IT - P1YS- T8-- 0HY ft BROSIOUS BROTHERS. , THE LAST WEEk THE PEOPLE WERE 'SPELLBOUND; - niTT-nTiT Tinmin TmTlPI ULBSUUb BBO k w t' ?. U .i r f i V is ': i & -i f; ' U N Xmas or any other time is a year's subscription to the i'223l BOGlwEyEiTSr bMUfli gl-u to TO S c b P f. ? M e) 01 tb i G' tr k i h cryit "Tht r)aa in( t in J ttOA, Of U Is well supplied with a full ami complete lino of Patent Medicines, Soap?, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc. U lu ll vou oinic to town to luiv your pnst iits coiik! iu -as- and si'curc tim things you i'-.m"! fro i ii !ir ihmv mid Complete Stock. MUStHchurgli, Pa. "POST. 33 It Will t i "II 3 !1B 23a rjCi 9 is offering a nice line oJ Holiday Goods Suitable for Presents. At the same time you can get your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Etc., at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES at the old stand. , now to Jan. 1, 1899, FOR $1.50. I i V 1 xu.wjlvjlj J.. If 1 u .TTlm P ATTT7! IwiXJ. V WLJ MONE Men's Fancy AH Wool Suits Only $3.97 DAYS & 1 Runkle & Walter )csiiv to call the attention of the public to their Fine Line of Jewelry, hains, nils These will mako wu.Cln;istiii'a and N'e Year Presents. We have 150 Over Coats on Hand, Ml sizes, Mens, Youths1 and Hllf PrSro Jhihlren's nit down to about, fCC, 1 CI Sam way with Tiress GlIIUS Notions Middleburgh, Penn'a. C. H. WALTER'S CONPECTIOK'M Is the place to secure the finest line of Candies in town. Don't forget to call and let me have the chance to supply your Christmas Oandv, Cigars, In, Craps, Emms, Pretzels. -ilcc Crcaii) Oycsters ii; Seasorft- Middleburgli, Pa. m I Stainecker W.W.WITTENMYEI At The Old Stand, Has a full supply of General Merchandise. omo in, we will show you some nice articles suitable for Our regular line of Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, NOTIONS, ETC. t tare. liirt, Pa. Mam RE n Ouster OF 8WINEFORD luvites yon to come to his store," lie lias a full line of Groceries, Have on Hand a Hull Line of Stoves, Heaters, & Ranges. We keep also Tinware, Corrugated Rooting and a line of other useful goods that you will find acceptable GOODS FOr PfBSBnfSl AndcvcrvtLingusuaHykeptina opposite Jan. JWelI Regulated Store. b Dry Goods and Notions Child's Suits ,S(V Hoys' $l.0() Suits 4.78 H..ys' 8.00 Suits $.:i8 Moil's $(.00 Suits 34.7S Men's ?8.00 Suits Men's 3 1 0.00 Suits -. . Men's $).r0 Suits .fr.l' Men's 37.00 Suits Market Square, Sunbury, Pa WEST BEA.VE It. Houkx and lVter are alwut dis posing of tlicir store at Lowell. . . . T . F. Swinclbrd made u business trip llirounh Suinersi't enmity last week, where lie exjieets to lixiite in the spring. .. .The report here is, that the party who was stealing ehiekens at lrvin (Joss' was caught witli a load of buck-shot and is not expected to live. This is another warning to all parties who lollow that business. They might lie the next victims. . . .John W. Wagner sold his old home to his sister, Mrs. Aanm Moyer. .. .James (Juss of Midtllccrcek, is now in . the silver ware business. Jim claims business is good since he received a 3-18 pen sion. . . .Jacob Miller, of McClure, was buried on Sunday having died last Friday, alter u long sickness . . . .Mrs. Ijevi 15. Treaster killed a copper head snake last week meas uring about 3J feet. .... .'Frank Kwiug, the huckster, brought in the other day in his buggy 2o tur keys and one on the horse. . . .The Sunday schools arc making big preparations, for a grand time here on Christmas day. . . .The report is that 11. I. Wagner, of Crossgrove, traded his store to James Long, tor a house and lot near Adanisburg ....Anion Weadcr Ixnight the Swinefbrd Cider Mill and expectsto let it remain where it is lerry Knopp is still sit tiering with hiseye, which got hurt some time ago, from the explosion of his gun. BANK STATEMENT, Selinsgrove Musical Conven- t.imv A musical convention will beheld in the Oiera House, Selinsgrove, beginning Jan. 24th, 1897.. The singers of the county are invited ft to participate. Com m itt EE. tf Report of thn Condition of Hie First Niitloiml Imnk of Mldcllclmixll. at MlililWUmrich, In the Hi, ito nf Pennaylviiiila, at tliu uluse u( bUHlnes Dec. 15. im : mi RESOURCES. Loans nnil dlMi'ountH II ovfiaruiw, secured ami uiiwciirvu.... U. S. Uuntls to Ht'cure ctrculutlou I'romlutiiH on V. S. Honils County llonils SluvkN, aci'iirll.U-M, ets Hanl.liiL'-noiise. furniture, and tixturtut Other reiU cstnle and uioiyuKeM owned Due from Mullonul Hants (nut, Uiyervo AeentH) Due from StataHankH and bankers .... Due from approved rosurve uifu um cuecks and other ca-sli Ileum Sous of other Natlonnl Hankn Kructlonul paper currency, nlcklen, and wnU Lawki l Monkv UB.sKKvr. in Hank viz: Specie U.lja.TJ Le(rtu-ienuer notes o.iui.ikj Kudeinptlon fund with V. s. Treasurer (o per cent,, oi circuiuuunj B HI Is offering special holiday bargains IN- Shoes, Rubber Goods, Etc. Why not buy a useful article for your boy or girl. 1 have them. AN ELEGANT STOCK ON HAND Middleburgh, Pa. Useful Christmas Presents Buy something useful rather than ornamental, I have Ladies' Feather Boas, Kid Gloves, line handkerchiess, 1 TIT1T1 IMS i NECKWEAR DOILIES and Center pieces. I.H. BOWERSOX'S Confectionery Store it, the place to buy your Fine Can dies, Nuts and FRESH OYSTERS. I gain eew customers in the same nay I hold old one by always giving the best Goods. a :m 63 13,000.00 5 .VKi.Oll 14,73.13 lUV4'i S H'17.8H M (Hi).: 0 4!i 91 1.V4A.0U 4T801 It 291.75 075.00 TOTAL M,1WM LIABILITIES. Capital Mock paid In $.V),OiiO.O0 suriiiiiH r uuu n.uuu.uu tniiivmea prouts, less expeuHcs anu Hues puld National Bunk notoa outHUuidlntf. Due toother National bauka DIvldentH unpaid Due to State Bunks and Hunkers...... Individual dopoblU! subject UICUOUK i.ii,u. Demand cerlltloules of do- W.ilJti M) ixwlt Notes uud Bills rediscounts J. L MARKS) OF Middleburg, - Pa.) 'i- '.in Sells of his own mauufactnr the Purest and Best RYE WHISKEY. You can find these goods ju as Beprcscnted. The ages are from 2 to 6 yi For They Have No Equa mrit. f Corrected weekly by our inerchiiritrt.j nutter Kkk Ouioiib T.ard Tallow unicKensper it) f TurKeyo Hide Shoulder Utiiu - Wheat i Kye - I'otntoes i Old Corn I V Oitg .'.'" Hran per 100 lbs K Middlings " V) Chop " Flour per hbl ' 3.U.5 lH.fWM(.llti 14,850.43 171.SU.S1 TOTAL titffl.ia 54 STATS Of PENNSYLVANIA,! SNVUKU COUNTY, S3: f ' I. J. N. THOMPSON. Jr.. Cashier of the abore named solemnly swear tliat the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belleL j. n. TiiOMrsON, jr.,ca8iuer. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this UUi day of Oct. l(7. J. Q. WEISEB, NoUry PuMlc. CORRECT Attest: W. W.WlTTKNMlfBK, A. KKKKOKH, o.alkbku scnocn, Directors. si) tj A Dec. 10. near Kratzerville. Geo. Dcrk, atred 68yrs., 10 moo. and 12 Look! Loo olothiaKk my tow. M tr BtantlyinstookweMBvr - line of Hats aad G88 Purniahing Goodi, Uai- -Capa. Call to e y - t.EEom'SE:: ... 8wr, ----., days.J . -"I j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers