QBO. W. WAOWOUM, Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO.. PA., THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1899. VOL. 36. NO. i'S. 68 sTire" mm tmm TME BMSDDE PAGE the mi. INTERESTING ITEMS. Miss Marcia App of Mohantoago was u Middleburg visitor last week. 1 imM viirictit'S ()t battier and MUms Coats at S. Wels', fBeliw St grove. Joseph Clelan, who is working al Bunwry, spent Sunday at home with his family. Urge variety oi Cloth Capes, l "in -i i ' ape.-Wei-'. Selinsgrove. i , I ,i DM Lies ill 3ta ('. U. Venrioh of Verdillo, form erly of Paxtonville, was a Middle burg visitor Saturday. A Woman's Home aud Foreign Mtffiionarv Society was organized in this place Saturday evening. Geo. A. Hover, proprietor u Mouse. Freebure, of the was a niorn- Middleburg visitor I u ini:. idav The managers "ne "'f, have put pipes ... the factor) ana the building is now being comfort- ably heated. , .i i i. ...i...... i i who had been . ... . l M.. 1 A I- i visiting ner oauguu, ii- Wrthumberland, returned Jl.-IMI, . - i. ... u.,t.,r,ii,v i noma on i""v . . . .. William K. Miller, cleric a the , heodquarUra of Republican State Committee, Philadelphia, waa Middleburg visitor Monday. Dr. J. V. Sampsell of Penn's Creek, administrator of the estate of H. ('. Sampaell, was In town Satur day on business for the estate. Joseph Middleswarth of Beaver town. one of Beaver township's re liable citizens, was at the county seat on Monday morning between trains. Timhkh Land Fob Sam:. Fif ty acres of land well timbered situ ate one mile cast of Troxelville is offered for sale by Harrison Meyer, Middleburg, Pa. S. S. Seboch and adopted daugh- m .t . .,L- in ! Miiln- ,V.Vr liter's naients! . ... ii.ikimii k.i ti 1 1 mm ii ...... . and tahing in the sights of Pennsyl vania's metropolis. Mrs. Abel Winey and Miss An na Snyder of Bcavertown and Mrs. James and Peter PurnleV of Laurel ton were noticed at L. Dunkelherg cr's millinery opening. Do not let tlie Democrats per. sumlc you to cast a complimentary vote for their candidate for Associate Judge. Votcthe straight ticket and you will make no mistake. D. Norman App. of Monroe town ship, one of the Republican candi date for County Auditor, and Ceo. C. Wagenseller, the Selinsgrove post master, were at the county seat Mon day afternoon. The Christian Endeavor Union ol Ccntrcvillc will hold a rally 00 next Sunday evening in the United Ev angelical church of Centreville. W. F. Sanders will preside. An inter esting program has been prepared. Wanted. A party to saw Mail Keg Staves and Heads and Staves for Cement Barrels. Must have first class mill. Apply "t once to C. (iKKKNK Son, ,t, Sultillo, Fa. John Hnnsiekcr and daughter, Bessie, of Hartlcton, Sunday, took dinner with Dr. J. W. Orwig's. They brought, with them Wilmcr and Bryce Hartcr who had licen vis iting their gaand-parcnts, W. H. Harter and wife, at Hartlcton. The only towu that won't read and support, with it advertising, its own home newspaper, is a dead town and will never grow and flourish. The wise man pays out one dollar when he ease that he gets Ave dol lars in return. He is happy d succeeds in buaioeaa. - l 'In . VIHUni I . Tiarge variety of new Fall Goods at S. Weis', Selinsgrove. M. Mrs. W.H. Riegleaad daughter, Elsie, Visited friends at llcavertown Saturday. Oil Cloths and Linoleums In all widths at popular prices nt Wets, Selinsgrove. ' Mrs. V. E. Btahlnecker ol Ad amsburg spsnf 8unday in town the guest of her sisters. Preston Erdlev. who is one of the operators at Burnham, spenl Sunday at home wiih his tannly. All-wool ( !overl lloth, ( Jamel's I lair I )ress ( foods, all Wool Plaids, i etc. at Weis', Selinsgrove. 3t. The members ol the Lutheran church of 1 1 1 i place celebrated the Lord's Supper Sunday morning. i The countv commissioners nu t at tin' court house on Saturday and transacted some routine business. Next Tuesday is election day. Republicans, go to the poles and i Republican ticket, 15 ' ... . I. A. H.KIose and family of Frank- r ' Klose's parents, J. C. School i and . " 111 I f I Black ( tenons in I irge varieties ol Wii,' SnlinacrrnvA. Prices title. - t - j j i of a kind. 3t. Mrs. M. L. Kreeger of Selins grove .iml Miss Weaver of Millcrs burg were Middleburg visitors last Thursday. Ed. Hampton of Catawissn will move to this place, into the hou.se lately vacated by J. Irvin Howell who moved to Hunt ham. 1 will be able to sell wraps cheap, because I need not make a profit to allow for goods left over the season. L. DtryiCELBKBOKB. Rev. S. Sidney Kohlerwill preach in the Reformed church of Middle burg at two o'clock next Sunday, Nov. f, instead of 7 P. M.as already announced. First class dressmaking (cutting ..... . , , . , ami fitting) done by Miss Minnie Oi mini at the residence of Mrs. S. G. Mover on West Market St., at the very lowest rates. l0-26-3t, Testimony was taken Saturday at the office oi Attorney J as. G. Crouse before a jury in order to declare Paul Walter a lunatic. The jury Tailed to find him a lunatic. From Nov. 15 to Nov. 20, L. Dunkelbergrr will have one ol the I test lines of Winter Coats, Capes and Collarettes that have ever been brought to the county. Don't break the column next Tuesday at the election. Put a mark in the circle at the head of the first column. They are all Re publicans and good ones at that. K. C. Miissleinan of Altoona was a Middleburg visitor last weak. He formerly resided at Selinsgrove and he reads tlie Post regularly at Al toona and dropped in to pay for it w hile in this place. The Elisabeth ville Safe, publish ed by A. II. Smith, formerly oi this place, came tons last week enlarged to a five-column quarto. The paper was established in 1 HU'.i since which time it has made steady and sure progress, Ilnt'HK will Sai.K. House and lot on West Market street, Middle burg, will lie sold at private sale, ail new buildings including stable. Terms reasonable. For further Mirti".ihirs, address P. (). Itox !l, Middlcburgh, Pa. 10-12-4t, Farm wm Sai.k. A good farm near Middleburg, containing 30 acres, is offered for sale. House, barn and other outbuildings and an excellent supply of fruit on the pre mise. Apply to Mrs. Susanna Fry, Middleburg, Pa. lO-20-4t. a v HON. J. HAY BROWN, Republican Candida for Juatli ot thn Bupri a Court Carbiaoe pon Sai.k. A brand new trap manufactured at Mtnun bHrg by John Gutelius at a cosj of Sl'J.", can be bough! at considerably le than cost It is a most hand some vehicle. !' r further parttcn lars apply to Box 243, .Middleburg, Pa. Peter Qarman of Mt. l'h-asant Mills was a Middleburg visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Carman reports that Thursday night a week ago, his store was robbed of calico, ginghams md numerous other articles. They secured no money, but a few postage stamps. A series of revival services will be conducted by ReT. Mace, the blind Evangelist, at the United E vangelical church at Aline, Pa., on Fort Fort Treverton charge, com rnenuing Saturday evening, Nov. 25. The public is invited to attend tliise meetings. If you want yourfiair out with out steps or 0 nice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. K. Boles, in the bank building one door east of the Poet Office, in room with the drug .-tore. A clean towel to each customer and satisfaction guar anteed. My customers have often :iked the question "why don't you get Ladies' Wraps?"' Now I will lie ready to supply them. Will not have a lot of old fashioned wraps, but only the "very latest" and at prices to suit all. Li. DCKKELBEBGER. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Program fat Middleburg District Union Sunday School Convention to be held in the Reformed church, Middleburg, Fa., Tuesday evening, Nov. 14, 1899. Exercises to be opened at 7 P. M. bv song services by the Convention. Devotional exercises by Rev. W. H. Boyeri Music by the Convention. 1st Topic The benefit of United Sunday School work by Rev. 1). K. McLaln, .losbun Shanibiich and others. Music by the Convention. "2nd Topic. The Faithful Teachers' Reward by lievs. 8. S. Kohler, W. H. Buyer and ot licrs. Music by the Convention. lU'iie diction. We conlially extenda general in vitation to Sunday school workers ami all friends of Sunday school work and the public to lie present. By the Ex. Committee. tfrt Sarah Mover Dsad- Mrs. Sarah Moyer was born in Beaver township, Union (Snytler) County, Pa., Jan. 12, 1823, and died near Beavertown, ( t. -Js, 1899, aged 76 years, 0 months and 16 days. She was the daughter ot" Mi chael and Lydia (OberdorfJ Blatt Slc had no sisters and but one brother, George, who died at Mar callus, Mich. Sarah Blatt married March 11, 1843 Henry Mover who diid about ten years, This union Woe blessed with eight children a follows: 1, Kate, who died in infancy. 2. Lydia, married Calvin Derrof Paxtonville. They had children: Charles, a professor at Central Penna College, New Berlin; Carrie, married Joseph D. Wiuters, New Berlin; William, married and re sides at Mt. Carniel; Lester ! Fa tonvilleand Katie, who lives at home with her parents. A in a n d a, married Arthur Si hi, Beavertown. Their chil dren are: tester, married Lillie Gagle of Keating, Clinton County; and William, married Libbie Wet sel, Beavertown. I. Sallie, married Waldo Stock and now resides near Danville. Their children are : Harry, married Minnie lleichly, resides at Penn's Creek; Maggie irried Clinton Marks, resides near SuilburVj Levi of Danville and Samuel ofSunbury. .". Samuel ( .. born ( ct. 1 1854, married !). 16, 1879 to Ida V. Bowersox, reside- at Middle burg, Thev have only one child, a son, Allen H., married Much 1 1, 1899. to Jennie V. Matter w re sides in tl i- place. 6. Alice, married Jacob Freed, BeBVertowil. They had one child, a daughter, Jennie, married John Tobias, who resides near Feaver town, Fa. 7. Ada. married Paul Rcadlv, who now resides at Mt. Cannel. They have one child, Claud. 8. William, married Anna Mid dleswarth, and now resides near Beavertown. They had one child, who died in infancy. The deceased has eight great grand-children. Her death was caused by a paralytic stroke, being the fourth one she had. She was a consistent member of the Lutheran church and was buried at Hassing eFs church Monday afternoon of this week. Rev. C. D. Zweier officiated at the obsequies. The meeting of the pension lxard in this place attracts a great many deserving old soldiers every first and third Wednesday of the month. OUR GIF LS AND BOYS AND TAXES. I he taxes are indeed hisrh:and. it those laid mi by the government were the only oucs we had to pay, we might more easily discharge them; but we have many other-, and much more grievous to some of us, are taxed tw ice a- much bv our idle ness, three times as much bv our pride, mid loo; limes a- nuich bv utirtolly; mid from these taxes the commissioners eauuol ease or deliver u by allowing an abatement. How ever, hi us hearken tog I advice, and something may lie done for us. . , i . .i i . n wouiu lie nought a liar eminent that should tax its one-tenth part of their time employed in its service; but i i gov neople to be lleness sloth, taxes maiiv of' us much more iv bringing on diseases, absolutely ihortens life. Sloth like rust, cyu- sunies mster than laiior wear-, wmle the used kev is nlwavs briirht, as pior Richard savs. But dost thou love life, then do not squander time, for that 1- the -tntl lite i- made of. ll time be of all things the most precious, wa ting time must lie the greatest prodigalitj' ; since "Iost time is never found again," and what we call lime enough, always proves little enough. Lei ii- then Iw up and doing, and doing to the purpose bo by diligence shall we do more with less perplex ity. Sloth makes all things dit ficult, but industn all easy; and he that rises late, must trot all day, and -hall scarce overtake his Imisum it night ; whilu lasineSB travels so -lowly that poverty soon overtakes him. Drive thy business, let uot it drive thee. S what signifies wishing and hoping for better times ? We may make these rimes better, if we U-stir ourselves. Me that hath a trade hath an estate : and he that hath a calling, hath an office of profit and honor, but then the trade must be worked at and the calling well fol lowed : r neither the estate nor the office will enable us to pay our taxes. f we are industrious, we shall never starve ; lor at the working mail's house hunger looks in, but dares not enter. Nor will the boilifl or the constable enter, for industry pays debt-, while despair increaseth them. What though you have found no treasure, nor has any rich relation left a legacy. Diligence is the mother of good luck, and (!od giv.- all things to industry. Labor disgraces i le; hence honor to our girls and boys w ho see tit to busy themselves at our Shoe Factory: and thrice honor to all who toil there day after day and make themselves master of their trade. Does it not till the heart.- of al' our townspeople with gratitude and good will when they hear tlie pat tering of the feet of our girls and boys as they pass over the pave ments every morning to the factory. Some weeks ago one of our boy while in a store said, "The shoe fac tory worked on me a little like printer's ink. I cannot endure it. It makes me sick and sore all over my body with little pimples, and the doctor said 1 must quit the factory on account of blood poison." Hut I am happy to say that the indus trious boy is made of fully as good stuff as the doctor himself, for he is back in the factory again. One to-day is worth two tomor rows, never leave that till tomorrow which you cap do to-day. If you were servant, would you not lie ashamed that a good master should uatch you idle.' Are youthen your own master '.' Be ashamed to catch yourself idle, when there is so much to be done for yourself, your father, your mother, your family, your coun try, Handle your tools without mittens ; remember that "The t in gloves catch no mice." It is true there is much to Ik- done, and, per- I haps you are weak handed, half sick, I receiving halt pay, or no pay at all -ome UiliMU sav you can'f earn n oit remember if h, earn a little. for it i far better than to idle away your tune on the streets learning bad habit like smoking, . hewing or drinking : stick toil steadily, and win uni nee grim results; tor oll- slant ilro diligence and patience the mouse ate in two the cable; and little strokes fell great oak-." Methinks I hear some of you say, i mi ii wvui - nwav : a lid !v ".Must a m rson afford himself "ii mmscii no Ii isnre? I will tell yon, my friend, 11, it ou mean since yon tire throw liol away - time t'r doing I i- leisure the -1 tain, but the employ liiv time we to gain leisure : and not sure of a minute, an hour. Leisure i something useful ; t diligent nian will i lazy man never; for a life of leisure and a life ol laim -- are two things. A mouth or more ago, one of our good, stout, healthy looking, -ingle men i ntercd a store and said, "Icii hop ga-bard dps der sbrief hed de -hoe factory stoo gashlosen,de whi-le hut de pordaug uimniy ga pitta." flic above mentioned i- a g'd honest town-man who pays bis ta.xe aml debts without a murmur. But I wish some one would whisper i:i his ear m ver to circulatesuch a false report again. 1- it not the interest and full duty of even' human person in this town and surrounding community t - ink well aim thn w out their ;'1 will toward and in favor f sock public works whether stork holder or no stockholder? Iet ut this be a stumbling block to us, init let us begin to-day with at'ollerd-teniiina-tion than ever to put our hands and bodies to work and support this in stiturion. I had the pleasure wveral times to visit tliisfactoryjandmiist congrat ulate all w ho arc employed, as well as the officers, for the good work turned out, and careful attention given to tlie different machines. I am as ever, thine to serve tliec. Zip. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Dcdn l.iil.r-il lor Kn iinl. Jerome I lrich and wife to 11. A. Allison, lot b'xliin feet in Penn township, for $280. Mary A. Freed and husband to Peter S. Neitz and wife, Catherine Viola Freed and lane Freed, one acre and 7" perches in Chapman township, for !? 1 8. Adam Sholly to Kichard I.. Shaf fer, 10 acres in Chapman townshin for 1300. w ill Probated. The last will ainl testament of 1 r. P. A. Boyer, late of Selinsgrove, was probated Friday of last week. Kev. S. K. (3chsentord was named the Fxecutor. The household goods arc licipieathi'd to the widow. All the rest ot his hastate is to be con verted into money and put on inter est w hich shall be paid to his widow and at the death or re-marriage of the widow the principal shall go to his daughter, Sallie, and son, Paul. Mnrrlnir1 UMMn Letters of Administration in the estate of Daniel S. Boyer, late of Washington township, were granted to Leah Jane Foyer on Saturdav. 1,,-IO-r- ..DtiilfO. J A. Hiram S'igfried, Selinsg (Nettie C. Specht l5c-;iverSp grove, iirmgs. Oliver . cikel, Adams 1 wp., Mellie C.M.Fttinger, " " Leal week the writer received an order for a copy of "Snyder County Marriages, 1836-90" compiled by the editor of the Post from A. A. Vorsterman van Oven, Kiiswiik bij's-G raven hage, prea la Haye (Holland), Europe. The copy of the isKik will be placed in the "Ar chives genealogiques et heraldiques" in Rijswjik, Holland, for reference to Hollanders to trace Dutch ami German settlers in America.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers