07 TO PREVENT BOG CHOLERA. Crat.f, -I.. Rulta From t. 17- of Antl-Toxln Parana. . Washington. Jan. 17.-Th chief of the bureau of animal Industry. Dr. IX E. Salmon, has submitted to Secretary Wilson a report upon the experiments made In the treatment of hogs for hog cholera with anti-toxin serum. Thll serum is made upon the same principle ss the antl-toxlne of diphtheria. It was last fall tested In Page county, Iowa, on several herds of swine, containing altogether 2T8 animals, and 3$ died out of 244 animals treated, of which 86 were sick. Consequently 82.8 per cent of the animals In these herds were saved. Of untreated herds kept under observa tion during the period referred to about ib per cent of the animals died. Secretary Wilson remarked that un doubtedly the results reported by Dr. Salmon were most encouraging to hog raisers. The cost of the serum, said the secretary, Is but ten cents per head of animals treated, only one dose being required, and doubtless In course of time this llarht cost may be still fur ther reduced. lie said further: "The losses from hog cholera are so enormous, and have weighed so heavily for years upon the farmers, that I can not Imagine that congress will for a moment hesitate to make the appro priations necessary to carry on this work thoroughly. It will be a great mistake, now that so great a discovery seems to have been made, not to finish the work by giving It a thorough anl extensive test." ITEMS OF STATE NEWS. Wilkesbarre. Jun. 18. Anthony Rel Insky, a laborer, was Instantly killed and Uottlelb Merritt, a miner, fatally injured by a premature blast In a Del aware and Hudson mine at Plymouth yesterday. Huntingdon. Pa.. Jan. IS. William Beatley, aged 2R years, of Mount Union, this county, while hunting foxes yes terday was shot and instantly killed by the accidental discharge of his gun while drawing it through a fence. Easton. Pa., Jan. 17. Pardee Hall, which was nearly destroyed by fire a month airo, was the scene of another Are last nieht, and was in that part of the burned west wing In which had been the books of the Ward library. The flames were soon extinguished. It is believed that the fire was due 'to embers that were smouldering In the basement from the last Are., The loss 1st ist lasffo Norristown, Pa,, Jan. 17. A man who gave his name as William Smith Is In Jail here, and he Is believed to be wanted at Paterson, N. J., for the mur der of Mary Sullivan, two years ago. Smith Is 6 feet 1 inches In height, 36 years old, and weighs over 200 pounds. He was arrested on Dec. 30 on the charge of Illegal car riding. . Norman Ewing. of Neshanlc,. N. J., also com mitted as an illegal car rider, declares that he heard Smith acknowledge that he was wanted for the Paterson mur der. . . i . Harrlsburg, Jan. 15. Colonel Edwin K. Meyers, former' state printer and one of the best known men In central Pennsylvania, was found dead yester day In the stable yard adjoining his home, three miles above this city. There was a large cut across his fore head and a bruise over his left eye. It Is supposed that he was thrown from his carriage a short distance from the yard and was dragged to where he was found. Mr. Meyers was state printer for eight years, and was aged 39 years. He was the son of Hon. U. F. Meyers, who is proprietor of The Star-Independent, of this city, and leaves a widow and three children. Harrlsburg. Jan. IT. Dr. M. E. Mc Donnell, special acent of the state de partment of agriculture, has submitted to Secretary Edge a report covering an analysis of 350 samples of milk selected In different cities. The worst milk was found in Pittsburg, while In Philadel phia and New York the supply was found to be remarkably good. Dr. Mc Donnell recommends that inspections be made of the milk supplies In all the cities of Pennsylvania. Pittsburg and Harrlsburg. he says, are in especial need of dairy inspections. The milk of Scrantun. Erie. York and Heading Is much U-tter than that of Pittsburg. Altoona. Allegheny and Harrlsburg. Philadelphia. Jan. 15. Four men who are suspected of being professlona' thieves of New York were arrested by detectives here yesterday while follow ing a well known Jewelry salesman who was visitins his "trade" with a satchel containing thousands of dollars' worth of diamonds. They save their names as Charlts Jloyt, 31 years old. of Little Washington. Pa,: William Devlin. 21. of New Y"rk; James Riley. 24, of St. Paul, and James Sullivan, of Heading. Pa. All w rc- plentifully provided with money trvi rarrid loaded revolvers and a ouurtity t.t tools used by diamond and tank thieves. They resisted arresi and were xiy cuMued at the pistol point. Philade lphia. Jan. The suit of Charl- o. KaiM-r. Jr.. against the I Covenant JluluaJ Life association, of Ullri' is. and t.f Charles O. Kaiser, Sr., administrator I Emma I. Kaiser, de feased, against the Crifon Central Life Jnrurime tomiany. of Cincinnati, were yete.'day o.'w.'ontinued by counsel for the j-iaititiff. '."he suit was brousht to ri'.ver IZMS) Insurance Jointly placed u the livts ,f Charles O. Kaiser, Jr., atid Krvrr.a P. Kaiser, who was mur-dej-ed egr Norristown in October, IV.?. Tto j vur r Kais-r l under sentence of Cr-:1b fvr the murder i.f his wife, and Jstrw-. A. Cu-mmer and Lizzie D K ty tie fswaitins trial fr complicity lii the criiw. NwrifUiis. IV. Ja.'i. 17. Jarr,-s A. O turner, v. ho i t har d xiih the mur irr vi Mrr. Kwrr.-i I'. Kali-r. denies tliat he vr rr.soe a confession. II, t "uuiwJ tbow'J l.i'n a itaterner;t out frcjB New V(.rk Hty by the man ho is ruw.'Kl to be W. 1L King. Oeii:ir.-r a.i!: 'There Is no truth tu ihat jsUitwienu I bever associated whb lusn ty the tjane of W. JL Kins When I wn In .Newark, ti. J., a row: by the B,me of W. Jf. Killi-nben-k work 4 with ttrj fvr Jsever! month Muavaastr for the Bigger Hewing Ua vbiii oorwj.aoy. One day KUWnixi'ti roUT-xted money lWvfliflng to the tovrri'Vor- J!e left Newark, at 4 f nyr tbsw t&u '.,:.. Tb taas Is not W. JL h aiges. but W. JL KlXWu f I , IT ' TM UailM MUM Work STB. In Minn at Columbu " A-TlTU.R ; for)J M president ; timf ConftrmiL Henrr X. Borer ; ex-treasurer of Pennvlvni. ...A.." tatendent of the Philadelphia mint.. ' mi. .rii.t m.. u.lun . ' hv Sani EL I?? 'i",'1"' .S. t ia .tS11'! against France, declared him not guilty. ' " h..HVn. Ti" eicte' enor from Ohio, for both the long- and ehort I Urte General George Gordon Meade, terms, by a vote of 7 .agalnat 70 for!' The civil service debate which was McKlsson. A bill will be Introduced In congress . on the 4th Inst, was continued un requlrlng all persona desiring to prac- tir Tuesday Of last week.' and then tlse In pension cases to give proof of . the debate was suspended by a tie vote, their good reputation. , . I J It requiring -the Vote of Speaker Reed Thursday, Deo. 18. The remains of a prehistoric village and burial ground have been discovered near Masslllon, O. A dispatch from The Hague says 300 persons were killed by the recent earth quake In Amboyna. 1 .. Mrs. McCusker, charged with killing her husband, was acquitted by the Jury at Camden, N. J., yesterday. Chairman Dlngley says that this con gress will do nothing to reduce the in ternal revenue on distilled spirits. The postofflce department will seek to secure bonds directly from clerks hand ling money, Instead of through post masters. Friday. Jan. 14. . Ited Cloud, the last of the great Sioux chiefs, Is dying In a shack on the Ogal lala, reservation. Schlatter, the "healer," Is said to have restored the sight of a blind girl at Zanesville, O. The body of. Theodore Durrant. mur. derer of Blanche Lamont, was cremated at Aitadena, Cal. The diamond back terrapin, for which Maryland has long been , famous, Is mrcatenea witn extinction. The . French government will prose cute M. Zola, the novelist, for charges or perjury against government officials Saturday. Jan. ix. Five men are entombed In a tunnel of tne upper smelting works at Anaconda. Mont. There Is no hope of saving them. The operators of the Pittsburg coal district will appoint a commission to enforce the' "true uniformity" agree ment. The senate committee on election, by a vote of 4 to 3. reported against the seating of Corbett,' appointed senator from Oregon.,, ,.., ., While Mrs. Mary Curtin. a' young New York. widow, was romping with her child she fell downstair and was Instantly killed. . ,y . ,,, Rose Felnberg, IB years old. was so badly frightened by the appearance of a tramp at her home In New' Tork that she became Insane. , . ;,; .,; ;.,(,,., ( Monday, Jan. IT. , , ; John K. Valentine, ex-United States district attorney of. Philadelphia, died in that city yesterday. , ,, ,;lir . Chief of Police McCullagh ordered the chiefs of greater New Tork to strictly enforce the excise law, - - Logan Carlisle, son of the ex-secretary and ex-chlef clerk of the treasury department, died in New Tork. aged 37. The mining towns of Dlllonvllle and Long Run,. 0 have been looted by tramps, and the miners are on the war path. Hon. Charles Vllllers died In London, aged 6. He had served continuously in the British house of commons for 63 years. Charles A. Durran, arrested In New Tork for embeisllng funds of the Rem ington Typewriter company In Balti more, has been sent to that city. Tuesday, Jan 18. Ex-Congressman Benjamin 8. Hooper died suddenly yesterday at Farmvllle ! Va. j Circuit Court Judge W. 8. Barton, of the Fredericksburg (Va.) circuit. Is dead. A New York policeman named Gard-! ner has fallen heir to $70,000. but Is de-1 termlned to stay on the force. Half an ounce of steel dust was re-1 moved from near the ribs of a Chicago I Ironworker who had Inhaled the par- i tides. By braving a temperature of 30 de- I grees below zerofieorgeCraham secured ! a placer claim on French creek, Alaska, worth $200,000. . j THE PP.ODUCE MARKETS An Reflected bv Deal In its In Philadel phia and llaltlmore. I'hllndelplila. Jan. 17. Flour weak: win ter superfine. K.Wi3.0; do. extra. $3.15ft 3.60: Pennsylvania roller, clear. $4fn.; straight. $4.2014.40; western winter, clear, $4.1Vu4.25: do. straight, $4.404.60; city mills, extra, X3.2Ofj3.40. Rye flour moved slowly at $2.6ftfj2.tV) per bushel, as to qual ity. Wheat strong: No. red, S6V4'89$ic.: No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. t Delaware red. spot. 97'i97c. Corn dull; Na t ysV low, for local trade. 330i34c.; No. I BBtSjed, In export elevator, 31i33c. Oats dull; No. 2 white, ic.; No. 2 white, clipped, Xhc.; No. 1 white, clipped. Sic. Hay in moderate drmand: choice timothy, $12 for large bales. Heef firm: beef hams, $2::i 23.M. Pork quiet: fiimlly. $12'512.50. Iarrt steady; western steamed, $."). Butter quiet; western creamery. HWiSf-: do. factory, llfildc; Elgins, 2uc.; imitation creamery, 13frl7c: New York dairy, U'ulSc.; do. creamer)'. HvilW.: fanev Pennsvlvitnli : ?'rlnl!! ."''binK 'a'''''-- do- wholesale, j t i . . Bif.iuier; larue, wnue ana color-d. SejitemlM-r. t$j4c.: small d-. do. Sitmler, Vtu&f.: llcht skims. '-r 6V-: part hk'.mr. WjOVm full skims, 2" 3c. LvtsK ftri.ri:; New York and Penn sylvania, 2.j:-l,ie.; western, fresh. 22r tic HultiRiore. J in. 17. Flour dull: western tut ri.ne. K' '::.W: do. extra. U.'Mit: do. family. l.',?ii4.f: winter wheat, patent. It-TV:.; tfirwit i :.;; spring wheat, straight. M.V'M.'.-J. Wheat firmer: spot, riwii tii ,!.! IVIruar, HV'i'.'W.':.; May, Ct'KV'.; Inrni-r No. 2 red. .",fiW4' southern wtiei.t, l,y sample, ItMiSTiic.; do on if.-iwJ', Mtittc. Corn steady; spot. KV,fj SBV ; rawita und F bruary. :a.iri XPM: . ' sieiiinnr mixed. SuhgliWic.; outhera whit I iiji-n, Z.-tiUc.- do. velluw, WuVr.. Ontr. j l.riu; . Z wlilte. V.191,:', No. 2 mlx-l tv:. Iiye sti-idy; No. 2 nearby, f.Jic.; No t weti-rn, IZ'-f:. Hay t?ajy; iliol; liiii. otby. at. fjrnln frlt'hts without chnnff k-Mnii alnioKt nil; mwiin to Liverpool, lr butl. iitd.. J.inui.ry; t.'ork, for Wer. p.-r ,,ii,rt. r. s. Co., X.nuury; ?s. I te o ,i.,.7on!'l5,Jy: do. mZ: ! . .. ..... . ' 1 U'mjI WiVf.; Hint JjukwJ. IZilHi:. V.XK 'juiet; frt-6l, IV:. j hjjt bitx-rty. I'a., Jan. 17. f'attls lower; , n-itu. H.'.UiiMZ; ntmuniu, n.Zfyt.Vi; bullii, i mf iij ow. riytMt. !1ok ftriy u-- live; pruo medium, VMtirt.K; fxt Vik. , V,?. Tri P j thol-ve, tW.7; nmimnn. ttXitVT; -hol lamb. ti.tiffi.Ki; ttimitum to f'vd, UVrJ tW. Vvti calves, tWil'i 1 m OXX 0P CONCZESS.' viumniiw nr npmn - lo,rt PPo.od. . I In executive teuton Tuesday f ,Mt F8ntr Davie, of Minnesota, chairman of the committee on foreign Pech In ad- rocacy of the annexation of Hawaii. In th elon of the senate, tb. I""10" "ported adveraely . h, , -.- M.w, r timt . ; month each to the two daughters of the ! beirun In 'the lower house of eonon-ena to determine the matter. There Is no donbt that an effort to amend the law will be made In the near future, though the Democrats will support nothing short of absolute repeal of the measure. On Wednesday Senator Davis con cluded his speech In the senate, strongly urging Hawaiian annexation asof para mount Importance In the event of a conflict between Oriental powers or with this country. The annexationists despair of securing the solid Republican vote. The house on Wednesday passed an urgent deficiency bill carrying SI. 741,843. including $520,000 for the sol diers' home at Danville, Ills. In the senate Thursday bills were In troduced for the construction of four coast defense monitors, and an appro priation for a gunboat for the great lakes was favorably reported. The Ha waiian treaty was considered In execu tive session. In the house an unsuc cessful effort was made to defeat the appropriation in the agricultural bill of $130,000 for the free seed distribution. An amendment adopted provides for In spection of horse meat Intended for ex port. Last Friday's executive session of the senate was spent In discussing the nomination of Attorney General Mc Kenna for supreme court Justice. Messrs. Hoar of Massachusetts and White of California bitterly assailed the American Protective association for dragging religious questions into a dis cussion affecting a man's fitness for office. Mr. Allen, of Nebraska, opposed the nomination' antlt charges made by the California bar, questioning Mr. Mc Henna's legal status, could be investi gated.. The case was postponed until Friday of this week, when a vote will be taken; The house' passed the con sular appropriation bill. . , v, . . , , On Saturday the house devoted two hours to general debate on the army appropriation bill and the remainder ol the day o eulogies of the late Repre sentative Beth W. Milltken. of Maine. The senate was not In session. ', ' Last Monday was District of Columbia day In the house, but only three bills of local Importance were passed. The' re mainder of the session was devoted to further consideration of the army ap propriation bin. . , ; BEN BUTTERWORTH DEAD. Commissioner of Patents Sucoumbs , .to Urtomlo Poison I na ' Thomasvllle, Oa Jan. 17. Ex-Congressman Benjamin Butterworth, Uni ted States commissioner of ' patents, who has been ill at Plney Woods hotel here several weeks, died at 3:16 yestsr- BENJAMIN BUTTEUWORTH. day afternoon. The end was peaceful, and when it came his wife and children were at his bedside. He came here to recuperate rrom an attack of pneu monia, and recovered rapidly till two weeks ago, when he suffered from uraemlc convulsions. From that re lapse he never fully recovered. His body was sent to Washington today. Mr. Butterworth was a native of Ohio, and was 60 years old. He entered the army as a private during the civil war, and rose to the rank of major. He served In the Ohio senate, was a mem ber of consress for four terms, was secretary of the World's fair at Chi ta, erne before been com et pvUnta, Death List Kaaclie Forly.flve. Fort Smith, Ark,, Jan. 16. Two names were added yesterday to the death list of victims In Tuesday night's tornado. Ann Savage died during the nlght'and H. Hunter died at noon. This makes the total number of dead 45. It Is be- !leverl nt least tu-n nmm ti.'ril.. m-.. under the ruins of the Burcess hotel. more Of the wounded three nre expected to die, and It is now certain that the death j Ust will exceed SO. ' MtirdiTort KhiiiII.v nml Si'lf. j New York. Jan. 18. John Matthews, , a retail grocer, some time between last ; Saturday and yesterday, murdered his wile and thi lr two children, a boy 10 I years old and a s;lrl 12, by hacking them j to death with a hatchet. Matthews then i cuinmineu HUK iiiu uy snooting nimseir i ; In the head. Letters left by Matthews ! i and his wife show that the counts hnd 1 ilwtded tin. th. fnmttv Kt,i,i.i ... 1 Kethr " ' I (.'oiifldentlal C'lrk nnd ,lewels .MlHHltitr ; lioston, Jan. 18. Kdward A. Knlht, confidential tier It for Lr. J, V, Can- j lilng, banker and broker, of No. 27 i Bchool street, Is reported to the police i , misslnK. and with him are supposed Wlth "rt'tl"U " an1 . " -h, fhu ll.flll llklllu ,f iSi& .... th total value of the proerty being somewhere between IliO.OOO and JfO.OW. A I'liwifl Vftr filluiiii. WttshlUKton, Jan. 13, U I suited that William J. Calhoun, ot Uanvlllo, Ills., ha" "fr"rt"1 " M' of Inter- state cbinmerce commissioner, and It Is understood will accept th place. Mr, Calhoun went to Cubs last spring a the president's special commissioner. The greater n amber of whju peopla do not aeem to know that the black tnaa bas now io bis bands In this country all the resources of protrreas and future power, says the Kansas City Star. He has land ; he bas labor; he owns bis land and ho controls his labor, and the jf fjregte wealth of the colored popula tion of the United States is yearly in' creased by millions. lie, bas schools, Hundreds and thousand of them, and scores of colleges and Institutions of higher learning:. If be chooses to re main Ignorant he will be cheated and despoiled; if be chooses to be a vicious brute, be will be exterminated like other wild beasts; but if bo chooses to walk up the ascending1 way (and this the great majority do elect), then be sees into the high atmosphere of free dom and enlightenment, and a greater prospect spreads all around him. Big nuggets of gold will be -muck in evidence next year, but the largest that have been found were less valuable than Is supposed. California's largest nugget was 15 inches long, 0 wide and 4 thick, weighed 195 pounds and was worth $43,000. Australia's largest weighed 224 pounds, and Chili bold the record with one of 400 pounds. The first piece of gold picked up by Marshall when he made his famous discovery in California was a grain worth 50 cents. but the second was a little fS nugget. A United States soldier, while drink ing at a email stream in California, found the first large nugjrot in that re gion. It weighed 25 pounds, and caused a great sensation throughout the coun try. It is reported that the recent shoot ing of striking miners at Ilazleton. To., has been made the basis of a claim of Indemnity by the Austrian govern ment, on the ground that the Hungar ians who were killed were Austrian sub jects. (Secretary Sherman has made in quiries of the state authorities as to tbe circumstances." The United State has several times recognized Its responsibil ity for injury done to foreign subject, the most recent instance being tbe case of several Italians who were lynched in Louisiana. But in such coses, hitherto, the victims were killed by mobs; in the Hazleton ease they were shot by deputy heriff.. .'.', - . ;j..v ': : . , Wa art told that Andree, h was , about to depart on bis polar balloon, ' wa asked bow toon tiding from him might ba expected. HL answer wa ' "At least not before three month; and one year, perhaps two yearn, may elapse ; before you hear from ui, and you may one day be stirprised 'by news of our arrival aomewhere. ' And If not ir you never hear from us other will follow in our wake until the unknown region of th north boe bean surveyed.", , If the explorer should return the world will give him a great welcome for his splendid courage. ' A learned editor, of Philadelphia, who bas made a study of the problem of life, has at last decided that a man who has a nice house In the city, a large and pretty country seat and an assured in come of $20,000 a year is just as well off as though he were wealthy. Quite so. But there are many other editors whose ideas of financial comfort are not so expansive. Some there are who would consider on assured Income $19, 000 sufficient to warrant tbem la count ing themselves Immensely wealthy. Illnhop MeCabe.erHew Torn, on Or James' Headache Powders. "With regard to Dr. James' Head- j acbe Powders, I have no hesitation in commending' them to auflerei fl ' from headache. They relieve the ! ... i pain epeeuny, and 1 Have never known anyone to be harmed by their use. I have been a great sufferer from headache in my lifo, but have almost gotten rid of it by the con stunt use of hot water and fruit und bv doing without coffee. The Dr James Headache Powders have, however, greatly relieved me at times and I never allow myself to to with out them, and have recommended to others freely. C. C. S-'cUabb." . For sale by W. H, Spnngler, Drug gist Middleburgb, Pa. C 17-9m I'lLES 1'EH.M ANEN'TI.V CCHKI la from S tu It dins' lime, by the UHe of lAt-ltO. One botlln iruarntiteeil to cure any cane ui pilen, renrillciiM of Imw lo:: statiilinK, what yon Imvi triml, or v lint your pliyiiuluti may clului. Money refunded If ierttianriit tmre Is Hot oiitiiined in the mont severe cmkcm in lent I Im ti 5 dn.VM' time. After nil otlieiH fail get Lo-.Mo and be cured. Price 7oo. per bottle, spnt prepaid to any address, on receipt of print. Add ren" Harry Login, 101) V. Fuiii'lh Ktrepf, WllllrwiiNporl, Pa. 0 ly WHold by till fifht clues tlrtiy:f;xf8 rfjLOOD poison I I l'nloW-fayi. Voucan treated is J I oiDoiranprk'enniramagiiiI a iJ;'wo'',',,,'',u,,,'''''l'r9"wlloon. Ptnrr, lodld iiotaah, and .till hay arho aiil "" '"Uibesln mouth. HoraThVoaU InaplM, Coinwr klorl Mx.ta, Uleeraon out, H Is tins tiaieoiidarr llUMIIi rfroi" off a soaranua U car. Ws sulieit Ui a. Mt obatU oat. and baU,i1(n tt,u Twurli oi Wmi wa eannnt rnra. Tins ni-m.. hni .V-..T Uniatf the .bill i,t IhmiZZ iZXitJaS UyVil elana. tiOOAtOO oainul Uliiiid inwidt a(.r.licia.n. Iddreaa (Mill HEMrn i'ii till MawmCi lewulo. lu&ajIu, ONE OP TWO WAYS.V ' The bladder was created for ooa purpose, namely, a reoepUeta for tb nrlne, and a ucb It I not liabl to any forui of disease exoept by- ooa of two way, i ne nrst way la . frota iuiperfeot action of the kidney. Tb second way is from eareles local treatment of other disease. chief t'Araav. ' . ' Unbealtby oriue from unhealthy kidoevs Is tli ebief cause of bladder trouble. So the womb, like .the bladder, was created (or one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, exoept in rare ease. It la situated back or and very close to the bladder, there fore auy pain, disease or Inconveni ence manifested io thekldnevs. back, bladder or urinary passage Is often, by mistake, attributed to female weak ness or womb trouble of soma sort. Tbe error is easily made and way be a easily avoided. To flud out cor rectly, set your urineasida for twenty four hours, a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraodinary effect of Dr Klhuer'r Swamp-Hoot, tbe great kidney, and bladder remedy I soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug gist fifty cents and one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pain phlet, both sent free bv mail. Men tion the Middleburgb, Post and sen . vonr addrau tn lip Vlliim Ar iV. Binghatuton, N. Y. Tbe proprietor o this paper guarantee the genuinenes this offer i MS CALL S ISAZAK I 1 fATtlRIIS THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic. Fashionable. Original. Perfect- Fitting. Prices IO and IO cents. Nona Jibber. None better at anr orice. Soma rekabl merchant sells then la nearly every city or town. Ask for them, or they can be had by null from us tn either New York of uicato. Stamp taken. Latest Fashion Sheet 5 sent poa receipt of one cent to pay I MSCALLS KAGAZItlE Invaluable for the ham. Fashion of th day. Home Literature. Housel-old Mint, fancy work. Unreal lopta, Fiction, all for onlv 50 cents a vsax. In cluding a free eattem. Tour own selec- , tioa any ti-nc Send two 2-cmt stamps ' for susipi copy. iuoress ' - -ii .n THS'McCALtj CbMPANY,i( M2-146 Test Mth SUtet. New York. L i Avenue, tyine AH .AKCHOR ' ELECTBIC , BELT- it . AGENTS WANTED, IJOTU K1 4JmmIn ent tm ItollJ able jMrHsia be ntll for after rllins; V.1. Palmer, Oiuogo. Oonn., lino sold 1,000 of thrne Belts, and sa hiali its 20 in one day. The leutrii'lty from th bat teries will turn a needle throuu'li vour tabl. m hand. No one but what can wear them. Curr KlieuinntiHin, Liver a Kidney DisraM, Weak A lame Hack, and other disenses. Prevents Cold Vert snd tukiim Cold. Oives a comfnrtabl Klow of warmth all over the body, which shows iiiMt It is acting on ttte circulation, for advei (IhIiik purpom we wiil Rive "lie lxll Free of any t ons to one pemon In each locality. V. K. J. 8MEAD a CO., Dcit. 4.1. Vlneland, N. J. REVIVO lrtita Isila. ;A RCSTOaSS VITALITY V. Marlr; a wen r.ari cf Me. i.Mi' l ir. .'i .lie nifi- n r- In Illl iliivn. lit ; (.- j. ii..i.jjy i nr. h l.i'ii all otlirri. fai line ti in .i.ll mam tin! r Ir.ht ninnliooil amt nlr ' "'! i r" r Hi ir vontlit nt vii'or tiv iihiii, ;'t. I). It, itm:;iy uinl iiiri:i riftoifH Nnrvnus 'i Iih Vila :ti liuiMiichcv. XlBhtly tnimmon--, l .'.i i.m. r i iiiiuir ,,, mii-v. WVilnn CIw-sm'. ant' 1 . ii -.m i r, M-lf-.iliiiHn or fti-c-w and ImllKcrdtlon, u. M-h .miiu. .iidinrn nily. liiikini'iiRorniarrlKF. It ne t ..nlr ,;,r.-, iiy n-riii:a nt tlit Krai of d!eam. bn i a u'.M uervn tonlo and bland hnllder. bring. ii V U-rk t. nk (tloiv to iale rheeltna d re to ins tin. lira of youth. It warrti off funnily Oiid LoiiKtuiiptinn. limirt an b.wlnu UK VI VO, no ether. Ii. ru bo carried In nut pocki't. Or mall, Hi 1 .(III per r-irli wo, or ell tor VS.OO, with a poii tlva written Ruarantea to rata or refund -he money. Circular tree, address WAl MED1CIEE CO., 271 Wateh lit, CHICAGO, ILL for sale nt Mlddleburtrh, br W. 11. rtl'ANfJLICI!. Klnndike Alaska! Wily not Kctyour sliare of the Kreat fortunes to be ronllii'd frnm the wonderlul discoveries already made and to lie made In this New Klon-dlkH-Alanka i:iilorodo7 THE WASII1NO TON HOLD FIELDS KXPI.OHATION COM PANY micl'T Ita chura t r U ailtlmrlced to pros p'i't for and ociiHira Mliiinic Clnltna and 1'rop ertleain the wnndi-rful gold flelda nf Klondlk and Aiuaka. Iiumor.ae fi rtutina llavu slrcndy been rmlUcU and I11IIII011H Inure villi to Irnvla tllero. Will you allow tllln guidon Opportunity to pa you byT A low dnllurs InVoHtcd la in tills undertaking-may be tbe foundation to your fort unit. Tile ruaii to tile Wonder 'and uec cavitatea itnineilinto nc'lnti, TI10 find In the fluid the first In fortune. No si.eh opportunity h:s ever Ui'eu I'lfaouU'd to llio penp'o of tlio preannt Kolioriillnn na la clTi'red in the Klon dike Alaska Cold I'luKla. All almrolloldiiea gut tliolr full proHirtiitl of all prollta. No dlvi. dutala are madn on Muck reuuiliiiiig unaold. Heud your ordnraencloaliig (Hie llollar for ea )i aluirc of fully pulibup and iiiiii-a'WHnulila ntouk deelred lotlie WAHIII.MlTO.V OOl.l) r lCIJlH KXI'LOKAHON CO.MI'ANV. Tueotiin, Wftalt liiglon. : The folloH in f Tacouia dralura in aupplli'S for tlia Klondike mid Aluakatrwle are Htorkbold era In tin t'ofiipauy and will Infirm you nc till ing the rellnblllly of Its odkurii Mon'y k Ounn, ilriwurlua; A. I', Iloiku, llarneaa IJn.) MorrlaOroaat'o, Iry (iooda and t'lotlilrg 1 W, O. Rowland. Outfitter; Hugo l''l Its, Tenia Tatwir' Hard wart Co,; ,. ., l0-2tt-yr. Quick,; ftl.mai M-r ; we want one anrewd. (srcfnl 1111111 in eat'h town to. make year nuietly for lilinniilf. mid not work bald. 1'rlvato Inalriiefiona and nut. lit nf new goixla, U cents, tittSAT Noiitiikiin Hi'H UI IH f'o,,A7IU L'liinii Ave.. Cliluigo, 1-ll-Hlll, tlaVN f 111 A ss -"ssasssa- sr 53 3 11 'li I in v. . .... .r- ( lV82LINSQR0TE l v fflfOLE-YAODl ii M L MILLER, -C ' prop'r ar.-i ixinerautiy 011 budanl tuan ttfnntora to order all kind of - -Marble and Granite Old Stone: Cleaned nd Eepaired.' . WW PRICES ! : LOW PRICES I liavt- imic of tli Det Marble Cut ter la tin Stat-and eooseanently turn out khI work tar-Coine and see tuy work A prices. 1 hank ful for past favota I must re epeotfullv ask a ooutintiste of saui, M. L. MILLER PENMSYLVAIU KalLROAO Sarbury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Nov 28, 1897. statTwaaal dis. I sravtos. aaTasD pm par., 4.23 lu.ua 4.l I'i.M 4 1H 4.09 II.SI t 4.114 1 1.4 t 11.40 II :i.r 11.80 it S.4a II.V6 IT 8.8S 11.11 tu s itu 11 u ss M 11. M B 1U.M It 8 07 10.6UI IS sin io.mI s 2.M 10 XVI II ! 1S.U so )4K WM 41 2T 10.11 4t (25 1 10.113 1 SO a. 1; LewldowD J, Main Street Lewiatovs Maltlaod Painter Sblndle Ws ner Met 'lure BaabUMIII Adaaa-bgrg Baarertoa Bsater . M Kill le barg I Mslssr K reamer Pawllon Mallnaerewe am BBS T an (.tn l.:s .us Tat s.i T.4S lid 7.4k a a IM 1.31 7. tM m I.4& III 8.SI lit) 8.SN .M 4.04 K.H4 4.14 40 4 a H4fl 4i S 4.W HS1 4..1I ll 4 41 .0i 4.4S til S0J D m, ar- SfllBagrore J. aautinrv Train leave Lewlstown Juootiou : 4 M i ni, 10 18 a m.1287 P m,5 8T p m,T 07 11 68 p in Altoona, Pittsburg and the W set. ' lof Hillliaonuil Washington 8Sam UlL 'J. fJVlWpra- For Philadelphia and New Yerks8Sam. lM18S448snd 1118 um For Harriaburg 7 Ou a in snd 8 M n n Philadelphia A Erie R R Division' tMi -rt-.t ,K ''-'iTxieD ''it""".' ! NOBTUEIiN C'ENTKAUKAILWAY Iralna leave Sunbury datly sxsept Sunday t . 24 a tn for Rri. aallunLbn. . ' 8 18 a tn for Hellefonte Erie and Uanandalgua ' ii s m lor Loek Haren, Tyrone and tbe West. 1 10 p n for Rellefonte Kana A UsnaKdaiaua & 84 p in tor KesoTo and fcltalrtw ,. , fUpaitorUek Hsesn ' " . -w WM.UUIIIIII B4Sain Cnrlwik U.S.- ...i oo ........ ... -- v mt.n mi ,i w Hi lur nil" 8saf,orOa4awiasaadHaaeltoa '''. '( . (Ha at aw and, 6 4S pin lor Wlke- - - muu nmiivn T J s in, 10 JO a m, 8 (0 p m, 8 48 p m for Shamo kln and Mosnt Carmel , . , 1 aunuay ss s lot wilkebarre . 1.11. n. 1. j'. .1 ,j-i-i, ., 1. t TralMlav8ellngreJsrictlos . inn im .1 . 1 ..1 ... ...... ..... . w ...ron ujB MrriVlUK HI. r llll ' UC1UI1 IK (; New York 1 68 p tn Baltlmoro 8 U p ai 684 p in daily arriving si Philadelphia ip 20 pm New York 8 88 a m. Bali Imore IS p th II all II . - awakatas m ul.U ..m a. ULIl. J.l.,1.1.. 1 ID at in Nakt Vib 00 1 a m dally anl Tin at PhlladeldhU 6 At a ui HNltlntntmaa A H at swa lll..k,l.-t.. Ban awe Yortcttsaam Wekdj,10a8 am Sundays, ISA II lU. Mlr Aamm alvl.. UI. II .l.l..l.t . T "J- -""'i mw m iiiimiDiwiii e8 pm, New York 9 80 p tn. bait I mora toipm v iMiiiuojuin 7 to p m . Ti.ln. I . 1. . mii, iwni,, uuniiDri n vou am aim o z and 8 80 p m, lor Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore 1 n nr. ii in si i , . J. B. HUTCHINSON, Oen'l Manauer How to be llnadaome. It Is a mistake to SUDDOee thnt the nnlv m to be good looking ia to be born so. Good health hax more to do with mod Innka limn anytbinRelae- Hucb diseases as constipation, dyepepaia, liver coniplainto. rlteuinutiam. ner- voua uiaoraera, arc, not only shorten life, but apoll tempers and "looks." Bacon's Celery iviiik ior tne nerves cures llieae troublea. V. II. Herman, Troxelvllle; Middleswarth fc Uleli, McOlure: sell It and will trive mn n umii (ackage free. Large sizes 25c and 50c. CONFIDENTIAL circulars of "Rare Book" nut uutaiiiBoie m dook stores, mat will enr prine and intercut you. Simple photo of act resses in tights, sealed cents. Gem. Co. Lov itigtoii, III. AVPW TflpO ' Recipe for choke-boring shot , 11 un lllCd. guns, Vxs ailver. No humbug, ror full Inatrui-tloua, address J. T. Norria, Lot tavllle, Warren Co., Pa. Jan, 08 m. Fuck's Bad Boy auH Iftll ntlia IminM .U.lo. . Kl f i. ... I . . 1. . n. .... I .... vi.miJii-io ronuu e reuer ana a Dream Book. twin nanuaome bookc sent, poatpaid, anywhere for only one dime. Gso. AUlarsy, Woodstock, N. B.. Can. u CIVK sample pons, and price list, novelties a and printing, fc stamp. Box 618, Hallowell, Maine. It. UBAEtN PnlendU onnorttnilia tnr vnnm tm.., . ,i.. fuylna U''1 .'Mlai-vfanifiM, AiUiivg " CO O 3" 3 2 fcsa i s " ra is 3 5 : o z& B53 hfl IS K' W lit! LI iv M-"WwlMrlsHW-'ai'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers