A JUW TBIUUPH- Ttte-I sa p Usms ' fast , V a. 84ocoe, Uui Gial O hernial and Scientist, Wtilaeoe WrtiirLerenTbtBe r're Bonks ot Itii Newly IMiuuvered Keeiedt to Care eo aampiaua tad U Lung TrouMw. Nut nine could bet Irer. more phuaniropte or nm- ruorek.y to the afflicted. Utas Hee teen wn0vr4Uie honored and dtstlnielSbeaUfeeai M, T. A. Ssucuin, M. C Of Now York OHJ. He has discover reliable and absolute eure aseouuauuiptlou, audaU bnincntal. tnroat, lung ttad ctxsnl iltti'MH. catarrhal alTectiona, genera aeliisoa weakueea, taaofflssb alid all tote diUutwoi wasting away, end u make great -escrlta kuuwn, will nead ture free liottleeol bts newly dvwwerjd remedies to any afflk tod read mumPus. Alrwady bin "naw scientific synieai of medl tUne" 1mm permaiieotLv eared lUouamaa m ap-jss-eiw sy liupelew eases. TW Donor eonmaere It. not onK his profes awtuat, but bU religious duty a dutv wblcb be rm u.niOrln;;D!iinaolty lo donate hi In MlltMe cm.. il ba.1 prm'lilcd Hie "dreailed consumption" mbacirjb;idlea Fbeyoud a d-mbr. lu auy etuiytto, and tins on Hie In bis American and ttumpeen ktloralurleit tbouiulM ul Henri fell tmUirsistala (if uruUUMe'' Iromaiiiisebenelltted md cured. In all part of I lie world. Oxltrrtnl and pulmonary I roubles lead to con uiu:iiimi. nutl oonsuuiilion. uulnterropted. jteaua speedy unil c-wtnlii death Don't .relay tinlii II m Km Ihi. Simply write T. A. Hlneuiu. HI C-. fine btreet. New York. KlvtiiK eprMi wil puniiiRIre Mtblruiw, and Ibe free medicine ill be iii iitnpt I v Bent. Piease tell tne Doctor end" saw liia offer in tba ivwr. lr. jTaJmif: , to Una sermon strong ly advocates plede for wormhl where rich an poor mtt ellk,' aa la Cetholl churchea, and thai th muati are not relegated to mis sion chapels. Ho takee his text from 'Acta xvll, , "Thcs that have turned She world upelde down art corns hither SAKE PERFECT GEtl ! DO NOT DESPAIR! Da Mat ataaVr Uanrl Tha toys aad ambitions of Ufa eao be realorad to Too. Tbe very worstcasesof Nerrous Debili ty are absolutely cured by PBatrBCTO TABLE1I. U we prompt roller to insomnia falling memory ana tne wane and drain of vital powr. Incur red br Indiscretions or excesses nf early years. Impart TlKor anutioioncr to every lunoiion Brsi-eoptaa system, uive NW m mA "becks atnt lustra to tbe urnld. one Km not renew" Uoies aa eB.OO a oom bwd enrewr money refund carried Id vest pocket. Mold mailed Invlsln wrapiieron bloom to tbe eyes of young .vital energy: lele auaran- ed. Can tie verrwhereor receiptor prloe UrTHB-li'KBKISCTO CO, Carton Bldf.. Cblcago.lU- EW Mile in Middlelmrjrli, l'a., by MiiltHebiir Driijr (?t., inMt. l'lwu aii.fi1ls liv Hcinv Harding, ami in lViinVCWk ly.I. . Sainpsfll. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAO. Banbury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Nov 28, 1897. aTwAD Did. ITATtOW. KAITWABD pin" i m, i A. la am cm W.it LewlatuwnJ. 7.:u 8.0.1 a.wt ,12.01 j Main Street :.Ki 1 118 IK lv no ; Lewistown 7.n in l.o 11. SI' s , Maltland 3.OT 4.01 11.46 f i Painter 7.4't 8 2(1 ri) 11.40 II I Shlndle 7.64 (:n .11 ll.M 13 ; Wagner 7. tM H'i 'il.-jv IT 1 Menlure NUN 1.4ft .t!M 11. Itl J 1 Haub's Mills . .I.Ki II I'J AdamKbarv S.1M ; :i..in Xl lx M Bearortcwo s.Vt 4.04 l.l.'l .it 10 1 Honler it.4 I 4.14 J 07 in.oi,, J) ; 1 ,l,letiurgb 8.4" I 4 2" a.iki 10.4.1 88 : viaiaer R 4ii ; t.it J'.'rt 1 10 an JT ! K reamer S v 1 4.i Itri 10. 31 si) 1 Hawllnu H hi , 4.M U.U 43 : SellnigrnTe 1 v n 1 1 4 42 ?? lu.lt 46 Sellnsgrnve. J. Dill I 4.41 rr ions mi I suuiurv 1.11 ' i.uo Train leaven Snubut y .r 25 p in, ar rives at Sehtiflgrove .r 45 p in Traintt liave Lewintowu Junction : 8 a m,lui3 n 111. I'J :i; n in.It 27 n in," 07 11 Mp tu Altixinu, I'ltKlMirK and the WW. For HuMluiorc nml Wiisliinutnii vaaatn 102. t :. 4 W. 1 W p m Kir I'hilB'lulplila and Nw Tork 8389 Wa in. 1 01 1 33 4 13 and 1119 pm l'uf iturrlsnurK 7 01 u 111 mid tt in Philadelphia 4 Erie R R Division AND S0KTlW:nr' fK.VniAI. KA'I.WAY Iniins leuve Snulin'e daily exi t nun liy : '. M a in lor Kru an 1 1 '.insn.lnlu u.i til sin lor Kell' I. -it E'l kii.I Uiiiinnilslidi 1 a id Inr lyieli Ilven. Tyrone nnd tlie Wesi. i ID p in lor Hi-lli Itniie Kan.- K I'uimi.iluUim " .14 1 1.1 lor tiennvo nml IJimiri ' 'i M in 'or Im i ii 1 1 .i .tninliiy ?t '.In in 'nf Kriemnl riii.iml:iln:t Ulluin for r.i.eU Uiiven an I '.I i") p m for V: liain"Hiri 't6a i'u lor ';it'iivt.i aii'l l!:ie'ton hi, 'i :i hi J ikl nil 1 .'. i ui lor Wilkei- itrn- nnil lii'ntlton 7lfa in, m al n in. J p n;. ' II p in !ir Sloiino kin ii n I Alimni ferine -iinliiy '.1.1 tu inr WilUe-li ir e Triiinii-ji'iive Sulm-xi'iii'i' .1 Jni'Hnn a in, v.y k o iv- nrrivinj lit tilll ileiphl.i .tno i ui. ' v Vnrii : ,VJ p in H i llliuuro I) p in Via-l.il it"! in 1 1.' I' ui .14 pun iliulv n i vltiir n: Ch lsilelplil i OH p.mirv.' York 3, Via tn. Hii iini.ru II 1,1 p in S4,iii!, wei-k iluyi nrrtviiiK .It l'inii.ii! i tati in -ew nrk 7 3'1 n ni 'iT.i hs .tint. I e. i vo Siinlmry : I "1 n n. ul. i.h arrlviiiic at I' ti 1 1 :i t-1 . 1 Ii I n 8 VI n in taslt iiU're o Lir s m WrtMlif.gtou 740 am Ncm Ynr IK'S ii in Weekday. 10 ' a in Stiti'tnv, ! 1i i m, wi-k itnys arriving- t Fhl!aileliils i 4f3ii-nii New Yi.iK n.'inp in. KaltiinuraSOi p in arsMiiltnn 7 1.1 p in 1 T'siii" nl) leuve S inlniry :it '' .V) a in ami 6 ii 1 vswt J0 p ii;, li.r H ir nei ni r. fliilmlolpluu ami .wau saoru I K. W'l ill, t.en'l I ns Aenl r. HCTt'lll.NHON lleu'i .Msusuer AN I'KD AK' iiti In sell vmiliinif innvliliies U Knoll, 1117 K 4 Hi., Ibaiion. Pa. Jy 1 X. SIWW-WWWWAWWWjVWAi VeHakeWHCCI C Too! SILLER ROOE 0E 2093 MILES IN 132 HONRS The Eldredge 050.00 The Belvidere 040.00 Sapcrlor to all' otters irrespective of pric). Catirlofu tella you why. Writ for one.' lUTIONUSEWWI iACBXECO, gas BROADWAY, Farts?. . farwYorfc. . HB.VIDCRS. ILL. , lstt a-- k , "'Thert la a wild, bellowing mob around tba house of Jaaon In Thessalonlca. What baa the 'man done so greatly to offend the people? He has been enter talnlng Paul and his comrades. The mob . surround - the '. bouts 'and cry: "Bring outahose turbulent preachers! They are Interfering with our busi ness! They are ruining our religion! They are actually turning the'' world upside down!" The charge was true, for there it nothing that so Interferes with sin, there - Is nothing so ruinous to every form of established Iniquity, there la nothing that has such tendency to tura the world upside down as our glorious Christianity. The fart Is that the world now Is wrong side up, and it needs to be turned upside down In order that It may be right side up. The time was when men wrote books entitling them "Apologies for Christianity." I hope that day lias passed. We want no more 'apologies for Christianity. Let the apologies be on the part of those who do not believe in our religion. We do not mean to make any com promise In the matter. We do not wish to hide the fact that ChrlntianHy Is revolutionary and that Its tendency Is to turn tne world upside down. Our rellfrion has often been misrep resented as a principle of tears and mildness and fastidious-ions, afraid of crossing people's prejudices, afraid of making somebody mad, with silken gloves lifting the people up from the church pew Into glory, as though they were Bohemian glass, so very delicate that with one touch It may be demol ished forever. Men apeak of religion as though it were a spiritual chloro form, that the people were to take un til the sharp cutting of life were over. The Bible, so far from this represents the religion of Christ as robust and brawny ransacking and upsetting 10,000 things that now seem to be settled on firm foundations. I hear some man In the house say. "I thought religion was peace." That Is the final result, A man's arm Is out of place. Two men come, and with great effort put It back to the socket. It goes back with great pain. Then it gets well. Our world is horribly disordered and out of Joint. It must come under an omni potent surgery, beneath which there will be pain and anguish before there can come perfect health and quiet. T proclaim, therefore, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ revolution! i The religion of the Bible will make a revolution In the family. Those things that are wrong In the family circle will be overthrown by It, while Justice and band will be the lu-ad of the house harmony will take the place. The hus hold only when he is fit to be. I know a man who spends all the money he makes In drink as well its all the money that his wife makes, anil some times se.ls the children's clothes for rum. Do you tell me that he is to be the head of that household? If the wife have more nobility, more courage, more consistency, more of all that is rlght, she will aave the supremacy. You say! that the Bible says that the wife is to be subject to the husband. I know It, but that Is a husband, not a masculine caricature. There la no human or di vine law that makes a woman subor dinate to a man unworthy of her. When Christianity comes Into a domestic cir cle, It will give the domirrancy to tha' one who is the most worthy of It. As religion comes In at the fron' door, mirth and laughter will not gi out of the back door. It will not hop ple the children's "feet. John will laugl Just as loud, and George will jum higher than he ever did before. I will steal from the little ones nelthe. , ball not bat nor hoop nor kite. It wit establish a family altar. Angels wll hover over It. Ladders of light wll reach down to It. The glory of heavet will stream upon It. The books of re mcmbrance will record It, and tides oi everlasting blessedness will pour front It. Not such a family altar aa you ma) have eeen where the prayer Is long and a long chapter Is read, with tedlout explanation, and the exercise keeps oi until the children's knees are sore, ani 1 their backs ache, and their patience It lost, and for the seventh time the) have counted all the rungs In the chair, but I mean a family altar such ai may have been seen In your father'n house. Tou may have wondered fat' off in the paths of sin and darkness, bul you have never forgotten that family altar where father and mother knell Importuning God for your soul. Thai la a memory that a man never geti over. Thert will be a hearty, Joyful family altar In every domestic circle. Tou will not have- to ajo far to' find Hannah rearing her Samuel for the temple or a grandmother Lola Instruct' Ing her young Timothy In tha knowl edge ofChrist, or aMaryandMarthaand Lasarus gathered In fraternal and sis terly affection, or a table at which Jesut Ita, aa that of Zaccheaa, or a home in which Jesua dwells, aa In the honst of Simon the tanner. The religion of Jtaua Christ, coming Into tha domeatlo circle, wH , overthrow all Jealousies all Jan ajllgs, and leac. and order and holl-aaa- will .take possession of tha homev 1 'Again ' Christianity ; will product 'rtvo(V(foo, la'aomqerclaj clrctea,) Find m fifty tswraaata, aad yaa wfll hav-t ' fifty 'ataadaras of , what as; rich km wrojiaj.' Tou may say to aagn about ;ataerchant. r"la,he tionaatr-" "Oh. aa lh man says, "he Is hoiasat. but JM )a-rlnds'the faces of hla oterka. ' Ha it honest, bat b exaggerates the ralus at hie gooda. He Is bonast, but he loans anoney on stoad aad mortgage wtth Mm udaTStaadlng that tha mortgaga can ' aot lit qalet for ten raara, but aa aooa as he gets the mortgage be records II .'and begtne a foreclosure ,ault. and th abtrlrTa writ cornea down, and tha U) of aale arrives, aad'. away (oaa th . homestead, aad the creditor baya It Is a half price." Honeet? When ho loan ed Hit money, he knew that he would .'get the homestead at half price. ' Hon 'tat? But he goee to the Insurance of '!flco to get' a policy on bla life and telle the doctor that he la well when h lutowa that for ten . yeats be has had but -'one' lung. Honest T 'Though be aella property by tba map. forgetting to tell the purchaser that the' ground la all under water, but It Is generous In him to do that; for he throws the wa ter Into the; bargain. . ' '. Ah, my .friends, there, la but on atandard of tbe everlaatibg right and of the everlasting ' wrong, and that la the Bible, and when that prlncl pleple ahall get Ita pry under out commercial houses " I believe ' that one-half of them will go over! Th ruin will begin at one end of the street, and It will be crash! crash! crash! all the way down to the dock a. "What ia the matter? Has there been a fall in gold?" "Oh, no." "Haa there been a new tariff V $ "No." "Haa there been an unaccountable panic?" "No." This la the secret: The Lord Ood has set up hla -throne of Judgment In the ex change. He haa aummoned the right eous and the wicked to come before him, What waa 1837? A day of Judg ment. What waa 1857? A day of Judg ment. What waa the extreme depres sion of two years ago? A day of Judg ment. Do you think that Ood Is going to wait until he has burned the world up before he rights these wrongs? I tell you nay! Every day is a day of Judgment. The fraudulent man pllea up hla gaina, bond upon bond. United States aecurity above United States aecurlty, emolument above emolument, until hla property haa become a great pyramid, and aa he atanda looking at It he thlnka it can never be destroyed, but the Lord God cornea and with hla little flnget pushes It all voer. Here la your money safe. The manu facturer and yourself only know how It can be opened. Tou have the key. Tou ttfach the lock and the ponderoua door swings back. But let me tell you that, however firmly barred and bolted your money safe may be, you cannot keep God out. He will come some day Into your counting room, and he will demand: "Where did that note of hand come from? How. do you account for this aecurlty? Where did you get that mortgage from? What doei , thli mean?" If It la all right, God will aay: "Well, done,' good and faithful servant. Be prospered In this wor(d.' Be happy In the world to come." If It Is nil wrong, he will say: "Depart, ye cursed. Be miserable In your Iniquities In th!t life, and then go down and spend yout eternity with thieves and horse Jockeys and pickpockets." The religion of Jesus Christ will pro duce a revolution In our churches. T! e noncommittal, do nothing policy of t'te church of God will give way to a h:i of bravest conquest. Piety lri this Jay seems to me to be salted down Just so as to keep. "But," says some one, "we are es tablishing a great many missions, and I think they will save the masses." No; they will not. Five hindred thousand of them will not do It. They are do'.ntt a magnificent work, but every mlsulun chapel Is a confession of the disease and weakness of the church. It Is mak ing a dividing line between the classes. It Ib saying to the rich and to the well conditioned, "If you can pay your pew rents, come to the main aud i ace room." It is saying to the poor man: "Your coat is too bad and your e'.jei are not good enough. If you want to get to heaven, you will have o gn by the way of the mlsslpn chapel." The mission chapel has become the kitchen, where the church does Ita wlopay work. There are hundreda and thousands oi churchea in thla country gorgeously built and supported that even on bright sunshiny daya are not half .till of worshipers, and yet they are build ing mission chapels, because by some expressed or Implied regulation tb great masses cf the people are ki.;l out of the main audience room. I saw in aome paper an account of a church in Boston In which, It la aatd, there were a great many plain people. The next week the truateea of ll.at church came out In the paper and anM it waa not so at all; "they were gant people and hlivnly cond ition ad people that went there." Then I laugh ed outright, and when I laugh I lau.-rh very ' loudly. "Thoae people," I aald, "are afraid of the alckly sentimentality of tht churcllea." Now, my ambMIon la not to preach to you so much. It seems to ma that you muat.be faring sumptuously every day, and the marks of comfort are all about you. Tou do not need the gospel half aa much as do aome who never come here. Rather you be priding yourself on avchurrh .In front of which there ahall halt fifty eplandld equipages on the Sabbath day I would ..have a church up to whose gatea there ahould come a long procea aiofl cf the Buffering,' and the atrickon', and the dying; begging for admittance. Ton 46 pot need the gospel ao much a they. Tou bay food things In this life. Whatever may ha your future destiny, you' tars pieasant time here. But these dylm" pc4)ufattloDe U whloh ' I apeilr, - by - mson; btj.tlielr,4 want and suffering;, what vr; may; be thely f 4 '-it'SaMaWbe W.eafortta CasaWa goe-' oeffae, Ood's sate trive lWhmL . . ;;;$ajiJOB!',tW prkW oC fhe church aauat oomeldowa. i The eeaareaeea of the "fc arch asset i ootaer dowa! i The etaaajcial boaatuags of the church must Mine dowa! 'If moaeUry success were the chief Idea la the church, thea I say that the' present mode of conduct ing finance la the best. . t It Is to see how maay dollara yon can gain, thea the preaiat mode la the best But It It is the saving of aaula from ala aad tiaattt had briagiag the aalghty popu latiOna of onr oltlea to the know ledge of God. 'then I cry re-rot utioa! It Is 1 coming fast. '. X feel' It 'tn the air. : I bear the rumbling of an ' earthquake that shall shake down la one terrible crash the arrogance of our modera Christianity. ' ' The sea 'la covered with wrecks,, and multitudes are drowning. We com oat with the church UfeboeC and the peo ple begin to clamber In, and we shout "Stop! stop! - Tou moat think K coata nothing to Ijteep a lifeboat Thoae aeata at the prow are tl apiece, thoae In the middle S cents and those seats In the stern two shillings. ' Please to pay up or else flounder on a little .longer till the mission boat whose work it ht to aave you penniless wretches ahall come along and pick you up. We aave only first-class sinner in thla boat." The talk la whether Protestant churchea or Roman Catholic churchea are coming out ahead. I tell you, Prot estants, thla truth plainly that until your churchea are aa free aa are the Roman Catholic cathedrala they will beat you. In their cathedrals the mill ionaire and the beggar kneel side' by aide. And until that time comes In our churches we cannot expect the favor of God or pertvanent spiritual prosperity. -Revolution! It may e that before the church learns Ita duty to the maaaea God will scourge It and come with the whip of omnipotent Indignation and drive out the money changera. .It may houae and blackshop and factory and engine house, and the auctioneer's cry of "a half, and a half, and a half," waa drowned out by the adjoining prayer meeting, In which the people cried out, "Men and brethren, what ahall we do?" In those daya of which I am speak be that there la to be a great day of upsetting before that time ahall come. If It muet come, O Lord God, let It come now. - In that future day of the reconstruct ed church of Christ the church building will be the most cheerful of all build ings. Instead of the light of the sun stained through painted glass until an Intelligent auditory looks green and blue and yellow and copper colored, we will have no such things! The pure atmosphere of heaven will aweep out the fetid atmosphere that haa been kept In many of our churches boxed up from Sunday to Sunday. The day of which I speak will be a day of great revivals. . There will be such a time aa there waa in the par ish of Shott, where five hundred souls; were born to God in one day such times aa were seen In this country when Edwarda gave the alarm, when Tennent preached, and Whitefleld thundered, and Edward Payaon prayed; such times as some of you remember In 1857, when the1 voice of prayer and praise was heard In theatre and ware Ing the services of the church of God will be more spirited. The ministers of ChrlBt, Instead of being anxious about whether they are going to lose their place in their notes, will get on fire with the theme and pour the liv ing truth of God upon an aroused audi tory, crying out to the righteous, "It shall be well with you," and to the wicked, "Woe! It Bhall be 111 with you." In those daya ths ainglng will be very different from what it la now. The music will weep and wall and chant and triumph. People then will not be afraid to open their mouths when they eing. The man with a cracked voice will risk It on "Windham" and "Orton vllle" and "Old Hundred." Grand father will find the place ror hla grand child In the hymn book, or the little child will be spectacles for the grand father. Hosanna will meet hosanna and together go climbing to the throne, and the angels of heaven will hoist, and It will be aa when two aeaa meet the wave of earthly song mingling with the Burglpg anthema of the free. Oh, my God, let me live to see that day! Let there be no power In disease or accident or wave of the aea to dis appoint my expectations. Let all other alght fail my eyea rather than that I should miss that vision. Let all other aounda fall my eara rather than that I ahould fall to hear that aound. I want to stand on the laountatn top to catch the .first ray of the dawn and when we hear the clattering hoofs that bring on the King's chariot may we all be ready, with arches sprung and with hand on the rope of the bell that la to aound the victory, and with wreathe all twlated for the way, and when Jeaua dlsmounta let it be amid the husaa! huna! of a world redeemed! Archloa, the magistrate of Thebea, waa Bitting with many mighty men, drinking wine. A messenger came In, bringing a letter Informing him of a conspiracy to end hla life and warning him to flee. Archlaa took the tetter, but, Instead, of opening lt put tt int.o hla pocket and said to the messenger who brought it, "Bualneaa tomorrow.", Ths next day he died.' Before he opened ths letter tbe 'government was ' captured, When be read th letter, It, was too late. To-day I put Into the hand of tvery man, and; womaa; who hears or, reads these worda a message of life. It aaya, "To-day, If y will hear his Voice, hard en not your heart" Do not put away ths message and ( aay. . "Thla bualaess to-morrow." Thla night, thy soul may be rtQ,ulred of thel t . a P ; rttr:flali oft' a lun you lost. aaWrfffaVt? ... aranl or poor klooti. Ttey.evw J ni xYcqueat fa. ti aunamcr as bk tie winter. Aa4 Trot Can W curt at .oe time Jtsrt ts well as ausotlur. :CCZZ0 aaaa-' e' 'jf''' f of cod Hvtr off wtth hype pkosphtUs ..will crtahitr lulpyou. iilfnoattCYcryofsC can tak H, ani It will not disturb the wcaiteit ttom . aclu , . It chances ths light color of poor biooi to a haanay and rich red. It rKMiriihfs th brain gives power Is ths turns. It brtnn back your old weight and strength. All DrumrUti. Roe. and 11. Scott m Bowhk, Chan lets, Kew York. ak AiffliqbUrg Aarble Works. R. H- LANGE. D.?.A.h !? MARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE Moments, Heaflstsones ail Cemetery LotrfS) Enclosures. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lowest. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. A. JKNKIXS, Ag't., Crosagrove, Pa. nlLDOD POISDH nvLJPMaX I lartnratsi4lnlf.SAnR.jSK. ttr aoebi enry. PvtmM o - - coaaryorTer. ' wiova pvnnaneativ K:urMiuiosolUaaye. you can be treated ai boaieforaaine prkundersameuaran- tract to n ral bmi f i...i k i!?? LMr7,i,HW,'Q'it0San'-" Ton hare taken met? f, iodide potash, and atill hnTabe. and r T: "B'I-'" vvivgaju nilULFh JAnfltPSl tSJuT 2rtZ B?,r orByebrowa falllri hJm.1. M fndary BLOOD &01S0 Mlna. Ma rimples. Copper Colorsd Nn lair or Bye idary BL4J . We solicit il ln mm k ia. Oa00.06s capital behlna"nneoDdl 'iraff?n5-y g".." aolieimie OX obsti- "w waaearvw esuaa samaaeuiarea inn trtritri tTAsa aa Hvnniiivi sVUtJ UM tBUa . - . w uniuu evnsaesiert An REMEDY COi aMXa, ' i a., annlL.nflr.it AAArmmmm ui as -ami wo xempu, V Jury List. List of Orand Jurors drawn for the Court of Oyer and Termtual Ooneral Jull Delivery and Quarter Sessions of l he Peace of Snyler i unt y. ii-a., iieiu iia juue term commencing June , A. II. iws. Atiraiid. lCllsivorCli, liborer, M.ilJlecreck Ilukar, Kobi-rt '., fnriner. w. Beaver Gilbert, Kmiinucl, " Adnma Gtitidriun, Krcd., carpenter, SellDsurove Herrold, Oeo. M., miller, Monroe Horbster, II. II., " Centre Hendricks, Norton, laborer, Vulon ilare. William, H:;lliiirove Kerr, Joseph, farmer, Centre Klnnoj:, Patilul, HRlinsurpve Lenlg, J. 1) blacksmltli. Waslilnglon Marks, John, carpenter, BolinsKrovo Manbeck, I.rwIf, gentleman, ),,aver Pawlmjr, W. W laborer, Wagliington Rlce.O.O.. ,.nn Row, Theodore, farmer, Jlldrtlecrcek Htroup. A. N.. c.fre Smith. Bonneville, clerk, MidUleburir SUolley, Dtnlel, farmer, I'nlon Steeley, J, J,, teacher, w. lioavcr Hliotzberger, Harry, auctioneer. Washington Ulsli. W. A, T., farmer, sprlnif Wendt, R ibert, oarpenter, ' chapman KelHter, Ephralm, laborer, Centre List of petit Jurors drawn for the Court of Common Pieaa, court of Quarter Session of t he Peace, Oyer and Terminer and ooneral Jail Delivery of Snyder County Pa held as June Term commencing June, isos. Bowersox, Oliver, farmer, , . Franklin BousMtaac, " Monroe Bickle,C. K " MlUiIlecreck Bowersox, Isaiah, ' Franklin Dreese, John, ' ' . Washington ITenstermacher, eo. F., laborer, Seltiisgrove Forry, samuol, pt.nn FIsh, It. c, contractor, Monroe Oarman, J. laborer, W. Perry Gift, Howard, farmer, Franklin Hummel, L. F laborer, Mludleereek Herman, J. T., merchant, Centre Ilottensteln, Wm. J laborer, Mo aror Hartnutn, Howard, farmer, centre Uivtman, William, blacksmith, - Holmes, W.O., Justloeof the Peace, Pcna Haupt, Ilarvey, laborer, Sollnsgrov Ilorman, Sylvester, farmer, Jackson Holshue, A, gentleman, w. nearer Hebn, J. ii. trucker, Monroe Kline, Solomon, Sr., farmer, Jaekson Kline, Joseph, W.Beaver Kline, Jumei M., laborer. Hearer Krebs, Daniel, farmer, s Vulon Kreamer, B, W laborer, W. Perry Long, Peter, gentleman, penn Musser, Jonathan, farmer, Mlildlowek Miller, Frank, laborer, Penn McAfee, O. P., " Franklin Mengea, Oeo. W., carpenter, Washington Marks, Cyrua farmer, - . tentre Middleawarth, N. B., merobant, W. Beaver Millar, Rulus, farmer, Washington Paige, Tbomaa, Juatloe of tbe Peace, ChSpmao Bitter, D P laborer, - Monroe Belohtey.O. W, 'clerk. Centre Icelobenbwb, JoeL farmer, 1 W,' Perry Housb.O. J., laborer, Mlddlkoreek Uouah,JameH., farmer, Waablngtoo Henalnger, J. H., carpenter, Fraiklla Bomlg.O, D, fanner, ' renn Poltlger, A R.i doctor, Hellntgrov Teate, P. M., agent, - ' Monroe Trexeler, H. Uborer, ' ' ' , WalDorn.John.blaokamltn, . H Wlaa, John, farmer, - Valon Wagner. Franklin, Uborer, ' Mlddlecweg Wagner, William, farmer, '. ' ': W. Bearer v SEUNsano "" i-vm l r a'.i H 3 ' hsr-p eonataotly bo hands! - kivw syiuua ui I , Ilarbla and Oranit L'QiiJiHtajt - Cl Cta CleJevntd uiHn LOW PRICES I , LOW pgr I bare one of the best'MarblJ tors 1n the StaU and oorWj Uruooticood work. ItrComti and sea m wnrk a J Thankfal for past faeora 1 Z pectfullr ask a eontinuance 7j HiUJU cJuoticeof the PeaQ AND QONVKYANm M. Z. STEININGEit Middlcbun' Tm R. BOWEB. B. E. PsaJ BOWER & PA WLH Atlorneys-at-Law j orncea In Hank Buildlnn. JAa O. CR0F8E, ATTORN KT AT LAW. MlDDLBBlJ All tuslneus entrusted lohw win receive prompt attention CHAS. NASH PURVIS, Collections. Loans and Investoef Heal Rafale and Private KaatJ WilhaniBDort. ' Lvoomino- (! Deposits accented, subject toarartsor J "j fm v v. is. wuriu. a. n. PottieafJ VETEHlNAHysORolof skinaunova, ra. I All professional business entrusted toJ wm TOci.c pruuipt ana carenu anentka. -Newly Established.- WEST PERRY HOl wne-roarth utile East ofKlrhae: Teams free for traveling men tol w lown, Df lore or after d Hates 75 cents per Day. j T . 33. Robs, 2Frc I ' OBTAINC DATCMTQ ril I kill U terms Ti Consult or communicate with tbe of this paper, who will give all needed (nation. Cflg o o P- p i a P IS? :5 a P n ex r- I g Cl on law : ; 1 CO o - ft et- V 6 F r. a S ? K S as 5 3 n A Conmea Danger. If you have ever had a cold wlilrh milted to "wear awar" It mav Interefl know It waeapdanireroua proceeding Cold and ooUKh whieb la nerlectil P"' way lor consumption, nroncnitis, catarrh. Otto's Cure, tbo famous Gen and Iimb? remedy, will curs anv Cuimti ana save you from consumption. i H. Herman. I TVnialvllU, Vl.l.llaMl tll.ll. MeCluM- it. A. Rhrloht A line soil ample bottle free. Large elaeaS9ean4H Beaaty IS Blood Dees- Clean blood meana a clean sbt beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy1! lie clean your blood and keep it c stirring up the lazy liver and driviof purities from- the body. Begin H uanwn pimpiea, boil, blotches, tw and that aickly bilious oomplexion W yaacareis, ueauiy lor ten cent. aiaia, aatiaiacuon guaranieetl, tuc, Union Steam Latin 3 Adam.3 6 Youtz, Prop's., .. , Aif.fliriburj FAULTUSS LINEN crowning feu'ture rof evening The ITNION yiNISH' for thU laundry istamousBptatkJi ot painrtakMig tnre in every Cotlrlrs apd cuffs ironetl with Ivouv-Ukb Edges. j - Pflcei the Lw( : others follow. x-i Uof Curtalni n! Midilekr. 'J ' tfs
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