b. W. WAGBNPELLER. Editor und iroprietor. IT-IT All flie r.roierty of A. K. Gilt IS irgoing repairs. Vshier Thompson was in Mexico Sunday. lie public schoulsof Middleburg VI on Tuesday Jisses Carrie and Mabel Vitten- are visiting in Philadelphia. V Wittenmverwasin Fhila- )ia last week buying new goods. a. Rev. J. M. Rearick of Cen tal! is visiting rclativesin town icinity. II. Custer and Wni. lieaver L. Il,:l...l.,l..;. hnvimr tlinir till j. iiiiauvitjiu o V Htoek ot goods. larles Marks, of Dickinson Col- Carlisle, is at home spending Custer vacation. lion II. Rowersox, of Paxton- dropped iu on Monday to Ihj a new subscriber. lues fj. forresicr, oi oeiins- was granted an original pen- bf $0 per montli. J. C. Ainig, of Ixwistown Euster witn J. L. Murks in lyn across the 'stream. II. ILLcitzel ofMitflinburg .several days with her parents, Avers and wile at this place. I. Sehoch and wife are dorat the brick house in the Flats y vacated by Dr. J. V. Seip. Lutherans at Hassingcr's and in this place celebrated rd's Supper truster Sunday, Vll line ol tinware can be at Sehoch and Stahlnecker's All kinds of repairing )uy attended to. tf. lA. Gordon, ot Mt. Pleasant F ' culled at our office Monday hg and inserted u legal notice colunins. r Summer Millinery Owning I i mi i t i i ike place niursuay, rnuay ktimiay, April 28, rjaml 150. Ia Dl'N K KI.Iil'.ltG Kit. c Grouse and William Shindel, its of Susmiehaiina Univcr- re 8H'nding their leister vaca- hth their parents in Aliuillc- i Christian Endeavor Society Lutheran church under the ps oftlicGoixl Literature Com held Piaster exercises Sunday )ou need any trunks or satch rail on II. Onnenheimer. prove, where they have a large make a selection 3-31-3t P. O. S. ot A. Camp No. 515 place on Monday evening by unoiis vote offered their ser i President McKinley in case with Spain. Xmkelbenrer can sunulv vou e newest thing in plaid shirt I neckwear, kid gloves, leather )id "Plaid Hose." Give her will need some spring shirts dish pauts and if vou dron in jenheimer's Selinsgrove,' they Vow you bargains. 3-31-3t I S. Sidney . Kohler (of New (made a pleasant call at this jon " Monday morning. ' The ind is a pleasant gentleman pular pastor. H. Harris Bower. . on Fri- irted for Kerrmoor, Clear- ountv. . where he nwruvl ..e : i l S m Want position and one which Her filled during the spring tooth, epy shave, genteel hair other tonsorial work, b at tained at Soles' Barber Ghop, Wmyer'i building, oppottfe Hfe.. to , boles and yoo noimsu, hair oil-ai MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., I John Yodcr, a studcut at Gettys burg, spent Easter in town. We are making an effort to in crease our business. Notice our prices. Children's Leghorn huts 25, Children's flats 25c, Velvet Roses at 15 and 25 cents, Violets, 5e. L. DuNKLEHEKGER. For Sale. A 000 lb. beef. Call or address Box G9 Glolie Mills, Pa. tf. The railroad depot is much im proved in appearance by a fresh coat of paint. Harrison Moyer purchased the meat business from Fred. Uathfon, and he now has entire control oi the business at this place A very beautiful floral pillow was made for Moses Fry by Misses Dora Rickhart and Mollie ftolcnder and Kate Hitter, in which there were 15 lilies. J. W. Adams of the Union Steam Laundry, MitHinburg, was in Mid dleburg lust Wednesday. He lett an order with us for nn advertise ment which our readers will find in the Post. The Smith Grove C. E. Society elected the lollowing named officers, President, Izora C. Smith ; Vice Pres., Frak Mitchell; Rue. See., Jennie Bollinger ; Cor. Sec.,' Lillie Gordon; Treas., Samuel Bollinger. A junior C. E. society was organiz ed with Johu Housh Superintendent. We learn of quite a number of our subscribers who arc preserving the marriage record. This is an excellent idea. Thosw who do not care aliout going to the trouble of preserving it can buy it in book form when completed. Thomus V. Coojwr's candidacy for the gubernatorial chair has wine to an end by reason of his determin ation to takehimxelf out of the field. Colonel Cooper is neither as red headed nor us hopeful as he was thirty years ago. ' Wasted. An honest and indus trious farmer with help to put in crop between S00 and 400 acres in lirown Co., South Dakota. I will give the right man an immense oiw portiinity to make money. Corres pondence solicited. Address, Dk. D. F. Swexoel, Aberdeen, South. Dakota. The editor and Mrs. Wagenscller were in Harrisburg last Thursday. The editor appeared lefore the Uovcrnor in behalf of the Snyder County Historical Society with a re quest tor a set ot Penna. Archives. 1 he request was granted. Unfor tiuiatelv the state is out of vols. 4 and 5 of the second series. 11. II. IiUnee of Mifllinbiirg was over here last i nday. He left an order for an advertisement which appears elsewhere in this issue. He had just rccicved an order for a C ton monument for 11. B. Fcssler and a 4 ton monument for Win. Fcssler and some orders taken for bodies in the liidge Church Cemetery in West .Weaver twp. Millinery Opexixo. I will have my millinery opening on North Market Street, Selinsgrove, Apr. 28. . 29 and . .30 beinir Thursday. o j j Friday and Saturday. Special re duction in all colors of Ribbons and all, kinds of hats. I will have a large asssortment of hats on liand trimmed and nntrimmed. Call and see my goods and learn my prices. Kate A Wagenseller, 4-14-3t .7 Selinsgrove, Pa. 1 1 Dog Lost. On Mar. 29,. a dog belonging to me strayed away. ' It was a male, foil shepherd, black in color except a little white ! In the face and white in the breast Any Inftrmation brought or sent to the undendgned that will lead to the re covery of the dog will be libendly rewarded. CabubbRbI '. Mrs. J. C. RhiL, of Mifflinburg, was visiting relatives nt this place. Two Turkeys I.iomt, Two turkeys In-longing to S. (J. Moyer strayed away from Henry Swarm's farm last week. lVtli had one wing and the tail clipped. Any inform ation conneri.ing them willlx! tliank recieved by Mr. Moy-r or at this office. Important to Subscribers. Those of our subscribers who ex pect to change their postoffice ad dress this spring, should notify us of the same, lie especially ea refill to give your old address and the new one. NAlso send in your name ex actly as you find it printed on the label of your pajwr. By observing these points you will be sure to get your papr regularly and avoid con fusion, tf. Policies Must be Transferred- Those who carry insurance upon their household goods anil intend changing their place uf residence this spring, should not fuil to promptly notify the agent and have the Mlicy transferred to their new abode. Otherwise should a fire 'occur and the household goods lie consumed, they cannot recover damages. The Lehigh University. The Register of Ix'high Univer sity, recently issued, shows an atten dance ot oU'. students, divided among courses us follows: Mechan ical Engineering 100, Civil Engi neering 84, Electrical Engineering 0(5, Mining Engineering 4(5, Ana lytical Chemistry 28, Architecture 10, Literary and Classical Courses 28. The teaching force comprises 42 instructors of all grades, which is in the projtortion of one instructor to less than nine students. A dire ful study of the legister shows that while the University is largely de voted to technical branches, the cul ture studies, such as English, litera ture, history, modern language, jo liticul economy, and philosophy form quite a large part of tliecun iculuin. Abuudant oportunity for practical work is afforded in the physical, electrical, and chemical lalxirutorics, and in the summer schools in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. The literary and classical courses are also well equipped. A Strange Pedigree. Murray Courtright had a jackass registered at the prothonotary's office in Hollidaysbiirg Friday. In the certificate of registration apieared the following, written in the pedigree space "Pedigree not certainly known. JSelieved to be a lineal descendent of the celebrated pair of asses said to have been in Noah's ark and a distant relative of lialuam's ass." Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. About 400 pairs of Men's Wo men's and Children's shoes will be sold this week at special sale at M. S. Suhroyer's, Selinsgrove. Closing with 'auction on Saturday afternoon evening, ic 4.1SU! , nuiu m: ginning at half past omv . otiH Aunmnr. A 1 Ktlt . unln Ln D1EU At Freeburg Pa. Apr. 5 th 1898. William Fits Charles, son ot Win. Fits Charles and his wife Catharine. was born in upper Sulford Twd. Mon. Co, Pa. the 15th day ot Aug, 1800. Died Apr. 1st 1898. Aged 91 years 7 mo. 16 da. . April .4, at Selinsgrove, Jonathan B rouse, aged 83 yrs., 7mo. and 23 da. At Hoffer, Catherine Bohner. wife of Daniel fBohnerr born Feb 9th, 827. fe4 Upr-SthtlS?)?; ngedVl yriVl inoiOOf das: t' !. , .-:- '' ' - - PA., THUHSDAY, y Moses Fry Hangs Himself. Sunday Morning lk W'm Found Dead Ia ID Bum Suivndvd to a Ladder. The first news on Sunday morn ing that reached the ears ol our jieople was "Mose Fry hung him self." The news proved to be only too true. 1 le did not reach home Saturday evening, but Mrs. Fry felt no concern await that us he lreqiient 1 II l . . i i i .y w us nuieu u way 10 uiieiui sick nor- scs ami woum siay an mgni. vt nen Mr. Fry failed to npjcar Sunday morning, Mrs. Fry made a search a Hint! nn lifki lwitti iiliioi uli.i I .. ..w w , - found him hanging in the barn stiff'and cold in death. He hung his hat on the ladders of a wagon where he lett a note saying, " My troubles endeth my life, to my friends Good bye to you all," He then used a line and fastened it to a wrung of a ladder and the other end about his neck. His struggle was probably brief. Upon learning the fate of her hus band. Mrs. Fry gave the word to the ncighliors, who gathered in and took charge of the Ixxly. M. Z. Steininger, Justice of the Pence, em paneled u jury consisting ol 15. W. Voder, foreman, Daniel liolcndcr, II. D. Stah lnecker, Henry Iiachuiun Howard Folk and Harry Sptn-ht. The jury rendered a verdict in ac cordance with the facts ubove given Moses Fry was Uirn Apr. 2, 18:54 and followed the profession of horse doctcung and farming. He was a soldier in the late war and was try ing to get a (tension and it is said that on Saturday he ireicved word his claim had been rejected. This is evidently false s no papers arc found on his jktsoii. There was no hay, no (Kits, no corn and nothing else to feed his stock and it is supp osedthatthis is tin.1 real source of his trouble, lb-would have been (51 years on the day he wvs buried Tu esday. Kev. Hertz officii ted at the funeral. The decensed is survived by a widow and an only daughter, married toCeorge Hickhart, mhi oi II. K. liickhnrt and wife of this place. The farm of Mrs. Fry will soon Ik- sold as she is not able to oversee the farming of it. Teach County History. Kroia I'liiltt. Iniiilrcr, Murcli, itx. The Iicbanon Daily News com inends The Inquirer's efforts to in duce the school authorities through out the Stilt; to teach more State and county history that is now taught in the public schools of even the niot progressive couutics. "Those," it says, "who are at the head of ed ucational affairs in this city and county cannot begin too soon pre paring a course of study having this v . object in view, in no otber way can the boys and girlsof our country become familiur with its history and its geography as well. This is true, not alone oi Ixlan- on county bat of every county in the State. It is a singular fact that in many of the interior counties not a line of local . history is taught. The daily and weekly newspapers far in advance of the authorities whose duty it is to insure useful ed ucati6irto the' young print from time to time chapters of the politi cal, military and social past ot their localities, but the schools, ' the os tensible teachers, do nothing I , Th Historical Societies are doing a good work in many places among the adult population, but it is naturally confined almost wholly to adults; Every publio school in the State ought to have a county history as a daily text book. Robbers broke into J. E. Magee's store Tuesday night and stole ' quite a great many clothing. 'f There was some ' money i in the dfawerl but i it was not touchedv ' " ' 'V APRIL 14, 1888. 99 0 THE Vm O. E State Convention. Harrisburg, April 1:5, 18'.IN. Kv. Dr. George 15. Stcwan presided this week tit the meeting of the general committee having charge of the arrangements for the State Christian Endeavor convention tolc held here during the lirst week In Oetoltcr. The architect submitted his plans tor the seating arrange ment of the Chestnut street market building. The floor will I x divided bv four aisles into three blocks of !"." - , " "'"" seats, with numerous exits opening lrom tlu. ,i)lo aisItSt Thm ,H, a large platform at the rear end ol the building for the ehor;;s of o(H) - un,ww j the convention. There will he also lavatory und other con veniences tor the accommodation of thcdelegatcs. City Controller (iough is chairmanof the hallcomniitteeuiid is already mapping out his plan ot fitting up the great hall for the con vention. Mr. llcttcw, chairman ot the committee on finance, reiMirted that the societies of the Chrisuiin Endeav or Union arc responding in a com mendable manner und will fully meet the committee's first expecta tions. He said that the ltcrsnnal contribution lrom citizens are heart v and generous, and the high stand ing of those yet to rcsjKind gives as surance of satisfactory results. Miss (iractl rcMrtcd from the committee on badges recommending purple and gold as the convention colors, inis recommendation was approved, as well also the following badgecolors ; Reception committee, cherry red jciitertainment committee, yellow ; ushers, white; pages, pink; choir, lavender; general committee, for-gct-mc-not blue. Mr. Musscr, chairman ol the committee on decorations, mnde an interesting report describing briefly the general plan fur decorating the convention hull and the building throughout. There '-ill U- an electrical design in front, with lavish disnhiv of color within the building. Mr. Aleck reported that the en tcrtaiumcnt committee had organized and outlined its work. Mr. S-ott, chairmanof the print ing committee, reported on tin souvenir programmes, which will contain a description of the point of historic interests in- Harrisburg with illustrations, the music to Is used by the con vent inn and othc features. A meeting of the State executive committee will Ik; held nt the gen erul headquarters in tins citv on Tuesday, the 21st of April, to elect a successor to tS.e Rev. Allan 15. Philputt, of Philadelphia, the presi dent of the State Christian Endeavor Society, who is ulnnit to remove from the State. The Harrisburg Union will entertain the State Committee at the Commonwealth Hotel in the evening. At this meeting of the committee it is prolmble that a pro gramme will be finally agreed upon. OLD COPIES WANTED. In order to complete our files we want the following named issues of the Post. July 8 Sept. 10, 1869; Oct. 6, 1$, 1870; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17, Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Aug. 7 and Oct. 30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28, May 6, Oct. 28, Dec.. 23,1886; Dec 29, 1887. Any of our readers having copies of the above issues' will confer a favor by letting us know. Such copies in good condition ' will - com mand a lair price, (' tf. . J. W. Goodling. proprietor of the' National' Hotel, Danville, was in town Tuesday., . i . ;.. i .'''.''"" VOL 35. NO. 15- EST COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Knlvrpil lr IU-rl. H. Elizaltcth Woodi-ntr r the administrators of llcnrv W'.mn!- rull, deceased, to .John . V,HriiH J acres in p,. tup. for $12.S.i4. V. Mitni Mitnianto John C. Kon.ig, am in I'enn twp. fbr $S)(). JK'I 1). I!.nll.r and wife to IVter P. liroiise 20 acres and 18 ktcIics in Jackson twp. for 1000. Cora E. Erb to Clmrlm l l-vi. a lot of ground in Ti-oxdville fi.r $4;". eo. II. Stein iiim-i- ;m, John F. Stetler house and in the borough of Ali.hlleburg for 1200. Hastian Stepp and wife to Enos Ihlger l.'iucres in I'mnLlln ;... $11)1.10. ' R. 15. Wcav.-r unl John V Hhoads 50 acres in Perrv two. f,- Joseph 1). Ulsh and wit;, tn f,. rinda Mickel 2 lots ..f'AM'l,,, i:... ?-llK). Jacob Musscr and Catherine his wife to Mary Catherine llothennel , lot of ground in Port Trcverton for $120. WumI or AiMiffimirnl for nonrdl or !.. tllinrn. H. W. Ulsh to A. (i. Hashruir. in Spring twp. tract No. I containing 20 acres, tract Xo. 2 containing A acre. f J. A. Keams, Rcavcrtown, Ellie M. Aiirand, pKiiver Springs. (. A. Klinglcr, Kratzervillc, Fiettu kline, (C. W. Frymire, Shaniokin Dam, (Chrissic.l. Kern, Sunbury. f 15. F. Srhrist, Penns creek, llattie E. liicgcl, Mi,ldleburg. (J. l. 15ogar,M. I)., M.-Kees F. (Cora A. Wildt, liiiehanan, Mich. Suit hern writers and i-coiiomists continue to urge a diversification of industries in that section under the stimulus given by the new protec tive tariff. The Charleston News and Courier in u recent issue calls attention to the fact that although the Smth produced moie than 11, 000,000 bales of cotton last year, it did not raise enough IIkxIs ami provision crops to support its own population mx months, and has Imh-ii inlying corn, hay anil wheat in the West, und concludes that the pro ducers of that section ought to lol low the example of those now en gaged in the enterprise of diversify ing industries which have U-cn so greatly encouraged iu that section since the enactment of the Dinglev law. ANNOUNCEMENT The Fireside Publishing Com mny, of Philadelphia, has issued u booklet by the Honorable ThomasX V. Cooiier, Ex-Collector ofthe Port of Philadelphia, and self-nominated candidate for the Governorship of Pennsylvania. The Publication i styled "The New Equality." It is an arraignment ot theexisting trusts, syndicates, and other monopolies. It demonstrates how hollow is the 1 pretence that these certiorate mon opolies are created with any view of cheapening the price of commodities to the people; and outlines the only possible method of effectually as sailing and eventually overcoming these giant Octopuses tliat have a tentacle in everybody's pocket. Iii ' order to bring it within the reach ot every voter in the country, the price' has been fixed at the astonishingly low figure often cents. It deserves, and. is certain to have a very exten sive circulation. ' . It will be warmly welcomed and appreciated, as a good, solid work, well worth possessing. - T Car' citMUpUlM filiwi. TkkGmMuM Om4i OathMtl MterMa. 1. f - V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers