KLJNS(il!OVE. anananananAnannnaciaoaQnoBoaoaoajaaoaanoaoaoaaaQaoaoaoioaaanaonQanananaoanannnan 1 ROYAL HAKINCr POWDER Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. HOY AL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YCMW. He Was Bred in Lower Au gusta. When K i. Uriminger stood one day. In bio dor cottage hr away, and to i. tin ihoMi day mi nature teemed so graod, Poi the deed in bs comn.ltted. We i link lie'll be harshly treated, y murder oi Daley smith by bis own li in t. He la sitting-nil aluoe in u cell tr irom bis honiUi While Dnlw sleeps oundly beneath the Kriiiin I, But then I iiiink some day, sntii" one elee will bave lUe m When k i. n-.tiik"''!- will bave i mint' (I v. n. i HORV lie woe briNl In liwer Augusta. Where be was niooi klndlj iriuwd, Bol he tiK'k biagnu utiedaj, And on the Binlth (rm Ue ay. in iMOttl Mr Hunt tin.' rntiiil'H, Wben this awful murder happened," An t i o t ilttlng In jiii lor it to-day. Kan d.ya bare paased away, Blnce tint well remembered dy, Tbui Bd. and Dlay met upon 'Ue apol, Bui but gun did its wort, . Ami with i rope bell need one Jerk . When he's thluklng of the life betook nway. li'it i he day will noon draw m ar, Wm ii lit" parentawlll fear, Thai ha li banging on the scaffold high, Km' li" li ilimini'd to il'Mt h, Anil e think they'll let htm rest, I'm bla par lit Will feel no need totry. coarrnici ian. PAXTONVILLB David (jitt and wife visited friends at Beavertown on Monday. Wm.Uummel of Middleburg was a visitor at J. Smith's on Sunday. Win. R. Howell of Bcavertown visited his mother Mary Howell, on Sunday. Wm. Derr of Excelsior was home attending the funeral of his grand mother, Mrs. Mover. 'has. Hover was to the city last week and purchased a large supply of fill and winter good-. Chas. 1'. Swengle, whois engaged in the mining business at Shawver ville, was at home over Sunday. Paul Keadly. wiie and son of Bhamokin, were here attending the funeral of Mrs. Ucadly's mother. Miss Laura Harner left for Sun- blirv where she intends to spend sonic time with the family of C. Ripple. That kindliness U the bright star that shines from the dome of man, is true, has again been proven last Thursday evening, when the heart of kind old townslady, Mrs. Michael l'Yantz, was gladdened after liecomingthe recipient of large con tributions ot a surprise party which was held at her house. ( )n Sunday evening Rev. Sham bach delivered a very interesting senium in the United Evangelical church. He had selected for his text Zeth. I: 6. He said "that cor nimtinna nml institutions ot learn ing cannot exisl mile-- they arc un derlie influenced some higher power therefore any person pretending to Ik a christian must accept the ad vice and instructions of a supreme being, which is Almighty God. Many people bear the name chris tian, ami are not worthy of that name because they have not had the true christian faith and that thespirit of Christ must le everywhere." SALEM. The hunters claim game to be very scarce. Geo. M. Witmcr made a trip to Harrisburg last week. E.ra Meiser is driving a team in the woods for Michael Erdley. The Reformation day services were held here on Sunday by Rev. Schnable. Mrs. Sallie Eisenhood, nee Shipp, of Shamokin, is visiting the Boyer family at present. The supervisors of Penn township making tint' bicycle paths at sonic ii daces in tins district ( )ui farmers arc done with their corn and fodder, and arc DOW ready I to cat apples, and OrHlK tne oiuer. , i i .i i .who had Urn .Miss r.mma toss. seriously ib lor tin ast three wecus, is slightly improv ed at this writing. The Mi held at this ionary Services to be I place last Sunday were tor some reason 01' other. po-tpollri I lie Mile m congregation is niwing ' part of tin hud .1 leak cliureh rcroofed, us ii where the slate came to- gel her. Misses Keller am! riimlrum, twi n plished young ladies of Selin i grove, were the guestb of W in. Boy- I I !K. Mrs. Vah ol Slatingtoli i- visiting, I her daughter, Mr-. Prof. George E. i 1 Fisher al Selinsgrove, ami also call-' ed mi Salem friends last Sunday. I.E. Maurer is simply a visitor at this place any more, as he is spend imr iiiost of his time drilling wells at the extreme Bouth end of the count v. The candidates were busy until ; the last day. Many a bottle of beer ! and glass of whiskey has been given to the poor and innocent, besides the cigars that havebeei smoked by the minors. WEST BEAVER. U. F. Herbster received a few shot in the face while out hunting last week. Our siinervisors report our roads in nrood order, with 1 1 cents 1 i credit to the township. It is said that Jerry Knepp in tends to build a new house on the! Tlsli farm shortly. Some ol our farmers are expect ing to leave this end and go further east the coming spring. The sale of Samuel StutnpfPfl goods on Saturday was well attended considering the had day. Some of our hunters are now liv ing on fresh sausage and buckwheat i cakes, instead of rabbit and scrapple. Mr. Johnson of Bethlehem had been stopping w ith .Jos. M. Wagner part of this week, on a hunting trip. S. II. Phillips and a few other old vets of the 49th P. V expect to attend their reunion at Tyrone this week. - P. W. Treaster was home from huntinedon county to spend a few days with his family, also to attend the election. One of our sporting nun says he should have U-t on the other fellow as be lost !?7" on the Sharkey and .lelines iigiu Peter Uiegle w as seen on our strei'ts last Saturday bidding his old friendsthctinic ot (lav ..ml attending to other business, Some of our merchants reiwrt buckwheat Hour to be selling at $12 .i i till FIM tier cwt. ill I'lilladeldnllia. 1 lie question is now, Y hat iiauineyoeen drinking? Wm Krick, Sr., expects to make sale and move to North Dakota. Hesavson his late trip he found three places where gold ejm ,be got with very little work. Emanuel Peter sent a party of men a week or so ago to Mt. Union to cut stave timlxjr forGust MoyeFs mill. They have all returned home to vote for Rarnett, Riegle & Co. Some of our farmers are helping to supply the Lewistown market with fresh pork, sausage, etc, and find a ready sale for it. Mittlin county knows when they get hold of good things from Snyder county. i i i i i . i nti P. S. Albert tttui wife spent Snn- dav out Itf tov n. V. V. Winciimver ma in town between trains un Frhhty ln The ::n rky, t'.uy ahHuaphew has given uwav to clearer atmosphere ami cooler weather. Misses Beetle Gent hart and Keitl of Sunbtiry spent Sunday with Qrandrns Margaret 8ohoeh. .1. J. House worth of Milton sjent several days with his brother, W. E. Houseworth, Esq., recent I). Wm. M. 8ohnur i of State College o was a welcome guest at me nouie j o of his father (H. I). Schnure) over Sunday. The 1'. U. K. Cumpnny are put ting heavy Bteel rails on the bridges here made necessary by the heavy freight which are being transferred overthe road. Before this appears in your paper, the election will be a" tiling of the nast and the winners will rejoice while the de'eated will Itecastdown. Such is life. It is renorted that a direct tele- phone line will be built to Lewis burg in.-lcad ot going through the Siinburv Exchange as ie present I Ins will he an improvement Rev. Dr. C. V. Heisler, the Presi-leut-elect, will lie with us by tin 15th. A public reception will lie given him on the evening of the 16th inst. w hen he will take charge of the school as its president. We understand that arrangements ure being made to hold the usual 1' ni. hi Thanksgiving serviecs.in one I of the churches. These Union ser- I vices should be more largely attend ed by our people than heretofore. Wi derstand that a number of new houses are to lie buill in the near future. We need many more, as there is a great society of houses. Some of our capitalists should buik a lot of houses lor the purpose ot Will not some, of them do rentin so? The loot hall teams of Snsipie hanna University, the regular and scrubs, played games on Saturday, the former with F.&M. College flit Lancaster, score 6-6; the litter with on the home grounds against Sun bury llign School team, score 3IJ-0 in favor of the scrubs. lioth oppon ents had counted on scoring largely Bgaillflt our teams, but tuiled as the above scores show. F. & M. acted anything else than gentlemen. UKAVKKTOWN. W. A. Bickel was to Mittlin count v Saturday. W. A. Rhainsdne returned from ittsburg on Saturdav. C. G. Coleman, express agent at I Jersey town, is home at present. Edward Bickel, who was working I af MifHiuburg, is home at present S. L. Freed expects to move on the farm of S. A. Wetzel in the spring. Miss Libbie Greenhoe, who was 1 1 i a workimrat Wateontown, came . ! a8t week. Mrs. Willie Freed of Milroy is visiting her parents, Daniel Middles warth and wife. A. lT. Aigler is an apprentice, learning the carpcntinir trade, and instructor is one of the best me chanics in Reaver township, W. X. Aigler. John D. Kern and wife of Pea- vertown, w ho went out west in the n.tlrn(1(i home c are 1m)V looking for a few more of our in the near future. Two young gentlemen accompani ed by lady ladies called at the fur niture store on rwturuay evening. The writer's present thonirht fa that " 1 " ' - Dili . l . . 1 1 C3. t,ey in the near future be unit- wj m the bonds of matrimony Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot 1. I I,,. .Iionnun.l lull'f mil tf t llii . reacu i u ear. 1 uere is ouiy uuh wny io cure deafness, and that is by conetitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lininR of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumblinsr sound or imperfect hear ing, and whea it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces, We will give ONE HONDRED DOLLARS for any case of deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Oatarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. ' p. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolede, O. Sold by Druggiata, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. m. ; 1 ... H 1 O j if A o it I BROTHERS SIGHT i 2 AJL The Largest Stock and Nobbiest Styles of Clothing in Central Penn sylvania at Astonishing Prices. t I f 1 i o Never have we showed such Handsome Pat terns. We are now positive such Styles can be seen at no other store in this section of Penna. if There is a Man, Youth or Child who has a thought of buying Clothing, they should if o II f5 i I K i of ) A f (a i 1 1 : r5t i ft : ooaoaoaoaoaoaooeooa)oooooootoca)oooa)oaoaoooooaoooooooa)oa)oa)oa)oJ IcCLUKli:. Isaac Shirey now drives a black mated team. Bessie Snyder and sister were home over Sunday. Amos Howell made u business trip to Lewhftown Monday. C. A. Wagner and J. W. Baker killed the first porker for this fall lust Saturday. C. W. Decker will again butcher for the public, having killed the fust on Monday. Charies Kline shot himself in the forearm last Saturday while trying to shoot a rabbit. Lieut. S. V. Ulan will agaiu move his family to Connellsville w here he is employed by the P. R. R. Co. ( )n Monday afternoon as local freight shifted a ear on the sidetrack it collided with the station platform, . . i smashing it to pieces anil moving the whole building alsjut six inches. MT. P1JSASANT MILLS. Communion Services were held In (he Lutheran and Reformed church! stmuw affair m America or hurope. , . . Elections were held Oct. 2, the num OIl SatlirdllV last lV tllC Litltlieran f her of votes cast belne 5.248. There congregation W. A. Arhogast and wife of Selinsgrove were the guests of T. K. Reitz's on Sunday last II. N. Helm, who was working in Michigan and who has not been east for five years, returned 'home on Thursday to visit his par- leotsand friends. He looks bale and hearty Ira S. Arlwgast and J. A. Mengel, who left this part of the Keystone state last March for I ajcbiUj uniOf rwurnea uonra oaiur- 1 "Y C; A. Setinee contemplates going to Jiarnsnurg in uie near future. . . .The public sale of the household goods of Mrs. Benjamin Shaffer on Thursday last wus pretty well attended and things brought fair prices. . . .Benton Kreighbumn will move on J. F. Boyer's farm on Thursday, and Mr. Boyer will move into his house in town. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $300? We want a local manager, lady or gentleman, in own town or coun ty; no canvassing required. You can devote full or spare time; or ev enings only, in connection with your regular vocation. $200 to $300 can be made before Christmas and it will require very little time. It is not necessary to have had experience. Send stamp for particulars. Ad dress, The Bell Company, DeptB., Philadelphia, Pa. ll-9-8t TO SEE! READ CAREFULLY. Men's Strictly al - wool Suits, extra well made, of black and blue, cheviots, in visible plaids, stripes and checks, $4.98. Men's Black worsted Suits a very line dress Suit, one th t we know will give per fect satisfaction. $6.00 Negros Establishes the First Au tonomous Government. ELECTION HELD LAST MONTH. Onljr Fifty-two Hundred Votes Were Cnt, Snftrnato llelng Dotormlnod b Property Quttllflcntlon and Ability to ItcRd and Write. Manila, Nov. 7. At Bacolnd, In the Island of Negros, the first autonomous government of the Filipinos was es tablished yesterday. General Smith, governor of the Island of Negros, ad ministered the oath of office to the Judge of the supreme court, who in turn swore in the governor, threo judges, 12 councilmen, the auditor and the secretary of the interior. The na tives of the entire island attended the ceremony. The officers from Hollo were also present. Three days' feasting will follow, in celebration of the new gov ernment and the first anniversary ot the surrender of the Spaniards to the Negros revolutionists. American flags are displayed In the village. The cele bratlc -consisted of horse racing and other aVrts, music, religious functions and oil illumination. The ball last nicht attracted the wives of the wealthy planters, and there was as eretit a disnlav of rich costumes and costly Jewels as would be seen at a were 40 candidates for the various of fices. Melecio Heverlno was elected governor, receiving 1.305 votes. Senor Oalmo received 1,277 votes. Suffrage was determined hy property qualifica tion and ability to read and write. Colonel Miner welcomed the officials on behalf of the United States. In the course of his remarks he said: "Negros leads In the van of civil gov ernment In the Philippines. Your honor lies in adding a new star to freedom's flag." (ienoral Smith, during a speech which he delivered, Said: "Your fu ture promises as brightly as Japan's, who today is recognized as among the civilized nations of the world." Senor Severlno, in replying, said that the best thing for the future of Negros was the continuance of close relations T.-ith the United States. General Smith then announced the granting of freedom to the political prisoners In commemoration of the vent. A recently organized revolutionary movement has been discovered in northern Negros, and the leaders have been forced to withdraw to Panay. A number of bandits, under the leader ship of Papa Isslo, a religious charla tan, have been driven into the moun tains, but it Is expected that they will give more trouble. A force of 250 na tive soldiers, armed with Springfield rifles, are helping the Americans, and are found to be valuable scouts. To Abolish "Tlpplnsr." Chicago, Nov. 7. The Record says that George H. Daniels, general pas senger agent of the New York Central railroad, is at the head ot a move ment to abolish the practice ot "tip ping" on dining and sleeping cars. The movement already has found hearty approval and backing among officials ot several ot the trunk Unas. 11 j Metl'd Gray Mixed coals made with silk collar, French faced Over- v nl vet would f be a wonderful coat at five dollars. 4 2 $2.50. Mon's or Young Men's Blue v or Black Kersey or Beaver 1 Overcoat, we oonsider these world Beaters at $5.00. H-H-HH I-M M 'H-H- -:-k-H-K-.- Bargains Glassware. I have just received a fine f assortment of glassware, con t sisting of Cake Dishes. Fruit 1 Stands, Celery Travs, Butter i $ Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold- j v era, Ac,, &o. at prices ranging iioui , ki io cents. Boots and Shoes, 1 I have on hand about 300 M pairs of shoes which I ani 2 closing out at and below cost- to make room for fall and win ter goods. Notions. Note these prices in NotioOfl : Ladies' Hose, 10 to lfc. Misses Hose, 10 to 16c. Men's Hose, 8 to 16c. Men's Work !SliirLs, 2" to 50a Men's Overalls, 4 to 50c. Youth's Overalls, 25 to 50c. I Handkerchiefs, 5 to 12c. Suspenders, 10 to latest Style Ties, 5 to 25c. Rubbers. As the wet season is almost T here I wish to call your atten- J tion to the fact that I have on I f hand a full and complete line j. of rubber goods. " Thanking you for past pat- I; runage, 1 kindly ask a contin- t T "ance of same. S. B. Simonton. t-H n 1 1 1 rM 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 ! i i-i ii $1001INPMS TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. HUW IU WIN A PRIZE. t Profitable work for odd minutes. T A nhanrn foe pvprvhrwiv mar V maU ' ' ' An easy way to make from no.oo to ' ' Let us teil you bow to do it. Ad- ! ' drees, wKn two-coot stamp cor ' ' return postage, Demorest's Family lacaziie, ii linP.tfhAu. Nam Vrtrt i rr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers