COUNTY NEWS. Breezy Letters Written by Our Corps of Correspondents Ihr uRhout the County. A.DA.H4BUKU SKLINSGROVE. j. Y. Long of 'r,w: .hi ur -t reels Friday. Spelieer Itollliu' Iliad utrove was seen trip i I. u-iii. i . .. . Lin-.' I iitirwmv. (hww W. Pwtt of New Berlin -),eiii Sunday in t" n. Win. Stall inwker Huenl nevt'rai;day8 -ii llurrinlmrg, ruceutly. Mrs. J. V. Snook and moii spent Thursday In Lewlstown. l-u Mnnlteok upenl Wednewinyana fhuwday in Harrlaburg. T ,m:is Keller ot't '11111111:11 i- spend ing 11 r, u with lii- family. K. V. HnydiT of Hclhwgrove wan seen on our street Thursday. Mi-. Isaac Mmiery of Lewlstown vis ited n ieii.l- here over Sunday. Mr- (iuo. Krharl and daughter hi ther, 1! Sittinlay in town. Mrs. . NV. Auniim and ehllrt re vMiidiiiu I lie week III Mel 'lure. M,. v, M. Hinlth wai-eiitertalnI y friend In Lewlstnwii lust week. .Mi - S. :.. iJoinlf! and mm, Luther, Kin r rrieiiiln In TroxelvijU". Mrs. J. II. Spaiigler and ehlldreii vis ited fi 11. 1-in Me lure Ins: week. Win. Keller of Philadelphia lssiend iua sever il weeks w ilh lii- niirents. Kallle Hover of Kreehurg was waUTUtlued hy Mi T. 11 1U lint week. Mi-. - Nevel and Johns I I1"1" v ill. were the irmwts of Mi- Msle li ttle. . , Mr Stlinel valid wife, aeeonipaUleil by Miss Myrtle Dreese, spent a day In town. . M, Annuel and Ife and J. I. Kalii iiiud wife sieh1 Instweek In New Vork, .W il ,. '. , . I . Keller 1111 I wife visited mends ,m - iiilmry mid NortluniilHirlanil over Sunday. , . . ,; ... Htlw ml MtttilMfk Mini wife left rr -,jnv , mi extended vl -it among mends in'. mid Juniata enmities. Mi-- Cora lliiiivrhl w h' luw ' u vls Itin in ilii section for some time, Ims , . 1. .. , ...;. l 1 1 11 iv- rVI 1 ll' l III IM'I II1M1IV il .- i 11. ... i.,..f, l .1 mill wile. .!'!in Uueh r anirwile and Mi- Uettriek of Sc! rrove w. i-e the guests "I Br. Smith's Sunday. Editor Lumbard is on the sick list. Miss Lohr of Milton is spending a 1 few daVH with friends in town. ' Robert Reed and wlfeofTUBn. Ohio, visited Mrs. Reed'H sister, Mrs. Amelia Wagenaeller. Mr Knieriek and family f Hickory Corners npenl Sunday with the family of John M. Boyer. M L Waip-iiseller returned from Philadelphia Friday last, having been I there nearly four weeks. Mrs G F.HuiuUcker of Philadelphia is visit inir her dadghter, Mrs. Rev. (ieiisler. at the Parsonage. Samuel Miller and wife of Union county were entertained by George J. Schocb and wife over Sunday. K 11 Schrader was home a fewaays, called hereby the sickness of his moth-j er, imt who is much Improved. Rev. Oenszler caught an 11 J pound Oennan Carp In the creek atSelinurc s ,ill. ,. great many persona yiewctit. M. Prank Haupl du d suddenly on Friday las) and was burled Monday of this week. The cause was heart trou- Oettysburg College base ball team ulayed Suwiuehanna University on the home grounds and were beaten by our team. , , ,. r The eanls are out for the wcnauin " Rev. Win. s. I'lrlcli and Miss Sara Philip- Wednesday, May 2nd. li l to lie m church wwldlng. Dom Coltto Asjre wnn Vont If nut, drink Sraiu from pure -nuns. A lady writes: "The first time I made Grain I del not like it bul after usiug it l"i one week not bing would induce me to u'O back I to coffe." li nounahes and feeds the svstei.i. Phe children can drink it freely with great b i.eii . It is ihestreuirth tt eubsl me of pure grains. Get a package today Iroui your grocer, follow the directions in m ikinR it an 1 vou will have a deli cious and health tul table beverage for old mid younir. Inc. and 25c. Look lor tlit Warning. Heart dltaaae kills suddsaly, bo erer without warning. TU 1 wane lag mar he faint and brtrf, mv vSurtllng and eitend orernny years, but they are nonn J oerta a sad positlTe. Toe ofUa tbi rteii- U delved by tt. ttougbt, 'it will Baas away. Abu, it mw ,,iawa7Toluntarily. Ooos U- ter .f Itsrtf. if I. Mikr Heart -ri.oTutslr certain in every case where 1U us. Is parriftti In. " or maay ye -7- . frit from 'heart finally found relief. I Wr So fafating and ness about the heart, and w jafU to atuad to my bouwhol. duttss. 1 tried nearly every remedy that wm reeommeBded to me and docterefl witt the leading fAystcian. thl ection but obUlnsd bo belpuntil I bentakiBgDr. MlleeasrtCure It has done me more good ttan au tbe medleine 1 ever took. Mus. Anna Hollowat, Qeneva, Ind. Tn Miles' Heart Cure Is sold at all druggists on a positive l""40 WrRe for freeadtice and booklet to i. aiUtoeui Ca4 Elkhart, Ind. KANTZ. Geo. I. Kline's were visiting Sunday. It. F. Dock bought a horse this week. F. I'. Holsapple -ports m dandy horse. . Dreese planted com Saturday. of the farnii rs are ready to plant Free ! Free ! Free ! WE WILL PAY YOUR FARE -TO 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FREKIU '." . Apple and w Ife of Suu- i-i iimnng relatlvi suiiua.v. R-issler and lie ami has. . r Mini wife speiil Mondayj ol 11. I in ved Into the i iriiekeiimiiii 1' inpletloii of his Iiurv v Wil IV. Iln ln-i week in Suiibiiry .1. c. W. Rassler house vaeaUnl hy "e 1,1 reiuaiu imlil lie' new lunne. I 'l lie Normal class al the Academy 1- pn-senl of tin- largest thai has 1 u rn hi re for many years. 'I be enroll ment ;it the lieginningof the week lie-l n?lev. I).in)ruckenmlller who has ' n pastor of the Frceburg Lutheran eharge for nearly three years left Mon day for Frecmansburg to servoncharge In that town. ( 'has. II. Miller, who had; Ihvii ;em ploved mi Marionvllle. I'm. for the imst thrt-e months as teacher in the High School, returned home Thursday. He jefi Monday ruing to resume ld- ouilii - mi Ruekne'l tJnlverslty. Dll Btap' WEAVER CHAPEL oktiAN. To Be Qlven Away to Some Church, Sundav School or Public School. I In publisher of the Post will give a Handsome w kavkh 11 u'ki, okuaj to some 'hiireh, Sunday schisil or pul llc tchool iii Snyder County and he asks the patrons of this paper t" select the place In re it -hull go. The highest number of vote- will determine the choice. New-pMper , pons and pre mium coupons w ill couni as follow s 1 S FAVSPAPER COUP! INS : T li e voting coupon printed in each issue of . 1. ., 1 i- I for one vole if tilled out and sent or brought to ihi fhVc. PRKMU'M CGITPONH : All sub scribers who pay for the Post in ad-j nncc will receive a Premium Coupon! roui this olHce, that entitles them to IA' votes for each month paid In atl vanceaud for a full year. For al MAS Cash suliserlptlon FOUR pri-l miitm coupons will Ik Issued for nielli month and 50 for a full year. Nocoii-' iou w ill Isj Issued for less than six 1 months suliseriptloii, Changing t h e j nan from one niemlier of a family to another will not ! considered n new ! subscriber. For even dollar's worth of j joli printing ornewiulvertlsements that I knenrlil nr will In till- office. M I'll- miuiii coupon w ill lie Issued fbrJK voti c 1 1 rms hi r. i. ilnn. vou reil " In in If you Hill not you mlMtll the ImmiU w-n- Btlon of tin- deeadai No book produced In Ihr Iwt ten -Hm ban Iwoi nioro dUruiuMid ly iieople of all KtatioiM. No book pro- frut-diy raUckMU in iu trwhlnc Iim iTr been o widely rd. Tb author of "In Bli Stop" Hrv. Charles M. Shel- It In by no mean hU only nurrexful effort In book making. He wrote The CruclfliloB of rhlllp Strong," a utory fully as almorblnK In Interest a "In II 11 Stepa." We hara purrlianed this story and It will be printed In thla paper noon. We believe nor readers will enjoy It. A. T Most corn. The helling was well attended at Moll's. II. Holtzapple ld two cows last week. Some of our young men expect to at tend the mi Sunbury Thuiwlay. And now Wilson Eoffhai taken Un to himself a wife. Good choice, Wilson. I- it true thai F. M. Hoi k needs a cane? Why? Because he is grand-pa. Sadie Rnmlgand Mrs. George Paige were to Sunbury Saturday to have their lei ih extracted 11ml artificial ones replaced. .. , . aaai . .-kiatO I.. Kline was very unfortunate some time ago, He was Smoking and forgetting to empty his pipe burned a large hole in hi- com). The follow inii pupils nrc attending Frceburg Academy : F. '. Romlg, 11.1 '. Dreese, Olive and Katie Btahl, Min nie Mini Sigman Mlllner, Quite 0 number of our people attend-1 imI church at Frceburg Sunday. It b Ing the last sermon of Rev. Drucken miller for his parish in this county. ; 1 i I bye Rev. The Kant, hand is still improving. They expect many calls this coming season. Any information wanted, In quire of the Secretary. P. P. Holuap- pic Kant., ra. A. G. Glasesaya If the Editor of the PoBT would know or iret hold of the person who reports the Kant, items, he would collar him. The reporter says ii always takes two to make a bargain. SUNBURY, MAY 3 To Attend The Biff Show. WONDERFUL OFFER- Which Means at tlie Very Least Calculation A TICKET TO THE BIG SHOW FREE. We will pay each and every person's ear fare to Sunbury whose purchase at lli store amounts to ten dollars or more al the same time we welcome vou to see the lar; est and handsomest line of Clothing for Men, Hovs and Children in Central Pennsylvi nia. This is no idle talk, but a positive fact. Let Qti tell you about some very , into estini: suit prices. store est ni eating suit prices. FOR MEN. Last ye r We sold more than three hundred $4.98 Suits this car we have 500 to sell, all sizes and all col- at tins remarkable pnee- ors( others at 7.50, 98.50, 912 , others at fl6.50 to 12.00. for Young men. We offer more than two hundred suits to select from $4.50 a handsome, well made suit FOR CHILDREN Of these wo have an mouse variety 89c is the first price, then $1, and up to $6.00, all si i from 3 to 8 years. r7 J 1 4T MORE HATS IN THIS STORE ii. o oeiecL irom inan au me utner otores uomumea. Any Style hoi aqly OqE Onllar. BROSIOUS BROS., !be Alost Keliable Clothing Store in jJJJ SUNBURY, PENNA, y I , y ? 15 N V mm mm lllilU JJJJ U Ml U 11JJ 0 u m m m m m a. m n 1 SPRING I HARDWARE. yooo"ooooc(yyyooooooooGoo ooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwcck K reamei W'c have now in imolete line t must and Summer ever had. ( i M M I '5 Pa. (tuck the BpriDg mils we nave CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of KNOEXCK. I rXDEP , To lt fr ImI week. dw of our citizens ((iiiU'inpluti ii i vlcwinn tin' HlphtH al Bunhury, May !. Minnie Hutlel and Maude HhaflVi N il ii-ilii for Sunbury where they in- Al tend t -lay during the sumniur. . ! Katie reinenilierB the teachlnm of tin ,s I t m&AWbViX 2 lnplt Itevid. when heHald, "Hecnnl M CJ ' W I .,..1 I I: tit imi' ill I i "1 1 1 "ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 I "' ' a 1 1 lilm." j I oiiiiiiv alio i liiirli'.N tin. winie iHisuion. i in DRESS GOODS. Have a nice line of White, Colored and Fenny titrip Lawns and 1 imities, also Cashmeres, Mohairs, Sres, Novelties, Ac. at n I most any price. TRIMMINGS. l Have a big line of Braids, Gimps, Beaded Trimming, s 068, Embroidery, all over laces, S also a very pretty line of Silk ami Satin for waist and trim mings. We give you a few prices : 'alicoes, 4o to v ( linghams, 4jo to 7c All over Laces, 50c to 90e Ladies' Ribbon Hells, 60c " Col. Shirt Waists, 50c WliitcShirl Waists. gl.oO Kid Gloves, 40to90c " White or Black Silk Gloves, 25c 10c Hose for 5c All goods bought at ourstore must Ik1 satisiactory or money refunded. N arc r vaN for onethat Minnie i.ort will lie the BUeeeanfUl eandi- Sill date. The bam season will soon lie here, oond boats and excellent acconunoda- J. I K .Mart s Hotel J. E. iHagee, Kreamer, Pn N n ii a: m. a This poupon entitles the holder to 'iii.. vote for the haudsotue 8 M,V. AE(t CHAPEL ORGAN M ida iv Mm Www Onprn 1 Pi no Co V.irk. C'n.. mill ikiIiI ly K.S. Kii-icrl. Mill 1 - , . .'. C.i. . t. lit iri vi'n In wotni- Cliuri-li, '. iv s, I.....I nr I'lllili.' S I1.1..I in Snv.kT iiity, ! tlie Porr, Mlddltbargb. l'. This vote is cast for : E ttlr'ti 1 i n i.-. 1 hlVa nit .... Thi.iupoiilnntiMidflv Wfs?kflrr fcJl'Vt! iWH.und will Mien nnl b- counted rjSeml by Bail orbrlnRto lhi offloe and W hve it ilepoolted In tlie bllot boi. 'I'!,.. Iinv. t'i'iiiii 1 mi lou iisliin llll C I I- I rnntisnri tlie Preeburs acailemv. anil after a trial of one week tliey are elated, asserting the Knowledge and wisdom of our w ell beloved teacher. Some of the sports from our town were presented with a pair of iron bracelet Saturday evening at SeHns- grove Junction. They were, however, si Min released, hut 1 1 it'll they had a fair complexion when they arrived here. this wkkk's xkws. it. v. Musscr will ship his lumber to Lewishurir. Mr. and Mrs. Martz sH'iit a few days lit MUlersburK. The funeral of Michael I). Shatter was well attended Henrv Herrold la repairing his lmat for lioathig, but the company is not read v. Misses Matx'l Reichenbach, Laura Rlne and Jennie Kerstetter of McKees Half Falls visiteil Norman Blckel's Sunday. m, a. a in : ECONOMICAL. i m t' y y y y y i s f i White Lead, Oils, J'aints of nil kinds, Nails, Glass. Fence wi.e. Poultry Wire, Shovels, .1 is. KaMer, Garden Seeds, N beelbarrows, PruningSheirs, lieeb Wux, House Furnishing Goods, Clothes Washers and Wringers, Tubs and Wash Boards, Step Ladders, Kitchen UteDsils in Tin, Granite and "Delft" Wan s, Ideal Cream Seneratoih. Larcest Stock Lowest Prices I It will pay you to buy at tbe I naroware store 01 GEO. 1. HACKETT. f Market St., Sunbury, Pa. m a. a a a m a n i IS- NOW 1 KNOWS Ride the Monarch And Keep Ahead ! That be never did know jusf bow to buy furniture until he tound litinselt in our storej And you will regret tbe liar L'itins lost if vou bare not in spected our Hue of furniture,! which is tbe most oomnlete inl tbe city. We name vou few of our bargains : The Monarch is j model whei and will wear with any high grade wheel on the market. All kinds oi Repairs constantly on hand. Some mod second hand wheels now on hand. J. A. DUCK, Reed Rockers, - $1.25 and u Couches, - - . $4.50 and u Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and u WM. A. SHIPMAN, 439 MARKET ST., SUNBURY. Pi 323 Markets! SUNBURY, MLLiDLKBUUO, PA We bought tbe Big J Arnold Shoe Store I and this big stock of shoes will be sold w ATAUCTIONPMCES.: MEN'S BOOTS. .-ri : ii k be kept for our new I Store. Wateh for jj for Opening Day, a 1 ECONOMICAL I aM . m n narket St. Sunbury, Pa. i t I IhaTequiteaselestioti I of botts. Can furnish I nearly any sizes. Leatb- i I erBotits and Gum Boots. I I Tbey are marked down f i one-half Leather Boots I I that had been retailing I J- f-V 111. A J .; atzaremarKeaaowiito .. one dollar:: ; : per pair. They must go ! ', ; I as I do not intend to keep ! '. '. ; them in stock any more. '. '. ; : Call for Bargains. J ', S. B. SIMONTON. I IM 1 1 1 i'l "l1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 f 1 11 1 sj 8PINAL SrffiTSJKaS: ! s x , !P V DTPnWYfcPn s u. o. Dibuiu a uu.. ! I WIE AMD 8UHDREES, mwa goods, raoimw! ; I SAISilAS All SUPPLIES, I FISHiO TA6KLI, . EILF 0001 . : v . v Pi Grip bring! weakness, exhaustion, nervous prostration.-. Dr. Miles' Nervine cures then. j f"g. fanciscus, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in j! Hardware, Lumber, 1 X Largest stock in Central Pennsylvania. A full M X of Building Hardware, Cook Stoves. Kanges, Sta 1 ard Wickles, Oil Stoves. Wall Paoer. Wind i Shades, Ready Mixed Paints. Lead. Oil. &c. w X us for prices or call and see us. Lewlstown,
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