OBO. W. WAGEN8ELLEH, MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, FEB. 22, VOL. 37. NO. 8. Editor ana rropnewr. INTERESTING ITEMS. Miss Lizzie Rlpka has gone t Sunbury. Misses Evaand Ruth Howell went to Banbury Tuesday evening. Mrs. I. K. Haas ia staying with ler sister, Mrs. J. W. Ruukle, for a tew days. Head the new advertisement of A. li. Mover. He has some Bpecial bargain-. Miss (iertruile Dunkelberger is visiting her sister, Mrs. Aueker at 9hamokin, We uesret to learn that Mrs. J. P. the Farm Journal (monthly Wangle of Aliue" has been sick lor the past six weeks. Mrs. Frank Gaugler "t Selins grovc lias Keen spending a few days in town wi Special Offer. 'flie readers' attention is called to the fact that the Post every week contains eight pages of good read iug matter, consisting oi all tin important news of the county, sat and nation. It will be oliserven, however, that this copy consists only ot i tir pages. i ue reguuu cuiuuh ! always h is Jour pages. The regular price of the Post is I $1.50 ner year. For the purpose ol getting new ubscriber, we will make a special olfer good for a few weeks, viz: we will send the Post weekly one year to any address and o 9 o o ffl o 1 o I 9 1 o FOR NATIONAL DELEGATE. o(otoooooototoaoto9o(oto&aoaoaootoaotoototot o o i o o o y ) tor n vi years for only ONE DOLLAReash in advance. The regular price oi' the Farm Journal is50 cciits per ye ar ttiidthe i relatives. Miss Mina Long is phia taking sing I'M matter lessons in the latest tyles oi millinery trimming. Attorney M. t. Potter and wife entertained Dr. Heisler, President of Susquehanna University, over San-day. 1'ost 81.60 m i ... worth of rcudinu fhilaUel- i K ,, M o i , ! Another Offer. We will also agree to j Po8Tand the New York tribune, each one full year $1.25. 'The regular pric I New York II eckly Iribnm r iioiiars t i- only !l'l Charles E. Sampsell ol Penn'i Creek, the head sawyer of Dr. Samp sell's saw mill, was in town Satur day. W. W. Ripka, teacher of theFre mont primary school, accompanio lv Miss May Arbogast, spent Hun day with his parents. F. P. Walter of Franklin town ship called Tuesday to Subscribe tor the Posx. He will move to Wash ington township next month. 'rtw. lfka Whisk v tun notftual. jald H grfKou and quart! I guarantee a full quart. J 2-15-2t. J. L Marks. A teachers' normal school will open in Middlelmrg Monday, April 23rd. For particulars, address A. A. Killian, Middleburgh, Pa. if. Prof. Paul Billhardt organised a singing elass ill I h e Reformed church last Friday evening. We are pleased to state that he has quite a large class. G. C. Drieshaeh, who several years ago made his home in this place tor about a year, is again here. Helms been traveling all over the South and the West. Charles MeClcllan and bride (nee Cora Maize) of Millheiin, Centre County, were entertained by their unele and aunt, W. 11. Ripka and wife, over Sunday. All Republicans should go to the polls Saturday. There isno opposi tion for the more important positions, but you should show your interest by casting your vote. The statement of the condition of the First National Bank of Middle burg appears in this issue. The in stitution is in able hands and there port shows a prosperous condition of affairs. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be present at the open ing of,tbe new building of the de partment ol law of the University of Pennsylvania Feb. 22, 1800, in Philadelphia. Foil Sale: A general store in a small country town three miles to the railroad in Mifflin county, doing a good business. Stock will invoice about two thousand dollars. For tl lereby makin rending mailer the i Weekly or onl v of the ft 81.00 ?2.60 1 r only I per yen worth ol $1.25. Third Offer. The N''w York tribune has a tri-weekly edition, issued Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each Week, the regular price of which is $1.60 per year, but by a Bpecial arrange ment w ith the publishers we '-an send the Middleburgh Post and the New York 'ri-we.:l;Ig 'IrUmnr ea h one year for only $1.75 cash iu advance. Rememlier that the. regular edi tions of the Post are twice the size of this copy and that this offer must be accepted within IJO days as we can not guarantee it to be good for any longer time. I o ', 9 . ' o I o ; & 1 o o o o o O i a o CD o i o I 9 o I O I o i a I ! ' o i o I o i e ! o Few Words of Interest Addressed to Every Republican Voter in Snyder County. the Keiiublicau voters it Suvder 'ountv : Tin' Itcnuhlican primary election will It listriets of Snyder ountv on Saturday, Feb, lours of one and seven o'clock PJM. Fort insitious to lie lilhd, (here is no opposition. le lil in tin itrioiis J 1th, lietwceii the In- more importaul For the positions ol National 1 e legate, State Delegate and Jim Commissioner there is opposition. It i with reference In the positi inof Nation al Delegate thai I desire to address all the Republican voters of S ivdel' ( 'oil III v. There i- no nay or cnii ol that position ami for at ! lumen! coming from the incumbent as! sixteen years no light lias lieeii At the meeting of file Republican in. I lllll of this ear, all' T making osiH'etive candidates liir the imsitiou To the Republican Voters of Snyder County. itadel of Mexico Nrrvlr.H in h HiImIHimi. GEN. WILLIAMS DEAD. ot MVxic, surrendered. He had tin ! honor of bfing made officer of tin Tho Spirit of Snyder County's Noted! day "and raised tiro same flag on tin Miliury Character Passes to . the Gr;at Bayond Last Friday morning at bis home When the War ot the Rebellion in Chapman,' this" 'county, at half ! I ""'i "Hovel-nor Cuiuo directed part three o'clock, General Edward general Williams, who had bee C. Williams passed from life to eter commissioned Brigadier general of ii uuuiin miltiai.v run. 'the Daunliin countv militia, to or- III! . '. I i ord which Is equalled by very few gams Cnmp Curtin others In thee try. Perhaps we hnuorof being are safe iu saying it has no paralell. lie was iiroiiil ot Ins r rd am 1 very much regret to say that I have been unable to canvass the county as much as I had thought to do, because, as Court is in session the week after the Primary election, I, as well as other lawyers, am and have been, for the last four weeks, busy preparing Im- court. And again, the income of the office of District Attorney, which is barely ?1() a year, is not such as will jus tify a personal canvass. Thanking the public for the encouragement ing for the Ki ll Mid o home justly so, i ic wu torv and about hi plenty of evidence that he delighted mancled in the collection of Aifccrican and, months' Furopeau antiquity. General W illiams was born Feb ruary 10, 1 812, ill Philadelphia. He learned bookbinding and loeated in Harrison rg, where he organized the .. . a kit 9 . 11 I I Ii mi ol i ivue A' imams, m- biuders and stationers. Uwi the call for volunteers in the Mexican war, December, 1840, ho raised a company, then known sis the Cam eron Guards, which formed pari of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment. Previous to going to Mexico he was connected with the old Dauphin 1 . 1 II!.. is. ami pariieipaieii ia iiiieinu He had the the first volunteer mustered intoservlce for the defense of the Union. After organizing local his-1 Cam:-. Curtin henlsoorganizeilt amp there was Slifcr, of Chanil)crsbiirg. He eom- a brigade during the three service, was with Path rson given me, and respectfully asl the unanimous support ot ...ii:... i u .. I..I. old, iw... l . . iiuuiiuu '' "u - " iiiiaros. ana oanicinaieu iu u in tKe same manner as if I had made tjie Philadelphia riots in 1844. I u ix persona canvass, l am Respectfully, M. I. PoTOEIl. Dr. tieisler'3 Sermons. Saturday morning and evening Dr. Heisler, President of Susque hanna University, preached two able sermons in the Lutheran church at this place. In the morning he took tor his subject "The Transfigura tion" and in the evening he based his remarks on "Foreign Missions," directing especial attention to the work in Africa. The doctor has an elegant command of language and while it-is plain and clear, his man ... , i i particulars, address, K. In care of ner carries conviction to an ms the Post, Middlelmrg, Pa. 2-22-Gt. hearers. Susquehanna University at Shenaiidoa.li, and was subsequent ly mustered mil at Washington f !ity. President Lincoln then appointed him colonel ol the LochiM Cavnlry, and directed him to raise twenty-four companies, which he expeditiously accomplished. Thn ugh ( leneral Williams' exertions the funds to build the 1 taiiphin i ounty monu ment to the memory of Dauphin's -oldii rs who li II in the civil wnr were raised, General Williams also superintended the work wit! I com- iwnsation, of the erection ofthc Mex ican monument, which gracts Capi tol Hill. Iu 1871, lie came to ( hapman, (then Union township) where he opened a general store, was a; pointed hostmaf In point of vital interest, no book has an equal to a Snyder Countian. We refer to the book on "Snyder County Marriages, 1835-1899." There are over 7500 marriages re orded or 15,000 names. Every family name is represented. Agents wanted in every district. For mr ticulars, address The Post, Middle burg, Pa. The book will be sent postpaid on receiptVf three dollars. can well feel proud of her distin guished president A paper before me remarks'Yote for good men on Saturday." And yet this good advice'is a little diffi cult sometimes to follow. Wc are indebted to the Philadel phia Press for the use ot Gen. Wil liams' cut. April o, l a 1 1 , nptain imams and the Cameron Guards stalled with the army of General Scott in wards the City of Mexico, and at the village of Flan del Rio, near the mountain pass of Cerro Gordo, they entered and defeated the Mexicans under General Santa Anna. Kills, l Hrlx)' Kohn Mills. Captain Williams and Captain Samuel Montgomery raised the first flag on the citadel of Chapultepec, li ...,. ,1 .M .... Mill Kin I I " 1 1 1 IV I I 1 It'll- I eral Scott rode up the causeway in living postmaster in the county the citadel. The flag which they while David Witnur of f3alem is the flung to the breeze on the citadel widest was the original Betsy Koss flag,! General Williams was twice mar made in Philadelphia and which fried, first Jan. 10. 1843 to Belina made l ir the emptv le mi n. Standing 'onimittcc held .1 inquiry if there were any pi II ml lllll llli:; Hone. :iiiih lllii'ei I III v-el I IIS II cai ii 1 1 1 1:. I e 1 1 M' 1 he posi- I I ion of National Delegate. My reasons lir thi inquiry was on account of a disinclination to enter a contest for tin empty honor, and above all on account of the waul of time to make a personal canvass for the position, I should say thai in the first place I though! ol being a candidate for State delegate, but finding oth ers after thai and none looking lor the position ol National Dele gate 1 left the race fir State Delegate and aiitioun I myself as a candidate lor National Delegate. Ifnilj g 1 republican, my worthy opponent included, had (old me that he would In a can didate for National Delegate before 1 annoiin I my candidacy, he would not have had any opposition Iroill me, because the position does not warrant any battle. An opponent has loomed up against me. He is a worthy gentleman, a good doctor and a republican of long standing and 1 do not in any way wish to detract one iota. from lie lair tame of my cAjiief!tor in the r"r Vgt; roJ Dck'pr.te. f h '? elected he will make a creditable representative. While T am willing to ascribe to my competitor the right, ability and in tention to fill the position with honor to himself am' credit to the county there area tew things to which I desire to call the voter's attention before casting his ballot for this all-important position. Fust, I have never held a public position of anv kind, while my competitor was elected County Coroner in 1881 and held the position for three years and he is now holding a very lucra tive position on the pension board that pays him from Sloio $00 per month for two days' medical examination, A brother of m competitor was County Superintendent six years and Assembly man four years while still another brother i now Comity Coro ner having been elected in November for three years, II you agree with mc thai these honors should be distributed among other families, 1 give this as one reason why ton should vote Ibr me, Secondly. The National Delegate will help to nominate a President and Vice President and un editor is in a lietl r positi m to help the ticket nominated than one who docf n f control it newspaper. But whether I am elected or defeated, The Pom will support the nomineesand advocate the platform of the irty. It i- for the interest of the Republican party to haveas its repre sentative the one bet situated to do the most effective svork. As it i- impossible tor mc to see you iiersoiiallv, 1 address this appeal to you and ask for your loyal supiiort. Permit me to assure you thai il I am elected, I will use my best endeavors to represent the people of Snyder Countv and to deserve in the most appreciative sense, every vote that may be cast for inc. Your- Respectfully, GEf . W. WAG EXSELI jKR. o 9 o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o In 1872 he ter and 'n- . I ..... i . . i , r i - i ' lllll III ll'I III'MI "i HI until his death. He was one of the oldest if not the oldest postmaster iu Sny der county. David Witmer of Sa lem was also appointed in 1872, in April. Both have served about 28 years. The next in point ot service is X. T. Dnndore the postmaste f Dundore, who now is the next oldest COURT HOUSE CHIPS Musical College. General Washington unfurled at the battle of Trenton. ft was after wards presented by Dr. Rush to Pennsylvania, together with a Hes sian and an English flag captured at Trenton, and kept in the State Library until il was borrowed by General Williams. In the gallant charge atChapulte pec the Cameron Guards lost eigh teen men killed and wounded, Cap tain Williams receiving a slight wound in the shoulder. His com pany fought valiantly until the city lletzel, daughter of John Hetcl, who died May lHH.") at Harrisburg ; second, June 5, lTo, he married Mrs. A. E. Hazel, who survives the noted General. H you want your hair cut with out steps or a nice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. E. Stiles, in the bank building one door east of the Post Office, in room with the drug store. A clean towel to each customer and satisfaction guaranteed. DMda EatoMd tor RwwS, W. 8. Arbogast and wife to D. The Musical College, Preeburg, K. Haas. Eoirlc Holel i Franklin. Snyder county, Pa., is recognized as . t re for $6350. D. K. Haas to E. C. Graybill, same as above, for $5000. I.i lli rs ShmIMI. Letters of administration in the estate of Sarah Dinius, late of Jack son twp., deceased, to Henry Dinius, Feb. I I, 1900. Letters of administration in the estate of Samuel B. Bubb, late of West Beaver were granted to Win. P. Howell, Feb. 10th. Mnrrlnicc UMMk (A. J. Wagner, West Beaver, I Minnie S. Knepp, " one ofthc foremost Bchoola of music, $33 will pay for six weeks, instruc tions and board. Spring term will begin May 7. Forcatalogue address, Henry B. Moveu, 2-15-3t. Director. Mrs. Rebmn Wagenseller and daughter, Kate, of SHinsgrove spent Sunday with the editor of the POBT and wife. The second quarterly meeting of Freeburg circuit, U. B. church, will lie held at St. Thomas appointment on Saturday, Feb. 24th. All the official members of the circuit are requested and expected to Ik? present. Business session to commence at 2:00 P, M. Preaching and communion services on Sunday 10:00 A. M. A full attendance is desired. Let all the brethren come and enjoy a good service. Presiding Elder Gabel ex pects to be present. H. M. T norm an, Pastor. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers