PP I Ml 5 55H535 55SMHSSSSB SB B 3S 5 mvmm n a mn Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Ottifpr eftcn results from Ml im piiriiy in the blood, inherited from generations back. Few peopJ are en tirely free from some taint in the blood, and it i. impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of drended Can rer. What has appeared to lie a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. "t had n severe Cancer which was t f Ml only a few Mutches, that I tlioutflit would -v; goon pass away. I was 'isTfijV tr :!. .! t.y t:.! U phvsiclans. li.t in suit y w of utetr efforts the Gsa- ,??1N e.-rspn-ad until iiiycui- j'-C" via.' y .11 i lin!iini 0 S Aftei many months of I '" J7 H".im:viit uml growing 5 f. M? nen.Uy worse. I do ' elded to try S. 1. 8. iv. ' - V- ,v whlrlt wan () Ktrrmely , ' rectinmiended. ThcSrst i J itfc hotlle produosd an Im f I 1'a! provm. ft. 1 cniirimu ! s XtflvF medicine, and 111 ' ' ;7? V ,oar rnontht the last lit- '. , u"j lis seas dropped off, ' (''-' ' Vn years have elnpsud, lad boiu sign of t!ie disease has returned, H. K. WILLIAMS, Qiilsbarg, .Mi.-;s. Ti is dangerous to experiment with C sr. The disease is beyond the skill of lijsieiuns, 8. s. S. is the only cure, because it is the cr.ly r rvdy which goes 1-t ; enough :j roa:h oanoeT. 55! mi f .tie iLi tSwift's Specific) is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash uml mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. Honks on Cancer and blood diseases mailed free by riwift Sneciiie Company, Atlanta, Georgia. PENNSYLVANIA HULR )0 Son bury 8c Lewistowii Division. In effect Nov. 20, 18U8. auT&ao i Dia, -tatmin. i kastwabb Kail A All p hi j A. 1. a in r m l.jl I .'i LswIitowaJ. T . i sir- 4 s i rt Main Sireat 3 im 4.1 - Lewlitows I Bl 3. in 4 in i i a Mltlaril : 41 3.'-'n 4.01 ii. 4t Patntet 7.w a.n 3W li.ii) 11 Muimile ;&i s it t,SB ,3S 12 Wan nor 7.5' J .1", 17 Mciilure 10!) MS "t in tii Rsab'l Mill! 18 3.SI aim n is n Adsnsbprg l.m 8.M hja ii Bssrsrtows 1.01 Slit j :ii) Ben tor N i 1 44 :t a ,i i u M -,i : k" ii j I i.i i 4 2 .t.nn i 3i 'r - in a.n! J.t 1 9 XI Kruamer SI9 in , 3i pawllsa B M 111 i I 13 selmsur ivo 4 42 2:i7 id sllnror I .W 4 l MI . . -i vi Su trr B.U 0 Pnii Ifitv's S.inbury 6 25 n in, nt- ivei if S ;.,! i ve 6 1" p fi-i leave Lwir,own Jitiiof iou : IV.1 in ' t i m. 1 ion m,t3Ttm.T07 11 Mpai lor Ah" m, I'lit-iiijr. mi.i HieWtwt. I'orKil imnreand VFaAhlnjitos sssatn I 'S im i:ii i Ultra 't 'hllailelihl4 i"i N Vot k f s i S3 a in. l Oil : Ml i Bland ill I !" Pa ilur. i ur . ii BS h in ah i R04 r ui Philadelphia S Er-i !5 11 Division A Ml) no ;Tii "ii N i n.vruAi ka i.v.' ,y Trsliis i" i ! inii :t i i ieai i Huiutiy i i si i in i r Brie and i ' nanilalsuii 6 In ,.!: 'llolmitM l ii'il i!anndnli -ti 4 -t t.i ur , i. iv.'" . :' roneati'i l H' Wi 1 in i 1 1 ii ii, in ii. K v ivi ir.dai in. 5i i '" nrrnonvoand Klinlrn .... s i i : . ' tlamaN r tj 10 i m, "i i -a J ' 1 id S t I ;i 'il lof h.ii 1 II i telton I ro s in. lo ui a hi, - at i. 543iinlr 'lln oil 'In I'l 1 !fim Uni .i tyo " .i n lor Hk "at . rralot leave Scl n rreve Junction 0i ii. lay rro Li- nt ! lelplil o i' i'W Vork S3J iu BdltlmofeS 11 1 in w.i .1 uilon 4 lo i ui : ii t Hi irrivlnit r l -in letuhlit ,090 u ut New York S.,3 1 a. Bel Imors SiSpw uanQl t in 1 1 .-. i in. x 4.' .mi " . il.iy arriving at PhllAilelpltlH t sua in "ik ; l" .i in, I'm n-i l -le i. Simbnry i I n i "i illy irrlvluii it Plills Ii Idhls s 5S i " Haim 8i in Valil nton74atn flsn oi i in Weekdayo.10 sauitlttnlay, IM ., in v tinyg arriving nt Phllsdelphia 114 i i Stw YurK .' ... p m, lliltlm to 115' s in, Wa-. ItiBWin 1 11 i m. v. - pin, week days arriving At PhlUdslphlft a 23 t '. i ni w Y uk 11 :l p in, llaltunor i p in Wn hlngton 7 IS p n Tralnaal n lare Sunliurj al 910 tin and SSI Miitsm .. tur UsrrlsbatK, Philadelphia an i Bali imors i t; vr i hi, Qea'l i n Agent I. H lIL'TCIIISdON ilas'lMsnagsr CI LE BVGRTWHBRB. Vi -i . tii :t ' . a H . 3 HISBS I-" X ,. . m f ' -, r,Hs TmtOMff Irritations pnr r 1 ACK4GCS. .. . IC38.C1, H:w York City. luhis mm iii list tuts. Hwt 4ngta 8;rup. TiMo Uuod. Use intline. Snld itrdruirslHn. IHsIIlI ,hU - is HP H .. KJX . . & E V,;,.. '. ,4.' . cClAaSSSBSSBl An Inaenlou ICzuusei. The Cleveland Plain Dealer relates it that not long ago some young people cut in tlie country who were to give a ball thought they would be badly dis appointed because the old man who had fiddled for all their balls as far back as they could remember suddenly lost -his wife. She died the very day lieforc tlir dnnee was to come off. nnd the funeral was to take place the day after, so, of course, they gave him up ; ami tried to make the best of things without him. Ixnugine. then, their amazement when the time for the bull camt- to see him cotaie marching in just as u.MK.l. fiddle and all, and take his seut in the old uncustomed place. They w ere delighted, and yet a little shocked, too, nuA one of the young men went up to ask him the explanation. "Wall, ye see," drawled the old man, as he twanged his liddle into tune, "ye see I didu"t like t' miss th' dance, an' then it ain't so much, 'cause nrtrrull the oi' Indy warn't no blood relation, ye know." Secreta of Authorship. If you will take out the magazii.es that eanic last month, or perhaps the month before it wouldn't do for me to specify too closely you will find in one of thoin. says u Washington Pott item, an article signed by u certain great statesman whom everybody in Washington knows. The editor of t bat magazine wrote to the gnat nan, ask ing liim to contribute. The great man knew nuthiii' whatever about the sub ject suggested, lie isn't nearly so wise us he is famous, anyway, and he Baked a newspaper man he knew to write it for him. The ni wapaper man w as busy, ijut he spoke to a member of hia family, a female member, and she well, she just exactly sat down and wrote an article that has already been ipioieil lar and wide. The great man received the credit, but 1 fancy the woman received something mure substantial. Anyway, she is wearing a new fur collarette that fairly makes one's mouth water. The propriety of using the expression, "more preferable" was recently submit ted by the Hartford Couronl to the judgment of several college professors, As sometimes happens with experts, the opinions rendered represent both Miles with equal learning. One ia' "more preferable" is illogical and should not be used instead of "mora I desirable." Another decides thai a careful person would not employ r. others pronounce it pardonable, hut Hi sounding, and applicable only t i i comparison of degrees of preference. A Yale professor denounces the ques tion aa a peace disturber and an assault upon the judgment of the best writer from times immemorial, who ha..' ' taken full latitude in their comparison of adjectives. After struggling through a column of erudite letters t hi Courant concludes tlutt "'more prefer nble' i lis preferable" aud that pre fe ruble alone i- preferable. lot .iir baa recently been employed with Bouie .-in cess In the treatment of joints tvl ich have been stiffened or dt3- i rted by chronic rheumatism or gotu The llniii is encased in a large cyliudei ii :u which very hot dry air is Intro dticed. The temperature f the air within t be npparatuats often above thai of boiling water, yet patients are said to be aide to bear it for several bouti without discomfort, and indeed it. ii. any case:; with positive relief of tlic pain and uneasy sensation In the alTi ci ed joints. The treatment must be re peated al moderately frequent Inter vals, although benefit often fellows even one baking. "Now. children," said a New York kindergarten teacher, calmly when she scented the tell-tale smoke and heard the "machines" rattling below, "the 1 lire engines are in the street and you i may all go down and see them if you do so quietly and return soon." Then sh bad the tots march out In perfect or der, singing "Hail, Columbia." The Are, as it happened didn't amount to much but presence of mind of the level-headed teacher saved a stampede of TOO youngsters. And then, womanlike, the brave girl broke down and bail a go -d 1 cry. An inventor lins hit upon a method of put tine; stone solcti on hoots nnd shoes. He mixes n waterproof pine with n suitable quanUty of clean quarts sand and spreads it over the leather sole used as a foundation. These qtiurtz miles are said to be very flexible and practicably indestructible, nnd to give the foot a firm hold even on the most slippery stirfnee. A current report says the Presby terian synod of Missouri lias found out that TOUng men supported at college by a church allowance are spending their money for cigarettes and otherwise In riotous living. The miscreants nre to to be called strictly to account. Here it an example of bnse Ingratitude. Airion the nmusing incidents of the elrctioit was the nomenclature of some of the eandldutes nominated by the prohibitionists. They ran for office a Glass in New York, a Lager in Minnc , sota, and a Swnllow in Pennsylvania. All names suggeafcive of drinking. i Admiral Schley will have all the , swords he can use for the rest of his days. The state ofIaryland, the cities j of Boston nnd Philadelphia and the members of the Royal Arcanum are THE CUP CflALLEftani Mr Thnrann l.tpton Sn.v the ahanrvek Will lie Launched In April. London. Jan. 24. Sir Thomas Llpten said In an Interview: "In view of cor recting misleading B'.atementA publish ed regardlnr the Shamrock. It may be said that whlie a few of the number less new Ideas ruprested will be oni- Silt Til' i MAS J. LIPTON. bodied In th shamrock, the tK.ue at stale la loo great to Indues the de slgners to experiment over much. A comparatively :-r.iail proportion of motsl win be used in her construction. The yacht Is expected to be b.uncin"! early In April." The owner of the Shamrock Is negotiating fr a larpo steam yacht ii convey a numerous party nf friends to New Youk to wit ness the races for the America's cup. t:: paul jones wrecked. Aii Explosion Caused the Death ol tin Slant PornonH on Board Mobile, Ala., Jan. 21. The govern raenl steamer Pansy touched al nib Miss., yeaterday afternoon e.ud report ed finding on Breton Island a part the stern of the naptha launch Paul June--, also a yr.wl boat with DOW smashed and other small articles from the launch. The condition of the wreckage tends to show that the yacht blew up, The Pansy met the tu-; Maud, with Messrs. Jones and Tcggart The latter vlsll d the wreckage and Identi fied it as iiart of the Paul Jones. No bodies were found. Th- Inun h .1 t!ir boa ri1 l.v following pleas Jocoph Brink M n Plorem e ure s e man i Tap? In.'. , d..i i i f J! .'in- Taggart, MiCj.iile Woodland. VVo'-dltnd, vice liii vt.ite hank, Chi i! i v C Yoi um, St. l-'iun nee locum, his rew consisted "f three am s are unknown. l,i da mi II". irthter. ; '.v bom News confirming h--r hiss has been br-ni' l:t bv iysi r llshcrrr-en, who hnv." known of H for more than a week. The launch exploded, tbey say, on or about Jan. 6. n Bird Island, and every- thlng goes t-. show liiat all on boanl wi re killed at ones or drowned soon I after. THE GERMANS FRIENDLY. riK.v Will . '.-'. i- N" Extrnvacant Oe mnndx la Ramoa. I.i ndon, .i - 23. The lierlln CO ITS- ipondenl nf TI Times says: "Thi ie are oil reasons for believing j that ill-- German government rsgarda th malm nance of cordial relatione with Oreat Britain and the United I States as far mi re Important than even i ierman i omnn i lal interests In Bamoa, Th t. ne ' ! thi leading Journals, there- j fore, ii. on the whole, free from hit term as or xagg ntlun. "In a word, there i:re many Indlca tlons thai Germany will not frustrate a ri vision of the treaty "f lierlln by extravagant demands, such as for the cession of the islands to Germany. The Kolnlsche i'llluiiK ridicules the report th:" Dr, Von Holleben (Qerman ambaa -rndor nt Wn.- h::i -.tmi) has complained , of Mr, Berry's remarks in the house of representatives and says that the tTnI-t":- mates ambassador In Berlin (Mr. White) might as well have complained of Hi i r Ahlwardt'a anti-American rav ings in the relchstag." The Americans al Munich have de cided to send to the Washington gov ernment a protest nsalnst the antl German expressions used in the hones of representatives and a declaration that no animosity agalnat America ex ists in Germany, where Americans al waya meet with the most friendly rc ceptlon. THAT "EMBALMED BEEF." Captain Warbnrton, Under Oath, l)e olarea it Had to Be Hurled. Washington, Jan. 21. The board ot survey appointed by sv-cretary AlKer to pass upon the question of the propel condemnation of a large quantity of beef destined for the trmips In l'orto RiCO has received from Captain Bar- day H. Warburton, of the Pennsylva nia volunteer battalion Of artillery, a sworn statement of the condition of re frigerated beef nn board the tranport Manitoba. In the course of this state ment Captain Warburton says: "The incut was so bad that It was Impos sible to swallow it. In my opinion the meat was not good, nor was It fit for Issue. I had no Idea that this meat had been subjected to any ihcmlca! process, but believed the beef to have decom posed on account of the lack of proper refrigerating facilities. All beef Issued to my battalion was bad, and had to be burled immediately upon delivery at cur camp, which was about two miles beyond Ponce." Captain Warburton gives the names of some witnesses whose testimony may he of value. Retaliation In West Virginia. Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 21. Yester day was the most exciting day politi cally since th? legislature assembled. The Democratic majority In the house unseated two Republicans last week. Yesterday, by a party vote, the senate unseated Kldd, Democrat, from the Fourth district nnd seated Morris, Re publican, without waiting for a report from the elections committee. This change makes the legislature stand, on Joint ballot. 50 Republicans and 47 Dem ocrats. The Democrats In the house have Introduced resolutions looking to the unseating of three more Republi cans, and It is expected that the senate will unseat two'more Democrats. h titawasi of Beaatltal raJaftetgW mt Alssost lav 4MrfSUabU Valoe. Spain haa out been stripped of all her waatRh. St i ia psjakeeaiOB of riches that a rafaatoiss ounqueror like the great .Napoleoa weuld have taken with out eeremoay. Sbe hua treasures iu books, nunuaoripta and paintings which would eminently gruce the li braries and galleries of the L'n-ited Scuta For example, la the Royal picture gallery in Msdrid there are a.000 cau voaea. among wbicb are some of the moat beautiful picture iu the world There are t painting by l.'apbael. 4G by .Murillo, 04 by Velaaqucz, 22 by Vur. Dyck. C2 by Rubens, 43 by Titian. 25 by Paul Verouese. uud ten by Claude Lor raine. No one could hope to get to gether to-day Kuch a collection, in which there Is scarcely o picture that la not artistic work of the first eloss; nnd the writer who estimated that the 2.000 paintings are easily worth $20u. 000.000 spoke wisely unci eeell within reason. The duke of Veragua. vi ho came over here in 1803 nt the country's expense, who was entertained In a royal man ner, and left with anything but friendlv feeling for the L'nited States because a popular subscription to pay his debts was not raised, is the owner of book nnd manuscripts relating to has great ancestor. Columbus, which urv almost priceless. Among limit are books that were owned by Columbus himself. A writer in the New York Times, in re viewing this subject, says with fine Irony, considering Vern'rua's character, that "possibly the duke might, be pa triotic enough to help bis country by disposing of the correspond ence of Co lumbus, which he prizes so highly." These crtistic nnd literary tnnsiirei rcprefient tin Immense sum of money, nnd at one time during the war a Span ish paper lUggested that while the treasury was practically empty it might be supplied with money by dis posing of these works. lint the raggestion was not adopted, and Spain may congratulate herself on the fact that she w.is not opposed by a grasping enemy. If she engages in nnotlirr war. and al its close finds her self nain in her present predicament, she may expect to lose her pictures and literary possessions. Philadelphia In quirer. SMART SKATING COSTUTIES. a Plata Biclrt with Vlvtd Bodies, u the Braeefnl uml Deeosa Ina Th lux. I All these gay colors of cloth make a florid and not Ineffective show on the ponds and In tlierinks, win re the whirr of steel oa the Ice rises on the frosty nlr. A plain skirt, ankle long, with b vivid tlaiinel or velveteen bodice, i. just about the most graceful and becoming thing n skaier can assume. Camel's balr serge is what the skin Is made of, and the mod startling com binations In color prevail until the rinks resemble carnival gatherings), The biggest and brightest buttons flash on upper as well as nether gjarmeuts, and some of these ;.re huge polished pewter buttons, such as nre made and worn by Dutch men and women on the froen cnnnls ol Holland, Pretty stating costumes from Paris nre resplrndenl with fur or fancy braid and guy with silver buttons that are in reality tiny bell-, tingling out f.'iry mu sic at every movement of the wearer. The sldtls of such suits are cut close at the hip ami somewhat full below the knees, enabling the wearer to movi. with freedom, and adding greatly tn the sum of grace, Turbans of astrakhan, broad tail nnd Persian lamb are what the smnrt skaters wear. These arc round cap-ehaped things, with n tuft of bright feathers like a shav ing brush Sticking up in front and held by a pin of Ibissian silver. very other woman, whether her frock is silk cr serpe. has depending from the rear of her basque a species of tail which is bound to excite interest, if not applause. It was fully ten years apo that basques resigned1 their rear ap pendages, lint, like Mary's little lambs, they are back in fashion, every one with its tail behind it. Sometimes the tail is a mere hunch of ribbon ends, scarcely larger than the tort of thing n rabbit wears, again they nre beetle-wing-shaped nnd full nearly to the knee. Coatee, habit, postillion and swallow t:uls are the species most fre quently seen at present, and whether they are pretty or not is another mut ter; the tailors say they have corn to stay. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Winter Solnee. With the dreariness nnd desolation ol cold und rainy niphts in November conies the comfortable thought of brightly lighted sitting-rooms, with hearth fires and good books. There is nothing more certain to make the heort swell with cheerfulness than this same combination. After a long day at work, when the wind is howling outside and the rain is splashing agaigst the win dows, the flicker of the grnte fire is magnetic. One can scarcely force him self to get up and away from it, and a book ncids to the attraction. It is the time when the stay-at-home enjoys himself to the fullest. Detroit Free Press. filta of Droldrry. The turned-down points of tine hem stitched or hand-embroidered linen lawn thatcomprise the fashionable col lars to wear with the silk waists are made by hand, nnd it is fashionable tor women to meke them for fancy work. It Is the revival of an old fashien and many a grandmother's treasure chest has been ransacked In search of the old tambour work and the embroideries that hare so long lain away. This line of white about the neck Is almost al ways more becoming than tbe plain ribbon. Albany Argus. Scene in the Valley tie Mcndiz, Portugal. flroap oi Slrls Carrying Weighty Diimn ran oi urapti 10 iu vtlsisry to as Cruxhat rr to bs CraMhaa Hade lata Win. The Spcer Wine Company, Passaic N. J., have their vineyards stocked of the same grape, the only vineyard of the kind in this country, the vines were imported and planted here over fortv rears neo. The Sneer j Port vine and Burgundy arc new regarded the finest in the world, ' their rich, full body and high ! character is unexcelled. In I valid, weakly persons, especially I females, and the aged are made I strong and vigorous by its use, as j a medicinal wine it has no equal; i as a family wine it has no super I ior. First class physicians all over ! the country, here and in Europe, ! who have tried them recommend ; them as the best. A close study by physicians on 1 the effect of different brands of i wines on the system convinces i them of the superiority of theSpecr : Passaic wines for their patients, i Sold by Druggists and Grocers SPECIAL NOTICES sin. ill ii'lvci-i 1 .'-inc..' i ii .-vr3 rlo$0'IPCIOil, tVs'it, tole or Ken1, Lost or Found or iBer i.u. ne.-f. iiis -ru-ii under this hmi 1 1 r omvhntj i I h wfird laroas tus irtion intl oai foiirt-ii ceni n w r i i -.n il mibxiiliienl lnoillon. Notiiliiu lie I serf eel roi less tnsu ten esuta, M7ANTFD KBVEHA1. TI U8TWOKTHY v v iie-mi ns in tlii-. ..laic in nisn' u' i ur busl ne-s Mi their own s ' n- stby cnsntlcs li in inslnly oiTw-i- ivurk couilus ad st home. Salary -Iriiiirlit ttmii ii yi ur null expense.- definite honaflde, no more, no lew FSlary Monthly Ilefrr- tii i-s ' u 'omi- a pclf-SddrCNMCtl Htampd envelope. Uerbi rt B, llesn l rvi Pept. M. Cliiesito, 0lA-ISt. A 'iire lor Nervous Uendaeliea. Kur ptsIM years I nulTWI fwm e '."iii.ut-ni-.nii si-veri-iiiMilii'-li-', I in-ii i'l ii-'e- UillaPy last IDS i Ihiee days ni nine. Uainl ioIis powiters n Itev- J ni me remnararU) ''" lrN 'on bad nn effMjt. ' S'liee i began taan u .. Kinsf i nsve imitiy iiiiiirotisl ii besltb, s. i loin ur never haveliesd 111110. nave inilned In ilesli, and leel denlileriiy well Mas. r. rt. H ati ii. Ti uipl . N. !!. Oeler) Kinir for tits Nerves Liver uud nldaeyi1 s snld .-i .im-. aiifi z. ii 'i'm r-. n- i . ii. ii'Ti'i.-ii, Trntevltle; Iddfexwiu-m a Clsli, Siei lurat n.J A. Bbrlgl t. aline, I i 'umrsdea, .Indention, 1 "ii I mm i.v iii sn v i- via in M m. ( in IHM, la tint Willli ul Ui. Wn . . i . -s, if h'umi i nil in liuvi my vmi. !'..'' ' . 'eiiiii iiry King tun iione fur me, in - my nln 1 iiptHliit, climate i' l.. n Hfit. nanre 1 The I i ors coakf mi siopi. '"ir Cler Ki bai red nv''. tin laraoii efjovuis iltii KSAXR llEIKISR O " .i eh IC'l I ;! hN V. V I.) D'lery hltth' I r iiik Net leu, Uver iil-d I ml Kidneys Is i . Me, nod M I, p irktues l ' W II. UermHii. Ti im-b-ii: i Middles' srlli .v J f.-b Me Inn : II. A. K irliht. AIIHI . HMMiji- SRVKRAL TRt'STtt'oRTHY 1 persons In thp ita'e tonmiiaati m.r iini-ni---4 ia tliei own iimiI nearby sxiiitiMes, It is mainly olOee work ciinducteclsl homo Palsry , - ra enl IPrO a year nnd espouses- nVfltilte, h nsnde,no more, no ifwsslary- t,ti,; . ReferenssS' Enelose self-sdtlresiied n'smpsd rnvelnpe. rlerbert R, lbs-. Prest., b.-pi M. I I'hlntan nr.-lilt A' DMIN13TKATOK NOTICE let- ' Tims iif sVtliiiiitiMtration ill tin. -t.ttcof AlHOHOIft, Ifttnof Knmklin tOWnihfp, fiiyder cmtity, I' . deo'd, bwing been fniiilea tlif mule miir nt'il . nil perHnn knowing tln-m-ivIvm intU'i t i ti -aid f-tatt- an- rcquettod tn ii ikfl Imnu'tliate p. iv in nt . While lllOM liavi iu: ssiiniwlll proff6Ilt ' '(-'in duly u ntlicf itiiittil iii ' ii n ndri L-iit-il . f Deo 15, 1898, DAVID U. GIF1 . i cob Gilbert, Att. Admr. DMINI8TRATOR'8 NOTICE. Let trs of A,diuinistratlon In tlie e tjVeof win. Bollenbaob. la's of Perry lown--4iip. Bnydar do., I'n . deo'd., having beea uraat ii in tne nndenifrned, n persons kimwin 'lirinselves Imli'l i"il i s ilil ".stale ure reipii'sicil i uiiike liiimeilliitii p iviin-nt. wlillell o e hnvtiiif i iima win prsseal tiium duly aatbenttcatad is rhtkuadsfstirnefl', BAMUKL HOIXBMBAOB, Admr, PltTFNTS-0BTA'NED fli I Ui I O TEEMS EASY. " consult or cunimunlcnte with the Editor of this paper, wiio win girt an ussded infor- j DCKtlon. FIRE. LIFE AND ACCIDIE T NT Tt? Snyder's old, and reliable oeti'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA Klmer W. Snyder, Agent, Successor to tbe late William H. Snyder. I The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is rpresnnted ic tbe (oUow I ng list of Standard Companies, from wlich to make selectiou. None Better to World over. K4MK, I.IMJATION, m KI11E Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign arrets) 000,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,64o,735.W PLiBiiix, Hartford, Conn. 5'68?'S'i', Continental, New York, 0J54 908 72 German American, New York, 8,340,098.BS LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, if204.688,9b3, ACCIDENT Employers Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly snit satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt,. Telephone No. 182. Office oa Corner Water & Pine Ste, SelmssroTe. Ps ' iff Look! Look!! Look nt jHiupsnlf I n uu ,ux I'lotfaltlrf mi UiV Mi;ir, 1 lii Ntaiitt in attfs tbe Ik t-i ai ii iii i-n lillr 01 HhtM Hinl (ii-lili-- ( iilhliii? Fui iiithiDR Quixls, L'i.iIi i i,i iii,(j Cups Cull to swi m sliteL. w.l aoti!B,nfiO'iBEhn.m .SliSBlKY. fKKKA A BUG C L (rut this nut nl return to i r with ai.oo wc'ti -.Miii the follnivinir, i-n-t.'i -ii ,i VKKMONT FARM .TOP RI At. I YEAR NKW YORK WRKKI.Y THIBUNR I YKAR. AMRRICAN POULTRY JOUHNAL I YEAH rillMiKM LRU OMAN l YKAR. MARIOX lUm.AND'rtrOOK liooK. TEN NIGHTS IN A lAR ROOM, All For $1.00. Rtpiar Cost $4.00, This corabloaUoa Bill a family aced. Two tarn i papers lor the men tik- "QHntlewoman," uu Ideal paper lor tils ladles N, Y. H'eskl) Tribunr I for nil Mm Inn llarlnnil's Cook B'ok with MO j nagesatid I.Odo praetloal recipes ior the wile I ami the l'ol. 1 Ten Nlgbts In n K.ir Room," tin' greatest Temperance novel ol tbe aire, a iwi J osnl stump tilings ssmpiss ol pspi ra and oat I irreut clubbing list. , Vermont Farm Jonrnal, w roc rscMKEARR d AIM ttHloSI.. WllsalMalon, VI. TAiff lirburg Aarble Works. R. H-LANCE. ,::-:!':::.!N WARLE hUU SCOTCH GRANITE ACemetery Lotg) Knclosures. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lowest SATISFAC HON GUARANTEED. J. A. JENKINS, Ag't., Or)8tfgrve, Pa. (Inp brings wenlcness, exhaustion, nervous prubtration; Ur. Milts' Nervine cures tlum. j n.iM-ni 1SS2 i, .j.-.i - 1 0 rt SALE BY ALU j FIRST CLASS CISAR DEALERS IN LVilTED STATES The plsgue of 'go La Grippe. The destroyer of LsUrippe Miles' Nervine. A MP FT . i hl r4 I ' r u i.: i ... . . each to present him with one.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers