OSO. W. WAOBWMJJ.BB, Kditor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., ML. THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1899. VOL. 3t. NO. 3. Interesting Items. News Told in Brief Paragraphs fr Our Readers. z ,.,r...iil Fatatrra In Ul ! ,rl Xrmm 'oerlR rrpl Jlorr r Lw ProMlmal. Musical convention ut Sclinsgrove next week. Adjourment court wi in session on Monday. Mrs. James Aycrs is atiffering from illness. There were no deeds on', red for record since our last issue. MissRowa Schoch haf'rcturned from her visit to Millcrsburg. Keep your eye on our sale re gister. It grows every week. Frederick Lcitzel ;f Jawiteontwp. am! son were in Mii'.dlelt:rrr Tuesday. J. A. Apple ofMt. Plc.-ni Mills was a Middleburg visitor Monday. Cashier Thompson and Attorney W'cistT drove to Sclinsgrove on Sunday. Charles Boyer of Pnxtwule was a Middleburg visitor on Monday morning) 'Squire T. A. Wagner of Mc Cl are was in town on Monday at tending eourt. Tlie j)riniaries of the Republican party for tins borough will tiik place on Siiturday. W. H. Bpaugler and Peter Kliug ler, the drug elerk, spent several days the past week in Fhila. Am.indusSl.ainbaeli ( this place has received Sis services of Uncle Sam. The contract tor the new Bchool building in tins borough was a ward ed to John F. Btetler Cor g6437. V V Dearie of Northumberland was in town last wet s H. C. Guteliua is ou the sink list. tf. T. Ranch and wife of vVili iamsport are visiting James Ayers and wife at this place. Geo. I. Kline of Adams township has purchased a farm in IVnu town Hhip near Kante awl will move there! m tlie spring. For Sale. A Grocerv and Shoe Store uneasy terms, fnulding 20x36. Kent reasonable. Address Box 1 "4, Middleburg, Pa. Tlie musical eonvention at Seliiis grove will eonduet w ith three grand eoneerts fin Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Admission 2ac and .')". Prof. .Idiiu T. Witkius ot Scriin ton, a graduate of the Royal Academy ot Music, London, pgluinl, will conduct the miimrtd ta' vntii'n at Sclinsgrove next WI4. C. W. Fisher, ti ..filler of- 11 1 r .11 -C? . wei , vest nraverwwB-a-ji. wa .-. , .,.,, , , .;. ,,Wer and W. W. MuMicliurgii VHiar n Mondav i .... ti. ,i;,...i, ;.. ea by re electing Hon. G. A. Schoch, President ; VV. W. Wittenmyer, Vice Mrs. A. S. Heaver returned from ' President; J. N Thompson, ( 'ashier; her trio to Gordon. She was ae- J. R. Kreeger, Asst. Cashier. . - si- -l- -L. -i- i- 4. .J. 4. L. . FECI A Li OFFER. "1 what one: dollar will do As a Special Holiday Inducement to secure new sub seriliers we will accept new -mViariptions and upon the pay ment of only ONK DOLLAR, down, we will send the I()ST from that date to January 1, I960, or until April 1, 18!)!) for 25 Cents. Old siibscriljers ma take advantage of this remarkable oiler by paying up urrearages at the regular rate of If 1.50 per annum. This is a most H1mt.i1 otter and it must Ih- accepted at once to be of the most value. Send in vour name and vnnr dollar, to G FORGE WAGENSELLER, Kiddlebargh, IVimu. -f." T1' ' f h r r The stockholders of the First Na-I tional Hank re-elected the following named directors on Tuesday : Az iiriali Kreeger, G. A. Schoch, W. ('. Pomerov, M. Mi liner, J. N. morning. He is a i -."it gentli man and a good bu is man. ooatpauietl by her aunt, Mrs. Julia Deininger of Millheim, who will make an extended visit at this place. Mil him s Marie U) 1 i i r- Thomas R, ItostermRO, whosold his bakery .it Sdinsgrove, moved his household gMls to this place and stored them itiG. A. Sfchoch'fl store room recently oocumed by Dr. h w ig. James Fisher of tllUpWCe bought the bakery at Sclinsgrove from Thomas R. HoatermaU. If" moved Sclinsgrove last r nilav eed began in n!s new i-aimig. ih- v. i. new proprietor abundant miv The Ifeluibliean nomination hiwnsliin officers will be heli r , Franklin township on Saturday, Jan. '28. Perrv township, Spring, umber of other Adams and quite 11 Heaver accompanied home. Oh yes! Oh ve-!! any one mak ing sain can do well by calling on JamesBowersox, auctioneer, Middle burg,Pa. 1-lWt Attorney E. E. Pawling and wife left last week for Chicago, where he will open op an office for the practice of law. , Prof. V. W. Ripka, teacher of the K reamer School, was a visitor at tins townships have date. elected ill in the home of his parent place over Sunday. Mrs. Susan YViney will have pub lic sjdc ui the 28th inst. W. E Winey, one of her sons, has ordered the bills from the Post. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the many f riends who so generously assisted us in our afflic tion. Mii.ton Dkkb and Wife. J. Kohler Pack of McKees J Falls, whose name is prominently mention ed with the Republican nomination, was a Middleburg visitor Monday. George Erhart ot fywistown, formerly the ticket agent at this plaee, is reported seriously ill with typhoid fever. Iiater reports say be is better. M. L. Wagenseller of Selingrove, the traveling salesman, visited Mid dleburg merchants last Friday. While here he mado a pleasant call at this office. The uiinils of Red Hank school cnioved a pleasant evening at the home of their teacher. C. A. Gear- hart, on Tuesday evening. One can see the spirit of such an occasion. John W. Farnsworth, D. D. G &L F. and A. M., ot Danville was in town over Sunday, the guest of the Masons of this place. Mr. tarns- worth is a genial and pleasant tel low and at home enjoys an extensive insurance business. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair out, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Sole-' Burlier Shon, in Wittenmyer's building, opposite Post office. Go to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A. K. SoLEfl, We publish the roll t honor this week of those who have paid during the last tWO weeks. The dates oil the tab of the paper ol subscribers who have during the last month should show credit on this week's paper. If if does not, don't neglect to notify us at once. Our semi-annual special sale of Dn SB Goods and Linings will take place Saturday, Jan. 21. Our terms w ill Ih as usual viz. 'JO per cent of discount on all Dress Goods and Linings purchased on thai day fou cash. O111 line ot Dress Goods is now hvger than ever before, consist ing of cloths, Cas meres. Henriettas, Herges, Poplins, Mohairs, Silks, Satins, Sat. -ens, Fancy Xovelty, Ih- BS Goods, etc., etc. Do not miss : hi p rent opportunity. Arrangements have been perfect ed by the Ladies' Mite Society ol the Lutheran church, for tlie hold ing nf the "Husincss Men's Jubilee." More than eighty nanus have bet a subscribed, making almost a hun dred repn scntatives. This is an en tertainment ol rare enjoyment. Pull of mirth and happy hits, at the sunietitin giving a unique advertise ment to every business represented. The entertaitimenf will be held in the Court House Monday and Tues day evenings, Jan. oOlh and 31st. The nhiect for which the entertain ment is he serves tin public. WALTER. Mrs. Harriet Walter was born Js.11. 'Jo, 1844, and died Sunday, Jan. lf, 180!), at 4:45 o'clock at the home ol her husband, Josephat Walter, in this borough. She was married to Josephat Walter Jan. 26, 1 8(11, with whom she had four daughters: Catherine Ellen, born Feb. 21, LSliT, Married Oct. 4, 18'Jl, to K111 amiel Wetzel, redding in Penn twp. nwir Kantz. They are the parents of five children, Joseph. Harry, a pair ot twins now dead, and George. Margaret May, Imii-ii May 1!, 1 Sti.il, married June 8, lSD.'i, to Jesse polig of Vicksburg, Union County. They have three children, Jennie, George and Marv. Elicbeth Eve, born Dec. 7, 1ST J, tuarritid Doc. 2", 1S!J. to William The Friends of "The Post' Roll of Honor. The following- Gi-o. Wagner, Willis Sbunibreh, John tiearhurt, peraons have paid their subscription I A. H. Staufer, 1 1-O8T ro tue dates opposite II. P. Hoot names. Should any mistakes ' li 1 1 in these credits or on your pu- , Ul ( ,,r,l"n' ease notify us : John Looser. w inner, HGift, .l-oi 1 ttlllll May 10, 99 H,a?heffcr May I 99 OBeph Swarm, Jan.T. i'.KH) w- 4 Mi,rkiy. Jan. I, 1899 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1909 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Feb. I, '09 Feb. 1. 99 Frank Heimbaeh. 1 8. H. Walter, Howard Lcitzel, Howard Sliainbaeli, II. A. 1 lowersox, Win. Seebold, Rob. K. Walter. for in -aim 1 JviHir ol Sli.iniokin Ham. i'V'4'' mJ.: ,. ' Weo. jC.AWi's4l I Sarah Jane, born M.-.y .. i 7' .!,: N , - ' ' married June 20. I897 to Albert lieuninger of Jackson township near New Merlin. They have a UltUgh- ti r named Harriet. M rs. Wain r is the daughter of Harry and Dena (Aig'er) Smith, late of Middleburg. T to the Post to the dates opposite II. P. H,M,t f Iwnr 1 1 1 1 lit. i.i CI. ...11 .1.1 I 3 VliXJil 111 I1H rl. occur per please notify us H. M. Freed, S, F. Hackenburg, P. S. Hurn-ll, A. II. (JkA, J. E. Stcininger, Ira A. Haokenbnrg, L. ( '. Rowenox Kev. J. Bhamhttch, E. E. Mover, A. B. Ma'rkley, Murrav Dreese, J. J.Schnuler. Am. S. Walter, John II. Mover, J. M. Baker, Simon Arliogast, Jacob B. Maurcr, Abner E, Walter, H. I). Sohnure, li. W. Long, Dr. M. Rotlirock, Edward Heaver, N. Eugene Stuck, J. G.Stahl, N. T. Dundore, F. P. Walter, J. K. Hughes, W. D. Jar-elt, J. A A. Moeselilin, Samuel Btllick, Josephat Walter, Amos Muster, J. ( . Smith, A.?. Schoch, .lames ). Suook, P. Reiser, A. H. Bowcrsox, Pereival Aumiller, in. I, 1900 John Banner, Feb. 1 '!in Haekenborg Henry Hunt, C F. HIoneh, W. H. Bower, N.O. Row, I hiniel Mower, Will, Krebs, l. F. Swengel, M. L. Walter. Amoa M. fisher, Henry Kerstetter, P. L. Row, C. E. Hendricks. M. J. ( ourtoey, Daniel Kuhns, S. . Wetzel, J.M. agle. Jolw Walter, Allied IJeiiubuch, Aaron Hummel, Harry Wetzel, L. Miller, Harry V. .Mill,-,-, F- H. Schrader, B, c . 1 iin', A. '. Walter, ( July 1, 98 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Feb. I, 1899 .Ian. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 April I, '99 Feb. I, ".III Jan. I, 1900 Mar. I, '99 April 1, ".iy April I, '99 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Dee. I, '99 Mar. 16, '97 Jan. I, I'M K ) Feb. I, '99 Mar. 1, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Mar. I, '99 r 1 lantei r crurei E. K. Freyman, M. 1 1, I )iiin A t ".. II. J, Swiirtzlunder E. W. Younir, II. O. Podgers, C. S. Steitiinirer. ""'er VV. II. Huekenbur .l ii .t cnuuren 01 .ir. ami nirs, 1 arei j ( 'Mvin j, Robert Smith, died Apr. 1, 1897 at j, rU( the age of 55 years; Mary, married l j )ret!S to .James 1 tare ami tin . I at the ag of 20 years; Emanuel, died young Frederick, born 1851, single, reside h-tel J-.u I ' i pi 1 Mar. Sept. I Jan. I. Jan. I. Mar. Aug. Feb. Jan. I, Mar. Jan. I, Clell Y enrich of Sclinsgrove last? Friday brought Henry Hrugger nf fteeitetion, Meiserville to the county jail. 1 he prisoner is charged with assault and battery by information made by Dr. P. J. Wagenseller. It is said that Hrugger came near biting ott Jacob Buck's finger. Hot air furnaces have been placed in the basement of the Lutheran church at Adamsburg, the walls papered, the woodwork painted, the primary room enlarged and beautifi ed and neatly carpeted during the last month and rededicatory services were held on Sunday, January S. Teachers' Institute The following is the program for Teachers' Institute to be held Fri day and Saturday, Jan. "J7 and 28, in the Court 1 louse. Bchool Museum, Ed. Charles. IiOiiisa W alter. How to Keep the Attention of a Class in a Recitation, y J. C. Rowersox. in this place. After the death ol I is worthv one, and de-lena Smith, Mr. Ninth married liberal patronage of the j Amelia Stahlnecker, with whom he I had four children living: Adda '.married Am. nidus Slianibacb; Mar tha, married to J. F. Peitz; Libbie, married to Wro.Crouse, aud George, married to CoraHartman and re sides in this borough. Tne parents of Harry Smith or the grandparents of the deceased wereHenrv and Mary Swineford Smith. Mrs. Walter had been ailing for four years already, hut the real trouble was not discovered until a short time ago at a Philadelphia hospital. An examination revealed How to Teach Advanced Spiling, L. C Baconian. 1 canoerotli tumors. Recitation, Miss Miller. I Vnneral will be held on Thursday Physical Geography, R. F. Smith. at dl,ven ()vi(K.k. Debased waH Schoo! Discipline, II. M. Aung. almost 5- VHirsoi agt.. Tiiterature in the Public Schools, j Jerome Erdlev. The Primary Teacher in RHation: COURT HOUSE CHIPS to His Piiuils. L. K. Derr. Among our cash callers since our last issue we note: Fred. J. Hack cnburg, Lewis Minium, II. N. Troutman, Lillian Stetler, II. E. Pontius, Irwin H. Walter, J. F. Renninger, Anna Daiiberman, How ard Lcitzel, Aaron Hummel, W. B. Winey, Chas. A. Bolender, Mrs. Lizzie Smith, J. Kohler Peck, James Magee, Abraham Crouse, Aaron Renninger, Reuben Row, Reuben Snook and Robert Spaid. Those who remitted bv mail are : H. F. Row, Levi Jarrett, Tillman Weider, Jere miah App, Elmer Walter and Dr. J. E. Bogar. Mnrrlnr l.lrvimra. MATt iiDAV. j f Win. F. Bilger, Cnntre twp. How to Interest Pupils in the Study j ' Cora V. Engle, Union twp. , of History, J. II. Howeroox. f Albert Bowersox, Franklin twp. Advanced Reading, J. J. Bolender. Mollk J. Wagurr, Paw ling. The Limit of the Study of Physi- t.nu rn urnntMt. ology, L.. C Jiingman. 1 letters ot administnitioii in the Sup. Reading in Advanced Schools, its Kind, A. B. Sheary. How Civil Government Should be Taught in the Public Schools, A. A. tnngman. How to Teach Morals in the PuIk lic Schools, R. G. Bowersox. School Punishment, R. W. Gift. Forestry, W. Zimmerman. Busy Work, Hoyt Graybill. How to Distribute and Take Care of School Supplies, Ed. Harner. estate of William Hollenbach, late of Perry twp., were issued to Samuel Hollenbach of Meiserville. Who Pays the Bill? The chandelier in the vestiblc ot Governor Has tins' new mansion will cost 1 1,700. The other chandeliers through tlie bouse will ninge from $500 to $1,000. CeiUre Democrat Jonathan Sletlen, Mrs. ( 'atherine Howe H. S. Stetler, Isaiah Dressier, saiuh W alter. Euoch Kuhns, Kate Arnold, Jonathan Mnsser, J. A. Walter, P. s. Bingamati, J. ( Maurcr, Daniel Hover, W in. II. Riegel, Pereival Row, ( !. W. Fisher. J. K. Stuck, P. T. Broeius, L J. Riegle, E. R. Heintelman, Fanuie Bowersox, John D. Bogar, J. L. Weiser, A. S. Shelter, Elmer Grciner, Daniel Maneval, J. M. Kreider, M. L. Ilassinger, Philip Hoot C. A. Kerr, David Kerr, Chas. J. Hummel, Robert Rotliermel, Mrs. W. L. Wehr, A. H. Bowersox, J. II. Shatter, Geo. B. M. Arnold, Mrs. H. E. Arnold, Dr. II. S. Branch), (i. W. Boardmati, Nathan Hackenburg, J. F. Good, C. 8. Spriggle, Benncvillc Smith, Wm. Moyer, Daniel Knause, John Lepley, W. A.' Fislur, I John Smith, , '99 5, '99 1900 1900 I M10 l' '99 I. '99 1 899 I, '99 1(100 Mar. I, 1809 1900 I . '00 Jan. I, 19(H Jan. 1, 1900 Mar. 1, 109 Jan. 1, 19(H) Jan. 1, 19(H Mar. 1, '9i May 1, '7 Jan. 1, 1900 Nov. 1, '9J Feb. 1, '9! I Mar. 1, '99 Mar. 1,,,,: Jan. 1,'90 Jan. 1, 1900 Sept I, '9(i Mar. I, 09 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. 10, 1900 May I, '08 June 1, '97 Jan. L09 Jan. 1, 1000 Jan. 1, 1000 April 1,'09 May I, '!7 April I, '0 Jan. I, 1000 Jan. 1, 1000 Mar. I, '09 Jan. I, 1000 Mar. 1, '09 Jan. I, 1000 Mar. I, !'.) Jan. I, I '.100 Dee. I, '00 Aug. I, '07 Nov. i, '0a May I, 1000 Jan. I, 1000 Jan. I, !()) Jan. I Jan. I Jan. I Jan. Feb L0OO 1000 1000 I, '06 L '09 mflmjRr m i, 'on , 1900 I, '07 ,1900 I, '99 I, '99 , 1900 , P.ioo I. '99 I, '99 , 1900 I '.inn Jan. 1 I, Mar. Jan. 1 April Jan. I Feb. Feb. Jan. I Jan. I Nov. Mar. Feb. 1 Jan. 1 Jim. I. 1 '.100 Jan. 1, P.IO'I Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Mar. 1, '99 Jan. I, 1 900 Oct I, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 Feb. 15, '99 April 1, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 July 1, '99 Dec. 1, '07 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Apr. 1, '99 Apr. 1, '9!) July 1, '99 Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 April 1, 1900 Mar. 1. "J9 Jan. 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Mar. 1,'99 Sept. 1, '95 Mar. 1, '90 Jan. 1, 1000 Jan. 1, '97 Jan. 1 , 1900 Jan. 1, 1900 Feb. 1,'00 Mar. 1, '90 Jan. 15, 1900 Nov. 1, '90 1 1 r rani, iviw, Fred Miller, W ilson ellet, Eli inn lie) Wetzel, Klin- Noll, ( 'lias, Milssl man, Fivd Hackenburg, Lewis Minium, I). F. Mow, t lelirv K. I ''ill! in-, I icvi Jarrett, Tilman Weider, Irwin II. Waller, J. F. Reinninger, Anna I tauhcrmaii, W in. i. Walter, Jerre A pp, II. N. Troutman, Uha. A. Bolender, Lizzie B. Smith, J. Kohler Peck, Jus. Magee, Abr. K rouse, Aaron Renninger, Reuben Row, Reuben Snook, Robert Spaide, M. Millner, Simon Decker, Samuel Warner, James Bowersox, Jan. 1. 1000 June 1"), '90 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 11IOO April J , '0G Mar. 1,'0.) May I, '99 Jan. 'i, 1900 pril I , '99 Julv I, '95 April I, '09 April 15, 'i'-1 Feb. 15, 'Oil Mar. I, '09 Jan. 1, 1909 Jan. -J::, '9U Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 190 I Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1000 Jan. 1 , 190 l Mar. I, 190 1 Jan. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1000 Jan. 1, 1000 Sept. I, Apr. 1, '99 July 10, '95 Jan. 1, 1900 Mar. 1, '9! 1 Birthday Party. Last Friday evening the friends and relatives made up a pleasant and delightful birthday party for Mrs. Morris Lrdley, at her lionn near town. They presented her with beaUnftt rooking chair and main other pretty and useful presents. A Dice and palatable repsst was served. Those (.resent were : II. A. Ranch, wile and daughter, John W. Walter and wife, Ldward Walter, Misses Louisa W niter, Mina Walter,.. A. Oldt, wile ami sou, John Patton and wife, Reno Walter, wite and son, G. W. Hassingcr and wile, Mrs. J. C. Ilassinger, Mrs. 1. . Lowersox and children, Samuel Boyer and wife, Theodore Erdlev. wite and son. The jmrtieipantsas well as the Post wish her many returns of her natal day. She is 79 years of age. A desirable r -sidei.cc for rout in this borougk Apply at this office.
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