Rev. Chas. M. Sheldon s "Malcom Kirk'' Appears in the Post' CoY. cvV it Mil im v wk rw, t - j v x mm -tvr mwsicww- Tarr w: n . mi n , - , i mmy e am t v rjBO. W. WAGENSELLEB, Editor and Proprietor. LOCAL NEWS. A eek's News Dished up in Small QuantitiesVisitors in Town During the Past Week Other News of Interest. Win. H.Shindel will leave tl week for Lafayette College. Pat in yflur bid lor a copy of the Snyder County Marriage lMok. Lincoln Walter had something like a sunstroke on Thursday of last week. Leroy Stealer and George' Moata nr.. ntteiidine- Bohool at Susouehatina H.v a University. V. W. Blpka made three Hps last week as mail agent from Hhnira to Baltimore. E, D.Swinetord, oneof Port Trev orton's landlords, was at Middle burg Saturday. Erdley's church, in Middlecreek I lu-nshin. will be dedicated on Sue- ft day, September 16( Hon. Benj. K. IV-ht, of Lewis- burg, candidate for State .Senator, was in town Saturday. Don't miss any of the chapters' of Malcom Kirk. It is getting more interesting every week. James N. llouser, one of the po litical workers ot Union township, was at the eoimtv seat Saturday.-,. James Ayrcs and wife and Charles Ay res ami family Spent several days at MiMnburg visiting H. H. Lelt- zel and wife. FHtceu cents pays for the POST till after eleetion to he sent to new subscribers only for the campaign purposes. 25 cents to New Year. tf. John SiiH", a member of the Re publican Standing Committee from Adams township, dropped in to see us Saturday. A. II. Moyer, of Kissimmee, sold ins store to lu E onaner, who hub just retorned from Spaulding, Iowa. Possession will be given next Mon day. ('. II. Woodruff, of Salem, w:i in this plaee Saturday. He will enter the University of Penn sylvania as a student the latter part if this month. "he Post will be sent from now HH ter election for ir cents and, ill . 1, 1901, for 2.") cents. Tliis . wwi iu'v. npw Riihscri- oner i ir, njv' v-w r" . bers and is made for the campaij tt. Saturday ovl mug . . opevnit nff l 1.. l Kile timi- !i nnh '1 inositor in this of '"'(, and Miss Dora married hy Rev. W. The Bickhart were -n. II. Dover, congratula- turns t,, t lie young people. Kv i(rp u,ill I, . ,.!,w,I ! 111 lay, Ssntemhtt Vil, o.,.l .... ' - lav. October :5d, these Inmig Jewish ho. laP- M. MIDN KH, i-13-3t Kantz, Pk H.I I arris Bower, of Midddleburir, adC, W. Knight, of Port Trevartoa, have Urn named hy John V. Lesher atwi, ofbJa conferees, from Snyder IWnty, in the Pemoeratic Senatori- "'inference. The third has not Vet Imv.ii ..! .,..1,1:., Go to A. E. Soles for a smooth ayshave or up-to-date hair cut aol head cleaned with a refreshing wampoo or dandruff removed with J11 tonic, clean towel to each patron ink building one door cast of Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed. Editor Prwr p o r m 5 t m throuch Vnnr vn 1 nnKIn ami nnwuv Cper to thank the friends and neigh f for the man v kind fnvors ex- ml l ... J ,l mi 1 ' tHuunuji; i lie 1 1 1 .J.. , uiiu fcneral of n.y father. C. E. COBKIOT. MIDDLEBU11GH, Bruce II. Crouse is spending the . w ..l i.. : sununer in lowa wun reiuviveo. James K. Davis, Jr., was a caller in this place Sunday evening. S. Grant Schuck, of Selinsgrove, was at the county seat last Friday. MrSjE. It. Murray left for her Philadeluhia home last Friday ev- entng, Alvn II. Mover, the Kissimnlefi merchant, was in town Monday morning. Hon. P. F. Riogel, ol Adams burg, made a pleasant call at this office Saturday. Walter Kipka, who had been in Somerset county, is spending sev eral weeks at home. trvin Guyer and wife, of Suubiiry, took supper at the tVashingtoii House Saturday evening. Tlie county asseiWors made their returns having completed the regis tration for the Presidential ( lection. Those who wish to make their five per cent, discount should pay their taxes not later than Saturday. A. M. Krai at, ol Franklin town shin, dropped in to sec ms Friday oi last week. We aie always glad to see him. We are pleased to note that John U. Kreeger is rapidly improving in health and that he will probably be able to lie out soon. The families of Jacob GMIhtI, E. C. Gruvbill, James P. Smith and John Snyder atumded a picnic at Richfield Saturday. A festival was held at Erdley's church last Saturday evening. The attendance was large and thirty-live dollars was cleared. The public schools of this bor ough opened Monday in charge ol A.H.Gilbert, Edwin diaries and Miss Iotiie ( 'rouse. Edgar Custer, nighl oierator nf Selinsgrove, spent several days at his parental home in Swineford to recuperate from over work. Edward Greene, of Saltillo, who had been visiting here Monday, re ceived word that his tannery, at the former place, had been destroyed by fire. !. M. Showers, executor of Valen tine Walter's estate, was in thi place last Wednesday to order bills for the sale of real estate. You will fun! the advertisement in the I out, Herman H. Uassinger, tl lerk in the First National Dank of this place, has been elected ca-hier ol the bank at Eliaabcthville, The Post extends its hearty congratu lations. J. (i. Chestnut!, Stinbury, boughl another shoe store, the Whitmorc Altoona Shoe Store. 20i)() pairs at one-half price. He will sell them in the oid Economical Room, 362 Market St., Sunbnry, Dirt cheap, like the Arnold stock. He sold 700 pairs the first day at the Arnold sale. Opening days of the sale Fri- ud Saturday. 4 irge v. unmm, one ot the tors ot tins office, has (.'one eompoA tki Philhv 'elphia to take treatment ration of his heart nff, A tor the n .the auditory nerve, aft lalist e! ' ' . S'Ht tf making ir? examination, state) .if. rs'1 'lirll tin rii.Iit rtnt Unit bearimt ttifo. ".:"!"rr" could be restored ft, ' conversal.:on 00BW eat that ordinarv ily be heard. No encoui agemeiTt wg. veil in he- kali of tht- left ear. All the undertaker, of Su'.vder county are requested to meet at Kd dlebu'rz O ctober 2, to effect organizatio n. The place of meeting wtU'lie-aiai lc known later. Geo. P. LmseaflW, Isaac Middlesw.vwth, W. H. Luck, Geoimje F. Steti.ebu J. H. Abbooast. SNYDEB CO., PA., The organ contest will close on December 15. John Fields, ot Kreamer, was at the county seat Tuesday. Banks W. Voder was at Oriental on Tuesday, attending a sale. Utica Hovis, of Suubury, died ou Satui'dav evciii nff, at that place, aged "il'i years. She was a liallve o( Chap man township, Snyder county, was reared near Hoover's Mill, and was a sister of Henry R. Riegel, of this place. Mr. Riegel attended the lu ncral, which took place Tuesday. The arrangements for the 27th Annual Encampment and Exhibition ol the Patrons of Husbandry are the most complete ever made. The En campment will open Saturday, the 15th of September; the Exhibition on Monday, the 17th. Special trains and a one-tare excursion railroad rate. We had the pleasure ol iiieetiflg, Monday morning, ('.. Mover, for inerly u ji w ler ol this place, now an electrician of New York Citj . He is president ol the Barker-Moy-er Co., organized with a capital ol $10,000 for electrical construction. The company stands in with the powers of the citv, and half ol the architects. They do all the electri al work on Goveneur's Island. We are pleased to note the success of Mr. Mover. The poster! entitled 'Uncle Sam's Balance Sheet," and 'That Terrible Eclipse," illustrations of the differ ence in conditions between 1890 and 1900, published by the Amerintn Protective Tarill League, are mt- haps the most striking that have been issued thus far in the campaign. These posters can he seen in the rooms of any local Republican Committed-, or will be sent to any ad dress for eighl cents. Ask for pos ters "G" and "II." Address Amer ican Protective Tarill League, 135 West "J:;d Street. New York. What Do You Think of This? We wish to call the attention ol our readers to the following state ment made by Mr. Bryan III 1890: "If there is one w ho I relieves the " told Standard" is a good thing, r that it miisi be iu:iin talned, I warn him not to east Ins vote for me, l ause I prom ise him it w ili not lie maintain ed in this count i v any longer than I Billable toget ii'1 of it." This language was used !y Hon. Win. Jeunings Bryan, in a speech at Knox vi lie, Tennessee,, on September 16, 1 890. You will notice that Mr. Bryan does not want the vote of "any one w ho believes the Gold Standard is a good t ning. Can any believe otherwise alter witnessing our sound business pros perity since the Gold Standard law- has been enacted. Mr. Bryan made a promise fo the American voters that the Cold Stan dard law "will not be maintained In this country longer than he is able to get riil of it." The eleetion of Mr. Bryan to the Presidency would, therefore, be Immediately followed by attacks upon the financial integ rity oi the united States and of eve ry individual citieii. The result would be a repetition of the business panic and disaster that We experi enced during tlie last Democratic administration. ECLfE: KusMrr Hrubaker, of tiiis liutCe, died iSunciay. Enoch AUeker visited Urtiliftker's oil Mundsy everrtng. J. B. Hmrter, jeweler, of Helihgibve, was at home over Sunday. Ed. Aucksr, the merchant at thi place, is dofng a nice business. M. B. Brulkef visited East SaleiW,' and A. B. Ramer was at York. Levi Ramer and wife were thr gUtmtx l of of J. M. Hamer over Bunoay. THURSDAY, SEP! EMBER 13, 1900. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Un-il I'.iii.t, ,i lor llM-oril. Sadie and D. J. Dreeseto Hurley Rotnig, house and lot in Adtunsburg for 1 ,01)1). Peter to Jacob 11. Jar- rctt. fen acres in Dcm. townshin fur $350. 00. number of years ago. He was mur- ITIlli Prba el. I l'iHl second to Mrs. Lizzie Smith, by The las! will and testament of Rv. J. H. Hertz, lie is survived James Miller, late of Pen n town- by the widow and lour children: ship, whs probated Saturday. The Howard, of Kreamer; John A., ol six children wen- named as heirs. Westgate, Iowa; Irwin, ol Hiim m .n Rm mid Ch.-o-les Mil- Ulel's Wharf, and the wile ol' Willis ler, are named as executors .nrrlii'- LlrauNen, I Franklin Stapleton, I Hannah J. Fisher, I Merlin (J luce I Katie E. 1 louver. . , l W. Frank S)echt, '( Dora A. Bickhart. si, Da Selinsgrove, . . 1 tuudore. Middlebiirg. Horses Fell Thirty-Six Feet Dasi - ridaV iiiornfnu it team o horsCS Attached to a plow, bt niffini; to Joel D. Ilenfer, t steep e'lihankment, a dowii over a istanee of 3(i feet, which resulted in the death of one of the horses ; the other will re- cover. Il occurred about two miles Fouth of New Berlin, near the stone quarry. Mr. Beufrr was digging potatoes, and tied his team near by, In some way they became untied and got too near the precipice. ttrgan Contest. The contest for the Weaver ( 'Imp el organ, to he given away l-v the POST to the Sunday school, public school, on church in Snyder county, that gets the most votes, will close Saturduy evening, December 15th, 1900, at live o'clock, p, in. A Hack Party A hack load of lad linsirrove took supper ics from Se at the Wash ington House Wednesday evening. The party was brought hen- by Irw in B. Boiuig and consisted of the following named persons: Mrs. Ira McClosky, fjoek Haven; Miss Lizzie Murburger, Philadelphia; Mrs. J, H. Hlsh's, Mrs. ,. H. Voelkler, Mrs. . W. Potter, Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. I. L Phil H. E. Mill.r. Sr., Mrs. I Mrs. John Bucher, Mi Miller, Mrs. Jonas Mille ('. Houti! and Mrs. . Mrs. I. E. P Jennie r, Mrs. . Meek seiinsirrove, MARR1 h'.l. September 8th. bv Itc W II. i Bayer, W. Frank Speehl and Dor othy A. Bickhart, both ol Middle burg. September 8th, by Dev. W, E. Brilllmrt, at Pdrt Treverton, Merlin A. Glace, of Selinsgrove, and Katie E. Hoover, of Dundore. D1F-U August 29, near New' Berlin, Elias David Breon, son of Heu' ry and Sallie Breon, aged 1 years, !J months and 5 days. Interment at Erdley's church Aug. 31. Kev. II. (J. Suable officiated, assisted by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler. Aug. 28, near Kantz, ( 'harks Clayton Baney, son of David and Amanda Baney, aged 10 years, 6 months and 10 days. Interment at &ueM Ang. 30. Rev. II. (J. Suable Offiwiared.- HuOkeR Wagon FK 8ale. A huckster" Wslgon, almost new, is ofterred for safe: The wagon has been used for only a few months, but it is too heavy fbr my use. Ca parity 16,Od61rjei rf. B.CusEirtf, 9-13tl Stobefwd, Pa. Laphenus Walter. Laphenus Walter, td Kreamer, this county, died at the homo of his son-in-law, W illis Shnmhueh, near Cowan, Union countv, Wetlnestlav, September 'i, 1000. He twice lied a marnetl, ins tirsl wile Having Shambueh, Cowan, L'uiou county. : ions, the story was discredited but The deceased was a son of John it was worth an investigation. Rom D.; a grandson of David, Sr., who hcrgur was seen, and the description wus the eldest son ol Jacob Wulter,the of his early morning visitor left no, pioneer. Lnpheiius was one el a possible room lor doubt. Frohm family ol eleven children, viz: (I) had spent several hours in assisting Fanny, who married Uriah Berger; him in making cider. He had n quart (J) Washington, iivw in the West- ,,( ,ik,. in his pocket, half of (:'.) Catherine, rho mrrried John J which, together with alniosl n quart li -:-li : ( !jn Hum, v Mr-. I riali : ienck : (' .11 ,,,s,.J( i iniiiister, no v Ue.-ea-etl i i I) I, ililiei ff I tills, our sullied : Soiildii who married iveiioen SteiiiiiufOI', and was the M i l graudnioth- er of the famous Steiiunger prodigy; I (S) Harriet, who married Mr. Nell; ; Marietta, wife sox; (10) Han i if Jeflerson Dower on, and ,11) Henry. The funeral of deceased too place I Saturday aftern i al two oclock. i He was a faithful, devoted ( Ihristiun ! gentleman, and exemplary citizen, Republican Committee Meet. l The Republican standing eommit- 1 L .1 ' 'M. hit place on Saturday uf'crnoon. I he assessments ol the oandidntes to pay the expenses ,, the eauipaiu wi re adjusted. We must -ay that these an- more liberal than they have lawn for BCVeral years. It was decided to have a red-hot campaign, with nu merous public meetings, The first demonstration will be held at Mid dlebiirg on Tuesday evening ol court week, let. 2d, 1900. Posters and and newspapers will announce the speakers in due time. I Ion. Benjamin K. Eocbt, "l I (ew- isblirg, candidate lor State Senator, ol the 27th I fistrict. was present, who leillg called upon, made a red hot speech, and gn c the c nittee to understand that he was willing to help the good cause lllollg. I 'r. A I- bert M. Smith, candidate for Assem blyman, also responded to a call and made a ringing Bpeech. 1 hher ad dresses were made by Supt. 1". ( '. Bowersox and Chairman J. A. Lum bard. The committee is made up ol tl osf enthusiustie fellow- that we have seen ou the committee lor some time. - Senatorial Conference. The Llepublican conference of the 27l h Senatorial district was held at the Nell House, Suubury, Monday, Sept. H. A. M. Aurand, P. '. Bowersox and the Editor of the Post were the conferees trom any der countj ; A. D. Miller, William Could and H. G. Dricsbach repre- i...l TTntnm .TninM Milhr, Mr. Lloyd and J. Simpson Kline repre sented Northumberland county. Jas Klllef was elecleJ President, A. W. Uratfrt Secretary and H. J. Dreis bach, A distant Secretary. A. D. Milhr, of t'ni.m idd thusiastio speibh nomio6ted B.K. Focht of Unioll founty fof u' Senator. V. C. BoirMi followed in a ringing speech feGpodlng the nomination. The halh-t W.s then taken which resultisl in Hie Uiian- imons election of Fooht. Jerry Simpson Kline, Esq., was efftltl permanent President oltheooofen enoe. The Is'st of feeling prevailedv The OOnfereaa and friends were then' invited to dinner, which all seemed lo enjoy. The friends oi the nominee ex tended congratulations and departed for tl e'r various homes to begin for au active campaign. VOL. 37. NO, 36. Desperadoes at Elizabethville iawi..B, h. iv The terribh i by the robherie excitement caused -I Friday, Saturday and Sundav tcusificd by nights was further in the rumiinir down ol the leader oi the hand of desi era does ut the horrible end. When the report reached town at about ciht o'ciock, Monday inoru in that Frohm, Alias Jones, was seen at RomlH-rger's, near the camp ground, aboul half an hour rev- I of cider he had drank befe ol eider he had drank he left the cnl.-r lillil. I V the time ' i out towards the mountain, irer declare- he was nreltv I Homner-horouirh- Iv intoxicated. After Icaviui; ItomticrgcrV, hrolim ciossihI the railroad and disiippenreil in tin- w D. Probably fifteen min utes Inter 11. D. Earnest was accost' ed on the railroad tracks some dis tance I ielow Itoinbei'ger's, and order ed to halt. Earnest recognizing the man as Frohm ran rapidly to the nearest farm house and gave- the a larm. Frohm Bred a shot at Earn off but missed Ids mark. It was the work of but a few moments or CJonsiMiiie J nth to organize a larre nos,. of men and the search was once more com menced. H. W. Stino and Harry Conner came upon Frohm near the railroad crossing at nickel B, ami called upon him to halt. I Ittering an oath, he remarked "I'll halt you" and immediately fired three -hots at Stine, the latter answering his tire; neither ol the shots taking effect. Frohm acuiti escaped to the woods i Mil II hllll'lle ! . ..,- men, gun, annus armed rilles, hotly with revolvers, shot and various other w pur- ued him. I In posse had broken up into sun ids --I three, and live men, and the senrcl continued more eanii -tlv thai lieeli lour i was ever liefore. Baxo! Baxo! P.n'-! A dozen shots a Bcore ! The air was filled with stifling -moke as of a bat tle. A Cry "I alarm, and all WHS quiet osthctomb. The smoke clear ed away and another volley echo ed its nngrv purpose through tin- Woods. Frohm had tired ids died game, but what stituted, in outward a human form was now last -hot. lie had onci n- piH'arance, his hut a shapeless mass ol quivering which still lingered it lesh, within w flickering sparks of life pies- ile-patell t the Vhiladd- nhiii hutuifcr, tins inorniuu iavs: "Whitcv Stramscr, the Slmmokiu burglar, who was with Thomaa Frohm near Elizaliethvillo, when the latter was shot to death by fann ers tor committing a series of bur glaries, came lu re la-t night. As soon as he was recognized tin alarnv was given and in A short time 6w men armed with BTUIlS and revolvers, started in pursuit ol Strausser. bitter eseaiied. however, and The went to' Shamokin. LaTEB Strawscr surrendered. Millinery Store tor Sale. Wis'iiing to ri'lire roiti biistnCsi"i I will sell niV Entire slock and flvtures at a reasonable pii'-c f have a good trnde and business vfts" carried on in tliis room for 2o ye:ir. Boom will Ixj rented and possession' given atoncc. Mrs. M. A. Ehy, 9-d-Jm'. Selinsgrove, Pa. Tlie" pension boanl last week bad ipiite a 'great in inv applicants to ex amine.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers