. . -liiSaaWAfiii. (61 rV sra m . . & Mu.ua i -saa m sr- i z: waasaaw earn saoralsf tvtMaaieti-rtv luaa HUT. A. Blot. It. ft, Hew Tar W. Be baa ttwm' a reliable aM absolute eare .&i?wIae & cjnjj M)sns at vaatlBC away, awl vesselta JfTT" anriu kaowa. wTU seas ifcraa SL. aawtv dtwnrcred ruiuedtn 10 aay aflUotod reao efibePosr. Already bit "new etlentltto avatesa ot medl rtlsMHW permaaeoUv eur-4 Ussesaatta Ot at-aa-eotly hopeless case. The Detforooaslders It ao oalr bu proe atoaal.bu hhirellKulty-a'W owiietoaairertn'UuwaIW-,u '"leUaTprovliled ha "dreaded oonaumptlon' IQlaourabtadlery.nla ",1J n "1 climate, ami s oa ttle la hla Amertcaa aod Jtaropean labMresortes thousands of 'jJJJJ't teatlmoalsU oC sraUiuder from Moss be noil Mod and cared. In all part of tba world. Catarrhal and pulmonary ,11?" sumption, and conwiinpthm. unlnu-iTuptwl memo apwdy and rriln '' D JJJ. not II It Ih too lnu. Himply wrlie T. M. C.t Woe 8reeu New York, givluit express tod poatofflca sddrssa, and toe will hepnimptly sent. Pieses tell tbe Uoclor you saw bla offer la tbe friar. Alka -Klondykl Gold f.ir::r:a Co. Capital Stock, 500,000 Shares of $10.00 each, fully jwidand non-assessable, of which 250,000 Share are now offered for subscriptions at par. SPECIAL NOTICE. There are many peraoni who desire to go lo the goM Boldi ol Alaska the oomlng srasnp, who hare not enough ready rooaey available to enable them to do so. To all aoeh, we would adlce the desirability of forming a local eyndlcete ol three or more peraoaa, and Jointly purchaae 800 iharee of oar stoek, and select one of your number to go and prospect and mine for Joint acconat. with l 'fnrtnln sach eyadlcate, tblt Company will contract to lend eat one of their aumoer lor each WW snares ei aw F - fom It a pf, and maintain sookltaartr Snare for one year from the dale of arrrival at the gold Balds, mpplylni him with food, teals, and all things requisite to eaable hlsjjto preapecl (or fold, and with help todavelop and wark all good clalma located by hlm-lba etaiaje to be I totted It the aame at the ayadieabt aad the Alaska-Klsadyk OoW Klsin Co aad la bo owned Jointly ano) equally, anare at anara alike , Writ for Circular Full Particulars, Maacroaa. , Uoa. lata aaaratary Mala af Ooleredo ; , K.M. Tlteoiab. riee President and Oaaarel Maiiag"! gnstssan "T" -r --- H. C. raeh, rneaOer MartM nxemwa. ww Tkl I Oeo. W. Morasa, Circle City, Alaeka ; , Job B. tewlber JNew Tark ; aoorgaT.Burfee.raH Wer, Kaaa. ABvhaav aoABO. Ho. U H. Wakefield, Ataociata Juatlce, Ilrat DUIriet Court. Boata rmmiacbom. auea. i Han. . Kkhmond, lata Preoldent Court af a mm.1 IWih. Gal. ! H. Q. UpdegraS, lataTreaeurarLycomlagOoun. ty, Willlamapon, nna. ftamuel M. Bryan, Preaident Cheeopeake and Potomac Telephone Co.. w aiiiingion, v. v-; n IL r. Flihar. 1.S31 Michigan Aye., Chicago III.! " v.l v 1 n,iffnin. Detroit. Mich.: If. G. B. Bwltt, Attorney-at-Law, Fall Rivrr, H ana. , laaac W. Hcott, Deduty Col lector. Cedar Kapidr, Iowa. Wn. v MrKnleht. Attoniey t Iw, Orai d Kapidr, Mich. The bailneat af the Ataska-Klondyka Gold lfinlnsComnanv will be to runa linelof team era on the Yakon River, and between Seattle and the different parte of Alaaka, open aupply etorra at the different canape, da a geneial transportation, commercial ana nanaing ou I ium. anil. In xlilltlon. deal iu Mining Clalma, aad work tbe mine already owned and that may hereafter be acquired by me company. The Company controls the following properties: Right Gold Placer Claim ggrjgHtliig 1M Acre in Kiieni, louaieu on run m uoder United Htatee mining lawn. Development hu umva th m atraak to be fire feet thick and Dai yielded placer dirt that pan from IK to IIS to the pan. Klve Gold Placer Claim, ag- 5 regaling 100 Acreo in extent, on Porcupine Iver, tbat pan from 29 oente to 10 to a pan. Ten Gold Placer Clalma, aggregating 360 acre ootheTanna Kivor, panning from 110 to a yard. A fine gold quarts lode In Alaska, which a an from 115 to t300 ner ton. The lodo show an enormoue outcrop of free milling ore, rein at aurface being 12 teat thick ; on thie property hmva made 11 location of 1300 feet by 800 feet. equaling 120 acre. We don't elaim that it I tue roeiuer looe, out w ao Know u wnuuu, an equal for proapectiva value. Th aatlmataa and atatement above are of naoaeaity baaeu upon Information ooiainen from our Superintendent, and are believed and accepted by tba company. Thla company having acquired extensive holding of rich placer and gold quart proper tie, capable of earning large dividend on lie SIOCK, oners to investors auvantatres tuat aura large and profitable returne. ' Mr. George W. Morgan, our Huperlntendent, naa been on tna x uaoa lor tne past wora-Ina- in lha inlaraa of Ihlsoomuanv Therefore, we an) not caking any one to contribute to a project unplanned, but to one thoroughly ma lurea. inia company, who i muim aua, tanaive knowledara. and area! reaourcea, ia oer tain o beoomo one of the riooeal oompaniaa op erating In Alaska. Our President take pleaaure In referring you to the following list of retereacee t Janet K. Dewey. Mllli ft Co., Bankers, Detroit, Mlch.i . IjoulsCTetard, Commlsaiontr World's Fair from Mexico, "The Bookery," Chicago, III Menator H. M. Teller, of Colorado t John Hbafroth, Representative to Congreaa, Colorado t J. M. Bell,iUmreaentotiVetoCongreaa, Colorado; I. O Clement, Washington Trust Oo. Building, Waahlaaton, D. a i Joasph C. Halm, ex-Chief Justice of Colorado j Charles D. Mayt, Chief Justice Of Colorado i O. a Maugham, lit Times-Herald, Chicago, III.; Maurice Joyce, KJ scire Picture, Star Building, Waahingtaa, D-d Cbpi J, J. Lambert, Owner aad Editor Chief. tain, Pueble,Oot. t InHillegsaan, Tax Agent M. P. K H. M., Loan, Ma. i K.B. Oowaa, Dreiel Oa., Philadelphia. The full-paid atock is now offered at Ten Dollars per sliare. Send Ivour orueni to the Mi-llcimeQililiBlilCj., Ke. Breadway, Mew Tark, Carsftat Cattto sTWadlas;. ! suay diiriM of uy IS cowi. nmrt of than will not Btur for their keaplBf. whlla othtra will sort thaa do this, and that tha en tire herd will yield a proflt It ! not always tbe cow which pro duce the most milk or butter that la tba moat profitable. One which pro duce 360 lbs may pay better than a 100 lb one, for In the first case the yield of butter may not ba proportion ate to tha amount of feed eaten. The herd ahould ba aubject to rigid I est. Tha aelection of calve which are to de velop Into dairy cows ia vary Important and especially ao in dairy breeds. Aft er tha calf haa been aelected, reed It for tha special purpose desired. Keep thrifty whlla crowing, and feed, as much aklm-mllk, bran, etc., as possible. For cows succulent food la beat. Roots ar yery valuable and not properly ap preciated by farmera in the United States. Oats cut quite green and fed on tha atraw ar of high value. Feed theaa with roots and ensilage corn. Barley also is good. Most of tha dairy feed should be produced on the farm. Clover hay la a valuable crop, but It sold tba aoil ia also depleted. To meet low prices and sharp competition, farmera must select and keep only tbe best cows. In feeding for beef, anap corn, leav lag oa about one-half of tbe Inner husks. Cut the eara into three or four pieces. Feed with hay, blue grass and corn fodder to which haa been added a little bran, or oil or cottonseed meal Don't give too much at a time, but sea that tha stock aat their feed up eleaa. Give ona to five pounda of roota dally, for more grain will ba consumed if a little ancculent feed It added. It hardly paya to grind com, although a llttl cora meal may be of advantage when Sntahlng for market. It require soma llttl time to get cattle onto full fd aad they must b kept gaining constantly, oa toward tha and. Corn ia the beat alngle feed, aat H can b profitably combined with oata aad roots. Ia winter break th wlnda by yard fane aad opea aheda. Give plenty of good wattr, hay. rock aaH aad bedding. frof. C r. Curtlts. - THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. tsitarMtlaaal Leeaaa far Jaaaary a man Tha Baatltadoa -aattkew at tia. Arranged from Peloubet'a Not.) ' QOLDEN TXXT.-Ta ar the Ihjht f th world. Matt. tili. THE BBCTION tneludea the Beatitudes. which ara practically rhe text, aad such appUoaUona and lUuatrattoaa aa ar gives la the past ar ta chapter. PA RA1XXL.-Luke SUT-M. TIM E. aummer of A. D. M. P LACK. Accord tog to tradltloa, the 8er Bon oa th Mount was spoken oa tbe Horn of Hattla. or Mount of Beatitudes, a aquar ehftped hlU. about at feet la height, with two tope, near the canter of the west coast of the as of Galilee, two or three miles froca the sea- and seven southwest from Capernaum. EXPLANATORY. L A Night of Praver. From Lake 6: IS w learn that tba new poo In th development of Christ's kingdom waa preceded and ushered In by a algbt of special prayer. U. Tbe Selection of Twelve Apostles. For instruction and training for tbe great work of building op His kingdom. Luke 0:12-16. III. Fundamental Principles of th Kingdom of Ileaven. Tbe lohabitanta of Heaven live according to these prin ciples aa naturally aa they breathe; and w hen all tbe people of tbe earth do the aHme Ileaven will be on earth and tbe city of God will hove come "down from Oorf, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. IV. The Beatitudes. Vs. 1-0. First. Tbe Ileatltudea are the text of the fier rton on the Mount. Second. Here Is found the only true method by which the needed moral rev olution can be realized. What men needed first was a change, not in their circumstances, but In themselves. Bles sedness, Jesus affirmed, comes not from outwsrd conditions, but from inward states. It consists not In positions, but In dlxpoaltions. Third. Tba Beatitudes are not ar bitrary enactments. God Himself csb not change them. While a man hates his brother God cannot make him hap py. Omnipotence cannot give ua peace while we hug the worm that does not die end wrap ourselves in the flame that la not quenched. W. B. Wrlijbt. Fourth. Th Relation of the Beati tudes to One Another: j Fruit tha Ueeieral Para. ' Maay buty fanaara thlak that trait growtat It oayoad tham aad that their tlsM "aaa bo mora , proUubly . aUllsad ta general farming. Aa a raault thou aaa da at aouatry koaaaa ar deprived of tha moat helpful aad at th tamo Um taaipaatlTO of all lozariaa. No klad af fruit bought la tha market U aquoi ta) th horn grown article aad tao faraar'a tabl wUI aevar be llbarat ly aappUed aatll a haa hla owa fruit gardaa. . Caa vry famar har that lar ariaaf Certainly. Th tarn klad of thought, aklll and labor which must b glvsa to gaaoral grala farming wlU produce aa abundaae of luscious fruit Ua th tarn Judgment ta selecting planta and cultivating applet and email frulta, aa you do la chooalng cora, wheat and grass ss. Take car to aeleet the varlstiss adapted to your soli and cllmat. Thar ar a great num ber of varletlea of all claaaaa of frulta from which to choose. Ba on time, thoroughly prepar tha aoil, plant th trees carefully aad give tham Intelli gent culture. Don't neglect the orch ard for other farm crops, but through out tha whole aeaaon give It attention. Po aa I hava recommended and your fruit plantation will glv you mora la aetual valu aad tan times greater sat lafaction than aay other equal amount of land on th farm. J. F. Johnson In Agriculturist taaflewer teed Food. Suaflowri are planted and cultivated aiueb. as aay said erop, particularly corn. They thrlv beat In a rich, loamy toil, but will grow wall oa any good farm land. Plant In aprlng about corn plkDtiag time, and keep th ground free irom weeds. Tba matured aeed makes excellent feed for fowla and haa gtvaa good results whan ground ss a feed for other klnda of stock. It la very rloh and muat be fed in limited gvAa titles, ataeh th aame as ollmeal. Up to data, there la very llttl exact In formation available concerning th varus of aunflowar aeed as a stock food. Bxa Unset stations In th United ePstae hav aot taksn It up and about th aaly data availabl la th experl oaoa of Isolated growera throughout th ora belt Th teata mad by thes asaa hav given good tatlafactton and It la to ba hoped that th matter will ba mora thoroughly invastlgated. It would aeem advlaabla for vry farmer to plant a email amount aad experiment for himself. OaUeah far Papoasa eilgvtly Matter. Thar la a fair prospect that farmera who make a specialty of growing pop cora for market will aacur a alightly batter prlcat than th laat year or two. but aot much. Th crop, taking th country at large, la apparaatly a full on, aad In torn aectlons, notably th weet prlcat contlnu vary low. But la eome of th mlddl aad aatrn ttataa, whll th markata ar well sup plied, a fair Inquiry prevail aad th atltuatloa seema to b looking up a trill. ruddy "Tou conaldar Harrtmaa a funny fellowl" Duddy-'Tt wtttleet man I vr kaew. Ho can keep a com paay of Sngllaagaom ta a brow atudy aa entire TtAtaj.'-Bootoa Traa oorlpt. . ',, . .., " ' Will bar tha rewards of alt ! ii! i ?i nils 'MM ill f II : Those DwraeeutsS for Cancer 01 the Breast. Mr. A.H. Craasby. of i8 Kerr St. Memphis, Tena., says that bia wife paid bo attention to a email lamp which appeared ia her breast, but it soon de veloped iato a cancer of the worst type, and notwithstanding tne treatment of tn beat physicians, it camtinued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two notes ia ner oreast. Tbe doctor aoon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then trest ed her, bat she con tinued to grow worse and whea informed that both her aunt and grandmother had died from cancer be gave th case up as hopeless. Someone then re commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she be (run it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she bad taken aeveral bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease haa ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. II HT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep vervtliiiif in the hardware line. Horse shoe nails, other nail hvtlm kcjr-or pound, toe steel, cast stoel, tires for busies and wagons, round har iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels Iuh, twlsof all kinds, Horse Blankets, i lWi,ip8' ,,Iil,er8 ropes, curry combs, brashes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, and Patent Washing Machines. Call to see my goods and you will be convinced that you can buy cheaper hero than any where in the county. xoursresp'y, I llftPnr Mt Pleasant J Li VaillCli Mills, pa. GREAT MUSIO OFFER. Shim! uk thu tmuittM htul l(lren8PS of three or more performers on lb piano or orxau together with ten centH iu mlver or post ace ami w will mail you nixteu pagea full nbeet music, ciMioiritiug of iwpuUr aoegs, waltzes, B arcbett, etc., arranged for tbe piano and organ. AJdreHH : PbPULAB Mcsio Co., tf. Indianapolis', Ind. SPECIAL NOTICES. Hmall advertlsameati of every deacrtptloq, Waal, Sale or Meal, Lost or Pound, or Unr na ilers Insert under tai bead for ene-hail .eeut a word tor que laanrXoa and oae-founa cent a word earn ssberquenl Insertion. NotlUstf In serted lor lees Ua UW ceuU. N1W8PAPKH ADVRTIHIIta IN THI UNIT KDHTATM. A book of two Hundred psm containing a caialog-iMi or aoout sis thousand newirpepera, belnu all tbat are credlu ed bjr tbe Aaterksn Newspaper blrectorv (Oee ember raliion lor Iflsl) wnu hsvlnK regular tv suax of l.ano eoptea or more. Alun anpsrate Slate maps ol each and every HUta of tbe AmertiM t'oloa, Damrtig iboe towns only In wbKHitber arelasurHl newspapers listing mora than 1 OSn rlrculstlon. Tbls bouk (hmii'd Deremlirr IS, lT) will emnt, postace paid, lo snv addreiw, on receipt of one dollar. Adilreas ibe Uen. V. Howell Adrerttsluf Co., 10 Spruce Ht New Vork. IK 13 .t. Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For NietvDavs I The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN- mri-SYv nsjiAnr mw. - iirir. siuuii. ur t UliriiTURE AT THK OREATK8T SACRIHCH EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We Hri. uot r.rllli,tf out l.ut w tlo tliia to IncreHse our salesabove tuy pre. vIimik year. We jjlve n few of the prirei hn follows U Cl,.u"',''r h,,i,H 14 00 Cotton Top Mnttrens 2 u Hard Wood Clu.inl.er 8uit 18.00 Woven Wire Mattrew. i ts Antique Oak Suila, H I'lecen 19.00 Bed Snriiik-s. "' I'm I'luali Piirlor Suit 30.00 Drop tables, per ft."Z'."T AO Wooden t hnlrs per et 2.60 Platform RocKers .' a 50 M.HLHt Za' Vry,.,l'". the fornltt.re line, Including Mirrors, Hook Caxes, l' th 8,.T,ord'; tUphOttrllH,CTl',r,,,Tab,M-Fa,,0y Rakers. Hnby Chalra teHther HillowH, Lourikre., Coorl.es, I)ouKbtrays, tiluks. Hall Racks, Can Seat Gliaira-Oue, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all Glasses. I rlees redneed nil through. Come early aud see our stock before' k-iviust your order, and thus ave J8 to 80 iM-r eeut. on every dollar. HHsil Attention (liven to Undertakinir & Embaliuinir KATHERMAN A HARTNAN, L,imned, M1FFLINBUROH. P 10 Per Cent. obevlnc these laws Poor la spirit is tbe necessary condi tion, tba aoil in wblcb the others stow. It ia "tba trunk of tbe tree of wblob the othere are tbe braochea;" tbe ball of the bo-use of which the otbera are tbe rooms. Tbe first column shows tbe natural development aud progress of the inner life. Tbe second column shows tbe slmllsr development of the outward life. Correapondencea. Each characteris tic In tbesecondcolumn is thenatural ex pression of its corresponding1 inner life, given in the first column. Tbey tbat mourn for ain will be meek toainners. They who hunger to do good will do good In mercy. Those who are pure in heart will seek most, and be most suc cessful In, tbe bringing mea to peace ia Christ. Tests. Those who lived such a life In this evil world s re often persecnted, and must alwaya be ready to endure thla teat. They who do stsnd tbe test will have these virtues In a big degree and have tba fuller blessedness of them all. Result. Those who live according to tbe Beatitudes will help to bring tbe kingdom of Ileaven on earth. I TP 1 DfiFliP W foreign f. a ginmm. will UAIiJ flUUUl exrbaohe tor rash, .quote ; (iiirr aiu uste i wo nuirnpn douss ror mie. Address Kred. o. Koebler. Iionnm SI4-S!S. Bowl Injf Oreen BlilK-. II B wuy. N. V. Oily. g ! WAN'I'KU TKl'bTViOKTIIY AND AlT ive (frtii It-men or Inilira ro travel tor rrNMnNllile, i-MtiinilHlied house. Mo. I 14 and eieiwv. I'imluiin lf.l . Refer, lire. KmcIomp nrlf-ai'dreiieil MumpvU envelope. Tlie IXinilnloD Cumpuny. lk-pt. V.. cIiIchko. Ii-1-97.i. 1. alXI'Tai WASTKO everrwhere-to a-n a sell Noi.ll rtelMlestlnc ; ' 1'olishlnir Irons. The most useful mcv ; lent bousi'liold iavenlioo, snl a ready seller i for sgrnta at t.isr profits. Workers ran easily j make U to $lu dally. Write lor particulars . JUHMMTON & I O.. Muliiir. III. WANTKt Truslwortliy and Active gentle- ' men or Isalies to travrl (or responsille, es- ; tahlisheri hours in flnyder County. Monthly WOO mil tipnm Position steady. Kefrr- iice. Kncloee self-addressed etamped enve . 'lope. I he lloniinion Company, Uept Y. ' t'liiceiro, Illinois. S-I6-1M j W A !TKD Agvnl to sell washing msohinea ; Jones U Knoll, 107 a 4 St, lbanon. l'a jy 1 i. i FB EE m Fi liuni .ri SMnm TlUtiA tUOsl AUD pgVsU.ll 1,0., tWalal, Mavattf. . t Discount will be allowed On all Goods In Stock. Until you sea Solid fact Bargains. We hava opaosHl the Season with a stock of goods that beats tba record for beauty and low prices. Ba fair with yourselves and sea our Elegant Stock of Winter Clotbiug. It presents an opportunity for economic al buying that ia uot found elsewhere. OVERCOATS, Everybody neede something in this Uoa. We have Just what you need, and at tha prices that defy competition. We hava the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Oooda on tha Market. Hata, Caps, Talices, Truuka and Rubber Uooda we have in large assortments. IN DRESS SHOES, We have a line matjuallitl in the eouutv, uur lieaviT wear, in pricv ami miality, cannot Ik? U-at in tlie State. We want you to v our ..lioes. A full Line of florse Blankets, Lap Robes and Whips coiistiintly on hanl at greatly reduced prices. XX. OPPBNHBIM13H. App'a BI00I&, - - Sollnsgro vc, Po. Prompt Payments. wiTxeur 1 1T8 NAl'UIITY but it s nice, e -nd hy mail for only too. Kitd Hook Co.. Putney Falls, V!. ' Soma Tratae Tersely Pat. "I will" ia tbe first step to God. Hell is the lost outpost of tbe love of Cod. Let not the preacher exalt rites above righteousness. Take care of Number One. but take eara It la tba right one the aoul. not tbe body. - Never dtaparage tha commonplace. What la more commonplace than a mother's love? If consistency were the first and great commandment no maa would ba con verted. Kam's Iloro. The Matter mt Oar .larkta.' "Lest wa abould offend them," aaid Jesus. He went beyond what waa re quired and paid tbe tribute. Ia this He la aa example to ua. Our rlghta are vary Important, but It ia aot on every Infraction of them that we abould "stand for oar rlghta;" tt ta eftea far better, a Christian doty, to go beyond what ia required lest we give offeaae. Christiana ahould commend Utesnaalvea to the civil authorities by this Spirit of Jeaua. United lVeabyterlan. , The time la lost that la spent la lock' lag for aa easy piece. ECONOMICAL WASH1NU KLVID'aTes soap a-r sod labor. Keeipe 10c. N. J. Brumllrld. llsrdhll. la. . I'TOMATH' fKX, "Be! thing tappeiied" ' SC. KAIBl'rlll.D, Chelsea, Msm. 9, .KLLOtV JKMriAMlNttf. strong roots fur a nlsntinf, luV. Mrs. N. JL lirumileld. Hard- I shsll, U. 9 GRKATKrr NOVKLTY OUT. ViWBrph llr- . Ii( pictures nHve as if alive, luc. K A. Yarrliifton, Hayville. U I. 91 ITIUPDTTPDC 3000 addresses. Illinois I AUTLnlloLliU Inmm. fcLOU per thousand. rash or ext'hanife circulars mailed, ll.iV per thousand. hi.iinsT Star !'., t'ornervlllr. Ills, s Liberal Adjustments REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHDCH. 6ENERAL INSURANCE A6ENCY, SELINSGROYE. FA. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1S19 Assets $ 11,055,513.$$ Home 4' " 1S53 " 9,S53,62$.54 44 American 44 44 44 IS 10 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New Vork Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage Solicited. iuSiFOIffllTOllB, CARPETS AID CHINA. 10c for twiupla aui prticulrm. CbM Pusw, 4 IHII.. kAa l...s. IMsi V 1 m. j.w.seip, ' Office near the' Lutheran church. ; Lt av" ratla early in tbe luomiojr if possible. Hours i 7 to 9 A. W., 11 to '2 aud 6 to 8, P. M. Telephone No. 102. Vi S 3ui. .S fi a. $. Pottieccis VETErtiNARY sUrceoN. siLiNsoaovi. a. AH preaaloaal aaslaeas sotrustsd to ayr care aill revelve proapt sad oarvful alteotloa. i 0; Hriifht oew designs look; oat frocu every oook audoraro( our Score Shi; aod Styles iu wbicb at ooe you your UeaL CouchescH, CARPBTS, RlUsi, ART SOLARS aaU P1CTCRES at prices so lew tbat eth er aiervbaats ean act compete. YiMtra Keepectfully, - Newly Established. WEST PERRY HOTEL. aswrai aslla KsmU mi sUetstoM. Teams free fortravtliu men to drive to town, before or after meals. - Hatea .3 cent a per Lmy. W. H. FELIX, Lcvijfcowi) Subscribe For The HLEBB 1 9 lB4swvsfr. sV;sftMsy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers