1 I The Cure that Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Incipient Consumption, Is vjasaaasaf aessssaei oTIo-s The German remedy CuTMWtjrA, VurirA MltMM Use It Daily. Our brush should be used daily in p'acc of the ordinary hair J brush, hair washes, or hair grow- ers. If you do not find, after ( six months' trial, that Dr. Scott's ELECTRIC Hair Brush will do all we claim for it send it back and your money will be refunded. You I can buy the number one size for I One Dollar. It Is Guaranteed to Cure Nervto.i licaUache in five minutes! t utiioja uwu-ens in live minutes i !' H irul H ill live minutes I U.iU .i.i ami diseases of the scalp! PtwenU falling hair and baldness t i l.irt - f Ha it Mir Inner and clossv I tile "- ... have amount Py Goods rtorca nod Druggists ' ffcfIHWn . i aifd ii, pcstfJfal&, on receipt price nil I ten cents f.ir postage. I a -"'. T iw "T ;inni-'v ,'Tif?V." rtfref im th.'uruiMii . unrti ntna lh sitt'm 1. , and '111 KVrifrle Cnrml: SI, i fcl. KUrlrie t In flmaV.. 1 1 SI Ml, KUnr l- .- If 'IT-"-,, V?. Klrrrnr rilrrn, 'i rr.. , Hickt. Lituiie nsjuwfa, aa. m mmru ..... GEO, A COTT. 8,j Broadway, N.Y. D jLODD P01SDH sTsaWsaraa aa LirCL HL I iB hPCrifll TV 'nmnrr, Heo U I'UISON permanently cured In lotoSf, days. Youoan bo treated at home fur same price under same ju.irau ty. If you prefer tucrme her j wo will con tract to pay railroad fareand hotel hills and Doehanre.lf wefail to cure. If yon hare taken mer cury, Iodide potash, and atlll haTO aches and Pun., M ucous 1 'niche h mouth. Sore Throat linpltv. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcer, on any part of the body, ll.Hr or Kyehrow falling out. It la this Secondary ULOOI) Mil , e guarantee to cure. Wo aoliclt tho tavist obsti nate euae and challenge the world for a esse we cannot cure. This dfease haa always Jarned the skill of the moat eminent nb vi elans. syiOO.uOO capital behind our BBmndfc Uonal guaranty. Absolute jproofs.rnt soalo.l oc saaUoMtOB, Address COOK KKMKUY CO. 901 Masonic Temple, CliJc.WO. 1I4 Bwsa-aasss - A BIG BARGAIN. tin this out and return with 11.00 (money oj der or currency 1 and we will onto? the lollowloi "Fnuilly Cutiibliniilnii" s-miI prepaid : If BW YORK W 1: KK I . Y TRIBUNE I YEAR. THE GENTLEWOMAN I YKAR. NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE! YH AMERICAN POULTRY ADVOCATE I YKAK. HAPPY HOURS PAMt'.Y MAGAZINE 1 VII. Vermont p arm journal 1 year Onr Price $1,00. Regular Cost $4.00 This combination nils it lumlly need. We wi suiisiiiiiii' the Chicago Inter-Ocean, Toledi Weakly Blade, Kaunas City Weekly Star, Denvei Weekly Times Twlcea-week Lonlsrllle Courier loornal, sm Prauclsco Weealy Post, or Mon treal Weeklj Qaxetteln place 01 N. Y. Tribune 1 desired bill 110 other Changes are allowed. Club blng list tot a sunup. O. H. JONES, Room 496, lr. Miiiuiurr f-riiioni Farm Jon r nitl. WILMINGTON. VERMONT. Dr. Humphreys' Sppeillcs net directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of tho system. They Cure the Sick. w K crass. prices- 1 Fevers. Congemiiins, Inflammations. .43 t Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . .25 3-Teelhlng, Colic, Cry Ing, Wakefulness .25 4 - Ilia rr hea. of Children or Adults 45 7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 35 H neuralgia. Toothache, Kaceache 45 -lleadaehe. Sick Headache. Vertigo . .45 10 Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach. 45 1 1 - Suppressed or Painful Periods 45 14-Vhltea. Too Profuse Periods 45 13 Croup. Larynsllla. Hoarseness 45 14 Salt Rheusn. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .45 19 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 29 15 Malarla. Chills, Fever and Ague 49 1 9-f atarrh. Influenaa. Cold in the Bead .35 40 Whooplna-t'oush 43 4T-KHnev Diseases 45' 4H-ervima Deblllly 1.00 30-l rlnarv Weakness. Wetting Bed.. . .45 7T-Grlp. Hay Fever 4J Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your DriiKKl.is or Mailed Free. Sold Ov druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Mud. Co., Cor. William t John si." , New York. SJEBjJB KINDER BLUE." They ain't no story book worth while, nei poetry ner such: Y'klnder don't know what f do. th world' so outer touch; Tobacker's skeerse a relish, too, no mat ter what's th' brew, An' th' world Is one big desert When a feller's A feelln' Kinder blue! A clear sky doesn't matter, fer It doeen'i oeem jes' right. An" th' sun gits outer kilter In a-klndei murky light; An' th' birds ibey Jes' won't whistle th songs they uster do, An' th' world Is one big desert When a feller't A foelln' Kinder blue! Plnr-iie on It! th' groe'ry store seems like a church t' you, An' yer collar sets oneasy an' u-p!nch!n goes yer shoe; An' yer don't laugh at them stories Jes like yer uxler do: An th' world Is one big desert When a feller's A feelln' Kinder blue! Th' dog, too, mopes In sympathy, th' nous ii . ms like u barn. Th' womln ain't no use fer you. they hrv so much I darn; An' "Uncle Tom" an' "Topsy" Is a torture to go through, An' th' world Is one big desert When a feller's A feelln' Kinder blue! Uy George, I think thet I shell go an' se thei Polly Gray, Who alius si ems so chipper with her laugh- ur bright an' gay; Perhaps she'll cheer me up a bit Jes' like she uster do! Kir there's nothln' like a woman When a teller's A feelln' Kinder blue! -Harold MacGratb, In Syracuse Herald. Hi A Lesson in Temperance Smith Flndl I p t09 1 HattleiinakL. ON'K of Ms friends recently sent Smith, of llrooklyn, it fine specimen of the diamond-back rattlesnake. It wus a dead rnttlesnuke, though it didn't look it; in fact, it was only the skin of the reptile with the bead attached, but ull the diabolism of the live oreature wns expressed in the thick, flat head with two jrlitteriuff black pinheads doinp duty for the eyes. It Was really a very line skin, and Smith thought with pleasure how well it would look on the wall of liis study, but upon taking it homo he found that his household re garded it with mingled emotions. When he appeared with it In his hands Mrs. Smith ramped around the room as if it were a mouse that was confronting her and threatened alternately hysterics and a return to the home of her ances tors. Bridget, the maid, who had come upstairs on the run upon hearing the excitement, retired via the front door to I'ne middle of the where she informed an interested public that Mr. Smith had come home to dinner and brought the devil with him; while the family eat, after one casual glance nt the deceased reptile, shinned up the hack yard grape arUor in a perfect abandonment of horror, and spit till her whiskers whistled. "This snake's all right in its way," said Smith, "but I'd rather have my hap py home, and it don't look as if the two were compatible. I'll give it house room for a day or two, and then present it to some bachelor apartment." With some difficulty and after repeat ed assurances that the object of her ter rors was quite dead, Smith persuaded Itridget to return to the house and her duties. Mrs. Smith was somewhat rec onciled by learning that at any time the serpent could be turned into a hand some belt for herself, If she so desired, and consented to try it lirst ns a wall ornament for a time. The cat refused to come back, but that night sat on the back fence and told all the other cuts about it until the neighborhood quelled their comments and interjections with handy bric-a-brac. Upon arriving at his office the next morning Smith found a note from his friend llixby, setting forth a sad case, to-wit, himself. llixby had recently re turned from the nrid south, whence he had brought a large fund of informa tion regarding the noxious insect and reptilian life of the region, a reputation for a leaning toward revolver practice, and an abounding thirst which nil the strong waters in New York couldn't quench he hadn't tried the other kind. Hixny wrote: "Dear Smith: I've been going It for the last week or year or something. Been try ing to put the Raines law out of business by drinking all the booze before Sunday. I'm pretty much on the aboriginal bum In consequence They haven't got me yet. but I saw one of 'cm last night. It had long, pink, wriggly ears and I thought It was an eel till I saw the hoofs on It. It's been hovering around all this morning nnd I've been trying to chase It with ammonia cocktails, for I know If it ever gets neat enough to say 'Tag,' I'm it. If you've gol room in your place for a head like a barrel I wish you'd take me to Brooklyn to-night. I need a change of air. Oh, my boy: I've been on a toot that would make the Ange! Cabrlel'a trumpet feel like a busted penny whistle. I'll be Ttt your office at five, with or without assistance, as the case may be. Yours hurriedly. BIXBY." At the appointed hour llixby arrived in a cab. and when he saw him Smith sent word home to Mrs. Smith that she had better invent and accept nn invita tion to dir.e nnd spend the night nt her aunt's. Not that Hixby wns intoxicnted. lie was sober nnd sorry for it. After dinner. Smith judged, there might he trouble. Upon their arrival he ex plained Mrs. Smith's absence and Bix by suggested cocktails as a starter be fore dinner. His friend persuaded him to tackle the bathtub instead of a bracer, and after a cold bath and some fresh clothes Bixby said he thought he could eat something, with a little help. All the help that Smith allowed him was one long whisky and seltzer, where upon Bixby locked unutterable re proach at the dispenser of sparse hos pitality, but was too polite to protest. After dinner Bixby was nervous. Smith suggested club. They went. One game cf billiards there showed up Blxby's condition in its true light. He tore two holes In the cloth and nearly put out the marker's eye in trying to score three on t lie play. Then he demanded drink not loudly, but so fervently that his host knew there wns nothing else f or It, An hour passed and Itixhy was feeling , better, ut leust he said he was. Smith got him to start home and suggested I dropping in to see a doctor on the ...... I3IU ..,,,..,.,,1 ,,, ,;,, n4 o ! aruatu wviiniiii uir u,, doctor, lie didn't want to. see any doe tor; what lie wanted to see was a bar tender. Off he went in search of one, nnd Smith had to follow. Uy the time they got home Smith was mud and his guest was apparently happy, but behind that happiness was a strain of anxiety evinced by Sundry furtive glances which he east around him. and in the front hall be embraced the stairnoal with I tears, confiding to it that it was his only salvation against a hungry horde of gigantic germs which were, even t hen. camped upon his trail. By urgent insistence Smith made him drink large quantities of water, and presently put him to bed. secure thai nothing worse than a u i v bad head would be the re- ! aiilt, of -that evenlntr's Indulgence. But be saw, too, that it was only a question of n short time before his friend would go to pieces if a stop weren't pm to his course, and he sat dow n and meditated deeply upon the subject. Suddenly his recently acquired rattlesnake project ed its wicked bead and shining eyes Into his thoughts nnd he slapped his thigh a6 does a man when he hits upon a happy thought or a mosquito. "By thunder, I'll do it." he cried. "It'll scare seven kinds of moonlight, sunlight and starlight out of him, but it'll serve him rirht and it'll cure him, too, if anything will." Kven then Hixby was snoring willi 1 that thick, sticky snore that means "dead to the world." in the room ad joining Smith's and connected with it through a double washroom. Above the head of the sleeper were two pul- I leys fastened to the ceiling, formerly used for t he manipulation of a mosquito net. To rig up a tackle of fine but strong thread on these pulleys took Smith less than five minutes, nnd he worked with perfect security that nothing could awake his guest, who didn't so much ns stir or gronn when Smith stepped on his chest. A few minutes' work with the rattlesnnke and n needle followed, and then the reptile, fnstened head nnd toil, rose and soared above the bed of the sleeper. Smith ran the thrend into the washroom, made the snake fnst to the ceiling and went to bed, knowing thnt he would wake up before his guest. The last thing he heard thnt night wns the snoring of Bixby; It wns still going on. though in a higher key when he awoke In the morning. All the probabilities were that the guest would sleep heavily for an hour more nt least, so Smith had breakfast alone and leisurely and then went up stairs with a lafce pitcher of ice and a siphon of seltrer to call Bixby. It was something of a Job to arouse that gen tleman, but he finally responded to Smith's knocks in a drawling snarl. It would take him some time, Smith knew, to get his eyes open, so the host slipped around to his tackle and waited. To his great disappointment Bixby snoozed I '. WTt , I 1. I I. - ' again, i nere was an alarm iuuvs m room. Smith went quietly in nnd set it. nnd In three minutes its buzz was whir ring in the sleeper's ears. Pawing the air nnd with his features twisted into an expression of extreme disgust, he fought agninst it for h moment; then j he opened his eyes and looked straight up at a flying serpent which gently wiggled its tail nt him. What Smith j rather expected wns that he would then j leap from the bed with a shriek and rush out, but it didn't happen so. "For second Bixby contemplated the prod Igy with checke1 breath, then shut his eves slowly and tubbed them gently in ward. Watching him from the crack of the door. Smith could see what a strug gle it was for him to open his eyes again, but he did It, nnd this time his head gave a jerk. Smith trembled a little with excitement and the snake jiggled. There was n catch in Bixln's throat both visible and audible, and he swallowed painfully. Then come his voice in n w hisper: "I know what you are. I saw you that last night before I left the plant- tion, only you had wings then antl now you fly without them. But I know you ; you're nothing; you're not there at all. and when I wake up nnd get my hend into cold water it'll be all right." He shut his eyes ngnin determinedly andlayquite still, but he was not nsleep His eyes were too tightly closed foi that, as Smith could see by the little wrinkles nround the corners, and many small beads came out on ids forehead. Now when n man wnkes in the morn ing and perspires suddenly it is not well with him. Only long and earnest devotion to the bottle will produce thnt effect. The heart of Smith, which had been growing pitiful within him. hard ened again. The lesson should be com plete. Bixby opened his eyes again nft er a period and beheld his old planta tion acquaintance, minus the pinions, swinging gracefully to and fro. He fried to follow the motions pith his head, but quickly gave thnt up, for the effect produced was that of a score of aerial serpents wheeling dizzily nround In the center of a spinning universe, and his head reeled among waving pillows, He buried his face in the bedclothes, nnd the smothered accents of his woe were barely audible to the listener. "Oh, if I could only pet out of this J room! But I suppose there's more of i 'em waiting for he in the halt. Where n I, anyway? I wonder If this is ward i 10? I wouldn't mind if I could only i look up and not see that thing. Oo-oo-1 oob-h-h-hl I can see my finish, and it s worse than I thought it would be." It might have been three minutes be fore Smith heard the sound of & long breath, the Indrawn spirit of determina tion. Tho face Of Bixby emerged from tho clothes and froze with horror. Above his face and o near that the wind from It tanned hi brow th vision of horror nodded Its devilish head rapidly. Then began the real thing in a serpen tine dance. Up soared the terror to the ceiling, only to swoop down again like a hawk. For u moment it hung sway ing, then began to coil and writhe nnd wriggle and waggle nnd squirm and dart and glide and gliddcr until the flesh slid on Bixby's bones und the libers of his sorfl writhed in indtaiion of the convolutions of the floating mon strosity. It occurred to Smith that the thing had gone about far enough and he let his hideous puppet come to rest and was thinking hat to do next w hen he observed thnt Bixby was about to do something himself. Keeping his strained gaze fixed on the rattlesnake, the guest reached out and grasped his trousers, which lay on n chnir within reach. He drew them toward him anil fumbled in the pockets. Before Smith had time to comprehend what he was after there was a succession of deafen ing reports, and amid a cloud of smoke Smith could see the disintegrating par ticles of his snake fluttering down upOtl an empty bed. Bixby threw himself, yelling, upon the floor, and, casting his revolver from him, scrambled on ail fours to the nearest door, which hap pened to be the one that sheltered Smith. Qrabbing Smith by the knees; be proceeded to give a very fair imita tion of a fit of hysterics. Smith seized the seltzer iiottJe and gave him the, stream full In the face. It was not with that intention that he had brought it upstairs, but it answered admirably. Gasping and choking, Bixby came to his senses. "Tell me it was; toll me it was," he brokenly besought Smith. "Of course it was, old man," said Smith, perfectly comprehending the somewhat elliptical query. He knew what, was filling Bixby's tortured mind to the very brim at thnt moment. "It was n stuffed snake that 1 had about the place." "Thank God I" said the other, simply ond fervently. "Whew! It was awful." Shooting the rest of the seltzer into the pitcher of ice. Smith handed it to him, nnd he drank chokingly, shaking all over with the reaction of the relief. Smith wondered why his friend wasn't furiously angry at the trick that had been played on him. nnd felt himself somewhat conscience-stricken, but de termined to make the best of the occn slon, "It might not hnve been real, Bix."he said. Bixby groaned. "You'd never have known the differ ence," sold his host. Bixby groaned ngnin and pressed some Ice against his head. "What are you going to do about it?" asked the persistent Smith. "Eh?" said Bixby, dully. "Do? Oh, my head! You're sure that thing was there, Smithy? You aren't fooling me? I wouldn't look into that room for a thousand." 'AOh, it was tbeitr," Smith assured him. "I fixed it myself wbi'ie you were dead to the world. But don't you think it's time you whistled down brakes on this gay career?" "Smith," said Bixby, after a long pause, "I'll buy you a. new snnke. You give me that one as soon as I feel well enough to stand its company. Did you teach It to fly yourself ? 1-1-I-I-ineiin-I guess I'm not very r.teady yet. I want it as a memento to remind me of what it can do if n man goes too fur, you know." "You'll get it as soon ns you prove that you are fit company for a sober and decent snake," said Smith. "Don't you fear." snid Bixby, solemn ly. "This is the end. Three drinks per day after this is my limit. And that goes, too. That isn't (he common or garden variety of next-morning-never-again. Bring me out my gun, old boy. I don't feel steady enough to go in there after it yet." When Mrs. Smith got home, which was nfter Bixby had left, there were certain matters to be explained to her. First, there was the snnke. Smith said the cat did it. Then there was the bullet-riddled ceiling; he couldn't say thai the cat did that, but he explained that it must be the wosk of rats. Bridget had reported hearing shots rtred. Smith said yes, that Bridget was undoubted ly right; he had heard them himself, and they seemed to be very near nt hand. Mrs. Smith doesn't tell all she knows, or even all she believes, and Smith appreciates this spirit. She now enjoys the possession of a handsome snakeskin purse and a cardcase to match. Bixby has the rattlesnake, cleverly put together by a taxidermist, mounted on n panel in his room. Ev erybody is satisfied except Bridget, who suspects that she ought not to stay itv a house once perforated by the presence of a representative of the prince of darkness, and the cat, who never did come back. N. Y. Sun. She Didn't Rrragalse Him. A parson who occasionally preaches in South London arrived to take the place of the vicar, who had been called away on account of some family be reavement, nnd found nn old nnd rath er asthmatic lady struggling up the steps which led to the front door. lie courteously gave her his arm to as sist her, nnd when they reached the top the dmne asked him if he knew who was going to preach. "Mr. So-and-So," replied the parson, giving his own name." "O, dear me!" exclaimed the old lady, "help me down ngnin, if you please. I'd rnther listen to the gronn ing amd creaking of a windmill than sit under him," and she prepared to de scend. The parson gently assisted her downstairs, and sighfully remarked, ns he bade her goodby: "I wouldn't go in either if I weren't the preacher." Lon don Telegraph. A Warning tm Yoanaj Men. San Francisco girls have a new fad. They think boxing makes them beauti ful, and all the fashionable maidens out there are learning how to use "the mitts." The Chicago Times-Herald warns slender young man. who are look-1 Ing for life partners to keep sway from San Francisco. mi Blend most softly and ind play most effectively over u festive scene when thrown by waxen candles. The light that heightens beauty's charm, thai gives the finished touch to thctlrawing room or dining room, is the mellow glow of ANQUT WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors and shade -in harmonise with anv iuttrioi j! hangings or decorations. 4 Marstfnctnrftd hy cTssinann fllLCO. '. for sale everywhere. "a ' " ii TRUSSES, 65CsL25 AND UP 'w ire nREm llf tn rruis mm4 t Ml HUH I IC"'1 lHU.ll "HV-Haisu - the price rharnt't, lv nttii-r, and WE V vJS GUARANTEE TO FIT TOU PERFECTLY. Say V wuuwr yu wish ourasr mMt Trsu or our tH.ii fnrfc H--u r-llile Haallc Truth, H . -Itii'i i abuvf. rut thla aiI. out anil Mud tow wlin OCR hmhial run k n-i, nut your Height, Wrlflit, Age, how Ion you have been rapttrwL whether rnpCttft In larjre or small; ftlM utate number Inches arm nil the t . I on a line with the rupture, Kay whether ruptuif U OB rltrht or lettnlite, and we will enl either trm . to you with tin- under tanilltuf. If It I a-l ft perfrri At aatl eeaftl lo Inuri Ibal retail ai three tlvaea our prlee.youcat. return It and we will return your money. WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE T eaUr. Ma. artraanen. Includlnn the N- alO.oo Loa Trust ttQ it thai earn fttaiMt aa rase, aad whtrkwanel! for JAiJJ SEARS. ROEBUCK 4 UO. vniuew RESTORES vetauty r r.i i;. i v M rt Ut.il (, (Vtlll THE GrZU vvutustrcaac pro'?" tot miMN rs Its la 31. ilr.rr. It lets nam .i ul res whi n all ethers fill. fasuutm iwilirain tl.uir lcat uisi.hood. sud old man will recovor th. ir youtlifrl vigor b using KEVIVO. It yulckly an -Ituivly restores Ntxvous aaas. Lost Vitality, Impottncr, Nightly Emissions, LoctFowar.Fallln Memory, Wastlna Clsessea.anii all effects of self -abuse or exeats and indiscretion, which unfits ono for duly . biiatnasa or marriage. II not only cures by starting at tho sst cf discsM, bat Isagrett nerve (onto and Mood bolide r, bring ing back the nln'c (low to pole cUaeka and re storing tha flro nt yonth. It wards off JnsanltJ and Cooauraptlon. Insist on having BEVIVO.no other. It can bo carried lo wet pocket. Oy mall lX)perpivcku:r.rr til IcraWWK), withpoat Mrs wrtttsn rrnsrante to cars a iwlond tha samey. Advice and circular free. Address Royal Medicine Co.,WS&: For sale by Miildlebtirg Drug Co MONEY Ct'T TI11S AD. tCT and end to us, state yuur wriR.t and besfbt altf nunibtr lncbei around body at best and aeck, and wo will send tble UaaiHIfwl flash tape to you bjr exprew. b. aabjacl wet aatlaatlaa. You can examine and try It on at your neai eat expreii ofllre and If found perfectly patiiifartory, ex actly a rt prr.enO d and tba MOST WONDEIfUL VAluty"ev'r haw or nraru of. paj tba ami eipren 491 taaetfi will M ie Ik t rtaiafftrl.UOUsal.fft. nnarnii .fiitrt-as Thij Circular Pluth Cm XtiS3:5i22 B.U'. H..I riu.k. in ini-lies innir. cut full wei. lined lansasbont sdth a.rt.rii.j Mis i. alask, bi...rrd. ry alslimsiali embtoloaTSd sdlk isslssat sr.id aoassss. baadlna! asftttiBtrstfd, Trimmed al I arosmdwita axtra Bni'R'.-li Tklh.1 r.r. baaVllV interlined with wadillng anil niwr ehamnts Writ. fee trrm rla.b rmmf sssnw, SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO .CHICAOO Jkaan. KMkuta a ta, a.. Uuruusai; railaSla. SSSSs ) ONLY S5.00 SEND 118 SS. OO as a guar nlee of K"od faith and wt will senilyouanyaraarMfaaf, by fronrlit. (.'. y. U, subject tc uianiloation. Tea e.a.i.Ml.. I al jr f r. uhi dr pot and If yot lln J it Us equsl of any nn pr-i f ii 'inli nation lock Iror SUd Iteel SUfj mad and aaaai sae-ll Ird II . Frit-. etarteS Lj .-lit, . 61 ur fri-l-zht agent mmr i , larturj prlre and Ighl eh-irgea, le-Mtlie mM return It at our aspanae - ..i:o. ioo-ii . SH,,,i. ib. seas i-.s-u.i-. ..tH, la, aii.at, loeo its.. sent wliii order; ctl and w win ratnra y -.kHlMf.rlh, l.oai.. 11 ll.tll t.rl III,., sim. lis. soiittoii... a,IS. door . . f r.ir -re I .Ola.hs. Iiluh. ..'.( Hi... i i bl.-MbM. saiinkls , AwtiflM Jawtlry ar ISS. It. t r.k-1.1 m.rr,. 1 1 1 ..m. UN) lb., for ton -all,., I rATAI.l II nnd aei ml III., r,. I . O.' It. atkir. t I EARS, ROEBUCK t CO. Chicago. ua imsi atyb, fam i iTiTa l TUB DIET3 DRIVING LAMP Is about as near perfection as 50 years ol Lamp-Making can attain to. It bums kerosene, and gives a powerful, clear, white light, and will neither blow nor Jar out. When out driving; with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want tha very bast Driving Lamp to be had, ask your dealer for the "Dietz." We Issue a special Catalogue of this Lamp. and. If you sver prowl around alter night-fall, it will Interest you. Tls mailed free, R.E.DIET3 CO., 60 Insight 8t, New York. BatablUhed la XS40. To PATENT fiMdlditt may be seemed by oar aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORO, Sotmiipuea to The Patent Record stJtfart It rSntarraplieij tonal Lift. ml 'VP AM7:' raw 7?Jb".- EM $2.75 BOX RAIN COAT 'mm . . ..... - V . i""-" ll.wi Mt- TT 7k miMir sukivrosaw ' 1.13 SEND NO MONEY. S tHs.-t ,,, Ulwjoar bmai m4 alala n'fskruf laaaaa rreaaai aaej at ena.. i v-n ,-nr vest aaVr rwai, ttaf aaaftUer en--, and we will f'dyouthtaroath' i a !, (.p.p., sLujeci it exaaiU-.:. I ) MM and h v it on nt MJI -t;t expre-s omre, aad If f . nam as reeeearated aad Utr a .i was. itrrfu aaloa ymm rttr taw - atari' .nJ BMM lo fta Mfti au em Mf far pa me ei-pir- .,- n i w n nrrtUL wfu phi ik, Sk.y-, M.d expraae chary. THIN M At ki:.TOMf lx Into i tvle, AttlniT) made from fcwa "afrpr-ff. Uu eater, fraahi Da' I 'oerrl C'etki ft II lenarth, dou.ile ui t i. BUMF veiwt evil -r, fancj plaid iinlnii wuterpro''.' aewed f-earra. yultai' .or both hrla or Overrent, ajirf us MflM (.klUIKirr ill h Mff eVrrrd t r an other house, far TretlTela :, of Men'" tacklntoHhei up to tjtxi. and Matle-to-Meaeure Rultaand O . coataat fr'm W no MflJft wri fOf t hl ' Nlll'll' HssllK n. sMIK. aL'drrn. SEARS, ROERUCK 4k Co. Inc.! CHICAGO. (Main, UoalMKl at la. af u.oreaaJ; IMMMl MMMssj HENCH & DROMGOLD'Si SAWMILL MDEN6IN A wnmlrrful Improvement In Friction Feeds an 1 (,'ls-Hnrk. llui'k motion ufCarrlnirr,'! times a" tut I asuny oilier In the market. Friction ( latch Feed, causing all the f-.--1 gearing to staliil still while back liitr: srem savins in power and wear, fata. Iiirne ami prices free. Also Spring Harrows. iiinviiinrs, t orn nnnirra, iirin r, nr. MHtiUm thti n;iei-. . ilNCU oV UUO.MUOI.O, .llfrs,, York, Fa. HAIR SWITCH 65 CFIITj, wa -nx in nn iiaiii milt '.I li'tinirh aay balratfroat QSO tha v nor wltalwi that rrtall at 'J. 110 to $S.tlO. OUR OFFER outanrj wr.d toiH. Inelortfr rotHi wgVta Km i j it- of tin t-iavt aiiatM wanted, and cut it out an near thu rooti a povssfbra, inclom oar apacUl prlc nuot.-J nai! E .,( ntra to pay postage, and will mt9 t tMiiri ta saaicli yir balr tttdi, ttnti t1 to you b mull. pn.,tMld. and ir you ar.' t t rf.-ctly Mttoatidi ruiuni It und we Hill immediately refund j our money. (Mir Spuria! :nr l'r)p at f.llitns: ?.r,t. IWltfh Win. war, Ions -tm. 08O1 iiort iti'm, 90C I Lr-Ot, II Iff, loOLt. him. tavin. fil.9i: ,3-ui. If; in Inn-, hliurt r.trm. 1. lifts :ioi. U In. .LnpT.KhorifiU-in. 92,25, :i oi IMn. lonir.Hcortrircin. $3.25. WB OCiJUITa vkh noiiK 106 Dlfncalt ,'n'.le on the market. Order at nnet aad i ilirtc spealal prlet Your nusrj n i..i ff j..u are nol rlarrj. Write for Fuv i'utalugu ol lair Woods. Addrei, SEARS. R0E-3UCK A C(V(tnc.) Chiciat Baaboek ta. arc Ui.r,Mj rvUabiu. -htiuot,) HOW TO INVEST! A valiialile nianiial. htiuoly disimehkkied. A true irulde for tl.e Investor In stinks, huge or small Tefls how lo apec-ulntr aid Mitiosx, wokiii a roiiTi NKI. snyOno, We will send a copy of the almve great volume by retuin mail free together with a vali able treatise (illusttat ed)on t opper Mining in t'olorndo. Highly instructive and Interesting, hend ail-cent stamp to pay postage Send lousy 1 eforc the present edition is all spoken for. Arlities the publish es Jfctl KKrtOft V ( ., Box ii.k. Denver. Colo. 1-1 Mm. Agents Wanted 0 Dr. Scatt S Electric Unbreakabto Corset,, Electric Hair Brushes, Electric Belli, $3, U, $n; Electric Raton. Electric Insoles. Nature's own remedy for backache, nervousness, indigestion, headache, liver aad kidney trouble A valuable. bookr. Ko. 1 CoM, SI. Taikait,fiTA MM waist aisa, INVESTORS! $iofor$i. There's plenty of gold in Colorado's raining camps. Send will forasear's subscription to our big lllustrhted minimi and real cttate vreilu (founded 1 -'.) and we will send you a block ol i en shares (f 10 par value) in a new mining company, paid up and non-aasessalile. ('lubs of a 12.7(1. or ten and 1(111 shares for 18.00 Send today and don't get left-sM n.tsd, nothing gatned. ,(;ur iaper has fine illu.trations. Intent mining news and will keep vou fully posted. liefer to the editor of this paper. Stump taken. Keinlt hy monev order Address I. AMI A. MINKn, lenVer. ..lo. $500 REWAIJU : We will poy tho ahovc renurd foi iinv case of l iver OompMint, Wapepaia, sick H-Mdavbe, In digestion, Constipation or t'ostiveueaa wo enn not cure with Liverita the Up.to.Hat. i.iitle Ljv.r Pill, when Ih.drraotioni are acrititljr com plied with. They are purely Y;;euiliie nnd nov.r fail to giv. satisfaction, via huso, con Mn 100 Pills, 10c. iioxc.-i contain 4(1 Kills, 6o. beaassontain 18 Pill... Bawara ol Imitarlona mid Hiihatitiition mid Imltsth lis. Bnl hy ninil stamDa takan. NKKVITA HRDTrtAt. imi n Clinton nnd Jaokson Htreels, Uhleasv), III. Sold iy amawQurg urns in., laalauurg, in. Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSOROVE. PA. All protasslotial bailntaishtrtia'arl ta mj cure will receive prnniiii nnd OSJSfnl a 111 utloli. vrrANTEn-sEVKRAi, PEBSoart PON DB vv irict Office Managers in Ill's slate to repres ent me In their own and aurr unding counties. Willing to pay yearly KkXl. payuhle weekly. De sirahle employment with unusual nppnrtun ties. IieferenceH exchanged . Enclose self-ad dressed stamped tnveloie. B. A. PAKK 620 Caxton Huildlng, Chicago. I . Eugene given free FIELD'S Poems to each tseraon interested In subscribing to the Eugene Field Monument Houvenlr Fund. Huhscri he any amount desired. Subscriptions as low as 111 will entitle doner to this daintily artistic vclume, "Field Mower' A $7 a K flfl If 1, -loth In. iii.il. Hill ) nsncer- VUlin o tiflcate of subscription to fund. Hook contains a selec- The hook of O tlon of Field's best and most the century representative works and ia llandaome- e) ready for delivery. Jylllustrat- But for the noble enntri- ed by thir- butlon of the world's greatest 1 ty-two o f 4s artists th'a book could dot the world's have Iseen manufactured foi UreateatAr- less than 7.i 0- tlsta. The fund created Is di vided equally between the family of the late Kiigcuc Field and the Fund for the building of a monument to the inemnrv of the beloved poet of childhood. Address, Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fnnd, (Also at Book Store ) 180 Monroe St., Chicago If you also wjsh to send postage, enclose 10c. t J It HsV 4taftv' lata" Is file 3Mt
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