OIJ'T SACEEFIOE . . Wt Comiort for present seeming Economy, but BUY L sewing Machine Vitb , an established reputation I A Unit anjl aatSaflKfAW MnlM ' 5 "la Tle Wljifce.' JScnd Its beautiful figured wood yrork, durable construc tion, fine niecbani cal adjustment, coiipk-d with the Fintt Set of Steel Attachmcntr, mokes it the Most DtsiraUe Machine in the Martet. FEANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDLEBUUGH, PA. tor our beautiful half-tone catalogue. Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a chance to get other papers cheap we have made arrangements with a number of papers to combine them with th. Post at special rates. The regular mte pci year for the Post is $1.50 but during our special oiler we will accept f 1.00 per year in advuncc Then if ai)y want other papers tht we came below we give them the advantage of special rates. The first column named the publisher's price, the second the amount which ad led to $1.00 will pny for the " p-p" auj t,e publication named. The list is as follows. Puh. Vrioo.i Com. I'rlce. Insurance. kYDER S OLD, AND RELIAbbK vxi i Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SHYDER COUNTY, PA- X31xxxex W. snydor, Agont, Successor to the late William H. 8nyder. The Par-ExoelleDce of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow. list ol otanaara uompanies, iroiu vvuicu i ui ocwviv-. ter the World over. AKX. . . ,.".'''; t-. ... x iq ivvi im nn Koyai, - Liverpool, eng. unciuaing loretgu jwi,,ov.w Hartford, of Etartford, (3onn, (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.62 Phoenix. . Hartford, uonn. o,ocvo.ui Continental,' NewYork, 6,754.908.73 Oerman American. NewYork, . ' 6,240,098.83 VEMutual life Ins. Co. New York, . 204,38,983.6 toNTr-Emnloyers' LiabiUty AssuranoeCorporation, Aociuonl ids. fjo. ouDscriDea uapiuu ui hr. life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus- Uhv a strict renrd to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and iafaotorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Iusur Cpromptly-furnishM : . , ELMER W. SNYDER, Ajtt, lephone Io. wa. umceon uorner aier a. nu ov. o i'bkiuiv. t fill. aTWweiaeaU--t .4 IT A fraitvw i2i': are intended for children, ladies and all : who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put , up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they may always be (obtained by remitting the price to The Ripans Chemical company Nn SPRUCE 51 A Ami .h i a m. aw J- i CANDY CATHARTIC jOE CONSTiTA lJ 25c 50c - Ji ALL DRUGGISTS Thousands apoa Tliousancls Xetlaa to ttw aaaa a lb reseat altara. haiiae-aa eartbqskk.la IadUFa wtt there are aow mt kMh mmmf erphaaa. The rarkxu atkeioaariaa atav tr hi aaa at toes, la MMOrt ttM. a ra- have oabllataad. .woboofc, wUtte INHlfl, ins tiorror-StrlGKeii Wre ft Wn 1M awnlvM to Mlt lilral atMra T aw protta o Um mm to Ok " xlUI fMA TVta koolr gt?M m hhMi m4 Mthwlto d erpto of tk ! Bty, das tka. mmW ukaa a Ms rattaC MS MUlahd vita om I0 Sliumtoaa Cwav aafal- aaoteraaaa , . There b No Other ObdSi Lika ti tha ralaa Th'aaaa Prow htM at aaa af Ika - tka aaaalw lilHil la teak aaa mM lot aajaW at : am TW la a4M Miiaw. aaaa k Mk anajila lalitaila aa to aba to to MMH mi r,A' ' MMtMaMM MtoB to toanaai I,"JaTaat4ai 1 f 1 i-.r'"f "., N. V. Vorkly Trtbuna. $1.00 $.85 rwia. " ppa. 1.00 .so WmbliiKtoD Weekly Pot. 1.00 .40 N. Y. TUrloe-weekly World. 1.00 .as American ClartleulnK(.M). l.uo .71 Phlla. Inquirer (daily), 8 00 t so Farm Newt (M), -50 '10 WoiDHnklnd (M), .M .10 Amerlcuu AgrlcullurLst, l.ou ,TS Practical Kurtiier. l.no ? MatrotlneK, acrlbnerg, 8.00 iJ Ladles' Ilome Meal l.0 .45 The Arena. tM .oo McUhII'i FaslilOD Mag.. 1.00 .10 CounpolltAn. 1-00 .M Leslie's Weekly, t.M S M Review n( Reviews. (.50 00 Century. 4-00 So You inn make a variety of eom bftiutioiiH from the aUive, lor in stance the IVjkt and N. Y. Tribune for $1.25; the 1wt and the Phila. Press for $1.50: the Post, the N. Y. Tribune, Womankind and Farm News and other papers for only $1.45 cash in advance ami so on combinations can be made to suit purchasers' tastes. Address all or ders to the Post or hand them toour agents. tf. Many old eolJiois now feel ihi effects of the hard service they en durd diirinsr the war. Mr. Go. S. Anderson, of Itoasville. lork county. Penna., who saw the haidestiiud of servieA at the front, is now fre quently troubled with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately," he says, "and procured a bottle ol Chamberlain's I'aia Balm. It did ho milch t?ood that 1 would like to know what you would charge ne for one dozea boitlefl. Mr. Andnmcin wanted it both for his own use ana to supply it to his friend and neighbor, as every lamiiy snouia have a bottle ol it in meir nome, not onlv for rheumatism, but lame back, sprains; swelling. uts, hru&eB and buras, lor which it is unequall ed. For sale by all Druggists. OLD COPIES WANTED. In rder to onmplete our files we wantiiie folloainir nananl iies of tlie Post: Jdv 8, Scpf 16, I860; Oct 6, 13, 1S70; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873; Nov. 4, Dcc.13,1875; Mar. 7, 1S78; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17, Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883; Mar, 27, June 12, Aug. 7 and Oct 30, 18-4 ; Sept. 17, 18S5;ian. 28, May 5, Oct 28, Dee. 23, 18S6; Dec 2U, 1887. Any of our readers having -opies of the above issues will confer favr by letting us know. Suuh cowies in irixnl condition will coiu- uuind a iuir price. 'itt-. Whoopina Cough. SPEED OP QUAY TIM8EW WOLF. MJeatma IpartaSMa Dlvtaa4 ia . CaiaarlaT rawwl, .; For a long time paat the aportamen of thla part of tha state aava been en gaged la a bitter edntroveray regard ing the speed of the common gray tim ber wolf, of which the woods ia thla portion ef the state are fulL One f ac tion, headed by Game Warden Fuller ton, haa contended that a deer can out run the wolves, while on the other hand the opposing faction contends that a pack of wolves can outrun any animal found in the northern forest The latter faction ia made up of woodsmen and trappers, who are firm in declaring that the wolves are the champion runners of the north. They back up their statements with cases which have come under their own ob servation. According to these men the timber wolves have a code of sig nals, which are thoroughly understood by every member of the pack. For in stance, the cry of a wounded wolf brings no companions to his aid, although to the human ear the brute yelps just as loudly when In distress as he does in the chase. However, if you ever have an opportunity of listening to an old dog wolf as he rallies his pack for an assault, you will realize that the brutes understand each other fully, and that each varying yelp is pregnant with meaning. I It is an object lesson which a man will not soon forget to see a deer try ing to escape across the frozen surface of a lake, suddenly Intercepted by a pair of wolves that lime been lying In wait for it. No amount of argumeut would convince you that these wolves were not the fleetest of the pock and had been so stationed In advance of the drive bv those In chase of the deer. The "hill dogs of the north," as the wolves have been designated, are really more sagacious thun a shepherd dog, and when they go hungry It Is notte rause they do not use their brains enough, but because food is not to be had anywhere. A trip through the woods at almost any season of the year 'will reveal the hones snd purls of the hides of deer that have been killed and eaten by wolves, which had fairly rundown their prey. As you lie awake In your lonely camp in the forest you ran hear the "hell dogs" rushing through the 'woods not a grjSt d istance away. I f you listen in dyeicg j rv frr I A Pleasure at Last J No Muss. No Trouble.- jJ ' ; WASHES n DYESi AT ONE OPERATION ..ANY COLOR.h m . The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for 3: Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, j Blouses. Ribbons. Curtains. Under- linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin, S Cotton or Wool.' -'-" Sold in All Colon by Crocrt and Bruggitli, or mailid froo forlScontt; SAddmi, THE MAYPOLE SOAP DEPOT. S UT Dumb. Stmt, Nw York. . Look ! Look ! J Look at yourself when you 4mi? "loilm.K at my Btore. I tHp oou .tMi.lly in tock the best i'l (finest liur of Pats and Gents' (JloUrinp, Fimiipbing Goods, Underva.r and Cups. Call to see my stock. I.B.EOYER'SBROIHHOOD'WI Scnbukt, - - Penna. WliJVtn' AiTlt-tlMtMaVrt-. .luuue is u.n l tf.vuu liit lur lulUiKlui; M(lua Ap pnuaeiutuia Ui.ur. iui i !... u;.-n Ui.. Mlu Luc i lci M lurur mU ol hlijul cuuui hit i'Uu!iiuiuiuu jii M' i.u j, Ink 6th ukj Hi Jui jr. 1M. 1. Appiu.aouii i.lot 1.1. ile C. U.itulu, vrldun OICLj.ir A. iMluitu., lull U I llil.lO iMp. Hujutr c. uec'u, i-ifi.,cil .o Ui Ukcu uuavi lue SJWI exiiiHluu Ium. K. AiitH'UMUirui ui kilziioclli l-j-kr. widow 01 HlliUw u. 1 uahiei, lute Ll Oeuuu IN( . Miy UHI l-u. UHc'd. t-Kl'irU lu be Utt-ll UUUrr lue HU0 eifiuptUiii luw. . A(ipiiM.-uteaiut Liic-tnilit lloweii, liluvf ul hauuiui Uuntu laluui riuukliu Mi)Uulcu. uei-'u. elori 'u tu bclnkcu umli-r Hie MeXtrmp- 4. AiiirulHeiututol !aruli Wullrr. wldoWol Jwxiuc. Wan. i, l, I le ul riolik..li LA'li. bl.VUtr intently you can also hear the unhappy !co- icu. t'lco.i,! u, m i,mu ubaci iw jo Kl. t .v.. ...,-.1 .i ...:v. u.J'uu . uict aa auv uiu'jCBacu utxi vuiu they ore pursuing. Next morning. If you make a short search, you will find the mangled carcass of a deer over which the wolves have snapped and fought. Bert Fay and William Schwartz, of Lake Prairie, which locality seemA to be a favorite stamping ground of the wolves, are now arranging for a grand wolf hunt, to he neld in the near future. Invitations have been sent to nearly all of the sportsmen of the state. It Is expected that there will fee 500 hunters present when the circle begin closing 'in after the drive, Sides will be chosen by the banters, and the men with tbe smallest smmker of scalps to their credit when the boat ia over will pay for a din ner at Um frewn halL Chicago Chronicle. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from as attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy. I did not think that any medicine would help hiai, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best eough medicine I ever had in the house. J. L. Moore, South Burgebtstown, Pa. For sale by all Druggists. Tkat Wm rh Fol. "You ha been calling on my daugh ter for some time, young man. Why don't you come to the point at once ? "All right, now much are you going to leuve her?" N. Y. Journal. His Fra. , Landlady (pitcher is hand) W01 yon have cream in your coffee? 1 Cralk (as she pours) I'm afraid not ! N. Y. World. CBdaraas Sea. Gallant Bandit (robbing young' wom an of her jewelry) I assure you, miss, a diamond ring on such a lovely hand ix absolutely superfluous. Tit-Bits. Is a Critical Coadttloa. Bill Fve got an Idea in my head. Jill I thought you were acting rath er strange,' lately. Yonkers States man. . i ' . . ... ; . . A Back (- , Returning rood for evil ' f" May be pleasant. In a way;1 ' ; , But you'll ftad that ha vne does It , ! Isn't euttlnr lea to-day. , ' -Chicago Dally Nawa i r- . .Be.Taa slesrs!.t';, i QPam riumbottle You say you saw usenbury X; t . v. ., ! Dave Pulstfer Yesj 'X net him on an elevated station and shook hands Htfcfcjm,; i"4 ;. ' ' ! PlumbotfleYou.. did. h?. .Well, jvu srOVWI VWUill . JVH1 . aeusgws afterward Tam many Ti mes. - r VICTORIA AND GLADSTONE. Why tVc HWeea la Aailaaa aa ta Health af tka Q. O. M. Queen Victoria ia Tery anxlousnbout Mr. Gladstone, and has telegraphic re ports of his condition sent to her twice daily. Iter venerable majesty such is the story has some idea that Mr. Glad stone's death will be but a brief fore runner of her own, because of a pre diction once made to her by a fortune teller. Many years ago the queen and the late I'rlnce Albert were out walking together a mile or two distant from the highland palace. They were quite tin- 6. AlfUritireii.t-tit. iif Lhii-rl-1 KruiiL2- wlilow at MlCllul'l 1 IMliU. itlu V. MUUkllU l. Mi) Hit cu. m-id., oi U'U Ui ui- iitkni. uiulsi I lie tv0 vAeuipUnh Ium . AppralM-wtiiit ul Hulle. UreH.iler, willow ul Uclily a. ltnin, llu I bplliuu SUJ ilor v.. (Uv'ii, i4;ura tj be lukeu liuuer li.a MH)xt'iupuuu Imk. T. Apiriwlueblf KHz . Ki-lrln-I tacll, wlduw M Uuui'l Itvlciu au-uu, luic ul rcn lu. suj. or cu. a.c'u. iu a ivi bo Ut-u uuUi:r iltv 3uU xeui;Hoolnw. R- AuJukintiiiKiit ol Alice W. llapaer. willow uUulm ilcmirr, lal- ul v uuiiiu,u twp, buy uer co. ui.'a, Hixu u w bv .ukcu uuut-r lue tax) exaiupuou lw. ni - . M. MIIMlil, Ciclk, O. C MUldliieuruli. i'a . ;.u, irm. Accounts. TliBliilluwliia unuuuui wm bi picxnleil lor uiUiituiti luu ju.mr urxL leiui ul luiuI : 1. lue Uml ua tibui uc'Ltyuu ul K. A. KitolA comJuiUee ul Mut) J.. iHjuti., un. useu. . J lieMcuUU uxuuiil u. a. cUi-l, Uuar tUait iu.u 1'LU.k.iilue ul WiiLaui leiget uf lien.ei lifp.AUb;i iu. O. a. suiswil. PruUiuaotury. JlJUIoturgu, ., M.f 7id, ilw. UtilbT'S NOTICES. Xotlce Is Dcrcoy jnv ru Uioi lue loiiuwu. uuuit-a perbuua uve UleU lUcu AaiulUi&UH.u.n , LfUUiu.a, auu hx- , tvmuiB acuuuuui ui lue Meviaiur a Olllut- ul Suy ! our l ifiiiil.v. Mini iiim tuin. vu.ii i ... 7. . w ..... w uincuuni lur cuuflruuiuuuauuiuluwuuceiuiue cuuri Uuiioe lu Miuuieoui ku, touuiuj , j uue iu lava. 1. Awouul ul t . v. iiUuUi uiu uuu K. I. WaK nrx. aaiulutotratorii ul Joiiu o. o-jm uie ol Weal Itewtn iMp.ouuci cu. u.u u. 2. FmiauunnalactuuiiiulUeorgeC. Aumlll r aicculor ui u.. ul Mr. -Buuuer, Ute ul Muuloe iwp. bujUer cu. Sec'0. . MrsiiujuUuu. .ojUi ui a. ft. Setlirltt, jwu.liilalrau.rw M e. s,uiu.l. laie ui Lulon 4. I us iirsl uuii r.ui: uwouiit ul Jua Illlbfrt. ?iUiV!'i late ul iuum.'i( Lwp.. nuyuer cu. Uec U. ',u"'cU'"'i'l JolinK Uluel. adinlDlif A SUMMER SAIX in ladies1 shoes if it ple:iaa voyage afoot FtrrtLe(4ea urd it gives, there's ih saii like our sale. Crowds aw enjoying it, and securing th prettiest, coolest ami !est fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which huyeis tind it a pleasure U pay. For liouso or street wear, pleasure or every-daj practical purpos;s, walking, riding, or drivine, we supply the ideal shoes demanded bj -fashion ami the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hauds, by all means surrender jonr feet to these shoe. 6. H. GIBSON, SoimrY; WANTED-BRAlFlS : Bad for our listen rUvt pstSa tuil&ji, ul ivtssH of Wulusrtoa Skj. Tka bock ct ti mur lolltn. ItvUlbt mt ta jtes kraoUuaj. Wm uto-uz. . Cu rn Oiix of naotaisi cj piuat I fmtrt jru llntc tiiy air briaj yn .tilth, fofon ip-jlytrj fcr paiatt. ga ; nr UtmUSon ul laTtitor't usitiet. tuittraUUi. , COPP A. CO. Pitr ""nT 'if'i-ia) n a. KlrHtnuil Him ii. ..ii... .i. . attenuea ana were passed on me nign e..onuuu,iwi.inuii ieuuieui m .uiiu lyad by a gipsy caravan. Acting on a suddcB impulse Frince Albert hailed the gyptiies and Intimated that he "and his wife" would like their fortunes told. A tnll, gannt-looking mother of the tribe approached them, and, It Is sup posed, vith no idea of their exalted rank. The hand of the prince was the first offered, but with a hurried glam-e the gypsy dropped tt and then for a few moments stared Into the face of the rnieen's husband. "I can tell BreuB. lut? vl 11 lUalecreek twp. suyiler o. deva. auuiiulkuuiur ui liuaiu b. re.w. u. "j , -iy V. auei iu.e IfeLuiuku uie a aim grand tLimureuuiJuuu U Ueuuiuwcr, luie ol t.uuk Un iwp. Siuer cu. iiet J ' . Kirstuuu Dual ati-ouot of Emma lllblvhaus I aaiuiuicHmiu ul lue estulu ul Ut. luuiiaa U UiuiiiliauBjatt-ul Uie UuiuukU ul MluuieOi.riu in luo uuuuij ul suur, uwu. 10. TUe tlrst u'lU r,Ll uciuuul of lieurwe II : aiiU JiM.HO Ureear. tln ulu,.,,! t..- ...J .. . ..a... . i ,. , .. . .uv uui .uiduj jwu v i i - v. v. ww.uu fitcoe.iiiLe ul leerv New Music Liberal Offer. To introduce our nw monthly pub lication. Amekican I'oitlah Macn. weuiake the following liberal ofkl- ! Send cs the nmnes rf tlirce or more performers on the pinuo or organ., and tifteeii ceuts iu tuoney or pol age, suil we will mail you tiiitcit. j pages of the latest popular sorjisK. two stfps. etc., full sbnet iuu.-mc t- rouged for piauo or organ, aud A- I ERICAS FoiTLAK MlTHU' for tffr'- ! months. ! Address lVi-n..u: Mcsir Co lodiauajjolis. IiidL Moucrcu. UK'll. iwp. I no fortune," she at Inst muttered. "You lire with the sun, -but the dark may soon deepen. The queen and tlie prince langhed, and then her majesty's pnlm was extended. The gypsy woman looked and then fell on her knees. "I am in the presence of one who Is great In this world," she murmured, "and so 1 give you comnge, tnougn l Know not aumiuwiruiur oi lucesiuieui hiiin. u.zLZ. ke uiie oi apriUK lI. MijOer co. UewaaeU. 11. r list aud linal accouul ol W illlaui Moiiali aouiluuiuuiur oi uie uiu ul .lUJL Aruji ui laie oi Ten j l w p. si,) uar. to. -ecU ia. Klratuud tiualaccuuuc ul 11. A. Bowers auuiluLtralor ul lu.talaie ul Auuiew J. Buwe" oJi, Uie u Oviaru Up. tiuer co. Uec'u. 13. First am niwi aii uuni ul Peier s. aud heurjf J. Urtuiau ex-cuioi. ul lue estate ol 14. First and tlual amount or UK. Halue,- whom you may be; your days may long, but sorrow will not spare you, and when your end comes there will be a falling stone." Ko explanation was vouchsafed by the gypsy, and as the rest of the caravan's inhabitants were beginning to gather around them a lib eral dole was bestowed and the queen and princ resumed their walk. Prob ably the gypsy's wbrds were forgotten until recalled by the death of the prince consort. The allusion to "a falling stone" remained a problem, but now it might be solved as having reference to a falling (Glad) stone. As a prophecy it is no better or worse than other utter Ings of oracles. ' It happened to come right in the prince consort's case; It cannot very well come wrong in the queen's case. Her majesty is well stricksn with age, and so she cannot long survive Mr. Gladstone, prophecy or no prophecy. N. T. Mail and Express. i Tf fraaa 1 am a poor, motherless girl!" fal tered Evangeline, her voice quivering.' But James Wetmore-Smlth was not a m .easily Jo be balked. do not expect . my wjie," he (replied, gently, albeit omewhaf'fprachflly, na be, both rli 'imd' motherless." Detroit Journal. . i - .... i rvJff REV1VO t-W restores viTALrrr: Made & l-Sf loir. Wt- the railways conveyed 141,000 blcyoles from Coven try in rtl, compared with 116,000 ta the prcvioTMjear. id riisiauu pariw avCOUUt 01 JullU 8 Wolf auiuluiBiralor ol tlie tstale ol liuiiiei iseiu lute ol Luiuu iwp. euyuer co. deed 19. rul and Dual aicuuiil oi V. II WairniT eievuuw of the last win ai.d tesiui,,cut ul 7uuu Keed. late ol Peuu Iwp. Nujuer co. det'd il. iiBiauu liual accuuui ul Len'tlrlch admlutoinuor C. t. A. ol me estate oi Jouil liOBUrtuittU. late ul tlie burougu ul oUuiiroe Myuer co. dte'd. Is. AuMiuiiui Henrr Ulnlus. juardlan of Ue cUlldreuaudUtlniulFruukm, ouuer, laie ul Jaikoulwp.Budrc dev'd. ID. Urol uDd Dual accouut of Lucetla swn Ud WUllaui H. peeia. autuiulsiraloisol William o. sewta, ol tlie OOiuUfcu ui Scilu0hru,e J uaroo.dec'u. ' 1 iuus U. Wtuia Ketflbter. Court ProcJamation, ' WHKKKAb tha Hud. Uarold M. MoClara President Judya ul Judicial Dtalnui, eoinpuMd ol tn couutla ol buydor, aua lluiua aud U. C. Sanipsel aod L. T. Geui berllntr, fciqi., AMoelata Jadtfw in aud lorsur dereouBty, taavelHued ttaair pievapt, bearing data the HTlh day oi Apr. A. I)., imn, lu m dlnatad far the huldloa; wiaa urpLaaa' Court, a eoartoiCeniDiva FleaA, ouurt 01 Ur and lr. alaer and Uaneral Court ol (Quarter ttouluna ol ibtl'eac, at MluJItburga, ivr tb tuuuiy ol baydir, ou tba 1st Mouday, (biu Uia ilk day ol June IK.), and tovoounuauoa wees. NoUee U Uaraivra banOy gtvaa to tba- Coroa ar, JaMloaaotUeFeacaaad Uoaalablaa la aod lor tba eoaaty ol Snyder, W appaatla their urvaar panoa wlia-their wll, raoorda, lnqulal ilou, axautlaauoo and other natambraooaa to dtttbuM tblBK wbloh, ul luelr eaoaa and la thair bebali part In w be done sad wltoaataa aad aerwaa prueecotlnj la beball of tba Uoia awawaaltb aBlaMaay parwaor aerwaa ar ra qalred to be thea aad there aiuudluj and mm--aartlan wlthuut leave at their peril. JasUoaa are reqaaeted ta be paaetaal la inliallinilnia atthaaapataMdUiaa aarreaably to ootloe. Olvsa under ui baaa ajNt in HaarlaTS eOea la MiddiMSfcb, tba Mb day ol May A.U,aae taoaeaad eiahl hundred aad alaety esM- P. 8. MiTlKK. aeos. L V.xy I1E GREAT ;;,)fh lre ftiencii xiisnxssij'sr r la.'-a tlienlnive reulii.lii :!0ly. It 4. 1 uuvrMllv ud luii kiy. curue lien ailol.Tx to:.. Vu.n-ii in. ii willrruain their loin njaelieod. jartjlk." uiu will recover tln-ir jroiitlitiU viuor br imuu( Ki.VIVO. It iiiu.-klyandeiiMlTrviurM.hrxua a Loot Vitality. Impoti-ai-r. Nwlitiy Kbjmii. I..mt !'iifr Kalllig Memory, Waiitina Uikwkw. atf all i-Bcfta of wtl-abune or eieaiiaaad4iidiM.Ttuc. which untlte .a. tot Mudy. Iimnnierwiiu-naae. mx ant only cune by starting at thiet of dlaeane. BmS U a great nerva tonle and blood builder, brbM -nig back the pink glow to rule cheek and itonug the Ure af youth. U wardaff fnMtMSy and Consumption. Inaut on having KtVlVO.au other. It can be carried in vct por-kot. By mail. 1.00 per package, or ais lor as.oo. with a poa writ tea gaarmatee ta rate ar aaftuaa. e money. Circular tree. Addreaa 10 YAL IIDICHE CO.. 271 WttasH He.. CKICUHL ILL FarsaleatMlddleburxh. by W. H.SPANUIXtL A Bargaia Tvasedr. "My wife and her best friend are aaa. on speaking terms." "What's the trouble r "Well, her friend persuaded Taer ssv buy a golf-cape for 11 and In the very next shop they found the same thiatg morked down to nine dollars." Detvute. Free Press. The Mertlfytac Fact. , Twynn So you had burglars at yosr fceuae,Trlplett? Triplet Yes, and the thing about fs that grinds ia the fact that theywent afl over;. the house and found oebJari "worth, carrying off. and all the iws ' papers are proelaiming the fact ua leiaLife.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers