The Middleburgh Post. I'utillsli.'.l f.vvry Thnraday. QEO. W. VVAGENSELLER, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. mi mi per year if paid in advance. il.(M per year i( not i advance. Single bpies, Five Cunts. Arivrrliolii:: Hiilro. 1.1 rfllta kt line. Don pareil measurement r.r llrt ineeruor. and W , biiU pi i line f..r each aubeequent Inacrtlon. Rntered l Hie I'oel Offloeat Mlddlebnrf, IV, mcoiiH i lam mail matter. M OFPfCB. Sear Hie County 'mrt Home, be tween the Plrel Satlonal Bank ami the County Jail. His-rom . Established in 1844 as the Union Deiiiokrat, at Sew Berlln,aGcr immii Whig iier. Changed name t the Post In 1s;l. Oldest Republican newspaper in Snyder lounty. Republican Standine Committee- Adame- C. F. Blngaman, J. 1. Blpe. Beaver- A. W, Muner, Calvin Dreeee. Beaver W. Fred S Oundrum. Thee Harbrter, Centre Mien Boyer, b. A Btine. Chapman I'. A. Troup, '. H. Updegrove. Pratiklin- M. L. Walter, H. B, Rolender, Jackenn J. Harvey Mover, ;. . Brouee. Mlddleburii -Edwin Charlea, Frank Belt. Miiliih.rei.k .Inlin S. Melm-r. J ' Slunk. Munrm' W. I,. Viiiiuk, I'eter Y.iunf. Penn A. R. Smith, Oeo M. Wltiuer. Perry Irwin Boyer, . O. Smith perry W. T. li. (Irayblll, C. S. SpriHtle. Nellnagrnve- .1 A, I.umbard, leo.A. Llvlngelon. SprinK-U. M. Smith, John N. Relgel. ITnion Jacob Slab I, C, l. Boerar WaahlnKton John M. Mover. v. F. Rouen. J-. A. Lcmraro, nhalrman, Luwis, Secretary, J, Kbank Rutz, Treaaurer. REPI ni.nw TICKET. 'ongress Hon, Tii . M. Maiion. Mexatoh Hon. Benj. K.Focht. A.ssetubh 1 1. .n . A. M. Smith. Prothnuntary M. Hhixdbl.. Register Recorder .In. H, Wuxis. District Attorney M. I. Potter. Jury Commissi r E, R. Siiamiiach. Thursday, May ., 1M0. There appears to l' no way to check the influx of Chinese by the Pacific coast. A laundry check seems out of the questioD. One interpretation of the rapl look on 1 youth's laoe when riding a tandem with liis )".st girl in front, is that lie lias all the world before him, If the Sultan js-rsists in his pres ent course he is likely to learn that there arc seasons other than Thanks giving and the holidays when Uncle S-iin oat! carve turkey without any perceptible fatigue. An aged man entered Johnstown last Thursday, and, seeking the ex ecutor of an estate, said he wished to pay a debt of $18 for leather which he had bought fifty-five years ago. The debtor offered twice the amount of the original claim, which was ac cepted. At simple interest the ac cumulation on the $18 since 1845 would have amounted to $59.40,1 assuming a rate of 6 per centum, Women physicians are becoming numerous in the towns of Pennsyl vania, and it is well known that they soon establish large practices. Ches ter has several women doctors, Oil City line, Brudford five, and there are few communities in w hich the sex has not gained looting in mod- ical competition. It is a very few years since a woman doctor was a ttoveiiv ill any in me otni io us. i The University of the South, at I Hewa nee, Tennessee, has placed its 8,000-acre tract of hardwood timber near that town under the manage ment of the Division of Forestry. An ullicial of the 1 i vision will mark all trees to be cut and will draw up ! , i "1 I the lonnne contracts to provide lor-oi the preservation of young growth. It is intended to make the forest yield a permanent annual revenue to go toward the support of the college, Another interesting tract to come under Government supervision is one of alxuit 17, 000 acreu, owned hv the Adirondack Leairue Club. It is in the Adironack Mountains of New York, near LowerSaranac, and is kejit primarily asa gam? preserve. The woi king plan will provide for the removal of all timber which can j lie spared w ithout injuring the forest. UT. P1JSA8 AVI' MILLS. Home rarmei ha vt limn hi i ii to plmnl corn. V. II. Knit riter is on the sick list at present. Mi Katharine Miller left last week for Danville. ... a a. M 1 i 1 . V. 1 frown ol I reebUTg was m , town Wednesday. . I. A. ami I . L Itntlsli 01 Kfealner were in town .'tiiiniay eveiiuie;. Quite a Dumber of out needle expeel to attend the show at suntuiry Thurs day. Mrs. ('. A. (icarhart and Miss Khuini Krletmieycr of Freehuiy siK-nt Friday I in town. Daniel Nace inovcl on Daniel Man avel's farm Thursday, and J. L. Auck-1 er inovc.1 to Hoistervalley Wednesday P. A. Htuek. siusTintendent the ! fJuiulaj Sulinill' ISSaglWd that jiositioii: hist Sunday and his son, N. E. Stuck, was elected as his successor. Now for the Big Show. Under th' personal direction r u-li master managers as James A. Bailey, V. W. Colo and Lewis and Peter Sells with toe tiit named gleaning every foreign Held for noted and novel fea turesthe Adam Forepauirh and Sells Brothers' united menageries, circuses mihI hippodromes have grown to It1 the greatest Bhow of the era, and so L'eiierallv recoirnlzed from New York 1" 1 San Francisco, Nn brilliantly and exclusively dominating the metropoli tan Held, left vacant by the departure 1 in foreign parts of the Baruuiu v Bal ' ley show, and making a season in Mad ison Square Garden a part ot'its regular programme, the rForla says It is "the biggest circus that New York ever ' saw," ami that unqualified compliment Is heartily seconded by the press and public generally. Thai Is just the shape in which it will appeal-at Kunhury on Thursday, May 8rd bringing a wealth and variety of entertainment it is sim ply impossible to in detail. There are hundreds of rare wild beasts and am phibia, including three herds of per-! forming elephants, the only school of timned sea linn- and seals, and a whole caravan of other cute and cunning ani mals. There arc- hundreds of really eminent artists and royally beautiful horses, ami ver a hundred brilliant j acta miii ...... trilviliL' ra ei's. I lie enliis- nal circus contains all the run that the biggest tent can hold, furnished by twenty-five famous ami versatile clowns nineteen champion male ami female bareback riders, and troops of thrilling uiul wonderful experts in niia-uir una I ground sensations. Kverythlng Is of the best ami there is enough ol n to till three rings, elevated stages and pedes tals, acres of aerial space and the lon gest coliseum courseever canopied. The morning parade will lie the same u hii li, passing miller the great Dewey arch, dazzled ami delighted over half a million pair of eves. DUNDORE. "Live not to eat. but eal to live." "Botten apples injure their companl-, ons." I r. K rebs was seen on our st reefs the other day. Harvey Bowersox is planting fifteen acres of potatoes. Rev, Brillhardf and wife called to see latharine Wltmer, Ex-Sheriff Wolf was noticed the other day on our streets. 1,. s. Cooper wants to buy timber trai ts for mining props. Wanted two shoats of about inn lbs. each, Inaulreaf the post offloe. Ed, Moyer thinks that there is no I seliiMil like the one at Kreeliurg- Cleveland's' soup houses are dead, McKlnley'a prosperity killeil them. James A. Wise, one of enterprising young men, is running II ve farms tliis spring. Our farmers feel Hat on the prospect of a wheal harvest of T6 ier cent, of an average crop. G. A. Nafta spent one day last Week in Belinsgrove making garoen for Minnie r.yer. steiilii.ii Arnold of rhanmsn sold a good number of Bne Japan chestnut ; trees in the community. The Penn Telephone Company arove stakes from Belinsgrove to Liverpool and will in the near future complete the work. Rev, Fortner of Belinsgrove called on Catharine Winner, who used to attend the services of liis church. Daisy Wltmer hired herself lo John Bollinger near Northumberland at si. .Mi per week for tin- summer. To know how to earn a living, ami then how to spend a little less than one earns, is the licst Insurance against 1 loverly. A stray horse is seen traveling from Aqueduct Avenue to Blissful Park. The supervisors ought to take charge nf the lost animal. D. W. Eyer of Shamokin called to his grandmother, Catharine Wit- mer, who I uttering rrom oia age ami ncral ileliilit v. Ira Winner took possession of his now , i, I. ...... . . ,ii "To.. Hill " one of Hie 1 i. aunerbM ol tins town, ami worKs lor t ra o i Hoover on the island. i o pring j J. A. Mover was the first this to lieaiilitv In- Inline 0V using whin wash freely. He lives at "sweet n ! one of the superbs of this town. ic. STATE OK OHIO, CITY OF TOLE- I 1)0, LUCAS COUNTY, S la SH. Vnaira? .1 I 'n ttararv ma tew out Ii Hint I he is the senior partner of the firm 12 . T. T 1 0- J 1 I W x. a. uanin ak, uuiuk uuhi-'o ClIENKY & upas in the City of Toledo, County Slid State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUN-1 DEED DOLLARS for each and! everj case oi uatarrn mat cunnoi oe cured by the use of Hai.l'h OaTABBB Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before mcaud Hubscrib ed in my presence, this tth day of December, A. D. 1886. O o s rr:r I . W. Qlbasom. j BlaL f Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in tcrniillv aad nets directly on the! blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Semi for testimonials, free. r.el.UJlAMJSI w., xoieao, j. ''Sold by drugjiists, 7"ic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. In almost every neighborhood there is some one wuose life has been saved hy Chamberlain's Colic 'I,,, 1, .v i oiirl Diiirrhnmi Kf'infirlv. or who has been cured of chronic di arrhoea by the use of that medicine. Uonk , i , i 1.-H n in kii.t iit fj.llliiir JlIUll lil 1 r'WUO lll,l(I 11 '"llli va .vi'iua, f u vmhmwn opportunity offers. . , , , . the means of oavinoa nthar livaa. For sale bv all drugsists POUT TREYEBrON. Miss Kate Noll Went to Wetcll Scales. Miss Carrie (icist spent several days' with friends at llcrndon. Mrs. Win. Helfeiistein is visiting her I I'rents in New York. Harn- Bont and wife of BaltoaglOVe i vistted the ronnei 's rents Wednesday of hist wi-ek. Mrs. Mart., Misses Amelia Malts ami ' Jennie Neit. of Sunbury attended the, funeral of Welter Shatter last week. I Philip Daubert ami family of Milton attended Mrs. Mauser's funeral Weil-1 needay, Charles Herrold. .lames Nelti and Qeorge Flanders, students of the Free burg Academy, spent Sum lav at home. I Wilson Haunt of Belinsgrove spent Sunday with the Litter's mother H. I., ami Jackson Shatt'craml Jack-I son St roh an at Dauphin. mployed ou the P. It. It. ' The National Hotel ha two porters :il nre-elit. 1 Adam Gensamer's moved into their home which they have just repaired. Miss Poise Fisher BpentSunday with her parents at Chapman. Barber Kelts has accepted positioa in one of the tirst-elass barber shops at Hharaokin. Stewart Hall ami wife visited th' Hall homestead at MoKeea Sunday. John Hepner of Bhamokln was in tow n last week. Mrs. (t. I. Flanders made a business trip to Belinsgrove Monday. 'l lie Sunday school convention of the 1 niteil Brethren Association will be held at this place May 18th, 19th and 20th, All are invited to attend. It. M. Bothermel'a confectionery store has been completed. He keeps a full line of the choicest candies. Give him a call. The convention Sunday afternoon felled to accomplish much owing to the absence of Prof. Mover. Michael Brubaker and wife of Ma- nantongo spent Sunday with Wesley b landers and family . Saturday night four men entered the house of William Sehrawiler ami after frightening Mrs, Sehrawiler, who was alone, ransacked the whole house be fore aiil could I' called. NO USE! TRYING; y I can't take plain cod-liver S oil. Doctor says, try It He , i might as well tell me to mc, t lard or butter and try to tak. T Unm 14 la inn rtrh ar" llicill. ll IJ aw iiv.ii w... will upset the stomach. Bu you can take milk or cream, ' ? so you can take c Scott's Emulsiet n It is like cream ; but wi' I feed and nourish when crea. ' I I will not. Dabies and chit- 1 1 dren will thrive and grov 1 fat on it when their ordinary 1 food docs not nourish them. . 1 1 Person have been Known to Oup ' Mm nnund a dav when tekintf ax l ounce jf, Errjun. it el . Mmmt- .u;, : lilt UIIJUUVl IIHMHIMJ 111 fTViiM" order so thst the ordinary food h properly digested end aMimilatcd. VK. a 'Hi i. on, l drua'ila. M'.OT'l & DOWKG, . tttmtara, Nw York. ItURMAITS ! I SHOE STORE,; ' 2 MIDDLEBURG, PA. Is the place to find a full and complete line of o si o Ladies' Shoes.:: o There are Russeta, Black and Patent Leather Shoes .... We keep the lnut quality of 8HOE8 and w hen you buy our best you can n-st assured the quality is right V O u, , e na ve them as low as 90c., and all other grades up to the very best for $4, Give Us a Trial- W. I. Garman. oOooOpOoooOo(ioooo(io(i MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. J(1t(ci 16 12 Wheat 70 Rye 50 Corn 36 Oats (old) 26 Potatoes 30 Rrau per ltKI. 90 Middlings " IfO Chop 90 v,Ttr r- Onions Lard G Tallow 4 Chickens Turkevs Shoulder Hn.m 'Flour per lihl 3.50 ' Everybody knowH that DOB BIN'S ELECTRIC SOAP is the best in the world, and for 33 years it has sold at the highest price. Its price is now 0 cents, same as mmr.r. hrnnn un.s n,o .,n i k- size ana quality, same as lasi w years. Order of your grocer, Your choice of 139 25 cent books ... , , sent free for each 3 wrappers and A-av 7 cents for postage. Famous Maryland J! Men s Clothing Made lo I'd. I pr- -s.ici Prrpald in.. I iuaraatrr4 to lit The KyUgfc kM tt laltta Over ctw ami Ttoiiaer. matlc tv tr (.iivmti h.tiu uilora.arr mult in inn w.rkr -tn at alnrnt one half v. 11 lnvr tu fmv at irtat.. t hir .V, u . t'l -tiling C4Ulipie, with latc t huh lamplra MUM hcd. . Hir Utnt iqrin an.l t"H ttt. an.l U rofuarlv illiotratcd with Ue Utrt faMn thai will l uni by the MM dNMM this Benson. We Mi y u mir Ceothlug C O.D.tnaw antc raili n.nm. .it to ut yon. ) that MM run ativdutclv n. risk : Ink nf the ItMi satina ytm rnVct J the ttjliih if.itmi'iiia c w-ml jun! "7.,. h t'iirtK- ferttetva, Law am! It- I n Pirn Conn, etc . in their mi 1 culon Midi dMMt m lint y I iok lut at thr t ttlofl plitf mm .ii tell r ti My Ii n thr 10-ti its'-tf appftr, aiil I HI ft tin u v'Mt huv miii h r, a, n y fim HI .': r Ctat, All Clrpc.i , ,..! fre. limni; furnished without charfte. ftml freight prepaid nt!i catnlegim te haa M hi h ilo roa wintr A,Mrr ihii aayi JULIUS HINES A SON, Dept. 909. Baltimore, Md. I Twelve Special mi ihci vc ape BARflTAlff HAYS aiawaaa! aVAA A M -AT GiuFbiil, Gafmsn & Go's. Department Store Richfield, Pa. FF0IV rVlAY 1,-26, 1900. A- A CROCErllES. Arhui kli-n mill U vcriiiK llimatcil 'Offaa, I il (ilnw I '.in TMilr Svrup, 0o l '1 111 I .'111-. lib Baking Powder. "sc :i Bottlea Vanilla, k. .') pk Com SUircli. lie I ( skr ebooolate, ia. II mi CiHiia, Qq ii pa Toilet Snap. r,c I pc CaatUa Soap, v. 8 Hi Hire, x c B I b Soup Henna, )4t. eli rv Suit in i, h,.. 1 , , i:o,. S tinware hardware. ft SqtTin Utah Pan, 10c 0 l 1 in I nil. ii, 10 qt Tin Pall, mc Tin Splttciun, decorated, 10c 1 mid III Iron I nn- Sc Steel Kry I'ana. 0fl Larg Sonp ladle, to M it A irate ('offee Pol, 2,e 1 cl KnU' Kettlta with Cover, ldc 11 inch ante Baalna, ioc 3 t I'iiiIiIIiik Pn, lOo h Tea SKona, 4C 6 Tnble Snoona, (tc Rutcher Knlvea, Bolater, 10c Fruit Bprayen, oi JjMliea' (iunli'n Iloea, U)ng Handle, lOo Uoya Klondike l icka, H'c qUeeNsWare White Plate., nch 5c Handle Cupa und Saucers per eel., HSc 6 Inch Nappiea, i8c Lnrce AaMltatnl of 5 and 10 cent Olaaaware. cLotHiNg. Man'i Hoita, Men'i i lui Berge, Bu wool aulu, 4 7 Heni n orking bnlrta, : Cliililren'a Suiln. 4 toll vr . Sl.SI Op Cbildran'i Knee Panta, " tsje up f u'l and oomplete Una of Han'4 ana Bore' Suite eo cbaap tbal it arlll make your eyee wa'er DRY GOODS. A Nualln, 6c Hill bleached Mualln, Be Window Curlalii ecrew, Tic I 1 1 urkey lied laltle Daintrk, l.imi'n-icr Oiiilimn. I (',, ,,,,, liri-HH Dimity Mere rlaad silk. Im'mI irrade, Dn-M Oooda, lall atylea and Prlcai way down. lie A m Notions. Celliilnlil Collars, Celluloid nils, Laoe, Km broidery , .Men's Hose, L"'li yd Spool Cotton Ladlea' suuiiiier Coreet, .Misses' Past Klnck llosc. i .i.ii.-' Ribbed Vests, Lace i 'urlalm , Wool Draal I'rniil. Ij-ilics' Slnrl ni-t wltb yoke iu Needlea, 1 Ik Ic up So up Ic lip 11c Me 5c 7c : pr y.i up uriltit ,.1 SHOES. l-nit'c-' Mce slioes. Bne, 7lc Ladlea' Lacaghoaa, rat. Leather TI p. 9te Ijulie-' l.:u e Shoes 1'nt. l.cntlier lip, Cloth Top, tLM Men. s I- mi! I'ress Shoes, l.;U Men's Pine liress shoes, Tnn I'olor. 1..19 Men's Coi.lsr Shoes, ;a. Ladlea and Men's Tennis Shoes. 10, Ut Pull line ol .Misses' uiul Luilies' Ox ford SIkk-s. A The nliove named nrtlc!es nre only ..I lew ol III,' 1KI 1 u-.. I,,.,.. VI' Sfil linven flue Muck to select from, but fl renieiiilier the HAIUiAINS are only A l'i ml from yin II ... an m,,i m1 .... I t'HHli or liimiiri I'r.Ml...... Oall W nml examine I be stock whether you W buy or not. Yours truly, (El ... tinfh uwm fall J aa j waa MAY AUUU , W J fsEttsQ . O. & Co.3lsl .T.ftaa?TJ,TeaTaTeaTta------f------ - t-t..S I la DOiLIEFPEEl Send un a 2-cent -mini) with vour ' ' name and addreHM and Wi will send you a ropy of the F latt-.Hteilitionofthe" New lde FaMilon ' Iteview and one of these handsome " ' i n c h Stamped ' 1 , Doylien free. We do thinto intrmluce the T .New llea 10-cent Taper attern. T RUBLE'S DRY GOODS STORE, ? I.P.WISTOWN, PA. MINIMS Hjjj-H II M II l-H-j. Try Uraln-O ! Try Urnin-O. Ask your grocer today to show yon ' a package of OKAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without Injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. OHAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Aloclia or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach rec eives It without dietregp, One-fourtti of the prjoe of coffee. 16c. and 25o. per pack- rjcam .am. a We peNha II ealai lktniinpJMdtk.M ii l, Ki;s. CmMmh 'able 111.1 'age. Sold by all grocers. 1 iSJECT Our Wo-Date Line OK GENTS' Hi i . j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .t :i Furnishings jm - ....,-iv H7 iu ctvry (iciail. IM Our line of iVeAarwaaan U U the largest and finest in B Comity. Ft consists up - 1 TECKS, BOWS, F0UB IN-HAND, CHUBS m m and the latest Bntjlisll Squares. Prices range from m 5C P to 50c. We will place on sale one lot of ,;c Umbrella for next week oomtnenoinR SATTTR- m DAY. APR L 28th 48Cents; real value 75c. m livery body should get one of these bargains. H. Katz. The Clothier, P Next Doorto Court House, iddleburg. Pa. m some money is to be expended for FURNITURE is to take the time and trouble to examine the si nek we carry, learn the prices at which we sell mi.- nr itt mm vnin nnn w& i me MIC ffdj m ii doubt as to value can remain, with the offerings of ouiers. 1 lirmlV he irVR m cause we have done everything to merit the trade Hlfl f lll-n,1ii aL -0 - of prudent buyers. i Call and Be JOHN C. St., M-H-HH I I M I I'M"! IU 1 1 1 1 1 I II II I I 4 J. U. SELHEIMER DEALER IN- arlnre, In, It Steel, Leather, WALL Coach add Saddlery Ware, :: AND MANUFACTURER OF Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, I STOVES AND TINWARE. Market St., Lewlstown, Pa. H-HH-H-H-M-I-H- FARMING IMPLEMENTS. The attention of Snytler County's fanners is called to my stock of farm implements. I handle Farmer's Friend Grain Drill, Manufactured in New York, Hay Hakes, Corn Plant ers, Flews, Harrows, Plow Shares, Threshing Machines, DEERING BINDER, Holier and Ball Bearing all the way through, easy run ning and noiseless. I also keep Binder Twine and Oil. GEO. W. BEAVER. the to - and then emnnare. if anv I Will trot vnrr nn pv h. aaaatavaajvav WB1 va.w y s Convinced. YARNALL, Suntoury, B I x i i j T X I i Paints, Oils, PAPER, i LEBURG, PA JBMI1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers