Laor will surprise you in Styles u.i UNDERTAKING ! U N DERTA KINt ! n tuis brunch of my lusin, ss I air prepared to (five the public Hie best serin, ib it cm In- Beeureil bv money, linn' Mini personal attention, My rq iippaate in tbia branch ol huiiu i one of tile fill. s HI tile -;;,'' IIKAi;ES, CARRlAOE) 111 i UNDERTAKING l'.MM. US nro up to, lt'. o on w rd i in "ni i report i ,i in my pru I 1. 1' UtANTKK ',, nun ' in i lie ' v. I UOARANTKI Pirst-Clutw Livery Conncotei W. H. Telephone 'onnectiott. -v;fXXXXXXXXXXXX50 '""' a Zn nt ,,e,,i.:. uiaua II, IIHllll I. ,11',, . . ..,-'.,...' 1. II , ml iiiiiI r- . n.n a u r, uajicr Dn r a rnnwi H u nvinc, Crrat Hi ....... inleeli-il Soldli-ra. London. Aug. 28. Mrs. Chamberlain, sister-in-law of tb a c retary of state for the colonies, who very recently returned from Soutb If riea, has been interviewed regarding her experifliies tliere. She il. lur i that every Word laid by Mr. vVillian Ashmeuil Bartletl Burdett-Contts, C in servativs DMrnber of purliament for WsatmlnsteT, ahout the ment of the military hcapltulu was true. The sorgeogtMral, .she ,ig Herts, threw t rerj OMtaele In the way of forward in,; nuedleal rappUto. ' ninlinniiry' if 1 mo uiuiwno-j " sir- ,: nrhi i O,0atl O mm mm ni ii a ai aam I a ami -1HUK' -i: KtLIAmt t Wl ' '' TWICE A.S,- be; Jit-. tpv it! litmF mf-'Zi&S. To r.ernlr I $ 1 $aSik rtr,,k" uti- t N A MAJoirs "afJT t . CKJILN1. 1 I skin disc taaes, but soon ruin the digestion that clear, smooth skill and beautiful com can be relied upon with certainty can ne reiiea upon Willi cetlaiutv ' keen ... ding- n all test and CA. Read This! PHI.I s LOWER :! .n i Low I i n I n D ou tin-,' irooiis. 8 p About Pictures. st k lie pi i of picturea at (' of the Rlnss in tin iffer i:i 1 1 i ice Furniture, nli n ut Ion haa be called to inieis in rriram m line n I- ,il LKSH MOKKY Mian , ,,,ii easier PAYMENT than allotlii ra. Ii Uudcrtuking DejmrliiiiiiL LEWISTOWKJiU. I S CONTAINING LU L L t 50,000 Words I II LLi 17 DEPARTMENTS IN ONfc VOLUME Mtnorclluftn tuti-rpst to ail rlaswH of hroffreHnlTi i 1 :" : ;' :' : ',:,',7" ;v Mild,,, 111 I, ,, ,,,,. -- . w r word in oomi iiMiKi-, nii'l iiill meiwi-rs 01, - ,iii,om' i .11 ' i"; raarMoDle, Woreeitsr Dlcflonary baa IMJW) words Oenlurj .'- Mill siai',l:ir,l W,m, Tbeae eoittrom fl" n, fu each. Oun lli fiil.ooOMorilH ma) no l- bad anon Iwiiia herelorore n 1,1 Anas dlvlea kIm-w n plural lomia ,,t all il noun. Another nolniatiut almul 0000 eiirrhill) iliillnilt Month. tnaairatntof allaclilm 'lit In inmlrm illrilunar) inakli addition of tMOOwenla t ttiln illrtliinar) lo uieauiol a iluijli . .. called lbs "Colnmblan onl-lluUder," DEPARTMENTS. ? -'r Ilnnall I'roiioiini inu- li tlnnurj : rrjper aiiie. 1 Oassttaar r the Wnrlil : Largr tteai I'm t ' ; Rulaai 7 Bnalneaa Inatrurtnri - Hoclal KtiiiiM'iii Letter Writer 1 IV. t'se of CapltaU 1 II. I'unctuatluii ; UmuMbuinpssei,hsndiomely bound In Imitation leatbei cm , W nmrti siusu To Introdar Farm and Home, onr ntn,i GIVEN AWRY, at n, ,ili. v v Urea,) I,,. In,;', S) II. ui ,if SSO.OOO), Into Ihonaaiirtaof honitH"rr ii . - " takrn, Milk,- m,- followlna BnarlcaW MJ'T' ...y' ' ' . , p. Icr ..f Far... and HolSf biMernlii ia yr .r.t.u y A Til"1- TlU'tlll' IlUll.' llll 1 ' - I1IIUIIM-. a , Till J 111. dlvor nr ifimra). anil wlthnul furtlici clmmn V"'.,. , 1 , ,,li,irni'iiii,' , ,,-,. , mall. tpald. All aerrptlna Ibln offer will ren lve n, i- le.'lilly illnxlrnleil 40-paK in liiinin IM. ' ' " imef ill artirlrn ami nil f il- mm' remartatile ffer ever , ., ii.., i. " . i a, .,,, ill it Mranhtfrintliitl a -i-ht Innnrillali Iv , will al, n inn; i rtlll. ', ,11' l.i'll'l, - ' " Iram CI If iniri l,n, ,1 -,',ai:ii, lv Agent wmnteil rverjrw' .., .... ,.r. u , . 1, ,Mll , I' -' - Ih'i f"r t I wotK .linn o joi,, ,u,, . - c ... i ,-, . , f r , . I A Mice ni I . I-, I r 1 " r II s. k-S..S.SjllVtBSJVS- D ' MIFFLI1NBURG MARBLE WORKS. K.H. LANCE, 1 1 r I ii II It r til iiimI Sf-oirii Umnit . . . i y MONUMENTS, HEAD- STONES & CEMETER i I LOT ENCLOSURES, X nu ci.,r ru,..i ,.i d. i iuiic , , ,i,,,i , ,c ' i"' Prices isLov as the Lowe-: Satisfaction Gudran'eed. J. A, JSNZINS, As;., REVIVO hfcaTORES VITA': HI L Mac's; a 1 Well fv'an THE LofM in SjrJtA. Jii S.-JL- V rmja XTTlE-l- CXI X332VrUX3ir prodnrra f ! ' ,. 'jiiIih lri','10 dnya. It kiU pow,'rt ully 3 Cures wlirn all oibmtall iTouna,iri''Ulll r wfin thoir lout rainboc! id rid nun will farm ir ttilr rnninfiil rirnr 1, MM ; BEVtva 1. .. iickly and sarelr rector, n s'.TA. t "y. Ii'irotiocr. Mgbtly En- -o n L"Ht Tower, . itMag Merai-y. WKtln Dl : -.1 all crfi'cta ul , .. iburt or tccfiiand It, il vrbicbunC 1 1 lor ttudy. bnsincs!, or marrituv ft not only ct.r i ' 71 tirlinnatttioarat of dl. 00J laanrcat r, - tunic aud blood boUdrr, brlna lnf back the pink (low to pale cheek" 1 in atorlng the lire ut ymith. U trarda eD h nlbj and CcnsuciDttn. Inslat on bavinir BE 1VO. at It canl.jrirr. 1 t pockft .': mil Sl.Ooi .. .or alv lorOOlO, wltha nott tlve writ 'in K-iarantoe to core or -the. money. .., u.. ... ,. Auin-sa Royal Medicine Co,,3$&!& Bottom it Middteburqhf V, 'j MIDDLE B I DRUG 0 s i i T t 1 f J J Q I X $ T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers