i v Ponn wotrCo.Hi..,Bociety. Telephone, 3 No. 32. fW nr TIT A AVVIfTTVQ MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO.. PA., THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1898. VOL. 35. NO. 3. . Siitof and Proprietor. the post mmm fm purity in poutigs and aw policy that compels submission ti the people's intebest IV I 1 v 9 M. .111 A. C. Smith, of K reamer, wan in town Monday. Ladies' Coats selling atslaughtcr ing prices at Weis,' Selinsgrove. W. II. Hipka, of Globe Mills, was a caller at this office Monday. Wanted. 1000 lbs. chickens at 7o per lb. by A. C.Smith, Krcamcr, Pa. Head the Rules of the Republi can Primary election in another col umn. The best way to please a new wo man is to tell her that she's every inch a woman. California, like many persons of a bibulous nature, is distressed with too much wine. The advent of the, Ground Hog will be anxiously looked for by his ardent devotees. A hint to young married couples : Do not try to keep house without taking the Post. The blooming Christmas tree has been shorn of its beauty and. rele gated to the dump pile. And now its all over, and the new year, with its bills and its blessings, really begins. It may be observed that men who have money to burn usually pro cure other kinds' of fuel. , -: , ' Henry F. Charles, an old soldier of Port Treverton at last was grant ed a pensipitf 48 a month. The gas meter does dot always measure the gaa.youv,.use, but the quantity you nave to pay lor. II. ODoenheiiiier. 1 Selinscrrove. has a lull and complete line of Sprite Hats of the latest styles. - II. V)ppenheimer willallowa dis count o 20 per cent on all goods. Call at the clothing store, Selins grove. A. E. Soles purchased the house built by H. K. Walter last spring on West Market street. Consider ation, $450. A full line of tinware can be found at Schoch and Stuhlneckcr's stand. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. tf. "Especially for Ladies". Spec ial sale, special goods at special prices Jan. 27th, 28th and 2Uth. L. DUNKELBERGER. One of our subscribers was asked the other day what is the best paper in Snyder county to tie to. He replied the Post. That's no joke. Miss Jennie Bibighaus, of Mif- niubure, is in Philadelphia, in at tendance on her sister, Mrs. H. A, Bibighaus, who is ill, but reported as improving. Wanted. A home for a smart little girl 10 years of age. Any re liable party can have the girl for any length of time and for adoption if desired. Inquire at this office. The Salem Sunday school elected the following : Supt., Geo. L. Fish er Asst. Supt., C. K. Fisher ; Ilea Sec'y, H. A. G ember ling; Cor. Secy, J. G. Row; Treas., I. L. Luck ; Organist, Annie Gemberling; Asst. Organist, Delia Moyer, The firm of Fields and Yoder at Kreamer are doing an extensive business in lumber. John Fields is is the senior partner and Banks Yod er of Globe Mills is the junior part ner. They are both reliable gentle men, and they solicit a share of the patronage of this section. "That the richest and largest de posits of gold that the earth has ev er produced up to the present time have been found in the Alaska Klondyke country is now an es tablished fact. We call your at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co. k another column." 10-7-6m. Claire Graybill is on the sick list. Hon. G. A. Schoch and wife arc visiting friends in Union county. Mrs. J. II. Rhonds and two sons are visiting D. T. Rhonds and wife. I. N. Troxel, of Philadcphia, last week one day, visited J. P. Smith and wife. Saturday's Philadelphia Prexs copied two of the Post's editorials of last week. Do not miss the sKcial sale days at L. Dunkelliergor's Jan. 27th, 28th and 29th. Ezra Ripka, of Potter's Milks Centre county, is visiting his uncle, W. 1L Ripka of Globe Mills. Read the new rules governing the Republican Standing Committee and the holding ot Republican Pri mary elections. Mrs. C H. Dtinkleberger, of Swineford, has just returned from a three-weeks' visit to Pine Grove, Shamokiu and Selinsgrove. Last Friday we paid a visit to Kreamer. We found the people there a busy, happy people and ever ready to take a step forward. . Several hundred yards ot beauti ful embroideries mid on on snecial days at 2 cents per yard and up wards;. ,Y. L. vUK K ELBKBQER. ; H. Oppenheimer, the Belinsgrore Clothier, has again leased the App building in Selinsgrove for another five years where his business will be conducted on' purely, business prin ciples. ; . . . ' . . Reuben Mittcrling has charge of the stage route between tSchnsgrove and Richfield. He has put good teams on the route, and is now pre pared to accommodate the public in good shape. Elitor Fry of the Newport News announces in his last issue that here after his paper will be published upon on independent luisis and no longer as an advocate of Democrat ic principles. Business reasons im pel him to this move. Our semi-annual sjiecial sale of Dress Goods and Linings will take Saturday, Jan. 22. As usual we will allow a discount of 20 per cent on all dress goods and linings pur cliased for cash on the above-mentioned day. S. Wkw, Selinsgrove. The handsomest calendar receiv ed at this oflice is from the Phila delphia office of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. We are under obligations for this calen dar and the Equitable will please accept thanks. It is an old and good Company. A smooth, easy shuve, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opposite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. All the Ladies' Coats and Capes which we have in stock yet, we will sell at greatly reduced priees. This is an excellent opportunity to buy a good coat or cape for little money. Do not fail to come early as the stock is fast diminishing. S. Weih, Selinsgrove. The stockholders ot the First National Bank on Tuesday elected the following named directors : Hon. G. Alfred Schoch, A. Kreeger, W. W. Wittcnmyer, F. E. Bower, W. C. Pomeroy, M. Milliner, and J. N. Thompson. The Directors re-elected the old officers. J. B. Rothrock of Juniata county retired from the Board of Directors. On account of ill-health he declined to again ac cept the position he filled so well. M. Milliner ot Kantz is his succes sor and will make a good Director. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Dwla Enteral ler Krrrd. Wm. Reigel and wife to lice I. Erb, lot in Troxelvill for $05. John Norman and wife to Daniel J. Hassiuger, 15)5 acres in Beaver township tor $y,000. C. C. Scclxild and wife to Daniel Bolcndcr, 112.3 perches in Middle- burg for $80. Absalom Snydtr to Calvin Stetler 2 acres and 89 torches in the tr ough of Middlcburg for $400. Element Musscr to Calvin Stetler tract of woodland in Fraukliu town ship for $50. A. K. Gift, attorney, etc. to El mira M. Stetler, lot No. 2b' in Mid dleburg for $900. John W. Orwig and wifetoCal vin Stetler, lot in the borough of Se linsgrove for $10o. G. Nelson App to Samuel A. App, 31 acres and 153 perches in Monroe township for $2480. Same to same, 12 acres and 148 perches in Monroe township for $9b0. John M. Riue to Issac Spotts arid wife 46 acres in Chapman twp. in exchange for Lewis Kerstetter farm John S. Wolfe, administrator of, Harriet Neitz, 15 acres and 1,06 perches in Union township for $400. Jonatlian Bickhart ... and wife to John F. Boyer, 45 acres in : Wash' fagton township for $500. ' Peter 'Mitterling -and wife to Abraham Mitierling, 102 acras and 63 perches in West Perry "township for $6030.34. Ev L. Burns and wife to Matilda Bateuian, house and lot in Selins grove for $275. Samuel Stauffcr and wifo to Isaac Bailey, lot on Isle of Que for $225. John Norman and wife to Daniel J. Hassinger, 195 aeres and 88 perches for $9,000. Will Probated. The last will and testament of Wm. Straub, late of Washington township, was probated last Wed nesday. Frederick G. Moyer is the executor. The widow and children are the heirs. rrlc LloeaarN. f Frederick Holsapple, Adamsburg Mary h. Snook, " (John S. Stauif'er, Chapman twp. I Ann li. Brubaker, ,; Local Institute. Program of local institute for Centre, Franklin and Middleburg school districts to be held in the Franklin grammar school Friday evening, and Saturday, Jan. 21st, 22, 1898. Address of welcome, Leslie Seely. Recitation Louisa Walter. Orthography, Jerre Bowersox. Recitation, E. Jennie Walter. Primary Arithmetic, Jerome Erdley Essay on the Presevation of Forests, John Bolcnder. Recitation, A. B. Shvary. Co-operation in School work, L. C. Bachman. Morals in Public Schools, . Ed. Charles. How to Develop Attention in School, Lloyd Walter. Should Corporal Punishment be Used ? A. A. Bingaman. Supplementary Reading, Lester Derr. School Libraries, Wilson Gift. Cultivation of Memory, A. B. Sheary. The Compulsory School Law, G. W. Hassinger. The Primary Schoel, R. G. Bowersox. School Discipline, Irwin Walter. Essay, L. C. Bingaman. Patriotism in the Public School, G. A. Herman. A. B. Shiart, 1 L. C. Bachman, Comm. Ed. Charles. I NEW RULES Governing the Republican Par ty of Snyder County. At the meeting of the Republican County Committee, held at Middle burgh! Sept. 25, 1S97, the follow ing resolution was adopted: HfHolred, That the Chairman ap point a committee ot three Rcpubli cans to compile u full set of rules governing the Republican party of Snyder County, and a more definite way of holding the Primary Elec tion. The County Chairman appointed Geo. W. Wagenseller, T. A. Wag ner and li. t . Arbogast a commit tee to present suitable rules to cover the requirements of the omission. Ou Saturday, Jan. 15th, 1898, the following was adopted : TUB BULBS). 1. The onripltaUon of Hie Keoublloa Prtv f Snjrger County ahatl oonHlstola Ouuulj Com mittee. M winch esuti electlou district intll elect two member, mm Committee to annually elect a Chairman, Secretary a&d Treasurer. 1 Tie Committeemen of acn district will ese tbat t.be election board la pro Deri; organized brobooelnf a Judye, Jim pee tor, and Clerk, of election, wm before entering- upon the die- uuuii vi toeir uuuea eiwu severally taite, ena abaorlba, on blank to be prepared by tlie sec retary pf thlaoomuilicee for the purpose, tbe oam or afttraiaUoa prescribed by law. tv Tbe primary election snail be bald at eucb hum at man oe ueeiK natea ojr uie uoumyoin Btluee, eiynuen mem bur of which shall con UUte a quoran to transact business. 4. All known Republicans qualified to 'vote at tbe eunulof reoeral election snail be permlt- iau hi .otc s uie primary eieuuoo. I. lu case of vacancy In tbe conmUUe taused by deetb, reslirnatlon, remoTal or other wise, It a wall be tb duty of the remslulug' com mltteeuwafroin said district to appuliu his suo ceasgr, subjeet M the approval ot the Oouuiy Ooaimiuee. - .' The primary election snail be beld on Sat urday from one o'oluck until aeveu o'clock p. u, T. Any person offering Ills vote at the pri mary election may be cuaUenyed by hlj one entitled to ote at the lent eleotlou. a. In case any persen la so oualleuged the lectfen board snail uul recelire hie vote uulll be has tiauuMlaUed bis right to vote. .' it shall be the duty ol tbe election offleen to challenge the vote 01 any aud all persona ot tering to vote a aioreaald, of whoee qualifica tions to vote Uie aald election board, or any of tiium, may have a doubt. it. The county Committee ah all approxi mate lue eipeuees of said frlmary Klectloim. aud awiess each cutididule hia iroportloiilo suuie as Hie Couiuillteu HUall deem fair lu con shlenitl'ju of Uie term aud euiolummits of tue olllue lor wlilou Uiu severul cuudidules pruHent their UMinvn. II. T..eCouuty Uomuiltlee Treasurer Hliall be reiulred to )iuieui to Hie Couuiy t'omum lee at thu first meellug fullowlug tbo prliuary eleullou, mi IteniUed uccniuil ol tile ivcelpla, aud exoeudltures of Ike primary. III. Ail tiiUloia Mliull contain the names of can dldttieo lor Cuuiity, Dmtrlut, or oilier enlcuo or propoaltloua lo on ivU'il ou by tlie KupuOllcaus of lue Uouuly at the I'r mury Klecllou aud Hliull be prepared by tne I'rlnilog Committee sua eacu tMilul aliall beiir their aiuuturea. VS. Kuch of huld liallois thall uouUilIi the names of all uie cuiiiltiliue.i j toe uuiiies ot Bit Id caiidldatea xliull be grouped logelUer lu ulpiiii bellcalurueruuder uie title of tue oflice fur which luey are rexpecuvely runulug. U. Tu., Priming Comiullteu ahull have prist ed ou hilepaier ol hUi'h bulluld uot Ivsh luuu doiiuie lue number of votes cunt fur Uiu Kcpuu llcau CauUldute fur 1'ruHldei.l at the lust pri uuing fiuslileutlaleieaduu, itid luey snail Uis triuute to oue lueuiuor ol the County Cumiulltee In each electlou district, not lex Until uuublu the numuerot btllole cabl for the Kcpuljilcuii Prealdeutlal I'ttuUidaW lu bald dmirlct. uiid take a receipt fur suld bulluts Iruu said Couiiiiiltev Uiuu. luaililltlou lueuaudlditlen may procure trout the I'riuter live daya Uelure the nine llxed lof holding the 1'iiiuui) electlou. ox maliy ol IH Idl Uul I oia no luuy may Uc.iire ut the cot ol prluliug. 15. The County committee Ih to turnlih ut leant one couuiy Comiiiitieeuiun lu eai.-li dlairlct a list of cundlduUM wuo ii4o oven duly regie tered, suld Comuilileumiu lo give the lint to the Klecllou Uoiird, aud vutei cit for any cuti didates uliivr thuu lliuae ou auld oDIciul list shall uul be cuuuled, with tbo exception of filaudiug Comuiilieemun, 14. If ou any ballot more names are voted than lucre are perilous tu tie uumiuulud, or, If tor auy reuauu it Is luiposalole lo duturmlue the voter a chulce lor auy utiles such ballot uuail uul be couulod lor such uIUou, IT. The urtlclal ballots provided for by the above ruies auuli state huw uiauy candidates are to be voted for, for each oflice. 18. If two votes are given for one person for tbe same oflice ou aur oullut, but one of aald votes shall oe uouuled. 111. Kucb voter's name shall be put on the sheet for voter's uuiuea aud uumberud by the Clerk, und a correspuudlng uuiuoer be put on the ballot uy tue luapeului. wuo suull pUue the ballots lu lue box an received. W. It sbull be the duty of the Election Board to wake public proclamation, immediately utter couullug the tiunola, of the uumner of votea eunl lor euou cauuidaut lor eucu purticuiuionicu ; aud It shall be the further duty of the Hut uru J udge to returu, uuder tue oertiilcale of ihe Klecllou Hoard the return sheet, oalns, pwll lint, and lally-aUeel to tue uieetlug of tue huturu Judgua. 111. Thelteturn Judges are to meet at the Court Mouse, lu Mlddiuuurgh, l'eiiusylvuula, lUe aiu..uay lullowing tue Primary Klecllou, at oue o clue 1'. M. M. The 1'rlutluir Committee shall consist of oue puiaou lor eucu Uepuo.icau newspaper of tue cuu.iiy ot wuicn tue vuuuiy uuuiiiiilloe Treasurer ahull Oo chairman "Jtx-uffluio." 9S. TbeChalrmau snail call tbe Committee together wueu in his Judgmeui tue busluesa of the Committee requires it, or be may be re quired to do It upuu the written request ot five or mure Committeemen ruprvoeulii,.- at learn, live duTereul districts. The retiring Chalruau shall call lue new Couiinitiee logetuer lor per maueut organiiatlo... withlu mi cays alter tueir eleuUon. ti. These rules can not be chamred exceut by the concurrence ot ot the members of tbe coinuiliUtt) at a regularly called uieetlug and uot men unleas tnirty days' notice has beeu given of the proponed change. n. The foregoing rules go Into effect from this date. G. W. Wagenseller, T. A. Wagner, ii. F. Arbogast. Middleburgh, Jan. 15. 1 898. EC!. MM SM! p. A CANDIDATE FOR UK ELECTION. Our Visit to Kreamer. We were vary much surprised in our recent visit to Kreamer to find such a progressive spirit manifested on all sides. We dropped in to A. C. Smith's store, doing a thriving business at the old stand so long oc cupied by his muoh revered father. J. E. Magee, having come to the place about two years ego has al ready built up an immense trade among the people of that vicinity. He is nlso postmaster having been appointed by the present admin istration. Fields it Yoder are hust ling iii the lumber business. James Mitchell, one of Krenmer's war vet erans, is a coaehmoker und also is quite an expert at earpnter work. We next met Thomas Saner, a young n inn of promise and a car penter of grwit skill, lie is the foreman of the Ivreamcr I'laning Mills. A. 1). Kreamer is one among them, lie is a good farmer, a suc cessful hunter and a reliable dealer of Farming Implements. II. F. Kreamer owns and controls the Kreamer IMiuiing Mills the plant was formerly located East of Salem. He is doing u thriving business. We took dinner at tliclJuion House, the only hotel of the place. It is conducted by F. W. Thomas. 1 Ie is a clever fellow ami enjoys the esteem ot the entire neighborhood. George C. Stuck is another of Kreamer's rising young men mid a blacksmith of rare ability. We then came to (Jlolx' Mills and found iS. (). Ulrich had the only store at that place and he was busy selling goods and waiting on cus tomers ami he was coiiim'1Im1 to ask a few customers to wait till he plac ed an order with us for some of our fancy Lithographic Stutionwry. The next place we stoped was at the Glolie Flouring Mills. It is now conducted by Grant Yoder. On Apr. 1st, Sheriff Fagely of North umberland county and Grant Yoder will liegin a partnership. New Machinery will lie put in and the new firm will lie a hustling pair. David Moyer, one of the live He publicans of l'enn township dined with Dr. J. W. Seip Tuesday. Dee lUitschert.eit is now fcrby, Dee Brodewersh sin all g'fresse; Next sin dee public sale Lunch, Sella muss met net fergesse. The Republican caucus on Tues day evening made the following suggestions of candidates for tlie primary Saturday : Town council, 3 years, S. S. Schoch, J. W. Swartz and D. A. Kern, 2 years, Aaron Renninger ; School Directors, Eph. Freyman, J. W. Orwig, G. C. Gu telius ; Auditor, A. S. Beaver ; As sessor, W. F. Fecse, Calyin Stetler; Inspectors, Aaron Renninger, N. A. Bowes and Edwin Charles ; J udge of Election, I. II. liowersox, Al. Clelan; Overseer of the Poor, F. D. Reiglc. SPECIAL EAEaAIlTS My entire stock of goods must go. All millinery goods way down in prices. J .leather lioas worth Hoc at 38 Ice wool scarfs 1 yd. ripiare, silk finish at oJSo Kid gloves all colors reduced to7S Deniiini worth lSe now. 12 Silkoline " 12 " I auv curtains regular $1.25 uow 75 Fine linen table-cloths with lxirder worth $2.25 now $l.G0 Misses Union suits now 3S Children's ' " " li) Children's swiss ribltcd vests size 1,2 and 3 f Children's heavy natural gray vests " 10 Infants' fine wool shirts 16 Indies' underwear reduced Ribbons, hundreds of yds. Black satiu No. 60 14 " " doubled faced best No. 80 34 Black satin No. 12 7 " morries " 20 ,10 " taffata best quality No. 40 19 Full line of colors satin "12 7 i i 5 3 Taffata ribbom " 50 pink and colors 13 Ladies' best cashmere wool hose 38 " wool " " 12 " cotton hose 6 " " " 18 Misses & Children's wool and cotton hose 18 Suuuped linens reduced Filoes wash and rojie silks will In; reduced. Come early. I Dunkleueugeu. SAMUIL H0SE2. Samuel Moser was lxirn Oct; 3, 1814, near Bechtel, Berks Co., Pa., and flietl in Reading Jan. 3, 1898. He lived in Middleburgh about 15 years ago. His wife preceded him to the spirit world Jan. 3, 1886, exactly 12 years bctorc. Mrs. N. P. Hare is a daughter, and Joseph Moscr (Musscr) of Franklin town ship is a son of the deceased. Three daughters reside in Reading. When Mr. Moscr resided here, he was a farmer ami burned lime. He was buried Jan. 6 ; aged 83 years and 3 mouths. Mrs. Emeline Barber. Mrs. Eineline Barber, widow of Mr. S. S. Burlier, died at 4:35 o'clock Friday morning at Milllin burg. Mrs. Barber was 77 years old on iSth of last Sept., and has re sided all the years of her married life in Limestone townsliipaud Mif tlinburg. Deceased is the highly esteemed mother of Dr. I. (J. Barber of Danville, Pa., formerly a resident of this place. The funeral took place on Monday from her late re sidence at 2:15 P. M. John Runklc now owns the hand some Seeliold procrty, having traded his homo with Chas. Meiser. Do not fail to lie present at our spifial sale of Dress Goods and Lin ings, Saturday, Jan. 22. S. Weis, Selinsgrove. L. J. Manlsrk, of Spring town ship, was in town on Monday. He is one of the intelligent farmers of Spring township and is up to date in his Milling. The Philadelphia Daily Inquirer will heieaftcr arrive on the 8:40 train from Iiewistown. Mr. Alan S. Rogers, their representative was in town Tuesday night aud an nounced the change. A special train will leave Philadelphia at mid night and carry nothing bat Inquir ers to Ilarrisburg so as to make connections with the train here at 8:40. This is putting tlie news ex actly 2 hours Booner into our hands. Mr. Rogers in a pleasant fellow and we are glad to have met him. J A riyfyjES7."''.".,'' attentat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers