Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one cure for Contagious Blood Poison the disease which has completely baffled the doctors. They au .. !iy unable to cure it, and direct their etfiiris toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from view. B. S. S. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I wii amided with n u-rrlble blood disease. which wu la spot at Ant, but atterwarda sprraaau (iTrr my whij. These loon brokeout Into sores, and It la easy to Imagine the suffering; I endured. Before I Te eame convinced that the doctors could do no good. I had spent a hundred dollars, which was really thrown away. I then tried various paten i ......ll-i...... l.iii lh .O.l it' , , -rmSFA not reach the disease S.' - JKWf' When I had lliitsliod my tlrst bottle 01 a. s. 1 was greatly Improved anil was iIiMmhU-d with Xiie result. The large rc-d splotches on my best icart to grow paler ami suialler and lj-f,-e long dlaapiared entirely. I regained my i. neliihl, iieeaim' stronger, and tuy ap p'lttK greatly Improved. I was soon entirely well, an'1 my akin as eleur as a piece of glass. II. I,. Ul mis. 100Mullrry St., Newark, N.J. Don't destroy nil possible chance of a sure by taking the doctor's treatment tf mercury nnu potash, These mineral cause the hair t fell out, und will wreck the entire system, crop The in iTUKi.y VBOBTABtl, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash) mercury, or other mineral. Looks on the disease and its treat in 'nt mailed free by Swift c5peci?cGoni- o&bv. Atlanta. Georeia. PENNSYLVANIA KJULROAD. Sonbitry 8t Lewistowu Diviaiwi. In effect Nov. 30, 1898. mm - 'vinl DIS. bta noM . HAirnr n m A. fa a ' m ; " LewlstownJ, T J.UR Halo Sir-ot : . :i Su8 4.1, LeWlltOWD T ' i, ... .1 Mtltlaptl " 'l t.jfl fainter ' i 3 iCi .1 :, 111 It HhlDdle it Ml I M, 11 Wanner 7 v I4M l T .Moi'luru I 1.48 i . 2" Bank's Mills s i i 31 ilar.urt( S.i'i B.M .! I H..tvertolTP S.J1 M :i I t;. Hnler - i I.H to i 11 Idltborgk - W 4 i turn '".ior 4ti 4. si t.-, K'ei.raar 8 4 4 V" 181 Pawling IH 4:1 148 .. UngroT0 ' 4 4-.' IV l:i.-,).' I ' 0: 4 e ii " sanunrs w o f rnin leaVHH Suiiburv 5 '21 i mi, mi ri Vf- lit S l.llSijrOVe 5 !" p 'II fenlns leave ij"vi-f.wti .Inneiitm ; 1 ",.' 1 01, 10 18 m 1 !0 n iu,.', .'7 u r.i. 7 117 I : ft' CorAltooua, KltWhnrg u..i the Wei, For Haltlinitre and Washington o1 m I I I 4 M. 1 M 111 P'ir 'liUiliilihii "' Vork (tOB as a 111. 1 u 1 M I as anil ' : ! tlHrrifl'iiru li ".4 a m anil 8 Nt , ii Phila!!?:p!;ii ;i . :: W i:v; 'i- KORTttBRN I'Hjrr 1 v. ' 1. " Tratns leave Hanhufj d.i iv -e- . . . 1 Vi it m for Brls and t ..! t lfl 111 (Or Bolleloute rSrl-nnd 'utiundals'i 1 1 a in lor Lonli Haven, Tyi.i un 1 the W 1 to p m tor Hellafonte Kam Unai.dal B 4. 1 m for lasnovo and 1 Initr 1 :'. p mi iir WIUlaniBT)ort Suad iy j in n in for hrls mil "lei 1 94Sam rorljnek llavn '. llaaisiHirt ' o and l'k eit 7 1 1) 1 "i. : 1 .11 ;i 11. : 1 " il .'let Mll-l if.ll" I .1. ! w t :ti Nit rk VV ihln;'tn 1 i in Mil , I- rrlvl ,0 2o i. "i a i' X'-rk :! VVaaHl'iKt'ei in l p m ': a as pro. - ' i a su i hi Hfi v ork 1 X a l"iladalilila fr.i ms iio ie.O" iibtl'V ! If'inani inuy iirrivimc ai i tttui men'iioni )' Ititr Mr o a l a in V..n gtoti 7 v. mm Wflit . . ... i,r ....... , . ,,, a .. ... u rt VI mi i,i Ne'i 7 vi .i "i areak unva iiv.mi htludelplils M i i N w V.i-; .1 a hi. .'.t';n re I & in. iVaililngton l On p in. l i piu.vreek .vi- irrlviig ! Phil o'elphl asApiii lew Vork 01 p m, llaliimeriSOipni W wnlngton 7 '." p "i t'-:irn..,! nveHunnmv .it '. S3U aiidS3a - i. Uir ilurrlsbunf, PiiiltMlelptiia aud Italtlmors i k l i in, ;,. ! i Ageni i B 111,'TOlltNsnN 'lan'i Man m 03 SALE EVERYWHERE. .KoiQHS andTiwoat Irritations 5 c. PACKAGES. Wallace & CoTlew York City. Witts wnmru tibt fAits. i ouKb drrup. TSllsa Tlniif Uaol in lime. Sotrt dnSKaMa sjSMajgaaal 3no,, Afraid of American Control. The professional bull fighters In Havana recently held a meeting In I that city and decided to draft a petition to President McKtnley praying that after the Spanish evaeuatiou and the beginning of American control, that , there may be no legal steps taken to prevent them from carrying on their amusement. The bull fighters declsre : that their livelihood depends upon their ubility to continue their chosen profes- . sion, and that it would be gross injus tice to them to be deprived of the right, ! brsido u sore disappointment to the people of Havana if their chief source of amusement and entertainment ere ' forbidden. The gladiators will state in their petition that Gen. Lee, during his residence in Cuba, never missed an ' opportunity to witness a fight and was always to he seen at the arena and was very fond of the sport. They also state that all Americans who have witnessed ' a bull fight are greatly pleased with : the performance, and will also point to , the fact that visiting Americans never ! fail to attend one of these performances when they urc iu Havana. They believe that when their case is fully set forth ! that their business will not be inter fered with, It took Germany much longer than i France to comprehend the real i strength ai:d purposes of the United Slates in its dealings with Spain, and i it is gratifying to us to learn even at ; this late day that there has been a de j cided change in (iennan views toward ! us. Much of this new sentiment is due to the diplomacy of Admiral Dewey and the personal reports to I lie emperor of tlie German observers of the Smiti.1.170 campaign. United Stales Minister White has nil along insisted that the 1 official sentiment of Berlin was not an tagonistic to us; but the German ad miral .it Manila and the most Influen tial newspapers certainly reflected a different feeling. Now, the press, high officials and representatives of vasl commercial interests have entirely changed their attitude, ami are out j spoken in the hojie that the United istatts will not relinquish the Philip ; pine islands, and, aboe all, will not re turn them to Spain, under whom tl.. revolution and commercial troubles would be prolonged. in an article in McClure's Magazine, Mr. Waldron upsets the time-honored theory that wheat is themostimportani crop in the world, and giu's the palm to potatoes. Over 4.000,000,000 bush els of potatoes are produced each year, to 2,000,000,000 ..ushels of corn, while wheat takes third place witii an annual production of only 2,500,000,000 bushels, Ireland Uads all other countries in po loto eating, the annual consumption th.-re being 1,467 pounds to each person or over four pounds a day, Germany, with an annual per capita consump tion of 1,300 pounds, comes next) the Netherlands coming third, ami Italy I bringing up the extreme rear with an ! iiuiiuul per capita consumption of onlj 1 ii 1 UUUda. An organization to help the poor ol t'ul i ij a system of Industrial relief ::.i- been started in Brooklyn. The plan is !,i secure a Iruct of land mar a.'i suft'eriny Cuban city, place an Amen can in charge, and offer employment i the able-bodied poor in cultivating i i" land, Thi' proceeds of the crops !.i be turned buck into the relief fund workers will he assisted ti return to their old homes as soon ua ihey can sustain themselves, The re buiiding of destroyed homi s and the i s tabllshment of free schools are among the objects of this relief movement, ( Ine of the unique features of the late caui iin in Pennsylvania was the a ' of the phonograph in the judicial fie-lu in Alleghany county. John S. Robb, the independent republican candidate, de livered addresses one night at Mount Washington and Mlllvale, and w hile hi was speaking at these places a phon" graph was reeling oft' his address to:, large audience at BridgeviUe. Boiled water is a leading topic of in 1 teres! in Chicago, and the health com missioner says the boiling, to be i f I fi'Ctive, must continue half an hour After the water has cooled ami t he sedi ment settled it is poured off and hot j tied. Having completed the bottling. I the citizen feels at liberty to take an I antidote for breathing the vapor of the 1 Chicago river. Owing to the wound he received ui l'ort l-'isher, Copt, "llob" Evans was re tired from the navy's active list and was only restored after much pleading by a joint resolution of emigres, which exempted him forever from physical examination as to disability. He is the only officer in the service who has beer, so honored. It is said the board of directors of the Maryland bureau of immigration has instructed its secretary to go to Holland for the purpose of obtaining a number of immigrants with whom to settle a colony in Maryland. It seems the Dutch have taken Maryland as well as Holland. A report from San Francisco says that after a litigation lasting 14 years the will disposing of an estate in that city once worth $76,000 has just been sustained and litigation suspended, be cuusc the estate has been exhausted in paying legal fees. The lawyers gavs up when the sack was emptied. P0B8IES OF TBI POETS. B Hot Tavla sms of Wa warn tempted o ba bumpUoua when tba stomas; of the Mala Was followed by tba drubbing wo admin istered to Spain, But 'twill par us to romorober It Waa arre Vaneo and pride Which led Spain to tho sins for wbleb hoi soldiers Mod and died. It mar bo that republics, like eld mon archies effete. afar cot tho big-head badly, toppling of their props and foot Wo love our Mas; of freedom, with Iu bril liant promise-stars. Tho many grand achievements frescoed In Ita battle scars. The arand domain It reproaent. Ita men who foar no foe. But ride tho oar of procrooa with resistless vim and go: And yet 'tis well to fit tho car with air brakea and tho like. Control Is of Importance from a warship to bike. So lot us mix humility with all our loud hurrahs. Content with common sense to lovo our country and Its cause. To look for Inspiration and true wisdom to the sklea. Remembering that Ood Is great and In Him vlct'ry lies; So while we crow a little for the victory o'er Spain. Mix love with all your loyalty all braggart brays are vain Bombastic pride Is but tho sugar coating over pain. The greatest are the humbleat high In Heaven and here on earth Self-pralso Is hut a bubble and a text for honest mirth; Wo want to feel reaponalble for greatnei and Its use. With penalties awaiting Its perversion or abuse. So do not stop to cackle or to waste the prccloua time. March on In modest might toward our des tiny sublime. For gratitude Is virtue, but mere boastful nuss a crime. I. EDO Alt JONES. Let Me nel4i-ve. When boughs are shaken of bloom, and dead leaves drifting, too, I would recall their first perfume and the sunlight sifting through; When tlelds lie barren without, and bitter frosts are come, Itld mo not hear the winds of Doubt, that with tho darkness roam. When hours grow dim mid Krny, and the sonR of the year la sung, Ieave me the thrill of the dawnlni? day. In a heart that Is young, Is youn! Though Hope be a bK'Hsom whirled, and Time doth pillage and win. Itet mo hearken the pulse of the World, and learn of Truth therein. Ay, thouKh my dreams Khali pale, while nlKht but an ember hires, mo believe, though its m-ht shall fall, that Love, that Love endures Virginia W. Cloud, In llookman Hpnln's 9W,00OOQO. Wbat'U we do with this money of ours Money we scarcely expected? No one will hint that we've wasted the hours Nor t lie country's finances neglected, flhnll we devote it to powder and shot. Ami talk tiitfiut Bercsnsss and slaughter, Ruvlng ships to be added, no doubt, to our lot Of scrap-Iron under salt water? Shall wo simulate pride, and still sneer at the rules Dy willed the world makes Ita progres sion? Or shall we hire teachers and open up s hools. Anil try to be In the procession? Washington Star. Paluilslrs . She takes my hand witli the soft diffidence That seems a part of girlhood and pro claims The timorous amateur; then glibly names Each line thereon, bat holds me In sus pense A sweet loiig while la-fore she can eom- menos Tho oracle's dellv'ry. Like twin fames Her cheeks burn up when finally sbe frames The promise of long life and affluence. If through some gypsy strain she reckooi dear Her reputation as a prophetess. Then by her pleasant art may she illvlr.o That It Is thrice secured If she will clear My way to ull felicity with "yos" In answer to a small request of mine. Edward W, Uaruard, In Judge. A Tmiolilnir Tale. The plsjrwrlvbt with his manuscript Wont smlly on his way, Thn-cMcoro and more of managers lipfuseil his play that day: Then from a corner dark there sprang A robber bold and masked, And of the author, with a gun, His life or money asked. "I've nothing but this play, I swear 1" Replied the trembling scribe; "All aay It Is not worth the string With which the cover's tied!" The robber anatched the manuscript And lied without delay. "Thank Ood! At last!" tha playwright cried, "A man who'll take my play!" Boatoa Transcript A Lnllabr. Sof an' low, nof an low, An' sweetly es de rivata's flow, We heahs de music cross de sea Whan spreads de Ian" of Is-ter-Be, An sweet an low, an sof an low, De baby's teensy footfalls go: But Mmeby he's gwlne be at peans Whan rosea spring- an' lilies blow. De music comes f'om hahps of got. Tetched by de lingers nevah ole. An Gawd leans down, leans down to heeft De strains dat's floatln' to His cah. An' sweet an' low, an sof an' low, De baby's teensy footfalls go; Out hlmeby he's gwine be at peace Whah roses spring an' Miles blow. -Will T. Hale, In Chicago Times-Herald. Homely Ailvlce. Try to spread de Kindness. 'Tain' no use to show Other people's badness. Folks Is folks, you know. Jes' be kind an' lovln' To'ds yon fellow roan; Dinner's In de oven, An' de gravy's In de pan. Don't you stop to listen To a scan'Ious tone, 'Ca'se you might be mtssln' Bus'ness of yoh own. Don't cloud hours dat'a sunny Wtf "She sayj, says she." Roast de turkey, honey, An' let de neighbors ba. Washington Star. Life. Whence and whitherT Prom the night, We come hither To the llsht Love and worry, Joy and pain. Toll and hurry Night again. J. A. Edgerton, in Chicago la ter Osoan. Am IsmlDwallosi Reeeate. I understand you to aay that there waa o possibility of our using ir regular methods iu that county?" in quired Senator Sorghum. "I may have said something of the kind." answered the voter. "Well, it's downright libel. I'd have you to understand, sir, that we're so sure of thst county that we don't bnve to use Irregular methods." Washing ton Star. A Diplomat. "Young man." aaid the lady with the beautiful diamonds, "do you sell alpberbets?" "Yea, modaiu," replied the polite salesman of the book department. "Well, I want one in words of one syllable so 1 can learn it to my child." "Yes, madam. How were things in Boston when you left'.'" he asked, for he was. indeed, an inveterate flatterer. Philadelphia Record. Feminine Irony. Gerald What would you say if 1 were to kiss you? Geraldiue 1 don't know; hut 1 can prepare a speech if you think it worth while to wait. Town Topics. Their Identity. .luck I saw a couple very close to gether last night and kissed them both. Tom What ! Did you know them? Jack Well er yes, slightly. They were Molly's lips. N. V. World. Amons; Old t'liuma. Mrs. Newad Was I nervous, deur, during the ceremony? iier friend Well, a trifle at Brst, dar ling, but not after William had said "yes." Tit-Hits. An r.vpi-rt Diairnonts. Customer- I think there's a hair tangled in the wheels. Woman Watchmaker (examining por trait in the case) Yes; I'm sure It should be blond. Jewelers' Weekly. Truthfull Spenklng. Miss Voung Willi! did you say when Charley ifognon threatened to kiss i very girl in the room? Miss Olds- 1 said I would just like to see la i xi try It! N, Y. Journal, Blend most softlv and play most effectively over a festive scene when thrown by waxen candles. The light that heightens beauty's charm, that gives the finished touch to the drawing room or dining room, is the mellow glow of WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors and shades to harmonize with any interior hanging! or decorations. tMum M it itn fiietn red liV STANDARD OIL CO. 4! For Bait' everywhere. Rulbfl and l'lnnts hove DDetOtbOVMDdfOf atlsflrHi COS toturn, for half a century, ru1 t- ci'lt'l'rntp Hip Mill yi ar 111 uumIIm'SS 1 liUVL istiut'ti ;i :i w ;ini; t'tuiiun ui Vick's Cardon Guide and Floral whlrh in a work of art. 24 papffj Hthoftraphoil In colors, 4 psui touvnir, narlr lUu afrpH till1) with haiMlnoiue tmlf (inn' lllustratlooR'of Flowrn, VeRi-tablet, I'lantA, Fruits, ftc.elfffantly Ixiund in white and sold. A mar vfI In ratilofUf makiiig : an authortty on nil luhjerta prrtainfng to the garden, with care for the name, and a descriptive catalogue of all that in deMraMe. It li too eipenalve to give away I odlSCti mlnately , hut n want everyone Intrrenteil in n good uanlrn Id have a copy, therefore we will vnd ilie au(ile nnil n - fur DUE MM for '4.1c. worth of sred 1 15 Ct8. It tciu how crtdlt li glvta for Full Amount of psrchaio to bay other goods. Vick's Little Qem Catalogue ... ' - - A perfect little gem of a price list. It U nlniply the Jul tie condensed, tlnely UluRtrated, and in handy shape, making U coureiiicnt for rt-fereuce, Fit KR Vlcks Illustrated Monthly Magazine F.nlarged, linprovi! nnd iitoiiateon allRubJects relating to (iardeninir Horticulture, etc. 60 cents a year. Sperlnl IHfffl olTtfr-t!ie Mnaazloe oiio year, and thr l-uidt- for cent a. Our bow plan of tellliig Tt?tisble Stodi glvot yos mors for your monoy than soy iced hcait Is America. James Vicks Sons, Rochester, N. Y. e V:-.- s': MEDICAL WORK FOR MEN. FREE SEND NO MONCY. Mr nsw rssissd aciontifij work neat ins oa VsVf weaknsva sod (liasuaS p cuiiartomsn It just from thsprssa. lrr man, no matter what hit ot-rupnticn or potidon in life, will riti'l thit work unliksaDrtbinffSTarpnollshsd. It la of vital intsrsst to the married or on married: 10 tha lisalthr and at rone or to the weak sod hrnkon-dows. While the etlitton lasta I will send ttewrtiy Mtitt in a r'tln wrapper, p-- llahlni Oeaertsvent D. IT) iloaioe, Ohiceo. li lisoia. ft edTsssflssnn X -assafsssssssfl GJ kRAkinilFT -m LM I M M MM I M M vieKs pram sSisSSwH Scene in the Valley de Mendlz, Portugal. roup ef sjlrla Carrying;. Wats; lass SSaakaSs VsUl of Urapea to tsW Wlssarv to Crnahed SUM &ada ins If lne. The Spccr Wine Company, Passaic N. J., have their vineyards stocked of the same )jrape, the only vineyard of the kind in this country, the vines were imported and planted here over forty years ago. The Specr Port wine and Burgundy are now regarded the finest in the world, their rich, full body and high character is unexcelled. In valid, weakly persons, especially females, and the aged are made strong and vigorous by its use, as a medicinal wine it has no equal; as a family wine it has no super-s ior. First class physicians all over the country, here and in Europe, ; who have tried ihem recommend them as the best. A close study by physicians on the effect of different brands of winefl on the system convinces them of the superiority of the Spcer , Passaic wines for their patients. Sold by Druggists and Grocers SPECIAL NOTICES Hnuttt artvcrilaanietits ol arsry ii'; iVuiit, bale or Itxai, Losi ui fnoud. ia Tint idii, ln'r DO- Icen liiHi-rterl iltidfr ills Imn I Mr r.ti.'.luMi ci-tit i wonl ior ..ii" tin irOun h'iiI ona-lo'iriu oral :i v. -i-i rM.-! Kub'Qitcnt Iiim'i 1 1. ,n. Notblog lll-it'ri'-i to K'.- I hau tan caiita. w r.XNTPt)- SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY p"r4 ns in tin- Mtali' tn iiiiui v ''Hi' t.ii i no s Ii thetrowti td nearby ciutitlcs It is mainly office work Oonduo'CVl lit boma. Siilnry dralurhl SflOn h ymr and aspensa rtsfinttsi rmiiiit'it- . no more, no leas salaty Mr.ntlily ?'i". Kofrrencea Knlose h If-addraaaod itampcl envelope, Uerlierl R. Ri-sa, I'resl . Dept. M.Cblcaxo. S-IS-loi. I'lin- for MsrvcHia HasMlMkM, PUI i' Ik. II i (v ' B I IHUri" I 1 1 .141, i,, 1 1 , ,,i ,iii,j . ere bnadauhe, ilie Imidaolie u-tnuiiy laatlnm . hree days at u timt1. Head iche powders n -l t. - j ii nn temporarily, bnl ii-fi 'on bad aa efff-ot. I illiicc I Lwinn tnkinijCHtcrv Klnx I bavn utchiiv , improved in rjeal'n !i.toin ur auvor inv DPOd irlin. I'tivu Kaliit-d In Heli, and ro.'l decMtly well -Mks. v. b. i i at' 'ii. Tt-rdpij, N, II. oelerj Kmtt tor tiin Nwrvwi l.lrer una Kidney i- sum In sw, and Sic, parkniiva hi w. II. Herman, I trosevlllp; Nlddteswnrtb .v Ulsb, Mct'luroi B.I A.HIirlKl't. Atlne. j Oilir ulra. inllei:lii.ii. l ismrt irofn it ui '84, slid iras i I), iniu. in Ilia BsltM' "t rllei Wi. i il Mliv ess. I ! lllll , niiiii itltH in havs toy soipranci i-u rv Kins hna rlnn' tor we In '"i my iiiii ompistnt, ehriinic rttarrsiioHti, i If i I . '!. Til ! oulorn oooid not s'op li, i in relcri Ktug lifts iire(lint,aii'i isainuoe ninre i yns lira Pkaxk Hum: sb 0voo, Mich. (C'. F. 4BthN Y. V I.) C lit Klngforilm Nrves, I.iv. ruiui nit di "' Is WiM tn . :i: (l iV.M.rl'ii'rK t.v W II, ii''i iiimjii. TroKeiellle; Mlddleswartli A i. -ti. MeClurU a. A. Bbrtbi, Atlne, ...ANTED HRVEBAL THI persuns i" tUls ita'e In in un tt ess In their ow 1 nnl nearby t mnfnly nftlfcv work ponducted at srw ORTHY :;v our bllsl" Htntiesi It is iumie Hfslssry Cra'ffhl 0t'0 n yo' and exponnea detetiltei li tiainli'. tin more, no Mtiitry 'oniiii.. ? n. Referenoet I 'nelono aelf-addrcasecl ssmpod envelope, ilrriu-u E, Hesa, Prost., I vpt tf, fhicaao MiVIM DMINISTKATOR'H NOTICE Let- -alii f ArooaOlfl, lnteo! Pranklln township. Bnjrdar eoiinty, ra., dec il, liaving been irrnnteil In tha undersigned, all pernoiiM knowing tliem- n'lven null' ii'ii to sain i hiiiii' lire n-iiit-i.icii 141 make Immediate payment, while those bavrinx o'almawlll present thsm duly suthsnflostss lo he undersigned. Dee. IS, ISM, DAVID II. GIFT. Jacob Otlbert, Att'y, Adm'r. DMINISTBATOR'B NOTICE; Let A ter of Administration In tiipen.. tSi-of Win. Holleiibuch. lule of Perry lowh 41ii. snvder Co.. I'a.. iti'L-'d.. Iin'inif been trrant- i tn t lie anderstirned, n parsons knowing lUpmwrres Indebted to said estate are reqa rated Xrniake Immediate payment, while too jiiim will present tliem duly uiltlientlculed tn t-feymriorHlg'iod. SAMUEL IIOM.ENHACII, Admr. PATENTS " i m 1 1 -1 1 ! t or t'nmmtinlt OBTAINED- TERMS EASY. consult or oommunlcale with tho Editor Of this paper, Who will glvo all needed Infor- mettoa. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance. SNYDEK'S OLD. AND RELIABLE Gen'l Insurance Agency, SELINSGROVE. SNYDER COUNTY, PA JEClnaor SA7. Snyder, Agent, Snccessor to the late Williaio H. Snvder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable rifj list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. fl Better the World over. . .- FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreifin asseth) $Vy-Z Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) MjfrmS Phoenix, Hartford, Continental. New German American, New LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New 4 l'rni'MT PmnlAvava' T.iaVti lit V IV, V I 171... A U4I4J4UJIUR MMWH Aukk diiI im I n .NnMnormnn I nnitMl Ol T.i:- t : ,1 A.,n;innf iaia nn,antaH of tha inwnat. niunh a rare. tined by a strict regard to mutual satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes 01 iTi .. j.l J UT11TO mr aOTTYPD 1 auce nruuiuti) lurumum Telephone No. 182. Office on Uorner Look! Look!! T orib al i mttti If ii 1 .... . .... . -I-4L . - Wl "i weir, l l ,( , , ,.ou ill kttt.M! tin hi .-! ui., i a. line (ii ihii- Mini k t is fJliUin. Furuietrinfi Gnod. PuiWu-u.. " V.H I h. tllll in SCI- IU Si OCR, UI Ii .MWni I linnifMitlrai,. w.u.j iji&ri o BiiUicLnnuuilJTuH BCKBCKY, - - J'Knna A BIO CLUB. (MttBlsoQC arid retnrn tn ns a'lihni.ssai we'll send tin- loiiotvlntf, pottage ivpix VERMONT FARM JOURNAL I VEAB NEW VHK WBMCMf TltlDUNK I VP4S AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL I yilS TIIKHKN'I l.F.WOMAN ) HR MARION II A H I. A Nit's COOK BOOK TEN MOIIT8 IN A IIAK liHOM, All For $l.0fl. Rimiar ucst Jim 'I'lils 1 1 . t l tills ii iMinlTv u. : i Ull JM'rri lur Uftft) DMrTIM "UrfUIOVOtDJD ' ii en hi i'-r ir t1 in .-s i ft' i . 'i .ii.. MM tll6 books Tt'n Nlgbtn In M o n mr-- rr; . n W LTi'IlII''l 1 HIIIIIfl'Mr CI' II. VI' III Till' ii". i 1 ri'lit St.'llllll ill', v H:ilntllus nf Ii. ii.i- ...i prear c ij.ih nar. Vermont FarniJoiiraI,wPuLBs;VB"0 mi ttaioNt.. Wtlmlnaii m, Vi. A iff 1 in burg Garble Wot ks H. H- LANCE, ".'..I MARLE AND SCOTCH m iiieitu, MPm .KM IN .HIT 1 I I s 'ernetery Lo E ii closures. Old Stones Cleaned and Repairei Prices as Low as the Lowest SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. A. JENKINS. Ag'L I ir 1) I 11 r ik r. r. i .1 - i . . . LI I II prostration; JJr. Miles JNcrvine cures tinm. w$ Z, til )Z . ii i5) MS : u:rz '?, '.,"' If ) i;:!- , I it ! I j 'I "if . - ..' m i mm i 1 jW'fJ f lb m or .f . v l I j j liT.'.,ffi' FOR SALE BY ALL 1 FIRST CLASS CfGAR OtALERS i IN "JlMiTFlO STATES 1 lie UKSaltit. vt 'ft x 1 ' TL ...AasA 1 nl.rmiw Ml I'S Af Insurance in represented in the foljow- Conn. York, ri,704.wrj" York, York. 4 sswu.aawaw jtfiunrailw ( "1.4rnni-flt i I .n WMgvwwww saiety. ah jubi cmimn prom n.j iiuiuuu . u iitin, " ti. Water A fine ats, Seurisarove. - '$z z-z-m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers