p,e Record of 30 Years im . i r - nr Recollection and iYewrw 1S9G. r..l, 15. by Rev. Jacob Yutzy, It l-Vuttchcy of Union two. and r .. vf..i;nrrf Vf Ynrk fJfw. Iulia 3i. "- " Ft!). 10, by Thomas Paige, J. P., r.rv W. Howcr of Mviscrville to hfary L. Clark ot Gralz. Fob. lf by Kev jacol lul-; a I.umUaru nnu .tv. jjuura " . . o.t; ii... i y it 1 1 oi ociiiiwrovu. k I' 11 I v v,.i, 2,"), bv Kev.ll.u. Wfliiiuule, I V IiSiuIcnsiagcr ami iora i. .i. . r c.i.,... Vi-b 27, by Kev. 11. u. fcvlniuble, lSl.,,h Steffen ana Salome visaing r both of rulliw. Vvb. 27, bv J. C. Sclioch, Clerk , i j. K. Newman and Auua V. krtogasti 001,1 of PerT tvvT- Mar. 1, by J. K. reck, J. 1'., ..iviii .1. Strawucr and Gertie I. VciU'Uis 1)01,1 r',enta'- Vir 1. bvlltv. . II. IIilbiHli, . i t .. it Mason o. KiH-pj) nnu iib m. L'iht, lH)tli of West Jicuvcr twp. Mir. 3. by Kev. W. M. Lmndis, Jin W. W leand ot lowvll to IaI- L . Wagner of McClure. Mar. 3, by Rev.S. E. Oelinenford, alvin Snyder of Sliadel to Lena irri'tt of Seliusgrove. Mar. 6, by J. C. Sclioch, Clerk )X A. A. Jiingannui to June jh. Lvir, both of Centre twj. Mar. 8, by Kev. John Iiimdis, lm A. Mark-el to Maggie M. Htr mi, both of McKces J f'alk Mar. 8, by Kev. S. K. Ochsen- r,l, Clitlbrd A. Knight ot l'ar kawav, h. l.f to Mary i'j. lieni- rling of Seliusgrove. Mar. 8, by Kev. Jacob II. Diebel, Iwin M. Kline of Liverpool and wrlutta M. Grissinger of Selins- hive. Mar. 13, by Y O. Holmes, J. , Elias Stroub and Esletta Laml- laner, both of Selinsgrovc. Mar. 14, by Kev. C. E. Kough- r, James V. Arnold and Mary II. roll, Mh ot Port Trcvertoii. Mar. lf, by Kev. H. II. Spahn, Iward II. Zong and Hannah V. crger, both of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Mar. 17, by J. Kohler Peck, J. , Irwin S. Herrold toMira Foltz, ill of Meiserville. Mar. 17, by Kev. W. A. Haas, ias. w . ociirey oi union iwp. to r t i i ir i li lines M. neielieiiuacn oi iUUKiie- k twp. Mar. 17, by Kev. J.C.Keiehards, U 15. M. Arnold of Adamsbiirg Gertrude M. Gross of Ihoinpsui- wn, i'a. Mar. 19, by Kev. Ii. F. Katitz, in. S. May of Lewisrown to Sal lie Heaver of Ueaveriown. Mar. 20, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk l'., W. A. Gilbert of Port Ann Alice S. Ilackenburg of Free- Mar. 24, bvKev. C.E. Koughter, trvev V. Troutnuui of Mt. Car- I to Iiiiisa Newman of Meiser- Anrl 12, by D. a' Borer, j. .R Jacob F. rb of Freeburf to liI?W V. Keiber ot Kuti. . ' Apr. 14, by Tbohiaa Puiff,'J. Pn Geo. I. Deugler of Hofler to Maggie V. Heckart of McKees 1 alia. Apr. 18, by J. C. Schoch, Clerk; O. C, Harry E. Specht and Mrs. Kilo llartman, both ot Middleburg, Apr. 20, by Kev. Geo. D. Baker of Philadelphia Emanuel Edgar Pawling, E., of Middleburg and Alice Lyon Meuseli of MifHiuburg. Apr. 21, by Kev. Isiuicllckman, John J. Iose of Washington twp. to Clara Li. W eiser of Union Co. Apr. 25, by J. C. Sclioch; Clerk O. C, Henry Bitner of Juniata Co. to Eva b. Dressier of Snyder Co. Apr. 30, by Kev. O. G. Romig, John S. Yerger and Mrggie L. Dreesi, liotli of Perry twp. May 5, by Kev. O. G. Komig, John F. Shadier ot Perry twp. and Maggih Stroub of est 1 erry twp. May 10, bv Kev. Suable, Jacob G. Kow and Jemima Smith, both of Salem. Mav 17. bv Kev. Jucoh Yntzv. --7 v " j J I Daniel Edward Kremer ot Selins grovc to Mary C. Stetler of Middle burg. May 1 9, by J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Henry C. Lahr of Pa.xinos and Kate E. Wendt of Meiserville. May 21, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Win. C. Mover of Freeburg to Jen nie M. Miller of Franklin twp. May 21, by Kev. II. G. Gabel, Anion F. Sclinee of Mt. Pleasant Mills to Minnie M. Stellen of Wash ington twp. May 21, by Kev. 1). E. McLain, Wm. A. Erdley of Pcnntwp. to Jc nette Sclinee of Washington twp. May 2(i, by K. C. Eiss, J. P., Anion J. Watrner of Salem to Emma Mull of Winlield. lay 27, bv Kev. J. II. Hertz, Henry C. C'aelimaii ot Shamokin Dam to MuIh'1 Wetzel of Kratzer-villc. May 28, by Kev. C. II. Mutcher, FraneisS. (iemlM-rliug of'Selinsgrove to Kate I Iollcuhach ot Fisher's Ferry. June 4, bv Kev. J. K. Dimm, 1). D., Israel Strout of Uper Augusta to Mary Walters of MifHiuburg. June (5, bv J. K. Peck, J. P., A. F. Weaver of Meiserville and Mary (). Ilollenbach. Mar. 24, bvKev. II. G.Schuable, Iward C. Gundrumof Selinsgrovc Millie Ulass of Union twp. Mar. 2t3,by Kev. Oscar G. Komig, Why f . Stroub of West Perry p. to Martha Portzliue of Perry Mar. 2C, by Kev. (). G. Komig, ry Portzliue of Perry two. and kaE. Miller of Oriental. Mar. 20, by Kev. W. A. Haas, ' r . 1-islier and Olive T. Smith, I' f Penn twp. Mar.31.bv Kev. J. II. Hertz. t (Jrubb of Union Co. to Ida liinganmn of Snyder Co. Mar. 31, by Kev. a S. Bcavr, "I- U. Kieirel and Katie Anna I'Ucr, iMithof Juniata Co. I'r. 1, by Thomas Paiirc Eso.. MA. Ncite of Holler to Nora Whitmer of Dundore. V 2, by John S. Meiser. J. P.. A. SiHHiht of Middlecnvk two. timie J. Dcrr of Adanw twin Al'r. 1, by M. P. Arnold. J. P.. Arnold and Suo llout, both ircverion. r. 7, by J. II. Herts. William HfPiW Creek to Martha J. 'pmmu of Centre twp. V. 0. bv M. P. Anudil. J. P.. Mw W. Ncita and Carrie IX '"J.bothofPoitTrtJVi'rton. " V. U), by Kev. Jacob Yutiy, A.0.8pangler and Ida I Mil- of Bolitwgrovo. ' June fi, bv Kev. II. G. Suable, I. F. Hendricks of Freeburg and Sallie A. Beaver or Oriental. June 7, bv Kev. II. G. Sclinable, Geo. W. Gariiiau of Fremont and Katie Mcngel o( Frauklin. June. 7, by Y. II. Wagner, J. P., John P. Mussleinan of Penn twp. to Annie C. Beaver of Monroe twp. June 1:1, ov J. ('. Schoch, Clerk O.C., M. A. Batcmaii and E. L. Shinkle, Iwtli of Cent revi lie. June IS. bv J. C. Schoch. C O. C, .1. W. (ianiian and Amanda Slicmory, Uitb of W est Perry twp. June IS, bv Kev. J. II. DieUl, William Taylor and Anna L. In Hit I l.f S..I June '2'.), by Kev. Elias Kielil, J. F. Kiehl of Iicwisburg to Katie Iiaw ver of Tl'.oinpsoiitowii. June 2S, by J. E. Shinkel, J. P., (.'has. C. Ilackenburg of Franklin twp. to Agnes Keistcr of Centre twp. June 28, by Ktv. J. Shoop, W. II. (iessner of Urban to Alice M. Swalmn of Valley View. July ", by Kev. 11. G. Sclinable, II. M. Amig and Sallie Kiegel, btith of Washington twp. July 5, by M. P. Arnold, J. P., John S. Wise and Laura Flanders, both of Port Trcvertoii. Julv 7, by Kev. E. Mellon Wal do M. Mover and Katie M. Musscr, Uith of Franklin twp. July 10, by Geo. F. Brosius, J. P., Norman E. Troup of iTcmont to Catherine N. Koucii of Sliadel. July 11, by M. I. Potter, J. P., Henry W. St roup and Nettie I lleim, liotli of Perry twp. July 11, by Kev. Sydney Kohler, Boyd II. Stetler of Midd'lcburg to Lizzie S. Musscrof Washington twp. Julv 12, bv Kev. J. 11. IVihel, Geo. D. Fisher of Millheim to Net tie (5. Keck of Seliusgrove. July 12, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Peter Mover and Sarah J. Bower, Uith of Selinsgrovc. July lti,by Kev. II. G. Suable, Jordan 1audeuslager to Carrie Kow, Inith of Penn twp. July 18, bv Kev. C. K Bough ter, Juh, W. U. Kw-ly of PortTw ertoii to Sal Ho Folt of Dundore, , July 19, by Kev. H. G. Suable, KoIhtI A. Smith ol Sxiliiisgrove to KatA. WiiruofFroburg. JmV 19, by Hev. J. II. Herta, David . Spoid of Middleburgh to Delia shannon of t ranklin twp. July 20, by Thomas Page, J. P., Fred Shetterly and Kate Martin, both of Perry twp. July 23, by Rev. B. F. Kautt John J. Tobias of Frankliu twp. to Jennie A. Freed of Beaver twp. July 26, by Kev, Jacob Yutzy, John K. Foster and Kate M. Drcese, both of Seliusgrove. July 27, by Rev. J. II. Deible, "Geo.1 C. Aumiller and Sarah C. Wise, both of Monroe twp. July 30, by Rev. W. C. Hoch. Harry F. Arnold of Port Treverton to Cora L. Ilinkle of Pallas. Aug. 1, by S. II. Graybill, J. P.. Henry A. Shirk ot West Perry twp. to Lizzie M. LawverofMonroetwp., Juniata Co. Aug. 1, by Kev. W. C. Hocl., D. L. Krel and Delia E. Downey, both of Dundore. Vug. 8, bv J. K. Peck, J. P., Wm. E. Hcckard and Annie E. Cornelius, both of McKees J Falls. Aug. 11, by Kev.W. M.Landis. Wm. A. Specht and Libhie A. Wet zel, Inith of 1 jcavertown. Aug. lH, by Kev. I). E. McLain, l(cno 11. Walter ot J1 ranklin twp. to Bcrnice Garman of Perry tw o. Aug. 18, by Kev. S. E. Ochseii- ford, A. B. Daulermau of Jackson twp. to Clara Borough of Ohio. Aug. 20, by D. S. Hover, J. P.. Miiton Ilcinibach of Mt. Pleasant Mills to Ellen Stellea of Washing ton twp. Aug. 2(5, by Kev. S. E. Od.sen- ford, Win. M. Kearick of Beaver- town to Ida M. Burns. Vug. SO.byD.S". Boyer, J. P., Ephniim Benner of Dundore to Liz zie E. Thomas of Washington tw p. ug. 30, by Kev. S. S. Gravbill' Phillip Z. Bressler and Jennie Walk, Inith of Perry twp. Aug. 30, by Kev. S. S. Kohler, James Musscr of Shamokin Dam to Marv Ik-aver of Kratzerville. Sept. 1, by Thomas Page, J. P., Charles Neitz of Chapman twp. to Clara Keicheiibacli of Washington twp. Sept. 7, by K. C. Fi.s, J. P., Marv rv. on 1... T V !..!. 1 V VV. mt VJ V. r. JIM1 W , Jnmw Willi; of Meiserville aud L'uszi Fogal of Kuvustowu. ViKK 4C. HO WAV Tk VxtW hrvuio OululiM TNlk AU Jury List. U Onmt Jaron drawa lor Um Ooort 4 Oyer ami TerntMr tM Qmntnl ImU dcUTwr o4Cowt ot ounar Motions o u Pew ot fnjntar eovntWl m Dm. Ttrm. eommtaetBg OBAND JURORS Hm. OecupttUoe. BIlDr, Chrliit, Ptnner. Ikver, Htrvty, Laborer, Hnwliu, J. TmcK Howenox. Jkumm, Utrpeater Buyer. Kdln, fanner, IuBkitni-f, H.. Laborer, Ot-arUart, JuMepfc, Pariaer, HarunaD, Joha J., Paimer. H. rtler. Uarlt 11., r truer. R:m. I'nloo Jarkwa Helm, Joaepb, Tallur. M.ddlrbUTf naaDinpw rranklia Waablnirtoa Oeatra West Dearer ferry Peon Wast Bearrr Spring sprlnif prni(( Went ih-tver yllotrmve Went Bearer Mlddlecreek spnoif Sprtug Adams W. Beaver Herman, A flwu, 'arnier, Hertaner, Tuoinaa. farmer, Koepp. P. H., Ootlrmao, Luoa. Lel U Lalxirer. Mlicbell, H. J.. Karmer, Moyer, IihiiUiii, Kunner, Hi-Mns Henry J , TlllHIulth. HoinlK. 1. H., laborer, keaniiiirer, 1 tvld. Parmer. Hinlth H. O Laliorer, Smith, Holier', !c:.Umuu, nnuua, Binn, urwnu'r, WaKOtT, K. 1., Merchant, rBTIT JlP.Ol'A L'at n( Jurors drawn for the Court ol Common ph-aa "I Ouanr rVxalon of the Pnm. ir and TiTinlU'-r ami -ni"rHl Jail Delivery of Sny. d-rOouiii v. Pi , lichi an OuceiuberTerin onm- mtiClii Dev. IX, I'm. Arnold. M. I' .J.l'., BIHKiiiiian, 'liHr. W , Karmor, HollinKrr, Jiu'oh, l.alNirer, Itenfer, Minwm, Kti un-r, llHavcr. I'orty, KnriiiT, lloyer, Win. M . M.irrhunt. l'uoier. A. K., hluilfi.t. ColeuiHii, H ilK-ri, bdorer, Krevnian, &.. K.. Snddler, Keltv, llenry, Krr;vr, Prved, Jacob, Knrin.T, Kiab'-r. 0-ar, l,ilmrcr. Olaas, PraiirH, Frtnuir, llennrick". lrviu p., Purinor. Hi'DiiiT. .Yllcliurl. I,ilin r Hummel, l . Ln-ivr, KlnO' jf, t'hiirhn W. LnlMirvr, KIliiKier. Kruiiklln. Pnrnit'r. Killiu. On-rKV. t'lirinrr, KeritinlU-r, J hu S., Laborer, Kunkle, Samuel, Kiiiiiht. Kemrer, s.uhiiH. l.ilKiar, ok. J'Dwpu. Mhwoi, I Minium, l."iH, iieiiiiirnitn. l-iiniime. ti. r., l -'arntT, Ititiicli, H -nr.v, K,rn.e , U'imlK. Joint P.. Kaniirr, U lHll"ll, OllviT, Idmrer. Heiclile. Win.. . I. Kirim r, Klpkn. W. W , Ti'iirlnT. H'lilih, A. It , f iri. n'er, Sliolley, Ii. Irvlti. Pinner, HlialTiT, Kiii'ii.iii-I. cariieiiirr, siiainlmrii, KUner K., Firmer, HwlucfiiPl. II. I)., Ijiimrer, muck, I.lnrulii. I.:iii-,n r. Sliolley, W in.. Kurmer, T(tip, Jnnnlhnii, Kariner, Trevd, NIi'IioIuh. LHlmrer, I'lrldi. lllrnm. (.I'lUleniHn, ViinZin-li, .lunie-i M., liiKirer, VouNeldu. Win ., lienlleliidO, Wflier, .1. A., S;iwinll:er, Welzel, J II., I. il irer. Weaver, K. II., Mnnm, Waifner. T. A., Teacher. Zerlie, llen)arnlii. Mumu, Z'Jllier, IJuvDln, Farmer, Union Adunm Mlddleoreek Hprlnir Perry I'nluu HellnHKfove Penn Mldd'-hunra Frmiklln Beaver I'lilun WaxhlnifUju W'n.iiliiKleu Went perry MlcMleorc-k Penn Jnrkwin Wasliinirion Chiipinan JI'Mipie p.rr.v CIlUl'IIIHIl P-rry ITiy Kruiiklin Penn Perry Monroe W&nliliiKi n Penn I nlon I'erry Centre I'erry Vim Perry Jaekwin Perry I'erry Penn Mlddletmrif I'elin Snrliiif Pen 11 'hipinnn Wta,i Iteavcr ll-aver sprlDK Lovely 'Women In tho Lacsir but frsat rarlstr el liiiilnn, A Tlilinsn, a wnin on or isro of ih q feat, txaadiog itaa grapaa. Aai.nsaL asaaad s k adMof tha ax. AdJlM )oia at viU ifedr votosa, katptag tiasa vKh thdf Rubber RolIer9 are Used for Crushing the Grasoa to Make Speer s Port, Burgundy, Claret and Other Wines. Which, as is well known, rival the world in excellence for ir.va'.w'qar.rt aed persons, and are mado from the Oporto frapegr. wn on vines im portedfrom Portugal forty years ago. The soil of northern New Jersey containing iron, is just suited for them. Mr. Speer, however, u.jm the improved wny of mashing the grapes. He craplovs brxe rollers of rubber run by an engine which crush rrapes at the rate of a barrel a minute, hpcer s Vines. csoeciallv the Port and V.-r-rr.nr'.v r.. ; market, are of very old vintatre. and have no suncri.-.r Vhvr;. far and near prescribe them for weakly females ar.d aed persons They arc blood-making, adding iron to the system, a-.rl ter.d to pro lonjj life. Extensively used at parties, weddines ar.'l rT.cral fa.-lv ZJ'bOLD BT DrUCGISIS AMI GtOCERS WHO VtAL IU Wl.NLi. use. SPECIAL NOTICES Bhl k Charles 10. Ziniincrinaii and J. Aurand, loth ot'Sunbiiry. S-pt. S, liv U-v. S. S. Kolilcr, Jacob Maurcr of Jackson twp. to Siirali J. DuiiklflH-rcr of Union Co. Sept. y, bv H. F. Kautz. James T. Wilson of lit-llcville to Minnie J. Mattcrn of Adainsliurg. Sept. 11, by Itw. I). K. Mcliin, Herman S. lleiiiiincr and Carrie Miller, Ixiili of Franklin twp. .Sept. 17, by Kev. II. II. Spahn, Jo'in A. Kciiler ami Clara Wcndt. both of I'erry twp. , ! S'.it. lT.b'v Kev. 1 1, (i. Suable. U. K. Hcpncr of Columbia Co. to Kate I ; I. ltiner ol Perry Co. i S'pt. 20, by Kev. II. (J. Suable, f l .T r - a ..iviii, n. ui a J vf a. II 111 Iieniier of Washington twp. S pt. 21, by J. C. S Ihk Ii, Clerk (). C., Daniel Kiilms of Centre twp. to Minnie Saiisinsnof Fayette twp , Juniata Co. Sept. 2 1 , by same, Andrew Kecf erof Wtiodside, Dauphin Co., and Mrs. Mollie Foltz of Penn twp. S pt. 22, by Kev. W. W. Klioads, Ii. C. Pinganiauaud Celesta S. llart man, liotli of Centre twp. S pt. 24, by Kev. 1. E. McLaiu, Charles Stuck and Carrie J. Ulsh, both of UIolx' Mills. S'pt. 2(5, by J. K. Ptvk, J. P., C. 1. Klingler of Mahantotigu and Anna C. lieister of Hotler. S pt. 28, U- J. C. S luvli, Clerk O. C, John S Kcichetilmch and Agnes M. Wcideiunyer, Uth ot Penn twp, Oct. 8, by Simon Hummel, J. P., lVnjauiiu A. lu'inlvrling and Mary R Keed, Uitli of Shamokin IXim. (Vt. 11, bv Kev. O. S Sliicrt r, Frcman Mitchell of Adams tw j. to Anna J. Kratzer, Uth ot Sping twp. (Kt. 13, by (n. F. llroshusVH, Altsaloiu Hotlmau oi Perry twp. to IiHurn A. KeiehenUeh ol West Perry twp, OcL by Kev. I Ditv, W. J. II. Spiegtliycr ol Mfl'lure ud Maggie F llaineetof Heaver Springs. from c Zraland. Hkefton. New Zealand, Nov. 23, 'Ofi. I um very li-a.sed to btitn that siuee I took the ajjency of Cliatu bai Iain's mediciiits the sale has been very lane, more especially of the Cough Itoiufdy. In two years I have sold more of this particular reuiody than of all other makes for the pre vious years. As to its etllcacy, I have, been informed I,v tirnrm nf persons of the good results they have icvcuru iioiiA 11, auu auuvv tin vaiuo from the use of it in my own house hold. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. SCASTLEBCBT. For unle by all Druggists. O.lll !Hl7er .. ,. r,', Vnfii, s it- .-r i: -,i i, .. MCe, 1'iWe.t ; , ..r t,,,. i W'ipI lur 'hi 1 :. i , i jr 1 e i.-n -nr j reil fur I.--, ii, ii, r.T, . , I i.i- f., enl.'i. ".erturinfl, i -r 'i i. -h 1. ' f r i ,f i ':.ti. lu- ii'ii.niy U-Oriif t'nrp fir rou llenilnrhe. F ireu-l.r veir I -ill -r-v! fr, V-re lie.i I i."ie. I I'll i -n nreecny. ,r i .. ..,.l'ul.i.r 1 me teinir.irr.-, r, . --f, r,.'r,,l ... M!Tef lnee I le'.'in I tkin . C-l-rv K'u j li.iv rekfl -niinnnl lu ll-.il'ri. . I r r ..v. r '. ,t lT;e. p.. v.. ih :. , til I t.- '. l.-,iv l -M. K i iHr T -in i.-. V H. r.- e-) UU' r,r rne ..fie. I.e. r I N ..M 'nl .". pwKi.'- ti' W K ' H-rnin -Vllle- M 1.1 i.ri!i .lc fi.l, Ml I in. II A. firtk'l.l Aline. ' " Omimilc.. Vaitentlon. A, A f.TlVR SOI..-IToii uurai h re;,;. .mm . .r,i t, n.ent a i n; :! s . run tn tt.o f.'i- leivern w ir Ir,rr. .in Fntj.-Wi.. r,'i f ii-'., - ,in. ( ,,r.,; Mr n't l.i tli- hi r.f.,N i' H .r;. ,, ;: , . ,r . 'ii trie A(uer:rat f-e-ii-i.e ,r r, jj: Uenl i'.,rrr - ''.I AMI.'.i. r r'i .1ei-lc r-t 'he iilvmpi win D-vi-v. ami in rue rm-of ni. -i. iur an i., nr.i'. nrin; i r.ir j.en Sano-Rio b krCt t THE HOME DFMFnY or.r-cn- for FEMALE COMPLAINTS iTr.Vr.' ln y n fmn f ir &i fin- trririlrt 4n4 nivn ii pun in nombor vriMt In 10 Mmatri. Hromotiy rlifi tt-'ifc.i-in. i, Bi.Mi.i 4.1.! fc..:iW Trt-iif.i. r-atnfW, Srv.ni ri.1 4J11 t. . Krfniii.rt I If M. r.1r- no?. o,t 1.1 aiciHfy .vjr tn .iftirmrr CTflOlll Dl'U wLft ALLUltlW4.Hr OlUrg ALL rAjH ir nimiMi m q.a ryr m IN TEN U! NOTES '3 H ! 1 ' " 'i-jr!i. Pl. ''V .e'lerjurr Dn Co : M . H:.iM.nt M.ii.i tjr ll-u-v tt.iril:u . uij Pin a.1 1 n-e r . a. ,,,.,!,. Brimful nr .riklr.ai ri-' 'Tr.-- r i,v fnr, ; ' r .u. ,f"-:F,''..jr I . l.ot.ne.., .... rt .v..-v r..M .-r-r. ! J. -lTT?TCl5r-r, iven. i,r,v ,....v .r. W1. vziK fr iii-JZ -2- A SUMMER SAIL in ladies shoes is a pltHisaut voyage afoot, For the pleas ure it gives, there's no stil like oar sale. Crowds ;ire enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolestjund best tit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices wh'ch luyeis lind it a pleasure to pay. Foi house or street wear, pleasure or every -day practical purposes, walking, liding, or driving, wo supply the ideal slmos dcuaudo'l by fashion and the dictates of individual tate. Ladies, whoever claim? oir hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shot's. 6.H. AHMIMSTKATOH'S NOTICE, l.ut W r of AiluiliCraCku 1 u t h a wial wi II. C fjtiiueel, luivut IVii'.rn a.-wiifUiiu Saj Jrr cvmitjtta.. aw il, a.iviuu tii rui.U Ii. 0 vbJvrHiKiiiKl, all p4rwu4 aiiuama ihaui' kIv-. Itulvbt! w taid etJiU am rvtj uvdUei ig raai liuwliaw pavtutiiic, wbitv llwtm bikvinn t! lu. will irwoai ibji luj autbuilai,wi Ui lit njrjjou. tV. 7. I aJ:ii uinimwr. Woxv Boolt l,vr oo. A valuable Ixitk sivioif votuplvt iufoiwatiou how I smcofssfully vur eouwuuii'tiou aud other luu dat-ad will t wut ftfa to thv readiri of thi papr. Address lr. tartz, A. Iokvr iVttau iUd.,, i'bicao. III. W4NtBl SJCVKHAI, TKVSl'WOKTBY vanoiM la kbia a.M W iwuiiuta vu tuai ta l llvnt tu ami umuby wunUwt. It ia MjiuW vHvr vunUiKUHi at bum. Miwy Haitiat tAr a a ajei i.tuia JuUiiiw, kwiMWi UMr uo Iimm nalaty. MvuLblji 1 Malwaiwoa, Kuuluau toii.aiJiii'vwavii imjii wl aavvlvu, Uwlxwl W. Uuaa, lrw4. VuuK M, ; " .- r..- In.. ' e r . T- e' 1. . i 4 1 1 M '- - .'. f. in, V N-r,-.. jv.f ,., IT 1 !,' "IV 4 leH t i j !:- . '. r A K-.rtvli-. A:.".-. R DIM A I "an.iweiuilTnriHl b I iVi.J : W4 . ..i,n.. 'PA1 i UKJC T'ft'C? 5.,-W ;' 3 4 ,y rrii.'i ---TRY IT! ,,, ; r'i 'l i ir a c II1- V- . lja. JI I Ii ULLv a, A- ii'KlIk rKtL .IM-v.n SI1! .a. : t II IV OTV.a " ua. laaa.-Aaci! T-tin.'i.i-.i 1 i iL'W ' v h,"-. for ttttiwti-i ir:ii;ena -x . ?m V'v -i ni-urH tituuLumri t.;r -vmi:., r r' f lS"'. t4-l.Cir. M.'rwauii.4.n. Cuciu.aiiaja, t oo, rur. P-""il-t..rT t'enu.-'ient fur ! ''' i; aess aaa aurifliiaii Cuuma. awro ...y rMUiw Kxyam oouxra: ron '. 'ii-" mi ,,ia w wwcr'y ' a..o a ga nwi.i cunt yiu le-ia o t-tenu "ii- S v a n.mrier of r.n-. M Ha !amw.J.nl.,..i .1 Wiar. fciil lilt i.i e:,.uu, 4r M ao-iiU w a tar inUidUf; b '.'.an1 im! Tumi1 ") uup.u groia REWARD to 37 re fjp fins 'xVtu;i:.:.;h -jf i Twane aimiSim for a Bcuaep,;r. Sa,.ui,-,n.!r. T-mcilur. Clara or Ttt'j aeu ct .B. '.teo.liw ta- MOST CEr.JCBii.irir rw 3 ' w r U to taka our iviTKI-iTlOV v w -r J 'l-.L' i-:. "Ml. a Anuria w. .... . ., . u.-- vim. e-nw.-ni, in iiiuryi.Mii. jiireiiw,-i tt4lT C. GAMES. PliC8ar. 1 .31 CiJ Mli! Hcii.lf'll CUitaTMM fa THE If YOSK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE GREAT 'nr A' FOR FARMERS AND Y1LUGEBS, aaMl Y wujt t'atvriM Ua THE POST jiiEtDroA BOTH OWE YEAR FOR $1.7.5 ThQ HI V WccVll7 Tpihrt! Agricultural lVririjunt oft llilj fl. I. nCcllj llllilijld bitfb Bwrit. all icuporeaS of ud rli:tW wauk rviwrtm ibli JaUrt.iJ. ludrrvstiu sbort ton scwutiJic nud uitftrbauical iutvcwiujn lilucrsud fxJjicu urucln, h Uioryu yitfturwi, siiid U iuutm'tivi iiuJ KutsfrCaufjiu vecy miiibf S wvv fumilv. ffinp nnQ'T v'" y-'11 locul ow vclitic! aud sooinl, kwp tc frtjj mud in th vdlnxv luforw jwu a to th Utcul pricji for fxm product. th ccuditivu vt cry pa aud vrwct for tb wr, mud i ia bright), uw.vk wvlccui ajjd iudiyrvjiM Mtvkljr vwitJ-r at your horn auid 4rMiJr. tt 'if ti Kr de urn D01 ro i. ba t ti . an Hei . pt.l! il f, o T.. n.;e B r: rnn n p':i h J.i , c u. , aMci x an a J ap 1; fti l tic; low y fr t anc .Tt IIV- .' r- ?r n.J or ho nJ , ,r-" ' th :,:.n " t- il r 1 i K Vl BllWi No. k ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers