CENTRE VILLE. I l. editor of the Post was in town niday afternoon. ( M. SllOWcrs WHS IO .Mllllllinmg fonday morning. . Stineand family of cw icr- II VIMtCO .'CSI. CHIIIC nuuuiij . Saiii'H visited friends nt IcaVcnoWll OWt nuiuni. Dr. and Mr. Kanawel won.' to Mif- iiiliiirp Monday afternoon, i i,.,ir Solomon ami family of New krlin visited Mends Sunday. Calvin rioligand Chaa. Bmlth visited ...i.. r 1Crinmcr Sundiiv. nt'uuB n... - lr. G. C. Mobil :nl family of LftO elto0 vlalted relative on Sunday. . .1. CroMgtove and H. It. Rtegle i ii.lrilehurtr were in uiwn ouuunj mu - 00u. Vmtnon Miller and family of Union nuntv were the guests of Mrs. Lbasie Uler. Rwter itieglc and wife of Beaver .' ........... ... tl... .111.. rings were gu"" lUBe over Sunday. K. Slirary took in the convention I Inrrisburg ami visited 1'ricnda at bewiaburg last week. Mum Kmeline Newins, who had been I .1 I..... hmiaI. w.lni'ii- it 1 home several un j ""i ." ,1 to sunbury Saturday. MIDDLECltKEK A few farmers have commenced ti ilant corn. Destructive mountain Bros are raging Ml mi Kill".. . Phe c herry and some peach trees are in fun tuoom. Mr Amapacker of Raub'B Mills was . t M....l-1..' waning ,x" - E. H. Btelnlnger and family were the gilots 01 ' aivm duoob u duuuuj . Mi-- Emma Helmbacta was Btaying pith '. 0. Greenhoe'i liust week. Mr-. Charles (Jet, and children were ...... i.i i..t.. ......!....., VlSlling Will. iucgi s it row ujo. Dr. .1. o. Warner enlarged his peach orchard by adding a lot or trees. I'. II. Knepp Had ins wagon sncn re modeled by Smith & Co. of Adamaburg. Allen Hciinhuch and family and W ill At $7.50 At $3.50 to $4 - Men's Mils Bojs SDrinff Clii 75 viots, etc. to prevent We invite Runkle & Walter, 0XXX)OOOCXX)OOOCXX)OCXXXXOOCXXXXXXOOOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ5 A Man is lAell Dressad -WHEN HE WKARS- LOEB'S CLOTHING, WE never let a garment go out of our slora unless it looks as if it was specially designed ;ind made for the buyer. You can pick out a Loeb Bait. Has a tailor look. It'll wear ; it'll hold its shape ; it'll save you money. Our prices Keep tie people Go Men's Suits, from $3.50 up. Men's Black worsted Suits, $5.00 J Men's Blue Serge Suits, $15.00 Theu our better grades from 16.60 to $12.00. Men's Pants, lt)C up Men's better grade Bants, $100 . AO .... V to $:i.oo. Men's finedresa Pants, $ 1.50 Children's knee Pants, 15c up Children's knee pants, 50c and 75 cents. Your Presence always Welcome-buy op not. M. LOEB & SON, RELIABLE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS, 318 E. MARKET ST-. SUNBURY. PA. LOEB'8. ESTABLISHED 187L . LOEB'S. Kreamer wen' the guests of Kd. lieiin liaeh's Sunday. Calvin Mauser and John Oldt Jr., who an1 working at Ycagcrtown, were home over Sunday. A. A. i'lsh is now ottering to the public u large stock of spring and sunj mer goods at very reasonable prices. Our mill b) doing a thriving buahwaa as loads of wheat arc brought BS far as Centre ville to lie exchanged for Hour. UNION TWP. Philm .S hatter hurl one of hi- eves Sat unlay. Watchmaker Ramer of Belinagrove spent Sunday at home. Rev. W. A. Haas held communion services at Keiser's Bunday. John Foltl and wife were visiting in Juniata county over Sunday. Solomon Bcholl and wife were visit ing among frienda at Paxlnoa laal week. Daniel Stahl began work Monday morning as a hand on .1. S. Auckcr's saw mill. It is not very satisfactory to run a line if both parties claim the same lot upon which a house -lands. Snyder county will goi this year from the Stale the small 8 'I' $19,521.03 for our school appropriation. Miss Lottie Bpangler left Monday morning lor Edwarasdalc where she expect to stay a few week- with her sister. s. 11. BrulNiker came home last week after working al Harrisburgone month. Hi' says he don't like the way they fry potatoes down there. We are glad for the law which pro vides to have the loose stones removed from the public road once a month. VoO won't find many now thai weigh more than fifty pounds lying loose on the roads MARRIED. May 1, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk ot U. I ., Arthur I'. .Noll ot tiiiui - .. 1.1 I ' X ' IT ill tnels Wharf to Jennie May Beaver oi ( Mental Juiuata Co, l'a, Nobody can sell an articln oheaper than the person who pays cash for what lie buys. You save from $2 to $0 on every Suit or Overcoat you buy of us, because we pay cash for all we buy. Men's Nobby Spring Suits in the popular three button sack of Oxford mixed Cheviots, fancy worsted all-wool, Bteel and gray serges, etc. We have seen no suits at 10.00 that equaled these in style of tailoring, but we put them in as friend-makers for the house at 7.50. Remember that we tan fit men up to 48 breast measure in all our lines of suits. Hoys' Suits ot excellent fabric, such as Serge, ( 'lie- Neatly trimmed seams, a1 1 taped polling. Color fully guaranteed. you all, to call and lie convinced. Middleburg, Pa. I LOB'S. .-l.-..f..t..T..T..TTTTTT I Boy's Suits from and HI lie .00 up Boy's Black Serge Suits fr 111 $0 to 110. Children's Suits, 75c and up Children's better grades from $1.75 to $5.00. Hats Still; Fedora, all .....i " 1 RiV tvles and colors 50c Our Dunlap Black and Brown Stiff, $2.50. Stiff Hats as low as $1.00 Fedora Hats as low as 50c RICHFIELD. O. R. Raanm, who was working in Thompson town, visited his parents at this place. A number of our people Sunday at tended the funeral of David Ghire at East Salem, Juniata Co. Ellis Berny, Austin Trivets, John Brier ami Thomas Aucker of this com munity went to Cambria Co, in search of employment. liK.vTlTOYN. Rev, John Freed is the guest of Al fred Smith. Simon Spechi and wife were in Lew Is town recently. Charles Blnganian and Emma Spechi were on the sick li-t. lharlea iarpenter and Libbie ir. en hoe are visiting their parents. Malvin Dreese is in from the west visiting friends and relatives. Amnion Musaer returned from a to Philadelphia ami Atlantic Citv trip Hugh Heimbach of Lewisburg is working in. I. I'. Kearns' carriage shop. John Wet .el and .1. s. Kern attended the Republican convention at Harria burg. The Junior Christian Endeavor So ciety held a soi-ial in the Lutheran church Tuesday nighi of this week. KKEAMErt. Philip Rousli ami Win. Preymau drove to New Berlin last Flday. Amnion Oearharl and wife visited his parents at Frcebufg Sunday. Miss t.ora Smith Is visiting her sis ter, Mm. Thompson Hllbish of Belina grove. Geo, Gordon, who is working at MaUCh hunk, was home Sunday vis iting his family, Philip itoush purchased two lots of Thompson Hilbuth located at the upper I end of t he tow n. Miss I5cs-ic Keleherof Willianisuorl wat pi sent eiiinyiiiK the hospitality of Her relatives ol tliw pllce, Ellsworth Auraud received employ mi ni in I he ear shops al l.oan ami is working there at present. Mrs. Jacob Hummel and Mm. J, J. Mitchell visited the fatuity of Adam Gordon's near Fremont Soturday, Sunday Frank Mitchell ami MUs Jennie Bollinger were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. That the newly wedded couple may have a hap py time down the stream of life Is the earnesl desire of your chronicler. H D M MEL'S WHARF. Miss Katie Sccshoii. is spending some time in Sunbury. John School) took a trip to Llvcrxo and Newport last week. John rJeeaholts and Norton Bower took a trip to Sunbury Sunday. Daniel Saaaaman and family visited John Bailey's at Fisher's school house Sunday. Peter Bailey and w ife ami Mrs. A manda Noli attended church at Shrein- er Sunday. Misses May Sohoofa and Minnie Trutt took a bicycle trip to Sunbury Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Trnutman of near Newport is spending some time with her parents in this place. Irvin Rowe and family of Pawling station were entertained at Samuel Trutt's Sunday. Quite a number of our boys attended the festival at Shamokin Dam Satur day evening and reported having en joyed the evening. . While Edwin Fisher was on the riv er in a boat last Thursday something attracted his attentio u on shore Going ashore he forgot to tie his boat ami the wind took il down the river, lie hail the experience of bor rowing a boat ami then got his boat nearly at Selinsgrove, Next tiniedon'l forget to tic your boat, Kd. WEST BB AVER Trout season is here, so are the moun tain tires. Prank Maker and family spent Sun day with Jacob Krli. 1 1. M. EUttenhouseof Lewistown paid Snyder county a business call last week. Johny 'Wagner had his house and barn painted last week by Steely and Showers. Andy O'Donal was compelled to kill one of his teams of horses last week, on account Of sickness. Jacob Krb is still confined to the bouse, with very little improvement for t he oast few davs. r. W. Treaster and ton, Charley, of Warrior's Mark, Huntingdon county, spent a few days here visiting friends. Mrs. Cormai k started for her home at Pittsburg last Saturday. She had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Haines, for I he past week. S. II. Phillips is adding more im provements to bis home by putting up new w ire fences and sowing a plot of ground with Brome gniss, it being a new thing. W. II. Knepp and Mrs. W. V. Me Glaughlin have been at times suffering w ith a severe pain through their bod lee for the past week. They think it is rheumatism. The tire at the mountain destroyed a lot of fence for ( 'al. I'lsh. The tire was started from .lack Maker's stave mill. If attended to in time witli a few buck ets of water, the loss could have lovn prevented. un ii ratehto tmvunAn via I'KXNSVI.vama BAILBOAD OIC AO OOtTRTOV PBOPUBl' FABTV NA TIONAL COXVKXTION. For the benefit of those deairlng t visit Cincinnati during the m.twion f the Peoplea I'urty National Conven tittn, May ; tbel'ennsylvanin ltailnmd Company will nell tickets from all sta tions at the rate of one first-class fare for the round trip. Tickets will liesold and Rood going on 7 only, and rc- j turning leaving Cincinnati not Inter j than May 12. T t'nrr LnUripsMt in Two Days I Take Laxative Bboho Qeonxc Tablkth. All drjiwisui refuDd tlie money If It falls to cure K. W.Okove k signature on every box. H9c, l(M-e in Pain? lit tho Back? Then probably the kidneys. In tho Choat? Then probably the lungs. I In tho Joints? Then probably rheumatism. No matter where it is, nor what kind ; you need have it no longer. It nr iy he an hour, a day, or a year ol I must yield to Dr.Ayer's Cherry pectoral Plaster Immediately aflornpplyinK it thi feci its soothing, warming, strength ening power. It quieU congestion; draws ou) inflammation. It is a new plaster. A now comliinatinn of new remedies. Made uftrr now methods. Knlir.'ly unlike an other plaster. Tho Triumph of Modern Medical Science. The perfected Product of voars of Tatient Toil. Placed over the chest it U powerful aid to Ayer's Cherry Pec toral in the uvatmvnt of ail thruat snd lung affections. Placed over the stomach, it stop nausea and umiting; ever the bowels, It controls cramps and colic. Placed over the small of the back, it removes all congestion from the kidneys and greatly strengthen! weakness. For tale by all rr:ggists. 1. C Iyer Co., Lowell, Mass. Islltmimmi Wi ANTIJK (Mirlntiiiii man or wtmmn tn iiialifv for nenniaiM'iit im-nimi of trunt in your homr County. $4i) yrrly. BnoIoM m'lf-iMlilrefiMMl fltampoii, nveloM to K 8. W luff. ' ir nt-nil Secretary, Opohran RuUdlnffi WamiiiiKton, I). C, Opposite TreMury Depl ootoctotoooooooaoaooaoootoooooootoooocooCooototooti o o (Look Store goods i Customers Tell Us Wc omit Detailed D Men's blue ami check Cheviot Buite, $3.98. Men's e;r.iy and oxliinl gray Cheviol suits, $4.50, $5.00, $ Men's 1'aijcv checked suite. $6.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00, Men's striped worsted suits, $8.00, $9.98, $11.00, $15.00. Men's blue serge suits, $7.f, $8.48, $10.00, $12.00. Men's light weight Overcoats, $5.50, $6.50. Men's light weight Overcoats, silk and satin lined, $8.50, $10.00. Men's Trousers, $1.00 to $6.50, 7" patterns t cl se from. Voting men's fashionable broad shoulder shapely suits, $6.00 to $15.00, Boy's double breasted jacket suits, ages 8 to 15, $1.00 to $7.50, l styles. Little Inns' vestee suits, ayes :', to S, 1.(10 to $5.00, :'.0 styles. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING AT MODERATE PRICES. Also a full assortment of Men's Furnishings, Hats and Gaps. And Remember, WE KEEP IN REPAIR one year, free of charge all clothing bought ofns, I L. MITCHELL, I Harrison Building, Sunbury, Pa. ooo)ooooa)oooooo PEOPLE THAT BUY For credit are in theSoun Csah is master and credit is slave neadquarters for House Fur msbiDE Goods, Crockery, Lamu ami Sporting (imxls in Central Pennsylvania. It will pay you to come ami look at our stut HoteL aNd bfi goods A SPECIALTY- Oup Prices and Goods Defy Competition, t NiVrhl Lamps, bras or ttlaiw, lOej ami iMautifullv ileeomted, IWe; 10-pieee white I'orcclnin Toilet Set . fl.fll 10-pieee beautifully deetimtwl I'oreelaln Toilet Setx, l'.7'i: IdO-pieee liiii ner Set, white iron stone china, $U.U0; Kiu-piwe Dinner Set, heiiutifull decorated Porcelain, SH.50, 1 ishinc Tt icicle Split I tain boo Joinied Itoclx, nickel trimmed, $1.00; Pine Uinccrwoo loin led I 01 Is, nickel I rimtueil, $l.!2i; .loin led UimIh, llh', i"ie, oOe; N i. I , plated click Keels, I " to fci.'iO; lintss Reels, 10c to i'. Pine line 1 rroutand Baas Plies, Lendeiv, Ihsiks, littsles, Ae. ( hi our and Ilk' counters are 1 hotisiimls of u;renl barijiihis. Allure cordially Invited whether von im or not. FURMAN'S Market St., 17 "tftsrjfz. it 1 V ;v; . m ? 'l r:L) 1 f i c 1 b I I il J Opposite Post Office, Every Over And we warrant you that you'll have the self-assurance that we give good values ? for the money, for we have adhered to a fixed purpose to deal squarely with the public at all times, to sell nothing but J of reliable quality at lair prices. This is the most satisfactory stock in $ townjfrom which to supply their wants, t We hope so; at all events, our rule is, "if purchases are not satisfactory we cheer- fully exchange, or the money on asking.' I ascription and Simply Indicate the Price r oooOocoOooG:coca).:ica)ca)coca)cocooa)oo0o - fi llaml Lumps, l'o. : 'a-e Lami. in StDortintf Goods CASH FAIR. Sunbury, 1 4CC'VVVVVVMTT V ., .,f : .v, .... . Tailorlie Si Workmanshin Guaranteed. Merchant Tailor, .Pa. an .o0. $15 Ei. I. MiM SeunsgroTB o i i o I I o o 5 f o o o lOcooocaxMJOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers