AN EXCELLENT DEVICE. B.Frcemla Arraaajesaeal fee Wa. e rlaa Hoc Thai ! Superior to Moat Pateateai Troogba. The hog waterer illustrated is a -...marie affair, but la superior to v patent trough or waterer I ever L itB coat is but little. It is made two barrels. Figs. 1 and 2, a section .inlnsr. a tin float and a valve that i) be bought at any hardware store. The barrel, Fig. 1, receives me water ... ik.wpll. It la art into the ground a J . . 4 k.s i-xi-fn.i.i if float, a, can be made by a tinner j .VwiM hn of iralvanized iron so int it win not rum uuv. ji unmru w .11 t a la . 1 . 1 ... ...a m ln.lira in il inmc t it and 4 iiu'h Virti "lirj la IIOQ-WATKIUNG DEVICE, thick. An iron rod, b, is fastened . .Ai .1.1.:. .1 .... .....1 BMM M . ' , I HIT I II III III llllh I M ' I I I II I'l ( I III MM I LiiL tLa avaalaaai .. I rl,,. lutttitm vvliifli is the supply pipe when the bar- i .11. ..I Tka ...... Html i n'wk 1 1 a-oaaa. I I'!' 1 . ..- it 14 ...111 I... atamaaalll i l. .t it- water in the barrels, if they are ... ...s i i.fn U'l ri' i i li t' r Tor the top of the Watering burrcl. -la O i 1,1. .wr.,tli.u- 111! n ill IIT. .). illlBWIIIll.l - .inmiaa t , i Ink u iitor vi t 111 II I 1 II tl V jnu'-rr of tne smaller ones Tailing in J 1 1 .1 TUn .-......) nltu Dii . 1 1 s f i i i it i ) 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ii) iiit i i mi ii . i i i : tL. ai.... 1 i a 1. ...... f aanna.Ni f 1 1 . , mm, I it nrt 11 In- I'nm. j ti n.Miitti tr. froy tli Wiiti'l'Miir liiilTi'l it is placed so deep in the ground lint no more than an Inch or two pro- ecus auu r me sunaiT. i in- ui hit uar- el. which can be placed outside the ' - I ' ' I 1 III lin L UC lllfHt 1 t'ls, a larpe tank being suitable. The iinnni in unci aim can rcauuy ,M mu- BCted from freezing. Orange J mid LIVE STOCK ON FARMS. .in mmm I ... I- ... I ..... .. I... . .. i . I. .1 I... the Statistician of the Agricul tural Department. The statistician of the ilonartinen mi m niitr in Til mini in am. alue of live stock on farms. J te nnis from more than 5u,0uu corre- iwnnt. ,Kn. 1 I .1 'ere on the farms of the United uules. 10.208.360 milch cows. 27.010.- 54 other cuttle, and 41,883,008 (beep. Ills is a ilecri'iisi' of 1&7.788 in thfl lumber of horses, of 4S,1S6 in that of null's, and 3S4.171 in that of cattle hand, it is an increase of 308(248 in In- number of milch cows, and of 3,612 in that of sheep. lie department lias made no esti- Mte of the number of swine, but will Wait the enumeration to be made ' the United States census in June IH V 1 There has been an increase in value lurinir the years averatrinir ST.L'l per tali in the case of horses, $8.0i) per ad in that of mules, $1.94 Per head n th'.t ,.f ...n..;. .. c. w ...... 1, .....I n that of otlier cattle, and Is' cents bead in that of sheep. This rep 6nta a total increase in value dur- nJT the year of nearly 1816,000,000, inclusive of a manifestly considerable, "it not (iellnitely ascertained, in trease in the value of swine. The to il increase in the mine of the farm initials of the l niti'il States dnrlnff hist three years exceeds 1570,000,' farm horses have increased in lne $151,000,000; miWes, $10,000,000: allch cows, tl46.000.000l other cattle. I1) 1,1)00,000; sheep, $56,000,000, and Ilfiw ti Can' for Sheep. There are two thinirs that the I' an in in ii tin nj i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i. i lift ii' 'i ii- . ii uii linn "py need exercise. The sheep shed huui in u uuui niai wuen it rams ,r snows so that the sheep cannot ake their daily run in the held the ur lljljll I - I I 1 1 1 1 UUUIS Villi ptned to allow the fresh air to en- r freely. Jf they have not been "t;y win nut icei me tuiu, uuu ,D'y those who grow winter lamba "ear m the fall. JJut whenever tha uier is suitable tney snouid nave Mm sine :.. l. i' .1.1 aaavA .n-,l 1.,,,... ----- ouii in 1 11C 11 till, 1IUI U )UIU UUIC grans, and filled with mud and ma il V...S. I .1.1 1 ' "hi in nil open neiu. urn iu damn day thev may be out for a hort tlma Vint tirtf Inns' pnonirli to ' aaaaj saaw-j t-, - 0 Fl 'neir wool wet through. The un- DOW tl,..;- a.A,1 A AVAlaiaa ThaV I I I . . A 1 If. J ....... m. ca i a ii vi lie uun 11 do c .v -i rnjuic ui llic oiiiunci uivciio r . I a a . . u,uiubi us reuuy iu jiiuiu uu iur tnfj iqn oi jumping ua uuia - American Cultivator. The sheep eata almost everything ich grows, but because the aheep the champion farm scavenger la no wny ne snonia nave no net fore than weeds and briar. Women Remember This Fact That in addressing Mrs. Plnkhafn you are communicating with a woman ! a woman whose experience in treat ing woman's ills is greater than that of any living person male or female. A woman can talk freely to n wo man when it is revolting to relate her private troubles to u man. Many women sutfer in silence and drift along from bail to worse, know lag full well that they should have immediate assistance, but n natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probable examination of even their family physician. It is unneces sary. Without money or price you can consult a woman, whose knowledge from actual experience is ODequaled. Women loitering from any form of female weakness are invited to freely ' communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. This is a positive fact not a mere statement. It is certified to by the mayor and postmaster of Lynn and the Women's Christian Tempera nee Union, whose letters, all in a little book, Mrs. I'inkhuin has just published. Thus ' has been established the eternal eon- 1 tide nee between Mrs. Pink ham and the women of America which lias never been broken and lias induced more than 100,0(10 sufferers to write her for advice during the last few months. Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from, it is I more than possible that she lias rained I the very knowledge that Will help your ease. She asks nothing In re I turn except your good will, and her ' advice has relieved thousacds. Mere is one of the cases we refer to: Miss Collier Writes for Mrs. Pinkham's Advice, Receives it, and is Made Well. Read Her Three Letters: "HeaiiMiis. PntXHAat I have read In a paper of a young laay who was cured by the use of Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and would like your advice in regard to my ease. I have taken medicine, but do not Bee that it has helped me much. I have such dreadful cramps and pains at time of menstruation that it seems sometimes ns though 1 could hardly stand it. I would be so thankful if I could And a cure for my trouble, Please tell me what to do."- Miss I,n. I, IK M. ( Oi. I. IKK, Pigeon Run, Ohio, April 0, 1806. "I received your letter in reply to mine and I followed your kind advice; have taken four bottles of your Veg etable Compound. I think it has helped me a good deal. How many bottlei will effect B cure'.'" Miss I, II. I. IF. M. Coi.mkk, Pigeon ltun, Ohio, July 11, 1808. " I airnin did as you advised me and now 1 feel it my duty to tell you what Lydia K. Pinknam's Vegetable Com- round has done for me. For live years suffered untold agonies at time of menstruation. 1 have now taken twelve bottles of Compound nnd used three boxes of Liver Pills and am en tirely cured of the dreadful pain I used to suffer. I advise all those who suffer with female weakness to write to Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass." Miss LlU.II M. Colukh, Pigeoii ltun, Ohio, May 10, 1899. Two More Women Who Acknowledge the Help They Have Received from Mrs. Pinkham. " DKAB Mm. PlMKBaJf The doctor snys l have congestion of the womb, ami cannot help me. There is aching In the right aide of abdomen, hip. leg, anil back. I f J 0U can do me any good, please write." -Mils. Nina ( iiask. Fulton, N. Y., December -o, 187. "Dkab Mas. Pixkiiam I followed your Instructions, ami now 1 want every woman suffering from female trouble t know how gpod your advice anil medicine is. i he doctor advised an Operation. 1 could not hear to think of that, so follow ed your advice. I got better right off. 1 took six hott h-s of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and used three packages of Sanative Wash; also took your Liver Pills, and am cured." MBS. Nina Chase, Fulton, N. Y., December la, 1898. "Dkab Mrs. Vinkiiam Have been suffering for over a year and bad three doctors. At time of menstruation 1 suffer terrible pains in back and ovaries. I have headache nearly every day, and feel tired all the time. The doctor said mv womb was out of place. Would be soglad if you could help me." Mus. Cabl Voss, Sao City, Iowa, August 1. 1898. " Please accept my sincere thanks for the good your advice and Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias done me. I dw everything you told me to do, and used only three bottles, and feel better in every respect." Mas. Cabl Voss, Sac City, Iowa, March 23, 1899. Mrs. Pinkham has Fifty Thousand Such Letters as Above pn File at Her Of ficeShe Makes No State ments She Cannot Prove. VIRGINIA'S BIG APPLE TREES. Suuie UUnli Thai Grow at the Foot of the Hlae Rid Munu- Near Stuart, Va.. at the foot of a spur af the Blue Kidge mountains, there is nn apple tree which measures nine feet and live inches around, says the Philadelphia Record. Five feet from the ground are four branches, tin largest being six feet around, the next live feet six inches, the next five feet, the smallest four feet five inches. The tree is 52 feet high and 71 feet broad. Although it is about 70 years old it bore this year a very large crop. It has been known to produce 110 bushels in a season, and, as might be supposed, the soil in which it grows is exceeding ly rich. Qn a neighboring farm there is an apple tree which is eight feet five inches arouniU 111 1880 S8 bushels of nice picked apples were gathered from it and sold at the apple house for $0(1. The tree is 75 years old and is still bear ing. T wo miles from Stuart, on the farm of .1. W. Robert SOU i stands the famous Robertson apple tree, the parent of all the apple trees of that name iu tin United States. It bears a large red ap ple, which keeps well, and it has pro duced at one bearing 85 bushels, is about BO years old and is still in bear ing. A few years ago there was on n form near Stuart an apple i lie which pro duced iii one bearing 130 bushels. II shaded at meridian DO feel of ground in diameter, Apple trees row very large in Patrick county, and the flavor of the fruit is unsurpassed. ICrmni Itnlile t'tire l III li-m. Ki sna, Jackson Co, W. Vb. About three years ago my wife mil an attack of rheum it ism wludi oiitiiH'i! her to ber bed lor over h uonth inn! reudi'red her unable to Milk a step without assistance, bei mills lieiiiL' swollen to iloul U lueil itiruiul si. . Mr. S. Vl addon insisted n my using Chamberlain's Pain tabu. 1 purchased h fifty cent hut lo and used it according to the di etdimiH ami the next morning she Milked to hrenkfrisl without assis i ' ee i i an intuitu r, alnl she lnis Dot Imd n similar attack since. A. H. fai'sons. For sa1" by all drug rill: BKHTOF sl.i . Pnrnvnr fifty years Mas W issi.ow's SooTH iko SYMtiP hoa'lH'en used by mothers foi their children whlli teething. Ire you disturbed at night unil lit nkeu of your rest by a aiek child nufforlntc nnd crvinir with palnofcuttln:teeth!! ! If k send nt (inrc and gel a hnttleof "Mrs W in-.low'- ;Wthlng Syrup" for i 'blldren Teething, li value i- ncalriilalde. It will relieve (In-poor little sufferer Immediately Depend upon It, I mothers, there i-1 listslce sbnul it It cures I di ii t lio ;i rouuliiti'- ill, i-tomnch and Howela, w in.i Colic fi a. tin- Oums, retluci liiiliiiiiniiiiioii ii ii. I gives tone and energy to the 1 whola system "Mrs. wlnslow'a Soothing By I nip" foi chiidren teething la pieasanl t, the I taate and Is the preserlptloti of one of tin old est imd host female pliyslclansand nuiass in the United siuti s and l for sale by nil druggists ; throughout the world Price, twenty-live rants it bottle He sure mid get "Mil- WiMOboWs I BOOTRIROSYaVP, Vs-lv. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood i Cure Impntency. Night BaUailonS, Liss of Mom. . tiry, all vvfistinir uisenses, will eflaetl of self-nbuse or a. ft ' i . ri in i iiuiisereiion. I'Tf A nerve tonic and Mjiooa Duuaer. uriuKs "the niuk kIow to nnln WaVBsr chtielis anil restores tlio xk.kliiv ,.f vontli. Hv mail taff ftOe ni'rl.ii.U Isijoh for $.50, with our bankable guarantee, to cure or refund the money paid. Uond for circulur and copy of oar huukahlu guuruntoo boud. Nervita Tablets (IEM.OW LADEI.) EXTRA STRENOTH Immediate Results Positively gimrnntopd rnro for Loss of Powor, varicocele, iJiiilovnlopeil ,,r Mirunknn urgiiiis, Paresis, LcttOOiptOT Ataxia, Nervous Prostm tlon. Hysteria, Fits, Insanity. Paralysis nnd tlio Results of Kxrosdve Use of XObtOOO, Opium or Liquor. By moil In plain paekaaa, $1.00 n box, 0 for $6.00 with our bankable guar, antee bond to cure in 30 daya or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILV &o( b) M EDDLkBUnu DUVd en , Mloaiebttrg , : -:-x-w-:-:-:-w-K-H:-i F M1FIXIINBURO MARBL WORKS. -::- : W. H. LANC I-:. Drnla! m nnrblti ami SroM-li l-iiinlle . . . E KCKUMEKTS. HEAD- STOf.ES & CEMETERY I LOT ENCLOSURES. f Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired 'X. Prices as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guaranteeri. f J- A. JENKINS, Afft., Crcssfljove, Pa. i b-j!i!-!-!--:-!-!-;-h-!-;-k-;-:-:-:-:-wi To Repair Broken Arti cles use I iCeient Remember MAJOR'S RLHHKR C'KMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. C ii mi a no iMiiKsvrno hi furnivbes reliable information on anv sill;- jtel tiertaining to Colorado'. Mines. Kruil (lar- den nnd (iranlng Land-, Live Stock. Poultry, Ilees Irrigation K.ilroads Scenery Health Bees, Irrigation, IMilronds, Scenery, Ilealtli ltesorts,fanitorlums. Country Homes for Inva- lids, etc., etc. ree li. Special reports on mining properties at reasonable rales, send 26 cents and get three finely illustrated books on Colorado resourecs. Aditress : Je. J. Blakley. Denver, Cafo. NEURALGIA cured by Dr. Miles' Para PULLS. "Uouceut a. dose." At all drtatglats 60 PILLS 50 CTS. Ai J Mao ECZEMA This most aggrsTStinj the ot this acta poison almost unbearable, inflammation, but cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S., the real blood medicine, cuu do this. S. S. S., the only purely vegetable remedy known, is a safe and permanent cure for Kezetna and all deep-seated blood and skin troubles. It goes direct to the seat of the disease, neutralizes the acids and cleanses the blood, re-inforces and invigorates all the organs, and thus clears the system of all impurities through the natural channels ; the skin relieved, all intlunimation subsides, ana an signs ot me disease disappear Mrv lfa M HnfTmin, of CardltiKton, Ohio, aayfl aba wa. sflicted with Bcrofttloul SOTOS nn.l Ki-fema from birth. Her fact at times became bo badly swollen that .he was not reotMSnlasble. ana her hmha anil hands were very aore She was treated hv alt the doctors iti town without bring bcnehtlrd, ami iu her researches for relief, was told by an old physician to take S. S. S. She followed his advice anil was promptly cured, and has never had a return of the disease This WES seventeen yearsajKO. She sincerely believes she would have tieen in her grave years ago but for S. S. S , and udds. whnl it has done for me It will do for others." Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write our physicians fully aliout vour case; they will cheerfully give any information or advice wanted. We make no charge IF YUU WISH TO BECOME A Chemist, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientific Farmer, A Journalist, or if you wtrth to Hueur! a training thai will lit yon lor anv honora ble pursuit in life, OlTers Exceptional Advantages. For Special Examination Papers or for Catalogue givifig lull infor mation respecting courses of studv, expenses, etc, and showing posi tions held by graduates, address, The Registrar, State lullege, ( Centre bounty, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS n XKCl TOll'8 I J hereb ghen H NOTICE, Notice is t In- estate or Valentine t Inn- nt I'onire lOWDHUlp., snider ('utility, Ceniiii. ileeeaard, have lieea Issued In due lurm of luw io the uudendKUrd, to whom ml ludeb'ed lu said estate shuuid make Ininndlale puyinem mill those having rlatfus bkiiIuri ii should pre nil tiieiii dun mithentleiited for mti lemeut, 0. It. BUOWKKS Kxectitor, Pannsoreek, I'a. EXHi I TlilX'H Mil'K'i: -Notiee is hereby given thilt letters ti liniieutary upon the the estate of B, t Wllliami, late of chapman i ow imhip. Snyder Oountyi Petina i deceaaad, have been lasaad in due form ot law t, the uu deralaoadi to wluuo nil indebted to -.. , estate .boniil iiuike Itnntedlata laymen! innt those having olalms against u should preeetil them duly authenticated for settlement. ANSI K K. Wll.l.lAMs. Executrix. Chapman, Pa, fOXBCI TOR'! NorK'K - Notice is hereby 1 . given that letters testa ntat upon the e-,- tale ol Sarah Martin, lateol PrnuKlIn twp, Snyder oounty Pa , deeeaaed have i een lesued in due form of law to the undersigned, to ahum nil Indebted to said estate should make limne, dlate payment mm thoee having elaltni against it should present them dulv authenticated r. settlement IAMUBL BILOKH, Kxeeutor, Jaeoh Gilbert, Atty, Olobe Mills, Pa, EXBCUTOK'H NOTICE' Notice In horitliy ' ' in lllitt 1 1-1 1 I Ii - ' i I . i 1 1 III I V II I ii ill Mil' I'v lute f S. lilinl uJM 1 1 lull ' I I :tnk 1 1 ii rowimblp, Hnydti ounty. I n , doctHMwd, lwvt u iMrsiii'H in ilMt rtinn luw to tin' it i is it i slgnd, t hoin nil r : t - i tn haul Htftte h hi hi 1 1 Mtkc ininii'Jiati' pAymenl ami tlio'- laivlnfT clnlnti flftinul ( uihihI preMhl thtitti iuly a ui I H ntlciitn lor MttlciiiKiit. K. D. II. w ALTKH, Kxeeutor, Middle if i I'm CXECtTTUIX'H No l it i Nnlir hereby given tliisi leMen Ivfiteiinentiiry upn tin tote f I Bi Rotnlffi late of Penn Towimhtp, Hoyder County, l'i., deceAMed, inn ' lon ImuviI in due form of lew to the underelgneil, to vrbom all Indebted in Mid etete nliould mk luime dlate mviii'rtt innl lut intr rlaim- aitniiiMi it ibould preeeut them duly Authenticated for ettlement. LViH.v A. ROMIU, Kxevutrlx, Kants, I'a. D.M1MSTIC. f to r s of Ail 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 ion I n I It e T 'slate ol l ewis Miller. I11M ol I 'aiiklln tap., Y 1 Iftuyder oountjr, Pa., dao'd, uanim been grsnttd y to the BbdeniKOed, all personi kiiuwlnii tiicm f I elves liuk'bleil to said estme me reiiiested i" Y 'mike lllliueiliate pliymelll. ulille those hrll.L Y ' i l iluis will present lliein duly iiiitlieMienieil ii Y OK' uiulersu"ed. Y iOHM II. MILLER, Htrnde1 Mills, Pa. Y 1 sAKAll HILLRB, Mlddleburgli.Pa a1:, DMIN18TRATOK8' NOTICE. Let. 1 1 1 1 litis KamiT, littt'iif 'liaMiiau ToMrn-hin, t4ny ' iler s'omitv, I'a., fH" I, having ln'fii Kr"'l,fl ( th' undefiilanadi ! 1 personi knowing Iheni' I eelvee Indebteato eald eetate are requested lo make imninliat pay incut, win If t Im-af ha inc elalmt fSalnel Ihe eald etate will preeenl them , duly autliriiticatcd to tin- unrlerefgned AOUsTUS MTKOUB. LKVI K AM ER, Admintattratora. S. (1. CKOU8K, ATTORNKY AT LAW. MlUOLKUtKO, PA. AIM' i-i i"'h entruitp.l to 'lis are will receive nroiupt attcutiou. I.Qfl BUYS A $3.50 SUIT ,UUe!KLfcMKAlft:b ' .M VHlW;KlM 1"1HM HLI Sl KJ 1MIIMK 11V.UI LA It rs.bU BUI B ww I'll I K .Ml I'IMH M I1H AT Sl.eS. r a ne uf chit cprcinD anv nr Turtr suits .alifHICH tOH 7 ilVI SATISfACTOII WCAI. . . 1 rh MONEY, e Q (large or m :ll fi-nmi-uml will wtid you the mlt hy u iiii-i. I . O. l. mii.jpci w ex-uuiin-Uu.i. a vhit -ni,i.ii.r It at your eipreaa (JlTl"o'l if f"in'l perfs-tly ati a:Ury auu . !- i 3 "r iomm f 3. -o. i'i ' i r )i,aeiityrhiaMUr4 OTfrl rU t: ai.ltH, nnd vjipre-n ebenei TltCIE f.ll Ti t:T SI 5 r irbo t Jft eatV Ol '' rrlallfti rie-rjwriera at fStCtaj -.i. .. .'Ii ii,. i bit. rMTHiiua, IflleJ I. (H alfll I HfattMSTBa mmmr trmm rflal i.' . r faillf., all'Vaal SiMi'ii I'-aaiTen. Brat, hand-oine pattern, nn. Italian lluliu. puui (iro.. iaStfOsato, paMah snliialnlilWiiK ant HHtnavaMkaa , aiaawaa. ssrwjk.-.a.s ltu So, .r p.,ren JSSZS!SSISitiX!S nil . eotitalR. fsshloa Bu.ut up. raea.ur.auil luilinntrurtliin. how tool Mr.'. ali mmir im H.ak Hall, mmdr ta aetfcr rVaai j.OU .p. wm- pie. sent freuoaaajdleatlon Atlilrma. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago. ML . r j i.m ... ffeaye4 and Jfeumlmim cured by Dr, ' HJLEB' pain ril "Ooe ceiot a doee." The Pennsylvania State Collfige 1 1 a-tl 1 ff and tormenting of all skin diseases is esused by an acid condition of food, and unless relieved throueh certain instrumentalities too much reaches the skin and it becomes red sua especially when overheated from anv csuse. impassible, the desperate sufferer, regardless of consequences, scratches until strength is exhausted. This burninr, itching humor appesrs sometimes in little pustules, discharging a sticky Haul, which forms crusts and scales. Again the skin is dry, hard and fissured, itches intensely, bleeds and scabs over. This is a painful and stubborn form of the disease. While Kcsema, Tetter, Krysipelas, Salt Rheum and many like troubles sre spoken of as diseases of the skin, they are really blood disesses, because THERE CAM BE MO EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE. If the blood is in a pure, healthy condition, no poisonous elements can reach the akin. External applications of wsshes, lotions and salves sometimes mitigate the Itching and soothe the Read This! Read This ! 1 MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS s larger than ever before : my PRIC S LOWEU than D i ll Q EK8 lor 1 1 bAME GOODS. Wy prices ou 45 1 oils of carpel I wish Id close nut will suit iho pocket book of many and save ot hers money. )i not think of buying your full carpets until you give my stock of carpets your attention and get the prices of sonic of my bauRaius 1 am offering. n 1'riccH just right on these goods. One Word About Pictures. 1 urn iffering my nresenl THAN COST and sonic tor the price of the ulass in tin, frames, 1 Ion 1 miss I his sale. have aome pretty things to offer in Furniture, all new. Later will gurprise you in Styles and Prices, UNDERTAKING ! UN DERTAKING ! In this branch of my business 1 am prepared to give the public the bus! serbice that can he secured hv money, time ami personal attention, My i quippugo in this hruticli of hiiHincss is if the finest iu the state, HEAHsES, ('AHKIAUES and DNDfiKTAKING I'AKLORS me up to dale. one word about trennrt that tny attention has bo called to Intel) in it. mi to my prices, I (,1'AltAKTKR lofurnlMh theMiliieg IhhI I.KSS MONKY lliiin u:n house in Ihe count) . I UUAIIANTHK to give ou I'sslttr PAYMENT than nil ol hers. First-Class Livery ('nnnctJtcd with Umlci'taking Department. W. H. FELIX, Telephone 'oniieetioti, Liberal Adjustments REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCH0CH. GENERAL INSURANCE AnGENGY SELIKNtaiOYE, PA. Only tin1 Oldest, Wrongest Casli Ooiupanies, tfire, Life, Accidenl and Tornado. NoAsgessments. No Premium Notes. Tli Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88 " Homo " 4 " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 " American " " " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patroiiage Sili cited. Frank S. Riegle, Inquire for . . Prices and Terms. The Talleat Mercantile Building la Hie World. usmea sns ucoupiea ticiusnrsr, , uu IIS, f: i Emm SEWING MACHINES, jl- 1 Mlddlcburjc, qJKS r; BtamOKni Is RS a aaasasSS.-i "lUWIItBHll matt, aiiaaqux.'--i sref- SATANIC ITCH. lntismed The itchiiur and burnine are The skin seems on tire, sleep or rest is for this Address, Swift Specific Co . Atlanta, Ga. stock of pictures at cost. LESS 8 LKWI.STt VX, r 9 0000 Prompt Payments. Wholesale Prices io Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or cxprcssage and we'll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. Wc constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., KMMtea a.a aasaaaaaa, t aSasaa. sss
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers