!! M HAVE CAUSED A. SENSATION BY SELLING Olothin l6sJ8BMtallLofPiiC6l8ntBftli8iear. nd offer valucH which we are positive will completely outdo anything at tempted in Sunlmrvthia Fall. This wo can safely say is the best opportunity ever offered to shrewd buyers fur strictly high class clothing. Look at, the prices be low and then make our store your headquarters while visiting our town. Sizes -1 to y fill's, the rcinarkahc riv (t 69 Gents. at 18 A special lot ot Cheviot Overcoats we have marked $1.98. Of nil wool Cheviots or plain blue or block $4.98. 1 JMfl UM1UJ We have rcltcived another lot of tin gray mixed rihliod Underwear that sohl at ")Ua, wo murk it 38 Cents. BROSIOUS BROS, XI !i KY. PA. M rl V) IN ' 1 r-, tj l :J mmm S 9 lift feii! Srfei"' & Jit mm THE GREAT HUSTLE AT OUR PLACE OE BUSINESS WAS CAUSED BY THELAKGE NUM3EE0P HEAT ERS AND RANGES SOLD AND THE PLACING OF KSSB'SX&fM'O SELINSGROYR GLOBE MILLS. Tli natives of !.ti( Imiiilrv have forenoon. The children aUmt cleared tlieir corii fields i.t the I I! furnaces. .Jivery btove that is sold carries with it our POSI TIVE GUARANTEE that it must give satisfaction Be fore a Cent is paid. Call and see the be west Stock of hs 3 Ever Seen in Snyder County SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER, Opposite County Jail. Middleburgh. Pa. TVv Parlor Gaiqs 1 Will of the JatelraT. Clement ft INTERESTING and amusing. Tin uiauie Archnrcna is Far Superior to all other Parlor (jauies. So simple a child eau play it S; attractive that th older ones never refuse to indulge vi it For information and price ee GEO. W. WAG ENS ELLER, v i i.i a a At Post Printing Office. The will provides that tiie pro perty shall Ijo turned into ii.oney within three veurs time after the U i death of the maker. The money Si 1 shall then lie divided into five por tions jetmn the heirs, each to re wive one share. The heirs are Henry ( 'lenient, Mrs. Moure, I. T. ('. Disingcr, Mrs. Mary Clement and the children of the lute Mrs. James. The Sunhury Trust and Hale Dcjiosit Comtany are made the guardians of the children of Mrs. James. Mrs. Moore U riven the jxtkoiiuI roierty in the house on the corner of Market and Second htreets, winch was deeded to her a numljcr of years duq. The exeeu ton named to carry out the provis ions of the will are Henry Clement, Mrs. Moore and Wilson Haunt. Jt is estimated that the estate is worth two hundred and fifty t!ioui;aud!dol- lars. 'J! I Henry Schoch was luried oi. Motidav and families were here. . . .The Ires eoing of the 1st Lutheran church was completed. It is a fine piece ot of work. . . .The Clayton troiijH! of Jubilee singers gave n nuncert i;i the 0;x.'ru House on Sijturday night last to a good house. They are a line troupe. They will at the re ijuest ot uiany of the citizens give another eoiiert on Thursday evening of this week Jos. Seharf bought the Mrs. Wagner property for SI, 800 and is moving into it. . . .Clar ance Hummel mid wife, youngest son. of Ij. II. Hummel, dee'd, of (Allah, urespeuding several months among friends i this section. They have not Urn here for aUmt 20 years ..Amnion Schoch of Mootus burg attended the funeral of Ilenrv Schoch. We also notiiil Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S hocli of Middlehurg Frank Ulriehisbuildinga new house ojiposite A. Arl.ijast's resi dence Polities is all the talk just now, but ull will soon lie o' er Your eorresondciit docs not recol lect ot ever having seen sweet pota toes so cheap in this market, they are selling tor 70t; per bushel, se lects at that ....(jico. Livingstone is working at the Capitol at llarris burg. . . .Mr. Keys, formerly of IJ'illimore, Md., will open a photo graph gallery in the ord story of the Croii.H' building opposite the Key stone Hotel. He expects to have it opened in a week or ten days. Ik is a first class photographer Coal hauling is the order of the day . . . ltov. .1. C. Shindcl just return ed from I'orto Kico where he was connected with the llh Ohio Ifcgt. as ch'iplain. lie arriveil jut in time to attend the funeral of hi fa'her-in-law, Henry Schoch Susquehanna University team placed a game of f Nt bail with Wyoming Seminary Score !5'2-() in lavor of the former. ... Dr. Yutzy assisteil in instilling liev. .!. C. Fa so Id at Jersey Shore on Sunday last. bannehTillh. Tom llrandt's face i readv fir . t i l f i uiiotiier i:i;c rule miss iiura Smith ot .liimnia county is visiting her sister Mrs. J. Iirandt The Knciip Ih.vs shot rabbits the 1st of Xovenil er The (lennaii Dap- lists will liolil tlieir communion ser- . -. u i -- . -' i vh es on nmiuav cvc.iiii. .iov. i.. Freparatoryscrviccs at lj. in. (;m mimioii services at .";S0 p. i,i II. I. I'eters has commenced on the loiind.ilioii for a new !!:'.('!. -mi'di sho The Sunday school con vcution at tins place was well at tended and vcrv interesting 1 H. Shellenberger Inmlit a tract of stave timlicr lnmi D. I. I Ia-.-iiiirer and Calvin 1 1. Kncpii and expect. ti coiiimeiice on it (his week I. D. (Joss and f'imily are vis iting his parents at Siglerville, Mif tliiiicoimty -it this writing. Kt'KAMEii. Michael ICrd'ey spent Sunday ii Selinsgrove The party of hunt ers from Philadelphia have returned home. They met with success dur ing their visit here and took quite a lot ofganicalonghonie Jefferson Hummel and family of near West Milton were visiting Jievi Krdley nnd family over Sunday Quite a number of our citizens attended the political meeting held in the Court Houseat Middlebtirgon Mon day Communion services were held in the Evangelical church of this place on Sunday evening A very interesting sermon was de livered by Uev. Sehultz of Xew Ikrlin... Fisher Walter spent Sun day at Salem and Selinsgrove Mrs. 11. A. Walter is on the sick list at present. We hojie to see her recover sjicedily S. A.App and wife of SeJinsgrove were the guests of A. C. Smith's over Sunday. fruitage of the season. . . .Miss Anna Mcisrr ot thi place, who is un ac complished seamstress, is plving her needle in the neighUirJiood of K rea mer. . . .Dr. A. M.Smith, candidate for Assembly, us here in our town on Friday of last week shaking bauds with his inauv friends.... CortMsliiM Ilnmn of . epeuiliuir tiie w.i.L ."A Wilni......MrK J.r ? . mid duld of lulr.L..:.i 1"t4 her wre.,ts, J. I. SlKI,, Ja,H,b Ji,i,:i, ... liitner reiurut-l hou.e .. A wwks'str..lhu Li!u-.uvu.P' Aii-Lki ..i s: . ' v.. ... Wll ,,r, , ond nf.tM.iv I : . i- 1 ' There will ! a ,:;rt dilla to-night (Timiv!at) Ix-nig lJriw Ma,,v , nor satisfied with ilie'uJ,'' i . t t . 1,11 oay selection .Miss! i- Mrs. Cluis. IJowersox and tlauo-httr were doing some shoppinir in Mid- ,.i.,B lmnt visiting l.en;; ., dleburgon Friday. .. .Dr. A. A. I J apletn, Stat,,, L, Doodle- .lotllJ Hunt iwi. . ,." Yoder took a flvinjr trio to town on Tuesday .... Mrs, Klingler of Michigan v. as rerewing (! ffvo nt r e . I someolJ uciniaintances at J. 55. .Mei-, , u , u" ' m'n o ,;i.::J .Mrs. W.H. IlK- Urain t) do not nt luinl.t seis on Wednesday. . 1" lallll '. . ikiiMii. rweiit it iitiv in in iiiiiieoiii it ihuhh. eiiini-M m.ii i.. .1. lust week Mrs. P. F. Walter of : -"en like tlx. I .. ... itMri'itiid rta.fk-.ti.u ...... 1 ttnspce anlrs. J,,hn Snu.i, ot i caildiain tiZZlr. Swincford were to beliusgrove on j Mud from pur trmi,. (j,.,1 " Siturdav . . .Miss Dora Meiser spent from your uioc. i- .' ,).,,. several days in Middleburg last week j . .Coininunion sirviees Will lie) held ut this place next Sunday, Nov. L5, bv Kev. H. (i. Suable. All are invited... .Prof. W. W. Uipka made a business trip to Middleburg last Saturday aitcrnoo". . . .Miss Mattel Iviiiieh is sending a week in Selinsgrove at the residence of llevi Yut.v. . . .11. F. lioleniicrnnd wife .f Middleburg were visiting in our town on Sundav. . . .Quite a nuni- Ix r of people attended the funeral of Mr. Luck at Adamsburg on Suii'lnv . . . .Xcviii Fugle, the pliotographcr, lecoiupanied by Miss Minn Long, were scai on our streets on Sunday evening . . . . .miss Act tie Uacken- berg is on tiie sick list J. P. Yinler made a busincsstrip to Krntz- crvilleoii llitiisriav. IjA.VJjVK. iu pluce of cofl. . I.'irn i ; T a. ; T-i . uoBwuians r naav Ni.,vJ - -- mil. ii. Ill I..C 1 1 1 Richfield Items. Frum 1 lie Mllltitov,i Join unl. 1. II. Custer n'.id wile of Swine ford were noticed in our locality n Sunday Jerome (Jruybill, if Philadelphia, was visiting the home of his mother on Saturday and Sun day P. .1. Jick il made a busi ness trip to Freeburg on Monday. . Alton f iney, who has hccncmplny- coin r,innari, inn., tor tiie past seven years, visited the home of his parents last week John Rhine, of this place, attended the Peace Jubilee ut Philadelphia last week... Philip Hood is on the sick list. . . . "Ivhty" went out to the mountains 011 Sunday to see his swcc.hart The "I'eanty o Fvcmlah'" was to see his "best". ..Miss Annie S.virtz who was formerly employed at the Jacobs House in Milllintown, ;s now working at the Monroe Hotel in this place. .. .Miss Llvie She'.Icy, who has been employed by her uncle, John Lnudis of Mt. Pleasant Mills, for the lnstsix months, is home again. . . .The home of H. S. Horn- U'rgcr was brightened by the arrival 1 ' t tt'lir 1 1 1 01 a wiv oaov oov... llliani llooil and wife were visiting friends mar Milllintown last week J. W. (Jarinau and wife were the guests of Solomon (Jraybill on Sunday Rev. S. S. (Jraybill preached in the l'inechurclion Sunday evening. . . . Samuel Aniigiind Henry Pyle, who were working in North Dakota the past six months, have returned home Democratic mass meet ing was held at the West Perrv Hotel last Tuesday evciiing. Music was furnished by the Richfield Cor net Rand. State or Ohio, crrvor Tui.ruo, I l.irj.Cyt'TV, Fa J. Ciikhkt iimlc.-i outh tlmt lio lit the vnlor pnrtnnrof tliellrtn ot Y. J.Ciikhkv h Co.. doing buNlueiM In tlio Oily uf TulMio, Cuunty tnd Mtnto KrriwHl1,Nn(i that Httlil firm win imy Ui mm ot ONK lll'NIIHKU OOM.AUN lor eai'fl nil evnry cmwof Catbioi llial cminnt tie cur- abUia UMOrUAU.'l'ATilKKnCl'NB. PKANK.J. ClIKSKV, Sworn to lxrnri) mi nl mitmorllx'd in my pro circv. idi vlii ua ui iwvuiiwr At lit im, A. W. UI.BASON. Noury I'libllo. Hair Catarrb Cura la taken loUrnally, and aeu dlrw lly oo lb bl'ml and inumua aurluuea of the lyaleiu' iv-ndfor tmnimonlal, fret. P. i. ctlKNKY CO., 'ruludu, O. Hold by Drutftfixji, io. JUU'a Paiuiljf I'll In am ilia twat. Mo norphlsa .or opium In Dr. Mllaa Pirji VlUA CUM ill Palo. "UotOtOtftdOM?1 , r nUav nu'lit tiie o IJostoiiians" appear Mouse under the auspic (). S. of A. Now there i tion ns to what kind o' : ......... I.... ..I ! . ..Ml uine iiiisi: iimsis will gy,. without a peer on the been:,, . instructive, amusing, nad ,1,' fully novel. The ' )u,u I! spoke of it as being "licit li(.rt, nor Uhi long; neither too nor too conimon, but clci,; curious." It consists f ,;, i,:. character delineations ln,n, ..r writers, liiiniorous and m ;mi. lightful whistling solos, ;:U,I harp inusie as is rarely li,..,r,j side of great musical v.i -three gems of the evciurc ju rhaps, Annie Frank Lil.l.v'. solo, "Dunce of the Parish Alvars; Katht-nm. ! whistling solo, "Troclia, "a ( dance, by Tyres; and M;-. sporano soIim in his wo't li personation of the ".Alo ln-i !' Jlooiia," when he appi ,r- : glorious toilette of a li. ,,: i: .; man. Not even Richard as (iuecn Isabella in i passes Mr. Futon's inae-iijiii sketch. Mr. Faton will sJ-. a: as Sam Lawson in "Tin1 i'.n Horse-race," by Harriei ' Stowi-. Tills is the t!ii: ! -these artists have lioen r.i t and the papers everywhere most glowing terms oi' ti.':r iiniiiueaud artisticprog":'.;n. A bouse is looked for Fii.i, v riip Kent piiixii". aii-cimii nu'un-i iiHiui'H i ii Ciitiniboilairi'n l'tiin IJuliit null on to the idled ed parts is :' any piaster. When trnul.icb pain iu the chest or side, i ' i buck, izivi) it h trial. Yon o to bo morn than pleusi'd m. prompt, relief which ltniiuMs Balm is ulo n certnin ciin f.ii mutism. For sale by all i'i'ul'i II()fSK nut S.M.K. Ti.r dwelling house iu Franklin I ing to W. It. Jones will he private a!c. If not sold ovJa.. it will be for rent. T in ! i- ol truit anil all ll:c iu. !"::". good ; a slate roof is on and a well at the door. 1 information nppiy to Jas. (i. I' Middleburgh, Pa. GOIN OF OUT BUSINES uesinng to go out ol busmer:!: tween now and spring, 1 will pox tively CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE LINE OF Gfll at unheard of low prices. If y are in need of clothing for yoursi and children, Now is The Time to Buj as you may never have anotb such an opportunity. R. GUNSBERGER, MIDDLEBURGH. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers